The Signal, 1912-8-22, Page 6• TftonenAT, Amour EA Its!
...................... .
The Schemers
.'• • A Case Where the ••
• Little Ood Cupid••
• • Takes a Hand ••
• •
The please ot the summer both was
decked wllb white and colored gowns
Believed Isere ape there by the mon
.somber buss of men'e garments. At
licnburst there was a proportion of one
male guest to every seventeen et the
apposite sex. Polly Skipper bad Og-
sired 1t out on the back et a picture
postcard she had jest tecelved from
Met Westford who should have been
there It be bad not loved the Maine
woods better.
"Think of his Iwpudencer complain-
ed Polly to a group of ber friends to •
corner of the plasma. "1 wrote to him
that 1t was lovely downhere on Mimes
bleed, and he merely sends this kod■k
pastel showing himself sitting around
• camp Ore with half a domes perfect-
ly stunning looking men, all westing
Aauuel shirts and looking contented
and happy, without a single girl In
✓ lghll"
She passed the card around
' for lnapectkrn.
"1 suppose everything la very messy
there.' remarked Bell Sears after a
casual glance at the pictured group.
Elle Proud balanced her slender
form on the plasma railing and looked
pettishly over toward a group of mar-
arMed women. whose husbands sat In
tamed submission pear by reading the
moroing papers.
Polly was figuring rapidly on the
posted card Dick Westford had sent,
sod It was then that she announced
ler statistical Ogurea
"lust fancy, glrle; there's just one
num to every seventeen women to thio
hotel l"
"Did you count In 81117 Pinckney?"
"Of course 1 did." laughed Polly.
'Well, be bard!y eounta, be la so
girl'," complained Lily Deane- "He
actually linked me to show him how
to embroider, said he'd always want
ed to try It, It looked so fascinating."
"What did you sayr
"1 promised to give btm a lesson
Ibis morning. And bare be COMM
now, the borer'
[Aly looked up nod smiled In steel
rontradlctton as Billy Pinckney drew
Ile wag a soft looking youth with
pale hair, a long nose and kittenish
manners. HIa clothe. were remarka-
ble for their color uermonlee and their
variety. Now he was wearing a suit
of pale blue flannel with shirt to
match god s ring on one whits hand
wllb a turquoise sunk deep in the
Ile visa n drrnm In blue.
'At!. Miss L1ly," be murmured Bente
ly, •1111 a aignlflcaot glance around
the group of maidens, "we bave an en-
gagement to sit o0 the beach. 1 be-
"Oerlalnly, Mr. i'Inckney. Excuse
OK. girls" And Lily dropped her em-
broidery In ber silken bag. slung the
✓ IIilaoe over her arm and departed '
toward the inndy beacp.
The five remaining girin watched
the couple out of sight. and then they
exchanged glancea.
''We neve come to this pa..," said
Polly solemnly, "when even the atten-
tions of Itllly I'Inckney are looked on
with envy. Nay, don't expostulate,
glrlles 1 feel that way mysetf Pd
rather go walking with BUIy and lis-
ten to him Inanities and shudder at his
lavender and pale bine flannels than
to alt here and goaelp with you! Then.
d on't you all feel the same w•,? A11
lo favor say aye."
"Ayer' they shrieked In chorus.
"We ars desperate. Nome One day
BIIIy Pinckney will propose to one of
ea, as is his habit, and through sheat
ennui one of us will accept him."
"Ugh!" shuddered Bell, with a glance
air ler shoulder at a talkative group
of Merely women. "imagine having
Mn. Pinckney for a mother-in-Iawr'
"Don't worry," laughed Amy Wrenn
frost the hammock. "Mrs Pinckney
would never permit It to go as tar as
How could she stop ter linked Bell.
"Trust ber cleverness. She wouldn't
make a big fuse and bother over the
engagement-ob, not Shad be perfect-
ly street and lovely and all that but
she would Invite • whole lot of mea
down bere to cut Billy out She knows
he wouldn't stand a chance beside any
other map," declared Amy °antwmpts.
