HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-9-12, Page 2wezmegespul AM, INN. marit*Joa ONTARIO. PUBLISHED BV"..RY THURSDAY at THE SIGNAL PRINTING Cu. Limited 71MMa•ae con Na M. Tense el ara•erssion !LOU per aas�.pw.•�is advance. Tel Habitstat etarZe= p.tu • Peer strictly in a4vaue•l. Subscribers �wan, tall to receive Twit Ossal. b�r• �r v emit e.ar • tor a e[ the !teat at as early a dot0 e as radsitile Wawa achampa13 at Odra. is desired, bots old rod tae new addreen deosYY be give& Ate: Lent and ether dalilar advertisements. Inc .at tine ter trot bisection and Si per line for each subsequent insertion. M•soared by • eon pared amts. twelve Uwe to as tack. Besloeer cards of ill ns. sad eider. es pe year. Advertisement* et last. roma.ate nations Vaoant, atteattees ter Sale or to Renk Farms ler War be t, Articles eSale, oto.. set asasMist .WC 'knee, s, .i^ each Irrer[ion : 01 for tat�. �s, 7ws for each subsequent month. Lanus v.rftw meet* In or'000rtios. Announcements in ordinary reading type tea creta per line. No notice lase than 96e. Ane special notice, the object et which ii tin peetudary benefit of any individual or aan ei- felon, to madeared an advertisement and charged accordingly. Rater for display and contract advertir niacin well be given on application. Address an oom.nanioau.na es THE SIONA.L PRINTING CO., LI mit• ttoderich Out. OODERICIL THumpsY,-$ r. it, trots THE PREMIER'S RETURN. Hon. R. L. Borden landed at Quebec on Friday on his return from drat Britain, where be bad been for several months engaged in conferences with the beads of the British (`government and in other business relating to (',median affairs. At Quebec. at efontreal and again at Ottawl,he was gid -en a hearty reception. the welcome at Montreal being especially cordial. Mr. Borden gave an address at each city. but was very guarded in his utterances and gave no iedication of the lines upon which the navaldetence and otber policies are being develo Indeed. he gave the impression that consideration of the navy plane by tis Cabinet at Ottawa is to be delayed until the receipt of further information frotu the British authorities. Armand Lavergne. Mr. Bourasea's lieutenant, was on band at Quebec. He says the Nationalists will oppose Mr. Borden if he does not fulfill his promise to grant a plebiscite on the navy quei+tion. THE LIBERAL CHIEF ON TOUR. Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Saturday gave an address at Matieville, Quebec, me the opening meeting of a tour which will extend over peveral weeks. The Liberal chief was the centre of a striking demonstration, which showed that he has lost none of his wonderful influence with his compatriots of Quebec. He boldly reaffirmed the police of the Liberal party in regard to the navy and declared that twiny of the people of Quebec had been deceived at the last election and had been carried away by those who cried that Laurier was a traitor to his race in imposing a navy upon them. He justified the eatabliehing of a Canadian navy. "itt Quebec," he said, "it is easy to talk of the inutility of a navy. But Canada is not comprised of Quebec alone. There is British ['Mumble at one end of the Dominion and the Maritime Provinces at the other. Should a country like Canada, with the coast line Canada has, memo absolutely without protection ? Those who say so are simply demagogitee. The question is one which must be settled. We solved it in a manner which we believed was our best duty to Canada and to the Empire. It is easy to inspire terror among the people. But I would rather have been beaten than to have won by such means." When the question comes to be dis- cussed in Parliament, the Liberals. said Sir Wilfrid, will discuss it calmly and with dignity. "Never will I raise my voice in appeals to race or religious prejudices. i will try to do my duty as a Canadian and a British subject. I consecrated my life to making Canada x nation. If we are faithful to bur program the nation will live and the party triumph." Sir Wilfrid administered a dignified rebuke to the Nationalists. "The end that 1 here always ret myself has been to unite the different interests in Canada, and make • united country, • united people. You esy : W. want our full rights,' But you must remember that we are in the minority, and when the minority de- mands Its full right. it expanse itself to peculiar humiliations. .'They reproached oar for my policy of conciliation. But that poiiry ex- isted berme me. 1 profit b} the cation to .ay to the Na ne- ow wton` a road they travelled o .deein i ttie�people se tbey have. The c000iliatloe existed he ere me. 1t wee practised