HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-8-1, Page 5.
TMottoaAly, Ammer 1, 1912 dr
Cie Honda/ P ettlasMdien.
The Mayor's i haa mea N bees
awed enjoiaiag the
serve Wedoeeday. 1114.111114114 lie tete
oleic holiday.
Iura1 School Inter/ Greats ter nolle. (
In 1912 and former yore the Onset,
dint of Eduoaties helda0_tI1i_aamt. of
rural school gelation w
Id Ye,.!*n over
pm and rep to On the emakeuss
pact being $1A owl tot asiditeMe 40
der *rat.t
{ of HIM oI 00 51011.�For
rut the IN per 111110* -111a be Oft
s„larie d prioelpabiatten. t* to
JgNi sod for sielita.is where up to
onto, making the 1..>dmum yank
respectively $100 and o140. bong a
rriuction of $20 for every teacher in
miery grant.
p 0. 0. F. Officers.
The following an the oflloers,
erected and &metaled, of Huron
Lase No. fit 1._ 0 0. P.. for the flew
' term : I. P. G., A. F. sturdy ; N. 0.,
ft ftD. Ttcbbou Qt. V. A. held ; 8oan-
cm** ; enc etary,
tial secretory. Dr. W. F. Clark ; treas-
srer, 0. C. whitely; R. 14. N. G., H.
Martin : L 8. N. 0.. S. Lynn ; R. S.
V. G.. N. kiacAuley; L 8. V. O., A.
Johnston : warden. L. L. Knox ; con-
ductor. J. 8. Platt ; R. 6. S.. B. 0.
Manning*: L. B. S., H. P. Strang ;
chaplain., Rei-. J. Pollock ; 1. 0.. J.
Newcombe ; 0. ti., it. Turner.
Sunset Guests Are Generous.
The tends of the H•ple Lest Uhsp-
ter. Daughters of the Empire, have
been ioere.se'd by the num of 1131.25,
the result of a raffle held at Hotel
sunset last evening. The article
raffled was a shawl, which was do -
sated by • meed of the Chapter. One
91 the guests, who d.,it'se to be bony-
dou•. con tributed $M towards the
proceeds. The money will go towards
the ambulance tuod. whish is growing
gradually but surely under the diligent
tele of the Obatiter rbe members
ere grateful to the guests a Hotel
8unet for their generous al d to 'the
• gater'pri ...
gong West.
The Guelph Herald refers in the fol-
lowing to the eon -In-law of Wes.
Sharman, of town, wbo rodded in
Goderich our scene time a tew years
ago. The many friends of Mr. seed
Mickley, of tbe D. E. Macdonald &
Bros. store. will regret to learn that
he has decided to go West. He tea ac-
cepted • position with the large firm
of McKinnon k 0e.. of Weyburn,
Sask.. and will leave in about two
weeks for that place. He will have
complete charge of all window dress-
ing and dwxwstiog and will spend a
week in Chicago at Re expense of the
ern on the way west
rhe Regatta.
The town council not having given
ao} reply so tar to the request of the
Menesetung Canoe (.Aub for a grant
towards the expenses of the proposed
regatta. the prospects for the holding
of the event oq the civic holiday
a- prop red are soriewbat indefinite.
An excursion is; cooing on the
1. P. R that day. and the regatta
would come in nicely as an enter-
tainment for the visitors, aa well
s tor our own towns people, The
council may yet give the proposal
the desired eoonuragerneot so that s
good program of water sports May 'be
carried out next Wednesday.
Eight Months in tea Central.
William Slade. an Eagilehman who
Lis been io town sines last tail, left
tnwu on Saturday after selling several
articles which he bad stolen from the
woman with whom he was living.
The articles included s gold watch and
chain, a locket and a aumher of less
valuable articles, H. got $0 for the
watch. giviog an assumed name to the
mac who bonght k from him. He
went to $arniet, where he was eoprz-
heeded on notification from the Gode-
rich authorities, and was breugbt
hack on Tuesday. He was before
Judge a sentence
of eight onmonths inCtoday, and entral Prison.
His callous treatment of the woman
with whom he had been living for a
few week, was the snhjsct of bonne
4ecere remark. by His Heuer, but did
not •e'm to trouble tbe pi -Wooer very
3245 Realized.
The annual tea and garden part
given by the ladies of St. Geotyte s
church on the grottode of Kee. Griffin.
Nelson street, on Thursday .ftsra000
and evening .last was a great moms.
The enjoyment of the guests In the
afternoon was somewhat tnarred the downfall of rain. but the ladies re-
moved the tea tablet to the school-
room and all expressed themselves
pleased with the bountiful repast pro-
vided. Later In the evening a e.udtal
fomenter was rendered oo Mrs. Grlt-
r.ni.h, Mr. A. R. Cook tloo-
trihutiogafrond nolo sod Hr. Zero
Iake a cornet ode.
