The Signal, 1912-8-29, Page 1ATRIAL T RIP fice tartionery How is your word 7 of Be .ration p��TTth. ri Deed a Signal Job De- gal e The veal [IIlesRO bare T�neaot� Prigting pipet, right Vricea 'F epLose INS T�E STERLINGBAftIi 6P CANADA Joint Accounts A joint Seelig' Account has many advantages. It snables hatband and wife, businessrtnen, or any two pinyon. to have an account subject to deposit or withdrawal. and is not affected by the ehsence or d Bath of either. GODERICH. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1912 0130ERICH MARKETS. Fen wOnts. me lwl Heat v►.0 Peas. peg .'toms, My. lass ssK Fleur. wheat, per wet tlre& pee tem per . per tom, new • ° v«h�ey?'` e:peef, � orrt .per .wt T.varDar Aug.lt6. per beleb� �1 WWI lau 00 per 13te 100 056m •re I10te 110 1 0e to 109 p.0 tea 10 M to to 00 100 to 1 75 100 to 110 17 10 is 1700 ton 10 00 to 10 00 00 w themM ate we led - 6 3p� M 5 130 • 116 tt. ID W 0110 0 11 to 014 116t 1511 Potatoes. per bushel.. 1 10 by 1 el .rate to per eat. 0 pe to 600 amu 700 e30to 010 4uo 430 .els . ad 0 00 to 05 o e 00 55 cwt 7011to 73 25 to 30 per ib... perils Head Office, King ar.d Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich-Branch-ANDREW PORTER, Manager AssessmentVS. Insurance P rticipat%g Jnsur;,nce The advantages realised profised frommaacttualing � experience. rance over Anyone tis - red with are being t insurance may benefit himself by communicating And his present personally or by letter with A. G. NISBET District Agent. Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada These bJ Oder next to Canadian Bank of Commerce Goderich STEAMBOAT `AGENCY J. W. CRAIGIE Agent for graA1kaCITY OF DETROIT II (D. & C. Navigation Co.) ntextrta HURON (star -Cole Line). Harbor office wed et tows 000Mhtel olk. Uptown office en egte Mgt C. P sloe. Teleptoae.-Ne. U and No. IN. Persons FREIGHT Id eewodall uptown office. AUC IONEERb. PUBLIC NOTICE WARM HELP AND DOMESTIC SERVANT& -Powers requtrl.g farm eels swam ap atone. o WILLIAM M0 1 IL - LIN, Dion Uoveramest imtploymeet tit. H e Oat. per lett with H. D. WDel84 Misr. Oat.. will waive prompt ettestloa. 60-U NOT1CB.-I HEREBY GIVE PIIS LIC wake that aepwsss basally right to eel! any of Wecera or ohattela eft q C hrlsopher Lamberts,. s to hays say ass; lag. therewith. M h, had Lit them in psi charge toners Mr awing his Waseca OS- WALD P. I.AMBIRTUS. Ooderich. Augnet nth. 1912. The Signa ur the Isobaric*of a year to new subscribers for -only 25 CENTS THE SIGNAL PAIN.1NU CO.. Ltd.. Pvsusemas FOR SAID 4111 TO BENT OUSE AND kill' FOR SALE ON ►iroler pantq. ask oieit rim.; about 100:100, EVERYBODY LiOES TO THE POINT Trafalgar erred. -Haus bedrooms, part«• iLABOR DAY SPORT S lumber can be saved. The boat is . owned by M. Kandy, of Niagara Falls, Ont. When she struck the island she was already pertly filled with water. A great bole was torn In her es she hit the rocks, and a veritable torrent of water poured in. Mrs.Thomas Swanson. wife of the captain, and her two children were lying in their berth In the cabin at the time, while husband and brother struggled with the little craft on deck above. When the vessel struck, the children were torn from their mother's aide by the force of inrt►ebing water, and were wombed about the cabin for several mi.utee before she could again get her ernes around them. Life-saver. experienced great diffi- culty in reaching the Larsen, the surf boat missing jagged points of rocks many times. The Swanson. were taken to the life-saving stat ion, and will be kept tbere until recovered from the shock of their experience. The lilife-saving tender Amaranth and g crew will mike an effort save the Laken'. sargo. The Tars= is the same vessel which was reported missing over a month ago, but turned up lister safe and sound in Sarnia Bay. amt water o0eIs sus e : s Pa can hash. V+� ��} FARM FOR THE HOLIDAY. hadatT ICtlIUISALIIRpTCIC f'10 RENT. --COIIFORIABLTWO- -L STORY brick house an Vkt street; .11 TWO - w aken oonverdeaeer. Pesseedon can be Own anytime atter •.ptember 14- Fur terms Y ,pd tartyM dMWyly ply to MAL.00LM c Y. TO I;IINT.