HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-29, Page 8i Tv,ssna' AUov't 29. 1912 I 1 Fr.W MLLE and OPTICIAN On theISquare Vous Jeweliery problem Wheu looking for the latest ns in upde- date Jewellery. visit our store. We ove been exceptionally careful in buying this year and we know you will be de- lighted when you see what we are bhowine. Walter H. Harrison Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON STREET Saturday Specials FRUITS California Peaches California Plums California Pears Watermelons Oantalonpee Blueberries Blackberries Bananas Oranges Lemons Harvest Apple,. VEGETABLES "New Coro Tontatoe, Celery Beane Beets Carroty Cucumbers NEW POTATOES A 1 quality Good sine WHITE CLOVER HONEY Product of 1912 Abeolutely pure Rose Brand Leaf Led. V, incoming Bacon and Ham Jellied Towle Creamery and Dairy Butter- lret-olass quality. S. J. YOUNG 'Phone 5z Hamilton St. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are all ready for school opening, T le e • d e y. Bapt.mber 3rd. We have ow bead a full .tock of all fir • authorized books for public and separate schools and collegiate institutes, which ' are sold Mme as last year - at greatly reduced prix.. EXEROISK AND SORT BBLING BOOK Over fifty kinds to select from. full count, fine paper end artistic covers, ranging in price from lo up. Be sure to secure ooe of our Whale Scribblers -by far the largest shown in Goderich. An immense range of Erasers, Pens, Inks. etc. Lead Pencils from 1 o up. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. The Celo.lal Beat Store MASSEY- HARRIS SHOP The place to buy all kinds of FARM MACHINERY Binders, Mowers, ;Hay - loaders. Side Rakes, Manure Spreaders. Rain Wagons and Cream Sep- arators ; also Louden'e Hay Oars. Forks and Slings, Molet.te Cream Separators, Homestead Fertil- izer,., Pumps for hand - power ;and Engines; Gasoline Engines and Windmills. And, 0 say 'l you [Oust see our Buggies. We have a full line, all styles, and some of the beet and most stylish rigs that ever came to town. I have a few Horses to eel and some Driving Harness. I also have a House to rent- s lovely place for summer Call in and see what we have and resta while, anyway. ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street. Ooderich VACATION -DAYS are right with us. The Na-Dru-Co Toilet Necessaries are winoere--every one of them. Na=Dru=Co Tooth Paste Hardens the gums. Sweetens the breath. Preserves the teeth. (rood teeth improve your ap- pearance. Two fl cors --mint and wintergreen. 23c tube.. Na=Dru=Co Toilet Cream A sweetly perfumed. emolli- ent skin -food. it renders the skin soft. smooth and white; un- surpassed for tan and Bonbon], ?tic and 50e jars. Na=Dru=Co Talcum Powder softebstt.r, finest Rett powder for nursery and toilet use. Two odors -Royal Rose, Violet. Twocolors-white, flesh. F. J. BUTLAND Dispensing Druggist "The Store That Pleases." Uoderich loasentireeewrareemereseMeteseiereetreemertrerissiorereselersearereirellerreeteltrartir TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Te ensron* will be one of the iv eatest railway oeotrvs of the West The (:rani 'Runk Pacific bar large shops located there, the Canadian Pacific Railway ham established immense freight yards, and it baa been psrsl.tenti rumored that the Osnadtan Northern Railway will move their entire shops from Port Rouge to Tranecona. Traneoonae future se a menufecttning cit se well as • railway centre. is assured, and several Largs al industries amready established. requiring a lamp number of men. PROPERTYWILL DOUBLE IN VALUE massy tinee over in the next two year.. read there are beg profits for the levestor who heys today. We have a Dumber of lots to sea at Tlrsasenna and offer them on very advaatsg.ous terms to God. rich .,y W r our booklet. which tells all about Treasonable. Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe *Canada Life Building Agest in OOORRICH W INNIP11WJ, MAN Karel Telephotos l r 6 14 TM. SIGNAL: GoDERICH ONTARIO A GREAT AND GOOD MAN. Tributes to the Late General Reath from Gederieb Pulpits. From many pulpits lest Suodey re- ferences were made to the dea$b of General Boothe the revered bead of the Salvation Arm, wbose death oc- curred lest week after a life dtvoted to the uplifting of his fellowmen. At North street Methodist church the pastor, rear. Alfred Brown, preached from the text : "Bzospt a corn of wheat fall into the ground aid die, it ebideth aloes ; but if It die; K briogeth forth much truit." Retor- ting to General Booth, he said : 'The t!Iehole world unite, with the Salve - Mon Army in mourning the loss of its [greet leader. But out of present loss will come future gain. The Army will go marching on. and yet greater victories will he achieved. The churches everywhere will pray that a double portion of the translated prophet's spirit may rest upon his suoceewr." At Knox church in the evening the text chosen by Rev. Jag. Hamilton was : '•f saw a great ,•bite throne." one of the favorite tett. of General Booth. The man was revealed in the useof tbe teat and his success in life was explained by (11 his vivid sense of the sovereign[ of Obrist over bis life ; (2) his apprehension of the holiness of God ; (3) his clear ,consciousness sf a coming judgment, a reckoning with God, for which be sought to prepsae every man, and (4) bis faith in Christ as risen and reigning, which made it possible for,him tolebor with the sub- merged tenth with hopefulness and assurance of Almighty help. Rev. A. MacFarlane, of Hayfield, who occupied the pulpit of Knox church in the morning, also paid a tribute to the memory of General Booth. Inst Sunday evening in Victoria 'street Methodist church Rev. Dr. Medd made reference to the passing of Gen. Booth, whom be characterized as one of God's greatest men. Among other things be said: "Gen. Booth was so great that he belonged to the whole world ; end tbouth, in the wise providence of God, he lived to a ripe old age, the world was in no wise ready to let him go. He was called of God to uodertake a great task. be- cause God saw that he would do it -that he would not betray bis trust nor leave the field til) Gerd gave him release. It is .possible that there never lived a greater organizer than be. His sagacity. hie integrity, his freshness of spirit. his aler'.oea9 of interest, Isis -indomitable courage, his sweetness of spirit, his love for souls, and his mighty faith in God aro some of the elements that made his life Toronto; Mrs. Hutton and mon. Whoa - set ; hiss Breedon, Allan Pease. Kisses Grindley. Misses Gantt, Charles Garrett, Miem Mathews, Mr. Mathews. Detroit. Rev. J. Pollock. On Sunday evening Rev. J. Pollock, pastor of the Baptist church. spoke on the life work of the late General Booth. In the course of his remarks be said • "England has just lost one of her greatest sons, General Booth. who, born in cornparative obscurity, lived to gain preeminence among his fellows. Against ridicule and scorn he fought bis way up the ladder until he was honored by royalty, and loved and revered by the whole world. "England owes much to her illus- trious ,on. He opened her eyes to conditions which existed within her borders. To him it seems a, though the Lord.gt►e • vision of the awful conditions seder which thousands of hie fellows lived and a glimpse 04 the heights to which 'the submerged tenth' might reach. With a firm ccn- victioo that God had called him to a great work, and with a conviction that in the miserable wretches he found there was still the 'image of God,' though but faintly outlined, he set himself to the task of littieg out of vice. of winning back to manhood and to womanhood. (hose who were de- spised forsaken and neglected by the church. 