The Signal, 1912-8-29, Page 4News of District
MONDAY, Auf. 98th.
LANiw LOCALS. -The recent rain
have put a damper on the hervs
1 tely. In some localities it le repo
'r�at the barley is iproutinl in the
ppeat . Mis. A. M. Treleave . of
ey, has returned home
apeodiog the week at the home of her
father, las. Lane....... Mrs. Hull, o
Akron, OWo, baa returned home after
speeding a tew weeks at her father'
home....... Mr. and Ms. W. P. San
derson and family intend spending
some time in Toronto during the es
hibition.. Mrs. 8. Phillips, of
Mafektag, is at present visiting her Thome*aughter, Mrs. omae Ferguson.
WIDNRWAY, Aug. 21th.
I DRATu OPJuM i Tise
t death of John M. Mc Wills
reed curved at Alexandra tal on 8a
day last, at the early age of tee y
eight yeas. Tbs deceased had Nice
in poor health for three years and bad
suffered greatly during his Woes.
f He is survived by bis mother and
several brothers and sisters. The is
s neral took place os. Tuesday stt ru wn
- from the home of deceased on the god
concession of Ashfield, near Cedar
- Valley, to Port Albert cemetery and
was largely attended. Rev. G. Gomm,
of Dungannon, conducted • service at
the house arid the burial service of the
Canadian Order of Foresters was con-
ducted at the graveside. The pall-
bearers were J. Quaid, N. Graham, G.
Fielder, W. Vrooman, J. Shields and
H. Sbiel.s.
Howson & Lawson are busy rising
and shipping their stock of bobbin
The brick for our new school arrived
by C. P. R. and is now on the ground
waiting for the bricklayers.
Chas. Beadle has been iodurpoeed
and off work the past week. but is
now able to start work again.
Mr. Mcltveen bas bought a driver
from Jew 9tickingbottom and will be
able to show the heels to all comers.
Mrs. Simeon Series has returned
home after a week's visit with her
brother, las. Armstrong, at Brussels.
M. Locthart sold a floe lot of fat
cattle to Mr. Durnin last week and
they were shipped by C. P. R. on Sat-
Raymond Ferguson lett on Tuesday
to join his father in Montreal, where
he has secured a job assisting him in
the foundry.
A. Halliday and John \Vinson, sr.,
attended the Presbytery meeting at
Clinton last week, representing the
Auburn congregation in support of
the call to Rev. Mr. McCallum.
John Houston intends leaving on
h riaay for the West. We are sorry to
lose men like John. He has been here
about eight years and has become a
favorite. We all wish him success.
The farmers are anxiously awaiting
dry weather tosave the crops. Some
of the grain bas sprouted in the shocks
and is in danger of spoiling if tbe rain
continues much longer.
Cleo. Drop testa grade +a shiele
Vali l testa
dotrn ,
ravel road ani! id the diteb
opposite D. L,._lhart's witb a few
breaks in' the wagon and harness.
The horses were not injured.
John Kooz has sold his house and
lot to E. Phillipe, giving possession in
the spring. We are sorry to tbink of
losing Mr. and Mrs. Knox from our
midst. They are among the oldest
settlers here. They intend to reside
at Preston.
Among those who left here on the
Western excursion last Friday were
E. Phillips, O. Lawson. T. Adams• and
J. YoungbluL Mrs. Wm. Dobie and
daughter Minnie left to join Mr.
Dobie, who went about a month ago
to look after his son Gordon's estate.
The electric storm Monday morning
struck Mrs. Nicholson's bourse mod also
Wm. A{uith's, knocking off chim-
neys which broke through the roofs,
depositing bricks, plaster and water
in the rooms below. Fortunately no
one was injured and both houses
escaped without a blaze.
pleasant event on \Vednesday, 14th
inst., was the golden wedding celebra-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson.
The worthy couple were married in
Cbicago fifty years ago and alertly
afterwards came to this county,
where they have since resided. They
are now seventy-two and sixty-eight
years of age respectively. The an-
niversary was the occasion of a family
gathering and the presentation to the
bride and groom of flfty years of a
gold -beaded umbrella and a gold -
headed cane. accompanied by an
affectionate address. The children
are Geo. W.. John and James Daw-
son : Mrs. Os'taldeston and Mrs.
Wilkins, both of Goderich, and Miss
Hattie. at home.
