HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-9-12, Page 8r- t• Tavn,Dee Bttrrioreme 1S sol THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO GODCRICH MARKETS. Twwrat asst. MM. 11 ait ware per 04 ll Peart per beakmos.. /Buy,. per • to f Barter Per beak :. X,: per tesi Flour, et IMz to 3!,6 Pros, Per eta * M M 3u per tea MMM II it 1♦se to M 0 tit *ts Ido dMM the - 5Mto she .Mgr *M *Misr mal wtea tee. sew PERSONAL. MENTION. . iIU0011 TO THB FORE 4GA1U, TOO MUCH MARRIED THE STRATFORD MIDDLE. Wm Abell is visivaa ale mother at Landes. Mies Lassa Crit 1s •psadN.g her saes at ('Incase Emmet Yoaag war In Wades for • tow . We week. W. M. lsolair. barrister, of Brussel.. 1. is taws Mr, are W H Ha/retied are speeding • few dere redden. Mi. Waiter Ithermau 1r away on . whit to Leedom sad Detroit. MIs ttthel WtBlaess. of 'tereuto. V vb.lting trlea/i le tows end •idnKy. OldMiens Maauth has gore t0 Peawylvanie to New arra 6 Y to 6 > met Fives and friers& there. 6 the to 0 m The Weer Ltotst &o4 1Ns• 8atheriend are Newp���' 1 36 to 1 Si us from Detroit oe a bOlMay vb11. "^im per bushel m to Ni , Mr.. at. J. Phdan spout the gaol week v i.dt laleZNped.Perow*. 6e010 eN (•dMoeda atBtmuted,andmt. Marys eaperv+ 7e '•Mhe,a�'i''ttalr"' Wenn M to *It to s xs nus seance le ne • two weeks' visit to friends la tBsaaae. Warwick sad I.00dw. MN Peehi" 05 to 0r t he tuberba Owt 7 fill W 7 36 pekfu tri W 35 roe so i ' e M to 500 Mrs Jambe W.11. left roil for Caber when lee will visit r Osterr.. Lols,r. oEILLSP MDTV.L FIRS IN- CA- a U R a R O..-tarss and Isolated rl,M u' oparlr ORicer.-I. 8 Prsa., mtsI*rth P.O.; J. r oonolly. Vto.-Prea. Gqderlsb P. 0.; Thepsa. S ham Sec.-Treas.. Beatset► P. O. btr.cters-1A 7. *dirtier. aeathrth ; Jabs e.Orem. W WWatmltu..,Cos.aoe; Jose Roun.•webkJanne E► ileeNwood ; Joke att. 17aewa 1eok : Malcolm Prawn.. Bruwe.M. Agron.: J. W. Teo, GelooeviDe : R. Smith. H •. lock • W Miami Chesser. See forth ; /- R. th l�yi�tlMp[w-0uWer. o&t.teapayt B. MJ. verishu 'e ' JBsre ! `Ian Woards ei, sr at O. H. t uses Grocery. E1Yeten street. (roaerto►. AUCTION SALES. • A UOTION BALK UUOLD FJRNipr UB0ruRo AND FUR.' N1bRINOB. Mrs A. Waters will ..ell by public auction at her resides,. ..ce leant .Brest. Galeria& (throe I dotwest of flood Road.. Machinery fount. -y., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER tsar, eouuaeneing at 1:30 o'clock alien, All the Wambold furniture. cossl.tinj of pastor. dlningroom, bedroom and kitchen fur. .hose. carpet., o*rtwins, bunds, chins, crook - cry and glesswate. I Welcome Pearl Mal matte in good shape. 1 Radiant Home coal " boater with Oven and numerous other article. Everything will be dtaponed of. a. Mr.. Wet ars is giving .w boaeekeeping. Term. roily MRS. A. WATKRH, THOMAS13UNDRy', Proprtetres.. Auctioneer. • Miss tiara *palace her returned from a easstb'a visit to Elora, Guelph and lotus[.. D.y111ar. of the Somteh Stere u away en a trip to Ifeiwatea sad ether Weider. points. Mas dole heehaw, of Terosto 11 raking at Go n boom of ler grandmother. lin. M amiss* ss* Mir Jean Lawman returned to Detroit es Monday after ep.mdimg slz week . at her house. Miss Margaret Lawson returned Tames, from a two weeks' .hit to Toronto sol GudM. Rev. It. .1. and Mrs. Mol:orstok sled esu. WWI&w Hear). of lielmeavula moot tad*) le town. Mrs. Wm. Mande/ and daughter Greta are q�aa • MO weeks' visit 10 Ann Arbor and Delrpll. Mk*. Mot. D. M. Mown, of Hamilton, is the goat of her si.ter, Mrs. Henry Martin, Newgate erect J. W. and Rob Cralgie motored to Stratford' aid Brantford en Oaturd.y. retarnlog the fel teeing day. Mie.. Tema Young Ir down troth New Outvwi, ea a visit to het arendtrareot... Mr. sod Mrs Atex. LtIrUttg. Mrs. A. B. Cornell bur returned from a visit to Toronto, where she spent ten week, with her soo. Percy sad Ileo, Miss Herder, tete of It. :McKay Co.. Remit toe. ha.. takes • position lo Mies Denturh'.. mil limey e..taMialunest. Mr. ed Ore. L B. Tufford. of Beazero lMe. were the [ANN. of Mr. and Mr.. R. G. Maros, arum street. last week. U. M. Kidd len oo Tuesday for Meatro•I• here he bra petition with the eagirteerlag depaetwssl of the C. P. R. Mi.