HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-9-12, Page 4• THURSDAY. SgrTKMBxa 12 191/I
News of District
DK. NEWTON, DENTIST, (W WEnar*an.v. dept. 11th.
.�tyat. wjjt i • A ylatdeu party will be given by the
kttrsttas s Use boas seise, saws W. M. S. on the lawn pf J. 3. TIMa's
Walks fosse .wry day, An metb-
Mt. .ams IniThs Mead b at W Psat-
isrtlsiss'►UtH erM ale r adz
•, . ,.t /'tsra�faorr itaseats Ar the work. rail �osles At. wr111
THURSDAY, Sept. 12th.
BRIEF MgxvveN. - Miss Frank Mo,
Lean was home from Luoknow over
und*y Miss Wellwood, of Cbeng-
tu, China, gave an interesting mission-
ary address in the Methodist church
on Wednesday evening .. .. Wm.
Mole is erecting a stable and hen-
house, the lower halt cement, with
{ f r a to a superstructure Mr.
Naughton, a college student, was the
speaker at the annual meeting of the
Bible Society held in the Presbyterian
church on Monday evening ..Rev. �
J. W. Robinson will preach at one of
the services in the Methodist church
next Sunday Everett Mellough is
visiting in London this week
new seats for the junior room at the
public school arrived today .The
sympathy of the community is ex-
tended to Mr. and Mn. Ernest Segue
in the loss of their year•old son. whose
remain. were interred in Dungannon
cemetery on Tueday.... Miss Mary
Polley. of Goderich, is visiting tele-
tivea. er•e.. _.:.Mise Berger was called
home to Tnronto last week by toe
sudden death of her hither The
remains of Mrs. Thos. Richardson, of
Muskoka, was interred in the Dun-
gannon cemetery today. The de-
ceased lady was on a visit to her son
near Port Albert and dled suddenly
on Sunday.... For the prat two
weeks the weather has been settled
and the farmers have been working
hard getting in the grain. Had the
wet season continued a day or two
longer, many farmers would bare lost
tee greater portion of their c.•ops
Miss Bertha Ryan, daughter of 1Vtn
Hyan,.was married at Dauphin. Man,
ecently to Ernest Harris, of Durban,
Men .. Mies Leella Bellamy will in
ail probability assume clutrge of the
Ooderieh Rural Telephone Co.'s office
here on September 18th Lorne
Leen is away on a. trip nut West
Edward Durnin, B. A.. has gone to
Niagara Falls, Ont., where he has
taken a position on the Collegiate?
Institute staff Mr. and Mrs. H
Turner, Mia t lar. Wh-ard and Miss
Gladys McLean, of Goderich, visited
at Jas. Whyyard :s on Bunchy
Mra. John Johnson returned home
oD 8aturd,.y after spending a tew days
in Toronto
Toss DAY, Sept. 10th.
The funeral of the /ate Richard Baily
was held on Sabbath afternoon,
service being conducted by Rev. H. J.
(bndell assisted by Rev. W. Hiode.
air. Bailey came to the village fifty-six
years ago, and consequently was one
of Bayfield', oldest citizens. He is
survived by his wife and four sons :
Richard and John. of Alberta : R,bert,
manager of the Sterling Bank here,
and Thome., at home.
A CHEERFUL NOTE.-Bumueer has
come at last end the farmers are 'oak
ing bay while tt a sun 'Mem, or, at
least, working might faird main to
gather in the haat of the harvest he.
fore the next thunder -shower. In
spite of predictions of crop failure
some farmers in the vicinity who have
threshed report a splendid yield of
oats; while the beans, which it was
feared would be ruined by the excess-
ive moisture, aro ripening nicely with
the hot sun ot the past week. and with
favorable weather-onditione for
another couple of weeks or so a
splendid crop will be reaped. When
we hear also that the apple crop is
fair to very- gnat, and the potato crop
a "bumper," we begin to doubt the
necessity fol the enlargement of the
p sor house which some were sadly
seems like the •'deserted village,"
comparatively ,peeking, since its
summer population has flown, as
almost all the cottages are. closed
and, very few hoarders ars left in town.