NEWS OF THE WEEK. -Misses Maude
and Winole Cunningham are in Tor-
onto for a week's visit Mies Car-
rie Dunkeld, of Godericb, is visiting
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ms.
James McWhinney.s....Ms. Jane
Drennan visited friends in Goderich
last week . ....Maurice Schaefer. of
Milverton, is • visitor at John Schoen
hale' Mr. and Mrs. ReubeRichard-
son, Muskoka, are visiting relative; in
this vicinity Mies Margaret
Schoenbals visited in Goderich Net
week John McBride lett on Fri-
day for the Nortbwst. He intends
staying for the harvest season
Mrs. Ellen Burrows is visiting rela-
tives in CedervWe and Rockview,
Mich Miss Edith Fielder is
home from Goderich for a holiday .....
Wallace Cunningham returned home
last Wedoeedey from \Valkerville,
where he visited hie brother Horaoe
for three weeks Mrs. H. Hayden
is visiting relatives in Goderich for
a few days... .Miss Grace Crawford
lett last Tuesday for Calgary, Alta..
where she has a position as teacher in
one of the schools..Mr. and Ms.
Harry Bennett, of Chicago, are visit-
ing relatives here Mrs. Jack
Burrows was in Stratford for several
days last week Miss Roee Schoen -
hale and Dora returned home from
Waterloo on Saturday, accompanied
by Misses Maggie and Alrpa Dotzert,
E. V. Lawson. of Dunlop, called
on his friend, Otway Hayden, last Fri•
day Miss Tillie C'srey visited
friends in Godesieh last week
Miss Lizzie Faster, of Sbeppardton,
has been visiting her sister. Mrs.
Harry Hawkins, for the last two
weeks .... ....Miss Emmeline Hayden
left for an extended trip to the West
on Friday. She will visit her rioter,
Mr;. R. Buchanan, at Buchanan.
Sask Jack Green had a bee last
Saturday' night to help finish lathing
his new hcuae Albert McGee and
friend Mr. Armstrong. of Seaforth,
were visitors at I. McGee s from Sat-
urday till Monday.
WEDNESDAY. Aug. 21st.
RALLY DAY. -For the second time
this month the Bethel church was
filled to its capacity with an eagerand
interested congregation on buoday,
afternoon last, when the annual rally
service of the Benmiller. Zino (North)
and Bethel Sunday schools was held.'
The day 'being (Inc. by 2:30 o'clock
there was more of a congregation than
could be comfortably seated. Quite
a few stood in the lobby and some
stayed outside. The maip feature of
the service was a- children's choir,
consisting of over thirty voices, who
sang in a very creditable fashion some
beautiful selections. Each Sunday
school was reprepented in the choir,
as was the case in the three recitations
that were gieen so acceptably by
Misses Grigg, L Fagan and Edna
Walters. Douglas Mew, just out from
the Old Country, sang sweetly as a
solo "God Make My Life a Little
Light." Rev. A. W. Brown accomp-
anied on the organ the children's
choruses and the solo, having practised
the little singers for the occasion. The
Rally Day service program, as provid-
ed by the Methodist Sunday school
conference board, was gone through,
he theme of word and song being
'Building a Nation for God. The
pastor gave the address, which was an
to guard Mouthgate, S to
an Eargate in the interests of mmain-
bood and good citizenship. Harold
Walters acted as organist for the
congregational singing. Many claim
t was the best rally service for the
ircuit Sunday schools on record.
WRUNESDAT, Aug. 98th.
CHvecs NOTED. -Harvest festival
services are to be held in Bethel
Burch on Sunday morning and even -
ng next. Rev. H. \Villans, of Nile,
ie to he the special preacher. The
choir is to give suitable selections.. .
Bethel church is being renovated.
The faded and torn wallpaper has all
been scrubbed off the plaster. a bee
being held on Monday for that pur-
pose. Mr. Munroe, of Goderich, is to
kalsomine the roof and walls, it is
expected to have the work completed
for the special services on Sunday.
BenmWer church shed has been
framed and raised the last few days.
Evidently it is to be a substantial
structure. Men interested in its erec-
tion have worked well acid hard at the
several bees the building has necessi-
tated. The siding and roofing will be
the next job.
BRIEFS. -Mrs. Stephen Butt keeps
very poorly. She is rejoicing in the re-
turn of her daughter, Mrs. H. Faber,
from the West, on • visit to her
mother and other relatives Ms.