by !Spinosa dorieg the earlyp��er+'tt his life, when b. was followed by.oey� of the greatest, mss of our race. But 21: y arm. ot'mlins •salted rmeoaaa. fo vioi.nerr, be wee almadettag by Ohs Oho had 1 his. The � sans 25mteelasisikerokas Ode pokey WY a heroic ao doubt, but endued with blood. " IAfontaioe alsu practised this polio I took up this old ppseii ipl. of the Liberal �iity, and for gift_ o n yeses I put k in penotioe. I have f n, but 1 Dever barstools se proud as I am today. The prosperity of Canada i., I bell ve, Largely due to this policy of oonciliatioa, because where discord is there probp.rt ty cannot be." Bir Wilfrid is to address • number of meetings iu Ontario, among the places to be vidted being Cornwall. Peterborough. Chatham. Woodstock and Mount Forest. SIR GEORGE REID'S ADDRESS. la an address at Toronto Sir George Reid. the Australian etatesatan, pointed out some of the difficulties in the way of the realization of the dream of au Iluperial Parliament. Canada, Australis, South Africa and New Zealand. with Great Britain, do not make up the British Empire. There are the :60,009,000 Asiatic sub- jects. "Would we sit happily in an Imperial Parliament hearing our ac- tion. with regard to the emigration of these inhabitants of India dis- cussed % in such • case what harmony would there be 'r" Outside of the problem of the Asiatic subjects Mir George thought it would 'not be all plant sailing, by any meant. "Sup- pose that the new Parliament cdn- aisted of one trembet for every mil- lion of population. How happy would Australia with her five mem- bers or you with your six or seven be should the forty-five from the Mother Country decide upon and carry some methods of taxation to ur, obnoxious r" "No." said the Australian knight with emphasis, "local Parliameuts in the different dominions ate the safety - valves of Empire, while an Imperial Parliament might result in a calamity such as caused your neighbors across the border to be known es the United States at the present day." In the heavens many pltnets revolve har- moniously around one sten. Attempt to tie these planets t.o their sun and the result would be chaos. Imperial cotdiLioos, the speaker thought, wase not a/together dissimilar, Great Brit- aio being the sun. the great depend- encies thle planets. EDITORIAL NOTES. 1t looks as if we might have a fine bummer this fall. Let's all go to Be? the elephants at the fair next week. The town council made :t "hit" all right in deciding not to oil the streets this year. The undertaken held a convention at Toronto last week. teeveral mat- ters of grave moment were discussed. Chairman Smithery, of the Grand Trunk Pacific, states his expectation that the first through train from Montreal to Prince Rupert on the National Transcontinental Railway will be run early in 1914. The complaint is made that the ag- ricultural interests are not receiving the attention they deserve at Toronto Exhibition, and as a result the ex- hibit.; of farm products ehowed a marked failing off this year, Several deaths have occurred in On- tario lately as the result of eating poisonous fungus growths supposed to be mushrooms. It should hardly be necessary to warn people to be caret u what they put in their mouths. At a rally of Liberaa of the Eastern Townships on Saturday last Hon. Sydney Faber and Hon. Geo. P. Graham declared their adherence to the reciprocity and Canadian navy policies of the Late Government. The Windsor Record, looking over the situation, remarks that "some day we ought to hold a pleasant little gathering and have a heart-to-heart talk with each other te decide whether we are going to he Letnedians or im- perialistic windjammers.'' The request of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for permission to Increase it* capital stock by sixty mil- lion dollen. will raise an important question at the coming session of Pen (Lament. Care must be taken to pre- vent the emcees of any stock -watering scheme. The attendance at the Toronto Ex- hibition did not reach the million Quirk, es was fondly expected. The direetore of the Ooderich industrial have not. set their expectations quite .n high. but they hope, with the fair consideration of the weather man, U. break their own record. Dr. J. N. Mackenzie. • preobe•or in Johns Hopkins University, den tonna the craw for removing the t,.vila The function of the tonsils b. ue- knows and people here a settee that they are tisanes. 