HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-29, Page 5Pr
Harold Jarvis oealriels. cell _
e groat vs, b'se0i oma to
cone ihb et�tre its of 4
tot` `' ms•OrOdist cburd .
First Car of Ales.
%Viil. J. Morrow on Tuesday lee
'sipped the Sat eek of apples for
season of 1912 foe the (rational
Fruit d Packing The peony It,
xppeccts to hewain to lm
to oasand barrels in tale dietfiC
this season.
pager Cor'9* turekseie $I Udi.ig.
The Paget Grads Car Door Co. has
purchased the Doty belittles at the
U. T. R. tracks and operations are be-
leg cou.menced at once to pus the
gave In shape for va$utaoturiUg
Coespeayy'e itene doors for
grain a r• awed nisei If the
tiusineo• progrealle tae tepeoled
will, it will become cele Of thein eta.•
tial industries of the town, employing
At Targe number of Aon.
Wedded at Ripley.
The following is from last week's
Ripley Express: The borne of Mr.
and Mrs. H Pritchard we. tha scene
of unusual activity on Wednesday
morning, when their . daughter. Mar-
garet, was united in marriage to Fred
Solomon. formerly hardware mer -
chant of Ripley. Tb nuptial knot
wu tird by Rev. G. W. River', In the
pree are of a few ihtimate friends.
kr. and Mrs. Solomon. who will make
their home in G.deriob, left on the
1:45 ttain amid showers of confetti,
Goder,ch Machinery to Pacific Coast.
Among the orders received by the
American Road Machine Co. a good -
number come from the far -away Prov
ince of British Columbia, where road -
making machinery seems tq be
greatly in demand. Last week a
cumplrte rock -crushing plant wits
sippp!d to Vancouver, and this week
motile' has gone to the same city.
Another recent shipment was to
Vernon, B.C., and an order for a simi-
lar outfit has just been received from
Esquintalt, B. C. The month of Au-
gust has been a record-breaking one
fdr the Road Machioe Company in the
matter of receipt of order*, and a busy
fall season is assured.
Foresters' Memorial Ceremony.
On Sunday last the members of
-Court Godenth No. 32, Canadian Order
of Forester", marched in a body to
Maitland cemetery and paid loving
tribute to the memory of their de-
parted brethren by placing upon their
graves bboouuyyueta of flowrs'nth s pro-
cession was sided by the 83rd Regi-
ment band, which played selections
of sacred music. When the cemetery
was reached, a circle was formed and
suitable addresser were gives by Rev.
J. Pollock and Rev. Dr. Medd. The
hvwns''Aearer shy God
to Thee" and
"Shall we Gather at the River P"
were sung, the band leading mod a
large congregation of Foresters and
otber. joining in. Alter ' the ser-
ervice, the members of Court Gode-
rich marched through the ceme-
tery. laying on the grave of each
former member several bouqueta of
flowers. The services throughout
were of deep interest and very im-
pressive. Now that the Foresters
have made this an annual event it is
to be hoped that arrangetpents will be
made to have all local societies parti-
cipate in the occasion and make the
day one of universal memorial -not
only a, a token of respect to the mem-
ory of departed ones but as a mark of
sympathy and first ratty extended to
the relatives and blends.
London Company May More.
Monday's London Free Pres bad
the following in reference to the col -
respondence of a Loodoo company
with the Goderich town council :
The Commercial Trunk Company,
44" Talbot street. is considering re-
moval from London to some one of
several Western Ontario towns
anxious to secure tbe Indunst.trr'yy. The
concert, employs twenty bands, and
under proper conditions wouldgive
work to thirty
Press is informed. The town of Gode-
rich has asked the company to gond a
representative there to diseases the
matter, and other places •re ains
inducements. The bot sa�ey�HM1.
Our trouble," said Mr. 0. $ ypuIry,
"Plain boxes which ww formerly
bought trove a certain Arm here we
now have to secure in another quar-
ter: the price has been so raised as to
seriously- affect our profit, and there
does not seem to be any prospect of
relief. Since discussing tbe matter of
removal in • town where 1 happened
to be a short time apo, other town.
have heard ot the matter, and one
man has written, offering good tenni.
