HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-9-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH t INTA.KFuo News of District AUBURN. yq�D�Y, Rapt. 1.1tb. There is oft fn W. T. Bare dell's store bsfanob eight r inches loop OS aro four twigs beering sixteen algia. all firet♦iase fruit. This teinarkIYeitoup of ap- oiss of the Duchess variety was tram nom the Orchard d J. J.,Waahlogtoo. Weft Wawaa�oab. and shows the beneficial re orchard 01 fu spraying end O EN MILLER. WwrneentY, Sept. 11th. i ,Ike visited tbe Exhibition at Tor- onto. utouts. Mrs. Jane Jewell has returned from Toronto, wbereebe had been vlsit1ug. Mrs. Rine and Mrs. White are stay- ing tayin with hire Heddle, their mother, while she is so 111. There will be no serve* at Beomit- ler and Bethel churches next Sunday. owing to harvest festival services be- ing held at Zion (North) church more- ing and evening. Tb_e special preacher will be Rev. A. W. Bistr. B. D., of Seaforth. Mt. Brown will preach that d:.}- ut Seeforth. PORTER'S MILL Tuicaw&Y. Sept. lith. {Stage- — Roy Leglgstt, of Pita• burg, is visiting at Jobo Torrance's. .. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potter re- turned home iso Tuesday atter a week's trip to Toronto, Aiegara Falls and poem., a t i l le. Thar report good weath- er but a great deal of grain still in the Aeld,.especiully betwesp Stratford ani Guelph Miss Cox is spend- ing a few days at 'redox.... . Mrs. Albert Rutledge lett for St. Thomas on Saturday having spent two weeks at H. Rutledge's Mrs. Chas. Mc- ' Phail and Miss Prieollla Torrance re- turned (rout Torootoon Monday even- ing. hat Tog spent two weeks there. LtICKNUW. MONDAY. Sept. 9th. Mrr. Johd' Fer gusoo and Mies Freda •kft last week on a trip to Winnipeg aid other plscee in the West. Me, J. A. Holt bas returned to her bone et Yonkers. N. Y.. after a visit with her sister, Miss Marie Murray. Mrs. Alger and daughter. Miss Dor- othy, of New York, are vWtieg the former's sister. Miss Marie ¥urray. G. H. Smith and Robert Jehnstor won prizes at the Wingham lawn bowling tournament. Ru sell Jobn.ton is et Hamilton taking a course in embalming. tVord has been received of that death in tieskatcheean of Mrs. W. J. Mc- Mullen. mother of Mee. W. J. Devi- .i..a, Lucknow. The remains are be - ice !nought to Lucknow for inter - meat. W. Horne has given up business at Lucknott and has disposed of his house to Garfield Ostrander. He has pur- chased r business in Guelph and will tenure his femily to that city. The threes Itatberiue and Jean Mc- tetunb. of Holyrond, left last week to take cbnrge of their respective schools. the former going to neer Teeswater and the latter to AUenfotd. The Lucknow fall fair will be held Thuredav and Friday of oext week, September (A and 30. Wm. McGregor, of Chicago, is visit- ing with his sisters here. a get in most of the crop. Miss Mabel Retool), who baa been •isitinft tt tbe home nt Mn. William Holub.. returned to Kincardine yes- t terdat. The Hue spell of weather has en - hied the farmers of this dhoti -lot to s. M eon of MrODooaid's blether. w. s. tiotatro. Mrs. dalkert, of Oodericb, is 'Wen, n brie deugbte, Mrs. W. IL Gordon and Mee. A. e. Misr. Km NAnis Guist, of Ottawa. is visiting her brother. W. E. r. den. a.d other trieeds here. Mire Joins Oust mud Mrs. Joseph Gaupt visited Luc know Meadsre eutly. e James Hyde has guise to Cochrane, New Ontario, and expecte to be away two weeks, Rev. Nr. Cameron, of Bru,wrls, will preach in the Anglican church (text Sunday. 11 will be a harvest inane service, and the church will be nicely decorated withlrsio. fruit and Sowers. IDLY rM. Tv 1 At, Sept. 10th. s THE HAvga .