HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-15, Page 2s Tewasoi r, Avower 16. Ulf
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THC 810NAL PRINT1140 Cli. ldslted
TMapasme Call Ne. ts.
Terwre el i. _.. eiew :
SILOSatz �116.
�ger�ta�•a!a�a�gS baa la rh e a sin.
t ieW to •ie•t.ssu�mMsAsse WS a year
6ahswjbwe wine tau u aeosivs Tan tisvrrai.
regularly b mall eta senior • base W
quotatition us of tie tact et es .sets • date as
Waea • •f aadtar Y desired. lath old
.ed the new address sbs.H be given.
Ai easing Mast :
V end ether da illar Mavert„smsnu, two
tar Iva inmertland b per Ilse toe
ea▪ ch w ch wbeequeat t•sertioo. Meseured by •
• oop•reU soak. twelve liars to an Inch.
Budder cards of dr: ae. and ander. SS pe
Advertleemsau rif Leo, Pound, Bayed, Sit-
uations Vacant, Bltn*Uens Wanted. Rooms tor
Sale or to Rent, Farms for Sale or to Ran
Article. tee Bale, eta, net exceeding
.lose, 21, each insertion ; 111 ter and tworithTlig
for each .ulesquest month. Larger •dvert1s
menu In xoportlon.
Announcements In ordinary reeding type ten
mints per line. No notice leas than Mc.
Any special notice, the obeot of whloh 1s the
pecuniary heat et any individual or arced-
chaWine,M� 1e °smoldered an adverdeement and
Rates fordisplay and contract advert(.
meets a
rev.a on apptln•Uon.
Address all °em,sanicatlons to
tiodertch Ont.
A viers- 01 ,tupendousfolly would he
the piop.".ed visit ot Mr Winston
Churchill to Canada to attempt It) in
Hueuce the. t anadian people io thei
action regarding the navy. Any suc
interference in their affairs would be
h iretvly resented by large numbers of
Canadian,, and instead of hringing
Canada in closer touch with the
Motherland it would Ur likely to have
the reverse effect. l'enadians want to
do what is right in the matter of
041111 defence; they want to secure
the most tenable informatics that
will assist them in reaching a rigbt
conclusion in the matter; but they
do not want anybody- from Britain to
come here and:try to persuade them
into a course of action which they
would not adopt in accordance with
their owe judgment.. What is
wan ted is information, not advice
and if the British Cabinet bag any in-
formation to give on the subject there
are recognized channels through which
it may paw. The. Cabinet of Canadian
Ministers is responsible to tbe Cana-
dian people for any coarse it may
adopt in tbis as in other natters, and
it would he an .unpardonable cunfes-
don of weakness on the part of the
Canadian Ministers tr, try to unload
their responsibility for any policy
they may adopt upon the shoulders of
a British Cabinet Minister.
Further, there is no seed of any-
thing in tbe shape of a jingo cam-
paign in Canada. Instead of encour-
agement for war-ecare-mongers. those
who talk glibly- of the imminence of
war. when no occasion for war is in
sight, ought to beregardedand treated
as public nuisance... Perhaps ('ana-
dians could perform oo greater ser-
vice for the Empire than in demand-
ing thecesaation of this talk of war
between 'treat Britain and Germany.
Neither the British people not the
people of Germany have any desire for
war, hut in both countries there is a
small but noisy element whose blat-
ant war talk constitutes the only real
danger in the situation. Muzzle the
alarmists. and the war scare will disap-
pear. A quiet little speech of five
minutes from Mr. Borden, stating that
Canada is prepared to do its duty
wben real danger arise.. hut deprecat-
ing needless alarms, would have con-
siderable effect in the right direction.
Another big crop in the West is in
prospect, and along with it another
year of activity In Western sub -divi-
Which will make its appearance
first—Mr. Borden's naval policy or tbe
Hydro -electric Commission's report on
Maitland River power?
Mr. Borden would like very much to
here Sir Wilfrid Laurier pull him
out•of the hole be has got himself Into
on tbe navy question.
