HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-15, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO "tawaraint..Jusessr 111. We Ill TIE meta SND ONLY IENDINE BEWARE 0P DMA- BOLD l T& - BOLD QN THE I[BR1T8 O1 ZINARD'S UNIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. COLI t LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS ilea at TH 6 SIGNA . t� h. m leaving A. B. TAYLOR. dnATman MEDICAL DRS. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR, Physicians and snae•ar- oste.-North ManiliAltTi. ry O . £ lace.al a i DR. W. F. (TALLOW. M. B. (Ace sad resid.mes. heath Wert, Ae6•rtek. earth of County kadstaT eioo. 'rele0a•ss rat, i N. F. J. R. MORSTE it -EYE, EAR 11 rove and threat wily. Beale sumps aw Murk Ophthalmic sas Awl last/tate. Clinical Aro t.. hoar. Normand '1 Moat klospital (golden Square, and Mwaredle l hyee Hoes Mta1. Stratford, ),r opposite ppposi Knox Cbuah. r ratfHours 9 e Ir s. m.. Z to r p. m.. 7 le a D. m. Telephoto IIIPOSANCtOF TME -DOT 10000000000000000000.00 "O THE awlN[H�RO. sa0 o Howe that are to yrOAer* rale o titters should be bred In May 11 • possible. Tota will bring the ! o plan to laptember and 1m time for tbem to get a good start bo fore cold weather. Keep a good brood sow as tend as she will produce satisfactory o littera. The pigs trots mature o sows will average more o n wat six months old, everything o equal, than than crown very yetr0g sows. Be sure the bop, old and young, have platy of pure, freak water to drink. Comparatively few people realize the Impor- tance of drinking water for bop. Go slow with corn to the brood vows and young pig • Do not allow too many pigs W run together. Uslw the ranee o Is large each titter should bars o Its own pasture. o Pork costs only one-third to p one-half as much wbsn pastures o are used as when concentrated p feeds alone are used. 00• 000000000000000000000000 Ina a young man I made a ado - take 1s. ►altug a grade boll bonsai 1 dl/ set then uederstand the gnat to rsglasos of the tdro-the to l000ce for Shed fir 111 that le vested !n the bead et the herd. To pay $100 for a pure bred yeasting Holetda-Msdaa bull gemmed to me the limit of extrava- gance. TK who I ease to study thg matter aid tl►fak ft oat to the sad I found tray views eo changed that I will- ingly Invested $400 1n a pore bred calf, white S. Heide In the National ileockean, Of course ay Delgbbors quoted the old adage that a tool and his mosey ware goes parted, but 1 did not think 1 had dose •aytblag foolish and was willing to wait for time to prove that 1 had acted wisely. If the owners of common herds would realise how fast time Rise and that it takes only a few years to change a common herd Into a blgb grade bard then would be many mon grad* herds and a great deal wens money 10 the dairy business. In thinking out the matter for my- self I decided that tate bull was mock more the. half the bad, as 1 mast de- pend wholly on him for its betterment, and 1 came to the conclusion tbat t could not afford to buy anything less than the bent obtainable. My reason• lag was like this: If 1 can get twenty heifers from the bull that will be bet - LEGAL pi SOU HAYS k KILLOR- ▪ AN, larrutan4 s•sdtaas, notaries militia peacton in the llartih.s Court. eta. Private rands w lend st lowest rata d interest , Uaw. lam side Negate. undenied W t P itouov1UT >Z C.. It C. KA Yd. J. L IC1LLOItA N. • ll(T, CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS-1 . IIlt, solicitor, eatery public. (Mtces- aandltoo Street, Oudorl.h, thlto door tram .erasers. I tHAlt.� h$ ItAHHUW . L.L.R., DA K v halms. atu tae)s, seawater, oto., tetras ratL Money in isad at lowest muss. + O. JOHNSTON, BARR1bTKR ' la O. WIWI ,. • twp.U..raa,et..otary public foes hamum. .0 wt tomerien tem. INSURANCE LOANS. ETC. IIcKILLGP MUTUAL FIRS IN ill d U R A N C L Lt./.. -barna fol Isoiated Um:3 roptrt) to.wrew. lla4v,r•-J �N...iclaian, i'rw., aeaferth P.O.: Jr L onboliy, . tue•h.... oedema Themes 1d. )nal•. beo.•1 ram. $eafecth P. 0. Directors -Mn.. Akerson,. ctarterth; )0 16. U. t.oeve, N inthrup ; M Worn Rina., l:oosta.or, John lter.nrweuy 731-00a.4es. ; Jawe hem*. t lis obwoud ; Jou. Matt. narloca : MIAOW& 11c).en. hruceteld, Agents : J. N . 