HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-15, Page 7d
T11ua.DaT, Avower 11, 1613 1
News of the District*The
+4541464646++ +64+3+40 4545448*** 45
Tile nes, Aug. 18th.
p. Stewart and Mrs. 1. Shaw is visiting kis sere lira.
Mies poster. of Dederick. is visiting
Mr friend Mks Clare Cook.
Wee Lura Lntessieyer spent a
1„w Lys in Oodericb last week.
-lies Gladys Stewart is home treat
t Jerich for a swath's holiday*.
Miss Taylor. of Mulish, *pent lase
task at the home of bet nark, James
Mn D. Cowan (nes nfrI D S ).
North Dakota, called on tei*aia e
yet week.
Mks Fanny Quaid returned to De -
wit on Saturday after visiting her
sister, Nes. Oliver Cook.
Mr. W. [itwreoee and children, of
l)hites°. ate the guest* of Mrs. Ler
moo's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Foley.
J. Moser, of Godertch,
*cement bridge et Wet. is Cook's. Mr.
Mosand his gang of men are very
obligiug to those paving. Several
automobiles got fast in the mud. caum
ins a little delay.
1Nlegitan' Youths Arrested for Firing Off
Wiugham. Aug. 10. -Levi Cranston,
0eorge„c coulter. Fisk Gillespie and
(}eorge Moffatt will appear in court
sbortly in ccnoet-tion with discharging
fl 1/112 recklessly. Yesterday atter-
aoun a. Police officer Lewis was out In
be garden he was attracted by the
noise of shooting on the river. He in-
vestigated and tound the youngh
lows shooting. He notified Cl-
Allen and the revolvers were at nose
taken away and summonses will be is-
sued. It is alleged that tbere was
serious danger of some person being
John Armstrong, a resident of Bel-
erave, appeared before Magistrate
Morton yesterday oo a cberge of
breaking the liquor laws by hanging
around a hotel while tieing on the
Indian lot. metroog p guilty
aad it c.- t Itis $14.10.
The Nome vs. Carrick ease. which
was beld over from Lam west,, was dim
posed rat vestetday. Mrs. Moore, of
Whitechurch, had a number of valu-
able chickens and alleged that a dog
o1Constable(:arrick was In the habit
of killing some of them. When she
went oter to complain about the mat-
ter she all• -Ked that he used very abu-
sire language, and finally a charge of
assault was 180 laid.
The magistrate gave Constable Car-
rick a vett' severe lecture, pointing of t
theta man in his position should set a
better exawi le aad try to keep the
peace, instead of causing trouble. Mr.
Carrick was fined $1 and ordered to
pay 11&50 costs for being abusive and
the aamutt case wag witbdtawn. Atter
the court closed it is alleged that Mr.
Casein tried to canoe more trouble,
sad bed a close tall from being ar-
nrested again.
feaforth Boy Killed at Rifle Range.
Seaton II. August 12. -Tommy Blas..
eta of Thomas ti. Blues, of Chia 'own.
was shot and almost instantly killed
at the butts here this afternoon.
During rifle practice of the cadets
young Blues, who had taken the place'
of the regular scorer. had registered
as outer for one of the cadet., who
took coo.iderably longer with hie next
shot, aod it is thought Bared took the
delay as evidence of doubt of the pre-
vious shot, and pulling up the danger
*sal stepped immediately in front
rat the tweet just as his comrade
Medical aid was immediately sum-
moned, but death had been almost in-
stantaneous, the bullet entering the
right side under the collarbone and
coning out the back at the left side.
Young Hines was thirteen years old
and a favor its.
Take Care of Your Hair While You
Have Hair to Take Care of.
11's a safe ten to one bet that the
young man who uses Parisian Sage
m an occasional hair dressing will
never grow bald.
Tbere's a reason, of course, end We
n veru good and sufficient one.
Dandruff germs cause falling hair
sad falling hair means thinner hair
clad in due time baldness.
Parisian Sage prevents badness, by
destroying the cause of baldness -the
little persistent vociferous dandruff
If you have dandruff or Itching
scalp it means that dandruff germs
%re sapping the vitality from the
'eats of your hair. Get rid of all
hair troubles by using Parisian Sage.