Those who here come for September
seem, however, to he the wise noes
this year, as the weather man has
only Etgan to smile since the month
came in Miss Linklater and Mrs.
Ferguson are in charge ot the little
folks al the school and are hue,- getting
the work under way.. . , j►tr. Met-
calfe, of Loudon, assisted Rev. H. J.
Coadell on Sabbath last Mr.
Collo ?instead, of Auburn, conducted
services in St. Andrew's and Bethany
churches on Ilr&Meth last....... Quite a
number of our citizens took in the
Western Fair at London on Tuesday.
among them F. A. Edwards and Mrs.
Edwar•dat, James Campbell and J. H.
AT, Sept. 11th;
News et Wggg.-Mia Mary
C •4 sera was renewing
'Met week
art ch, occupied
tag rbutcb Sunday
v. Mr. Lockhart will
preach melt Aaohy morning and
�• ...Mtge Wellwood, re -
tureen" army, Obina, gave
an intereei ams flu the Methodist
chinch M on the work
is OA foreign McNsught,
a t Ibr the 1Miaty, gave an
Wedtatlday ass Js Zara ow the
ie ch
work of the Aedes i• is rr how the
y tarried on in
all parte of the world ...... The C. P.
5., statism.. • bora place this week.
Owen*♦ ere loading their
sok of titre
at tee rate all
tae ems per day. They expect to
bare tea or twelve cars.. . The
T Zet % are bodies titer :to.k
bride,er ran
The o1b a e_ nt lipped
tie wrA t '
4i rsteo1__ the ,team
=alight liar ,OeesUwei•ee. TheY
11 ale u used... A.
rages% to start eFvaporater
ger entities
hit this ween.
se We isartet.
three ree way
reaidenoe, 11th 000eessioe, £ olb,.,rne,
on Thursday. the lith in.t. _ A pro-
gram will be given and reftessbroenta
served. Admiesion lbc. Everybody
come and enjoy this social gathering.
Two RSNAKaABLE TYAIre. - l ol-
idwingare the names of the men sad
their respective sides to shoot for the
ride club supper in October :
,The Has Beea's The Never Was
Capt. J. Cassels Capt. E. Miller
John Webster W. McQuillan
W. I. Miller Wallace Miller.
Harvey Webb James Pardon
George Webb Joseph Anderson
H. Mannwarning Hobert Taylor
Geo. Stewart D. R. Murray.
Brown Harper Mid. Humphrey
Ross Murray ' John McDonald
WW. Humphrey W. E. McPherson
John Cameron Waiter wenn
Will. Webster Thos. Taylor
Wilk Rutberfotd Jas. Baker
Ed. Haines Thos. Inglis
Elwell %It enter Harry Macey
R. Anderson C. Aitchison
Colin McDonald . W.. E. Gordon
Sandy Purdoo WIII. McCroatie
Hugh Rutherford Ed. Thom
Ben. Naylor Abe Duroin
Walter Nilson Frank Todd
Louis Weatberhead W. J. Todd
Johnnie Webb Bert Miller
Dave Todd Roy Aitcheeon
John McQuillan W. McDonald
Stewart Rutherford Jas. Gaunt
Capt. Cassel. announces that two
dollars in good. purchased at Miller's
store will be given to the man on his
side making the highest sero. Capt.
Miller will also give two dollars in
goons to the tan on his side making
the hi best score. This shoot is going
to be the event of the season.
HOOD. -On Friday last the old Cum-
ming homestead at 81. Helens, at pres-
ent owned by Mrs. Joe Gaunt, was the
scene of a merry gathering of frieods
of Hev. Wen. ('umming, of.Baskatocn,
who was on bis way home with his
'wife and family from England and
Scotland. Thirty years ago Mr. Cum-
ming, sr.. left the farm in West Wa-
w•oosh for Manitoba. where he took
up a farm on whicb be is at present
living a few miles west of Brandon.