- HE tress se norasr of SLY- : eine room W A��m!IlE, Hca d LBON HILL. fou. I&lt 17-1m essfortabloBritemola oeevealenow. tombst. A 1f .ato W tear. aodse , er P. O. TOWN OF OODERICH. Take notice that the municipal count! of 110 Icorporation of the town of Ooderich intend. to conAnut.3nine-Inch sewer on William 4reet in e .'aid town. between Britannia road and the Cogley street, and intend., to amen. • portion gf thhe� anal net thereof upon the real property to Ibe^lmsedlotet7 beneattd thereby. hontinp or abetting upon wiltla= t, aforesaid. Do- ttweweetsthe Bald pct cost &oral& . tom. W Ieryt k tri Anal and that a esteemed also �e 'lo amt pt'a twenty • p.esd M M spegatpjase red tar th.eaid work. .red the names oft thele tar as the sere sen be lost revkwd emserment roll rued la the were of rho chairty, and is open f,fkr - eros ' patty, bsm hoare The estimated cost• of the work ie NUN. of which 4174.37 is to be vided out of the general fund,. of the municipality. A court of revi.fon will be held on the 0th dry of September. 1912, at thebour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon. at the council chamber is the town of (loderich. for the rurpm,e of hearing complaint. again.1 the proposed as.e..,ment or the accuracy of frontage me.. uremenl... oran other complaint which the per.ons tote may desire to make and which p., by law cog- nisable the court. Dated the nth day of August, 1912.•,Clerk. THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTIONEER �R�ozp Q, All instructions by mail tended a. ale will 11�ompW • to v-Yv-Y Th WANTED. s 1 10 Boys, 15 yeirs and up. 1 5 .Cabinet -makers or 1 handy I e men. meet with too s. NAVIGATION CO. ~4,1 3 Men for the glue room. DETROIT & CLEVELAND a Machin Apply at CiTY OF DETROITII. • Smut= GODERICH ORGAN CO. _ !s OFFICE FOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays 11.30 a. m. "moue way 16.00 round trip. FOR DINT Saturdays, 22.70 p. m. 453.1X1 one way $&50 round trip. 1 rte: amsMsa� STAR -COLE LINE STR. HURON Leaves Goderieb FOR SAUULT STE. YARIE. MICH.. VIII No. th Channel. Georgian may. Tuesday at 9 p. m. FOR PORT HURON, DETROIT, T01.8.00 and CLEW EL AND. Friday at 12 midnight. AR 1.8:1. General Manager. Detroit. MMh. SWISIMmissamma .use► GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet Al) trains. Private calls have prompt and careful attention. First - clam livery ontfita at all limes.. Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LIVERY j F. & T. M. Davis Proprietors South Street 'Phone No. 61 - --rte-� W [RVRI-JPN ':, UILILIETJN t Many clients of ours have made thousands of dollars by investing in Weyburn property during 1 the past year. We can show a list of prominent business men who have made small fortunes by investing in WEY1:;URN When you consider that the Grand Trunk Pat iftc are grading their line into Weyburn, the C. P R. and G. T. P. are building new stations. freight sheds and yards, roundhouses, etc., and that buildi14g permits run over $800,00o for the year so fata record that many a city of 75,0oo would be proud of -wouldn't this convinceou that an in- vestment in property situated only five blocks from the postoflice at $25o per lot is good buying and bound to make you money? Better write us at once. We sell on easy terms. 