A reduction of meat prices 1s ex-
pected as the result of bumper crops
in the baited States. The thrifty
housewife wilt be glad of the promised
relief. _
Perhaps, as some people think. the
Asquith Government is -tottering to
its fall," but -it bee already a reeved of
achievement that will Mader it ine-
snort al is Meters; .
W. P. Mecham elf The Tweet*
World swears by Beesheslt. **Nay"
would blue to imagine biassslf a sort
of Osadia- ehmalwpart of the Man
with the Ng Stic&
new meal people reelly believe
Nass is any Amager of war between
•ss1am, and Greet lisitai• r Rves
those wbo talk most about It would be
mightily surprised if hostilities should
actually break out.
A Judge la Eastern Ontario has
Riven a decieioa that the *mainsail
indemnity of • member of Peril *sent
is assessable. A MU of impeachment
of that judge nay be expected at the
next session.
Arrangements are tieing made for •
series of meetings and p(csics to be
bekt In various parts of Ontario in the
early part of September and to he ad-
dressed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The
Chief will get • great reception,
wberever he speaks.
Just when some doubt was booho-
oing to he entertained of Wisatcn
Churchill's fealty to Liberalism, he
lands upon Bonar Law with a savage
denunciation which shows that be is
not looking for friends in the Unionist
ranks. at env rate.
When Roosevelt entertained Booker
T. Washington at the White House.
he won the admiration of men who
believe in human brotherhood. When
he allowed his convention at Chicago
to exclude the negro delegates, simply
because they were negroes, he showed
the weakness of the ordinary vote -
hunter. Which is the real Roosevelt ?
Mr. Rowell and his fellow -Liberals
of the i.egislatur•e have been visiting
Northern Ontario with a view to in-
forming themselves as to the re-
quirements of the country. And if
incidentally they shuuld strengthen
the position of Liberalism in that
part of the Province there will be no
regr'er.s on tbeir part.
The Toronto Telegram states.. a
pretty well-known fact when it says
that the small property -owner "pays
tax on perhaps ninety per cent. of the
selling price of his home, while the
large property -owner escapes with
taxation on fifty or sixty per cent. of
the: selling priee of his real estate."
The assestnent law of Ontario re-
quires radical amendment.
Conservative newspapers are point-
ing to Uncle Sam's had faith in the
Panama Casal affair as a proof of the
wisdom of the rejection of reciprocity.
The United States, they say, cannot
he depended upon to abide by any
agreement which it finds does not suit
its own purposes. But how does this
affect the reciprocity- question?
These same Conservative newspapers
told us the agreement which was
voted down last September was all in
favor of the United Staten. The
trouble with the restrictionist editors
is that' they are too narrow -gauged to
see that a trade agreement may be
beneflrial to both parties, and there
would he no occasion for either party
to wish to withdraw from it.
The Christian Guardian has a large
suspicion that the manufacturers of
war supplies have a good deal to do
with the manufacturing of war
"scares." ft believes that ninety per
cent. of the war scares are without
any foundation whatever, and that it
would he well if people would get
into the habit of discounting them.
"When they have not back of them
some interested purpose of a personal
or political nature, they usually have
nothing more substantial than the
vivid imagination and love of excite-
ment of irresponsible people. The
folly of allowing ourselves to be
stampeded into a belligerent mood by
every fool war *care that comes along
is altogether unpardonable."
The United States Senate has plumed
a bill eat •hlishing • discrimination in
favor of United States vessels passing
through the Panama Canal. This is
in direct violation ot what is known
of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, made
between the United States and Great
Britain Kum. years ago, and Britain, as
party to that treaty, end also as
spokesman for the shipping countries
of the world. has been making • quiet
protest against the passing of the
bill. The leading newspapers of the
United States are, to their credit,
protesting against the action of
Congress which would violate treaty
obligations and place upon their
country- what one newspaper terms
an "indelible disgrace." it is recog-
nized that Great Britain would have
an excellent case to take before the
International ('curt of Arbitration
at The Hague ; but the United States
Senators who put the bill through state
that they will not allow the question
to go to arbitration. What the
outcome of the affair will be remains
to be seen, but in the meantime the
BtotW people are keeps., r their beads,
ad are not unhopeful • •. •t the better
mems of the Coked Nt. e.:ruthorithse
will yet prevail.