'The social conditions that General Booth revealed in his book 'Darkest England' caused England to stand aghast. Fondly believing her condi- tions to be near perfection, he showed her a rotten cancxr eating its way into her very vitals. The socialistic legisla- tion of the present British Govern- ment and of the late Government le the result of the exposure of the actual existing conditions when he published his famous book. "General Booth wee no theologian, no churchmen, as far as the organized churches are concerned. A theology he certainly had. and it can be sum- med up in this: 'Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.' A church -he organized in the sense that the church is a company of redeemed souls, for in all t is dealings with men be insisted on repentance and conversion, or a forsaking of sin end turning to the /Saviour, as the author Harold Basbfe in his book Twice Born Houle' *bow. "We ma not agree with General Booth in all his beliefs ; or feel that we care to subscribe to his creed. in so tar as he expressed his convictions 1] creed form ; nor yet may we agree with him in all his methods, but in spite of all this we must confess ' that be was successful In the work he undertook, that his religious convic- aeon were of an immensely practical character, acid that above all be was a man who Npsl a manly life and who brought oosrage and lope to the Warta of demands. Ia ahoey (leo- etal Boothe life was worth while, and daring the ooming yaws when we fondly dwell upon the msemorie, of this esiotl man we will praise the Lord for his having lived. "To the memory of this hem there may be erected s costly monument sad his name enshrined in letters cf goo But it ism fond belief that (honed -al Booth would much prefer to have we ether menumebt than the helag moawnenta of the [men and D�wane. whom w has woo from Me- wed sham* bolbaess arity and ;; so ether thea the a Nauman& who ewe to him what they are and what they hop to ba. - SUMMER VISITORS. ow orchard Oenage. Arrivais at OM Orchard (,yam Mr. and Kee. lw l.tb.. Klee Orted(.y. Mise GertrodeerislMy. Detroit. At the Part lbus.. Lam ..46e' M Oh PIA Hens. ares Mr. and Kra Smith and deaght.r, ;arllr.ie.tC' • �-.�a� �_ `� '- TteiririrM..eeaaa At Soma- Sunset. Registered at Hotel Sunset: M' H. Shepeatd, Mies Lillian Ma. T. Prost, Goderieb : G. H. Scott, he Panama. John Parson. r., Toledo. Ohio ; Oscar Rosenberger Mrs. M. W. O'Brien, Miss Flattery, Miss Falrb•iro, Mrs. H. B. Anthony, Mies Dorothy Roodine Miss Margaret Aotbooy, Miss Marion Anthony, F. L. Abd sad wife. MI" .t Casgraia, Mee .81ise Ma Moran, WIChemin. Hammond Osagraio. Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Taylor, Mie Ina Taylor, Mrs. A. J. Taybi Torooto; J. J. Hunter, Ottawa ; H. J. Lamb. Stuart M. eery, Windsor ; Mrs G. W. Harrison, Master Kent Harrison, Waterloo; Mrs. Mal- colm Rent, London ; Mrs. F. D. Mac- orquodale, Winnipeg.- Man. ; Miss Frances W. Harris, Brantford; W. J. Cowan. H. J. Taylor, Detroit; P. O. Henry, Windsor ; M. A. Pearson. T. Preet, Mr. and Mrs F. J. Pridbam. Mies B. Pridbani, Master M. Pridham. Goderich ; Miss Mercur, PerryM. Hobbs, Cleveland : Henry J. Dyers, 8t. Catharltas :.1. B. Fraser. A. G. Fraser, Prod Grant, Mrs. Fred Grant, Mrs. A. G. Fraser. Miss Stevens„ Lon-- don on-don ; Herbert 8. Grant and wife, Chas Templeton, W. E. McNeil", HaabnRs. Pe.. ; W.F. OUver, Toronto: lira Wm. Edgar, Olive Edgar, R. G. Edgier. Windsor ; Louiee Lamb, Charlotte, Mich. ; Mabel Holland, Cleveland ; C. F. Warrsoel. London. ANNOUNCEMENTS. What you wantis carefully selected. full Savored spices, the kind sold ty E. R. Wigle., druggist,dodericb, Ont. Desired by people who insist on the best. Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or fancy bricks. 