It is not a dye, mind you, neither
does it vomiters polaonouu sugar of lead
°r even sulphur. It is a ecientiflc
Preparation that abolishes dandruff
tops falling hair and scalp itch. ase
makes hair grow lustrous and lux-
Stay young women as well as men
are growing bald and for tbe same
Use delightful, refreshing Parisian
BMs; it nourishes the hair roots. it
ba roots are not dead, and beings to
every user a head of glorious hair-
rd(wat and fascioatin I,rmbottle
ineOD cent • at drug stores and toilet
'usoters. flee that you get Parisian
Befst E. R. Wigle guarantees it.
Th. Electric Railway.
BTM **Paw" following letter la The
isoirdine Reporter last weak
9th Kincardine. July lig IN!.
people in Goderlel are agi*04.
.l aWolatmoet of an expertW.
R R6.s Kiof ncardtn� lb* ft.
`11N Promoter y the
t erten we we know .trf. Besaid
that If there was asNeu ate* the rood wee caked sloth
Wpewer*ewe rwd in ro
Vao knee. wrote anci whew esnett skseRMl�
ost Seek
%hide, the .tme~b
TUsaDay, Aug. lab.
unked rally service of the dst.dsy
sobools of BeswUl.r circuit promises
to be interesting this year. It is to be
held beet Sunday afternoon at Bethel
church, the pastor In charge. A large
children's choir drawn from the three
Gotham's Sunday schools Is to s1�,
sad recitations and a sob are tag;
given. Rev. Mr. Brown will give as
object and blackboard lesson suitable
to the occasion. The offering is a
special one for the general Sunday
school fund.
MONDAY, Aug. l2th.
TowrsHUP Canrctt_-The council
met on August bib, as per ad our -
meat Members all present. Minutes
of last meeting read and passed on
motion of Councillors Campbell and
Stonehouse. The court of revision on
the toll drain was opened as per notice.
Appeals against the assessment on
same reoeived from the following
paries -R. Marshall, J. Caldwell, G.
Caldwell and A. Sanderson. No ac-
tion being taken in regard to any of
I hesaappeals, it was moved by Mr.
Booth seconded by Mr. Stonehouse,
that the engineer's report he confirmed
and that by low No. Q 191.2, as now
read, be adopted, and that the court of
revision oo tbe acme be closed. Car-
ried. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded
by Mr. Burchill, that in the event of
no appeals from the court of revision
on the toll drain being received in the
stated time. the clerk ask for tenders
for the completion of ibis contract,
tenders to be received uptill noon on
Saturday, September -7tnext. Car-
arried. Moved by Mr. Campbell,
seconded by Mr. BurcbiH, that George
T. Robertson h* reappointed collector
for the present year at his former
salary of $70.00. Carried. Bylaw No.
7. 1912, was read and passed, stating the
different amounts to be levied for
the present year and fixing the fol-
lnwingretes, viz.: County rate. 19.10
mills on the dollar ; township rate,
13-10 mills on the dcllar, and ,penial
school rate 2 1-10 milk on the dollar ;
the general eckool rates over and
strive these amounts. Bylaw No.8.
1412, ratifying the appointment of
onllector. and bylaw No. 9,1912, author-
uthoricing and empowering the collector to
charge .rd collect three per cent.
extra on all taxes remaining unpaid
after the 13th day of December, were
also read and passed. Orders on the
treactizer were drawn for payment of
the following amounts : McKinnon
Bros., filling washout at 10th line river
bridge. $28e: D. Gillies, balance on 81l
at i0th line river bridge 1'24, ; Ed.
Irwin, filling in hole at 10th line river
bridge, $2: J. G. Gillespie, grading un
northern boundary, 1110 ; John Mc-
Dowell. repairing culvert and bridge,
concession 8, $3: Stuart McBurney.
drawing tile end work putting in cul-
vert. $10.35; John McLean, putting in
culvert off lot 3ti. concessions 8 sod 9,
$13; Percy McLean, repairing culvert
et 1Veetfield church, 50c.: Menno
Vincent. work on washout, $5.25;
Thomas Kernick, drawing tile, $4 ;
John T. Coupes', balance on gravelling
oontraet, $97.75; L. Hill, Blvth. elm
plank and bridge timber, $20.72 : Isaac
Brown. Blyth, concrete tile, 968.70 ; J.