1 ea, Hola.ssv ala ; R, Stat►, • Rartock . J.r lemr..ng , $mwonGYUM ; 11:' bin hay, miasma r'Wiop-noI$w• oaa pay a..e.r..eut. ..a est web mom rsostpaea sh A. J. Morrah's Clothing btato.CUateu. co atB h. tau. tummy, aat.otsa street, bateau$., (W1� 1P�RarI.V kA�TM FUNDS W tau Y V WWLrrr fir. roam& it y teist QeaeeteoL 4 g' R. ROBERTiiON, flat ANL LIU ..aINSURANCE AGENT. .drink. (come' .' and American, C:IearrT, N1Cgvaes amu $.3? OT Ale. Ia�i14 ITT : ] be Ops. As.hdrt sad Ol&rantse .mporationamour! ND •a Limited. bower. T1s U. • 8. Fidelity and 0aarasteetmpsay datum at rest -era., aoatbo.et mesa et vie. • torte and M. David'. street.. 'Mose pe IOBN W. CHAllilli, LIFE, FIRM et and oxidaand roto snl Aaemtl.rteadlaa "Meal sad stock dm ]lnsmom Its Y7 sing sneered on ben' play sad at lowest rates. -al at oaice. corner Went Utaest and o.gnar, t Mama J. M I-KA1011L Uoderlob (Aa. Isle Mine u MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTRR B BELLY, J. P.. OUAIiRICK ONT. SEM Or NARR1AAE LICEN81B1. W. ALAI�(Mllee ^ 0.401.OF FOe jIIARRI- SHAVING PARLOR REDFORD BLOCK RSA HER colo -This well -knows and popular etamd Deers Its tatre.g too beet service to .bavbS Mir -rotting, etc., ��tts11.1e dtadlee• abamearter* Y ipcy. Oag°sy b.d. �mr> laolw�t RK Preprt0 •gpr•ot*s.a "i think." said the stout man "N 1 will give up these loot[ walks s *ad int • motor car," "Walkin ie a first- rate exercise." "Yes. Bot work &won•t reduce me. What 1 Deed a BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND S•blects tallest by expert insanitary at this dfi-r!/o _ I.allotli OlR. is sesame fres Sept. but Casal hen Enter an, lbw LR'�tbllrwlt > s M The most dlattnguhhies *ler mark b Jersey cattle 1m the whits band around the noes lust above the alai. This band deem not AIM at birth. but appears when the animal L only a hew months old aad becomes very prominent by the time it le a year old Aa the minimal grows older this white band becomes mare indistinct, gradually turning dark morn M old ago tt M- onne like the rest of the a.lmar. a*Iorlae. A penmen aoewlated with the breed w11) readily dWogul.b the prawn of any amount of Jer- Ny blool in an animal by its gen- eral build. Tho pure bred Jersey oow .hewn 1. Lady Won, toundrees of the ViNa family at Elmeadort tars, Lexington. Ey. ter than their dams at like ages by sae pound of milk at a milking, so small an amount that only the scales will show it, each w111 give me an in- crease of 000 pounds of milk per year, or 12,000 pounds for the twenty bead Milk at that time was worth 11 per 100, so the 12,000 pounds would be worth $120. But 1 did not expect the naefnline, of these animals to be at an end with the one year. The aver- age verage milking life of a dairy cow well eared for 11 eight years, and I knew that these cows would be of use to me or some one else for that time and that instead of $120 the return would be $900. 1 thought the promise well warranted the expeadltare of the $d00 I paid for my ba1L That I was right tim.l proved, for Nay grades exceeded their dams In pro - !action by fully 2,000 pounds of milk per year each, and within a year after I disposed of that ball I had, in addi- tion to some 1 had sold, over thirty heifers and heifer calves. Five years from the time I bought this ball sad solely owing to the introduction of his blood I found the income from my dairy herd increased by 1000 per year. Did my investment pay? Eeenemy In Use of svll. Tb bull question L important to the Aare farmer. If he has only six or tome cows It does sot pay hies to keep a boll, provided be L within conven- feet reach of such *. be would use ea his herd. if be is within reach of a scrub ball only it will not pay to keep • scrub bull. If, however, a geed ball -one that w111 improv his dairy bard -ler not within reach. thea it win pay Mm to own a good one. The ball gats as reach as a cow. is nosily teoo- bleesme, and it is greater oweelay to keep a eov► in his place and taw a adgbboa s WU If each I. as gnu ge sine yea weal/ keep If you Best keep a bell Rw a ma anaaber of ewe beep a bald use than your ndgbbwr have. A good bull can often be bought at a swimmable figure from aa rinser who eau no longer nee the animal. A four or eve year old ball is no dols& Takings. It fact it is an advaats >• yea to know just what Mad d eerie be gale.