The Signal, 1912-8-22, Page 44 YRUSUIDAY AuoUrr 22. 1912
News of DistrictA NEEDAY
W I[DtsDAY, Aug. 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill and Mr.
'tx)48 jot
TuletlpAY, Aug. 4Utb. + W RUNr'sDAY, Aug .21st.
WoMEs's 1NHTITVTS.-The August l HusINEMS £IID PLkA$Uaw.-Th.semi-
meeting of the 1% memo Instlt ute will
he held at the home of Mrs. Dunoau
M cKepsie on Thursday, August :9th.
at 2.21 o'clock. The subject for the
day will be: "Little Things that Hgtlp
in • Hoare." and "Art." All tbe ladies
are invited to be present.
Apt: AND ;THg,)t.-Everet and
Peal Taylor VP returned borne
frees Godefich after speuding some
.holiday with their grandfather. Mr.
JficVliptoa,. Mise M. Ramage vis-
kted at Mr. Godkin's, near %Vingham.
over the week -end Miss Lockhart, GOOERICH TOWNSHIP.
of Wiogham, is at present visiting ben Tu080AT. Aug. 2103.
friend, Mrs. D. Todd John Web- A PLEASANT (IUTINO.-A very en.
leer, Wm. McQuillan, Jas. Purdon, joy,able time was spent by those who
%Vallacs Miller and W I Mill
annual tweeting of rte Colborne tele -
phoebe .yetem will he held at the home
of Reeve Kernigban oo Mooday,
September and, at 1:80 o'clock, whenr.ea
the regular Imminent will be tootsd.
Afterwards it program of games andaddresseesaddrees will be given. Subscribers
sod all those interested in telephones
ars invited to attend. Briog r
baskeand spend a profitable and
eojoyeble afternoon on Labor Day.
X. H. Wee'reass, Secy.
er at-
tended the Rifle Association shoot at
Long Branch fhb week Mr. and
Mrs. John Shopland, of Sandwick,
British Columbia, and Mrs. Salkeld, of
Goderich, are spending it few weeks
with friends here I Salkeld and
Misses Laura Salkeld and Chriwy
Miller tettened to Goderich on Sun-
day Rev. W. Mackintosh occu-
pied tbe pulpit in Dungannon Presby-
terian church Sunday evening
Mrs, Mc('linton and Mrs. R. Mc-
Dowell, of Goderich, lite visiting At
Rob Taylor's Mrs. H. D. Woods
is visiting in %Vingham Misses
Elizabeth and Annie Rutherford and
Roswell Rutherford spent Sunday at
Mrs. lane's. Kinlongb .... T. Phil-
lips, Geo. Wehh and John Patterson
have returned from thei!' trip to New
W KUNEsoA Y. Aug. 21.0.
Mr. nod Mrs. Wilson, of Toront
are visiting under the roof of t
villapte blltckemlth. Mrs. Nilson
sister to Mrs. James Jewell. They a
spending a week here.
Mr.. Mo('leity and Miss Anderso
of Sault Ste. Marie, are the guests
Mr. and Mrs. John Long.
Me and Mrs. Elder, of Wingham
Fayed with relatives in the village
over the week -end.
Atlas Pearl Fisher is seriously it
She has been ailing for some time, ht
late-ou Sunday night she was take
worse end her enndition causes con
riderahle anxiety.
Mee. Jesse Gledhill's condition i
very tuueh worse.
The stork has rind it oouple of visits
during the week, leaving a baby boy
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vee.
Fisher and A little girl at Mr. end Mt*
Aaron Fisher's.
The Patbledo boys go west on Fri-
day, '
Miss Mary Hill has undergone an
operation far appendicitis successfully.
The interior of the school is tinder -
going renovation.
The building of the church shed
is being proceeded with. Carpenters
are on the job t3 do the framing and
the time will not be long before a
large, roomy enclosed shed will stand
alongside the church.
