HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-15, Page 4elk Let the children make a
Brownie vacation's!ory,
Anyone can make pie-
tttres with a
i v
Camera III
Brownies --$2.00 W 110.00
Summer Goods
at Cost Price
We find our stook of Summer floods mach larger than we want
it to he at this season, and in order to reduce it we are offering
the following lines at actual cost
Lawn Hose
Oil Stoves
Gasoline "Stoves
Screen Doors and Windows
Thi, sale is genuine, and your opportunity to get what you need
AT FIRST Corr. You need the goods -we need the money. Come
early and get first choice.
We have received word from the manufacturers that our ear of
cement has been shipped and will arrive this week. We can then
fill all orders with fresh goods, THE PRics IS Rtowr.
We are agenta for the Deering Twine, the best that money can
buy. Guaranteed clef feet to a pound. ,
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.
are right with us. The Na-Dru-
Co Toilet Necessaries are win-
ners -every one of them.
Tooth Paste
Hardens the gums. Sweetens
the breath. Preserves the teeth.
Good teeth improve your ap-
pesrsrtoe. Two flavors--•asint
and wintergreen, 23e tribes.
Toilet Cream
sweetly perfumed, emolli-
ent skin -food. it tenders the
Akio soft. smooth and white: un-
snrpassed for tan and sunburn
23c and MW, jar'.
Talcum Powder
Noss better, Anes. softener,
whitest. %eat nnwdee for nor
eery wad toilet tae. Tern odors
Rayl Reea, Violet, Two
ooioes-wbite, Ilse*.
F. J. Butland
• Tat/saner AVUDsr16, 1913
.News of .District
Mt!tu. Bridget Hogan, of Toronto,
spout two weeks at her home here.
Mgrs Mary MacDonald, of Detroit, is
spending her vacation under the par
entail roof.
and Mn. John McNay, of Sea
for , spent afew days atthe home o
P. JtHayrve
Hartley Baker, of 06lcygo,, is
visa ns at the home of her tither,
Geos, McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, of
Butte, Montana, are visiting the form-
er's uncle. Jas. MacDoetaald
Tt-EOiAt, Aug. 13th. I R. NEWTON. DENTIST, OF
1J Matting outs
6r, t
Luokaow, has cowed vee o
ppqoints and wilt houoefo th v. L cm
novation w the deme umm, I�plcknow,
h.will be found every day. Au modern m
i1 to i asaannoo for Tae Maud le at Ma
. eclat Book and Statism/47 w
t order. will to revived for au
vertistug and lob week. and mamma
levee for amounts told for tae saner.
MLYAyQAY, Aug. t&h.
The honey bLtrvest is turning out
good this year.
Miss Ida Wbyard'hw returned from
her trip to Obeeley.
Mims Mary Tom, of Goderlcb, to vie-
iting Mies Cora Allen.
Mia Mary Clark, of Godericb, is via-
iting Mies Elva Johnston.
Mia Clara Whyard, of Goderich, is
home for two weeks' vacation.
Mins Eva Somerville. of °ode&ich, is
the guest of Miss Pesti McKenzie.
Miss Esther Bellamy, of St. Msrys,
has j:ained the local telephone staff.
Miss Ethel Glenn is home after
holiday trip to Ripley, Winghaw and
other points.
W. N. Brown, of Port Albert, is
putting a foundatiou under Ernest
Duff's house.
Mies Marion Bechtel, of Elmira, is
visiting her grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Whyard.
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 14th.
su tel minisersar bervires were
be 'last Sabbath in the Presbyterian
Or, the occasion being the tentb
an iveryary since the opening of the
nr chrfr.;h for public worship. The
cher was Rev. 0. E. Ross, of
iG rich who gavetwo most ezcelleot
adelicate'. while the church choir as -
elated by Mrs. Grahaw Moorhouse,
ofginew, Mich., rendered a beauti
fulAnthem at each service. The of -
finings tot the.day amounted to $240,
which amount more than clear, the
reineiuing debt ou the church build-
init and leaves the cot.gregation tree
to continue necessary improvements.