8ese day thrill sso will be dissevered sad thea the pi. ,4, that haveatiaay will be in a die kens •f a 1s. There was es beteg is belied ion with Premier lsrdsa4 twgrlies at Quebec that was not on the official f P"rrwhere M. Just nodal a the ONTARIO where Mr. Borden landed is the boom of a man named Patrick Murphy. Patrick was out witb the crowd, but the way he welcomed the Prouder was by holding aloft a huge picture of Sir iVilfrid Laurier and cheering for Laurier with the full power of • pair of good Irish lungs. It is said to Ire the impression In (creat Britain that the Borden naval policy is to be in the main the Laurier policy. Mr. Borden has evidently dip - covered in his Conferences with the authorities of the Admiralty that the policy and plans of the bats Govern- ment were well designed to meet ex- isting coeditioou. The Tcry news- papers which have been sneering at the "tiopot navy" wit/ have to adopt & more respectful attitude, but they bare made quick gurus before and can do it again. Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic gindidate for the United States Presi- dency, is credited by protectionist organs in Canada with the statement that free- trade sentiment in the United States isdead. Mr. Wilson, of course, said nothing of the kind. His reply to the alarmists who talk about the danger of free trade is that it is not proposed at the present time to introduce absolute freedom of trade. but to scale down the tariff. it is an health old trick of the protected int' rests tp There sr, probably hundreds of thea represent the opponents of pr etection sands, Peeps millions of wemas i• the rr res l°d. man of a kindness ts-- as ravening monete . United States who have bean ferrel is little less than a marmots -- by of industry by the intro by this fatuous cid remedy, which was produced from recto and herbs over ge - yeats ago by a woman to relieve we - man's suffering. It you seasick and need sack a medicine, why don't you try it? care and ,kill, so that the unhealthy If yeawsat special advise writete conditions superinduced by high tar- igigZ'L ole,pigK s.5Year ar Ce.. easel iffe may be removed without undue he opened, read Kass. Numeral by$ shock. Such caro and skill he pro- mesas asd 1Nd [s whist Mafisagb poses to give to the case, not for the ^�" perpetuation of high tariffs, but for shambles, should surceed to power. the gradual elimination of protection they will control the whole foreign and a return to healthy conditions of and domestic policy of the Rmnire. trade. His lack of reverence o �Ve In Csmad. °teat trust them, so tar tectionist doctrine is clearly shown blit WOMAIS Freed From That Wean, Le... acid, Always Tired Feat• by Lydia E. Fiala - Luis Composed. 11,esmase. Oatme menet speak flee Of esedkis& Whoa nor op - petit* is peer acid I • that weak, fai- slwgys tired ailing, I get a be‘ tie •t Lydia IL Pink- s Veg•tabl Compound, and 1 builds me up, gives me strength, and re- stores me to perfect health again. It is truly a biassing to women, and I cannel speak gitb of it. I take pisas- Mrs. AIR= t sa1.oN,Te••a . Dat. Women who ars suffering from time &streaming i1ls peculiar to their s e x should sot Ire sight of these facts of doubt the ability of Lydia E. Piakhata's Vegetable Cospoend to restate tihsir • t 1 Tiverton, Digby Co.. N. S . Sept.m- ber 9th.-(8pe ll -Every day seems to bring a message of cheer for the weak. rundown weiseu of Canada Today's message Domes from Mrs. Lois McKay, • well-known resident of thio Minn. She. like others, has found new life io Dodd's Kidney rills. "Before I used Dudd's Kidney Pike," Mts. McKay states, .'1 suffered with abed pain in my haek and side, pains in my bowels. and .harp. cutting pains around the heart. 1 was always tired. Mometinea wben 1 eat down I onuid hardly net up 1 out of the chair. But thanks is Dodd's Kidney Pitt,, WV pain to all gone and my tack is welt," them wanted to "bore boles In the British deg r Ceddn't Be-Yesepted. Tweet* Mae it transpires atter fey, death that Judet• Mabee renamed Mehl vet tbou- yaM dAlms • year to Menne counsel fes a railway ton. jet whops that Canada wi always liars ouch p*iriots who put • lite of service above money. that to Sir James. & leseweat Omens. Sir James Whitney has been des- cribed at a wo.nan's suffrage meeting as (he oue obstacle to the progress of the Daum to Canada. Som. of the ttghtloR English advocates of the en- tranohkemeat of the coos gentler sox ars reported to be ootuing this way. Bir James may save mooev by having wire screens put on his windows. PROOF POR WOMEN. They Can Pied Relief in Dodd'. Kidney Palk. g n Intent U1.30 the benefited Demobthen.s. duction of tree trade at one tell swoop. Mr. Wilson is a rational free - trader who realizes that the disease of protection must be treated with great for pro -as relates