Jews Gledhill is still very weak and
ill, but the operation that was per-
formed hist week is believed to have
dose good. Her daughter. Mrs. Pot.
ter, from the West. has come to stay
for a time with ler......Mrs. 1'.
sister of Rev. A. W. brown, f on To-
rentO, MM do a protracted l to
11 eels . The /tort be- • gist a
dmgbter to the home of
MawA. Deed es Meads 'oors-
Moots Jobs Whit*
and Mr.. J.AAnsaa were same*, ttbom
whe hot eek. West with the ex. .ss
west in
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 28th,
Noris. Miss Egan, of Toronto. is
the guest of her friend, Mies Lizzie
Sullivan .. .. Mrs. Lannan, also Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lerman, of Goderich,
opent Sunday with friends here
Mr. and Mrs. Phalen and son, of
Goderich. spent Sunday at the home C
nt the latter's mother, Mrs. J E.
Sullivan... ..Mr. and MrsHarry
Lanolin returned to Detroit after
visiting Ashfield friends Miss H.
Deane, of St. Augustine, visited her c
parents here Wedding bells are
ringing Misses Mayme and Irene
Joye are home for their vacation.....
Miss Veroni:a Bowler and Mies K.
Kenny left on Saturday to resume
their positions in Detroit Mies
Constance Griffin, of Goderich, ie
visiting her sister. Mrs. J. P.
O'Loughlin Mies Annie Kenny
left last week to viett relatives in
Webbwood Rev. Father Ford, of
Bothwell, is visiting friends here
Quite a number from here attended
the summer fair at Goderich last
week J 8inndtt treated the young
people to a dance on Friday last. A
very good time was spent.
Wingham Lady Dies In California.
Windsor, August 23.-A private
message received tare this evening
from Lw Angeles announced the death
in that city e? Mrs. Mary A. Groves,
of Wiogham. Ont. The despatch
stated that the end came tanhte sud-
denly. The remains will be shipped
to Wingham for burial.
Bigger Puff -halts.
To tae Utter et The anal.
Atte,-1 see under the beadlug of
1.00al Topics is the last Mee of "T e
ttbbaatt a seeester peRJall was
by Mr. Rd. lemma. weighing
3 lbs. s elm i would like to stale
that two sash larger and Mavir ones
fetes near the lieessetraPark
Miss Add'YD ares
weld of the ewe tY
Vee seals at s lbs., 4 ma.. earl the ether,
't 4 tbs.. 13 sm.
Oaf. JMHARMS. otel.
Builds up the nervous epees,. and
a m preemies aigamlioa sed the term -
Mimi et wwwLy lied-WidD'. tree
Pitot. Ilk • basica.
=brae lee leadrechs yes flees
Mackaehe it
will tt�Dire
e+ craaeua'naee-8riebtiws i se
bs back.rCore
rag id
1 oily ese it awes .. -sillat
s beasy time-
1! Lucknow, has cared rtatnngowe
ice and will henoetorth give 61Ne
Ma satire
attention to the home ogles. Lucknow, where
meth -
be found every day. All modern meth -
to to twom_sat W at tae Pou-
Cane r�aedoetved atatla•ery B whn�
�aY ]Oa week and r mints Tie
et s a�eeals OEM for the wore.
THURSDAY, A lg. 29th.
Fred Rose,rp incipal of Dungannon
public school has returned from Lon-
don, where he took a pours • of several
weeks in cadet training writ is and has
been spending the latter part of his
holidays at his former home at Am-
berley. Mr. Ross intends to introduce
physical training in the school here
and if possible will also organize a
cadet corps among the pupils.
of the range officers of the Huron
Counts- Rifle League will be held here
on Friday, September 0th, to make
arrangements for the fall shoot at
5t. Augustine.... _It is possible that
the final watch with Paisley which
was to be held at Kincardine on Labor
Lay will be canal off. The manage-
ment of the London tournament is
trying to get teams from Huron and
Bruce to attend their short in Sep-
tember, and if the local team decides
to go there the Kincardine trip will
likely 1* cut out Competitions
among the members of the local asso-
ciation for the Dominion salver will
be held on September 13th. 20th and
27th and October 4th.
