HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-15, Page 8imeas0 1 4, 0“ 0. 111 THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, 0 ARIO sS1,K OF Boxed Note Paper We aro putting ou ea{e Friday and Satur- day of this week, only. 35 boxes of Note Paper. each containing 1 quire paper and 1 package en - vers. of tbe celebrated Eaton-Huributt High- land Linea Note Paper. regular 40c. per box. special Friday and Sat- urday, duo each. Another lot, each box containing 1 quire paper and 1 package envelopes, very good Linen Paper. regular 26c, special 15c earl). Writing Pada, 10e, 15c, blk, 255 and 35c each. Envelopes from 'k' per package unto 211c. Terme strictly cssh. The Colonial Book Store llp;lt P(01(11,' It, Prop. 'Phone Ifs. Goderich OPERA HOUSE GROCERY will supply all the necessaries for the tasty housewife's table requirements. Fresh Fruits and VEGETABLES elvesyeon hand. OUk KINCARDINE COOKED MEATS and BACONS csnnnt be excelled. A11 we ask is a trial. C. M. Robertson Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON STREET Saturday Specials FRUITS California Peaches California Plums Oaliforuia Pears Watermelons (an talonpe. Blueberries Blackberries Bananas Oranges Lemons Harvest Apple. VEGETABLES New Corn Tomatoes Osler) Beans Beets Carrots Cucumbers NEW POTATOES A 1 quality Good sive WHITE CLOVER HONEY Product of 1912 Absolutely pure Rose Brand Leaf Lard. Kincardine Boon and Ham Jellied Tongue Creamery and Dairy Butter -- first-class quality. J. YOUNG 'Phone 52 Hamilton St. Old Orchard Cottage. Arrivals at Old Orchard Cottage: .Mr. A. T. Cowley, Mise Gowley, Mr. Fry. Mrs. Fry, Mise Grace Fry, Miss Margaret thy. John Fry, Mrs. Milton Humber, Mrs. Sullivan, Miss R. Sul- livan. Mrf W. Sullivan. Detroit ; Mr. IS. D.`May, Stratford ; Mr, Scott, Mrs. Acott, Miss Scott. Mr. Shaver, Toledo, 11'heo a man begins to pay as much attention to a dime as he formerly did to a dollar it'd a sign he is getting rich. O..tare' s asst wsiheas C&lsg• CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ON-% our tee.chers are all experienced in - .tractors. On courses are better than .vee sad th• equipment 1s more cone plate. Ws do more for our graduates than do other .ittsilar sobools. Feaetesn applications for trained help were received during the past week. eons or tbeer offering over 5700 per aaaeat. We have throe dep.r vents. 0/Minerals!. ShorthandaadTelegraphy, Write en our free catalogue and eee what we are doing. D. A. McLACHL AN. Principal. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN WATCHES wALrHAM ARO ELOtN WATCHES at OREATLY REOUCEC PRICES GENTS' WATCHES Seven -jewel Elgin or Waltham Watch in a Fortune gold filled case $9.500 le'iftcwrjewel Elgin or Waltham Watch in aFortune S12.50 gold-filled case. • voventeen - jewel Elgin or Waltham Watch, in a $13 75 Fottutte gold-filled caw. • LADIES' WATCHES fieyen-jewel Elgin or Waltham Watch in a Oasbiet $11 •75 gold -fill case. • Fifteen -jewel Elgin or Waltham Watch in a Cashier $13.25 gold-filled case • We have only a limited number of these watches, and we are offering them at ver y low prices. These watches are all specially marked 1n our window. Do not fargat the apodal .Mos we aro •Oereas In Dlemme Rings. Walter 11. Harrison Jeweller and Optician TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Trancnna will bre one of the greatest railway centres of the West. The Grand Trunk Pacific Fes large .bops located there, the Canadian Pacific Railway has eetabli.bed itemen.e freight yards, and it bas been peraistently rumored that the Canadian Northern Railway will move their entire shop. from Vont Rouge to Tr/ammonia. Tren.cone's future as a manufacturing rib y, e. well as a railway centre, is aa.urwtl, and severat large industries are already established. requiring a large cumber of Olen. PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE many times over in the next two yenta, and there aro big probate for the investor who buys today We have • number of lots W sell at Trans'one and offer them on very rdvantageonaterms to (lode rich purchaser. Writs nor our booklet, whiob tells all &bou+. Ti ailerons. Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe +l? t!salvia Life lRtrildinc Agent iw OOfRRICH W I N N I PR(a Male ;aural Telephone A n MRS. WM. WALTER INJURED. Runaway Acddsat an Saturday E*.tag at Saltford. The Maitland bridge hill was the starting point of at►other serious ac- cident last Saturday evening, as the result of which Mrs. Ww. Walter. of Colborne township. has since been lying in a critical condition. T. J. Videan's delivery wagon was going down the hill from town, in charge of Chea. Vides'', when the breeching strap on the borate Lroke and the animal ran away. Charlie; stayea with the rig as long as he could but was thrown out lei the horse made madly down the bill and on to the bridge. He was not hurt with the exception of some bruises. His nephew. Jaa. Vid- ean, who was with hire, got off the rig in some way and was unhert. The horse continued across the bridge and turning to the right at Goldthorpe's corner overtook Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walter, who were driv- ing home in • buggy. The runaway horse dashed right upon them, burled them from the buggy and ran over tbe.o with the heavy wagon. Mr. Walter was severely bruised and shaken up, while Mer. Walter was very seriously injured. Both were taken into the home of Wm. Maedel near by,. where they were kindly cared for, and • doctor was summoned. Mrs. Walter was found to have three ribs broken, the breastbone injured, and internal injuries which it was feared night be serious. So far, however, she has made satisfactory progress toward. recovery. and unless complications set in bhp will be in • coodititen to be re- moved to her own borne in • week or en. Mr. Welter is about again. though feeling rather shaken. The runaway horse was stopped not far fcom the scene of the collision. Both horses got off without very much injury. The delivery wagon was slightly damaged. and Mr. Walter's buggy was wrecked. • HAVE YOU PAID YOUR DOLLAR? Don't Fail to Have Your Name on the Musical Society's Honor Roll. President Reydolds and Treasurer Nairn of the Musical Society execu- tive were out the past week making their eleventh annual suMicription tour for funds for the up -keep of the band. They met with a very cheerful response from all who were solicited, with a few minor exceptions, about $05.00 being collected. There are yet some twenty-five on their list, who seldom fail to contribute the one dol- lar asked, but whom they were unable to see before, Mr. Nairn left for the West. It is hoped these will yet re- spond. The citizens get the benefit of a series of free concerts during the Bummer months, and it should not beforgotteo the members of the band get nothing for providing these entertainments which give so much enjoyment to our townspeople, the band boys giving their time and services voluntarily, without fee or reward. The only way in which our citizens can show their appreciation of the band is by thew voluntary contributions, which are de- Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick i¢ and Mot Kilaatriek, voted entirely to the expenses et tailed °� vent Moutlrdt Joe bomexot the in keeping up the band. The town Mrs. Howie and Master Donald Outland grant and ,the citizens' contributions have returned from a vide to Mrs. Bu&Jaed's few1 curb dint i be w Lion io about Everybody) he could, but; t.dtivety help. By placing a the well around the man and out the sand trove around blur from his terrible posi- wo hours and a quarter. wed willing to do all •ta1 mention should be made of Mu?6rs. Smith, W'&t co, B. Walter's, E. Pfriwmer and Roy Chambers, who at considerable ruga worked away with great rest in the well to liberate the man in danger. Dr. Hunter was present to give medi- cal aid. Mr. Lavin became thoroughly exhausted and well-nigh collapsed. The stoppage of circulation chilled him through and the attempt made at his own request to haul bits up out of the send by passing the rope around his body hurt him badly. On Saturday morning he was taken from C. Walter's. where be had been kindly taken care of. to his borne at Holrneoville. He was quite helples. and uoable to turn in his improvised bed. Good hopes are entertained that he will soon reeover. PERSONAL MENTION. Jos. Heels 1. here from Toronto fro a betide,' via. Cis. M. Beale. of New York. Is visiting at tis esu betas Mee Claes Stother. Y eladting blonde at Elora and Galt. Mrs. Je$a Willie and Mrs McRae, of Detroit. are risking In town. Mime Edaa Mis Hamilt•n.adDundee visi(}ng friend. in sd� To=te. is tie Rhos of Mir Alma Sty. Walter r. Nand, of