Rev. A. Macfarlane is spending a
for days in Detroit, preaching at
Grosse Niro, a suburb of the city, un
Sabbath last.
MONDAY. Ang. 12th.
Miss Minnie Johnston is visiting at
,Galen McDonald, of Detroit, is yisit-
ibg under the parental roof.
Miss Marjorie Bargby, of Belmont
is :visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. McPhail.
Mn. Sterling has returned home
:after spending a month at. fort Stan -
Miss Addie Cox is spending a few
days at the home of her brother in
Miss Own, of Toronto, and Mrs.
Walker, of New York. are visiting at
John Torrance',:.
Mims Viola Bennett and Miss Latina
H oak have returned home. having
spit a month at S aalr Ste. Marie.
Mrs. James Mob anald, who had
been in Clinton hospital undergoing
a operation, came home on Monday.
Mrs, le. Dawson and two children, of
SpriDghank, s isited over Sueday at
Johq (ox's. Mrs. Dawson returned
home on Monday. the boys staying
with their grandparent..
' \Weness AY, Aug. 14tb.
tj,'. Clutton spent a few nays in
to t last week.
Crawley, of Toronto, spent
Stiu♦,y with relatives here
Gain. Patten. of Pickford, Mich., ie
vi ting his relatives here at present.
loses .tuna and Etta Stewart are
vi tog friends at Mt. Helens this
ter Frank Shields is spending
ps of his holidays with friends in
Aelh old.
aft,' A. Grant, the wetl•digger, is
sinkVng ertesiau wells for \V. Cook
and M em c• Horton.
e Misses Linklater entertained a
lspgk parts• of young people on their
Weal, on 'Tuesday eveniug. A veru
enjett-ahle time is reported by ell.
might bare been s s
t r u
1serious ac-
ci4e t occurred on Tuesday night near,
Leg rn church, when the buggies of
Rip and Carney, sr., and John Liofleld
collided. frith rime were badly
smashed. The night was extremely
darjq, and an occasional flash of light -
n p only ,Wade the darkness more
vidnele. Several young meo were soon
oat a scene with lantern,' and ably
assisted the unfortunate victims t. tie
up their broken harness and get their
rase to conveyed aateiy home.
MONDAY, Aug. 13th.
Mies Barbera Culbert is visiting ter
silt* Mary.
>cdti•ve Stothers put a cement floor in
hie stables last week.
Miss Hazel irwln, of Ripley, is the
dlitelit of Edith Edwards. iM es D. Berger. of Toronto, is boll.
dag' g at John Glazier's,
• W. Stothers visited friends at
B+ikWs Corner and Ripley last week.
DId anybody see the ghost , Ob.
youhfunny Rhoet; we Laugh about you
Mise R. Hopper and (:bas. Hopper,
of Belgrave, spent. Sunday at W.
mfrs. R. Edwards. of Toronto. is
gpetiding a month at the home of Jas.
Ed, trards.
Tee Ladies' Aid of AabHeld circuit
Pur holding • garden party on
Ap ust 2ptb.
number of the young people of
tete bath stteoded the garden party
Jigbe Presbyterian meow in Dungan -
nes on Friday- night.
,noshing has coounenced, Will
y befog the first in this Locality.
Wm Beer,. did the job with his new
tubing rig. Bill has a good outfit I
alai. • hustler to thresh.
The evening service at Blake's
eSurch last Sutlday was taken by the
probationer who has charge of White-
e*a#'h circuit, .. Rev. J. J. Durant
way e,tnducting the quarterly services
at lb..t place. Ai nasal. there was of
attendance, including %unites.
I'l'ewe. Hackett's, Zion sad
or PAuaiNto or THK SEAan'1•.--1*p
somata, is now pretty well over
yrs• do not have to wait for stse more. 1. any ore. No mors do we roe
t was and the fait **BabbleI
dew their way toward the
�11:0eat ttaw h. ogy
�atiSao Tto.nbakiN
Nota ttlakam t> wsrr/.