Dingwall drawing plank and putting in
culvert on Dingwall@ road, concession
4. $3: Thomas Kernick, building tem-
porary bridge and filling in washout,
$10.Oliver Anderson commutation;
statute labor tax, 1911. $10 ; John,
Cowan .con' mut ation statute labor tax.
1911. $4 50 : Theo. Hall part printing,
contract. $25. For shovelling gravel -
Wilfrid Reid, $218: Wesley Patt icon,
$1.10: Wm. J. Currie, $3140; Wm.
Naylor, $8. For gravel -Geo. C. Nay-
lor. $4.20; James McCallum, $14.70:
J. J. Kerr, $11; Wen. G. Salter. $2.90 :
John Pfeffer, $7.40: Robert tibial,
$8.40: D. ('ham4 y, $1. 00 ; J. Somers,
$7; P. King. $4.20: Wm. Rodger.
$6 : John Redmond. $4.60: Gro.
Fothergill, $7.80: Wm. Walden, $7
Rebut Scott. $5: Wm. F,Itapetrick
1115; R. Craig, 1O2.20: Mrs. McNeil
40c.; Wm. Nixon. $4.10; Stuart Mo
Barney, $6.80; Chas. Bradburn. $1.
50 ; E. Ore's. V: Alex. Patterson,
91.88'. The council then adjourned to
meet again on Saturday. September
7th. et 10 o'clock. ALsx. mergR-
?IZLD, Clerk.
Farm Laborers' Excursions -This Year's
Wheat Crop Will Be the Largest in
the History of Canada.
The wheat crop of 1912 will be the
greatest ever harvested in Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, thus re-
quiring the farm laborers of the East
to recruit and assist in harvesting the
world's greatest bread basket.
The Governments of the respective
Previn•ss state that fifty thousand
men will be required for this year's
harvest. These will have to be princi-
pally recruited from Ontario, and
the prosperity of Canada depeo s on
securing labor promptly. The Canes
Man Penile, on which Company will
fall practically the entire teak of
hindy mag the men to the West, s
airs y making special arrangements
for this year. Exeunions from points
in Ontario to Manitoba. Ra.katehewaa
and Alberta will be run and special
trains opmsesd, reeking the trip In
about thirty-eix hours and avoiding
any obange of cars or transfer*. This
will be a day shorter than any other
Ooesnit any O. P. R. agent for fall
Roth Quick and Permanent Strength.
1f you are ran down or tired out, it
Tose take veld smelly. have no appetite.
eve Ie.I.g Best or bays other evidenes
el lowered vitality, try ear MacLeod's
arias Renovator anise our ranee -
lies to refund the pries 'paid H the
rs.1My fatik to five entire eaWhet4en.
It etas Ili -1'--. team up the set.�sees
system sad Owes kefh= seal=
leeeset reedes. HEIL= •.
wrWislei big-
Two Hassell young people, Thomas
App.ltoo and Mies Floreooe Cook,
youngest daughter of Thomas Cook,
signed • contract of life partnership
lest week.
W. Grant Beaton bas ragi wed the
principalship of Zurich public school
and Andrew W. Archibald. of
Egtmondville, has been appointed Co
essore.d biro.
C. D. Houck. of Morrisburg, has been
appointed principal of the Clinton
Model School. John Hartley. the re-
tiring principal, leaves this week for
Vankleek Hill.
Robert Downs, who has been chief
of the fire brigade in Clinton, is mov-
ing with his family to Woodstock.
He baa been appointed assistant
superintendent of the Prudential In-
surance Company with headqus ter.
in that pity.
Misstate Elvina Manning. youngest
daughter of Rev. H. M. Manning, of
Oshawa. formerly of (9inton, was
married in Bramptnn last week to
James H. Hare, of Whitby. Mks
Mareraret Smellie and Miss Katie Scott,
of Clinton, were the bridesmaids.
Mrs. Wm. Stoneman and son Bose,
of Hernial', lett last week to join Mr.
Stoneman and the other members
of the family in their new home et
Seekatnon. Prior to her departure,
Mrs. Stoneman was made the
recipient of many tanginle tokens of
esteem from her fellow -citizens.