1 V. Campion & Company swYRrrY E,&mc BVTLDII • WBTHORN. RARILETO'H$W e!N OUIiE FOR d.ALB.-GOOD, COM- rORTABLE, oaorsaieus back house on Wait. An eonvenienose. Nios Hood loeatay. Apply at THE 810. AL. H=VT.-COMFORT- ABLETO T.-COMFORT- ABLEtwo-darf tom hone on Viotorla NAL ateW. Mt teo o n Apply 1IGoFF- LIOR SALE. --1 WO$RICK HOUSES, 1` welperativab mew, with all modem im- provesests, Fer aiktseniars and terms eases WILES. W. A. enettes. east. styst. LISOICE FARMS FOR DAM -162 lets sell serge east 11 aMsin ee .•er ;see =edwell t and es and orchard 0a .� Mia Situated eeheethee expected obsolete ��gOOOttettta from Sarnia to Oodericb. Wiesen t5*deaer or separates,For fu ILaerrIB, partiGodecularsich„ o THOId R17U FOR SALE. A Big Program for Afternoon and Evening at the Popular lakeside Resort -Athletic Contests, Base- ball, Music, Dancing. and a Great Fire on the Beach to Close the Day's Fun. ARM FOR SALE. -SIXTY-FIVE acres. lot 14. oemomeion 8. Y_ D. Colborne. and a halt hams house, kitchen and oto outbuuHlnphart water pump at M- otes doer ; teleeb0M esnectlon. Good hams baro, 40 . 601, addrlvies boom and other build - 1 • good hard water Damp at bsra. All h.lsins. are 1. mei °sedition. flee is -damp der Geed IAsiesisaiah a demand lea shoot •a ea V ]■HtiTUN or Vt 0 R SALE. - SEED WHEAT. McGee, Saltie clean.P. 110..W. ea WALTER VOR SALE. -GOOD THOMAS OR- E fs OAN. piano �1 et reasonabsix le, used only n 2.11 few yeses ,t O. HOHl,lT11CR'8 Furniture amore. (`IOOD JERSEY COW FOR SALE.- . Apply MRS. 1CAPT.4 JOHN Mc11ONALD• Britaa*la road. Arrangements are be 05 att hele red Point the Labor Day spirts Farm next Monday, and if the weather is of the holiday variety there will likely be a ironic' crowd at the Poiot, which Las seen some big crowds in it... day. The large posters announc- ing the events of the day have been distributed over the counuyslde, and Ore athletes are getting the•r muscles in trim. the besehall "lane" are get- thret ready to cheer their favorite team, the violinist, are tuning up for the mazy dance, the lessee are put - Ung new trimming on their best frocks, and Proprietor his visitors thes preparing tgive day of their fives. The program of athletic contests will commence at 2 o'clock and will Include the following events : 1. 440 ye :zyoje run. 2. Running broad jump. 3. 220 yards daab. 4. Running high jump, 5. 880 yards run. 6. Blind pig' race. 7. 120 yards obetaele race. 8. Vaulting with pole. 9. Walking spring pole. �'1 intla'frt 5 13 10, Pickaback wrestle. l reboot. by at. Jeri Good prizes are offered for these see tilts tater. I vents. Mita JAMES 8Y- At 3:30 the baseball match, which IIINITON, sobers w111 decide whether Blyth or Goole Gode- rich is to "wart the pennant," will be .- HOUSE AND called. Owing to the bridge at Au- burn being impassable and the water in the river very high, tbere promised to be some difficulty about getting the Blyth team here, hut 11r. Gold- thorpe arranged that 11ie players should come by automobile b way of Clinton: so they will be on by all right. During the afternoon and evening there will be dancing in the big hotel parlors. with plenty of good music. Those who like may indulge in bath-' iug at the splendid beach or engage in any of the many different amusements always to he had at the Point Farm. In the evening, rafter 'unset. there will be a great fire spectacle on the beach. Everybody will want to see this. Admission to the grounds will be ffi for children, 10c. Each person paying the admission fea will receive a tictet entitling the holder to the privileges of the grounds for the after- noon and evening. Refreshments will be sold on the grounds and meals will be served at the hotel at the usual prices. This is the last summer holiday of the season, and the Point Farm ie the place to spend it. i10 3 . ewm.A entw ssppeerrttiknown as 1 f sslie eoreer OWar, Jordan et os -.