- LYfl • -
g Mauna
ARrr Oast -- vy
stoner of PetuhIay di not do
damage bere, but a farm belun l
O. Rogerson in Hallett was et
and before help ,arrived it was a
Ines. At this season of the year
loss Will :>e heavy, as part of the
Tax EXCURSION. - The Sunday
arbool punas to Goderich last Weelnee-
day wee well attended from Blyth,
tbere being 080 tickets sold. in eon- , •
sequence there were very few left at
home. Of course those who attended
the baseball match were sorry Blyth
did not trio. but they were well
satisfied with tbe game.
8'r. AlenRsw'a OaCRCH.-keg. M.
Malcolm, of Detroit. who is visiting
lath. BR1GHT'S
U[r eF
ng to
ct op
here, again occupied the pulpit n
Andrew's church on 8nndav, and t
wbo heard him claim be preached
of the heat sermon, that, have
been heard io St. _Andrew's. R le
most fortunate that be was bare at
thin time when the congregation is
wilt/Keit a pastor. However, i
expected that it will not be lootg be
a pastor is secured, as the Fresher
of Huron meaty in Clinton on Th
day, August 22nd, to sustain the
a given by the congregation to Rev.
\NITS TRU BOwLERn.-'rhe rin
Myth bowlers who went to Berlin
week to take part in the tournam
were well pleased with the showi
they made, and alth,ugh they di
bring home env of the privy t
were beaten only by it lose mar
in the three gsame they last. On
`he .inks, which beat et ,'m by
mall 'margin of two shot . won
lie• •. trophy, and another ri
hicl also heat them two lots.
me -seep for the Seagr•ar, •rophy:
be t ws.. no diagraee to be ',oaten
rMek teams and by such
all score. The same rink is going
he Exeter tourn•+ulent nett week,
..Two rinks of Lucknow bowlers
came here on Friday and were su
fel in defeating two rinks of the Bic,
bowlers by eight shots. to enj rya
time was spent. The Lncknow n
-'eyed (•limon before rnmine he
in went on and played \Vingbam
farmers here are complaining also
the excess of rain that is falling, as
is interfering with the hare tiL
operations. A gieat deal of the gra
is cut, hut cannot be drawn in
A. Pni'lestoneas (mond Raster
e L 0. 0. F. left on Monday
end the meeting ni Grand Lodge
Hamilton u:. --_____
left nn Tuesday es the repreuentati
of Blyth Lodge Miss Keith,
Chicago, has been visiting friends
this neighborhood. It ie about twen
years eince she resided here, an
naturally she sees a- great roan
Changes in that time Miss Ann
Spafford, who is studying for a ou
at St. Joseph's hospital, London,
at present spending her holidays wit
her mother here Mr. and Mrs
J. Stalker visited their many friend
here last week • . The berry -picks
have been very busy- of late. drivin
out to the berry patches in the
neighborhood and returning in th
evening with well-filled palls. Th
edaeon is about ended now.
large party of Indians are camped n
the town. They are busy at the fly
pulling, hut when the weather is unfit
for work they can be seen Inunging
around the streets Mrs. 8. A.
Poplestone entertained a number of
the ladies of St. Andrew's church at
her beautiful home on Dingley street
Fri:ay afternoon, A most enjoyable
time was spent by all present
Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor and family, of
day to
sit with ived relatives. The itclain) the
road, were very had, especially in the
neighborhood of London, where they
have had tar more rain than we have
had Mrs T. McKenzie and cbil-
dreo, Clintsn, are at prevent visiting
the former. parents here Mrs.
McLean, of Henna!, is at present the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. A.
Charleswnrtb Messrs. A. and F.
Rainton were on a business trip to
Toronto last week The directors
of the Blyth Agricultural Society held
$ meeting on Saturday evening
in the Commet•uial hotel. They
have everything prepared now to
put on one of the hest fairs that
bare ever been held here .. .. Mr,,
J. Series and daughter are tbe
guests of Seaforth friend. . Mrs.