At the Metbodist church un Sunday
evening next the pastor Intends to
preach a set mon with special reference
to the lifework and passing of Gen-
Hail Meth.
be ing at Mrs. John Thompeon'e. ... Mrs.
is Joseph Stuart, of Detroit, is visiting
to friends in this vicinity. --.The Misses
Stuart, of Goderich, visited at R.
Smith's last week .. Miller & McDonald,
o, of St. Helens, have the foundation built
for the new bridge near here ...Wan.
Henry threshed for a number of farm-
• , ars in this vicinity last week. The
wheat wag a fair sample and very
good yield to the acre ... . John
i• Boyle. assisted by Wm. McIntosh. is
it building the granary in John Red-
o mond',, new barn \Ins, Aton•I
- stront, of Brussels, visited her sister,
Mee. Wm. Thompson. this week
e Joseph Brophy is able to be around
again after his recent illness ...... Mae.
T. Ryan, of Dungannon, visited in this
vicinity last week . The St. Aot-
ustine branch nf the Women's Insti-
tute held a very sue.ceeefui meeting, at
the home of Mrs. b. Brophy last Wed-
nead:.y afternoon.
attended the Union Sunday school
picnic held on Thursday afternoon at
the farm of the superintendent, R.
Davidson. Bayfield road. The place
cboeen for the picnic was ideal, and
the weather was all that could be de-
sired. The superintendent and his
staff of teachers and officers spared no
efforts to make the picnic or success.
The early part of the afternoon was
spent along the beach end then all re-
paired to the top of the bank. where
Justice was done to the good things
provided by the ladier. After supper
a game of baseball, A tug-of•war, end
races for the children took up the rest
of the evening. It is to be hoped that
the picnic will become an annual affair,
as all present declared tbey had spent
a very pleasant afternoon.
TUESDAY. Aug. 20th.
Nee s Ntngy,-Mre..H. Horton and
two daughter., of Godericb, are visit-
TUESDAY. Aug. 20th.
i;,tf( ALS. --Hurrah for another d�ajsnce
on theHlth . .. Mrs. P. Fino, of (lode -
rich, is visiting friends here.... -Nim-
es }lfayme and K. Kenny, of Detroit,
are ,spending their vecalion at their
grandmother's, Maw. Keefe's Miss
Veronica Bowler, of ltettoit, is holi-
dayipg at the home of her parents.
Mr. apd Mrs. M. Bowler .... Mrs, S.
Austin is visiting her father, John
Dalton The work on J. Dalton's
house is progressing very rapidly.
When completed Mr. Dalton will hare
the most up-to-date residence in the
LEO BROKEN. -A serious accident
befell Cnn. O'Reilly on Wednesday
of lnet week whereby bis leg just al ns e
the ankle was fractured. Mr. O'-
Reilly was leading* cow and had a
noose in the end of the rope. While
he was trying to secure a better hold
the animal started off and the noose
catching his foot threw him down,
with the result above stated. Mr.
O'Reilly will be laid up for some time,
hut we shall be glad to see him about
main as soon as the Doctor will let
TUESDAY, Aug. 20th
Aooie Clarkson has returoed from the
West. ....Hugh Kirk, of Kirkton,
spent the week -end at D. Murray's..,
The Paramount Cheese & Butter Co.
has secured the services of Mr. Fraser,
of Atwood, for the remainder of the
season Lewis Murrav and Jack
Maclntgsh intend leaving IMO Friday
for an extended trip through the
Western Provinces Misses Isabel
and Cassis MacDalrmid have returned'.
from spending it week et Bruce Reach
Miss Isabel MacKendrick bas re-
turned to Ostroit after spending her
bolidays e► ber home herr . .. A few
of our young men Sunda ed at Brum
Beaeh .... Miss Etta !ickering, of
Lucknow,' is visiting friends in this
vicinity, Thrashing 1s the order of
tbe'day here at present. J. MeeDnn-
ald's wheat turned out 84 bushels to
the acre . Doyle is peoklog apples
witb Holmes this week ....Irene Mac-
ao-Donald. of Rintail, le the guest of her
cousin. Margaret MacDonald ... Mr.