+. .� nett. all kmea�er Mre4 i g NALeOFFIL;L . att pM17-a V9ANTED. - FOR A CLIENT, tarns near oea�1�. Send frill particle - LAND lowest price and 1Mt terms. NL LHOL - LAND a; CO.,Tsr 1S. Op 1- 111-]m CANOE FOR SALE. -NEW 1912, Wm. Earns instarbaree mak.._ to Ant- oine ceoditlon. Apply le eIGNAL OFFICE. FOR SALE. -A GOOD DRIVING [mare. six years old. not *hold ofautos.o aus. Alsoow p baggy and harness. light 11 and - heavy wagon for one horse. Apple J. T. ELL. Hlncke street. near Huron road. Can In the wooing. or at peen. FO1t SALE. - BARN ON PROP- ERTY belonging to J. E. Jordan. South street. Address any commanieatJowl to 242 Oxford Street. London. Ott STEAM LAUNCH FOR �I.B A AT bargain, ammonite steam yam• ; o.adttis.•sosdthirty Erne: • trj GanIIPi k1N( MIS:B to Never aleYf- toot meet Yacht Broker. 105 Tonne at 1741_ onto'-------- -- EED FOR SALE. -HAVE. JUST PEED a large amount of mixed emits which i will sen at a reasonable price. It Goa. stets of barley. w heat and oats. Also have a lot of extra good dry teed wheat. Storehouse at EL David s ward •ohoot Open every Thursday anlit*lurdey. J. F. ANDREWS. - i4'OR SALE. -GOOD CIDER VINE, - GAIL wholesale or retail. D. F. HAY - LINK. CHAUFFEURS. __ 125��CC AA PER WERE 18 AVER- .1/kr AGE salary that ohaeflhnrs who ve taken our oorrespendemoe course aro get- ting. Wouldou like to drive a car I Write for tree book TORONTO AUTO INSTI TUTS. Toronto. - FIRST -CLAIM FARMPelt SALE or to nal. let 1. eenoe.den 7, women dtvi- ebsD. Colborne seweship. 104 ane.. with Art - dam house. with modern cdsvoniemees. good bank hoes. rieorehani mad Nr utp d water. Farm Ma in pasture for TearsWeald siarkne rattUat y..ApMt7s F. W. RENT.--UUMMODIOUS HOUSE eD Neirp street. AH 10.0 65f.o.r. 3�Vpplly JAS: BUCHANAN, JR. at Goderich yning Mille. TO RENT. - SEVEN - ROOMED pIeven rything te7heua. both,eleottoIt• hot water month. Apply BOX II repair. OFICkF LIOR SALE OR RENT. - "MAPLE r Lawn.' the p eseut hero of the under - awed. Dorset Newgate street and Cambria read. Possession � epn can he ghee October 1st, « AA▪ LSX r S,r�AUINDERS, (lodedehto saOwa l n rchCo..ast. 1S2t A Popular School It is freely admitted that among the High-grade Oommer- cial School' of Canada t h e CLINTONLEGCOL- stands inBUSINESS fhe orsiront. In point of attendance this col- lege is exceeded by only three or tour len Ontario. It is affiliated with the Commercial Educators' Association of Canada. and Its t last year trained and in excelient positions over two thousand young p=opfe, thus making them the latytest trainers in Canada. A few months ago Mr. Spottou visited business colleges . Ilr- trolt, Cleveland, Belisle, Roth. ester. Ryvselse, New York and Boston; mad, with the knowl- edge of Bodeen. Science Rained M1fip�ttr, he Ps isthe beet Mode rn training that can bells of ambitious vnu.g tae studying entirely at urate of the Home _ L while they ingohre work 1 others f ly at 110..ea goareoteas 048 The 0110. oto56 t ai the saandp for was tlsan tleess U1 letathe «�wri This reopens Rept- Mahar 11 OUSE FOR SALE. -ON BRUCE IA street ; eleven rooms, hath, rower omneo- qqopup,, good cellar. good 0lemrn. Apply � o NettKILPATIsiO realise.oo threalise. PROP SRTI E S FOR SALE. -A trams two Dory reseteece on Hoare e▪ ase lash ('. A. Names. has 10 rooms; ander all of,t1so boas :nod elms and a good stable. Also a pod comfortable trams rsMdreoe: Not e. laevo M above. but In spfeee i Opnei don. Club t5 meorl. .Mo a eamisrtable frame beam 0 three re Me 05 et Mese nt*01011 there aro a a of lase. prates,eer aae., eheies will rbe comtr�0 les som- be had iii owe. O GM DRY, ooderiok. FRAM FOR MALE. -THE BAST halt of let one in ?4be fourth eon. &stern Division of the township 1..h Said. eeetalala1 100 acres. The hulklings coo aid eta Mme hones and balm bare. There fere Is s * reran oroh*rd. For �AT8 t Ell, �����d Pb. 12-tt LORAN. (Iaaerieb. - A FRATERNAL VISIT. REALE.