On his return trip from the 01d
Country, where be has been employed
as immigration agent, he made his
stop -over at St. Helene the occasion of
a visit to bis old boyhood home. There
as the eldest of a large family his
earlier days were spent in tilling the
soil.-)urtng the time that has elapsed
since the° Rev. Mr. Cumming hse been
residing in the West, part of the time
in C*lifornia and lately in Saskatche-
wan. However, that old-time senti-
ment or beautifully expressed by the
lines :
"me pleaanrca and palace -
we may roam.
ever so ka®bte
s no place like home."
was onceore verified. With a few
old -tune ends and relatives a pleas- +
ant afternoon was spent in looking lie
over the scenes around which clung bu
tCoagawl tram ams i
ofeuass is bog doge weekly between the
wn of ndericb and the Goderieh
ral territory.
pie It the Myth Company can get
otiecdon at all with the town of
ieh, it should be through the
oderich Rural Company, which has
the uugshout Oolborne and extend-
[ to Blyth.
(41 The Goderiob Rural bare been
lweys and now are desirous of having
teccbaoge of basinea and inter-soa-
uniratiou with the Blyth Company
and seat representatives to the 1flyth
Company to endeavor to bring this
We ask you to carefully consider
this matter and we feel sire that after
ipvestigation you will agree with no
that the proper way for the Blyth
ompeny to get connection with
oderich is through the Goderich
Rural Telephone Co., if such connec-
tion can legally be had at all.
Vomit respectfully,
Co. ,
per Win. Hill, President ; ('has.
Girvin, Srcteutry.
The report of the finance committee,
recommending payment of n number
of accounts, submitting the eta ten ent
of estimated receipts and expenditures
for the year, and recommeuiing the
tax Levy at stated above, was read and
The puhlio works committee recow-
megt. •d the purchase of another car-
loatd'of 9 -inch sewer pipe with junc-
tions and reported the purchase of a
second-hand wheel scraper for 210.
The question of sewer co• oection
for St. Vincent street was d. eluded,
and Reeve Manning@ report .1 prog-
ress in sewer construction .t1 the
south end of the town.
Bylaw No. 19 was given it, third
reading, Councillor Laithwaite with-
drawing his objection made et the
previous meeting to the grant for
Alexandra hospital. The bylaw in-
cluded the following ,grants : 1875 to
the public library ; $500 to Alex-
andra hospital ; 2100 to the West
Huron Agricultural Society ; *300 to
the Goderich Musical Society. in con-
nection with the hospital grant it is
provided that the towel shall be
allowed to send "charitable patients
to the hospital and any charge for the
sante is to be paid out of the grant.
After parsing the bylaw the council
cid jotrrned,
MONDAY. Sept. 9th. •
811* Wagner bas returned to Gode-
rich to resume her school work.
William Tainbh-n bar Laken a posi-
tion on the teaching staff of the Tor-
onto schools,
Mise Sadie East left last week to re-
sume bee 'duties as school teacher
near W ellaceburg.
Mise E. Adams has returned to
Chicago after spending 'a few weeks
at her home at Loode.boro':
8. L. Hcney, of Southampton, has
engaged as teacher of 8. 8. 1.o. 8 and
commenced his duties last week.
, Miss Sara Caldwell, of Londesbcro',
away on a two months' visit with
r sister, Mot. I. Quinn, of Hailey
ry, .
The Stratford Bridge Co. has se-
cured the contract of rebuilding the
bridge east of Londesboro', on the
11th concession.
Thomas Scutt, of the G. T. R. sec -
.110D here.' has been promoted to a
ppsition at Stratford and left last
wieek for his new field of labor.
' 'Mrs. T. MoVittie has returued to
hhr home at Londesboro' after spend-
ing two months in Waterloo ,visiting
her daughter, Mrs. T. H. Cole, and
other friends.
• :The new school for section No. 11 is
almost completed and school will be
opened about the let of October.
tffias Campbelt, of Westfield, bas bee:,
engaged es teacher at a salary ot $300,
Michael R Son entered seven horses at
Teronto Exhibition and won seven
prises. (Hearse co potted the red ribbon
in imported or ('ii0adian-`,red Ulydes,
Lard Ronald and Captain lout each
won first in its ease, the pacing mare
w}egiven the red ribbon, the two-
y� igg�' ol.� filly secopd, the brood mare
dUrd, and on mire and progeny sec-
ond. • ••'_c -
WEDIAIpDAy, Sept. Ilth.
many sweet and pleasant memories.