The Ueioslses have ga...e 1 a Mat le
Illsetbweet Manebestet trots the
lineal. largely owing. It is mid. to
the Wei Besse Ride Issue ad the
Lige George laeuranes set. Mew
desssse Is a great free bads swam
but it Is strew* opposed to Nisei
iii and era this resasis• tie geode
gmeetlaw was !apt le the haahisesad
by the Oppoeitiow candidate. It was
expected Chet the Insurwsos aot would
be unpopular during the gist few
swaths of ft. enfosoement, but shortly,
when the Israelite which it 000bn
are felt by ties people, it may become
• great source of etsengtb to Liberal
caodidatea in the meantime, the
poeitioo of the Governtnent is no..
too strong. sad it appears to be a
gumption whether It will survive
Wog astough to put through the
Home Rale hill and other great
measures on its program. 1t is a
satisfaction to know that, with a man
at t .bead of tbeOovernmsot devoted
to the service of his country as Mr.
Asquith has proved himself to be,
these will im no weak surrender,
A Chance for Ceatmarians-
Omsk* Herald.
It's about time the oldest inhabitant
mune forward with an explanation of
what the summer of 1912 compares
Can't Worry This Yah
Wtsdeor Record
The butchers can charge what they
like for weal, (live us bread and but-
ter and tomatoes and we'll get along
pretty well, thank you.
Sur Ming !
avian A Windsor despatch st.. tes that the
colored folks there regale J themselves
on el it:ken and watermel on Eman-
cipa • •on Day. Mighty g. , ,i • nate they
aha .•d, too.
Or Is It Its Choi I?
Toronto Telegram.
111. „eases in the price of oil remind
us that though the hody of the Stand-
ard Oil Tiu,t lies mouldering in the
grave of dissolution, its soul goes
marching on.
Wearing Ont His Welcome.
Hamilton Times.
Premier B Orden is haggling a little
too much with Britain as to what
Canada will get to: wbat she will give.
No wonder the cable man ',eye the
people are disappointed.
Windsor Record.
After looking at tbe lofty and well-
ladan stalks of Beset corn, (hi
sleliss tope in tb* o Melds and. the
plentiful supply of , we decline to
take much stock i cry that it is
"goin' to be a hard winter."
Are They Afraid ?
Montreal Herald.
Germany- will not allow a party o
boy scouts to land because "they- are
part of a military- organisation.' The
German standing army of 1,000,000
soldiers, it seems, found itself in peril
of attack.
the IntslllIgpse of his hearers whelk
in swam aid eat. bet psi•eipally out.
be inst.'s thea harping upon tbe
loyalty striae.
The Honest lost.
Os.lsk as esrr.
In view of the state of affairs in
New York at thin present time, k is
lDt*'estiug�tlo doe that,w
Wood ruw
didate for !'teshlent. saysHsattrate
pow has owe of the idaspleatt
enentn the weak a It
undertakes t things that elties ion the
United States would not be allowed to
uodertoke ad yet without supieioa
even of graft, or bergtin, or private
arrangement. Aud in Glasgow all
public utilities are run by the muni-
cipality, and successfully.
The Globe'. Whopper.
Barr, Saturday Mor.Lg.
Mistake will ha n in the best
regulated headline, •Lu in the bast
regulated newspapers, but The Toron-
to Globe trimmed us all on Wednes-
day. In a loader on the front page
with double beads we were told that
Canadians Met year drank 1,080 gallons
of spirits and 169 gallons of beer a
heed, and cowsomed 3,011 pounds of
tobacco each. A man would have to
be a prettyood chewer to dispose
a ton and ahalf of tobacco iu aar.
and would osrtaluly need a couple of
thousand gallons of spirits and beer to
keep his woutb clean. The tronb!e
was caused by using commas instead
of decimal points.