(Dr.) Grey, of Acton, is /pending bar
holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. B.
Taylor, and other relatives .. Mr.
and Mrs. Root, Taylor. of Toronto,
spent etre week -end with relative/It
bere A. E Breiwin, formerly
Rev. T. Hicks, wife and family, of
HaysviUe, are visiting friends in'Dun-
gannon and vicinity. •
Rev. I.. Bartlett'e launch was taken
to Goderich ou Saturday alai shipped w
by rail to Tupperville. ru
The automobile t
Saturday atter a most enjoyable dtr p w,
through Southern Ontario.
Nat Saunders delivered between tour
and five hundred pounds of honey to
S. J. Young in Goderich on Tuesday.
On Tuesday a party of eighteen of
ltungannon's •beautifed "rosebuds"
picnicked at Point Farm. Meadam
pileedbset sad asset •
seeskiwd� Mien
Kidaeyrs walr
case of Melee 1:4•1111816
They have saver fatal hi
Sae alma& alas. They are
the est, earsedy that over
Iran weed it. and by ant
the wily that csa.
Than are iso moody
atieas el
Dodds Eidawy
hem and met =
bees are dangerous. The and
coos artist!
itte Prigistlit=
tory t Dtadds Odaa�r !1� w
urn � � a Mm at y
k of
Goderich's Floral Emblem.
ens The Canadian Horticulturist sacs in
Ing it. last ifsUe :
dn't Last spring we drew attention in
bey these columns to the tact that the
n Godet•ich Hoeticultural Society hod
e of adopted the pansy as the emblem fur
the the town of Goderich, and that it
the purposed encouraging ata cul'ure until
no. It should become a feature of the
were town. Now cornea word that the
so Winnipeg Garden Club has adopted
by the sweet pea as the official flower.
a This is a most oommeudable line of
endeavor. A few weeks ago the
writer 'pont a couple of days in
Galveston, Texas, where oleanders
ccesa- were blooming in front of apparently
tb a majority of homes. The . ffect
Id. created by these beautiful flowers was
ren beyond descr:etien. While it is not
Allen and Treleaven bad charge of the th
Wm. Mole arrived home last week
from his trip nut West. He was very
tavorably impressed with the country
and will move out there if he can dis-
pose of his interests here,
re desirable than. horticultural ancielies
should limit their w.,, k ton much to
one variety t.1 !fewer or shrub, there
The ie no Lesson why wore of our societies
it'should not encourage especially the
growth of some certeaiu variety of
flower or vine, as is -being done in
in Godeeich, Winnipeg and elsewhere.
Let us make our towns and cities
A bee was held this week et the S•
Methodist church and as a result the th
grounds have been levelled and fixed art
up nicely. Posts ale in for the fence,
which will be of neat and artistic de
Robert Bell has been awarded the
contract for laying the new floor and
installing the new seats in the junior
room of the public school, Thos. Elli-
ott is buoy this week painting the out-
side of the building.
Among the euecessful candidates at
the public school leaving examination
were Ella Hasty, Lilian Pentland
and Rae Stothera, of Dungannon. 611
local candidates at both the entrance
and Leering examinations were We-
sand. Congratulation* to Principal
Ross and the student. !
candidate atdthe polis lasteFriiday,esbel
ing elected by a majority of fourteen
to NII the eacanu on the council
board of West Wawanoah, Very
little interest.was taken in the contest,
the vote polled being very small,
The lawn social held on the manse
grounds flat Friday evening uuder the
auspices of Erskine church was a suc-
cess, the proceeds amounting to $84.
The selections by the 33rd Regiment
band were greatly appreciated. The
moving picture machine refused to
"move" at the appointed time, so that
feature of the program had to be
THURSDA V, Aug. 13th.