(oche -ore r UMW Tele iaraSd
movie. liik ed
+bent tables were
the sum of gigi was reelthat
MesIrk hna Salty was eve more soc-
7 previoe.ly bend.
dor Scout Rally at Tersest Exbibltten.
Ontario) ruts of the Province d
Bighorn, the De+vtadw of fM 9ieReya1
Clue( 8r'out for Cased*. oft W5
Ndae. it Mob. Thtoqh
kihition Aaoei tioniathe
Grinch for Ontario M melded to
provide camping and entertainment
fi* ekelide dudes
xTooronto. the
the elfin a or ivs snoipmendesw_
eIhral s are and Mrs wid mod esetneg is . turves
*wigoing see die_ gyp
eif ger teem. Thk is
►r sievenrome wtdlr -
lbotaf of the r
be. by lb or top �ei pz i ase fele
Ch �es be
Tlet�M bttLss /bs
1 and ak sea
, ,ginZ to fee t e levee edge net-
w N.•-. 'tots Bpt. fee -,e e.
' f/sb Ili ew ore. d,
bele Mors.
The Signal le always pleased to
oslve items of news for publican
but when gent by mail the agnate
of the gender must be appended ss
Ituaraotee of good faith. The sl
amide wi11 not be published.
Six Months for Tucker.
David Tucker, alias Bennett,
before Judge Doyle on Saturday
ewteoos us *barges of
at 1ioderkb. Clinton and ifeosall
• _pled jail -breaking at Ooderioh.
Hone soteaeed hiss to the Oen
Prison for ds mouths.
G, T. R. Notes.
Geo. Knapp, of Bertin, who had
been relieving here since A. C. Barri
lett, has been transferred to Tavietoo
W. Colter, former night operator, b
been advanced to day operator, and
Roy M. Sperling, of Pinkerton, is no
o ht man.
sight shipments the past week
have been very heavy. On Wednes-
day four trainloads of freight left
Goderich via the 0. T. R.
Two Bars Closed.
License reduction came into effect
last night. the 31st of July, and today
the berg of the Huron and King
.Edward Hotels are closed The
Huron House is being closed entirely,
but Mr. King will run the King
Edward as a boarding and todgio
house for a time at least. Some
the boys celebrated the oce ssion las
night with • midnight parade aroun
Square, with musical socompan
mint on the mouthorgan an
To Address Board of Trade.
Arrangements are being made for a
general meeting of the Board of Trade
to be addressed by Rev. Loseph Elliott
ou the subject of immigration. Hav-
ing spent several months this year in
Great Britain and Ireland engaged
in immigration work, Mr. Elliott will
doubtless tie able to make his address
not only interesting but instructive,
and it should be heard by a large
gathering. Mr. Elliott is at present
holidaying at the Point Farm, and
the date of the meeting will be
announced later.
Firemen's Demonstration at St. Marys.
It ought not to be n tote -
mine owners of motor oars t the rah NlJQrd'a• et et- Them..' era la tows
speed laws
well lie to other plaosso eoorelles� olive lld�ksll meted Meds 1a Lades
should stop before some serious Ire M wltata4 se hedge, b Heeler Mr
r accident takes place. lotsweyls { �t
on- Industrial Exhibition Notes. ki nwr ee b beets item Taeeato es a
Te The directors of the Goderich to- • a A., 01 caw's', u to tows
leered and
ll -
g dustrial E ttlb/Non are bolds f
e ftass7, d M.Melaw. Beek.. 1. .t se
gnat msethga to est thlags to shape .t�' � k�
for the coming tell fair. Last Satur• M Bsti 6awo Detroit 1. .teltiag bar
ds adltht the ware appointed. rsi.t vests awe
peke %e
w beteg
was Mia. !'bother M tame beta turesW
for anycma & ai m a eop� should apply for .. Maud
hrea a W the a.eretaty, J. A. 1►Owkr. lIw llaud CMdler. of Woodeteok, 1. rlit-
and Moses ootdds concerns are asking ter me. Cote fink
for spare in the main building foe Mae Jos Bess, et Toronto, le rbltdoe her
nether. lira �rri.
- mak ng exhlbite. The directors
would prefer than the space should be M� Arrwltusi .t Teresa, 1. vl+IMrg bar
b,tbsr, = lie Btiohee.a. w.
Mn. Peter Coreag sad ohlMree d Tomoete.
are 1n town for • few weeks.
ern. Lynn ten on Saturday to mend a weak
or so with ber we in Detroit.
Mn. Elliott and daegbter. Leona, have ea
turned horn* from William.
Mrs ltd Castle and lite* daughter an
vhdtlar relating at Morn.