-Haesse Parma% 'o 0 0 Pablo et • Dairy Cow. T. ere le a madge* to enwerl feel lits adk. Thos she and have a largo sl b and a droop coedited.. be limb bast result* sbe am* alga have a large adder. largo lank ergot., milk robe ad gaol tat► Eo head ahead be loam sal water b appearance. with the eyes Auden eat prominent'''. The web Mead he ratio Mag and lean I. ap penaiee. the shoulders painted and abs backbites rather preminent The soda should he bow and soft le the Igab� Spring faradism sw RvIL a. boat eau damage tie peewee las So greyed to eat bad btA gram 1 starting. Awry orb, gniabg 1r e ileal the worst thing that au be d.ss Si a Opastare sed should fast be peer Milid M Ow try teed will WS *et 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 TAMING UNRULY BULLS. Twee Methods of Repressing Their Superabundant Energy. We suppose every one has a recipe for the treatment of these very trou- blesome fellows, but 1t will do no bort to say something from our standpoint. says Hoard's Dairyman. In the first place, bulls get unruly largely because of the superabundant energy tbat Is wrapped ap in thea They ought to be made to work evsy day on a tread power or 1n some Mbar way and get nal tired That will da more to repress their "masculine rage" than anything we know ot , Second. it a young ball gets the mo- tion rtion in his head that he L boss take him out on the meadow or winos the .now 1s deep enough to make • fair cushion and throw him with a doobie loop a few rimes. Tbat will pat more sense of his Inferiority In the bands of man into bis thick bead than any- thing we ever tried The doable loop L made in the following mamma! Take • halt lncb rope. say, twenty feet long. Pass own end throogt the noes ring, leaving about el: feet hs front, thence ap between the borne. Then pass the rope around the body Just back of the fon lege and make a halt bitch at the beekbom thence back to the hips, making another tarn around the body just in frost of the hind lege with a half Latey at the back- bone and carry out the rope over the tall sir or eight feet In the rear. Let two men take bold o1 the end is front and two more on the rope L the rear and give a stoat pall together. when down goes lir. Bali sa 11 be was shot- Hold him down by the bead a few momenta aid let bins op. Likely enough he will make a lunge at the mea ti front. bet mother slow pall brings him to W aids wttb a Dani Throw him two or tbree dines m this way, and It will take the conceit out of him wonderfully. Too have ..t struck him nor bort him ser 1e kb An- ger aroused. He 1s simply nosplased and completely Mat at your power over him. We have known of several very can- tankerous bulb wbo were kept gate decent by an occasional dose of tbs double loop. Dangers 1n Feet Weenie. Cleanliness is the keynote to meet= flit treatment of any wound of a bone's body, but especially ot the foot writes L Y. Hurt in Country Gentle- man enti -man. After tt has bees opened and explored absolute clesWInse le requir- ed until healing has progressed to tate point whin the animal may be shod This le accomplished by the applica- tion of antiseptic packs 110 the foot held in place by bandages sad covered with dock or sacking to protect free wear. The whole dreesieg shadd he kept wet with entlaeptle for eovenl days. • 1 to ti00 solotion of correrve sublimate or a 2 per ant solution of a coal tar disinfectant or lysol bong splendid agents to flee. The bedding should be kept as clean as passible The frequency with which the drsow tag mast be changed depends Woo the WOODS Whet the wound Is entirety clean sad ready to is covered with bora pod the peek upon the foot dry over- night and In the sensing plain a dry dwgiag ef bode seder tode1orm apse the woad. cevertni with bandages ad pwoctive wrappings as before. la two or three days, if m more pas appears to eon the cotton over the weand, It any he regarded as siva to Mee the animal, slag a protsetivo pad of lather or tis. Do sot. bow - *ter, tap any chanties with bass woes& If at any tits* the patient shows extreme pats. asessesse aid fever. less of appetite. etc.. neves the dreedeg rad thoroughly nouns sad Hiram the wooed gsswtiess only a very small amount et pus w1 be roue& beat this, beteg nabs to ar caps. etnatnewee t1e deadly Wel pd. sosfa& TAs Case of Lie. As compered with 1M producing mi- ne olne the coot M esestrectlag the elle ter emelt Revd winds. slims ant tram 11.110 tote per tet el repoefty; tress Or stone. Wee or cermet from $2 r N. 14 las been shows by seine) see mei meat 1's. Mtnneaota that-weekisg e►eparttvely te the pureness et ms- twtata. vie.