Two former Brusselitea were united
in marriage at the manse in Saskatoon
en Tuesday. July !13th. Mia Airlis
McMillan, daughter of Mr. end Mrs.
George McMillan. of Brussels, became
the bride of Charles Hingston, son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hingatoo, of
Brussels. The baopy couple will
make their home in Outlook.
The death of Mrs. Reuben James
Hart. which ocenrred at her home in
Winthrop, on Friday. the 2nd inst..
after is brief jitneys, was.* great shock
to the community io which she lived
and was highly esteemed. Deceased
was in her forty-second Fem. She is
survived by her husband, three sons
and seven daughters.
Mrs. John Petty, one of the pioneers
of Hay, entered into her rest at her
home in Hensel' on Thursday, the
1st inst., at the ripe age of eighty-four
years. Deceased was esteemed and
beloved by all who knew her. She is
survived by woe daughter. Blanche, of
Toronto, and three sons, John Henry,
on the homestead, Oliver, of Hay,
and George C., Reeve of Hensel'.
in Avenue road Presbyterian
church, Toronto, on Wednesday. the
7th inst., Miss Berth* Eileen, only
dwugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W
Patersou, of Toronto, formerly of
Clinton. was mauled to Wm. A. Rad-
cliff. of Buffalo. Rev. Dr. Stewart
performed the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Radcliff will reside in Deloraine,
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
N. Duff, of Bluevale, was the scene of
w pretty wedding on Thursday. the let
instr. when their daughter, Martha
Alice, became the bride of Malcolm
Louis Aitken, of Berton. formerly of
Clinton. Rev. W. J. West, M. A..
performed the ceremony. After a
trip among the Thousand Islands Mr.
and Mrs. Aitken will make their home
in Beeton.
Mrs. John Rawson, who had been
an esteemed reeident of Clinton for
more than halt a century, peeved
away after a lingering illness. on
Thursday. the lot inst., at the age of
seventy-one vete'. She is survived
by • family of nine children : Mrv.
Farquhar. of Hullett; Mts.
Webster, of Wooton : Mies Ada Rey -
son. Mesdames Ball. Perlow, Camp-
bell and Barnes, of Toronto, and John
and Allan Rayson, of Windsor.
Widespread regret was felt through-
out the township of Stephen over the
death of Mios Melissa Finkbeiner,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Finkbeiner, which occurred at the
home ot her parents on the 7th con-
cession, Stephen. on Sunday, the 4th
inst. Deceased, who was only twenty-
four years old. had been 11l for more
than w year: while suffering from
anaemia she contracted pneumonia,
which was followed by persistent
pnlmnnary trouble. Betides her par-
ents, she leaves seven sisters and four
brothers to mourn her logs.
His Jaw Fractured.
David Bell. of the 2nd concession ot
Tuckersmith, is suffering from a very
painful and serious accident. As he
and hie grandson were entering the
barn door on a load of hay his head
struck the top of the door and the
lower jaw was bruised and fractured.
Mr. bell did not consult a doctor for
over a week ; when he did it was found
that the jaw was badly htekee and
infection bad set in. As the unfortun-
ate man is seventy-four years of age
his condition is critiowl.
Clients Mans Close Call.
Thomas Britton, of Clinton. had a
very narrow escape at the wrterworks
plant on Wednesday of last week. He
was cleaning out the dryer of the gas
producer when he was overcome Ivy
gas, aad fell into the cylinder. The
engineer heard him fall and res to hie
remorse. With tete help of men whose he
called from screen the street he suc-
ceeded in lions the unconscious man
out of the narrow tank. The donne,
worked over his tis' an hour, before
they .ucesaded he restoring him to
eoesciossness. He is now at his home
1Ni.gbaa Meursa
Universal.osvrw is felt in W inghasn.
over the death of one of the most
esteemed twidents of tie tows. Miss
tibswtb Wilson. daugbter or Mr.
tad •tr. Thcxmag Wilttuon. Dseewsed
hod Ices... the stet of Winghas
wheel fist semeial years. het
the yer W loess teach -
be in S.rB.gtasa AI doe shoes of
the term she wtailaw
sled la aSow hirths levs 0.. Iwy
Iwesd to ge to emit Tie . ,'t d aa•
the& ewes& aid see& de, eh*
We wont draw the attention of all oeuvre of the abo.e
g to the edvaot� of basing an osoemery work done this
WIt1 and .o avoid is rush teat 1.'li al in the Slot leg. •
We have sot unlimited room and those rent, acting witb in
early will receive tee peeledence.
co. to and let us talk this matter over.