We will know definitely in a few
da vs,"
The County Fruit Exhibit
At its June meeting the nou0ty
council set amide the sem of WO to
fruit the setat the
et bort
fruit exhibit at the
cultural exhibition to be held neat
November at Tomato. Tse etmncll
also appointed a r--- Mgarialafp�e�
of Messrs. F. Meted,.D P
Hannlimk, Goderich; .1. A.
U'oegannnn . Thos. Curry.
sunci n R. 8Ie.n. Poster's 6(R to
n.rtion with t arrangemeate is eon -
take foil ch ops see. Mbit end
in of this td ~�' A 'meet-
ing ruaitt.e wadi held on
Piidav last in the county cler•k'sofflee.
All the members wore pteent
Mr. Metcalf. who ha. gime Went. Mr.
Hamlink tylia
and revisalw
with the exhibit wove Allemmeed at
length. It was demYid tree the ex-
hibit he merle ep of M hams. of $pp
Dire• the of tune a to b
mase u _
rr.unded with a of 6m►
rets, Mr. ■aallaR to the
saxes wad the MIR M 10 10 miselint
servioyaany. [eee w Metre mberMIm merss the
days to ejs* issitarMr a lbw
e* Ibe
ea �fil lie . Is .+tun tyle be .
aimed r�
To .ewe
° userte
SWAM bar
The Prsnklia Stock Company.
mewls Open ileum wee opesed
cotun week for the tai end winter
s. the Wroaklin Stock Comps
patting u • series of eotertainl
'-- The company is a strong one.
a dozen clever players in
Mr. Edwin Weimer, and
hams been well pleased.
essepany will be here for the re-
esekeleital the week, with a new play
L Popular prices, 10c, 20c
&11001 Opening on Tuesday;
The public schools will re -open t
1.11 tenu on Tueedav morning.
sere n.. 'pad, at 9 o'clock. It is
requested that pdtyllq war are send-
ing chtldrea for the that shoal
see that they amp oil promptly lit
9 o'clock, as the are to 4a,
formed without delay. Pii."111"1l
Long of Victoria school has jest ! '
turn(' from Landon. where be ted&
the sib. weeks' coupe in cadet trainlq.
He propose" to forst a cadet corps
pupils over twelve years of age and to
introduce a course of physical training
for pupils of all grades,. Central
school also. we understand, 1a to have
a oadet corps.
The Collegiate Institute also will re-
open on Tuesday morning. An im-
portant announcement by Principal
of The ppearn on page 6 of this issue
Sunray twining Sand thwart.
TheMed denhlp of Roy Adams,Bend, under
le awill
give a program of suitable mast c o0
the Square ua Sunda •vening nest,
atter the church sat•v ,
Sceuts at Tome...
Under Scoutmaster Oheets& Mac-
Dosaid ten roouts loft Ttte.day morn-
ing for Toronto Bxhibitlon. They
will be then until Thursday eight of
this week. The names of the party
are as follows : Morris ewaaans. panel
leader ; C.g an Stoddart, corporal ;
Harry Buehatimn. standard-bearer;
Harry Watson, bugler. and Senate
Allen Sinclair, Law ream Week.
Baume Limbs, Bruce Noble, Philip
Carey and Freak MacArthur.
Death of Samuel Fume.
