HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-9-12, Page 1F'11Fair Printing [`Uses leave others eptly fur any printing required for she ..Ps,IV Fab next week. t'tn•ulai.. bandbille, stem, printed is Stet elm* style Ott ,4%,„taipetee, by Tut Signal Jou DRPi.1'r ifiwr i \ t \ r n t' RYE YgAK-Mw'1lr -,T GODEBIICI1, 111URSAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1912 TflE STERLINGBANK OP CANADA 13E BUSINESS -LIKE Put your hoaesbold affairs on a buaiaees-like baaie, Open a ravings account and pay household coeounte by cheque. It's the retest and most satire factory way. Your savings account earns interest as well. _ Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISBET 1 \SURANCE AND REAL ESTATE DISTRICT AGENT OF THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA +FiCE NEXT CANADiAN RANK OF COMMERCE, (IODERICH 'PltoNic 20 P. 0. Box 9114 T( ) Goden7c I n business - They profit most who serve best. . The new C. P. ft. line Goderich to Hamilton brings these places into direct connection with each other .cod therefore the in- terests of both places are better served. The Hamilton Fire lneorance Co. be. it. Head Office in Hamil- ton. Should you suffer a lose front tire you want a prompt adjust- ment and settlement. You are assured these if you have a policy with this Company. service has been the keynote of ow aucceee. 1. W. CRAIGJE, Agent, Goderich Office on Square next to C. P. R. Office. Telephones 24 and 124 AUCT1ONSEIIb. THOMAS GUNDRY 11 AUCTIONEER Hes VC: l.shs.tierte by wail w+sea m AssfMass a7+.t.pbws r.6 a1. at ea CHAUFFRUNS. W PER WEEK 18 AVER- AGE take• oar err ee dere are cibmellens � deg. Week! you Hie to drew a cart wr11t tar ?1 1 booklet. ookle . TORONTO AUTO INKY. TuTt W II3YBURN /I ) ULLETIN Many clients of ours have made thousands of dollars by investing in Weyburn property during the past year. We can show a list of prominent business men who have made small fortunes by investing in WIBY URN When you consider that the Grand Trunk Pacific are grading their line into Weyburn, the C. P. R. and G. T. P. are building new stations. freight sheds and yards, roundhouses, etc., and that building permits run over $Soo,000 for the year so far, a record That many a city of 75,000 would be proud of -wouldn't this convince you that an in- vestment in property situated only hve blocks from the postoffice at $250 per lot is good buying and bound to make you money? Better write us at once. We sell oo easy terms. E. V. Campion & Company BI11OQI.TPT BANE BUILDING WEYRURN. RAST ATCHEWAN PUBLIC NOTICE ♦ R M HELP AND DOMESTIC YANTIL-pe.,o.e reeetrtee Cern tele +1, .t ease to WILLIAM 0nioQUIL- �- Oorerweeat igstsleyt�ont k outrdw calf wltb N. D. At Helene, Ost., will roatve .swlset .the tbir NOTICE. -I HEREBY GIVE PUB- LIC notice that no ppeareme.es bail s.l debt to sell any 01 tae .tock or chattels 01 my hither. Christopher Lambertes. or to have airy deal Ing. therewith. as be Me len them In y to cam for stomal hi. absence. 06 WA P. WMBERTU8. Ooderieb. August 191b 1812. 17 tin 10LBORNE TOWNSHIP. . TICNDHRS WANTED. Teodoro will be reodvrd kg the op to Friday, W pie -bet , at i e - tor the building et • osWat Miss se Irioo line at ♦lex feria) to be turniabed by SbprM! door may be ,seri .t It. ISAAC H fs , NLN. P N. fl10WN$HIP OF COLBORNE. is mite WANTED. Ap iostless for the po Ussol tawwblp clerk le weetved bl UM cwtlea.rs/l at •,be -H..uF. W y`t°. .4. awn- " 4 VOTERS' LIST, 1912. r� UNICRICH. COUNY ORTY OF HUROWN N. OODLC Nas N hereby siva. tial I heat.w.wM crra.at- ted utiles Am tki• ! aI the O the usprwsae isto Aot, gibe entlaellte=s cra ter As- iN..y.nd sM e•&.d11 `tb•t ro hall ea Use 11104.,I so p Mow00N ole• there for 'e -e l 1 can epee all voters to take tees semesdlap to bare say errors or corrected according to law. this Inh day of deptimber. 