St. Thome. spent a few Mee la hews 1114 week. H. C. Dunlop le attending a convention of Reg -all creat„ at Simla 8. tit. Whiten.. of Auburn, 1s the new ledger P eeper at the Sterling Bank. Mrs. T. T. Leckie and Master Monteith are visiting M=de et Bruoeaeld. Mies M. Doran, ri[ Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs Doran, Britannia road. Met. Geo. tcheroot) and Miss Brownell, of Toronto, aro s inking Mende in town. Mr. Charles L Loos and little son. Webster. left last week for their hone In Deteeit. Mrs. John Cratgle. West skeet, has returned from a vt.it of two months at Winnipeg. Miss Olive Goldthorpe Is spending • portion of her holiday., at Hamilton and Dundas Mr. and Mr. Allan J. Wneon left on Wed e eday for their home at Edmonton. Alta. Mrs. Alda. Young. of 8beppardfon. has gone to 8t. Paul to see her sister who is very lit Loan Inkster returned to Toronto last gator day after spendlne two weeks at hie home here. Mot J. Lynn and her graadron, Lout Faust have returned from Detroit atter • two week,' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hillier, of Toronto, ate vbdtore at the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake. Reg. Halls, of Hamilton. was looting up he Meads in town doting • vtett of a few days tbe past week. Mr. surd Mr-. Hubbel god daughter Cecil of Ravenna, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mn F. E. Burdette. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black and son Doua1J. of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Turner. Mr.. R. M. I:atwels and children. of Hamilton. are visiting at the home of the lady's brother, Councillor C. H. Humber. Mea Chas. Hawkins and Mader Charlie Dwe•r, el Windsor. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr.. W. F. Clark. Mir Vesta Wt.on hue returned from Ouelpt, where .she has been taking • coarse in art at tee O. A. C. summer school. John M. Carrell andMist Marlon Cutrelt of Chatham, vblttel Mr. and Mrs. William Me - Croat h., g6 David's street, this .reek. pay the bandmaster's ealery and meet the expenses for instruments, music, etc., which in the aggregate are very considerable every year. The executive have been fortunate in securing the service. of Mr. A. Roy Adams Gra bandmaster in succession to Mr. Frank Smith, who is leaving town for the West. Mr. Smith's departure is greatly regretted, as he has been a very competent leader. Before hie departure the following letter was handed to him : ( Goderich, Ont., August 14th, 1912. W. F. Smith, Seq., Town. Dear Sir, -Aa you have, much to our regret, resigned your position as leader of the 331d Regiment and in order to go West,. we wish to raw how highly we have valued your services as bandmaster. You have kept the band in • good state of efficiency, able to handle difficult music in a credit- able manner, and the band concerts On the Square this summer have given delight to those who heard thew. We notice, too, that' you have the faculty of retaining therespect and goodwill of the bandsmen in a marked degree. For these reasons. as well as on account of the regard in which we hold you personally, we are un- feignedly sorry that you are leaving us. We wish you success in the West, but hope you will be back again in Goderich ere many seasons pass around. Yours most sincerely, R. G. REYNOLDS, President Goderich Musical Society. W. H. ROBERTSON. Secretary Goderich Musical Society WELL -DIGGER IN PERIL. sorter, Mrs. it)r.l McPhail, at Manila Ont. Mrs..). 8. Bedford and two children, Mlse Gladys and Master Johnnie, have returned to their home after a fe w days' vett in London. Mies Kit Brown has returned to her borne in London atter spending three weeks in town, the guest of Ute Mines Macdonald. Cambridge street. H. H Clement, of Toronto. has been the gust of his primate, Her. H. and Mr.. Gement, at their re.ldenoe, Stanley ,street, for a couple et weeks. Miss Margaeet Connor,. of Detroit. and Min Maud Walters. of Chicago, were the goats of the M1.,,e. MacDonald, Cambridge street. the past week. Mian Elizabeth Greene. of Detroit. aoxm- panted by her music. Mine Gladys Bedford, has Mete. returned to Mr e. Miss Gladys will re- main for • mouth. Mire Wilms Dwyer, of Stratford, i. spending the balance WI her vacation at the residence of her uncle and stmt. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart W 11 son. Elgin avenge. Rey. John Young D. i/., of Pittsburgh. Pe.. is the Rust of his brfJtber. Alex. Young, Nelson Me street. He e also biter. visiting Id. relative; le Uolborne township. Mr. and Inti W. A. Donor, of Starner. spur a few days in town the gust. of les. Donor's mother. Mrn Jas. Cratgte,4 William street. They made the trip with 'bele Toter car. Num Doyle, daughter of Mia C. L•mbeetus, cof [own, end a graduate of tit. Miabasl'. boa- tel, 'lorout , was sent from Toronto n take a position in tiaemergeney hwpltalat Onus. Mrs. WH11sm Ferris irormert Mho Elisabeth ua,gg Elliott' lied two d•eitt,eers, the Mita Jean- nette and Maio, of Winnipeg. are the guests of Mr. and Mac Alexander Chs yetal. Wast street Mr. and Mip E. r. Garrey, who have en- deared themeless to s great many friends in wlnnipeg. left= Sands,' night, Aust u4 for Toronto. where they will make their home. -'Town Topes. Winnipeg. Miss Olive Turner, of CMngt.u. China. is e..eding het vacation with Min Annabele8wann. in Japan. Owing teethe unsettled State of the oocntry the mlelotarts, have been unable to retain to western China. A. P. Reid. of the Bank of Commerce at Mc- Leod. aLeod. Alta. teas In town Nie week calling on friend. here. He b at present at his home at Seaforth. hating three month: knave of ab - reeve from the Flank on 'recount of 111 -health. Mho Fullerton. of Toronto. a000mpanid Iter Mend. Mrs. Kemp, on Saturday last to her home at Bruwen'�., where she will spend • tew Ed. Lava in Serious Predicament at Bea- days Both were a erecharmed of with God.- • They miller. Waterloo meet. An accident of a serious nature which might have proved fatal oc- curred during the prone.s of digging a well at the Benrniller Methrdi.t par- sonage last. Friday morning. Rd. I.avia, of Holmesville. the:well-diggggeerr, had been working at the well Wednes- day and Thursday, and resumed his job on Friday morning. The well was deg down about sixteen fret by the tame he Tett off on Thursday evening, and he proceeded to make bit, curb, it, he was already we11 into the sand. in- stead of putting in the curh in the six- avenu Toronto. Isavne m Saturday far his teen -foot hole he risked going down home after erendl hi. vaesuon whit Ale WW1 dinning several feet dee u/ele. Wllllsa Meath, Mt o m.e and Rg g Mr, not Mean. 0.m MrMat� (th oonnaart.t, st thinking that the sand was so imitate oedema, township_ Breeden stby.d v.q as it proved to he. About 11:15 a. in moth h1. vtdt to hl. blot hplaoarig• is tke our drat r owner. sad sanenl neweiasss in Ood.rink Mr. and Me. IILL W. Howell are visiting at Windsor and Detroit In Mr. Howell'a ab- sentee the hardware store la In chairs of Will R. Harland. tat many year cannoned with the well known Harland hardware boatnwr in Clinton. Miss clank Richardson who haw been a rep abk as.etaat ebb las oMoe of Meaux. Proud foot. Flap k kHloran, Isve. this week for her borne in Stanley and after a short visit there will go West to Saskatoon. Mica Richardson hun been a valued member of Know rhumb choir and .ae will be minertd in the 011011. and In other of rales, Manor J Breeden MIMath who maiden with Ala seeks. Hugh MoMaab. ' land.dewrie as he was algging away the sand caved in and partially hurled him. ft earns down on hien t wire . The first lot made him keenly ewer of hie danger and he lumped up and aedrd Nelrwu, Miss Watson. Windsor Miss the rope which fortunately was Della wit/rifler. Mime F•nay War- already analready down the well, Mit in a rifler, Mr. Knox, Ent. Berton. Mir moment M M the ..mend Mkt cater Elisabeth iiertne, Mn. ftiaman and down and pinned bias tigbt. He was ' four cbildrw, /' Munro"'. Detroit berried sham* up to hie armpits. Walter Grim' Mr. host, Berlte ; The Rtinlater and hia wife, who wore' Mrs. DioettL. lintel, Miss Vivi•e, Maar at the time and sew the acts Nenoto; itis Mrs. M rsball Peas, lent, with Lards' own boy. 