The old home itself once resounding
with the mirth and leugbter of happy
youth has now fallen into ruin and
decoy. Its dilapidated condition
could not erase from memory's wall
the beautiful pictures that must ever
cluster about so cherished a place as
"Home, Sweet Home." Not a cook or
cranny around barn, orchard or house
but brought back fond rwrollections
of what had been "loved long since
but loot a while." The younger mem-
bers of the gathering with some of
their• seniors who were renewing their
youth on the occasion put iD the after-
noon by engaging in strenuous game,
of football and seashell. After all bad
fully enjoyed themselves a sumptuous
lunch was served by the ladies and the
happy event was brought to it close.
Those present were Rev. Mr. Gumming
and family, W. E. McPherson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Wat Webb.
Willie Webb and family and Mr. Wil-
liam Thoma.-Lucknow Sentinel.
Why Canadians are neglecting the
opportunities in their own country is
the theme on which John H. Parry,
the economics writer. preacher a ser-
mon in the September Canada
Monthly. When the American West
was sett, the same thing was true,
he saps. Men went to Ohio, Illinois,
Indiana. broke the sod and sowed
their *mop, and 531d out at twenty -flue
dollars en acre, thanking their stars
for the deal they bad made --only to
see it double and treble and quadruple
Mlle value in the course of a few years.
The same thing is going on in West-
Canr.d*, be says, and proceeds to
in how many Canadians who
th nk they are doing well are really
losing money. Arthro 1. Street, the
statistician, gives • lesson in Canadian
arithmetic, and pproves by Noires that
Western O•nada can accommodate
over nine and three-quarter millions of
people without strare {Whig • muscle. Don
Salvador Castello Carreras continues
his Mexican adventures, describing
the terrors of • voyage through the
rapids of "Little Hell:" A. A. Briggs
has a story of the Peace River countrz
called 'The Vengeance of Jackknife;
James Baker describes the original of
Dickens' famous "Squee,s' and his
Rev. Mr. or.•upy the
•pulpit in Smith'*, Mitt church next
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott, of Auburn,
.aro 'moving to the village, taking a
hobs&etrIkeith street.
there wiltbra big crowd of Carlow
at the fair next week.
Wbb n alt seism to see the elephant..
ltanestieg is atmoet completed and
:en the whole the crop• have turned
out pretty- well. The apple• packers
are around teatime the barrels at the
ortifeids and there will he large
ebipments•ia a' few weeks.
F. W. Moppnarb bas bought Keg.
SI k's pretty house on Albert street,
*rich• and with bis family will
$a a to. town next week. He has re-
Nifb.d'the position of township clerk,
which he bed held for twenty years,
anti a special !meeting of the council
will he held on the 21st inst. to ap-
ps a enece. The u oral of
r, a.o, am
McDonagh and his family from
the village will he much regretted.
Mira loweet-"The•ae veg•teblss are
." .Waiter-'l-ou are wrong
1 hare served you only with
Mercies of the Hoene." Miss Sweet
w seer
thoboes Hall ;' James Church stale
Alerted hoa • political love story called was
In the Fmnt Row," and the second dol
installment of A. A. Btraehan'e _u n but what r
Mounted Police serial appears. There
are ale° floin
tion. 'eine ao t articles bye.
L. Armstrong :Vary *iseelwrIal ht,
Thomas A. Daly. Aimee .Jaron. '•Kit."
and other..
Flow as Treat Beer.. ,,.
The Boston Traveller Cede ell an •di •
for whoar�waasstempor+.rily ti of
tnhetgu well :remise
dill rain
see ' utast in
to the
tarammonia.i, Ai'
yail tan me Mw to
tr..t li ek Meer
"With reepeek," l �'d
r �a barer !backache
>eep kora
Drama Ifyew
lkelowas fa will -boa
rase or MYw.aw~nr T iiia
w etttalubts ad
is eel! ��y sa.islaa ha wary ohm -
it omen
J. J. MacDonald seed Others Piead Guilty
u Toronto Court
Toronto. Sept. ti. -Fines of 2100,
with the option of air month'. bard
labor, were the sentences imposed by
Judge %Vine: ester this morning on
the Gland Trunk conductors charged
Willi -knocking down" fares to pas-
sengers. They were J. J. Maellomakl.