The death of Samuel Furse, whit
occurred o0 Sunday last to bis eighty
Godeixthri- ear, removed an old resident o
ch. Mr. Fume .was born 1
Devonsbir•e, Eogland, and lived i
Newfoundland for a number of years
lore comiug to Canada and to Gode
Ich io the year 1867. For perhaps
ixteen or seventeen year's hs followed
trade as a shoetnaksr here, bu
tiding the occupation not suited to
is health be turned to farming and
for the last thirty-five years be had
lived on his farm in Goderich town-
ship just outside of town at the routs
Mr. Fuses was a wan of
marked inteiligeoce and of well -
sustained opinions. He read diligently
and was keenly interested in the
events of the great world. in politica
be war strongly Liberal, and in re -
'glottal matters he beld to the Anglican
church. His wife, whom he married
in Newfoundland, survives bite in
good health at the age of eighty-one
pp_ears. There are no children,,, but
Stn. Brimicombe is an adopted daugh-
ter, and has lived with Mr. and Mrs.
Furse since ber early years. In the
troublous times of 1866 Mr. Furse
belonged to the Goderich artillery,
two of his comrades of that tines who
are still living being Stephen Andrews
and John Bropbey. About five years
ago Mr. Furse hada paralytic stroke
and since then he had declined until
the end cause very peacefully on Sun-
day last- The funeral took place to
Maitland Cemetery on Tuesday.. after-
noon. Rev. Archdeacoo Jones-Bate-
mao ofRciated and the pallbearers
were Wm. Sharman, John W. Salkeld,
Geo. Andrews, David Warner, Thos.
Lacey and John Lacey.
Harbor Notes.
The g Pal
Mg came into Gode-
rich harb'ar on Wednesday to get suf-
ficient owl, to carry her to Sarnia.
81ee had in tow the schooner Marie
Antoinette, which became wisterias-
ged [n Lake Huron off Cove Island o0
July 14th. The schooner loaded a
cargo of 'timbale at Little Current, sail-
ing oo July 10th for ifarnia. In a blow
she leaked so badly that she became
unmanageable and had to pot into
Tobermorey. A tug was sent for and
a steam pump put ma board. The trip
down baa been a long one on account
of the frequent storms.
The steamer KaminisUquia was in
port o0 Thursday with a cargo of 75,-
000 bushels of wheat and oats for the
Goderich elevator. She loaded at
Port McNiedl.
The steamer Wexford arrived in
port un Thursday with a cargo of 180. -
OND bushels of wheat and oats for the
Goderich Elevator and Transit Co.
The steamer Ionic is expected with
a oargo of grain for the Goderich ele-
vator OD Friday.
The yacht Capitol*, of Detroit,
called in port thie week. She is on a
fishing expedition to Georgian Bay.
The pleasure yacht Quest was
weatherstayed in port this week.
The scaffolding need io boieting
Bement for the Big Mill elevator leg is
being torn down now that the con-
crete work is completed. The leg will
be hoisted shortly and will be i0 work-
ing order in a few weeks.
The steamer Hann made her reg-
ular call last Friday. The weather
wash and she had to class by
Kincardine on the way down.
Ooderithindustrial Exhibition.
Fall fair matters are proceeding
smoothly and if there he only the
requisite fine weather we may look
for • wcos.dul show. Much interest
is being shown by intending exhibi-
tors and many enquiries are being
received from places at a distance.
The Goderich Industrial is the larg.ut
and only tbree•day fair in We district.
Stratbroy oo the naris dates hetog the
nearest The direet.im ate span no
efforts to each a xy
of attractiom7ath free awl Mway.
as shall afford as toppopteaity to all to
enjoy a t balder,
The f sit y. despite the meson,
will by all reports net tall abort of
that of the beet former years. There
will he a good representation of
poulttrryy. The prize list for the flower
and ladies' work depa.rtmeate hes been
revised and In connection with the
latter dam a most interesting com-
petition will be that in the pioneer or
old ladles' work, wrought by times of
seventy -ave yeam and over.
As usual. the sate* *alp mod pig.
will be of intense awl the pealha'
eine M Slow Z s1-
�ennHeiea will proem am atereelimi
4M gibe Mwew ware imine
ammo i good W seise rwa *alb.***
water and saw. web a kiwi hi fleet.