-THE 10a4CRE FARM eon - 1= Med. fend ow pr sates le omnis kiebar. ling p, 11 eV erdsR d sRwown. In war ems et towns and C. P. st.{ to mqa�ro 0V.IN. the town**.ket Mot. }-1°I SALE. -133 ACRES 0!'the LAND tbe tint sonosimienot A., about 1 =ties « of NIM Heeeehip d ahtM:Zeg an eONe _ P O. OWtf. -B f -THA DESIRABLE sroperty AsY1� riArta sad I .efe�r� p !!e IFps a.a. be se ♦veru vela HAMILTON BUSINESS MEN TO BE IN GODERICH SEPTEMBER 12th. Will Be Entertained by the Town Coun- cil --Effort to Be Made to Secure Partial Operation of West Shore Railway This Fall Another Re- quest to Hon. Adam Beck for the Long -promised Report on Maitland River Power. RALPH DISHER AT LONG BRANCH. Dungannon Boy's Wonderful Shooting Makes a Sensation. A conference of the town coua.il with members of the Board of Trade was held in the council chamber an Tuesday evening, and a number of matters requiring special attention were discussed. Visit of Hamilton Business MoD. The first was the contemplated visit of a party of Hamilton business men to Goderich on the 12th of September, under the auspices of the Hamilton Board of Trade. The party is aiming over the new C. P. R. line from Ham ilton to Guelph, leaving Hamilton on September 11th, accompanied by a band. The C. P. R. is supplying tbe laded. Pullman equipment for the trip, and the Hamilton men are look- ing forward to a good time. It. is ex- pected that the party will include many of the most influential men of the city and will number from fifty to one hundred. At Guelph the party is W be entertained on the even- ing of the lltb. and the nett day Goderich is to 170 fill objective point, with stops at a signaber of towns along the route. Arrangements will be made by the town council for the entertainment of the visitors here. and it is hoped that when they leave they will carry away a good opinion of the town and 118 people. The entertainment here will probably take the form of • drive about the town followed by a luncb- e )n. Several members of the Dungannon Rifle Association. and others from As- sociations in the Huron County Rifle League, took part in the big Long Branch event and picked up some of the money. Among tbe Dungan- non shooters was young Ralph Dieber, who was looked upon among the vet- eran rifleman ae a prodigy. The Toronto papers all com- mented upon young Dither's phen- omenal shooting, and The Toronto Star had the folklwing : With the veteran Captain Tom Mitchell making a foible total of 200 at 800 yards, 500, , and 800, and Disher. the fifteen -year-old shooting wonder from Duogennon, near Gode- rich, holding hie own in lsisley com- pany, this year's meeting of the On- tario laifle Association is remarkable for its surprising features. Poseibles were the order yesterday in the Coronation match and, from first until els last, record work was done, whether, In the Coronation or the Duke of Uprnwall and York. Naturally Pedal, the wonder of the event is the Dungannon prodigy. He is Ralph Dasher, son of Adrian Disher, miller, of Dungannon. He is not more than fifteen. if he is that old, and he is small for his age. To look at him you marvel that sucb a little fellow can handle such a big gra When he is not ploggine the target, he is helping his father in the chop- ping twill. Here are his individual scores for the first two days : City of Hamilton matcb. 