Johnston, of Dunganoon, was around
fixing tbe'phonre on this circuit last
week. but those down the line are
again out of mdse.
That Rail Tickets Ars A.eapted Oe 0.
s C. Lra. S4samaea
tinder mortal arrangement with the
Mtebigee ()entral, Wabash and Grand.
Trunk Beltways. all Maisel at Udine
reading yja these time between Detroit
and RNftgb, in either directing), will
be ;tempted
• t transportation ne D.
(lewd a twojsnt stamp for illustrated
beeklet. Address
D. & O. Navlgetipa Co..
l Qenreit, Niels
`U Lucknow• haw ar.ed visiting outride
paottenn+rtnanndo will hheomeoefomn(gl
.u,knobw, , wenhteirree
he will be found every day. All modern meth-
In Deneennon for The signal V at the Posit -
Moe Rook and Stationery B&ere where
orders will be rerelved tor anbecr(ptlo.a• ad -
remising and job work. and roestute will be
gt�sn tor amounts caid for the satyr.
TIIURSDAY, Aug. 22nd.
•Rev. J. E. Hunter and wife are vis-
iting relatives at Brussels.
Miss Pearl McNally, of Goderich, is
visiting Mian Pearl McKenzie.
Geo. Hawse, of Kincardine, visited
friends here this week.
Mims Gertie Treleaven has
to Lucknow after visiting
Everett Glenn, of Wiogham, visited
at David and Hugh Glenn's this week.
Mrs. T. Smiley and son, of Godericb,
visited friends here last week.
Wm. Mole resumed pn..ewaion of his
barber shop on Monday. Wm. Nicol,
who bad charge of the shop for the
past two months, has returned to
Blyth and will probably go West in
the near future.
Prior to his departure from Dungan-
non, Wm. Nicol was presented by bit
fellow -members of the choir of Erskine
church with a hymn, stook as a slight
token of appreciation and remem-
MiMI Janie Stothers returned home
nn Wednesday atter visiting in Gode-
rich. where elle was the guest of Miss
Gladys McLean.
Will McClure conveyed a party of
Dungannon people to Gods rich on
Tuesday, when a delightful after-
noon was spent in the park and at the
A Rio APPLE DEAL -The following
clipping refers to George Anderson,
formerly of Dungannon : A very im-
portant deed in Apples was put through
recently when J. 0. Anderson, M. P.
P., of Lucknow, purchased from the
Norfolk Frultgrowers' Association,
through Mr. J. E. Johnston, of Pim-
cote Ont., their entire pack of apples
for 1912. This pack is estimated to
run between forty and fifty tbouwnd
barrels, and is considered to be the
fanciest lot of apples grown in Can-
ada. They are Intended for both ex-
port and we.tern markets.
WYDIrgSDAt, Aug. 21st.
Miss Grace Lintleld, who has been
absent for several years in Uncle
Sam's domain, is visiting at the old
home herr. Miss Linfield anent
several years with her brother, Prof.
F. R. Linfield, in Roseman, Mont.. but
is now in Chicago. studying for a
deaeonees. We wish Miss LinfltM
much oneness.
The Lamborn auxiliary of the
Women'. Foreign Missionary Society
bald its monthly meeting at the borne
;of Mrs. Clark. sr., Wednesday- after -
a000. Many ladle* were prompt. and
Ar pleasant and peel. hie afternoon
liras spent.
Mrs. Ferguson at : 1 the dwgluter
have returned to th. . tu,ese alter a
month's trait with f. i, o.I. at Ylntail.
Mine Gladys Steyr... .-ntertaloed a
few of her fewhurn r , : I oyal frboda
on Tue.dac ermine. An enjoyable
tfnse was spent.
Donald Mel,acbian. ..f 0.ideieh,
"pent Sunday afternoon et the bombe
of Albert Wise.
Charles Varese le holidaying at the
home of bit parent*. Onl. sod Mrs.
Varese. rho (heat st the tWest
fyr =MI sad IRfeads reuses
carr 1a the new. tutors.
and Mea- R. Lear left oo Tuesday by
C. P. R. on • trip to the West.
Mine Geniis Asquith returned borne
on Saturday after a wonth's visit to
relatives in Michigan.