CHURCH NOTES. - Rev. G. Gomm
was in Wroxeter on Wednesday of
last week, where he preached the ser-
mon al. the induction of Rev. T. Wes-
ley into that charge. Rev. Mr. Wis-
hart, of Bruised", addressed the min-
ister and Rev. Mr. Bell the congrega-
tion......Mis Florence Duff, repre-
senting the Taylor Mission Band of
Erskine church. and Miss L. Elliott
are attending the summer school at
Geneva Lake.......On Sunday next
the pulpit of the Methodist church will
be filled in the morning by Chas. Gia
vin and in the evening by Rev. G.
Gomm. The pastor, Rev. J. E. Hun-
ter, will preach on the Ethel circuit,
Where re -union services will be held
on,that and the following day. Mr.
Hunter spent one year as a proba-
tioner on the Etbel circuit, and bas
been invited to preach again at one of
his former appointments where pre-
parations are being made toward the
election of a new church.
TELEPHONE let O1Eg.-Services have
recently been installed for the follow-
ingnes . subscribers: Robert Bogie,
Aes. Bogie, Henry Lednor, Henry
Zoellner and Nelson Graham. Shep-
pardton : Thos. Mitchell, Carioca ; Roy
]Maize, Jas. Haines, Jas. Edwardsand
Rev. G. Gomm, Dungannon ; Robert
Medd, sr., Auburn ; John Bennett,
ler., Port Albert ; and Geo. Bean,
Loyal From the Gravel Road,
between Kingsbridge and Amberley,
twenty -viz applications are already on
file, with more to follow. In order to
take care of this new business and to
carry the 12th concession lines, the
service is being extended north and
south from fantail In the centre
of Ashfield are forty or fifty would-be
subeeribers whom it wW be imposible
to serve until the existing main lines
are provided with additional cross-
erws, for the ons now in position are
already filled with Une. The line
from Nile is to be extended along the
south boundary of Ashfield to the
Late Shore road. 1t is expected tbat
a full circuit will soon be signed up
along this route. This extension
sbould prove a great relief to the Lake
Shore circuit, which at present com-
prise twenty-three services -far too
many to be carried successfully on one
Ilse A number of appfioations
have been received fromis be-
tween Leeburo and Goderich, ar-
rangements will be made to take care
of them when the extension from Mir
is made The line on concessions
2 and 3, West Wwanosh, will be ex-
tended from Jea. lifalloogh's to 8sra-
toga to take care of ht new services
in that eectbn is every
reason to believe that before the close
of 1912 the Ooderich Rarer Tele one
Co. will have over four h sub -
seri heirs.
Baize Mss -note -Eddie Herold, of
Brooklyn, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Whyard last weak
Milton Bechtel. a Elmira, called on
relatives here on Friday last..... Mies
Ida Whyard visited hes sister in Gode-
rich on Mooday and Turley
School re -opens on Tuesday.
bee fires Ralph Dishes returned
home fe'om Toronto no Monday sight.
'llwts wee no service in the
K,'-- eat oboe* last 8asday laming
on ass lent of the harvest home fess.
viesolget�Chows Iset'pries
aasg iozee whof ish be to a Om
farm Ts the Maritime awl a
walk 110 or i7 of McLlbe e, ohe reesivedf cheek
�i for
is via&thym�aehis mos... -...Ml (,la's
aA�spssdlsg two Issas'resumed �eesH fiat
herhalos bas Kim Ol dye WU-
WA OW ek tor
..semp.a.tpMed Pm l e. esi
Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday
August 3lst, September 3rdd 4th
This Sale means a GREAT SAVING to the buyer in a good many. articles
needed for present and future use.
Everything that can be classed as Summer Materials will have all the
PROFITS and part of the cost taken off.
Our object now is -to clear out all ends and left -overs at a LOSS PRICE
rather than carry them over.
In addition to the Summer Goods Sale there will be our old-time BARGAIN
DAY PRICES on nearly everything else in the store. That means do matter
what you want you are sure to get a BARGAIN PRICE.
Space will not permit of quoting prices on everything, but read over our list
-you will doubtless find in it something you may want among our offerings.
Everything in the store mads of cotton or lisle will be reduced
below actual cost to clear.
hoc value, for 35c 36o value, tor.........26c
30c 25c „ " 19c
20o '' " .. .....15c 15c „ .. ,12c
Ali these Hose are black or tan. some plain and some 1/1 rib, per -
d. and fast colors. The above prices should clear out our
w dock in a few days.