34 out of 35. ewt■�,�� -A BUILDING LSP AarI Newest* weer. Apple a Y. J.PPtotttD- OUSE AND Ike, FOR KALI! Olt Zeros .eed,n,mstt Maims aimol btheat 4e�spmp�ft%tcats1m. aau517woss.hI THE JULIA LARSEN WRECKED. Little Schooner Well Known at This Port a Total Loss. Sarnia, Aug. r. -The little 50 -ton schooner Julia Larsen of Sarnia was wrecked in a fierce gale off Thunder Bey Gland Iasi night. The captain and crew are all residents of Sarnia and were only saved by heroic work on the part of the life-savidg corp. on the island. The Larsen was hound down from Spanish River with a cargo of lumber for dealers here. She became water- logged early in tbe day and was blown about at random, finally being tossed by the waves on the rocky ledge at the southeast end of thunder Bay Island. 'Five lives were in danger for a time. but remarkable work on the part of Capt. Parsons and Thunder Bay island life-savers averted a tragedy. The Larsen is a total loss, but it is believed that part of the cargo of SALiL-100 AORE 4 OF LAND mot .tSlh Niton X01 � ,Seem 1 1•M. �aSS `epM,' SITUATIONS VACANT. PROBAPE TIONERS WANTD FOR swathed 000.05.1 Ho.p1W.-Threeyears' Douses. Apple le lslfer be the SUPSAiLN- n1ENT. Strolling, 0G 0 A pPpRENTI(OES WANTEDbpT 0 > yW.T. PYf.I. W.glaYs5.m strut. 0 i I I deb. WANTED. -TWO ORGAN VAR- NIBS ro�bber{s nod ens ,lila , Irmo" ♦e 41101 W. ( Qat se t0 ( . Tl�idH ANTED. -A RAID FOR OEN- MAL WPM GEORGE E. - LOST OE FOUND. City of Toronto. el out of 70. Osler, 47 out of 50. Extra series. 8bullseyes at ROO yards. llte shoots with the Dungannon team, which is capturing both glory and gold, and he enters eyery available cies& Not being a soldier boy, this "bloomin' little recruity" is barred from the uniformed events, but he ap- pears at the treasurer's desk every little while, and when his ccntingent leevee forhome somebody may flnd it necessary to help him carry his win- nings. What has made this infant phenom? Like the poet, was he born a great shot, or, like Topsy, bas be just growed ? Captain Charles Elliott, of Dungan- non team, says be has another rising star of the butts. "Balfour Simpson is about Dieher's age and size," said Elliott to The Star. "Disher has the edge .rel Sinipeoh, perhaps, but at our County League shoot Simpson made tt:, nut of 70. Simpson couldn't copse, or we should have had a pair of my youngsters. Walt a little, however, and 111 come down with a team of boys. Seven or eight are shaping up in a way that I like to see." LGM'.-iN TOWN LAST WEEK. A sun eim� black hid gloves Reward. MEAL OTITCL LADY'S RAUWOAT FOUND.- App4 .t elfi1AL OOTICL ORT. -OA P*IDAY NIGHT LAST. InaMari 1 TO6m.=esm AvCflON WOOL ttC'riOlf BALE OFA 00 A The Electric Railway. The next 'matter taken under con- sideration was the electric railway. Last fall there was a considerable traf- fic over the completed portion of the road, between Kintail and Godericb, the construction engine being used for motive power. This gave the farmers of the northern country facilities for shipping hay, grain and other prod- ucts, and for getting in supplies of coal, a great amount of heavy teaming thus being avoided. It is desired to retinue this service in some mariner during the coming fall, and a commit tee composed of Mayor Reid. Dr. Macklin, president of the Board of Trade, and L. L. Knox, town clerk. was appointed to do everythiug pos- sible in the matter. some means of traction will have to be secured, the construction engine not being avail- able now, and some agreement will have to be arrived at among the several parties interested in the rail- way as to the manner in which the traffic is to be managed. Single Fare tor Labor Day Via the Grand Trunk Railway Rystem between alt .talions in Canada. also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Niagara Falls, susnenaion Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y. 