Wilfrid Elliott, of Dungannon. I -tatted In
town for • few days tog week.
W. C. Comilla of MontreU. fa .o.ndta• a
west visiting bla tomato here.
lir. and Mr. H.e or West Tomato. w
visiting at the borne Capt. Donis
Mks Lily Boyd. .1 7yeento. 1. visiting at the
baa et her mother, lets. D. Boyd.
Mit Wm. Whitehall. of London. L %Jetting
Mr dasgbter. lora W. R. Harrison.
Will M0C1oiMn. 4t Toronto. la visiting at th
residence of Mrs. Bert, Elgin avenue.
Mia W. rotational tea. W. t'.. lett today to
vielt friend. .t Euat.r ter • few dare.
W. R. Adana, of The Windsor Record. Pare
The signals Diem nt pall on Honda,.
Oraharn Pollnow. of Toronto. Ma born en-
joying • holiday vtett ut the old home.
Mr. and Mas. E. Hanna. of et.C.atharines. are
vatting, at Mit 13aaea'i old home here.
("Wein r'uU has returned from a two weeks'
Goderich Man Bereaved by London vett with his unrole, John ('uU. in Orey+town-
Fatality. ship,
taken by kcal people. lied soy of oar
merchants or manufacturers wad
think of making exhibit* should pat
L.° !n their' applications at once.
k. The directors have renewed their
invitation to Hon. Martin Burrell,
w Minister of Agriculture for Oaoada,
to open the fair. No reply has been
received go tar.
A gang hs, been at work this week
on the race track. which is now In
fleet -clan condition. Hoeresmen who
want to practise their steppers may
now make good use of the track.
Particulars regarding special prises
offered by Fisher Bros., of Beomiller,
were received atter the prise lists had
been printed. The prime are as fol-
lows : For foals of 1912 sired by Fisher
Beers.' Clydesdale stallion. Glenlivet
Chief -heavy draft horses. 1st $5, !red
o • 63.50. Srd $2.50: agricultural borne.
t 1st 56, 2nd $3.50, 3rd $'2.50. Each
round exhibitor in this claire must be a
1. member of the Society.
St. Idsrys Argus : The committee
is bard at work completing prepar-
ations for the Old Boys' reunion and
firemen, demonstration, to nue held
here on August 5th. 0th, 7th. 1912.
They are greatly eneournged by the
numerous entries which are being
received for the firemen's demon-
stration, which will be held August
7tb, and the assurances to hand that
hundreds of the old boys and girls
will be tak'og advantage of the cheap
railway rates, to renew friendships in
the Stone Town during that week.
The official program is being dial
tributed, and among the many event*
may he Doted : Huse reel and hook
and ladder non. firemen's contests,
etc.. for which about $1.900 in priest
and attractions will be given. This
will be the greatest event in the
history of St. Marys and a large
attendance is now assured.
The New C. P. R. Station Agent.
The Milverton Sun says': Mr. W.
H. Sanderson, C. P. R. agent., of
Milverton, has been offered and has
accepted the Company's office at
Goderich. He lett on Friday last to
assume his duties and will move big
family thither this week. Mr. Sander-
son has been agent at Milverton since
the line opened about six years ago.
During that time he has done 000-
siderable to popularise the new line
by his obliging manner. The pro-
motion carries with It a urge io
crease in salary and somewhat Itghte
if more re eponsible duties. While his
hoot of trieod, in Milverton and
vicinity rejoice in his well -merited
success they regret that it necessitate
the removal of himself and Mrs.
Sendersoo from the village, where
they took no small part in the soda
life and church work of this place.
Mr. Sanderson was a valued member o
the Burns church choir and of the
bowling club. while Mrs. Sanderson
is the president of the Ladles' Aid.
That Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson may
continue to enjoy the happiness and
prosperity that has thus far followed
taw is the wish of their many sit
vertoo friends.
No Occasion for Alarm.
As was helmeted in The Signal last
week. two young girls left town with
a man under circumstances which led
to some suspicion. and ugly stories
were afloat. The polios at border
points were warned to he on the look-
out for them. and things were going
to be mads Heel for the man 11 he
were a However, it ap-
pears was no occasion for
all the shine. The mac, whore casae
its Hesdetsose is a in other of one of
Make sad se be was returning to
after a visit to hie boos at
Lnek.ow she went with him. and
MOS the other girl, • friend of bars,
A dispatch from Lucknow says :
'Par daily paper. of remelt date
aestained • dory about the summed
away from Goderich to
of two girls, one of whom.