Mrs. Jae. Hickingbottom arrived
Set uid.y front Sault 81e. Marie,
Mich., whore she bud beer- for a
muotb visiting her sinter. She was
accompanied how. by her_piece, Miss
Jennie Guilts, of the 'Soo.
The heavy rains lately hare raised
the river, waking progress with the
piers very slow.
A. Asquith shipped a car of apples
West last week. paying the femme
4111 per barrel.
Geo. Yungblut is et Long Branch at
the rifle shoot. We some by the
dally papers be baa captured some of
the money.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sims are visit-
inghere before leaving for the \Vert,
wre they intend to locate.
R. Stalker has engaged with G.
Beadle a° engineer for the season.
Geo. Dsnstedt i. !Wray unloading
coal. two cars having arrived.
The Presbyterians of Auburn and
Carlow met on Monday and extended
a call to Rev. Mr. Mec('alluut et a sal-
ary of $1.0110. free manse and two
weeks' holidays.
Our village fathers intend putting
down more cement sidewalks.
The Large D. & C. 1 the Steamers
Cross Lake Er: )ally.
I' to journey betwt• ;tetrnit and
111111.10 on the lu;uzioe- . 1. & C. Line
s e tmere it the most el ,hlful [reek-
s r trip in America. ..te cabins of
11 ,• a boats are furnished elegantly.
the tt tterooms are comfortable and
the service is the hast. Then remem-
ber, the fare is three dolling less than
the ell -rail rate. Send two -cent stamp
for folder awl Great Lakes wap.
••e Scott rg • R
increases the appetite sad trade
ebsetgti npialy. Its wawtisrial
Maris assists estate is
rester*: kW& Al Doeggi da
Mon a S...... Tent sa ora IM
N44,C t ri c
Canadian Naffed Fxblbltioo
Return Rates from
Aug. 24 to Sept. 7
Att. 27.9
Alt tickets geed for return until Seat. 10
Contains list of daily seats at the Fair.
Special eytee and train ewvioe him all
*tattoos. 708. KIDD, Agent, Oadericb.
D. & C. Navigation Co., `I
2 Wayne street, Detroit, Mieb.
The first big show of the season at
the Opera House 'next Monday.
The object of true education is not
merely to wake people do the right
things, but enjoy the right things;'
not merely pure, but to love purity ;
not met ely just, but to hunger and
thirtt atter jeans.. -'-.4
THURSDAY, Aug. loth.
Ft:t%A NOTES. -Mise Myrtle Oliver,
of Ebenezer, is a 'visitor et F.
Cuuningbam's .. ... Willie Dickson
visited relatives at lanes last week ....
Mr. and Mrs. Welter Kingswell, Lee.
burn. were visitors at J. A. Green's
on Sunday- Mise Lizzie Drennan,
of Kintail, is tbe guest of her friend
Miss Sadie Armstrong...... Mise
Minnie Cunningbam is holidaying at
her home here Kiss May Dickson
is visitiog Dungannon friends for a
few days ......Mr. and Mrs. Art. Hoy
and children left for Waltoo.last week."
Art. bas secured employment with the
U. P. R. a1 that town.. ....Mies Vioa
Schaefer, of Goderich, is the guest of
her cousin, Mist Margaret Schoenhals.
Mie Daisy Johnston, of 8bep-
pardton, is a visitor at Mrs. Youngs.
..Dave McDonnell .rrived home
from the West last week. He spent
the winter in British Columbia and in
the spring went to Montana, where
he bad been working before com-
ing home. He likes the western
country.........Tbe Port, Alpert Citi•
zens are having a picnic at the lake
this afternoon. _... $everal of Dar
young people attended the lawn so-
cial in Dungannon last F rid*y night.
The Guild of Christ church met
at the home of their secretary, Miss
Harriet Hayden, last Tuesday after-
FALL FAI RS -1912.