_Plat and sky blue Hose. About one hundred pairs in this lot,
the hessfne cotton thread. colorsbeautifully shepshiner stoprices
n d2 of
Sal• pre any perfect, regular pri s and 25e.
pairs bio
Ile Lisle Gloves for 19c. About one hundred pairs in this lot in
fancy srmamer shads, grey. fawn, navy, Alice, hello and green.
Any pair in the lot 1 Bo
36c pure lisle silk -finish Glover, same shades as the 25c lot. Per
rias make, beautiful fitting, correct sizes. Any pair in the lot ago
50c silk and silk -finished lisle, two -button, colors similar to the
26c and Inc makes. This is one of the best makes to be had. Our
sale prise only 1530
Gloves. twelve to sixteen -button lengths, in black and white,
Perrin's make. Tan, brown and grey in other makes, all new this
season. The cool rummer has left too man of them with us, now
they are to be cleared out at the following low prices.
Wbite, :pec value, for 25c Tan, 76c value, fol'...00e
Mack, 35c " " 25c White, 50c value, for 39c
White, 75c " (10c Black, 50c 3Bc
Black. 75c " " 00c Grey, 50c " • 30c
Silk Gloves, ten to sixteen -button lengths, Perrin and Kayser
finger -Upped, pure alk. black and whiteice, regular 11.25.
Sale -..1120
Pure silk, two -button length,
Regular 50c, sale price.
finger -Upped, black and
Regular 75c, sale price
A bit lot of these goods will be on Rale, some of them less
Regular 15c, " ... 140
Regular 18c, " 140
Regular 20c." " 1 f30
Regular36e. " ' 18.
Sias 3 to 9, mostly half sleeves, size 3, regular 10e, sale price 10c
or 3 for 26e • size 5, regular 124c, for 10c ; size 7, regular lbe, icor 12c;
saw 8 and 9 2 for tis
We haver/elected a lot at different prices of these goods. They
will be oa table at about half-price.
than maes'
Regular 120, sale price.
Just 39 left, mostly 35 and 38 sizes, any one of titan at less than
makers' prices. Read the following reductions
!B for woo 11.09 for
.96 for .,0.996 1.50 for. $0.75
i 7bu
1.75 for. ' 1.96 2.00 toe 1.25
816 for 1.60 2.50 for
Twenty -live Silk Remnants In taffeta and tamoline, from set
a yard to If yards le length, regular prices 50c to 86c. Black, wt, r.
and oolors. Any end in the lot at HALF-PRICE
We have too many Gbagbams for this time of the year and at,
putting 500 yards of tbe best 160 make on sale Saturday, Tuesday.
and V, ednesday, for lees than actual coot, at. . lo.
Oo 8s1e Days you can buy the' test English make in light
grounds, absolutely tact, 32 inches wide, regular 124;, sale price 1 Oo
Five pieces medium and light micros 126 yards In all. 20e and 2
regular prices. Any piece to the lot 16o
In gowns and skirt* wW be on sale on our Three Sale Days at.
the following reduced prises trimmed with embroidery and inser-
tion, a map at our sale prime.
11.00. Sale Price -10,85 41.30, Sale Prioa....81.25
1.76, Sale Price.... 1.86 1.26, Sale P►ice.... 0.97
A special make of cotton goods, extra wearers and good color..
motti� nt navy and brews spots and strips. suitable for shirt. and
boys' blouse. Regular 15c. sale price. 1 2j c
We are making Male prices on Towels ra4 Napkins. The
savingyouea make hers le worth looking after. 'Towels from 6c
Akins from les to $3.20 a doss.
Four pieces of resell cheeks, black and white,, bine and whit.,
pricebrownSale t white, 34 to 96 bnches wide, 110 yards In all, regular 4 .
Drees Goads, 2 pieces. about 50 yards i• a11, Meek and white'
broken chest. good value at 960. Malt pries .. 1 gee
Drew Goods, nine pieces, colors blue, brown, green sod drab,
which we are offering at this Mese at the following great reductions.
Regular 80c, for.. 390 Regular 85c, for 45c
Regular 75c, for 50c Regular 85c, for . 65c
Five hundredards of Flannelette at sane prices. One lot of 11 y
and 124, some of t� 9e and some 10e. 8t to 311 lashes. in light and
dark stripe. About 160 yards in sample salt. 3 to 10 yar& in an
end. 8c to 10e, some of them good vane for 11;e and lac; and some
pieces of wrappers tea, 124 to 15e for 8c, and 10e.