-. enaber of Anew* r s Waltity say erect et web et toll Ares a stave ole of 1d0 b 110 tits aiaail. lief *Owe Mia A Range should be a permanent investment and guaranteed a3 such. The "Pandora" is fear- lessly guaranteed by dealers as welt *s by the makers, simply be- cause they know that it will give utter satis- faction. Can you wonder that so many people buy 112 LAR Et SON 111 3r• weater Coats That Are Correct Pandora Ranke For sale by newel' Hardware Co. -n- HEROIC DEEDS AS SHIP SANK. Five Wawa Rescued from the James Gayisy on Lake Michigan. Duluth, Minn., Aug. 8. -- Five women. who, clad only in their night- dresses. were miscued from the steamer James Gayley wino that vessel sank yesterday off Manitou after a collision with the steamer Renssalaer, anived berg today. They are Mn. E. Russell, Miss Edith Russell, Mis>, Stone and Miss White, all of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mr,'. E. H. Meyers, tat Watertown, N. Y. They bad to i eplenish their wardrobes heal, When the collision occurred those just named and nineteen members of the crew of the Oayley were taken on the Rensaelser, inert that boat having been damaged is the bow by the collision it War Lenard she might not he safe, so the wrecked pubs.engera and crew of the Bayley were again trans- ferred, this time to the steamer Stadaoona. Mate A. H. Norton and three other men were picked tip from A yawl foal by the lathes, consort of tie Rene.alaer, and taken to the Soo. Heroic Work. Heroic work byCapt. M. M. Stew- art, of the liay_y, and Capt. C. D. Second, of the Rensealaer, with the crews of both Toone's, prevented lose of life. Quick)] and calmly the two captains and their men went about the work of rescue, and Cat. Stewart did not leave bis *hip till just before sbe sank. which she did twenty minutes after the .olli.ion, but not before every soul o0 board had been taken off. The Oavley and her cargo of 7,100 tons of coal is a tctal loss. She was nor insured and the loss will be $600,- 000. The Rensselaer was badly dam- aged, but the bulkheads held her up and she carne into Marquette under her own steam. Mos. Ruesell, who is the wife of a prominent vew.elwan, paid grateful tribute to tbeb,avery and coolness of Capt. Stewart and his men. Displayed Coolness. -The esptain came to our stateroom and told ma gently and calmly that a boat was running onto us acrd that she would strike our stateroom. so the five'of us event tar, deck in our night- dresses and be rerouted. It was rain- ing bard and the tug was very thick. As eons as we got on deck we could see • steamer which proved to be the Renes.Ler coming bow on and at a rapid rate and a moment later she struck in on the btarboard side. The captain maid be knew our vessel was doomed mod he ordered the lifeboats over the side. However, the captain of the Renssaleer ran up alongside and lashed the boats together. The girls were transferred and then the other boat drifted away, breaking the ropes. We thought then that we were in for It, but the Rensealaer again .teamed alongside and the rebt of us were taken over. "We thought at first the Remeulaer was also sinking and the captain of that boat began whistling for help. Atter more than an hour the signals Were answered and we -a11 cheered as the Stadacona appeared through the fog." HAVE YOU A BAD SORE? 1f so, remember these facto-Znsn- Buk ie by far the most widely need balm in Canada ' Why has it beootne so popular? Because it heals sores, curee skin dIsemes, and does what is olaimed for it. Why not let it heal your sores ? Remember that Zam-Bak is alto- gether different from the ordinary ointments. Most