19UL LL KNOX. • 169! Clerk of Town of Oodertcb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 777E Re TATE Or JAN'& MoOiArri, . LATIC Or 'I'rIt TOwrr Or 0o0ERrcR, off TR& COUNTY or HURON, wiaxw, DECSAO&D. Novae I. hereby given pursuant to I, Geo. V., hs bestow e1ln -..Satnall ,I<the rotate of the said Jane McOratten, deceived. wbo died os or sheet the 6th da of September, 1912. ere re- �as�.d ea or before the first day of October. Ia to.sod b7 po..t Or deliver to the unde- etha.d-sdieitorfor the executors of the Isis wwD�1l ee[[ the -ltd deceased. their names, ,d. eed descrtptions the full particulars of ..d the nature of the securities. If se 0.Y 7 them. Msa weau.d Mle ee. tate notice -t after such It- erooed data thesaid executors wee proceed ted(.tribete the assets of the deceased amosrt the perils" entitled thereto. haying regard only to the cWm. of whicb they .hall then have no now and that they will not be liable for the tell s..tI, or any part, thereof. than, person or /yN.s of whose claim- amiss, shall not have tMe{ebrar.xt,ed by them at the time of .orb dls- thta ninth dal of Septewel►er. MU. t AARLE(OA1tIWW. Solicitor for Henry You ng and James Garrick, Executors. 20-t FOR SALE OR TO (RENT FARM FOR !SALE -150 ACRES. lot 2,1 and part a. 2nd cooces.ion of Wert Wawanosh. throe miles from Auburn, six miler horn Dungannon and two miles from Prosperity posto9►ce. Coovenlent a ecbool and chpreb. GSW new Krick house with fur- nace and telephone connection ; good barna The farm im well fenced and well watered and is In • good state of cultivation. Ten soren hardwood bush. Four acre. of orchard. mostly winter fruit. I'osse.ion can be given any time. Terms to suit purchaser. ALEX. ROSE. Auburn. 20lm. 1110 RENT. - ('OM F'0RTABI.E TWO- STORY brick bonne on Victoria street ; W modern oo•venleoe,ee. Pon can be given any time afar reptember 14.. For time and farther particulars apply to MALCOLM MORAY, Albert street 2t OR BAi.E OR TO RENT. -THE comfort able brick hoose at corner of Bay - sad IMtaanea reed?: nine moms; modern esnamienees. Pta.arNI e.n to given In as p comber. Applyto wit. WAITE, Rayne* r1oae.�j,, oderfcb P. O., or NELSON HILL. Lan. d.eboroO1' M O. 1621 EWE SALE. -1 WO BRI('K HOUSES, i` eomp.n&lvely sew. with all modern Im- provemaMth, t w tan p.rtieuIan and terms apply to MRS. W. A. RHYWAS. 8.et street. HOICE FARMS FOR SALK-788 lace, b.iee Wit 1B and dr ea Sed owiess.- •�.s6edee-lsb� swee,n.w�rhtiaapW. aa04gl.o w let et wade s i m.ie.stal row iii eat 1r. Arlt. HssMM water : wan teemed and GNM islig‘tolis sash .p ser reed stentrim bow Me mete Streat byttlw es to , Mirk M Orb 7MOWaB R u.r^ int; DOR SALE OR RENT. - "MAPLE V Lawn." the prurient home of the under - Wised, corner Neweate street and Cambria road. Poeseesfoe osa be given October tet, et mseer if desired. Terms to reit purchaser. ALEX. SAUNI)188, Goderich !home cm Lb![ LIARMLE.-- FOR SASIXTY-FIVE amen. lot N. r. L l,. D. Coli -n. led • hill beim I. trilogies lad ealbe ndleg.; teed MAW mom st klt- aa sad ober belle- Omit �s�t= at here. All esyNtw. Boll it +Imam a inmates W ED. - FOR A CLIENT, ACD. fled-teh. Seed fan tssai tea �elreeemetm a tent >r .1 i. a: (►.t. halm R SALE.-sTHE s1100-ACRE FARM oastie the ee�aam.(N.�e s . a istsebase°w°�eala.. t. btesss alt/. /M.... "lob= is rem 'suet ttrwe of 6rae.d yw�Is �saa�dy(���,��,��� 2nd e�ys ba..dd� .role tum 6LL *No R1Lt b traitor N. EM FOR 1...arsMALL- THE*AKT 11111N1tbeh.eoi AY -e- PRuDwpAaYrbetw i. swell �- .