L,rne Palmer, John Willieuw rod
William Wylie.
Crown Attorney (freer explained
the charges against t he ,nen were not
of theft, but of breach of the Secret
Commissions Act, which makes it
illegal for eutpioyes to receive gooney
for neglecting their duty to their em-
ploy ere. The maximum penalty is
two year,: imprisonment x• 2;2,500 fine
upon indictment, nr si• months' im-
prisonmeet or MOO fine Jn .ummary
conviction. 'These were the first con-
victions under the new Act.
The men, who all pleadedguilty, had
been in the practice of allowing pas-
sengers to ride without tickets from
Toronto to Hamilton and Fort Erie, •
for sums varying from 21.00 to 21.50.
Hartley Dewart, H. C.. who is con-
ducting the prosecutions for the G. T.
R., said that while the company was
determined to stamp out the preetioe
be did not wish the caeca pressed
against the men. Judge Winchester
declined to see it that way, and the
Maximum fine of 2100 was imposed 1,
in each case.
Both Quick and Perman•ent Strength.
1f you are run down or tired out, if
you take cold easily,appetite.
are losing flesh or have
aother vldenc
of lwered vitality, try- our MacLeod'.
System Renovator under our guaran-
tee to refund the price paid if the
remedy fails to give entire satisfaction.
It aids digestion, tones op the nervcus
system and gives both quick and per-
manent results. One dollar a bottle.
Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine
Co., Goderich, Ont. For sale bs- E. R.
There's no economy in using last
year's jar rubbers. New fresh rubbers
cost but 5 cents per dozen at E. R.
Wigle's thou store, Goderich.
Godench W
Exeter • Sept 17, 1g
Zurich ....Sept.
t 1 197
Lucknow •
Sept. 18. 19
fleaforth Sept. 19, 20
A t wood ¢t.10; R►
Ki°cu•dineSept. 19' 20
Ripley • s Sept. 19, 20
Wingbam.... .... $rpt. 1, 27
Milverton Sept.. 5:7
Tiverton Oct. 1
Birth f Oct. 1.2
Dungae°oo , . Oct. 3. 4
Tetewater Oct. Si,4
Brnesab ... ... .• Oct. 3 4
Fotdiv(ob. ' .,.., Oet.5
Bsyileltl.t, . Oct. 8. 9
There la,more
country Dieeedi
and tu the taat
be Fer
tea seeps to •
ties Sad
ski. section of t►e
it war se m.fh't
is M a me-
rSkir.. 0051
«s�aears rrhea tell
hal w core. Bend ter tit
Ohio.n. a: T. J. cn*gy ,it M. 'Made
p� aro�t.tr,�
7r a HWs Iampy Pm. taw-oq lj oe,
Uorjch IndustrialExhibitjon
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -Next Week
hen we will be in a position to handle the BIG BUSINESS
comes or way yearly at this great show. Which
Real and unmistakable will signalize the values you may expect
this store these three days. We are loaded up with , �at
of wtoa find n
fabrics, creations of the manufacturers' skill demi a Kl1h world's f Wen
most critical buyer. e taste . of the
A it s
3I a We have platted !b stock for the now
tall selling liberal quantities of Pail-
ette, Ducbese, Taffeta. Shantung and Mar-
quisette rakee in black, navy, brown and
grey. about 88 inebes wide, a pure soft cloth
guaranteed not to cut or crease. Prime are
.11100, I11.00, *1 ARS. $1.s0
These silks are great wearers when made into
waists, !skirt*, drawee or ladies' coats. We hare
threel of *l to 21 -inch width silk. This lot is
A Purchase that is in the regular way 50e.