NEWS NOTES. -Mrs. Van Dell, of
Chicago, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Swale Mt•. and Mrs, J. H. Ti
and son, of Goderich, were guestsg at
W. B. Hawkins' on Saiurday Mr.
and Mrs. Nen,. Pearvou visited his
mother, near Birth, on Sunday
Mrs. Clerk and Mktg Helen, of Itpvai,
were guests of BMH. Hayderilast
Wednesday Mia Lina Willis is
visiting Goderich township relatives
foe a couple of weeks Mia Bertha
McGee returned home from London
on Saturday• Mia Mary- Cunning-
ham, Toronto, irritating at her home
here Miss Vine Sherwood, Crewe,
was a guest at Joo. Armstrongs last
week John Scboenhals made a
business trip to Toronto on Monday
and returned Wednesday... Mr.
and Mn. Will Talbot, of Rockview,
Mich., are guests at Mrs. Smile's
Jackson and Reggie Burrow.,_Strat-
ford, are visiting their trt'andmoth
pointed at this meeting. W. Beg!
of I known by the beauty of their floral
ffljlllta{k¢k¢¢b , effect,.
This prompts the quisiion. what is
ey i the Goderich Horticultural Society
ve doing to popnla• ize the : chosen em-
nf bleiu ? We do not Pee any more panties
in around town than in previous years.
ty Some people think a mistake was
d made in choosing the pansy -that
Y some other flower would be more
1P suitable.
Miss Ifu•iel Corkworth, of Hanail-
y ton, in honer for a month's holidays,
rs Mr. and bort, Andrew Oliver, of
g Galt. ate the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
a Alex. Sounders.
e Harry Waehingtoo, of the Rational
e Cash Register Co.'s window ad
yea tieing depar tment et Dayton Ohio.
sag has Dern spending his holidays et bis
X• old home here.
owner of the Blyth Standard and now
proprietor of The Parry Sound North
BSar, paid a flying trip to relatives
here on Saturday, leaving bt
er, to visit with their grandparents
Mrs. Ellen Burrow-•.
'peaks well of the North, and reports.
husinees good. He was the candidate
in the Las
TUESDAY, Aug. 13th.
Bert ' earl, of Winnipeg, is visiting
at the home of George Douglas.
Mrs. Ed. Purvis and infant child, of
Lucknow, died on Maturday, the lath
Boguee was knocked down and very
setternly injured by an automobile •
tee days ego It seem* that the boy
was riding a bicycle, and on turning
out to pass a rig did not see the ear
coming in the opposite direction, hut
rode in front of it, and before the
delver, Mr. Vat tone, of \Vingham,
could stop the boy was knocked off the
wheel. He was picked up and taken
to Dr, Flliott's office, wbei a he was
found to have sustained a broken
ankle and other minor inturiee. The
bicycle was a total wreck.
Cineseasiouton Damn i)EAD.-lee
newt Leslie Walker, cite,- atnaker at
the Paramount factory, topped dead
at bis boarding-house L „ , no Natnr-
day. Deceased. wbo r ., - '. healtht-
ooking gran. got up a- amid
went into the. factory to ,,;, t the Are
In the boiler house. Ala....w dose thy,
lee returned to the house foe t,tetesee
and watt sitting Dlaying w i h the hely;
when be suddenly eollapord, and on ex
embattle. he was found dead, Dr.
Oordow, Abe coroner, gate heart fall -
we as Os/ cure ciffen death Dece'awa d
cabs Huss inJstosel, ase his brother -law
out West. Is was la f� tw y-
t81rd year. no romaiep will be sat
n. Lir towel Ar lateraesst.
t election for the Legisla-
ture and although beaten be speaks
highly of the prospects of Libersltam
in the North at the next election,
Misses Es -a Mains and Pearl
Fawcett visited with Winghaw
friends the past week E. Living-
stone, who has been racing his horse
at different places, returned home on
Maturday from Walkerton, where he
captured first money ..... .'I. Taman
shipped a car of ashes to the Statoil
last week .. A. Me4 reigptbt left hiet
week to visit with his da hter •t
Evansville, Indiana . Miss Maud
King, wbo has been visiting with her
patents, lett last week tor Portland.
