HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-9-12, Page 6• Tatostaol►T. 8srTIMNrte 11, 1f19 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO DIVINE REWARDS ARE ETERNAL IN Eternal Death the Divine Pada. inert for Incorrigible. Pat.Io. Russell, in Eloquent Discourse, Yesterday at Columbus, Ohio, Br ought Comfort and Satisfaction to Many Wh. Listened is His Ex- position of • Teed Misapplied by Many. Columbus, Sept. 8. - Peg Russel chose his text 0o-da7 that baa doubtl been misapplied many theologi It was the 1 verse of the P ble of the 8b and the 'These shall away into ever) ing punishment but the righteo into lite eterna -Matt 96.46 Pastor Ru.eell proved on this rasion as he usually does, that that a long lead on many of the logiane of the past and present. 'position with respect to this Persil) is that the application of it is not ,thiq Age, but to the future one. 'iia distinctly t>gigprn in the open verse of the Parable itself, he said "When the Son of Man shall come His glory, and all the holy angel with Him, then shall He alt u the Throne of His Glory " (V. 31.) • And besides, the Pastor said, Wh the Ron of Man ,hall sit on Throne and have before Him all n 'tions, it is evident from 8eriptu that the true Church will *it wi Him; that the nations will be remainder of humanity. As proof this he quoted Scripture . 'Tet hi that overeometh will I grant to a with Me in My Throne." (Rev. 3:21 Another, ''To him that overcome will I give p„wer over the nations. (Rev. 9.26.) And again. "Know y not that the saints aha'l judge th world," -"all nations." -I. Cor 6-2 That this work of judging an reigning over the nation,* of earth not to be during a day of twenty -too hours, he said, is evident from $chi tura also. For instance, "They aha t,e carinate of God and of Christ an shall reign with Him a thousan years." (II. Peter 3:7, S; Rev 20:. It is plainly shown also, he said, tha this exercise of world-wide power wi be during Satan's imprisoftmen when his influence for evil. e for Fix thousand years previous. will be absolutely restrained anti the thousand years shall have ended There is no.doubt that the oorreo view of the doctrine of Election much to do with clarifying the theo- logical atmosphere of the miasma o the past. It everybody could get th Bible focus upon this important trine, every other theological question would become' as clear as noonday If everybody oould see clearly the the true Church is being elected, or selected, in this Age, according to fsithtulneu anti charaoterdevelop- ntent. by way of preparation for the great servioe to be rendered the world in the next Age. there would be few problems remaining to be cleared up The Sheep -the Goats -the Firs. The Parable proceeds to show the separating work that will progress throughout the thousand -year ezer- oiso of Divine power • and authority on earth. At Its concltraion all the peoples of the nations will have taken .heir place,, either as sheep or goats. To the sheep class will be said, "'Come, ye bleaaed of My Father. in- o,rit the Kingdom prepared for you roil-) the foundation of the world." The sheep clam of the Parable epre,ent all of Adam's rsce brought hook to perfection b the promise of iosLitWUon during Mpromiseessiah's reign f a thousand years. (tete 8:1f lin ) .hem will Dome the dominion which Adam lost- and which Josue edeomed at Cslvary. Next the fate 1 the goat class is stated -not in lcral language, but in symbol. It should be borne in mind that "with- ut a Parable apake He not to the eople. ' In other words. everything hich Jesus staid to the people wu figurative, to the end that only those o the right condition of heart +night he able to understand, as this was the ober/niter of the class that God de- signed should be accorded the honor reigning with Masai,ali over the firth. To these "it is given to know e Mysteries of the Kingdom of seven." -Matt. 11:11 The message of the gent firing to )e goat class, the Parable proceeds 1. tow, will b, Depart glom Me, y. ,reed, into everlasting fire. prepared r Yee Devil and his angels. Thar, a large clam of short-sighted people ho while thinking that the goats present an incorrigible class, inai.t that the fire is red, and not symbolic But there is an increasingly large ale of Bible students who recognise, id Pastor Russell. that fine" roughen& the Bible is need figurs- vely to represent destruobiew ils inted to 8t. Peter's summing up of to fate of the incorrigibly wicked es lbws "These, se natural brute anti, made lo be taken and destroy - speak evil of the things that they deretand not; mad shall utterly rish in their own oorrepNon."