Paying Off the Veterans.
Ottawa. August 12.—Up to date
1,139 ch use for the Fenian Raid
grant of $100 have been sent out by
the Finanr'e Department of the Do-
minion. Careful enquiry le heing
conducted into each claim and the
process is neoseaarily- slow.
One—"I'm in love with loth girl•,
and can't for the life of we wake up
my wind which is the prettier." Teel
Other—"Take thein into a crowded
trawcar some day and see which gel.'
a seat first."
Mrs. Default Found Speedy Relief from
Diabetes, Sciatica, Backache and
Headache in D,dd's Kidney
SL Boniface, Matt.. August 12th.—
(Special.)—Aber suffering for three
from Coplication of diseases,
Madame Oct. Dufaulr, of Si Victoria
street, this city, is once more in per-
fect health. flays :
"Yes, 1 am attain a we'l woman,
and 1 thank Dodd'a Kidney Pills for
it. i had sciatica, neurulgia end
diabetes. My back ached, and 1 had
pains in my head. 1 was nervous and
t tired all tbe time; there were dark
circles around my eyes which were
also puffed and swollen, and heart
fluttering added to my troubles.
"But when I started to use Dodd's
Kidney Pills i soon began to get
better. I took thirteen boxes in all."
The Spec's Remorse.
Hamilton Spectator.
There ate tee men, on attaining
middle age, who will deny that, if
they but had their titne over again,
they would cut a difereot swath and
strive desperately for success. But,
ah ! the opportunity coves but once.
A Good Suggestion.
Stratford Beacon.
If Canada were to have a choice- of
visiting British Ministers we would
like to put a vote in for has done more�oLloyd-
fi e yeears f r the British people than
all the "war lords" of as many genera
ut There's No Place Like Home.
Calgary News -Telegram.
When these 60,000 harvest hands,
who come out West to help garner
the wheat crop. are here, why not,
make a concerted effort to keep them
in this pert of the Dominion The
suggestion should commend itself to
the industrial bureau, the Board of
Trade, the railway.' and to the Provin-
cial and Federal Governments.
Canada's Cootribution.
Simco• Reformer.
Lord Charles Beresford is the chief
apostle of the big nary people, and
Lotd Charles has just been telling the
world that the pressing need of the
British navy is not ships but men. If
this L so, for ('anada to send mono
ship. will only add to Britain's embat-
raiment. We must send men, and
we suggest Col. 8am Hughes,
New Plank for the Bail Moose Party.
whetter itocssd.
Mr. George W. Perkins, the Ameri-
can multi -millionaire and former
partner of J. P. Morgan, has devised a
profit-sharing scheme that is now in
o ration with the employes of the
United States steel trust and the
International Harvester Co. He has
come to see that Big Business must
deal more reasonablywith the army
of mechanics and laor in general,
Mohr Can and Ppalatiew.
t*arir Standard.
In even son to population,
Alberta has the greatest number of
can. Last year 700 licenses were is-
sued in Codgers and about 960 in
Edmonton. Manitoba comes next
with one auto to even- 152 people in
the Province, and British Columbia
third with one auto to every 166 per-
sons. Novia Scotia has the smallest
number of ears, and the ratio rut autos
to population thete is the lowest. On-
tario leads in the number Cyt machines
In nae, and has one car to each 944 of
population. Western Cooed* gen-
erally in a far larger buyer than the
Real Loyalty
hema. Jennie/
This wearisome reiteration of Oen-
adieu loyalty by the P'Irst ldialseer of
the eountry seems to a gest man
to he Badly oat d piaat. 11
t hue any effect it will ti te maritime
those is the OW Osmmtry that there
is a Wallasey towards eepavat1m is
Vsosda whish Br. >erbee M trylag
to ovweotse. It ie ee mere aMwaary
eensaaim the loyalty
than to assert that the
loss dle `glad et of MNamd ham
no stheir easel-
iireayP Oau-
past et the
ad is the `ais
at ' -mthene sad
For a pleasant. hig h
class ss.okc try
Peacemaker or
C. P. R. Cigars
For sale in td?prt
sr. Tootle. ONT.