---- - _. e.ereegrair 7, _ sett jw..a FA1W awe?erO-Re�llltit 6Listtr orwe v` 1 A TRIAL TRIP The Signal fur Ibr talenoe of the yes( to new subscribers for only T111111NAL MUNI INS CO., Ltd.. Pus011llt=ts 25 CENTS IPOR 05*rst.-I e�,CR11l.OFLAND AC .. w ar.te..M/ts. of the tewiesbtp of AIWA &twat Y etM wed 4 NIl. God elsnitiration.salt of It WON Cionfortable � Ass �aiiirs Skin b wane ie boom stabler. &Ise feasor ess el allttr rc emse tbs p.. -lege. gem.• wile 0.A y 4441. A Wyse! FOR BALE. --UN BRUCE wree! : elevec a 4,010.-.wsresa.o tt44(�r!toad cellar. camera .AtK ILPATe IC , m the p enem Wit R RALE. -A BUILDING IAT eAIL Newsets threes. A ppty to Y. J.P D- UOUBR AND LOT FOR SALK ON LA Huron nod, s.b-t distance tram tows Ilmka Let matelot two acre. with toed 'reliant and metal) fr 1t - Free be..s it Seed repair. Aaye.e *4.04.g to 1s"^•wt name win b. wesee. is; sol 1111.?. APO) 56 Tine OFFICE far t. !.row lrw. le-tt ER SAi.E. -100 AGREE OF LAND li emu eerie e/ the taw. of AasIortb. any Imam, all bar. withbl abler seluveUes. trek lg fie : lame !rase muss; to oewly painted, all repair; well aptp�yboth 1]I[IAS) IMAM 00 'K. Santorbare wad llama bowie. a Ont. Tj1OR BALE. -TEAT FINE RESI- iN M.tial pr�wepps-tty at the oorner of Cameros streets. Iis ly known ail w*. tllas property, t. for sale. It W. 10.. sleeted with the 1.M a all kis.ds. are twa brick �ilea�� .ad i�he � to tee ball! nate Ise =sad weeders •.ve. MiNes. 4.0.. manor ` el a in (iod� ori N be old a0. ti yta Nr torn Apd1 to P. . IIYAN P'>desisb• VOR BALE. -TRE ACRES O[! LU - i CERNS Wal i. (� sold to three or ave- ms*lets er all Teethe. A'WREW JOHN- STON, Carlow. LOST OE FOUND. ADY'S RAINCOAT FOUND.- LI Apply atSIGNAL OFFICE. HILL LOST ON THE SQUARE oo Tuesday. Reward will be paid on re - &every. SIGNAL OFFICE. LOST. -ON OR BOt7'f AUGUST 3rd. for terrier ``bout -tx mane old. Brown marked on told aide. For return wear iota-muttonse whereabouts reward will be paid by the pleel. 0. L PARSON& . LOUT. -BETWEEN 51'. PETER'S Mom* and Msweet. se yst xrya residence• South leave at THE8lONAL FICKFinder Seem FIRE! HODGENS BROS.' STORE JUTTED F RIOAY MORNING. Discovered at 1 o'clock, Flames Are Got Under Control in About Two Hours Danger to Adjoining Buildings Averted by Fire Brigadie s Good Work A Big Loss. l Hod8ens tiros. are arranging for temporary quarters and will reopen their millinery and dressmaking de - par tments on Monday next. FRuDA1, Sept. 13. A.1 o'clock this morcing fire was discovered in Hodgen. Bros.' drygoods store. The alarm was wounded and witheut undue delay the Ore brigade was nn hand and doing good work. 1'be fire WAN chiefly on the second floor at the rear of the store and it threatened to spread to the build- ings closely adjoining. Fortunately there was very little wind, or the conflagration might easily have got beyond control. The men worked hard and the fare was confined to the Hndgens stole, which, however, was badly gutted. The costly stock of drygoods. carpets. fur., etc., was horned or ruined by the water poured upon it. By 3 o'clock the fire was under control. The roof is burned off the heck portion of the store. and the interior is more or leer turned, blist- ered or otherwise damaged. Four of the five plate gismo windows in the front of the second floor are broker]. It is supposed that the blaze must have started from an electric light wire. There had been no Ore in the store and everything was apparently all right when one of the clerks was in the store in the evening after closing - up time. 1t is impo.sihle at present to esti- mate the lose. The stock was worth about $45,000. There is insurance of $39.000 on the stock and 111100 on the fixtures. The building belongs to the Joseph Whitely estate. The