- Deter 1.19. The world, continued Paster Kie- 1, haver lost heaven and is *nabobse omhaed heaven Adam's toes was eetrthly Eden and heinous n. ` Jeaue declares that Re s e reek and' le save that widen was ether eon* d week H11KirNkr Tel f tae the briefang of earth 1e a radian condition And He, together h 4hnee bob •hall be associated h Him, will restore all the willing Oisitilent of mankind to all that akat. lie will bring them back tit,' to (h. imago and lik.neas d 1 iA the Seat. Ted d+i'v average varieties of the obeli yen the English House d Parllr ppm a 6.87 eta ennead Ohio. tor for one .r by aa.. arm - eon Geste SO Yl- ]w oc- ile thea His le to This in s poet en a- re re th the of it th e is r 111 d d ) 11 t, exerted yl t has no- t e doc- trine, ` ( f of th H tl al ct to is w re 01 so th ti 1.0 tl fo be ed en 1i. eel pr an tio to 104 of w i! Pa ant wit and tog ; 5 THE ALL.1AaCa CA$IMIe$. Wit MA I S.w•ty-ive Local Optima Cutest* Plumed tat This Test. 1bfeetto, Bopt- A -Yate* will be Moist sweaty Am legal smiles you Wee in amok _ Maim Os - torte Mk f1a1L brag w.s ib. wens at a smiles at the eseeuutivve coverall's") at Lha °*tarso Iafaaeb of err D,- .del Alliance at the azbtbi Nee greyed, yesterday attereeon. Tb report e1 the campaign commit tee woe preeseted by Bev. Dr. J. H Hazelwood. It elbowed that the fie work of the Alliaoee for the entire autumn had twee mapped out cover deg the tot/owing nineteen counties and two cities : New Ontario, Peel, Kent and Dundas, Sr.z, Prises Rd ward, Perth. Welland. ftirocoe, Lamb - Loa, Karen, Rtareost. Oleegarr�, Prescott, Russell, Victoria and Hali- burton, Heldheaod, Bruce, Middlesex, and London led Toronto. Resides the seventy-five places in Reich fights will be wowed, there are about two bu..L d and sixty locali- ties ie which voting might take place, but in many of thew it is impoesibte to get the temperance people into the ring. There are over two hundred possible repeal cooteets this year, but of u likely that in fully ninety per pent. d the no effort will be made by the liquor interests. Thema Gibson reported (bat the finances of the Alliance were in a health condition, but aueistance was needed from the friends of temperance throughout the Province for the proper sustenance of the big c[wpaign coetemptated tide tall. The matter or law enforcement was discussed. beteg introduced by Coo - troller J. C. McCarthy. A lively dis- cassion followed, which brought out the fact that the whole question of it t.ting good result* from local option bylaws lay in the adequate enforce - meet of the liquor law.. The Alliance will ask that even better rosette in the carrying out of the lieea.e bylaws be secured by the inspectors. BREAK UP TME OLD PASTURES. • • b home of our moat troublesome pests find tbeir breeding -places in land that bas been left fur come years under grass. Wire woreo and white grubs, which are often-times very destructive (o crops of ail kioda, increase and multiply in sucb places. where they feed upon the roots of the grass. N. ire worms in their adult stage are known as dick beetles, oblong, dull - colored creatures. White grubs turn into what are commonly called June bugs or May beetles. These worms take eros two to three years to grow to maturity and during that long period they feed upon roota and are out of sight and out of reach. There L a popular idea that salt will kill these creatures, and the question is often asked. "How much salt should be used per acre?" Like many othecl popular superstitions, there is no virtue whatever in this wateri si for the purpose. Enough salt to affect the grubs would completely prevent the growth of any vegetation and it is doubtful if any amount whatever would kill the insects. Many other aubetaocee have nun tried, but so far without success. ,The remedy is. therefore, to break up the breeding places. This should be done by ploughing the grass fields deeply tale in the fall in order to expose the grubs bud their winter quarters to the frost and rain, and also to tete various animals and lords which feed upon them. The safest crop to grow dur- ing the first year is peas. After that a Hoed crop, preferably turnips, would be the sates+ ; after the second year there will probably be no grubs left. During the first year any that there are in toe ground would feed upon the sod that had been plowed under and would let the growing crop pretty well *Igoe. To grow Dorn, grain, potatoes nr reangele et the outset would be very risky indeed. Besides, these two insect*, old pasture lands, especially where the soil is dry, are productive