Torouto ...... Aug. 24 -Sept. 9
London dept. 6-14
Walkerton .Sept. 12, 13
Godendi ...........Sept. i6, z7, z8
Zurich Kept. 15 19
Seaforth Sept. 19, 20
Atwood ..... , Sept. 19, 20
Rippley .r Sept. 24, 20
W ingbas., ... .. Sept. 26. 27
Kirkton Sept. 26, 27
Milverton .... Sept. 23, 27
Tiverton Oct. 1
Blyth t.• Oct. 1, 2
Dungannon Oct. 3, 4
Teem/der a Oct. 3, 4
Brussels Oct. 3, 4
Fordwioh .... .. .. Oct. 5
_ Deafness Cannot be Cured
bby applicationsw they cannot reach the
Iseaaed portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that it by 000stita
ttonal remudles. Deafness 1. caused by an
Inflamed coodltien of the raucous Unfelt de tau
k;ustaeblan Tubs When this Label& Inflamed
you have R rumbling sound or imit hear.
Inc and wen hIt ie entirely Naiad Deafness V
the result. and unless the inflammation am be
condittaken out and this tube to Its normal
Mee cion, heaout of will
be Mee oa.e. out of 4• are cased tt.terer;
which le Delhi bat an Inflamed condi=
tbe muoeua aarboea
We will give Oi. Beadred Doha:• for nap
cm et Deetaess ua.d by catarrh' taut me -
net be cured by Hall's .sCatarrh Cur. mead for
A� F. J. CHIMNEY40. k CO.. TeMdo. o.
Take Ball'. rummy Pak' for osnetipaties.
PARKS. At w-est$MN. on Sunday August
Iltb, Mbeloved wide ed Jeeasrkr. 1a ser usYN
Nebr. rear.
LANQR(DOL-I■ Dederickn gat.rdy
Aurae) 141b. Catherine McPhail. wife et
*Nephro l.aaetdee, in her tete year.
CGARRETT.- Y Akssaadss bo..
i'kaanddf• .en Garroe ett, � - e r e bbrgai w,tt.illr. ' es truss the
street. e. We
at YID p te." I et 2
P es Rsg�lo�s
OLEN. -At Kaaren. Alt... se Mean so. to
Mr. awl Kra Wim. oft.. a mea IRaat,
es7rwr, Ae�ss�tow ;Sive .app
aOf ry sad !'f a
wIPINCI .Av, A 7MsL eroutert
Length. 870 bet Breadth. 8014 feet
?wade. 14.800
MY.bea tan S.Aaearime Stda.le
Lake Champlain `best. S
'impress of Ireland ....: ,- .... ... Sep'. 6
Lake Man►tob •. 12
&so at a< Mrttafu........ .....fMet. 10
Le Uhate ple Oct. 3
Eni prew of Ireland. Od, 4
Lake Manitoba toot. to
Emprea. of Odtatn QV. to
Tickets and W information Irmo Ise
steamship agent. or J. Kid.t• Agent., C. '
P. R. uodericn, Luc.
Ne arim• the End of the
I '
r s'kr; wi�,tita,i a Svmmer•-- �.-P t Offering
THIS IS THE SEASON when we are ready to sa) goodbye
to the balance of all distinctly seasonable .summge sleds,
They must be "HUSTLED' out in the 'text fish days,
even at considerable loss if necessary; out they must go at
some price, as we will not carry over one yard for another
season. No room here for left -overs. Each season must begin with
new, fresh goods. It pays best in the end, though we lose in the
This small Int of printed Muslin*, 120 yards in
all. prices were Illy, some 2k and 'some 2it•.1
Your choice now . ... . .. .. .. .. ..... 1 2C
This bunch of Print., Si ioches wide, light
grounds, fast colors, jest 173 now left.1
Come and get some of them at...... 72t.
We are fast clearing out the seasonable Cotton
Hose. They will soon he all gone. Knockdown
prices are taking them off pretty fast. They are
mote than bargains at our sale prices. Not many
to sell now.