loss and interruption of bushman' GODERICII JNDILJSTR!A L 1E%IJIBI TION SEPTEMBER 16, 17, 18, 1912 Leading Exhibition in Counties of Huron, Perth, Bruce. Special Features in Many Classes. ;-7"�- Clean, Good Attractions in the Midway. Amusements of All Kinds. Speed Tests - 4 Events Track in Magnificent Condition Educational Display of Fruit by the National Land and Fruit Co. of Toronto. $1500 In Prizes - $1500 738 First P,4.ss 795 Second Prizes Third Prizes Largest Accommedatibnf er Horses and Live Stock in Western District The 33rd Regiment ,, 11 and in addition to other Special Features, the management have been most fortunate in securing the greatest attraction ever ofl.red at our Fall Fair • Powers' Performing Elephants One of the leading feature. at Torooto Exhibition for two week*: going from there to the Dominion Exhibition at Ottawa ; coming direct from Ottawa to (ioderich by special • 'press in time for the .opening of Huron's Ore atest Fair. Toronto, Ottawa and Goderich are the only three platens in Canada where these marrllloue n onarcb. of the African jungles will perform their moat wonderful mimicry of barman acts. D0 NOT Fell. TO SER THE L:tRGEST BARRER IN THE WIRLpf a Entries should be mads at once to Ades Fowler. `secretary, Public Library Building. Goderich. COKE AND SPEND A HAPi'Y- DAY Admission 23 Cents Children under 12, 10 Cents Greed Stand, Afternoon We., Evening lee. will undoubtedly be considerable, but the Messrs. Hodgen. will no doubt quickly get about, with characteristic energy and enterprise, to renew their stook and retain the splendid busi- ness which they have built up by un- tiring industry and careful attention to the wants of their customers. THE HAMILTON VISIT. Rosiness Men of the Ambitious City Speed a Pew Hours in Town. The special train on the C. P. R. bringing the Hamilton business men's excursion arrived shortly after 7 o'clock this evening. It was scheduled to arrive at 6.80, but a breakdown of the motive power shortly after leaving Listowel caused a delay. It seas in- tended to give the visitore a drive of an hour or so about town and then to have sures speeches on the Square, followed by a luncbeun at Hotel Sun- set. On account of the late arrival of the train, however, it was necessary to cut down the program, and the visitors were simply given a short drive to the Square and then back to the hotel, the trip being made to auto- mobiles provided by some of the citi- zens. There were &brut sixty in the party. 1n addition to twenty -Ove membere of the 13th Regiment baud. After luncheon at Hotel Sunset there was a program of toasts and speeches, Mayor Reid presiding, and a very interesting time 1..0 spent. A report of the proceedings will be elven in next week's issue. About midnight the party took their train for the return to Hamilton. The 13th Regiment bend during the evening gave a delightful program on the Squat e. FALL FAIR NOTES. The Gederieh industrial Monday, Tues- day and Wednpday of Next Week. Thie has been a very busy week for all concerned in the fall fair work. En- tries are coming in freely from our own locality and from distant points also. The fame of the Exhibition is extending more widely each year. The directorate are succeeding very well with their efforts in securing amusing attractions, not only before the stand but in the Midway. Such old favorites as John'. glass blowers will be here, as well as many new features. The great pttraetion will be, of course, Power's performing elephants, well worth the price of admission alone. "The bit of the show" is wired from Ottawa, and in Toronto a tre- mendous sensation was caused by these very intelligent creatures. The