* Cen.pbell, of Mir It000gh'r ruiUt•e e.tab4hmeot, has returned from attend the millinery opeo.sge in Toronto George Stiveo, of Guelph. former[) a well- known resident of Goderiob, er to town ter ' eerera1 day* the port week sip a holiday visit AUCTION HALE' OF A COMFORT- Anee frame tan., or Napier street, erlob 1 have received ItatrocUoo, from 1,os W. A.hton to sell by public auetion at the premiere., Napier street, (3uderioh. o.. 8ater- day, l3epuorber 14th, commonaint at 3 o'elook. his frame residence, coot•/oing elgkt rooms, with clot her clo,rt.. off bedroo.v there is a good stone cellar sad a good well. The p ertr is well situated, being just off Vrtoole street sod a .bort dbuamr Irorn St. Peter's church. There 11 • mood g..rieo. Te.. m • Tan per cent. of es robe., tnnttey to be prod at Uo of rale. Hahne° my be •rrsrtsod to salt par. er. ORO. W. A2HTO7,', Proprietor. THOS. OUNDRY. auot/aaeer. 'OE SALE. WWOR0$AI.E.--GOOD CIDER VINK- i1 Oett. wbulr15e or retalL D. F. DAM L1NY. rSALR.- KiTCHEN RANGE+' ah with reservoir; cistern pump tassel and about thlety het of had pipe ; eti er Baron two yearhens ; several o*rlb. cook - ;. also bicycle. H. TURNIIR Tralalger 1 street �OR 'BALK. -COAL HEATER) Ili oven cook stove Iwoodl• lava. �(.aj�a, w :!` alms ¢oot,.o req bfdi An. leaving town. A. I. WEI t. Patrick'` Sl, PROBATIONERS WANTED FOR t Stretford General Hoypltal.-Throe yesre' oo6ro. *poly by Jotter to the SUPF,HIN rON- DRNT, 3ttat.ford, t. --16-34. _ WANTED ISD IMMEDIATELY. - SITUATIONS VACANT. WANT House to rent for w year. with option et purchnar. To oontsln stout Ven move. with nrraaoe mud bathroom. AVM) quick at TE l H SIGNAL OFFICE. GIRtoLS ANI[ WOMEN WANTED J HA to work In evaporator. APphr te D. 7. 1 Mn. Gnome Mandl' sad Mn. Mary King left her their home at PhUo. Pa, os Friday, iatter a delightful vial' at Abideawhw' with Mr. and Mrs. R.F.Man011. Young. Smithey street. and niece. MJr sora Youeri. lett on Moody to visit the London Fair and were the guests of the tome - me daughter. Mr.. teapeam. M. W. Howell is at Windsor attesdtug le 6.ei...s interests there, In his &berme. the hardware herniae is Mebane of Dos. AtePo . aid, and it couldn't be 10 better hands. Mrs (Jo.r.ell, atter spending AC coral weeks with her sister, Alm. L It, Tape. left tl.lr week to run the W extern Fete acd from London will return to her home at Ridgetown. Mrs Edward and daughter, MM. Cornell. re- turned home last nicht from a two mr-•`- visit to Vancouver, where they were gest. of Mts. Edward'. Mone, Ch&re. and J. rr leg K.eansth Morns, a hammer resident of these part* and now living In the State of Washing tee. Is vl.it(ag hi, aunt. Mr.. W o>_ Greer. Tra- falter street etre. W. P. Westoby left oo Tuesday um her seta,. to Minneap.,11. after r whir' to her bo r. mat b, Mot S. Cox. She will sakevWit at Chicago ea route. the J The Mister Jodie Medd and Regan ..p.,, their vacation whiting relatives and tripod. at 8araia. Fon..[, lake `'alley Grove 0144 9th er pewee had have returned to Victoria ate,„ p•rWmate. hi,. Lea. Mdaeeer has returned home after having spent a t Iwo wr.ekr vaeatan with her mister. in Oetru.1 and a week at the home of her M0Wa W. It. ILUIna manager 0. the Second National Flank et F'401. Mr. sod Mn.. Fred T. Keener. of Wood..tat•k, with them two young mon,,, ate 01.itirar Kt we hens of Mrs. Y. Meek:wan. Mr. ILgener bas bis tesOtcyole with ham and 1. enjoying .the geed Mite this part of the ee*ntry. Anuli giitthF'atoose, % assns. Al bar place in P'M}e�lo 4! f.her ei et • Megllicem o e e stta�k� shoo aaggate tole are 0. 004. 0*001 Ba.thron, of HeswU, aaasag.r the gegegemeut of Weir needed adtbtde. Ma ,Jane (Hunniet. to Stephen amen Bertram *sr. oT Turtle. Ont. lite wedding will take place quietly In November Mies Kitty, who had been Oen IL King toe seed Ulna, tth returned toohherer home at O,aveeb.ret this week. Mise King is • sweetseeder had Hive bar valued service. ere �be l s for which she Harry Colborne, woe bad been up to North- dn Valerie with • T. It N. 0. Railway surrey. tae Fo te.t.yns. to town Irl week 1n „der sea siteadenoe at the Collegiate 1..U- 1.65. heresy and the north country &per t. mos •*teed very well with each other. hens Stewart, 011,68 Angeles, temente. was in town for • lir*F* .ray lets. week. Tenth's at the home of herUmber-in-Is w, John;R-.