"Why not do Its" asked Poly coolly.
"Do what r
"One of us become engaged to RBI?, ,
ev. el leant, all of os pay him so much
• lteellon that Mrs. Ptn('knoit will be-
come stormed and send fee help ed
Souse sort. I weeder what .he would
really dor Polly's cheeks were past
with ml.rblevons ptMte.,eet
"Nhe would rommunleste with BIIIy'.
ak.Poetmete mist' ve•net -ntereyr Asad
Wreen suddenly mt up straight and
beckoned ber Mer companions to a
secret tinter ecce. When tb• Deada
were else together she wilsporsd,
"Did yoe know that Dick Westford
wee Rlltre ewe roes and the nese.
set seer reline* as well as the Seas,
rtes agent and reeeeentul adviser el
She Widow Pteekae7 and Mr far
boo t►
"Ne," creed Bea, ernoth.rfeg • awake
. nags
"Yea," ••amrt0A Amy. wits ` gleam
▪ Peers ti Slides .beers If Mss.
f Imes.+ Mode ter as be ., soma
Mad bring all e[ Ws friends M Oft RPM
"Oh. ley r asessed 111. Mit OMB
the ether girls echoed lar wads. UM,
Pony Wass was q te •fleet tie
didn't object to the Shona, for ebe
knew that Billy Ptockoey wee mese
ter. reel •eotlaeat. for le ted
sea of Ms mother, and Mrs. mem
was s. cold and aoaympethwc s. •
block of marble.
Aad Polly dol want Diet Westford
to roma only somehow abed rather
be ea.e because be mooed to be teens
with ber mod 001 because Mea riser
see est for him
Stilt It was taking a long ebsuee on
Mn, Pinckney sending ter lick Went,
teed, but the pies wee worth 'Tyra. for
.ealmir.t was deadly dell without say
sees armed
for a week then was pigsty et es-
dtement at the Smethurst hetet To be-
gin with. ear live girls comWst0y
meoopollzsd Billy Pinckney and raw.
redse *eat oodlvlded attention epee
Ur gale youth that his bead war melte
"1'm the wires cheese here," be grie-
✓ ed te Ids skeins mother one eveningg.
and that borrthed Lady put up bur re-
vert* and stand et him.
"William. my eon." lobe gasped, "sev-
er, never ser such language In my
presence again. As for receiving atten-
tion from the girls to tbis bonne. yea
aostn't take 1t seriously, for reamer
ber you ars the Daly man bees at pres-
Billy was .hoot. Bb mother's Male.
nation stung biro to the quick. He
would prove to ser that It war blm-
self and not big ser that attracted.
He would pick out one girl. and that
girl would be the prettiest and the wit-
tiest and the one he liked best It
would be Polly Skinner.
Thereafter tha group of sciemsn
Mand their pleas taken out of the&
hands by no less • person than RtUy
h imself. He would have none of thus
except Polly, and Polly was .seredeed
opoo the altar for theft general good.
I heard 11 rs. Pinckney say last dgbt
that there was safety in numbers." re-
marked Belle Bess- "Somebody had
spoken of Billy's sudden p•palarlb
"So rm to be the burnt ociertngr de-
manded Polly indignantly. 'Why. 1
like him les than any of you do."
"You're a an. burnt otfe lag;'aMd yea
look like • dear. aun along, honey;
there's your 81117 wafting for you. Al
he needs le a pink parasol to become
a pial dreamr uugbod'11u, gluier Pl-
ly a posh toward the waiting meatier.
Polly went
The next day Billy Pinckney aborted
kth mother by announcing that he
wanted to marry Polly dklnner and tt
he couldn't be would just as eon des
MI not.
"Have you asked ser, dearr falter-
ed Kra Ptnckoey.
"Not yet. mother. but 1"m ohm to
tonlgbt," be declared, thankful that
Me bad not objected more ',treasury.
"Promise me one thing, WiII1as1,"
ahs Mid eoleauly. 'Wait just eels
week before you ask Poll Brow e
marry you."