'pricklyMoe PM* Master Marshall secured agM•tawre End Mr, faneftb, of Pe . Si Lott Awe Edith adden. HnlaswvMb, who was working •t the i Miss M cwt Hadden, Mir Morr4- wise/le•r, bravely went down tike well sine. Kilo 4101.Ostru n. Mrs. Rhew, hod nneaarwaeud to try to dig los. Esse Guelph ; Mari fit. O•tb•ries ; oat_ Hie e4lo'ta were sone reinforwod Mt and Mb. Burkholder, Berlin; Lb. by a auesber of other new An alarm Khoo Garrett, Marshall Peelle. Alla& was ease but by tel•pboes and • large Peso. Mr. wed Mrs. Metabolite Man Aiwa quickly gathered, bet only • Manta. aA d Detroit. Arriv•la at the Park Howe Mime with pkcaty of oat -door ere, - cuc, tare food aad air, will arrest coesspteve teaieactea, any irritation i. throat •ad laws. acrd bead .p the whole taffy. AN awggies. stun a w -se Tome% lye. tote ICE CREAM Seethe NewSaitie The most delicious Mawr., with the beat and purest Cream, serv- ed at Oa BALMORAL OAra Or- den by telephone for Ice Oreaa In or In bricks attended to promptly. Teleplb mem b4. F. E. BURDETTE .1�r1 tai The Signal to Jan. 1 st, 25 1 OUT GO THE LAST REMNANTS OF SUMMER STOCKS A 7 -DAY CLEARANCE COMMENCES SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1912 Weare going to take the SEVEN DAYS commencing Satury, August 17th, for a genuine clearing out of all odds and remains of Summer Stocks. They will be Seven Days of the most aggressive, the most emphatic bargain -giving in the records of this store, for we are determined to clear the shelves and racks of Summer Stocks at once. The prices marked on each line to be cleared will make the selling quick, sure and certain. The Departments most affected are Laces, Embroideries, Muslin Underwear, Conon Dress Goods and Wash Dresses. Stocks of these must be down to the vanishing point before September tst. There will be seven Special Bargain Tables ready Saturday morning, and every article on each will be an unmistakable bargain. There will be :- A Table at your choice for .. 33c A Table at your choice for .. 69c A Tabk at your choice for .. 89c A fable at your choice for 51.13 A Table at your choke for 51.39 A Table at your choice for 51.89 A Table at your choice for $2.49 �aaee� Wash Dresses at One = Half The unprecedented wet weather early in the season and the contin- uous cold and wet of the past few weeks are responsible for this great reduction in all Wash Dresses. Now is the chance for the econ- omical and thrifty shopper to pick up two dresses for the price of one There are still in stock some very handsome White Dresses and a splendid assortment of Muslins and Chambreys. The regular prices ranged from $3.50 to $ 1 5. oo. For Seven Days, , commencing Saturday, August 17th, you can take your choice for Exactly One -Half Original Prices .nommememon1• Heavy Ginghams at Per Yard, 8c Buy all you want of these for • year ahead at this most unusual price. To clean' out the stock we make this moat remarkable offering for thi, Seven Wye' Clearance. Three hundred yards imported Gingham-, fast colors, heavy weight, regular 15c quality. Saturday morning the whole lot at your Q, choice per yard. .. .. ....... �l REPLENISH YOUR LINEN STOCK Take advantage of our big sole of Darnash Cloths and Napkins and Ley in a supply of Tebl' Linen and Towelling to do you for a year ,,head The pricer are low enough to make it pay to do so. for we ore selling ••second:' from one of Britain • foremost linen rnanitfactorers et price'. at leml One -Third Less Than Usual These are imported direct from the maker and there is no profit but ours between his cut prices for 'seconds" and you. The Fur Exhibition Visit the showroom at your convenience and let us show you the new styles of Furs for the com- ing season. We have a most magnificent collection on exhibi- tion. Furs of quality at prices that, in spite of the advancing market, must appeal to you. If you have any thought of Fur buy- ing the coming Winter, do not fail to see this great collection. 1 FIRST SHOWING OF Coats and Snits Saturday we make our first showing of new Winter Coats and Suits. Among the arrivals are numbers of distinctly attractive full-length Coats and Tailored Suits that should appeal to every lover of stylish man -tailored gar- ments. Of most of these there are no two garments alike, and early choosing is always the most desirable. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT APPRENTICES WANTED We have room for two or three good appren- tices la the i resemakieg Department Season will neell eetuse Tuesday. Ssptsssber Aryl. Vagus paid ora the .tart. EXPERT SEWERS WANTED We have nose for twn or three impart .ewers in tbe Dr sst.akiag i)epartroent. Simeon commences Tuesday, neptember Sot For further partirolars apply u awes. The d.r• dial DON bra gr..su. NORM Dor.... scale tied perse ST STI, Hart l µt, a l.r. ( a1 A amommossom 1