-�-�-) OR - fold .gleet. She left on Saturoy for her eeN 10 Callfo Tela, accompanied by her nephew. Sin Hees, who volt .t.y with her for lame IA/ANTED. - TWO GIRL 8T1!- RRNTB to rawAL t �ttmist t Pelee Aptly at Sl WANTED. --A MAiD POR GEN- ERAL housework. MRS. A. BROWN, Me(Jtodi.t church p.reonage. Neisoo street 40.14 Renders of The Signal are ad- vised that the Fill Ter In Hhaw'a Schools, Toronto, is now open and that students will admitted any school day until Dec. 99th 4'r a course in Busi- ness, Shorthand, Civil Service or Telegraphy. The new catalogue jest issued is interesting in its details end is ,nailed free on re- quest. Write for a ropy to W. H !thaw, Provident. Head Office, Yonge and Gerrard SIO., Toronto. .. OMarto'. nest Se Ines eotlese • CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. Our letehers are ell eoporlenoed In- slructo,e. 0., courser are better than ever and tie equipment 1. Oran men - We de more for our endue.. ratite ether similar .cb.ol• Phan... M tering trolliedwerewerid pest Home est S*l$ng over rRN wham. e n terms 'asseta,, Qemweite metoral, caudate' sad mei what are &Meg. D. A. MOLA(`HLA N. Principal. WANTEI). s first-class machine hands. S first-class cabinet-mak- ers. , A number of boys as Ap- • prentices a t varioustrades. / Apply at ( oOlitRICH 000 AR Co. ye.nt et Afdong the visitor. in town Ulla week is Miss Yate Heformerly of the taco yoet,IF>lres ewe and cow of tens. mire. IIP. �Iq v sew noted in 1 he r1 o few was a winner to a ebt.t•.t The Morris w Times, M eters', of remivnd• vel.abiemanysad was 5310e� a terse weeks' trip se the Tao as a mmm�bgr�et The Theme party et alar ladle.. peaty km M pp 11m been _mlgsm oattsel. Vsebea 120w=isg • addl - Jefell. Mlaa Me len bksNio t • hr 4.0.....6„.... of the Memo raw tore s.$. Her friends were meth Inedi her seeireness e. sad to congratulate her y AUOTION SALES. $rnUesaY, dept. Ma -Auction sale of framesurt the o'. y k, 01110. u 5.WN . street, 84.., ?HON. Gouty*c RT. esptlgeaewort, SA?Vanav, September It.-Awrtloa sale of 6O**eho5 furniture and faefrMrMs; prapsetr sit Mia. A. Warw.. tent taleei, esmmead•g at IAD o'clock. r,ior,u Gogray, aseueseue. Monne T. Sept. at. --Sale er fssra, three seek. InspleB.ymin to . eta, at the u Jas � mintton, t'enoeaeirdt a. l' ,ru--ens wog at 1 o'uloek Harp. Tres. MINT, asp tldsee,. Mr. Goodwin-„♦000rding to this paper a man ha/pitied on beer alone," His wife -"Well, that's as it should be. Any man who lives on beer ought to he compelled to live alone." OODERICII 'BU's LINE Two 'haste meet ad Weise. Trivalve cabs hien prompt sed esrefret amnesias, /leaf - oI* lireu 50 alma pilaw THE DAVIS LIVERY tr. it T. 111. Detrpt Prepriesere Resta Street 'nose No. SI Christopher Ili, Gurdon Apppiated he Former Wingbam Mao's Manual Eater prises Get Him into Tremble. I.portaat Pest at Les Angela Lae Angeles. Flout. 2. - Atter diewe• had so toeu the Loa Aogelesbar- romrsitwion that It Wok 111) ioreter Ne even to expect actual that deemed 'ie.:emery lei order tort ton hiirtior on which Loa Angeles and all of Southern California looked for relief tntru railroad monopoly, a Cine thee was found wbo saved the day. It was one of those lucky tricks of feta lbat Iedalayor Alezauder, at his wit.' rud het use of the strife be had been uoable to quell, to appoint V. M. Oordu,. a Native of Huron clunty, Ontario, to a vital place on the. cone miseloo. The approaching opening of the Panama Ciao al hes made it incumbent 'pontos Angeles to develop Its har- bor ashor If it would profit by the new traffic that i% coofldeul ly expected to centre opo* the Pacific coast. This was admetted by a11, but the right man for tie work had not been fouu.L Christopher M. Gurdon had never held office and had been ideutifled web polilioal developments in * paw- ls(' way. It terms now almost like an hvapiration that brought his name in- to the Mayot'a mind. just the Mao. Woes the appointment woe mule those who knew Mr. Gordian said : "Just the man for the place." Those wbo did not know hint -and they were the great mop a it y -s.