weather conditions have fav- ored the rtpl fag of the apples and other fruits and the prospeeta for a good show of grapes are brighter far than a week ago. Intendingexhibitore should remem- her that the secretary will be found in the afternoons and evenings of Fri- day and Saturday at the office in the basement of the public library, where entries can be left and enquiries answered. • LOSES POSITION, COMMITS SUICIDE. Henry B. Smith, Formerly of Clinton, Ends His Life at Rochester. Rochester. Sept. 8. -Melancholy be- cause he had lost his position as floor- walker in the Duffy-Powet•s depart- ment store herr+. Henry H. Smith, twenty-five. went to his room in Windsor street late last eight and turned on the gas. He was found dead in bed thin morn- ing. - Smith came bare from Clinton, Ontario. a year ago. He had been em- ployed as a clerk in the .Duffy store and was finally promoted to aisle man- ager. Two weeks ego he was die. charged, the store superintendent tell- ing him he bad not "mane good." Smith complained to his landlady that he felt badly over the loos of his position. Last night he called out to her that she would find his room rent on the dresser in the mnrninfr. He entered his room, closed the window, stuffed paper in the keyhole of the door, and then turned on the gas. A WEST HURON TRUSTEES' ASSOCIATION. A number of Trustees' Associations have been formed in different parts of Ontario. It has been felt by many that a Trustees' Association for West Huron would give our schools an in- spiration and an uplift. With this ob- ject in view a few trustees met and de- cided to call a meeting to be held in the Collegiate institute, Goderieh, on Thursday, September 20th, comment ing at 1:30 p. no.. to tvbich all school trustees are invited, for the purpose of organizing a Trustees Association for this inspectorate. The announcement will he found on page 11 of the West Huron Teachers Institute program, a copy of which bas been sent to the teacher to he given to the secretary of the school board. It is only by united action that trustee* will secure three changes which they believe will bene- fit their children and their schools, If at least one representative from each whorl' board attende the meeting on the 18th inst. a strong Association may be formed whose influence will be felt to educational matters throughout Um district, and will give greater oni- foealty and satistsettoo is the 11r man - of the schools. ensherw contemplate with 04111111111111 the organisation of a trustee& Vie. a new ors in educe. May every teacher he present and every school board r..preseeteed at Gedaricb Collegiate Institute on Rep - towbar Mb. 1611 J. Biota Toes. is*pector .1 tails Illsimsollo Oedsr4eb. Rapt a. 4912 THE TOWN COUNCIL TAX RATE THIS YEAR WILL SE 29 MILLS. Another Letter from Hon. Adam Beck - Communication from Goderich Rural Telephone Co in Connec- tion with Blyth Company's Request -Centre Huron License Fund. The tax rate for (iuderich this year is to be 29 mille on the defier. made up a. follows : 21 mills for general put - (including electric railway levy'. Cmille for pubil!• school raters, and l j milk for Collegiate Institute rate. A discount of two per cent. will be al- lowed on payments made on or before October 15; a discount of one per sent. on peymeuts made on or before November 15; and an addition of two per cent. will be made on taxes not paid by December 15th and an addi- tion of Hve per Dent. on taxes not paid by January let next. The statement of estimated leceipte and expenditure* for the year, as sub- mitted by the finance committee, at the tneetiog of the town council last Friday evening, is as follows Balance from MI. Railway tax () 1.4...