—The last few de s ss have bedo very bot and consequently the farmers are at Out getting a chance to get along witb their har- vest. There is still a great deal out yet. however. It is very hard for the farmers to get help for the rush. A great deal of the grain bas_ been taken in in a very untlt condition, end now those who put It Into their barns be- fore it was dry are becoming afraid of heat and possibly the burning of their barns. l�linaONAL AND GENERAL W. Walker and family, of Clinton. &pent Sundayr with Mrs. Walker's patents li here. r. and hire. A. W. Sloan .1. McArter, of 8a&katoon. Sash., who has been visiting with his brother here, et now visiting with old friends at Brussels and Wtoghem. it ie hi& intention before returning to the West to take a trip to Niagara Falls. Buffalo and New York. accompanied by his brother Watson k Sons ship d a car of hogs to Toronto on Wednesday Quite a number from here are taking in the London Fair this week, but there will not be so many as otherwise would have been in consequence of the I*teoees of the harvest and the great amount of work there is _yet to ao Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell were viritors in Clinton on Sunday.... . J. G. Murdoch visited with his sister, Mrs. Robt. McGowan, here the past week. He is oleo visit- ing friends at Lucknow, his old home. Mies Martha Moore spent the week -end with her father and sister at Ripley.... Jas. Cutt. who bad been visiting with his parents here for the pest couple of weeks, received a tele- gram Moods to go to Chicago to close up a deal. He lett at once, but expects to return here before going to Prince Albert Mr, and Mrs. A. McKellar are at present visiting rela- tives at Strathru Mary Milne, Dorothy Tierney, Maggie and Henry Johnstoire are attending the Colle- ggat+te institute' at Clinton Men W. Fie, who had an auction sale of her household effects on Saturday, got rid of a great deal of them. The bal- ance she shipped to London. where .be intends anaking her home in the m future. Her other, Mrs. Jones. shipped bet goods to Mimioo sod will live part of the time (her -----.A. A. Hooper was in Toronto the past week and while be was away Mrs. Hooper mid family visited with flirted. at Lordeeboro'.......Dr. J. N. Perdue vis- ited with friend, in Toronto the past week W. Spear. of Highgate. has purchased a car of plows here and w having them packed in boars for ,bippicg purposes Miss Hazel Bennett visited with reesti-es at Clin- ton over Sunday ..Thr work of toeing in the water pipes is not pro- cessing eery fast .. .Mer isM. Carter and E. Lear, who had been in Dettoit for the past two weeks, ret- urned home Friday evening.. Isaac Brown is getting his evaporator in shape for a bay eeasoo. lie ex- pects to start the middle of the month. Miss E. Miley, who was visiting friends In London and Toronto the past two weeks, has returned home. J Coombs is visiting friends in London and Exeter this week....... The threshers are now on the go, but on amount of the toughness of the grain they cannot make very good time..... A load of young men sutoed from Seaforth Sunday, spending anew pleasant hours here.... -.Miss Kate Bare, of more., Sask., visited her teeny friends het e, who were all pleased to herr of the great success raze achieved in the subscription con- t, in not only getting this trip, Tett took her to the principal cities Canada and the Bates, but also ne`- en:ring a 5500 piano. $be WAS very popnler while here and it is quite eve 1 she must use her sunny ways in e West. Mgt. Swag's OLRCMARn AT PORTER'* ILL.—R. R. Sloan and A. W. Rottin- surord to Bayfield and to Mr. loan's farm in Goderioh township on ndsy. The day was perfect for an to ride, and it wculd certainly do y person good to see the crop of a Mr. Sloan bas in hie orchard, blob shows conclusively that it .pays cultivate and spray an orehard in a stifle manner. lir. Sloan expects ST. HELENS TUENDAT. Sept. 10th. l'HI 184 H ApiNrvgnittaY.—Ahnivet asrr set %ices w111 he held in the Prf-sbyi.erian church bete on Sunday. septenlher 21. it is just fifty years since the old church wee opened. The --rvi, - will he bed in the new church. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, will have rhange of the servlue. Mt. Wilson attended church servinee and 8uoday' arhoul when a boy in the old cb.treb, *bleb still sands, but is used by Thos. Todd w pile dirseed heather Its Them will be a tea -meet ing on Monday night. when Ret-. Mr. Whaley, o[ Tavistock, tee will be present and give an address. He wh was the pastor wbed the new obnrehl of was built. Rev. Nt. Craw, of Fergus,. will 1.. present sad insitwtloas have, 4190 Feet) sent to Rev. _Mr.� Meyer meal den acv, Mr. Anderson in gootfand There will 1* other speaker* and a 1 th Pro- gram will be provided. good pt` The (*rulers are very busy tasks ( H (heir grain. There wee a light *bower la n Letrtday, but it sone dried up. et Dowing to the wet weather there has been s rood deal of 'rein put to that' an was not dry. Mr. and Mn. John A. McDonald, ofd w Pins Brandon. Man.. have returned atter to pending a few days visiting at the' rete era' Performing Elephants at the Goderich Industrial Exhibition to have a dklpley el apples at the Godsaioh fair neat week. Cuenca Norge.—There was quite a obanp around in the pulpit/. oo Sun- day. Rev. T. R. P'srr, motor of 'Fria- ity odiuswb, took his old charges at Got- rie and Wrotuter and Bev. Mr. Jacques. rector of those parishes, took the services in tbia charge. Rev. Mr. Wien, of Atwood, preached the aaal- venary services at Jackson's church in the atteraoon and preached in the Metbodiut church here morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Jewett, from here, taking the work at Atwood It. Soirees and P. Gardiner are an Toron- to this week repnwotfa tbe eoogre- gstion of 8t. Andrew's church at the meeting of the Presbytery- there to Plead before that body that the call trotu this oongvegation to Rev. Mr. Sutton be sustained. REID'S CORNERS, MONDAY, Sept. 8th. News Noene.—Russel Reid visited Toronto Exhibition last week and re- turned with a span of fine young horses The Missal Marie and Christine Welsh left on Monday for Goderbh, where they will attend the Collegiate Institute ' We are pleased to hear that luster Courtney it out again after being wafted to the house for comm tithe... ..!antes, McDonald and Miss Katherine Mc- Donald were recently married at the manse. A good example for other youog Nicht-tors . Miss Farrel spent Sundry with her Pieter, Mrs. J. H. Reid Miss Betsy McAllister is • visitor at the manse Miss Lbzie Welsh hes returned from a visit to her sitter, Mrs. (Dr.1 Weer Hackett, of Detroit J H. Reid bought a driver from his uncle, Nelvon Graham, of Sheppaidton, and has it already in harness.... John Wilkie, whose foot WAS injured by a heifer which he was taking to the slaughterhouse, is about again Tom Fraser. who barely escaped blood poisoning from a paiu- ful felon on his hand, is on the utend. The new porch on the manse has received the final coat of paint 'Ve :are still waiting for the electric railway,, DISTRICT NEWS. Mist. Connor, of Atwood, wilt teach in S. S. No, 10, Grey, at a salary of $560. Rural wail delivery routes have been laid out in the township of lis - borne. East Huron teachers will meet in annual convention at Wingham on October 17 and 18. Miss Helen Lar -kin, ct Seaforth, has gone to Toronto to take s situation as teacher in a ladies' college. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clegg have re- turned to their home at Wiagbam after an extended European trip. Misr Cowan, of Blyth. has been en- gaged to teach in Button's school, Mortis 'township, at $6(111 salary. The telegraph offices at Zurich and Bayfield have been closed. Telephone competition was too much for them. Thomas Groveoiork, son of 'Reeve J. M. Govrnlock, of McKillop. has been engaged to teach at Steelton, Algoma. Eliza .1. Rowclifre, relict of the late Samuel Parkinson, of C&borne, died on the YAth ult. at the age of sixty eight years. Rev. Neil Shaw has returned from St. Catharines to his borne et Eg- montiville, but is still too ill to tate Isis pulpit work. Alvin C. Johnson, a well-known lawyer of Winnipeg, who war drowned reseotly at Long Lake while shooting duck., was a native of Mc- Killop. A license has been granted to, Mr. Hanna, father-in-law of S. 8. Cooper, for the Hotel Normandie at Clinton, and the bar has been re- opened. Alvin Brtntnett, of Exeter, was pre- sented by his friends with a bendsome clubbeg on the eve of his deem:tare for Winnipeg, where he will enter a real estate office. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, has re- signed the position of eecretary-treas- urer of the East Huron Agricultural Society, and Malcolm Black has been $ppolbted to succeed him. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rathwell, Clinton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie, to Genrge Howard Varco., of Toronto. The marriage will take placate) September 18. The marriage took place at Exeter on August 28th of Sylvanite Cann and Miss Mary E. Ferguson. the oeremon y being rformed Mr.' annd Mrs. Cannewill reside Powell. Exeter. George Sperling,an old and well- known resident of renbrook, is dead in his fifty-seventh year. His widow was formerly Miss Mary ltathwell, of Godetrich township. Two sons and seven daughters survive. John Alexander Martin. B. A. of Vancouver. B. C., eon of Rev, W. M. Martin. formerly of Exeter, was mar- ried at Minden on the Jath nit. to Jeanie Gertshnre. voungeet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 'f. Wiltroo, Dundee. Mrs. Florence L Smith and Wm. C.tneitt both of Hay, were quietly married by Rev. E. G. Powell at the Main street Methodist parsonage, Ex- eter, on September 3rd. They will live on the groom's farm in Hay town- ship, The death took place at Exeter on September Dot of Mrs. Margaret E. 8laneomle, aged seventy-four �y}ears. The dummied was born in Hatton aunty and had resided in Exeter for twertt -.iz seen. Her husband died eeveJyears ago and she had no chil- lies. The Hagrave Farmers' Chub bes se cured the &srvlees of Prof. P. Graham, of the Ontario Agriculture' ( for a meeting td be bed 17th 1n the Foreetera' hall, Prof. Graham is a treenail ae on Km Jam Eider. of Wingbasa out wit& a lash) aesidest sae day last week. she wee stemil lg jt, a sugar table, ttlntt vrp llt�iw q eaetain when i ME to the Seen Writ nem rse or tet kepi et tee thillapitaL neelHttrg attention at the meter, et SI. Pears ehmilith. Mks Ammar inemIllt. Tunnel , Szrrtwrtea 13, WE V Hear Frsolin, was united In to W. A. G. Mct'ullocb, u1� Stratford, the oereutony7 being per -1 formed by Rev. C. E. Jostles. Mr, and Mrs. McCulloch will reside at Stranded. The death of Ms. Wtn. M rJ.y oe- ourred suddenly a$ the tomo of bet- son-la4aw, R. A. Maley. on Sunday, 8spieseher Int. The ds- ceased was seventy years d age and was for many dean • t of her. 1 Turnberry. Elevfln children suryivs On Monday, September 2nd, Samuel H. Whitmore of Hrucetteld, and Mise Christina, daughter of Thos. Town- send, of Tuckeismith, were quietly married at the Osteriu street Meth- odist pureonayge, Clinton, by Rev. 8. J. AHin. The young couple will have their Wale Dear Brgcetleld. Robert Downs and family have moved from O laton to Woodstock. where Mr. Dewitt now has bis head- quarters u an insurance agent. Mr. Downs wee presented prior to his te- woval with a silk umbrella as a part- ing gift from the choir of Ontario street Methodist church, of which be had been a prominent member. Nrs, A. W. Blaisdell, of Ferule, B. C., died on Thursday last at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. liming, et Seaforth. She had been ill for several months. She is survived by her bus - baled and one .on, both of whom were with her before her death. Robert and Alex. WWatsoo. of Seaforth, are brothers of the deceased. On Meader. &npteealver aro, an in- teresting event tuck j�t]laiac��e et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Coleman, Tuckersmith, their