Mess chaps(. should ssiify the meet
tee the two weeks Whirs the fair
the .easy,1. Nie Feeder. win be
�tip the elks, is lb, bronsaa
patinee ebbe
wise lisle ami Isms 'bay be
With M ev
In -old
rttesl5 the
eel, (Lett Yr'f
amierea[m. Ia��isesdt�t»t Taller le the
1111616'•�4� seer tea smears tor
' The at.•mer yuron. which has been
caWO at fhb _r Ib• last two
months, makes eery last ill for fhb
season on Frida week,whenlab.. she will he on her way doWD the
The regular meeting of the Genie•
rich branch of the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs. Beat-
tie, Britannia road. on Thursday. Sep-
tember Sts, at 3 o'clock. Visitors
always welcome.
Mrs, Ed. Graham, East street, is suf-
fering from the effects of an accident
whieb befell her one nigh: recently.
when she fell down the stairs in her
home. No bones were broken. but
she was severely bruised and shaken.
A despatch from London, Ont., an-
nounces the death of Mr.. Haldane,
daughter of Henry H;-ndnua, that
sheriff of Huron, and widow of John
*Mane, well remembered as the
principal of the old Goderich gram-
mar school.
Zurich Herald : Mr. and Mn. J. J.
Merner and family started for Gode-
rich oo Wednesday in Mr. Cantina
auto and were about one-half a mile
west of town when the .team boiler
buret, but luckilyno one was injure.
The car was ba
y- damaged. -
There are at present eleven patients
DA the hospital, five new ones having
been admitted this week. Only one
soldier is left -the man who on the
last day ot caiup had the miafortune
to fail through the floor in the big red
barn and break both his legs. He has
improved steadily and it is expected
that he will be able to leave fur hie
home in a week or two,
Next Sunday Rev. Dr. Medd will
preach both forenoon and evening in
Victoria street church. At 10 o'clock
in the forenoon a fellowship service
will be held. A cordial invitation is
extended to all to attend theme ser-
The pulpit in Knox church was oc-
cupied on Sunday morning by Rey. A.
MacFarlane, of Bayfield. and in the
evening by Rev. Jamar. Hamilton.
The pastor. Rev. Geo. E. Roes, will be
in the pulpit
pit next Sabbath after
several weeks' holidays.
Mrs. Merrill. of Winnipeg who is
visitiog friends in town. will sing at
North street Methodist church at both
services next Sunday. Mr. Merrill
will be remembered in Goderith as
Miss Whitney. fortuerly a favorite
singer nere and a member of the North
street Methodist choir.
At North street Methodist church
nett Sunday, the pastor. Rev. Alfred
Brown, will preach morning and even-
ing and conduct the adult Bible clams.
Ichor Day sermon in the evening.
Subject • 'The Working Man and
His Friends." A cordial welcome to
The pastor will meaty the pulpit of
the Baptist church 00 Sunday nett,
11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday school
and Bible class at 3p. m. The Young
People's Society will hold rte first
meeting for the fall and winter on
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A good
meeting ie foreshadowed. Visitors
will be cordially- welcomed at all of
these services.
Dr. L M. Mabee is away on a lake trip.
Mar. W. T. Fellow Is visitant In Toronto.
Miss Heise Pridbam le visiting la Toronto.
Miss Non O'Reilly bas returned from Buf-
Mrs. Million is visiting her daughter, Mrs,
((fair. at Tomato.
N. Tripp of Forest. was the guest last week
of Rev. Dr. Medd.
JI]�rr acrd lira Wren Sbsardown and e are
vh SIrg to Toronto.
David � b al Barite, tun been virtune the
Mem ad vic eltyis . . Lilting Motives
Mr. and Mrs Abs. Htasinsoo are oo • visit to
HaSWen mad Deaden.
Mrs. Mut McKay' Mocks street. is attend -
lag the Termite Exhibition.
Mies Blasobe 1s vision her deter,
Mir Nan Knox, In Toronto.
Mn. K. J. Finn and blies M. O'N.W risked
1a Tartrate devise the week.