'Phone MO. Orders delivered. DIED. PURSE -In Godertch towaabio. on Sendey. August 98th, tirniuel Furse, in his teOth year. WILLI&-At Alexandria hospital, Godertoh, oa euoday. August •2atir, John M. Mahood Willis. aged 98 years. 2 months and It dye. BRIDLE -0e August 17th. at Hamilton street Oodsrieb, 8amt fireboat. son of W Wlan 7' sad Ylssses Bridle. aged .4 mantbs and 16 days. NUM. Idad.Browii. of Arnberley, is vt,dtirra relatives In Ooodderich. Mims LeTpenel arrived home on Monday night from Beesoda, where she spent tbe holi- days es • very enJoyable vtnit. Mr.. G. W. Thow.+rn and Miss Jessie Thom - ,nu have relented from a visit of several weeks to Chicago and other point. in Meek The tlstiswlas frau Th. Guelph Merc- tern re- tete• man well known la liafeelrb re and r. andAMr�s. J. 1'. tRebbates* re- ternal en to up nates. e. r N veAl=trale meaner' sone knee RRooberrtts n hes imam et bre Msase rase public soba& ear Mrs Robotism were met on the �m�m� the their departure log =ilk pre - �tetdfourth o- 1' when J Htin,rus•be/Owbmebal101 tLe with • Hthle ear s�rk, ao- oom an address read by yre�ptStew- ed by Mtw Nellie Dreea'bton with e$ [Iver *svisg set on behalf at the eotranae OW. of kbit so. corn ponied by an address reed by lame Emig AUCTION SALES. %'aTt;Rli %Y. dept. nth -Ariake. sale 'of lame house, on the premksee, Napier street. e.tmseneing at 2 o'clock. Goo. W. AatrrON, sresrist r. THOR. tiuxosY. asedoneer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug. 29. Paso The Good clothes Lodge -W. C. Prtdh.m.. s Apprentloes Wanted -14x W. T. Pellow... Hoose for Sale or M Rent- Wm. Waite . House to Rent -Apply Signal Ocoee Probationers Was ed-t$trattcrd General Hospital ....... .. . tett tett, 1 Gloves Lost-81gW Odle. lady '• Raincoat retard-81gna1 Oce 1 Reboot Shoes -Doweled t Mso V tear 2 Reader- 0. T. It. 1C:cur«loe Rates --G. T. R .............. tett 8 Medium-priced Fera Eotin.s---8ast Street 7 ;Fall Term -Shaw's Oebooks, Toronto.... tett. 8 The Zenith VI aU.b-J. 8. Dave Our Clearing Sale -J. H. Colborne 4 School Supplies Amy Ferrer 8 Bpedala - W �'Acholos it Son i 9 Seed Wheat for Sale -W. W. Walter New Sults end Coes.-8.dtsen Bea+....... 8 A Bad Fall -N. C. Owren a Dealer.. Wanted-llrai.para, Termite .... 1 Comfort Soap Glen Grove Park Annex -Tanner & Gates, Toronto. Auction Sale of Halle -Ileo. W. AtlteeI headers -E. R. erode . a Men Wanted--Doedoien Organ it Plano Co,, Limited, RowmendBls 1 Canes for Sale-Blgeal 011ee 1 Meld Wanted- Mrs. Goa ,L Rem1 Woman's Rights -arra, rosede, Co. .... a Home and Lot for Sake -Th. Signal Moe . Organ torSole-G. adueeder Retailer-Blaobtoses Cow ter Bab-- Mr` trapbs /DO. M.Dnnald1 The et Lawrence -Mrs. G. A. Grille 1 Haws far Baler -App[, at res BIgsei .... 1 C Reader- . P. R - Joint Amounts -no Sterling Rank tett1 • Readers of T1. Signal are ad- vised that the Fall Term in Shaw's tichoeib, Toronto, is now open and the stodage will be admitted an/ sebool day until Doc. 20th for a flours In Boa - nese, Shorthand, OivU Services Telegraphy. The new catalogue just issued is Interesting in its details and is mailed fres on re. quest, Write for a ropy to W. H. Shaw, Moe. Yong* wadeGerrard Sta., Toronto. ICE CREAM 11* loose d tike hast and •1 al bbs. Ra dors rhs balk or peseapely. es fMvnrs, with . Cream. eery - 0A/11. Ca- ber los or.em . atsamded to non. lot. F. £. BURDETTE TOASTED CORN FLAKES You have tired of other cereals -- but you won't tire of this! Spend a dime today for �� 39 lOc . Permit Grand Trunk Railway System Ca adian National Exhibition TORONTO Gederich to Toronto and Return $3Mg�(� Aug let H 4e e.p- .7V weber 7 tocludv. $2e85 August t cud 21); September 't and 6 All tickets valid for Mora until Tuesday, September 10th, 1912. DOrHINION EXHIBITION. OTTAWA • Godsrieb to Ottawa and Return 4 $11.X6�`0(� St107 ptsmb.r .00 M `I••1�t,-mber 60 Unnd 1 All ticket valid for return until Tuesday, September 17th WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Q� Goderieh to London and Return$1 a71/ Seim $135�pemher 6 to 14 10, 1'� sad lE i►U tickets valid for return until Monday, September 16th, 1919, Full pertioalars. tickets, etc., from any Grand Trunk Agent, oe write A. E. DUFF, D. P. A., Toronto, Oat. F. F. LAWRENCE, Ageot, Goderieb. 