Et is no mistake to say that D. & A. Corsets
Me unexcelled at the prices asked. Note the
prices -110o, 00o, Iso. sea, 41.00, $1.2x,
$1.50:tod 112.00 -up-to-date in all particulars
and guaranteed. Ask for D. & A. Don't take the
ins': es good" and be sorry.
Only a few to sell. (:orae and get one at tie -
following reduced prices:
SI .00 for 75c
1.25 for 85
1.75 for 1. 25
2.25 for 1,50
98c for 65c
$1.5o for $1,I0
2.00 for 1.40
3.0o for 2.25
A chance to get a waist at a small price.
Not more than 100 yards in this small lot, all
stripes and light colorings, regular 10c. t
Now 12C
One hundred yards of fine bordered I ties"
Mullins; the regular price 50c. Sale e)
price. J
wo are selling Curtains at cost prices for tbe
next 10 days. You are sure to rave money if you
come here any time inside of 10 days on (,urtains.
LINOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS ffrrotn be putting
ei sod wok of give[ you goo
•, pdoes on new miler/
Our stock of !tinge h�� never Rings has never been
better than at the present Ume. We
have- a large assortment of different
styles and patterns at prices to suit
Gem Rings
Pearl Rings....
Stone -set Rin
Diamond Rings .....
We cordially invite
our stock.
-. 3.00 to 10.00
1.50 to 10.00
.. 10.00 to 75.00
you to examine
Cor, of Colborneat, and_Squar., Ooderidu
The Signal to Jan. Ist for 25c
Summer Goods
at Cost Price
We find our stock of Summer Goods much larger than we want
it to be at this season, and in order to reduce it we are offering
the following lines at actual cost
Lawn Hose
Oil Stoves
Gasoline Stoves
Screen Doors and Windows
This sale is genuine\ and your opportunity to get what you need
AT Firtn•r• Lown. Ynu need the goods --we need the money. Come
early and get first choice.
We have received word from the manuf turets that our ear of
cement has been shipped and will arrive tEl. week. We can then
fill all orders with fresh goods. Tess PRu-a is RtetEr.
We are Agonto for the Deering Twloe. the hest that money saw
buy. Guaranteed OM feet to a pound.
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.
that when you buy a stylish Shoe you
do not buy discomfort ; and also let us
emphasize the tact that in buying the .
you get both style and comfort.
TRUNKS, ETC. -When you travel you will need a good strong
Trunk, or perhaps a commodious SulLase or Bag will meet your
requirements. We can furnish all your wants in either line.
All Repairing Orders receive our prompt attention.
For the Artistic Furnishing of the Host
Hobmeier bas the artistic Furniture, the "classy" Furniture
the people of Goderich and vicinity demand.
Forthe Parlor -Selected Mahogany Parlor Suits, Parlor Cab-
inet*, Music Cabinet", Parlor Tables, Tea Tables and Tray to match.
Fancy Chairs and -tdd pieces. Tbeae are worth while seeing.
For the Dining Room -Elegant massive Buffett* in quarter -cut
Oak, Dining Table to match, Dining Chairs upholstered in -real
leather. A variety of designs and prices to suit everybody.
For the Living Room -Fancy Chairs, Rockers, and a shipment
just received of Japanese goods that will please yore
For the Den -Some of the Most attractive pieces le Weathered
Oak, Merlon and Early English that will surely meet with your '
Por the Bedroom -Beautiful Dressers, Stands and !Somme 10
Mahogany, Quarter -cut Oak and Royal Oak. Something new in ('ir
cassian Vi alnut. Popular Nepolikn wood Beds to match any of thew.
A good assortment nf Brass and iron Bodo, Mattr'ee.ea and
Springs of superior quality, tosuit'evetybody. A plemere to show
hese lines.
A new ahiproent of fine Pictures. A variety of subjects now
d y for your inspection. Coate while the picking le good.
A full stook'nf Bahy,earriages and Go-Oarta. Priem are right
Rugs to suit any room, and the prices should clean them up in
*bort order.
1 can suit the most exacting in quality and pries.
George Hohmeier
Aeeteey Mor.dfrdwr Ates..