of cheer consist otan- imal tau. Zam-Eek contains Do trace of any animal fel, or any rslneral matter. It is absolutely herbal. Hsm.mher that yam -But is at the same time healing, mothisg, and aati.evtlo. Kills poison instantly. and all harmful germs. It le suitable alike for recent injuries and diseases, and for chronic sores. einem, etc. Test how different and .uperior Zam- Bet really is. All druggists arid stores .t 50e. bo.. On shoo Zam-tiuk soap. Relieves sunburn and prevent.' trestles. Best for baby's bath. life. tablet. "What an 1asignifloant•foehing little man be is, to be .tire." Yes. in. devil. Toted never gnome be's a oil• Mousier.. '15 b.1' "Yes." "iitrlo- dwrn were to him, w111 you t Pm Jost dying 10 meet bias." "What Is the diWevsnee between Semmes aced ohwleary r asked a young lady of her Rao*. llrm- ossa," was his pllatet roots., 'la a noble obareeteflstir of wwaew t obetinary In • lamentable d.fset In men." Magic Onrn Cure -. runes when Ober* fail. Soli 1y B. R. Wink, Ares& Gnjgrirh. Ont For comfort and service no garment can take the place of the Knit Coat. They are the one garment for wear at all times, both indoors and outdoors. We make a speciality of "Monarch Knit Goods." A leader—Woman's serviceable Pony Coat, with new roll collar, colors --cardinal, grey, brown, white, navy and black .... 2•25 Woman's smart Knit Coat, new weave, high or V-neck, all colors—a popular gar- $300 . mens Woman's super -quality extra heavy Knit, hand- some weave, one of the season's best $4x50 styles, all colors Woman's long Knitted Silk and $9.00 Wool Coats, very handsome Ask to see Turnbull's genuine Shaker -knit Coats for women's and •men's wear. They are extra special. Children's Sweater Coats Children's Sweater Coats and Jerseys, in all the new styles to fit all ages, all colors now $2.25 in stock, 50c to 41. Special showing of new Wool Shawls in all colors, many $3.00 flew weaves, in silk and wool mixtures;, from 75e to. - Woman's handmade Shawl, with armholes, very .new, a $2.50 decided novelty, in white`and colors , New Motor Hoods. New Motor Scarfs, New Senorita Scarfs. Just the remnants. of summer stocks now remain and are being cleared out at ridiculously low prices. •AkCGR'atter= a36 Poblications for September. MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE' COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes: satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious l i 172 NO TOU OSE COWAN'S COCOA? that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the tact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS, ETC. -When you travel yt vill need • good strong Trunk, or perhaps a commodious Suitcase , r Bag will meet your requirements. We can furnish all your wants in either line. All Repairing Orders receive our prompt attention. JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE - MASSEY— HARRIS SHOP The place to buy •1) kinds of FARM MACHINERY THE GODERICH GARAGE Binders, Mower*. Hay - loaders, Bide hakes, Manure Spreaders, Bain Wagons and Cream Sep- arators ; also Louden's Hay Oars, Forks and Slings, Molette()ream Separators. Homestead Fertil- izers. Pumps for hand - poser and Ifnglnee; Gasoline Engines and Windmills. And. (1 say 1 you must tie our Buggies. We have a full line, all styles, and some of the best and most, stylish rigs that ever name k.0 town. 1 have a few Horses to eel and same Driving Harness. 1 also have • House to rent- - • lovely place for slimmer (:all in and see what we have and rest • white, anyway MOTORISTS I now have a full stock of Motor Arcetsories, such as Mperk Plugs, Wiring, Free') (Batteries, Battery Connectors. Ammetera, Acetylene Burners, li.. Bags, Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patches --no cement patches; Tube Protectors, Rim Cut Patches, Quick Repair Outfits, spare Tube Rags. Tire Envelopes, Inner Tulles, Valve Parts, Tin Teeters, (iasoline, Oils, Graeae. 'Abased Sloop for washing •ntomobile. Anything not mentioned in the above 1i.t, plea.. ask for, se 1 carry • complete stock and ran furnish supplies at remarkably low prices. ROBERT WILSON Haeiltnn Street, Ooderieb Yonas tntly, JOHN 0. KUN T Z Kingston St. Ooderlch