On Fair Days you can get drew length* of them
for just..... .... ... if0
A few pieces of summer silks 42e to 45c a yard.
Oa Fair Days you can buy them for onlyRSO
Foulard 8i1k, live pieces fancy mate., 26
incises wide at Mc, oo fair days you can bey aoy-
one of thew for.... .......... •••Oen
other .hiptne°t of new t�
Db God us tip.
s. cords are one of the favorites this yeas.
We are showing them in blue, brown, red.
green and black. ' In the same colon we are
showing Triestine., Serge*, Broad.j, Vene-
tiansand Poplios,50c to$1.26. Pourcolonstill
left that we are selling et 39c, were Opt and
hoc. Four ends of back and white, blue and
white, brown and white, regular 40c for. •20111
VEL V f (0. 4“... aloa
96r , ad *l,3p w .tock b Meek `g11R cTic, tiec,
S W EA'RRR New Sweaters, star fall nod
girt', ladies' and meta inchildevd`e, boy"
tion eolois. s'plain •� a/mbin,
ar e w
refrom the maker.. tinoleu •tock d,
Lards wide, oilcloths 1. 1 j, ala 8 ar 2 and 1
Ties* ds
are new for the present season. with.
AIT-SATCENS �Yer��akiac ort work
and for makingb.d oomfortsre. dor ouofhe
best ones look almostg� as �s of the
15e. Inc, 110c. 25c and 30c. silt. Prices
Some 1/1 Rib cotton Hose in
black and tan still left, l5c or
pairs for 25c. A heavy maks, • great school
stocking. A new lot of wool, great value, S
9, Pe and 10.#
Ask for our 99 cashmere bose. Nods like
them at the pries.
Be sure and get to the Goderich Big Show. This year it will be Bigger and
Better than ever. The trained Elephant attractions will bea loo ;
way to see. worth coming
You are welcome to make our store a convenience for storing wraps or par-
cels during fair time. They will be taken care of until you call for .them.
The most delicious flavors, with
the best and purest Cream,'eerv-
ed at the BALMORAL PAPS. Or-
den by telephone for Ice Cream
in bulk or 10 bricks attended is
promptly. Telephone b4.
Hard „Drinking De -
:ranges the Mind
of a Weft -known
Toronto Man
For teienty years he drank to
ellexra ur.
mind Hantil wasdrink
Gatlin Institute, andjitter rr.ee
• days' treatment he was back to a
normal condition, with no crav-
ipg; or desire for. liquor. This
'treatmaat, elope the drinker
',from drinking, and makes him a
' sober man thereafter.
The t3 tlin', is the original
three h#r �ylrt' terataad isment for therb
commended Icy the min yp�-
session. Everything oonflden-
tlal. Call. write nr 'phone for
, The Gatlin Institute
Here is the
Very Latest
It is known in the
famous loth Century
Brand line as Model
7, Type Natural. it
exhibits every char-
acteristic of style's
latest dictates, in-
cluding the new,
narrow, unpadded
shoulders, short col-
lar, soft roll lapels,
new soft front, six -
button vest and
rather narrow
trousers. The best
dressers are wearing
this style, but only
best dressers can.
We are sole agents for 20th Century srawd Garments.
Handsome Style Hook disering *) New kbit and 21 New Overeat Models 1,,•e.
Miss Donogh wishes to an-
nounce her complete readiness for
the Fall and Winter season, The
showings will comprise high-class,
smart and most fashionable mil-
linery merchandise.
Date of the opening will be
antiousaad next week.
A Persowllnvitation
o n of l
Geo. Hohmeier, the Furniture
Man, requests the people of Goderich
and vicinity to carefully inspect his
showing of fine, high-class furniture
at the Goderich Industrial Exhibition
next wee
A number of pieces in selected
natural Mahogany and Circassian
Walnut, Kyonyx and Quartered Oak,
in a variety ot finishes, will undoubt-
edly interest you.
Call at the store on the Square
and see an unlimited supply of medium
and classy Furniture.
Remember we are the Local
Agents for the Nordheimer Piano.
George f1 oh meter
s�AlgitNil 'emotes 55 wain n 11142 /WIARF