second daughter, Sarah Alberta, being united la roar- rimeto Epbrtim G. Clirke,only so or. and hit.. William Claroke, ent Constance. Rev. J. H. O.terhout, of Londerboro', officiated. The happy couple left for Toronto, Winnipeg and other Western pieces on a honeymoon trip and en tbeir fretum will make tear tem the peones fares near A pretty matrimonial event took place ae the boss of Mr. and Mr. J. U, Whet, 'Eeafortb, on Tuesday of last week,, "then Miss Lucy 8tilw, sister of Mr. Stars, was united io searviege to Archibald Miller. of Bayonne, New la/esy. Rev. A. W. Barker officiated. The hippy couple left for Doderich for ywoon and et) their return will Beni this winter with Mr. and Mrs. High Jinks at Wingham. Wingham, Sept. ft -Robert Koos, a local jeweller, end known es a local preacher. was Sued $10 and omits, amouuting in all to $.''i, when be ap- peared before Magistrate Morton yesterday in oonoectiiOonn with a charge of haying annoyed Dur. &yles t}och- ren. For some weeks put someone had teen cutting the cletbesiioto pieces at Mr. �ee ten'a place, and oo several occasions large washings were let down in the dirt. This wee repeated so often that Mr. Cochren reported the matter to Pro- vincial ',onstage Gorge Pbippsn, who wcoeeded in catching the defend- ant three bares, and then had hits summoned. The trial Lusted three hours. Hoox was convicted and promised not to repeat the offence any more. It was shown that Mrs. ('ocb- ten had become i11 through worrying for fear that some worse things Might be done than cutting the clotheslines. There are lives of weori.otue tnonot- ooy which a word of kindaese can re- lieve. There is suffering which words of sympethy can make more endur- able, and often, even in the midst of wealth and luxury, there are those who listen and long in vain for some expression of disinterested titterers. Sprek to those while they can bear and be helped by you. DERBY SHOE QUALITY SHOES FOR MEN. LATEST STYLES ALWAYS IN STOCK AT Wel. SI-IARrIAN'S Corner East St. and Square Are the Fly and Mosquito Dangerous L.We 'iia sy. with apefyy feet. *dhoti the inviable germs of diseases, spree& Mem over our bed ad powoea us wits typhoid orad cholera. Tieitis eke its bite Meets moo sur veins saaleria sad yellow fever. Tis jset d� eiseemare time or grip, are everywhere presser for es to breathe into our lamp. The blood which flows threeigh ger vies ted arteries 16 our protection. it should coetsia healthy red sed white blood oorpeecle.—espabk of warding of these dieeeee derma. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 1. • blood medicine eel sitarist/we seed, wrirely without 41019401, a pare glycerin extract of bloodroot, gulden seal, Otoda. grape root, queen's root, s.edrnke rad stone root, which hes eejoyed a good reputation for over forty years. The refreshing la - lessee of this extract is like Nature's is/nears—the blood is betted is the tonic which gives life to the blood— the vital fres of the body burs brighter and their increased activity 00e ernes the tissue rubbish which has accueiutaleJ during the winter. • Ahet fora years nee whoa k. Newark. New Jtrxy. 1 had rMfb .ed fent-." writes M.. Mlcaset. Neatness of Nations M9frr Hoe*, fewer renes t Dartoand and r u. .piles ur tm 4L. E e...d Diary l sew Dr. P4ree's p.taen or 1 trill called do Web age Discovery advertised year 1 rat Nur than it and .c di vatali.h )ti abet a love afterward 1t�aage o• el fewer bs w t set a Th thin ant have wi W 114a th. ahgls.osr esus alma That bas sr d tv y.ln �/a� 40 9wdw yams tw[oe 1 srrtae b rk. t-.sYre Muairl t>r.swarr.