'Pickets good going August 30th and 31 et ;Alia September let and 2nd. All tickets vagi titr;rr return t until Wednesday. Septa 912. Minimum rate twenty-five osupts. Secure tickets and full p•ttieulars from F. F. Lawrence, Grand Trunk Agent, G«lere:h. , Low Rates for Labor Day via Canadian Pacific Railway. On account of Labor Day, the Can- adian Pacific Railway will issue re- turn tiek.te at single first-class fare (minimum charge. 26c.) between all stations in Canada.. Part Arthur and .t, also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. N. Y.. Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie. Mob. Good going August 30 and 31. September 1 and 2. Return limit. September 4 1912. Full particulars from any C. P'. R. agent.. R RALIIL-THAN 1►Ilf« RUN - Ile A. Yea at thee Witper- Dealers.' Cermet be Cured treat Lite .n ether cannot reach the. d jjettM .1 tarsandt�.T ere Is only one hy Ls.t.tt.anDeshler Lnoose '_yirtle 5.. a ht wNn r..att, a It MM x e►i. tweftt tem are eaoosl Red all 1. eies11,111114rettaMen far say d n et ha Catarrh eine. Urea . CWHEW7 e , Toledo n 7Pl hr emsetle ties The Power Question. P rtly arising oat .,f the electric railway discussion, the question of hydro -electric power again came up. and the following resolution was passed : Moved by James Mitchell. seconded by H. E. Hodgens, that this meeting of the council and ciuizens of (lode - rich respectfully but urgently aske ot the Minister of Power and the Hydro - Electric Commission that the promised repos t on the power development of the Maitland River and the supply of electric energy for this district be submitted at as early a date as pos- sible. Also that the Commission be asked to name a price for 5110 horse- pewer delivered at Goderich from the .Hydro system pending the develop- ment of the Maitland River As prone ised by the Minister at a public meet- ing held in Goderich on the 17th of August, 1911. A Card ot Thanks. The managing committee of the summer fair conducted en suooesefully last week under the suspicion of St. Peter's church wish to extend their sincere thanks to aN who gave their assistance ---to those who made dona- tions, those who contributed to the program, those who helped in the work of conducting the fair. and especially to the ladies and gentle- men of all denominetions who by their attendance and generosity made the fair the great success it wits. The proceeds amounted to the hand- some total of over IbhlO, which 1,1113 1e- to be devoted towards the erection of a new parocbiai residence in the near future. Mrs. Griffin to Open '-The S0. Leann MCe. - The et. Lawrence, the well-known house on Montreal street. will be opened shortly by Mrs. G. A. Griffin. Who has .uce*safulty accommodated summer visitors at the kitty boor daring the summer. Any person de- siring a nomfntahle boar id net this tall 1e- invited to cosamun,c•te with Mee. Griffin. The rates will be reasonable. and the hoose will b• ees- ducted In a manner which will elgt•ia Mr.. Griffin'. repetatlo• es • e•p•W manager. WELL WORTH iNOWMIQ. Tberw are many imitations, of telt loge's Tainted Cors ?dotes. lies. of *sea equal the gessietw Loot for the signature and be sure e1 esatisfee tion nyder W.Us))B's today.