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
ttst:R1CH, ONT. 'Maoris Ser
gradually grew weaker until .be
away on Thursday, the 1st
of et.
One of the oldest residents of Mc-
Killop, itthe person of Mrs.
Alexander hIcGregor, departed this
lite on Thursday, the let inst.. after a
painful Illness. Deceased, who was io
her seventy. -fifth year, was a daughter
of the late Robes t Gordon. of McKIllup.
Fortv•four years ago she was married
to her partner In life, and settled on
the farm on the tlth concession which
was her home until death called her.
She was a wo(uan of sterling character
and lovable disposition. Besides tier
sorrowing husband eh* leaves a family
ot three sons and one daughter. •
Tomato Aug. 21-Seppt. 9
Loud • n .. ....... .. .. !'3.r pt. 0-14
Welke, t oe Sept. 12. 1$
Godesrcb Sept 16, 17, f0
Zurich .Hrpt. 18, l9
Seefort h Sept. 19. 20
Atwood ... . ... . Sept. 19, 20
Ri 1. M. -pt. 24. 26
%Vis gharu.... ... Sept. 211, 27
Kirkt en .... . Sept. 26, 27
Malvrrt• ei tiepl. 26, 97
'live, tune.... Oct. 1
lily. h (kat. 1, 2
*Fees* stir Oc'.3, 4
Brussel* Oct. 3, 4
Ford w ich .... .. . ..... Oct. 5
Ort .3,4
No.... laws -n eeriest it rely we obey tem, hes duras* follows tWebedi-
eau. Ge etreiipbt M re for doe sere, to the tercet; there are mysteries there,
seem et white we Oen fathom ter yam. Take the bark et the Wild -Mowry tele,
with esadrek. rest. Oregee /tcpe root, stomp rest, geese's root, bloodroot lied
asides seal rset, make a .most• , tlyeerie estrus of Mom with just the riot
pupation. est yes erose
h seek Dr. Piero*, with ten essistmee d twit Warmed .bassists sad pharma-
cists, mem Teeths of bard work .xperimeetie4 te pettiest
this vegetable alterative aad teen extrwet of the froasest
W. PawtsT, of MilIvlllei, Calif.,writes: "1 wish
to tell you that I have used your 'Golden Medical Dis-
covery' In my family for tweuty years. We have had a
doctor called In but oeoeduring that time. I have a family
of ten children, all well and hearty, for which, to a great
extent, we owe thanks to you and your' Golden Medical
Discovery' and ` Pellets,' which we use when sick."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate aad i.vigor se
stomach, liver and bowels. Suger-.oated, limy gjnsmbs.
C. W. rause has.
American and Canadian Scientists tell us the common
house fly is the cause of more disease and death than any
other agency.
kill all the flies and the disease game lea
The raw product N•S
hviic: is just the sap of the
gum tree boiled until 611
its purity is assured. Then, 6)
shipped to our big sunlit
factory in
On reaching the
factory it is re-
fined. And
flavored in the
making to suit
ALL tastes.
O - Pee -Chee
possesses {a,,lin-
you will like. It
is smoother far
than ordinary
gum and it lasts
gram does
preserve the
teeth, sweeten
the breath aad
aid digestion,
0 -Pee - Chee
costs no more
than ordinary
gum. Quite safe
to buy it by the
box because it is
"Oh -so -good."
Glue Co. Ltd.
CoMfort for
the trot Spell
Don't swelter around in heavy clothes
this hot weather We can fit you out
with warm -weather desirables -Sum-
mer Vests, Negligee Shirts, Straw
Hats, and Lightweight Suits,
Everything in Men's Clothing but
boots and shoes.
The home of Meme -Ready Teiloring, Agents for the Famous Car-
low tt Overails aad Hmocke, .Fltwell Hats, Stanfield'. Pure Wool
50,000 FARM at
Plus half east war milr from alas,;. .p
10 pressed, Calgary, or namoaaoe.