R. A. Tsfited his returned from Wl.alp.g.
where he had bees dote last fall
A. 0. NM.t. the fneurenes man, made a
Memo trip te Toronto thin week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wart hare released from their
o emser sample, at Attrur. Plea•.
Mies Reimof New York. Is visiting
at the me of Dr. aid lbs. street.
Mf. and 5,..nes Mees. hare taken up
their redd.see m Weesetter 'derma
Mime. Ley Hkgla mad Gotta apaMtog, .f
Peewee. are signals to town this weak.
Mir Nellie nollfma et le Ageismerr mein. Ines Tier. of I.pel.
Mb. Ora A. SerMet Fat River. Mart. Y the
g avot el Mks Jennie Kerr. Eight armee
Met. Weeds.
�We of ..ee.Y r kits
amber. puma A.
Ces. tis. Ma rk% unmet.
• the serf the
• ' ergo lammilien returead to sasralt.Dd+TIM eet her
rrr• bents hereTsar
i.aOs hemdar Mked se.M/�raas��,w,hak�
=▪ toe her skied. 0.vfa d HMd 1 du
arm:: of llw. Dir sial ttw.
i�foM els
emt a..'"Zier.. •irma���
panlbie. es estb art; a1II ehmHsse rlirial an[t t ri i wig
Clothes stay white if you
treat them right.
it •. HT"
- r
M F0 `.'.
t ..
TWbugb, W u, T. P. torsln•1
]1 comer : Kiwi Uosdda Hamlin
E IrwMky vacettuu with friend. In
Merry Drinioosebe waw' one of those who 1dt
es Trims ter the flirt oo the It, rverton'
W. lett lest week tor a tri
N"tat, intending to go as far sa
]fee. �anel1srrtt. King. of King's hotel and Mrs
AlprrtQsidtherpe are Visitors at rho Toronto
Loan. and Mies Ledy& Maiden, who will re
V1s, the city for • dew daysw the guests et
asa Kra line Thies&
A, J. Kidd, West res of Mr. sad Mrs. Joseph
KId& Y lea n taw week on a vtrit of •
Uouia�h t iambs. H. was
.arcked os
1Ofi net. •t Nortta By to ]lira Mahel
of that tows, sad after 'flew
kelp to
Dt►tow situ 1. lea so ingint •few days
D la town with W bete* raR•rdssr to hit
duties at K where he le
with the deesatiaest et the C. P. R,
Nay' Is reottlyiag Waft se.sretaiatloor trove
his many triandr la tows.
Mr. and Mrs. WW. Wateun hate returned
reoently frau a three month.' visit to Scot
land They *pent most of their time at Banks,
Mr. Watson's native us.. red had • 'nod in
wresting time, but Mr. Watson declares that
the Old Country Me no attractions for him now
as a place of residence to tutupariosn with
Kra IL K.
Mir ()Taco
• weasel, I d a t'.. i. vfyidnt u her
akttw '"•h. H. C. Dunlop. F. J. Builasd
lergu re wevisitors at the Torooto
"" ' "n and their
»wins Kiwi R. Bre..
,lfen �' eti11. 1•itm Baturda) I•oaitend
tM to tib.•
Mr. and Mr.. ( has tPmtMn .oat little .on. of
\eve YorkM� base burn v`dUng at )Ir. Wutuuu's
old borne, Moil eel strM1. alas to Harold
Mr. sad Mrs. t1 cube:
Litate C.mp-
aod MIs. Edith Mersey :Ling
bell are visiting at Tess.. . telMhr Bertha eebe.n.1-, ties- bsea vtdtlag her coeds. Mles Nortbrma *� tell
rename home on Batarday.
_, . N. Caeron, el F1 4tha
a, s been revwltteg
wenn to Uodsdata the anew of hL
tastier. Mra M G. Cameros.
Mrs. Oliver Grimm 8t.ple) street. left Oil
Friday leaf far • there month.' visit at Wey.
burn acid other Western calm
The Mire. Mary and Gam Sharman left yea
tattererdayy.MMoterLRaseveral weeks here. their return in the Wast
]trrt Alex. Mand eN, via athe Mimes Isabelle
ale Biod�
[Wed home ea 8neday atter •
week's visit with bleeds In Stratford.