Maine. to attend to nor duties as
deaconess.. . Miss Gibson, who
had been'pending her holidays .t her
hone here, left last week for H n-
ville to attend to bet dullest se miler.
Mrs, G. E. McTaggart and son
are renting relatives at (Ilintnn and
Rioter. Mw Dorothy TI ay
was .oc essfrll in secaring the junior
matriculation at the recent examina-
tions. Mho i. the °sly one who .ger
pawed from t hie school and not twit
attewdina a high s-bool. Mise is •
bright enh..lar, and delouse credit fon
Her eptendid %bowies*. I!
Noth•ng store dainty or more waxily
dlaated thaw Kellner* Touted Omni
!Makroits delicious Reser tempts the
Waft appetite; i melee
Rev. Alex, MacFarlane ar,d Mrs.
MacFerleene, of Winnipeg, who had
been visiting in Goderich and vicinity,
left last week fear Collingwood, where
they will vi•it Mr.. MacFarlane'a par-
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local &Pote ntions, a-. they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. Theis is only one
way to cure denims.... aid that L by can„titu
tlonal remedies. I).-afn• ss is canned by an
inflamed condition or the mucous, lining M the
Eustachian Tube. w ben this (libel.. inflamed
you have $ rumbling mood w imperfect hear-
ing. and when 1t is entirely closed Deetneee is
the s- .ult, and n�lew. the Inflammation can be
taken out and t his tabs motored to its normal
condition, heather will he destroyed forever:
nine cases OIL of ten ars raueed by catarrh.
which is nothing but as enflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces,
w'e will neve One H Dollars for any
case not be Deetnesa mired umeed byBalla C by atC ebl that can-
:hend for
circulars, free.
F. J. CBKN>iy & CO., Toledo, at.
Sold hzi t u., ;ha
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstlp.tloo.
M1th afesvlscy's Ns. 11 Tablets, say
fissalrs. Con sad NsQmarrle,
aprenkaest essfdng trwsMrs.
fiAL ''AX. if. g., amt. 1a, Itis.
el was trembled vita Iadleeetlen ref
sass' rears, lad attar eating nRmred
Intaaaety with near utesaoh, betehlag
W lain, Martbwrw. ate., ash sv.rythtaa
I ata seemed to tar $ say amma•h Abe
alae. sae test all 0111114 gp and ill.
iwause. bsa.ws psu a.ad that 1 try •
Mr et rust ifs. 11 0reptpela tallitta
whteh 1 hid, aap a s. emelt tend
bowsaw rstt•r. t am stew adoring
fIlashr raaaM a ,tr, lad toot that Tour
lsw�s 11 • as , .* Its .r mit
treab)e lad
rp.Matly ewa who *mai w the read
Metas at 'Merest planes eery hay
amid try N.. 11 Taearta u Hwy will
Tillie a Tea et tn4ta.rrti,.n sad mall.
Ithu to eater rear *male `
Lyman W Cot
UAW GLASGOW. 11. a.. Plow IS 111•
"rear fh. Oast two Tear, 1 Rave maid
terer. 1ss. 11 Drapers a
aerie* Ram Mr1M hay.
5.5 .w11.ree the ssv.rs attacks et to
OPINION is wALea 1 W bees a victim
*r sinus roan By roasts wens veer
�ttatatisp. and ae wood t• .ar 1 ow
to 14 reoersd. and 1 reel eh.t
may lis It Drmp.pda T'.btets einem
all fere root the ren 1 dM •es
Mew what It was te whey • awed .seal
tttN ttmw 1 aims eat so malas on the bmf
of rt• wNh .r diStrrrMws artsr-eareM.
*aaNs te Ifs 11 Tablets "
Ste r xap•arrsa
rrwss*!!ne4 r not . -Ow"
mtsop,e h t tk
T It tar at rears ewe
:d IiI 1be.arl. alter other away,.