Flue holt gat per mile tressall pots O
MacLeod. Calgary or adoweloa r teladeey
AUGUST 20 b -From .11 statism on d1 line on and South of the Giaad Trash Hal.
Line. Tomato to'includl all stations o■ the C.P.R. Totality to
Windsor liauive) Bruch Unto belittling Gselrk s.dtiiv os hW*
Guelph South aad from Brampton South.
113e4 -From Toronto aad d1 stations teeth of. but sot Iacladt s the G.and
Teeth Main Lew. Toronto to Sarnia, and from Twat. east 1u. but
rot Maladroit Klugrton, Sb@,bot Lake toll Redrew; aad C.P.R. User
west of Rea/rew
AUGUST fats - rims Mt metros/ it Omar* Toronto and Fast. Orrteiin mid fossils
an,e.m also eaof Nath Ray. and Raman arim.
AUGUST JOth- Too anewe d an random wen la Ontart'• torten Pay and wMi
C.P.R..tatlon,. $udhury t•, Sault tile. Stark. Ontario
tlille.a1 saws -cuss eons fa'LLI, is sots To .ssirte sox
ppaaye wam r second claws tkNA.keta to Wtminet emy x111 be r. Each (kkel ran tarlwfe
verlandon certificate. with an stenion cospeu. When e.tenoti. coupon has Iowa i
at WisdDta by a 1a+ms ...beedel be bar emptied the bolder to wok as . harm aborer.
coupon will be eois op to September nth toe ticket .1 Ila of one -ball real per rte
(mldmum Wv ceota) W any station west d WIp g w W Casadl.n Pacific. Crssdia
llortipt w Grand Prank Pacific Railways le Madtob.. Saskatchewan or Alberta, bat So
eat d Idapotstoo. Calgary or McLeod. Ata.
A outraeate will be lamed emlUIog /techaser tp s second -clans ticket to stens
es the Canadian hdf.c. Caoadtta Northern. or Grand Trask
is Alhnta, Rsektchew.n and Manitoba east d MacLeod. Calgary mon to.
by the .arae nuts astravelled un volnp� kuroottyy o• er
��pp�e�,, f, asOw ptsyment d one h.)( enc per
suis Iminlmus Mil seats, 130
added t0 51a00 from Wlndpeg, peovlled ta. holder deposit* th.'..rtl* ate w
the Ile c. arrival at dsm/us and *orbs at lout thirty days at irrvestiag. ,
Yor M sselkmlus see nearest C.P.A.. Anent, to write--
• M. O. MURrt1Y. D.7.5.. C.P.R.. Two.,
With the coining of the bot days of Summer you wsf :want
a New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. With this coaloil stove yore
have no extra ineuranos to pay. Call and examine tbera.•
We will send them out on approbation.
Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers is just in nod we offer
several different makes to choose from.
Do you l squire a Refrigerator , this Hummer i' We IMPS;
some io etock and more coming.
Get your Screen Doors and Windows now and keep the Hiet
out in preference to putting them on later and keeping:them in.
Are you going to build w Dement silo this Sommer ? 1f so. wo
have for rent a set of the Loudon Steel Adjustable Hilo Cu. be
also a *winging hoist. These will simplify the building of silos.
We have just received another car of National Portland
Cement. When you use this Cement you know you have the
beet that .•an be had.
Have you sprayed your trees yet P We can furuish y414
with the Lime-sulpbur, also Arsenate, of lead.
'Metal of Fertilizer arrived a couple of week.. ago and W
hese had a big s*ie of it. Thee Fertiliser is an organic mattes
with the addition of steamed bone flour, blonds four and potash.
These essentials make it trio moat valuable manure on the
Owing ten the 'scarcity of Hard Coal we have put in a car a
lloroewtic Lump Hog Coal. Thi' mat makes a spko.iid whwtibuta
for Hard 1'oel.
1 have also a carload of dry elate, which make good summer
1..1 taw figure Mbyour plo.uhing, heeling, elwotr..• wiring,
tewnghiag, �.l,,�c A11 weak piomptty att.odwd to and fully
warms teed.
Phones Store 22 House 112 v