breeding -places for grass- hopper*, which spread from these Beide to the crops. In the( southern counties of Ontario bordering o0 Lake Brie, there is another serious peat which also breeds in old pasture. where the soil is light or sandy. This is known as the rue abater. Tim beetle appear. usually In greatswnrms about the time the roses come into bloom, and devour., not only these flowers, bat all sorts of other* that may be growing in the garden. The wont damalte that it doe. is to the blossoms and younp fruit of grape v inea, of which it 11 particularly fond. These four serioom insects, which are extremely difficult to control, may be greatly reduced in numbers. if- not got rid of al- together, by s short rotation of crops and especially by keeping past- ures not more than three years under grease -(7. J. 8. Bethune, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. No More Dandruff, Falling Hair, Scalp itch. Men .,nd women -do you want a splendid head of luxuriant hair tree from ' Itch Do youwant nheira so bewitchingly Iadiaat that it eomp.h the admiration 01 all who se it P Ile you want a stalpae imtnaculately snail ?and bright u a newly minted Do you want to use a hair dressing Mug will surely prevent, baldness that *Lain refreshes alai l i1Rorate. acrd Tbse weed Id am tie ver makes your satire +lead fest fine P battle Patbielaa S!�agg�day ad gm say drag Mea er MUM goads mentor. Use it as divested and yw wit/ never sage to twee entlaary tonics again. Nd pabgmne Naar of lead, no Z!N!er. a ins atitwa I.geedi. t. in rtlefaeaaSlain Auk for Parisian Sage, M It. WIglp guaraatose It. tier assgainos. oseabwbb-Yate curb your jest saarelln d elrw. my dear. her. we are ertaat alfa. T la and must .4 on - nouns hoe 6ut Wet tint thalami way P Then wall hi w ss,. -Beetga l'rat Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futuro* Clime Lower --Liv. Steck-- Latest Quotations. CHICAGO. Sept. II -Government do- tlssates rowdies wheat corresponded etls•pt enact., with figures competed to advance bete today by private orsp enpar'ta. Tb. *sowing wee a bearish oar, and resulted In a fresh brooklet et tee tow price record for the .t1a- aoa. Prices at the oboist tao scaly. 'were Se to tic net lower. Latent Mat - lig tttft owe unchanged to tie dews, ,rata ao a read. to Ito to %c. end fro- , Roan. verve* tram aaturday'. Semi le VW Liverrpool market closed today a. vrer than flater4a,, on wheat and on corn. Smite wheat dome Budapest %c Weber, and Antwerp lower. Winnipeg Optlens. open. Htgt. Low. Cleve. Close. w'heat- Wb01 To -day Toronto Grain Market. eat, new, beta► M/ le to ; N saat, gg0000�. bush e, NuhM ... 0 Y . •so .A let * to 1 es a0 . bush& rite bushel Peas.'Malloy, bushel B uckwheat. bushel Toronto Dairy Market. Eder. orMmerr, Ib. rolls... 0 M 0 N tter, creamery, solids 0 17 0 0 tter, separator, dairy, Ib0 T 0 3/ Uir. Were lots a IIs 0 14 knew, lb • u 0 13114 y, extracted, 1b 0 11 013 *key coreb•, dozen 3 75 1 00 Montreal Grain and Produce. JJ H0K'TR111AL. dept. 0. -Them was a (19 �4asms111nnti from foreign buyers for dreg Maaatoba Spring wheat at a further re- new4.etio0 In poke, of 3d to 1d per quarter, but on the further decline bb Wlnnlpw acceptedsaportere tot -November it ont Thebushels de- lineate tor old orop wheat was alae fair M a pre0l.aa over mew. A good bomb a mistime* to be dobs la oats over W gqaebta sad tie local margo to ,,dere L a good demand for amen ✓ oom. sad rates aro steadily ad Qomaldarable hustness eta* *.read" brei du.e for a ipta•nt from 8t Joohh� N.B., this winter. The foreign tied 1M ypwq� wheat [lour M Ino asstng, mad e la4 amount of business was done. The market la steady. Kief.•4 L as v aria rine. Demand for butter soot week settee a1aIb{{ubozesfirm. agoat Exports� legs tbe Year. w01 £etive. Demand for fau4 Mona fair. Oora-American No. 3 yellow, me to Ida Oat*--Camadlan western, No. b ~tea ▪ ;eo 0. 3, aro to [3114*: extra No. 1 ldarley Man. feed, etc to Co; mantis t0c to Mo. Buckwheat -No. 1, 74e to lac. rimer -Manitoba spring wheat patsete firsts, KN; a.coata, 46.30; strong Daiwa ga.1•; whiter patent.. atom, 3*:.tr0 l tinny% Mus to 0.00; bags $0 to P1.. Rolled eats -Barret, N.t�; bags, 110 1hs. p0[tttta.d--,Wren, p3: aborta, 311; mid. 401.4., t{e to W; mount!". 330 to 034. —e4 O. 0. per ton, car low, 3*/ ta a...-TIhs.weans*, wean*, 1to 144tas t eastern. utao td 14.. Batten-Cboloo,t creamery, 17e to flits; se¢oad■, .4 o to 310. d Ngss-iet&Red, 30c to 30c: No. 1 atee4 10, to leo. Potatoes -Per bag, car iota, Bo to fin tiog.