We pee MT sa mel4111 g�h*imorai slta/ stlraat•eae *sewstia-
.fail trail OMNI* Is thmis
• t. sutristtest �y
etas sgtb Quickly nt'tlee tellogg'a by F. J. asthei by
Ooodbve Sale to All Sommer Goods
The story in a nutshell. Instead of a closing -out Sale in September We
put September prices on now when summer goods are selling -when there are
weeks still of summer weather yet to come. All the summer goods have been
marked down to actual cost ,or less as a fitting clOnax to the summer trade. Nt, 11
summer goods to be carried lover. Prices must be made low enough to clear the
whole bunch out in the next few days. Space will permit to enumerate only a few 1 t
of the many articles we are clearing out.
•' t' r; %111N. o, jl
Nosie' y
About one hundred pairs of one and
Lawn Waists
Only a few now
get one at the
$1.00 for 75c
I.25 for 85
1.75 for 1.25
2.25 for 1.5o
A chance to get
to sell. Come and
following reduced
98c for 65c
$1.5o for $1.10
2.00 for 1.40
3.0o for 2.25
a waist at a small
Corset Embroidery
Cut to sizes with shoulder straps.
Just a few now left. One lot regular
5oc, sale price 35c ; and 45c for only
New Fail Dress Goods
one rib, tan hose, sizes from 5 to 10,
15c to 18c a pair, all 1 for 25c.
Eighty-five pairs of one and one rib,
tan, sizes 5 to to, regular price 25c,
sale price 19c.
Two hundred pairs of our great
Black Seamless 2 for 25c Hose still
left. This will be the end of the black
stockings, 2 pairs for 25c.
One hundred and fifty pairs of pink
and sky cotton Hose. 5 to 84 sizes,
15c to 25C rekular price. Sale - price
any 2 pairs 25c, which is less than
rnakers' price for these stockings.
Just a few pieces in tweeds, whipcords and
serges. Enough to show what some of the
leaders will be when fall comes.
Let W. R. Pinder know when
you haveanything to he done it
Eavestroughlog Metal Work or
Electric \\ iring. Betio -toad
furnished and work guaranteed,
e keep a hill line of fixtures
and supplies on hand and all
such work will receive our
pr.mpt and careful attention,
We Fare a number of first.
class cooking Stoves, the Garnet
Gocd Cbeer and the Empire
Steel Range. Cell and see them.
Repair work of all kinds done
at moderate cost.
Hainilton Street Goderich
hiepwsrsiwg Druggist, Godericb,
'TIM Mango That Pleases."
>1'fit Ods AMistie Fnraiabiag of tie Home
Hoheneier has the artistic Furniture, the "classy" Furniture
the people of Goderich and vicinity demand.
For the Parlor -Selected Mahogany Parlor Suite, Parlor Cah-
inea, Music ('abinet., Parlor Tables, Tea Table. and Tray to match.
Panay Chairs and odd pieces. These are worth while seeing.
For the Dining Room -Elegant rrraaadve Buffets in quarter -cut
Oak, Dining Table to match, Dining Main upholstered in real
leather. A variety of designs and prices to wit everybody.
Por the Living Room -Fancy ('hairs, Rockers, and a shipment
just received of Japanese goods that will pleura you.
For the Deo -Some of the meet attractive piece' in Weathered
Oak, Ml.Non and Early English that will surety meet with your
Phe the Bedroom-13santihrl Dresser*, Woods and Sonatas in
Mahogany. Quarter -cot Oak and Royal Oak- 8owathing new in Cif
cau.ian Walnut, Popular Nepotism wood tirade to imateh any of these
A good assortment of Bran and Iron Bede. llattresec. and
MDrimge of superior quality, to suit everybody. A pl.naawre to show
there Nees.
A new shipment of fine Pictures. A variety 01 objects onw
ready for your inspection. Come while the picking Is good.
A full stork of Baby carriages and (4o-Oar•ta. Prier.* airs right.
Rugs to suit any room. and the prier should clean them up in
short iodise.
1 don snit the moot eractitsg in qudlty sad prisaa,
George Hohmeier
Ape.srq Ab sdheeoree Jyeaso