J. Fred Wieser. Tereatte, Jam Wilson and
the Mir. Wesal he assn guests or their
sister:Mrs. J. 8
Mks. and Mies Sri��fM� K1.aswo street, left
on Friday last for laedoa., ]tau. to visit We
Bo a, I.terla street.
former'. daughter, Mtn. gamest Ward.
tier 8mat1, who W been with the Hewsi
Hardware (,o. for Nome the left oo Tuesday
foe Paris. where be had seamed a position.
sacs Florence Josaeten baa gene to spend
her holidays in Hamlbee, where she 1. the
guest of hair sister, lire. TaOgn►, of that arty.
Kr. sad Mis Id W. Remit here returned
hes a aisit to W indaor, Kr. Howell wblle
away also made a business trip to Montreal
Mrs. (Stewart. of Ota.goes. Scotland (formerly
Mire. Jean Oib.on of tow*. was a guest at the
hoof or. and Moow�.r
Mo,. Field over the weekend.
Miss 8. Tobey left today flet Taesate. where
she will visit er
with her shoe, M. Waiver
1prior to returusg t0 ber home in lag-
ed.Mtss Mary A. Dougherty. of Rochester, N.Y..
and Mae Ban Boyle, of Leedom are the attunes..
or Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayes, BL Patrick
Mr..nd Mrs Arthur 8sith_and daughtat.
Miss Flonsoe, are the suede of relative. in To
roma. and are taking in 1M metal at the xkl-
Master Kenneth McLaren and Mis.es Bessie,
Mary and Annie. of Hamilton. are visiting
their grandmother, MK ICFs MvClure.Nel.un
Mb. ElleD.ts, t, o[ dmroe, and Miss 14.111.
Gamey. et Kog+�04dge, hare retnrwd home
*lbw upending a week with Mfr Irene Young.
ot Loyal.
cMfr Bebe. Johnston, ste.iy meow -
is her cocain, Miss Leeks b her
sem. ia Bayfeld, where sire .pied her
holMrs. Fred Kirkby and son. Ire of Guelph,
are visiting at the hose eat Mr, sad Mrs. Kra
Khanna- Later they will Jute Mr. Kkkley •t
Veybun, Seek.
y{Msi�i�ss �Lata Lena. of 1454••,. who had been
Lfdt Iiir grssdntotear, Mrs Ellen 8ssows,
ho e• e4eet. far the past two week., returned
house es Yisdhy.
Martie. of OH.w. Mildred Mrs.
.sd children, who are visiting at rho
011ie. Martin'. mother, Kra, Moir -
test sernet.
WOO Ie t es Toesdy moreing, via
Teres s. .od se
lake Chapiain. Inc
his beer M N. Y. r after Meedt•
week wilt M.. WWII.
H Had (leen who has been the efficient ent d-
aee =amen at Zeta Sunset during the sum-
p.b 1. s•ei•a atlMil i aorta k° deaths of the
lam Keeethorro(w for �i to Sale the Pondtiiooa
of oomoil muter on the 01.t .f tM Cd -
wows rate et fast town.
Mr. eel Mtn Wm. Mem, the es"
the nearbas to take p
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ran and have
returned to their home at %(' D. C.
after a vbit of several weeks at home of
the lady's parents. Mr. and Mee, J. Colborne.
Mrs. Thoma. Parker, of Milass, is the WNW,
01 bat ,on, Charles Parker, of Bsytled, and
with him spent Sunday in town. tbie gest. of
Mrs.relatives. Wm.
Johnston. Stanley street, and other
Miss Edna Stewart and heather. Master
=Wire returned to their hos. at Sea-
• pheasant week's visit with their
o ath oaweeks, Mrs. and Mr. J. H. Young.
stealer street •
Mr. ale Ma. Chan. H. Humber and family,
aoaospssid Mix, O. H. Kink loft brae
Port Yip lase achy. Tier vealton 8dklrk,
Pert ftewao, gaergToronto and aslltoa and win
8. away sheets west.