--.Dreamed, abattoir lolled, 311 0 PLM. Pork -Heavy Canada .bort me.R kbOO1iss�� M to M pieces, 07; Dula., 46 to w ptesml 07. Lard -Compound. tierces, eke; ; pare. p� wood Dells, 30 lea, net, f1a,7t; para, 101 M., 311.36; wood Dans, 10 Iba 34.0. CATTLE MARKETS. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, Sept. i. -At the Montreal Stock Yards oast end market' the ricelpy of livestock Ler the week coding were 1200 cattle, 4000 sheep end lamb., 1sp kegs aad 440 calves. The euppiy on til market this morning for sale consisted ij 700 date.., 1110 sheep and lambs, 140* bolo and 10 calves. A. armor runes prevsued 1n the mar for oattI this morning owing to tk smaller supplies offered than a we�c q and the scarcity of choice .teen. Cleo steers gold as high so 17 while full load. of good stock brought Id.00, .and fair 116.14per 100 pounds. The demalld from GLO- WS for bulls and cows wee good, of watch the supply was fair, but owing to thy keener competition prices for stick ruled lest per 10/1 Metter. Teo tone of the market for lambs eras masker ead price. since 00. day w show a decline of lac for Ontario et sad No to IOc for Quebec. A feature ttttaaddee of late has been the d e cameo.° packers for Were In • and some large Iota were roue at the latter end of lest tame above re ction there was a aq4,he .004 atadrom as 1a actee e3,'1, be at 0.11 to 7f per M. the 1••Vne V .uppll 1,. hNt about equal to the r trema jM auto•. .*oar no Amite. de maaat�0 Or calves was good. wring to a era a31 •*polo. 1' • kit to ndt b Op�wt were higher in TTor, es it•0adr igtdeoow at le._ ( wage, winched off ears, beaseir tome. choke 1g tt es •; do isles to �0 es c•, ase b , to • du., oommto lass, seek. MI td�M61 gprtagen, We to wit t litzakliii,guillbts mad eutiq egg. to 0.76. K 41 t4 t ad BuBfufffaloo Cattle Market. loll ksa4: ' aptt,,, 1k -04W -1W settee AYl•e,▪ �p d�: OAtea. Llys Steele, Ic9CA00, !st 1 -Cate** -•fig •. !So' 16 est1 �Aflb� .Mt gtgls, OMFOR.T TA1L RIGHT SOAP.., If you want Comfort If Comfort use Comfort Soap a 1 , ELY 'HE ..ARCEST SALE IN LANIIDA 1 The young folksdon't know why; but they just love %GJ Toasted Corn Flakes Give them lots of it—It's the best break- fast for them at all times and seasons. Because it is delicious, wholesome, and highly nourishing. It also builds up the body of growing boys and girls without taxing the digestion. Look for KELLOGG'S signature on the package—sold everywhere at lOc. BRA Let y• N o caK mar R• eeory, A r, with mak a pie_ Brownie -744,1 , - - - Camera Brownies-4a410fir $in.e,I 41; BUTLANQ'S FOR KODAKS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES Remember that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the tact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS. ETC. -When you travel you will need a good stent Trunk, or perbape • commodious 8uit::awe or Bag will meet ) lir requitement.. We ran furnish all your wants in either line. All Repairing Orders receive our prompt attention. JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THR SQUARE "My GURNEY OXFORD jumped right in and helped with my housekeeping Dear Edith, In a general way 1 have wished you all the good things I know of, so now 1 am going to descend to the practical and give you some sound advice from the store I have accumulated since I started housekeeping. Housekeeping naturally suggests the kitchen first -- its equipment and management, or in other words, THE RANGE My range, as you know, is a Gurney -Oxford I never enjoyed much of a reputation as a cook in my younger days, so when I thought of being responsible for three meals a day my heart sank. 1 imagined myself battling all day with a sulky range, trying to coax it into a good humour, and covered with mortification because of late or spoiled meals. But my dear, my Gurney -Oxford seemed to sympathise with my inexperience. From the day it tame it jumped right in and helped. it has become my good right hand, and 1 go my way confident that my Gurney -Oxford will not disappoint me. it has the cleverest arrangement for regulating the drafts, well named the Gurney Economizer. One small lever put up or down does everything. The foe will stay in all day, hardly burning any coal at all—then, presto ! ,, It is burning brightly, ready to bake or roast. An arrangement of flues keeps the oven always properly heated, so that the biscuits or bread tome out light and crisp and brown. Yes, Edith, as Bob says, 1 have developed into "some cook," and I *ken tell him he must give at least half the bandit to our Gurney -Oxford. You will understand my enthumbusis you have bad better after Gamey -Oxford a a ss& or so. Si reseely Yours, HOUSEWIFE.MARY pI IFE. C. J. HARPER, GODERICH