to anything outside of da h1* watches. in which he demos. men to deal wisely and justly with strafe, that the people of the United States have been bled by the mainten- ance of high prices under the tariff, and at the same time workmen in protected industries have been exist- ing at starvation wage.. In the Fields. Toone who has been long in city peat. Tie very sweet to look into the fair And open taco ot heat.,, -to breathe a prayer Full In the',mile of the blue firmament. Wbo L+ more happy when, with heart's content. Fatigued he ,sink, tato some pleasant lair (K wavy green and read. a debonair And gentle tale of love wd languishment t & Returning home at evening, with an ear t Catching the noise of Phnom.' -an eye Watching the railing cloudier., bright career, He mourns that day so soon toe glided by : E'en like ahs passage of an angers tear That falls through the clear ether silently. -John Best. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. The Major. a How could ('&nada trust such Germany or any other foreign power : with India, with Egypt, with South Africa ? [(Canada is to take a greater part in Imperial affairs she must look somewhat anxiously at the teen who are to - become the counsellors and guide, of the Rutpire. Are these great affeire to be eotrusted to men who fall far below the staadarde not only of Gladstone and Salisbury, but of Macdonald, Laurier, Borden and Joseph Howe ? Domestic Aiaire Came Fust. Guelph Mercury. What with trying to finance the fill- ing of the coal bin, and making the wet salt come through the shake••, true verage man has been too (hesy lately o bother much about the German war Scare. The Quebec Nationalists. Hallnx CIuesdelo. The London Advertiser recalls that meaty of Mr. Borden'. Quebec sup- porters in the House of eOmllhne won their Seats by declaring against any Canadian expenditure for naval mu- mmies. Yes. and some of the chief of K I.daor Record. So our old Parliamentary h' old R . Norman Lewis, has become1e a major. WM, he has a commanding presence. Still on Deck. Greenwood Ledge. The fly has been swatted all sum- mer, but we notice that he is still able to sit tip in the butter and take a little nourishment.dollar ■ - . . • ■ -e� •... I 10 • '_e , - 1.011.0■�.r•a •w, r alga IMO..6 • 116.41IMMi.t ISmow • 14111111 a "Amen/ r ti biros You &jay Your Trip Prima wsisa■■t roe an an arra at awl ad.astal~.I pas el .`taatr e n taa reloads erer.wfe.. erns so- reestm t ird warmw■.emor steel tlo k. W L awn Mewl �e1 - me RM.L areal oeuvre. see taia flee.. der TM It I TM aur erne■sk ■ae ewer rase la tie eenL 11. C. beensw Arent aver Ter 4 AONLSON 1 AON For Fair Week Sixty only, Aneticdlal lD Quilts Spreads, large double b -d tile. 7 s, w11111 qup , o< quilt •haaity washed and most serviceableandIffid p Bseae appearsa;ttea. a a....... Table Linens patterns, bunnd ed new. b dolga and r !leen' _Rae 'bale Cloths In ranted perfect. Best value we ever at rise s �� aid wan Women's Cashmere I briery of medium weight. all wool, They're t o ho double -ply heels and extra strong is p& er ��j��► nt irk only. ieuriog at per pair w.. Maws 1, 91 10 Novel earl tLadies' and weaves in Misses' Sweater Cost/ .... lisp fil yarns in navy tea. cream, reds. Meek. greys. SINage Onsite ad at ach. $1.60, 12.09. 7i and Children's Oasts. spared 1l.$0 riot E1.11. Corset The sew -We �Orys Ll Grace- are hero. �.atisteesay� The more higlsmt slam is everydetail and dight or stead fybr.e at emit 91 en 111. 1t peellsist Keine for medium, SUM. 1s<so, aims t>±l.�i,. 1199,11111111911. -The slew a La Ones. "Era•sier" or °cosset fore, Werwaist. every nee at suss 71s sad $i .Op UMW ie lad Gloves Paan... maim be lana biota, greys e4 white, every wassaatti. at $1.00 amid 111.25 'Ne.:. Oen% rasa Was Yd emws�se a Aped h Yvy. whit., r.,., r. Glove. spacial sale 69c Fleet Liminess. The � /WM M the eibilegish -direct f n p, lemma to 1 yards. soma,' d.plerasping in width, 6oc Ober Oil C1sehe them ams. dssam,np e. 1. 11. 1$, 2, 11 wide at pee squaws yea. 4lie. Ills ami. Sac Uerstem end eoMteet help a�-- -tmmit bidws y •atis4tetory mann« W. ACHESON a SON TOMO..lidew to• t 1r r.•ay. write tor AS lor s /K t101111L 5Ia! Daseesmme- be sesid.etisl eilasete.n. TM "Mild ofillegalineiw wahb • babas fur sial. were. Teeeiah means le Woe. 0,11•Mi. High 8a141, Madsen PMaw deat Domenic adewes. laep excesses immicl•..n.ire■- Sant: etmiit Beer. teossss health of sevidsent. laud aressasa man, girl aasal as ALMA training. Sea bomr pm - wen= seat es amessiba M Principal, 42 Sturdy's ffit•Off3 IMMO glees ;eager sat mere sampisei protesting. Per of omit. tkaa rad readag, oeicy dswof leg. With ever 300 tmssslass. Riabsr,eid is sea trhee Met Mods Is 3 p/ We IRed Ikon. Grams-, eel lasWan t anyes decidLooe es the towsed. se a•a•comiltafsse. 