• asp. Pe nwre f leaes.t iwlleb ram he liver 1las. For That Weildiiig occasion You'll 1* looking for a suitable present. Von doo't want to pay such an awful lot for it, stip you would like it to be dainty and to help be an honor to the occasion. ,how there is nothing like getting umonga nicely selected jewellery stock for this pur- poee• Such a sled for Instance as this store bas to show you. We've a splendid arrav of Caseroles. silver flat -w -are and cut eines. ego., suitable forpresentenotonly for weddings but for any other omission. Look Ix on a some time if interested. J. S. DAVEY JIWILt.IR and OPT1Osep Oar. of Oa4erea et nee 04.601111‘. Oad.rfch There arc no dead flies lying about when WILSOI 'S FLY PADS are used as directed. All Drug_ gists,Grocers and General Dealers sell them. Comfort for 1 the liot Spell Don't swelter around in:heavy' clothes this hot weather- We can fit you out with warm -weather desirables—Sum- mer Vests, Negligee Shirts, Straw Hats, and Lightweight Suits, L:verything in Men's Clothintr hut boots and shoes, rIcLEAN BROS. THE SQUARE, GODERIC'H The home of Semi -Ready Tailoring. Agents for tbe Fsmoue Car - haat Overalls and Smocks, FltWell Hate, Stantleltl's Pure Wool Underwear. 4 Grand Trunk Railway System AidltaI Weatero Excursioss September f o 13 aril 14, re- turn Goderich to Detroit. ....$ 5 30 Chicago... •11 00Port Huron 3 70 Bay City. (} 111 Clevelat►4 (vieRen.t ti11 Veiand(via Detroit` 8 20 Grand Rapids. Sw 7 00 agina 6 00 St.Paulor Minneapolis all reit .... 'iii 40 Rail and Boat .. 38 4O- Tickets ars well/ ter retests a Y. lith Last ' Isar*. September 17, via Cbicago Winnipeg and return.U4 00 Edmonton sad return .... $42 010 Tickets rood tor s0 days. Npeciat train will leave Tomato *JO nmi carryl4g through macawsod s allman Tourist tamper Farmers' Ex uc rs of w to New Ontario Septeuibe r 11 and 2.i Round trip eScend-cy„y tiok.4i nut be leased trout Godertch teen 0.1.tone on T1fat W ember and Northern Ontari rte. taaladies tae late ..,... • V Haileyhury. 1J N ill EFIr New Liskeard y '31.)lebart 9 10 Monteith. 9 30 Nil 90 Otiehreme., tl6 Il 00 r !0 pp��d Neple ober Id, are v r.tarate-_g her 21, and askew issued Ps :S are Kuod 10 return until tteephsr lot. Western Fair, London tioderich to London and return 1{,90 atef.a vteat; o for treluurnReutoI0 ll 12-H3 daAyu NSNSebr 480, IBIL Full particular,, tickets, etc., from any Grand Trunk write A. E. DUFP, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. F. P.As ent,LAWRENCE,or Agent, tioderieh. 'Phone No. 8. Office hours 6 a. in 1 4 p. w, po�vo aSUMMER GOODS 0 Q D 0 0 Phones COAL -OIL STOVES With the corning of the bot drys of Summer you will want a New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. {Vith this coal -oil stove you have no extra insurance to pay. Call and examine therm. We will send them out on approbation. LAWN MOWERS 0 Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers ie just in and we off, r several different,, makes to choose from. • REFRIGERA'T'ORS *cute Do etock�and nacre Refrigerator this Summer? We bare coming. SCREEN DOORS Get your Screen Doors and Window* now and keep;the flies out in preference to putting them on later and keeping eepi g ; there in. CEMENT Are you going to build a cement alio this Summer ? 1f so, we have for rent a set of the London Steel Adjusable Nilo Curbs aim a .winging hoist. These will situ lily the building of silos. We have just received another car of National Portland Cement. When yeu use this Cerusnt you know you have rho beet that can be had. SPRAYING MATERIAL Have yea speared your treeset ? We with the Lirse selpieur also Arsenate of load. CAD furnish you FERTILIZER The car of Fertiliser arrived .couple o have had a big sakiof it. PlrtIiserle an oic Metter weeks ago and we with the addition of steamed boss Roue, blood ourgand-potaeb. These emendate make it tae moot valuable manure on the market. COAL AND WOOD Owi b tie scarcity of Herd U..,i we have Domaatie Logap put in a car e, for Hard Deal Soft Coal. This txtwl makes a pleodid substitrta wool have also • carload of dry slats• which nuke?good melte. 1.44 He figure .,n yt.r plumhing. Meriting. .•iertr,. troll/bine, etc. All week Rr'upt y etteei,led to and lul y gearaoteed. CHAS. C. LEE Store 22