Don't forget that in addition to the Summer Sale articles nearly everything else in the store will be
offered at old-time Bargain Day Prices. This is a rare chance to get goods at extra low prices, August 31st
and September 3rd and 4th. No Goods charged at Bargain Prices.
Mrs. J. B., of Goderioh, is vis-
iting in Toronto Leslie Pentland
left last week for Hamiota, Man
Sam. Treleaven is away on a visit to
his brother Bert at Osstoee, Alta
Wes. Treleaven, who has a drygoods
store in Toronto. was home last week.
Mies Emily Smith left last Fri -
da on a trip to the Weet Mr.
and Mrs. J. Smith were out from
Goderich on Sunday.... .Mia Lily
McLean returned on Fridayafter a
week's visit at the home of r uncle,
Robert McLean. Oodesicb Mrs
Jas. Curweo and granddaughter. Miss
Ethel Brown. visited with Ooderieh
relatives last week..... Rev. 0. Gomm
was at Port AJbert on Tuesday. of6ai-
ating at the funeral el the late John
Willis. who died in ooderieb on Sun-
year.In his lith was
member a .Oesadian Orderof
Foresters, and the members of the
Port Albert lodge took part in the
burial 0sremoonies Owing to the
heavy and erratum rains aolty is ex tsno.d harvestinguthe
crepe. le some the men work.
pesdieelly all km se endeavor to
=swim m gnile Sas eNwt l;ovula
feted a lig moodFenn to
tab pert ie and the
�i w. of �)o8hl`
�s weer. ime vacuities web
and Pert
row IF idim Rehm0. P.vas tamite-
le he the
West --The largest specimen of
"ben fruit" seen in t village recently
was an egg which one of our citizens
found in the nest today. It measured
8 inches one way and 644 the other.
TOP-NOTCH Sateyr to. -The follow-
ing members of the Dungannon Rise
partAssociation took Rigs Association shoot the
hootat Long
Branch last week. returning home
Friday night covered with glory :
John Johnson, B. J.
=ford. Dr. Bine. T. G. Allen, J. El-
Enloe,Uott. T. Moos nn, R. DMber and Geo.
Yblit, The tournament war
In by over five hundred
Mimeos tuna all over Ontario, and
the oomiseltion was vary keen. the
Boors breaking all peeviese records, se
many as thirty -Ave possible, being
made in a singi. matab. 'Pis 11wtxae
non team won first plaoe fa the Nvi-
Ilan clans, which include, all weave
the military men, while irrdbviesal
Jobs web capturedbyR!alph ,
Jobs s,,T.
Cwwtoed, 3. 1k t andGeo..1Jd
Ho Maar Mier wm sheeting p 14W
e' .
Belie fb.L.e tiro
egret. Hs she& with the leeat team
sad besides ewes' Ave or cis of the
p neseui nee ono eft die
whom Ite eaet
templiierher thee rams. Mita at the 7eril r
Shaw's Scheele.
The School. Tweets Heefssew and Short-
Principal W. H. Sh yMi , with
its four w
the Genteel eat YL
School and th. Shaw
School. all located in 1hltentS miaow
commonly known as "Shaw's
Schools." Tbeee schools are doing a
great work in training yang sen
and worsen for business pursing asd
s successful mooed of twenty yeah
gives to these schools a long lige C[
active gredeates who ars now control-
ling in part the com'audlal interests
of our oountry. These Dobai@ ars
well known to be reliable in every
particular and are worthy of the wide
and liberal patronagetney enjoy. See
announcement in our adv. columna.
Not Staining to Kincardine.
Toronto, Aug. 14. -Sir Donald Mann
states that the report that the Cana-
dian Northern wee contemplating
bul dlag a road frau Gratis to Kin
insardine va Meaford. Tbornbury aod
Collingswood is without foundation.
The ANI game eft bluebell in the
chunk league series will be piayedt'It
o'er Knox ebnreb sad��aallorth
Loral Park on Labotinn[ t Nitbodiet ekureh are the oppos-
efficiency depends upon
row cgsltlltbiR.
P Satirs Ewsadwew b .....
stioniffuns and sustains
flow* Marlin. sad D.- -ss.
teen • ss.r. %+e . teat t1 -e
Owsrws sleet ter.aiwass Cot''
ST'sa1TOl0, ONT.
Oar wasst ma M s.tawd tr-
WNW" bele
P a. if'itaMMi