Unieurpmeed for reside tial odue acro The
nisei Cetls.e-Rees" h whleh to weer
a training for your life. work. Thorough
scum in Music. Palattag, Oratory, High
School. Business College and Das estte
Science. Large campus, inmpiring environ-
ment. Resident norm insures health of
students. Rate* moderate Every girl
needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro-
spectus sent on applleaaloe to Principal. 42
WNed.t 1966
ResidrdLl College for hey. and roma elan
—.eeeaset Buena.. Nigh
Aeedweic sed Art. 1 resetsmet.
New BeiMiag..,.h latest Hygisec equip.
meats. Thelargst llyweanwsan Goads-
Ro Trac. Solemnise Peel. Show
Saliva Thestre.
ldividual sn.nd.erte&de a Pro-
f*ssore rade postgradeaM comma in
aerepe. Rat...err a .'a1. Adorer:
.e..a.t,, :,
144.. if,
tsar. 0S 119611. 4 Cant.
wed W
y waver might. I
wast a t� 1staat.
(b. —
sal anon Molearro..rr.a>r.
UM Min
aM4 �i�
wasrm sulferai )hum lay lass d le-
.wis ie are Wiled le esoersss este
Erbtisw�gw'SPeiaert.swt sat ace I
Modiste* Oil.. Leeds )Kes>L
Rut haler IN be speed seed sal
Sassed by • we.aw sad bed la add
essidease. A Imam sae freely la& d
her paints llhsie. le • dm W
bets, aseibihltsd • e.aidsttlisl ausw-
spemdemw whish keg solid nese
may yeses sad whish bee senates hew
balms. Never lam terlrmil p haat wiibwt itis
mates enema aC the swam sad agar
hes dewed thse•aNdilea.
beth adash theirpjse
se the baidase et thwemds d 411M11
their tier will attest.
Oust d the vest sir alt eapeslease
which they have tsdtw heel It i sees
pseikir lag Ow flees Ile
awed la 7et II
ice is lotted le wags amermareisa=
msad their abbe has
.ad . fly telly of
wostam% sigh ',peer.
should be glad te
take advaatage d
this generous afar
dress Lydia Lir. Ilish.
ham "niche Oma.
m+••rn j4m►
Lydiaihsr7; ;�
Teat Melt. Is Y est •
SSV diebribsidalts
W ars a V1NIsIS Islay.
Pall Tel in from Sept- 3rd.
• --t TT
Tyswto, Ont.. °mode 1w a cher by Ica dt to
Wr u�oda� for bancher danna eatalsgvs ye'
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers On the Square
LOOk awbeksaont�syav aid ohow trained
beldamtar eakriew rasa trained
tsasa,a W. trate roam assn and
eon ea M :bolt loathe top ..s
Tyena•r w by not yse t if'oi
(I tas�•a O"Pe of sew seta
2Stgaet FaP tetra.tros yoAuw,aunot
cam AdAddress.t. 1111.1w,. Schools. Ter
Taags & Gerrard Ste. Pr•eaident.
Havingporchaoed the husi.
nese formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pur
pose dealing In
Coal, Wood
Lima, Calmest
Vire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal. two
lines white are recognised as
the beet. We whit to irk c
the tii.lars�s hag a�s,geyise of Geileriels and
oMleMso silk lad .W 111: "
hear hes Y
eay t� Ohms
•11 wrda• leh with Jas.
set strew. promptly
Thew Ips. 70
reeds at 0 1'. R.. Nelson titres
August Specials
Table Cloth Snaps
��-�W � !J•Ysk. :the IImW doth.