A. C. Striven and .on ( tannins, of tort Wil -
nam, were voters u Mr.. W. rske*. West
street, ter a few days tele. week- Mr. Stewart
H. wawa sweelerranbd On his trip by Mr. sed
Mex. Penis... el %MMpeg.
U. K. Gillen, upe intendent of the middle
division of the O. T. R., was In town on Wd-
toste liar the terminal lore. As a re-
sell his visit there w111 he aa addition tet e
trek tomo at the 0 T. R. yards here.
Mrs w Porter and ittle daughter
bike Nesr1N, returned on 8aturdwgy hes a de-
1�bpf� seting at Moorehead. Minn.. where
the were the Rennes of J•d.e and lira Carni
Nye, the lattee Ruing Mrs. Porter's sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry NeaL •f Hassle(.. Pa„
are the x.111. thio week .1 Mr. and Mn
Blnta, 11. farrsor le • imam et Mart .
' ' ere -vises et le Neal of teres. Tliq10 •re
gimp vYWne removes •a imaasiger sad
t Mr. anted 51,. Willieire C ani that
s�ro.q, a Jainism 7.' 9 anSet of
d mss.
(itireten. meeta.aa, will k. plias the Ift�
At who hes be.... tthM• terms
Ind egm.t�teMbS 0J.lt5 tea ( �.gs of
tabs y I. (5 Johnston'.ts Noseet Wiisyb..,
oils is armee es duty.
W. A Oex and daughter, KM Item. of
are bare .osedtog a
Ie Aia..it;hoter weeka
lame MSMw.er es their ninth r
While Treatd wide lionicts
" No. 24."
MAIN& Salt. 5. list .
fitO1IL .r tervihly fres D1esi-
'1 was ''.g Bees. eM
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decided to emerge
fades tended clear barn. M waw
Metates ler . b.. --e 1 trees
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24 for serestlM beano, I had free re
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Klee Masai. Travers
•laeabeepwerletl.. is .et • "(lire -
Ata" or ss-semse pota•t sedelm... De.
lmsewi.oy p.•acrlbed It for 41 yar.. and
It owed P1 i.M atter other lectors
otPelee. Mo. DM oereebta.d trean.e.t
�eelersDe.>I�seA lteettseal Merriamr Father »
Sold and Guaranteed in Godench by
by F. J. Butland
This week we have to recofd
another big fall in the mercury
of prices on nearly every article
in the Cameron stock.
Everything is now out on
the tables and counters. Tickets
tell you plainly the big reduc-
tions. Our lines are some-
what broken, but if you will
just take the trouble to walk
right through and examine
every table you will be sure to
get something you need and
the saving will be all yours.
Everything must be sold.
No hanging on now. it's all
got to go, and go quickly- As
soon as you read this lose no
time in coming to the store.
1500 rhen's Linen Collars.
While they last, choice, 2 for
5 pieces Muslin, regular
15c; now 714C.
Io pieces Dress Goods, in
the very best qualities, regular
upto $2.00 per yard. Choice
of any in the lot for 69c.
20 dozen Lawn H a n d -
kerchiefs; to for 25c.
On and off Dress Shields,
regular 25C, for 15c.
All our 25c and 3oc Silks
now, per yard, 15c.
Balance of our Veilings still
selling at, per yard, 12%C.
15o Fall and Winter Hats,
most of which have been
trimmed for this season's style.
This entire lot will be opened
up on the tables Saturday.
One table will contain trimmed
Hats at almost the price of
wrapping them up. Each, 25c.
Some extraordinary well -
trimmed Hats, worth regular
up to $6.00, for $1 98.
50o Wings, values up to
$2. o. Now, choice, 25c.