"Whys be demanded lmpedeotly.
"Berens. 1 ask it of you."
"All rlgbt. 1 promise, but i sb•a1
change m7 mind," hs threatened ea be
left tbs room.
Mrs. Pinckney smiled, because ebe
had lived with Billy for many years
and knew him to be tmpreadoaable.
Almost any other of the girls would
here dons for Billy. and sbs might
have reluctantly submmed, for all
were well to do save Polly .thaw.
B ely mut bares rice wits
She drew • &beet of note paper be -
tet. her and wrote to Dick Westford
She meotlooed Polly Nkinnere comma
8b• marked the saveloys 'Plass Abe,
ward," and .he attached a special de-
livery .tamp. SM mailed IP Wadi.
Maly and est down to watt for Dick.
coming. Then wee ■ 'Oahe west bo.
tee. Billy's prom's would become Dell
and void.
Three day. afterward the eve es-
' Orators
sal'Orators were sitting la their setas.
toured corner of the hotel plasm.
"When has Billy be.. today? ads -
ed 111a Frond, stifling a yawn. '1
haven't sees Vin tagging after yea.
Polly. Have you sent him away?
"Not 1," declared Polly, watching the
approaching hotel bus with wistful
eyes. "i went for a solitary walk this
morning and surprised biro walking
with the pretty chambermaid from our
Moe. He was helping ber emery a
basket of lines to the hand Wesly
semen the Geld."
"Billy Plsetawyr shrieked ber cos -
onions Ie chorus.
Polly nodded. "After an our tame
mod trouble," she sigks4.
The botel boa was leaded with pet
mongers from the . o'clock testa- The
marded woman bussed forward to
greet their begone.; the unmarried
wears looted wistfully et the mans of
bine serge and gray tweed elbows that
Protected from the Crowded veklda
TM mea streamed eat from the bee.
then were many -mon thea meal,
The gide grew interested. Polly Ibis.
w ere eyes widened god looked tib
eters The biggest and angst et the
✓ eeding army wee Diet Weeder&
The ether girls recovered him Mehr
mime .one. 1. -
"Our arbetn* beg worked." Oftener./
▪ N1 end
"11' has bronght an the ommpaOR•
psee1.1 Amy Weems.
`Ob. $Cyr mermny.d !sell Smits
"AIL" breathed i11y Deese. 'Sms
Jest befoge alone, tack Westford
elms ts P0117 and remelt her 1a • elm
sneer of the plates. He took beth Mr
Mode is hie act Imbed bete hind Vee
I love yea. Polity." be said dimly
and truthfully.
Vet glee, illicit." mrd Polly sally.
Aad they ewer gave a thawed* M
My Piotrkow, wee at that wiry ow
M�iu.b..�iaV with the 111111.0.
Liverpool Wheat, Futures CI** iljn.
changed, Chic•ge Lower -Live
Stock -Latest Quotations.
CHICAGO. Aug. 10. -Bu rOra es-
couraged by additional rain► gave
wheal a show ot etrettgth ad the mere
.t,kb luded tater poles sewing pre►
aur* end d.ureaaw11 demand. Ckwens
Agums were *toad) at near 1:4 lot -
tum, %c to 1kc bwar. Odra Mowed
''�' moderate finance at *17 ilio♦e
and nnlahed from %c to 1 511k lutes.
Data cloud from a •bade to erc dews
sad provision" varied from 71,kc to tiet
The Liverpool market cloned t sn•
reamed on wheat, aad ikd 1114 low"
ew Cors. Wiest at B*rtte closed ISO to
%e lower, at Antwerp, %o higher.
Winnipeg Options.
Open. High. Low Uoes. Clam
DM• t fgM%�
tllot .060"
.0 sMi MK ia
Oa t. - To-day.t,
Oct. IM
Toronto Orate Market
Wheat. new, bush ... 1514 ee 155*
Wheat, oose, bush • 15 ....