(( Y Ps► clothe
edt ib�, fly
9j obolosht ileriRara eked. th.et wesa�
way at from 12.0r to M00 sack, hat fine the Iia A„
perfections these are notwdsartns at molt $1. N to e W
Table Napkins
d y Imperfect, regular *4-00 to *MOO qualities It
disbar size pure Liman Satin Damask, mime
nat per don
Five Irish Linen Huoknbaok and Damask Towels,
splendid wearing'in•lities, at yedu It
$1.00, O for �r�1sM, O for
Bath Towels T
Two large cases of white Turkish and brown Linen
Bath Towels, exceptional values and beautifuloo(�
gds, at per pair. 4Oc. 600e. *1,00
. 76, $1.00..... �.4AO
Llnoleums and Oil Cloths
We emphasize these goods again because of our im-
mense new importation and our beautiful selections,
suitable for any ro.,m or hall, floral. tile or block design.
Al Scotch Linoleum. and well seasoned, at per square
yard in 3 or 4 yard. wide, 46c, SOc, OOc, and MOc.
Floor Oil Cloths
Two yards 'wide, special sale in a damn new patterns,
at per square yard. 25c
Plus half -cent mile frown Winnipeg to destlnatiob, but not
bspood MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. ReturainR
half -oast mile to Winnipeg, plus 818.00 todestittation in
Eastern Canada.
August 20th—From Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, inclusive, via Stratford,
and all teatimes South thereof in Ontario.
Goderich's Day Augustd23rd—From all stations North of, but
not including—
Main Lice, Tososto to Sarnia
Tunnel, via Stratford ; all stations Torooto and North And
tram of Toronto to Kingston and Renfrew,
August YRth—From all stations Torooto and Eaat, and Emit of thillia and
Scotia Junction.
August 90th—From all stations Toronto to North Bay, inzlusive, and
• West thereof in Ontario.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest ad' quickest roll t.•
het wean Winnipeg—Saskatoon—Edmonton.
New Feat Express Service between Winnipeg. Ysrktoo, l'anr.ra
and Regina.
Canadian National Exhibition
TORONTO—Bingle Fare for Round Trip. Good going August 24
to September 9 inclusive. Return limit September 10, 1912
August Tr tb and 29th. September Sed Sad 0th •
Ark F. F. Lawrence, down -town G. T. R. ingest ('phone No. 8, office
hour% 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.), for full information, tickets, berth reservations, it
write A. E. cuff, D. P. A., Union Btadom. Toronto, Ont
;V1111111111,...111.11 .1111"
"M.etndse a.srove
las lis tL Lawsass
Ton w Moo neet. Lam
eme rise air..y w phew
Mena ace you'll ,sere re4
IT keg It pts res see a iron the dad
e1 ma areas Ilan. The a. M. a: total
NNW W a. M. l 4yai Coon• .M
you las 14s word la cant and trseeh
emir: to sensed set Me Stares d s Mr
a Mlvve Me Oke mei dellrli d aver
Is eke m. wren ice Dessaigatm eseNa
IL C. Deenlee, C*eaY Asset 'Meas
L•ea1►. 37• teat eo a Get
■OCA ALL asaOra aa7�Lle
Oak. Ubae.lalm . Aug.
.117s►_iae5 AUK. '1
d b11va
AVE 11
Aux. 15
Avg. ti
Awl. s
gat s
SOM. 11
amt. 98
Tlejlteta ani .0 Io*semmtbs from any
steamer sweat. sr J. KW,
P. a:, maisrlee. tang
Western Fair
9epteflrtlier 041 to U/t►r 1912
London's Great Exhibition
Liberal Prises Inetroetive Rx Whits
Speed Event* each day
New Art Building filled with Magi*cant Plana/466
Programme Tee ieee Daily IA.* Steak Parade Dai ly
Beene o' the Barn Baal
of Oiitsiham. England. One of the Brass Beads la lbs
World, and several otiose
Aerial Acts, Comedy Arles. Traailen, and Ace
bate Acta. fleabat'% ligasstrbame AM, and Saha
The Midway battle than ever 111r•eweeke sit evslrhng
81ag1e Fane RM ss weer aB reQneds bees lilegase se
Egaslal Esssssieu Dye. Sept, i110. Lam. nth
Prise Uses Sad al Wer..tisa ban
W. J. 8010, 14 .Beat Si. M. MVN T, Osawt vy
e C ' ft., .-t vht r.