(on disco'•- er'ed that there was a man se the helm wbo wouldn't quarrel but who was always moving forward with what- ever work was in bond, Gordon knew nothing of the baneful American poli- tical trickery and when the need was to reach a specified point he invari- ably went to it by the most direct route. It shocked the petty peliti cruse who vented a finger in the pie, bot that did not daunt Gordon. Within ten days from the time the eppointnient was announced the har- bor project had advanced immeas- urably further than it had in the pie- vious year and a half. A hundred Coen were at work for every ten (.bat had been previously employed. The tint pies tree commenced and when sprue sifted Recite wished to name the new dock "Ori-Occi-Pae," Gordon wt his foot down and declared for 'Los Angeles Municipal Dock, No. i." And that is the name it will be known 'oder. The municipal feature of the harbor -the fact test it, with its twenty wises of wharfage as is planned, will be owned absolutely by the city of is Angeles„ -hats been the chief thing -that attracted Gordon to the work. e entered into tbe great public work with all the spirit he possessed. He studied harbors and 'piers and ocks, even to the ,minutest detail, rom the time of lyre and Sidon to he present dry. He read everything printed that could pertain to his sub- ec(. He threw his whole mind into be work in a way that surprised the metican officials -but he became hater of his subject. Discovers the Key. And it was not long before he dee eovered-what the railroad corpora- tions had known all the time, but had carefelly refrained from mentioning - that 'the transportation of cargoes from the municipal harbor to the business district (a distance of twenty miles/ was the key to the entire wel- fare of the city. Therefore it was ab- solutely necessary for the city to own the railroad or its free municipal bar. hot would be of no benefit. No sooner was the need plain to Gordon than he set about to accomplish the work. The Mayor and other city officials painted out that there wss no money available for that work and that the city could not issue any more bonds until after January 1, 1913. And it was at this point. that Gordon's civic genius came to the front. He evolved a plan for financing the cnnatructirm of the proposed mune leOpsl railroad without bonditsg the city or levying a special tax. Mayor Alexander and the citizens of Los Angeles were instantly taken with the idea and supported Gordon loy- illy. Briefly, his plan was to bond the railroad instead of tbe city. Mr. Gordon 4, one of the most fr'dminent Canadians in Southern lifornia. Every year be and Mrs. Olt Gordon entertain scores of vto.. feet' British Columbia and Quebec, add all the territory that lies between. Educated at Goderjcb. Mr. Gordon was born in Count] Hur- on. Ontario, December], 13402. He at- t.•pded the Goderich high school, from which he graduated at the *se of Blown years. He then went to Tor- onto and entered a veboleaale hard- ware company to learn tbe hardware btsineas. At the age of twenty years be wewt on the road for the hard- ware company and travelled through- out Canada for four yea re. Two years of this time he wag stationed in Mon- treal. eoverieg the territory to the !oast. At the see of Lwenty.lour years he unarrled Mary Elizabeth Nichol, of Heaton West, north of Toronto. Then he quit the road and engaged in the rest estate business in Toronto for four years. In 1809 he took his family t(s Winnipeg, where for four ye.rs more he engaged in the real estate business. &neo corning to Southern Otlifornia hi ha. been Identlded w>Rth semi of the large real estate deals that have resulted in settling up the Otey 'districts, Mr. Gordon mentioned in the above article is a mftnher of • former Gode- rieh township family wbo moved Wert a good many year. ago. here. Heigh *eMath, of Toronto, is asifter of Mr. Gordon and there are Peveral brother's, preaum•bly all sornewber'e in the West. Dao Emancipation. "Aral en you are an es -slave," said the traveller in the south"How 6.