111119111111199111111129. telasidasamgaugppea How True ! Stratford Herald. It is one of the ironies of fate that Lite most beautiful part of the day to be awake is also the moot pleasant part of the day to be asleep. Ne Right to Complain. Guelph Mercury If the people of Ontario insist on having a Conservative Government both at Toronto sod Ottawa, they have no right to complain about the weather. A Bucolic Version. Orilla Packet. It was an Oro man (and a Presby- terian, too I► who said be believed in a man taking the beans out of his own eyes before he attempted to take the oats out of his brother's. Growing Deaf. Buffalo )`.Grew'. Canada is getting very worried about what it will do with Its wheat when it gets to raising 400,000,000 - bushel crops. It notes that Great Britain importa only half that amount, and then it caste an eye down this way and whispers somethi.g shoot reciprocity. Tbere ix a growing deaf- ness in the. direction. Please Tel Us. KInaet.. Ittasikatd, Will some ace be good alkeesgb to ex- pisin why it is that prim et beef In Canada and the U Matas are /ember than thy are la r We are shipping beef to Great talo and yet, to New York, arida wells at 28 cents a Lound and in London at lee °nota- There is a nigger in the wood. pis somewhere. Ins. Piddamg CwrsK Mack. Umania them The Nova Seeds Tory sewspapens aro quite exercised over the report that Hoe. Yr. Plildian ts.y again reset r public life. The ex-MinIsteer, weenier- etaar is much improved Is 12.s4 his defeat may have only hero le him - lee hi disguise. Th. Libman out the Menial, we be i1 1lled though - out l ere t `— , 91s.nee ■isisese is hareem M They le fibs Trebel1 Sam if Bower Lawsesakh assd Gerson, who ;impose to tura Ireland into s IS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries ALL WE ASIC IS A TRIAL The Paodora Range When the largest stove manufacture!, in the British Empire employ the best scientific stove expert that can he had, to design and build their stoves, don't you think you owe it to yourself to he shown these stoves before you buy ? The steel -limed twin which assurer a perfect evenness of heat, leaving your baking thoroughly conked and beautifully browned on all sides: the splendid enameled reservoir ; the triple nickleedplating: the guaranteed fire -box and late* draft to ecothe nomize your ffuelike billpthese are features LLthat het place the Pandora superior to say other range. We deem it a pleasure to show you these stoves. Cell and , see Cham any time. Hoven (Madero Co., Unikt GODERICH Sturd3 & Co. The Grooms On the Square 'PHONE 11 owartartirtmotranowasiatinewaramis SUMMER GOODS We are (narking them at prices at which yon can ave dollar. by buying now. Refrigerators Ranging in price from $6.44 to $19.40. Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves The Detroit le absolutely safe. it will pay 7m to buy one now. Hammocks An .asortment of well made beautifully colored hammocks, ranging in price from 75c to 118.86. Lawn Mowers One only Brockville make, r blades, 16 -inch rot; high wheel. Regular 16.00, Now $4.06. One only Pennsy4vania, bail - bearing h Nodes, 17 -inch cot: high Now 117.46. Repute"- f 1200. One only Great Ameeiein. ball-Aaring ; 6 blades, 17-ineb cot: high wheel. Regular 116.60. Now $11.76. SCHOOL : SHOES The time has come again to get war bora and girls prepared for the tall term at school. They will need good st r o n rr serviceable Shoes—the kind that will stand a severe test in any weather. At our store you will find the most complete stock of the class of Footwear that will give satisfaction, at the lowest prices possible. Don't fail to call and see what good Shoes should be. Repairing BARGAINS We have arranged a counter upon which es place bargains r,l Exceptional value, Some of them we mention hese. Elephant Paint at 12.00 per el , Harness Polish, reg. 46c bot - flea for 17c. Dinner Pails Round. 2 -division pails selling sow at 25e. Varnish Stain in ta4a lot ahogany, i t - wood, Antique Oak, ate. iteg. 25r ties, now ,-„1l10 RA -g. 96c tins. now,Bk Reg. fi6e tins, now Rat Traps Sure Catch rat traps. Reg. 16e. Now 11c, Screw Drivers Different abase. Twee °hobs”. Downing 6' MacVicar NUliTei BIDE Ole RQUARri. GODERICH. Uenap.tbla dinner pails. very beady. Melling sew atlas. Cow Ease 5i.. Else away from rows and horns Them who arse it say iittle_pea up la lits CEMENT Pref/etu sol . et. bow syea seed and gill year seder with fresh Howell Hardware Co., ,Ltd. rim BRET PLACE TO WY HARP ARE