Rye. bush 0 M
Oath, bush 0 M • li
Barley, bushel • 00
Peas. bushel 100
Buckwheat. bushel
Toronto Dairy Market
Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls 0 $ 0 W
Butter, creamery, solids 017 0
nutter, separator, dairy, Ib010 0
Butter, store lots O It 0
hggs, new -laid 0 10 0 �Q'J
C'keese, new, lb • . • 14% • ll
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTRIiAL, Aug. 11 -The demand froW
foreign buyers for now crop Manifold
spring wheat and old crop grades L fair-
ly good and a fall' amount of buatne8
was done In the latter, but the prices bid
for the former were lc per bushel under
cost. Thera Is also a good demand fag
oats, but owing to the high rates Of ocean
freights demanded and the difficulty to
buy oats In the west little buslaees wed
done. The local market Is stronger at 11
advance of 1(c, with a fair trade passing.
Demand for flour fair and markel
steady. M111teed active and ttrtn. Butts,
quiet, but firmer. Cheese ',toady .110 •
good trade doing. Exports for week a. -
SU boxes, against UPC last year. Saes
fairly active. Demand tar provisions
talr. Hams hove declined 1Ike to 116."yse
Oars -Canadian western, No. 1, 11140
Mle; No. 1, 16%c to tele; extra No. 1
teed, Mc to 465"c.
parlay -.Manitoba feed. Or to One; man-
ias, $lc.
Flour Manitoba sprinwgg wheat patents,
firsts, W6.m; seooade. 11.r1. strong baker.
0510; winter patents. choles, 46.3; straight
roger*. 54.06 to 84.00. 5Me. WI to t2.s6.
Rolled oats -Barrels. SAW bags, f0 Ibe.,
Mlliteed-Bran, ted, shorts, SU; m16-
dllMgs, 11127: moulll., 110 to 1151.
May -No. Il per ton, car tots, 610 to
Cheese--Fina.t westerns. 11a;c to 11%4t;
nest eastern$, 1256 to Mew.
monit`orCboloest creamery-, tic to blit;
'ketoses. 1611,c to 1646c.
Eggs-yl.ah, 26c to 2•c, No. 2 stock, *1e
Ill oogs-,Dressed, abattoir killed, 1111.65 b
Pork -Heavy Canada short mesa, bbl..,
1lo to IS pieces, 110; Canada short cut back,
0boa., la to m pieces.
sari -Compound, tiercesIIS lbs., 110.11;
wool pelts, Zr lbs. net DM.'}5, pure. tierces,
NI Ms., il1.m; wend palls, le lbs., not,
Illr-Plate. DbIa, 110 Ib.., /11-; tierces
Union Stock Yarns.
TORONTO, And. 19 -Receipts of
Live stook at the Union Yards were
116 carloads, comprising 2916 cattle,
MB hogs, 794 sheep and lambs and
177 calves.
The. Swifts of l'hlcago were the only
buyers of export cattle, their buyer. Yr.
Howard, getting, all told. 116 cattle, is
follow. For the London market, 75
steers, 1*10 Ib.. each, at 17.10 to 17.16, and ,
only one load at the latter figure: for
Liverpool, 110 steers, 1147 1h.. each, at
111.15 to (7.10.
Nut hers Cattle.
Choice picked Iota, of which there ware
few, sold .t 16.16 to Nva Cads of good
to choice, 06.60 to 'COO, good, N to 51 1g,
medium, 16.1'b t 8.60: common, 54.50 10 a;
choice cows. ri to 11.8; good. 54.5* to
54 76. common and medium. 63 to N: can-
ners to to 54
Stockers and Feeders.
There ware 30 steers of good quality.
11te 108. racb, bought at 15 2, to 54.5*1
stockers 54 to $.75.
Milkers and Springers.
A moderate supply of milkers sad
springers sold at 060 to $30 each. Mor*
good oows would have sold.
Veale Claves
The veal calves on sale 'sold at IS N
N.M. and three or four choice quality at
.5* to 66.75 per Cwt.
.heap and Lambs.