▪ sea !.121.30 ▪ .. 51508 i 1,a11t00 _ier#. ra Ca ..' • 26.l0gOntU51000 100.00 Market Der �at x lMaiO le Lesse�0 vewieat &roses -sats as Oa 1111.. 1111 >fflM stet Water . dsr.10 Sewer rent 41)0.0000 Rent.. 300.47, Inteee.1 from Ra*k 1Y3,q, Summer hotel sale. .. .... Tan --Coll. Inez. andralefeeseeMo. 066 General NtloM. xt intelliebrelneeh 8aiarier - $ Venus° Prtnttoa and advertldaf ... .. 10100 Fire department 1.000,00 Law 363.08: 3,500.00 170.00 100 Olt LLOo.•t0 110.00 10 111044 1,100.10 30810 1100 1,860.00 10 00 Publio wefts Parks /'barlty Bank Interiet Election. Cemetery Public school board. Separate schoo). Collegiate Institute Board of health ..-. insurance Grants .... Market ... ......, Debenture account. County rete ... ... p:.....,.70 O. W r R lotenest OB Ml.oellaneoas f.. 51 Overdraft•...... .... .. 13.771130 Mayor Reid presided at the meeting, and all the members of council were present except Councillors Elliott, Venetic,. and Fellow. The following letter from Hon. Adam Beck was read : L L Knox. bay., Town Clerk, Goderich. Ont. DRAIN SIR.,-YOIun of August 26th came to pend. 1 regret exceedingly that owing t0 un- torween circumstances the Commission has not been able to etre you a full report un the power possibilities ofyourdistrict ere this. I hope within discourse of eight or ten days to send repreeentntives of the l'ommieston with the report and to explain the same to your council. Including the price for :00 b. p.. de- livered in Goderich by the Stratford-seaforth line. Yours truly. A. Beth. Chairman. "Su we'll wait ten days snore," was the Mayor's comment. It was repot ted that since the pre- vious meeting the Doty Company had paid $2,000 to the town treasury. An application from Waller Harri- son for a grant tor ,the annual county poultry show, which it is proposed to hold in Goderich next January, was referred to the finance committee. An application from E. N. Lewitt for a sewer for eight cottages on Norfolk street and Wright Street, W connect with the main sewer, was referred to the public works committee. A statement of the Centre Hur. •, license fund was received from tto- Provincial License Department. The receipts included licenses, $7,1108 - finee, s415 ; transfer fees, $116.67 ; bal- ance transferred from last year. $13.- 09 -total, $8,442.76. The expenditures included Inspector's' salary, 47014 ; of. Oce rent. 320: commiesooere' travel- ling expeoes., $126; postage, station- ery, counsel fees, etc., ?4()4.28 trans- ferred to next year, 15.81 -leaving a balance of •7,3�tTl. Of this amount >Y1,96.3.07 was retained by the Depart- ment and the balance was dis- tributed to municipalities ■s follows McKillop, $62; Brussels. Ct25. Sea- ford), $781.171: Goderich. 111.300.17 ; Clinton, 11914.16. The following letter regarding tele phone connection was read anal re- ferred to the special committee : We notice an effort to being made by the Blyth Telephone ('o. to get hs e�M! *5Snectlon with the town of(i .i4eh through the Colborne municipal eyetem. On behalf of the 6oder•icb Rural Telephone Co. we beg to draw to Tour attention some facts which should he considered by you in this !tauter. M follows . 111 The (ioderich Rural Teie Co. wan started by .ohne of the cilium. of Goderieh and sssstt����y el the Ooderiah citizens are shaseiolders sed some Goderich citisese have large ioter'e t:e in lbs ('ompsn) (2) The Goderieh Rural ie dahlia c3odssecMi .strobe for the ptstlpla dahlia (lodsrl in the renal as of Colborne. AsYald, Boo Wawanosb sod alga Oho v of los. and M Meg • mist whi we ei5S S M r mill otos few hardly be mil` and s law sod Soba. a •••••••••• •beth. O. AuCDat 30th, nut.