- 6.M1.. 1 Bat wises' the war wee Ilia"!1 yeti got your freedom." "!til wok" replied Usele Rastas, b Aide[get ne freedom Ab was Miwelsd."-New Tori. Timor s aft. raft let tog to oat batt eget tt gra sea* xer,Mrapbt"rf Alp ou Weft red bid metb- n.u.fW� dol Tee m Pb mala On Wednesday of 16. week Neil Coutts, formerly of Wlagbay, 1 more rsceetly of T'otouto. appea before Judge Doyle uu • charge bigamy. Fr(ia) the evidence it =lawn Groh• was warned to Ili Wthtlnwn at Toronto lu 1810 A oe so later she left flim because of 1eged cruelty, 'waylay to Detro where she has vino* made her bow In 1904 Comte. who had been liven lVingbasa. was married to Mie E beth (cone, elite of Wingb.w, t ceremony takiog place at Nisga Fella, N. Y. In 1904 [butts, w Kill • resident of Outsell), had ()Mei in Mloblgsu courts a decree of diva of which hie wile had no knowned at the. time, etlulmtns to appear bei given through the newspapers. tore his second marriage this deer* bad been est aside on the ground the the allegatkns in the application we wholly untrue. The second marring followed, as already stated, in 1904. I reports are correct, the second wif too, has been treated very brutally b Coutts. Tbrougb his counsel, T. C. Rohl etre. K. C., of Toronto, Coutts wit drew his pica of not guilty and sat Med a plea of guilty to the charge bigamy. Mr. Robinette i. i addr(auin the Court offered to furnish substan tial security for the future- good be- havior of the prisoner and furthe promised that Coutts would tree away trona the woman he had illegall married and her 3hildren. The judge accepted the proposal, and released Coutts nn suspended sentence, fixin the security of s1,000. Be also warned the prisoner that if he did no observe strictly the terms under wbic sentence was suspended not ODI would his bond be forfeited but h would be again brought betore the Court and given the full penult of the law. Both wives were in court the second wife being accompanied b one of her four children. Coutts wa formerly a drover at Wingham and isnoutsaid to be stn of means in Toronto Crown attorney Seager conducted th case for the Clown. - City Hssepmedie Railway Project by H Castract. om Huai ford eenu.* lu find its coe- tnict with the Hydro-electricCommis- sion a bludtamee to the eof seuyin street railway facilities and Tb. 0Uu the other day had the following to say in regard to the situation :m d Hon. AdaBeck's in.tenos on a SM h. p. rate with momentary peak load for street noway power has th Practically brought to a close e negotiations with the Canadian North- ern Railway interests for Ube oon- atroction of the proposed loos) 11me, W and the citizens have to face . prob- lem' leu' of getting relief from the tt*ltse in the Hydro -electric cootr•.ct the: can be ineatpr•eted io such an un- reaeonabls and ttabitrary manner. it wee never the iutentfon that the modHydro--eteetrlo bylaw *boiled be mod to thwart our fairway deselopmeoe Any more than that its ooadittens should be a barrier to the Acquire- ment of new indwtries. The use of the power was to be opttcnai to manu- facture,. and .t should be optional to a street railway. The exaction of a momentary peak load from a street railway, which means that the largest amount of power tilled for any one minute in a month shall form the basil's of charge for the month, is palpably un- reasonable. Surely a rate of $34 {tar b. p. is high enougb without such a peak load condition being added. The rate would be so high as to make he the operation of the road reach t limit of expense say doting the win- ter months, when ice and snow would have to be contended with on such bills as that on Huron street. for