Sheep, ewes, sold et from 54.16 to
r t, with a very tee, •elects at 1
• and rams, N to p.60 m
lLa. N bit a few selected mid at N.
•• H
lielenyt, ted tind watered, sold at K5*
to q.•, and 61.111 f.o.b. oars. The 0lk
' old at them preen, but ;wo or three lots
were reported at ale and *7I.
Montreal Liv. Meek.
M'ONTRSAL, Aug. A -At the MONre5
Steck Yards, West Mall *110.1., t
e.ipta of 11v* reek ter t61e week
Aug. It 1N1 Mr .0
EL � s ,t
o.tne, lIOI M
of te
1Nfs • ea tl
fav et ops 1
t • � a. vies
at It to
.ted der Cwt.
lig o r b' bug*
MNL favon�ls seg
lig _ was g�
ear urea
o h Ws trade 1 re R�
=re ter beet Cad es etd hens w�
nysdg at We se le erre sc 5* to
per rut.
TINn wail Mta the co.dltlon et
the market for keep: pewee be-
teg term owls. to small supplies et
suck curates fere b}t the tope et the
martin for rough Imti wee *Ow ea
tb• butt or set eea0.Md of soots
ee am
• doomed fee wen sed as
aetl,ruder jai wife Was eg
5510.y00 lob et 1e stsek at
1116 to Il5* per en.. la= eK the►
le seem reares move trade was
.fleek es ear/ IantM 1 s r g 00(0 allOT&Od ter
pa Cts sine ted use of tie IwrtM
the teeter waw meager with Mesh
Ontario lamas et 5I ne MS kw TIM
9u.Mo ysfa al too de loll .eek
w Ohne ter tw. dito reel aM
. 1.f nrm
leotwlrew'• reMww, lI tlo R
NMI/ is
can.•*., i• :
*imp"M a uba615
orb. SI to 11e ewse .J
1111 bo Illeatrk 1111 es
XII* its ttoI
le.. aCIllsr.
Organs are le the meet
mesend ese acontinuous ems.
7 .a gis ens diesr=
th her
keswya bring.about a
aarrespooding u
� lot
the reprodactavee�aa►
Dsders Kelsey Py. i m
oaring the kisheam ha eek
perfect •eeditsse, mesa
std cure (4... fearful a.
seders peculiar to weete*
n owthere,eysuffering wis e
h ad wamemwoo
the Change el per
met fr is
"rime sob
Travels loyal
TM sksrwn say to brew
-act M brag elle der
Mee. A Metal* era
am ea lbs M Lawr*wn--
s abet masa ws.te-lea
*lost nee ea a. IL t,
Royal uw..d had R. M.
lees! dame are mord
WO" W lest Mr -
cool TOOT& yeer•sat
gdY{ar .root .'q ser
selfrobsan. awl brook OR
of twbre ewriase.
.00tict hoc. H. C. Ye.Yw.
(.caval Aiwa, Tenses.
W i been
HOW the Saw ol( as l:tmetre ‘
August 18.-1re Natidma411* /111ilt
bowl was the eosin orf the swat stew ' � If You
Destroy Res
sive burglary in Wingbs= for eo..
Some time on Friday svemisg
thieves succeeded la gettisee away
with about $1,000 is jewelry had
paper tt-wt the private apartment of
Mr. and it,. B. J. Beryls, proprietor
of the National.
The robbery was noticed early os
Mawrday ensuing, vibes Mrs Doyle
happened to go to look at her jewels,
when she found the boas containing
t hem, as well as other ..Mable articles.
had disepprered. $ lflC' b
All evf eine pdnls to someone in
the house or well aoquainted with it,
as the empty box and some papers
sere found in the bathroom, altlwugb
no signs of jewelry or money as yet.
Mr. McCurdy, • roomer et the hotel
for ems these and a asaobinisi to A.