'Phone No. 8. Office boors 6 a. m to it p. m. The Signal to January Ist, I9I4, $I.00 An Exceptidnally C}ood Showing of New Sits and Coats The new Suits and Coats are opened up and displayed in our Ready-to-wear Department up- stairs. We will be glad to have you come and look them over at any time. The styles are decidedly smart and becoming and will appeal to you. The materials are all sterling quality and those favored by fashion for the Fall and Winter of 1912. Every garment is man - tailored and splendidly finished throughout. Not a doubt about the fit. New Fall Suits $15.00 to $35.00 New Fall and Winter Coat $7.50 to $45.00 Of the best, no two garments alike. THE . FURS One of the advantages of early Fur -buying is the extra large assortment you have to select from. We are showing today some of the choicest produc- tions of the furriers' art—garments that are decided- ly high-class. The prices are very moderate and the qualities backed by our unqualified guarantee. Come and see these handsome Furs. 1 Novelty 5uitings Shown 1 in the Dress Goods Department New Chinchilla Suiting., heantifnl. soft, fleecy fabrics, the newest French prMuction and the height of fashion. New Ripple and Curie Hustings, in fine and medium nap, very styliah for smart suite or long coats. New Whipcord Suitings, in sett -tone and shot effects Boucle Sulting., in levity mixture effects. New Heather Mixture Suiting., Coatings, etc. All the newest tones and half -tones in the oollection. Spec- ial display now in program. Not more than one dress or suit Ietgtb of any pattern. 7 A Windowtul of Underwear and Dresses at Vonr Choice S1.88 Look on Friday or Saturday for a tui idowful of lsdhs' White L'nd.r- vow, Wa.b Dresses, stn. S gmenestm4 will be clenred at ens Misr11 soldL&..i •eighnt, This Ii the lr.l of Meek were,` the . tr l res t ce.ay, sissies of itis wf.rlwtsel et J�.88 Another Wtodewtul at 98c Tbssm art prmsea1t�ll1 tower gal- s�idY UnAferRwasr� r�r prism sop to SIM Te sash, the els cows same w in yes your cealih ,8see.dr hiles ay mere/ng at e, You Want to Get Some of These 8c Ginghams and 12.1c Dress Goods The special sale of imported Gingham. at tic and Wash Goode at 12}c will con tinue until every yard if sold. We will not carry them over. Here is the story Imported Ginghams 8c Genuine imported Ginghams, fancy stripes and broken checks, nearly all color, represented, high-grade qualities that will wash and stand the wear, colors feet, In, regular up to lbs'. Clearing at per yard C7 Wash Dress Goods of All Kinds 12%c Two hvadred aids or more in this lot Ginghams, Voiles and Nasties. every yard b gb-grad. goods, colors ab- solutely fait,ss the last of our high -clam Wash Materials, regular pace. ]p to We a yard. 'The eobl, wet weather left a with a bigger stock than usual and it in against our pelneiples to carry them into another .steno. Thai's the reason of thio great saaifee. Clearing at 121,c Per yard Remnant Sale Saturday 8ale of Remns$ts Satatrda amt teen wssk, teary deft laogtb of Dr ere. Goads awl 811k ham been tesMnred up and will lio Owed PE s tads Its the centre of the shah festal at D>ma[DOY R*Docno•y hisweers. slew. This is a *1.11•did chase' to est dlo Moot low* for par sebool achy Getting the Claim Rawly tar Selma zziti h.�rig velem Loma Hoes15c we tt9ee tar *..1.' Chl1 issues gist lett se pot psis l aL tr. 0we.*NS. 1.50 style al. sas........ S then Ifs11.gw1.r M