This a chance you will
never get main this season.
fess. A Come early.
syvo te I.0 Mss,
and Ma. N. D • M IN estet rum
• tern b tun• Tirana the
.f N• C. Cameron
iia ( r
taaA.r ossa® 1886
Bank Money Orders ire
ruam up to 1160.00 cost only
They are payable anywhere
the principal United States
Money sent in this way
to the payee.
Teti - nM 4)a04451, Rest and
Undivided Profits dhali ,8' 0
Total Assets (over) $58,000,000
Remit Money by
Money Orders
ued by the Union Bank of Canada for
from Sc to l5c, according to auwuut.
in Canada (Yukon excepted), and in
is as •ate as it you handed it direct
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch.
imam 1:10G -e MAIC. 1 n. w. Aster• _ fllsa1 .
U Ineseaecedra. ma. E.0 - t G. M. C. MART s.mL2 Ameletst Manager.
Overloaded Sale
Opera Horse Grocery
is here again and we would be
'•amid to'fill your wants Ior
pa` -it requisites, such as,
packeb.,• eickhng Spice
• _wder
Mustard SI MI
Celery Seed
White Wine
Cider Vinegar, etc.
Frac Fruits tad Vegetllbles
PI um.
New Corn
We are in the market for
Spring Chickens and other
C. M. Robertson
'Phone 164
AAA/ WelOWeeN/whle.trwwWWION
•it...ei. 070 leer r brr4.� mai4 feet
wtrel...an i 3.iserl.• tad. 1.
Lake Champlain Sept_ 5
Empress etlrslend nem d
Lake Mantteba. Sept. 14
liCalpreeti et Britain Beet. T
Lake Champlain Oct.3
Empress et Ireland, (lot- 4
Lake Masitob.. Cot, 10
Examen of Britain s Oct. IS
Tickets and all information from any
steamship agent. or J. Kidd, Anent, t'.
P. R-, Goderlcti. Oat. •
If you Neve not yet g.•t
leave your order at once
West et, The Up-to-date Tailor
Brophey Bros.
The Lea..- -e
Funeral Direcis..
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at. all hours, night or day.
The latest improved oscillating,
vibrating and rotary macbiue
made. Either lock or chain
stitch. On ball-bearing kande.
for all machines.
A full line of fancy Handker-
chiefs for Cushion Covera,
Aprons, Dusteape, etc.; ileo
Satin Flowers on band or wade
to order.
North side Square, ooxt Bell Telephc.e
For the Artistic Ftirtbishing of the Home
Rohrneier has the artistic Furniture, the "clasey` Irurnit.aro
the people of Goderich and vicinity demand.
For the Parlor -Selected Mahogany Parlor Suite. Parlor Cab -
Music Cabinet Parlor Tables, 'ria Tables and Tray to match,
Fancy Chain and odd pieces. These are worth while seeing.
For the Dining Room -Elegant nuasaive Buffete igquarter•-cut
Oak. Dining Table to match, Dining Chairs upholetered in real
leather. A variety of designs and prices to suit everybody.
For the Living Room -Fancy Chairs, Rockers, and a shipment
just received of Japanese goods that will please you.
For the Den -Some of the meat attractive pieces in Weathered
Oak, Mission and Early English that will runny meet with y..ur
For the Bedroom -Beautiful Dre..ers, Stands and SoInuoe ,o
Mabogan Quarter -cut Oak and Royal Oak. Something new in (itt-
caeran Walnut. Popular Nepoliaa wood Bede to match any of tbeee.
A good aa.ortment of Brass and iron Beds, Mattresses and
Springs of superior quality, tojuit,everybody. A plrasure to show
hese linea.
A new shipment of fine Pictures. A variety of subjects now
d y for your inspection. Come while tat, picking is good.
A Lull stock:of Baby,Cart•iagm and Go -Carta. Prices are right.
Rugs to suit any room, and the prices should clean them up is
abort order.
i can suit fhb most exact iog is quality and prices.
George l iohmeier
epenty lealltomev Baso
itKPAIRiNei 'PH0140 M won RIDS 44•11A RR