Crawford's garage, hes been arrested
on suspicion, but the dragnet is stall
out for a couple of a000mplicee, whom
they expect to Land 'shortly. One of
these is a woman,
Provincial Detective VanNorman,
with the local authorities, are working
on the case. The jewelry nonrated of
diamond rings, a lady's gold watch
and chain. a necklace and several
other articles. By a mere chance the
thief overlooked in Dash, wbich
was bsoeoth Dome clothes in the next
No, indeed.
A Frenchman, a Get -wan and an
Englishman were discussing the
humor of their respective oountries,
-French jokey are always so clever,"
said the Frenchman.
Yes," replied the German, "and
German jokes anyway.' have such a
pleasingwholesome hutnor."
•'Well, when it cower. to bumer,"
put in the Englishman '•1'd have
you to understand that English jokes
are not to be laughed at."
rBONED F lies_ drop into the food,
� baby's null, everywhere, or are
ground into the carpets, rugs and
floors. A poisoned fly is more dangerous
than a live one,The poison is an added
danger and does not kill the gins On the
body of the fly. Fly traps are offensive
and unsanitary, the care of them disgust-
ing. The fly destroyer that catches both
the flies and the germs they carry and
coats thein over with a varni 1 from which
they never escape, is
tailefeet RY Paper, ll.wr.ia11...G, Slaary
rfort , t,
Sanitary Reasons
wily Not Dr 1t lit a Sanitary Way? .Jr'
Sad by:L=1"ml
140K11110k rk YK"e
M iataksn,
Jar, Timid (hearnoise of 2 a m.) The Signal to Jan. Iso for 25c
-"1 tb-think, dear, 10111 there L n
to -man in the bougie."
His Wife (.rorntull7j- 'Not in this
room," -Tit Bite.
for everybody!
Once you or yours realize
the rich, wholesome savor of
crisp, toasted flaky hearts of
'bonasugar corn, you'll
-bemsh porridge from your
breakfast menu. It will be
`sweethearts for everybody'
OFTENER than once a day
when you offer
Ten Cents A Package
Imperial Year
Emporia Cadet Review
cs O.. D.mrr.e
t�ib/te by ilio
Demim d.inhibits
Heed at Hoots
Polak.Polak.Pole Yewfrom &m
Pabobi$e by
be et Caaadlaa and
Warr' (Mkt Competltios.
Soy demote Review
Reerytbinr is
lineations! Eaters
Siege Delhi
Sew. O' Tr'
Bern Band
art 6r.. Ned
Demises,' Musical Ride
Inies is
Butter Idabiad
Amgltice'.Greatest live Stock She,
(.nolo'. swim Doe Show
America's Prettiest
Japanese Daly
Meter Deet Races
Hippodrome sod
StagesFawn Stages
Arena e11 lebril
Athletic everts
Tem dud Comma Deily
Hetes of Mammfactmres
tslparf.l Plnwerkn--ee Numbers
Ass. 24 1912 Sept. 9
of lsP
Wily I
See X
sea 0• 7
lis hese
Miss 1.
rested v
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Mins 3
in Deng
dist y
a ith rel;
Mies 11
with hit
9r, ai
Tem sloe
Mie E
1 rh1IG1
The chi
Bet t a
R. ltd
Mice I
w hirl
The at+
Yr. nr
's I
it t
h ey I
ter ill
Ord for
So to
to he
ors V
lbs eel
The Gi
r r,
Concrete Well or Tank
THE FARMER, above all others, appreciates good water. He drinks
more water than the city man. The city -dweller is dependent upon
the public water -supply for the purity of his water, while the farmer can
have his own private source of water, and thus be sure that it is pure
and healthful. -
AN hasn't found a better drink than cool water, properly collected and stored. But in order to keep
water fresh and pure, a tank or well easing that will keep out every possible impurity must be used.
IT le absolutely water -first, a.roteetklg TOOT water wae}�
Of a
kbTiit eanacrumble.nt rot or crumble. rrt u Nue a rme i ds, a TSS
sal seer, im dead of re,ming it to decay, arh.hv wake it ettreegor.
this y
t edl
•I 01
1 tt
• Pins
PfE ne
• 1
e ters
r to