in- stance. The momentary peak could not possibly he avoided, eis might be case se were the time limit extended to twenty minutes, which is the scope covered by the city's 'arrangement with the commission, by the stoppage ears rs at other points. it would be',n- f sir as well as unreasonable to exact such a stipulation from any company. In view of all this the only remedy in sight is for the city to peas a bylaw granting a new charter wbic& will provide for reasonable conditions. This would have to go to the Lerg1 - lature for approval, but if it has the force of solid local opinion behind it there need oe no fear of its rejection. At alinton Model School. to t red of ap les ear al- it, gg•. l[ga- he reOh bri e ne3 woe Se ng Be- at Ie 1 e, 7 b- i- of • r p 7 g • t b y e e 7 r e e e SCHR. MARIONETTE SEIZED. Held at Port Huron Pending Adjustment of Towing Bill. It is seldom that the gates of a dry- dock have been closed on a sailing craft and the boat held until unpaid bells are met, yet such is -the fate of the little vessel Marionette. She is in the Wolverine drydock, and the gates are closed. The little sailing vessel, loaded with a four-tbousend-dollar car - of lumber, was picked up in a water - egged condition on Georgian Bay by Captain Robert Thompson, The lum- ber was consigned to a firm in Wee lsceburg, ' Ontario, and was to have been unloaded at PointEdward. It was necessary to bring the boat to Port Huron and place her in drydock, so that elle could be pumped out. In the meantime Freak Smith, manager of the Wolverine drydock, and Captain Thompson hada hill for drydock work and for towing the waterlogged craft into port.' The condition of the boat is such thstsbe would not 'ring a very high price ata sale unless hundreds of dollars were expended for repairs. The lumber was insured and the in- surance company representatives were anxious two get the lumber to the Cana- dian port. They wanted the boat token out of the dock and towed to Sarnia in the waterlogged condition. Mr. Smith and Mr. Thompson vented to know who was going to pay time for their work of docking and towing. They could not get any satisfaction. tit was finally decided to close the dock until somebody guaranteed the bill. The captain of the boat after paying off his crew hair three dollars) left for himself. It is probable that the in- surance company to save the lumber will make some settlement. The tug Pallister, towing the achoon- erAterionette, was in Ooderieh harbor a Couple of weeks ago, bound or Sar- nia. The schooner was tow$d into Tobermoray in a waterlogged con- dition about July 16th athe tug was sent from Port nd Huron to her assistance. The trip down the Jake occupied several weeks, storm after storm being encountered. The seizure of the ecbooner must have been a surprise to the captain, who expres- sed the opinion while in port on the way down that the owuers of the tog would have to stand the loss cawed by the extraordinarily long trip. Presbytery of Horan. The Presbytery ot Huron held its regular meeting on Tuesday in Clinton, with the following present : Mr. Fletcher, moderator; ¥errs, Johnston, Richardson. Woods, Carswell, Ross, Grant, Carriere, Smith and the clerk, ministers, and Messrs. Saunders, Smyth, Johnston and McQueen, elders. Mr. ('arriere was elected moderator for the ensuing six months. Com- missioners to Assembly reported. ?demi a, Carswell. Idose and the clerk were appointed a committee to con- sider tbe remits from Assembly and report. Mesar.. Fletcher and Carswell were appointed to consider the supply of Chi.elhurat. Arrangements were mode for the induction of Mr. Turner at Blyth. which is to take place on Thursday. September oath, at 2 p. m„ the /moderator ttf Presbytery to pre- side, Mr. Woods to pr..acb, Mr. Grant to address the mhtster and Mr. Pearcy to address the people. The questions of augmentation aid the fioancial ap- portionment for the church's Net et were also considered. The nett meet- ing is to be held at Clinton on i tecem- her Jlth at 11 a. m, The H.nsail Observer remarks • An effort to arouse the .oumty council to titan • poblielty campaign is likely to he hroogbt sewed at the i aseswnber session. in the meentiese •11 the in. foesaatIon rposafhte should be collected bsMies an yetlauele sogbt4es. farmers' tray ethers interested In the prosperity and advancement of the grand old oeaaty of Huron. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Kellogg's Toasted Core Flakes .roses me then esilloary esresla yet thee blot didlareses is the quality and laver Order t.NOis's new Thirty -lour teachers -in -training are enrolled at Clinton Model School for this tam. They are : Louise Beaton, Clinton. Zana H. Brown, Chesterfield. !Ebel 11. Case, Dungannon. Florence A. Chapman, Ripley. Edith F. Deadman, Brussels. Almada Finkbeiner, ('rediton. Edna P. Lavin, Clinton. Ellen G: Levy, Darlow. Richard W. Levy, Carlow. Lillian McOallam, Stratford. David J. 31oOlinchey, Auburn. Grace A. McLean, Kiotail. Mabel E. McKinley, Blake. Edna C. McEwen, Ooderich. Ree Macpherson, Ailsa Craig. Stella V. Morruh, Godericb. John S. Newton, Lucknow. Margaret Peck, Bayfield. Milton Plutket.t, Auburn. Harvey Reid, Varna. Fred Shaman, Clinton. Eva M. Sperling, Beechwood. M aret H. Smith, Lucknow. Ella Stanley Purple Grove. Herbert W. To11, Blyth. William Vickers, London. Leslie J. Waxman, Clinton. Frances P. White, Kinkera. Henrietta t Wiogfelder, Rostock. Rebecca M. Woods, Bayfield. George E. Stevenson, Drayton, Bert MacDonald, Ripley, Hilda Opper, Milverton. Margaret Webb, St. Helena, DIED. RI CHARDSON.-At Port Albert. on Moeday September 9. Elizabeth Cbrtdtilaw, wife ei Themes Richardson. aged M years. 2 menthe and 15 days MCCARTNEY.-Io Waw Waeracosb, on Sep timber 10th, William McCartney, aged 21 years and 8 mouths. BORN. CARR -lo Blyth, on 13eptember 7th. to Mr. rad ]Irl Frank Carr, & eco. HUBTON.-.A1 Witte, Alta, on Antaat 1, to M►, and Met. Waal(y C. Hasten. a daugb ter. HAWKINS.-At the rectory, Morretb. on Thursday. September 5. to Rev. W. B. and Mn. Hawkins, • daughter. YOUNO.=In 'Dederick on Anima 21st. to Yr. and 31ra Noble Young. Elgin avenue, a daughter. Olive Marion. MARRIED. POWRiE-MOORF�-At Knox church. God,- ricb, on Wedne,dey. September 4th. by Rev. Geo. E. Row, R. D.. James D. Pewee, or Mooe�of Gode Alberti. W Yew Ada Lilian KHANL-WINNIK-in Toronto. on S�p(,e. I her tele by 1tev. J. 1). Mn oew Isrrvey K Lucy. of Wlryghrlolthww. , to Pie. ~meant w , EAST TREET GARAGE WINTER STORAGE OF GOOD When you come to the *bow come and have a look round ♦ few of the tbin we re to business for are : to sell sad repel' uwoo auto . an tri toil** ga.oliae u t ode. bicycles, grind skates, etc. Duringhe w whiter we will is the storage ot any rite" or good% ata ,,,wl e, just to fill the. barn. Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co GODERICH, ONT. 'Poona !itr' HEADQUAKTKRS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are all school opening, Tuesday. September 3rd. We have on band a full Kock of all the authorised books for public and separate schools and collegiate in-titu•e., which are sold same •s last year - at greatly reduced pi i -.s. EXRRCISI; AND SCRIBBLING BOOKS Over fifty kinds to select hon. full count, fine paper And artistic covers, ranging io price from 10 up. Be sure t0 secure ore. Of our Wbale Scribbler- by tar the lamest shown in G udericb. An imineose range of Eresety, Penn, inks, el c. Lead Pencils from 10 up. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. The Colonial loot Store OEO. PORTER, Prop. P hone 100 Godes icb Trouble. Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three kinds --all they hate bad, all they have now and all they expect to have. He Had Been Treated. Old Lady (compewionatelyl - Pony fellow ! I suppose your blindness is incurable. Have you ever been treated? B1iod Man esighingl -Yes. mum, but not often. ain't many as likes to be seen going into a public Bowe with a blind beggar. - London Tit -Bits. MASSEY- HARRIS SHOP The place to buy all kinds of FARM MACHINERY Binders, Mowers.:Hay - loaders, Side hake,. Manure Spreader+, Bain Wagons end Cream Sep- arators ; also Louden'♦ Hay Cars, Forks and Sling[•, Molette Cream Separators. Homestead Fertil- izers, Ppmpe for hand - power and Engines: Gasoline Engines and Windmills. And, 0 say 1 you t see our Buggies. We bave A full line, all styles, and some of the best and most stylish rigs that ever came to town. i have a few Horses to eel and some Driving Harness. i also have a Howe to rent- s lovely place for summer Call in Kid sea what, we hare and resta while, anyway. ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street, Godericb NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Sept. 12 Pmt s Reader -Central Burmese Grasps, 8tratfeed. 8 Notice to Creditors_ -Cha. Grreiw 1 For That Wedding Grande. -J. S. Dave, , 7 Franklin Stook Co. -Victoria Opera geese5 The P&cdera Ranee -Howell Hardware Co 4 Voters' List Notice -L L Sties. Tows Clerk 1 Hamilton to God. too -$amore' Fire Jeer. awe Neese anted --Aped at Menai........ .. 1 Deter -TM by Stress D-TO.tJle insti- tute r Meldemttee WMdiage-Walter H. Barrleoe , s litahlbillen Weer -D. /Onset (a... ! Animal Weenies 0r0 i4ow_O, T. R. - Tlte veil L•tsRDt,M- W. C. PrWm ea Eversion, h.te ,sed Manua Item-.. ... 3 Oedime d b Ie0Mhl bhtbltttisa-J. H. Col- . Ma* 4 Reagens-E. R Wink i Mpeg6i, in QMts-W. Aeb•sem Sc ego.2 Whoa You Nene a the show --that Wres Gmr*t• $ A personal leviate's- ion Re.hmiw • Ie. ltesiamanke-Thr SUrtas Doak 1 Arnnim ter sal►- Maw A- L. Welt OW hang. 6. tkib--B. Terser . t Mold Wasted- ilea A. arewn . I hearer lead. -Lew at Noma owe. n w�. .I Leier OoaN6. Jrwsse•t estatew Mltto re .a-. miest -LSD appease _ - • Taal... We.*s.e-Tvwe eldr of Osemses..., t 1lemons-N. a oatwsw , e Clark Named --teebeile >s1�Orr-lb m T►watafP Faso lhv bust. --alga Sem Amens Pep Let --S. L. Pamir Woe wau5-il: F. 1lllroreL. • les -aim. 0mae.. September' it WeI 1 N Now Is the Time f 1 Silverware as Gifts We bare in our stock a most I complete and up-to-date line of Tea -Sete, Bread Trays, Fern Dishes and Dumetuus other choice gifts of the very beet quality. Rogers 1847 Flatware Our stock l Knives, Fork le Sweets, ,et�y I rs Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Pie lanives and Sugar 8bell, of the latent design., 1 ■ Clocks as Wedding Gifts The idea of a clock is naturally aasrxLted with the ginner life of the home. There is something intimate or familiar about it which makes It • suitable tae. dium for expressing the warmth of your •flection to the bride and groom. Our stock is so varied that you may be fully satin/led in your selection. Our Prices Are Right 1 e Walter 8. Harrison JEWELLER mod ('PTO'I tS On the Square L.._..., N�� Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON STREET Saturday Specials FRUITS California Peaches California Plums California Pears Watermelons Cantalonpea Blueberries Blackberries Bananas Oranges Lemons Harvest Apples JI VEGETABLES New Corn Tomatoes - Celery Beane Beets Carrots Cusum berm NEW POTATOES A 1 quality Good .irx WHITE CLOVER HONEY Product of 1912 Absolutely pure RomBrand Leaf Lard. Kincardine Bacon and H.tw Jellied Tongue Creamery and Dairy „utter - first -clan quality. S. J. YOUNG 'Pimps ea Hamilton St. TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING CI:Tratiecosa will be run art the��Iwwgat railway cosine elf the West The Asad Thumb Paella baa !ell/ shops Rides RflMlrtl k less beau tbst �g�elt�Yatidc ifIc kin Northam a their entire obeys from Port Rsiag Q'Praswo.'s hoer% se • manuf*ctaring cite se Iswr5BHaio10 04 se ,j I4 ti sad several barge tflaaiI Beta d.� requiring a l*ree owmbsr of taw, PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE gamy hoses over le the pest two years, and tiers en big petits tot the invertor who hays today. We beet a esteaber of lots es sell at besenns• sed niter these es very sdveNasPws New be Gods rieb porebeasrs. Write her our bse5M, whir tans ail "'Due 'hawkers. Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe ltit Granada LHo Dsiblieg Agent le 00MISICF1 WINNIPEG, MAN. Revel Tet --bees e r e