Margaret Henderson, was from Leek -
now end is well known here. The
authorities, It is said, have taken steps
to hsve them interoebtsd. Light hoe
been thrown on tie akastfsa by a
,t ktim t from We Henderson girl's
sbithst b She seat tbst the sespsdsd
1ilbell 1055 is Ma other than her see,
wire bre beer lein & r s r Weskit
workingmost of
the time. sad bas brat en • brief
Alit lova Assad,* hie sister that
abs doth tt betler wagw
ties es in Chime°
persded her to
rewith thee isMated the other girl,
rged Ile . who has hem fp
ememe.iee of the B sdsarwi girl for
sears thee. decided to soenmpaa
these. That tits McDaedd Rhe
frionle AM mot Whew Ow seem time
aimed bar ingSsMe V epb inial by
A lamentable fatality occurred at
London on Monday morning of this
week. the victim being Joseph Abell.
155 Grey street. Lather of William
Abell of Ooderieb. Mr. Ahell was
engineer at the Labatt brewery
and at 7:30 a. tn. on Monday he
went down foto the pump -pit et
the brewery to start the pumps
for the day. It was noticed by $
fellow -worker that he did not return
in the usual time, and on investigation
Abell was found lying unconscious on
the floor. He had been overcome by
carbonic acid gas fumes, and several
i men in their efforts to rescue him also
were affected by the gas._ Doctors
were summoned, and after Abell had
been brought up from the pump -pit
efforts were made for an hoer to
restore animation to the unconscious
form, but without avail. The other
men overcome by the gas recovered
after a time. An inquest is being
held to inquire into the circumstances
of the fatality. Mr. Abell is survived
by his wife, two eons -Harry. of
Boston, and Williabu, of Goderieb-
and three daughters -Mrs. Maud Beat,
who lives at borne, end Misses Ella
and Gertrude, also at borne. Mr.
William Abell had lust returned from
a week -end trip with his brother-in-
law, J. W. Craigia, when he learned
of his father's dealt. and he lett as
soon es possible for London.
A CLEVER Nova. ni LIJ'Pntcmz'x. -
August -pre-eminently devoted to
vacation -is also the fiction month.
Lippppinoott's August number has
regulated accordiny, for it
open.'with an unusually bright and
entertaining novelette -"Lady Make.
Believe." This is the Bret long story
of a writer whose short stories are at-
tracting wide attention -Florence
Ssldon Peple. The scenes are laid
on an ocean liner and in Paris. The
author dimple a delicious tense of
humor. as well as strong descriptive
- powers, in her accounts of her young
✓ heroine's experiences with "The Old
Gray Thing " with the eccentric
preacher, with the pugilist travelling
incognito, with the .hi 's captain,
with the crezysailar, and with all the
other interesting people she meets on
shipboard ; together with "Monsieur
1 the Duck,"Marie with the soul French,
and the others who helped render her
stay in Pari. memorable. "Lady
Make -Believe" herself is a young
American writer who goes abroad
partly for her health and partly
study Fresich. A romance mated to
shipboard soon develops astoundin .
complication and a puzzlingmystery
- There lea happy ending to the story,
although for • time it looks as it Boob
a result were out of the question.
Among the short stories is • remark-
able one called "Yellow Water,"
Will Levington Oomfort, who.s time
is too fully taken up with writhog
"test sellers" to do aaucb in this line.
Other interesting stories are 'The
Herbage of the Serpent," b $taalsw
Chested. and A Belated Rosebud."
by Reilly Newell Blair. A new aeries
of ' Short -Story Mien's -pieces" s" .tarts
in this number. Ru.aian authors now
being represented. The August
Masterpiece is "Slimes." a weird tale
by Leonid Andrevev.
Mimes Alien end Jena M'.) woo are vtatt-
Inc their aunt- Mrs. R. T. i gener, at Wood-
Mi- Coors. len. today ori a month'a teen to
tea Ware. She intends to go as tar as Bridal
Mb.. Mabel Tim. of New York, is . oerding
two months' betidays H the home of bar father.
J. E. Tea.
W. P. Dingreen, proprietor of The Stratford
Ru.Y1, and Mn. Dingman are spending a
week In town.
Rev. D.. Andrew Meldrum and family. of
Cleveland. are making their annual summer
visit In town.
M1.• Ella Rogerson. of Blyth, is spending her
swath. the cued of He.. Harold Newcombe
Pt. t'lavkt'+ street.
A. 0. runis, of Sault 8te. Marie. M1o•.. is In
town today and leave. tomorrow by boat on
Ida war home after a visit at Auburn.
Mho Lily McLean INR 011 Saturday to take
WhenceM a.nhonl in Swkst. ..n ,. tube was
accompanied by her shear. Miss Minnie
Mrs. Salk and two children and her sinew..
Hrs. Mahon. of C7rinag", are tea goest•rnf their
amts. the Missal °wet. Hamilton .treat.
Mb. M. J. Hanley. who has been visiting her
nephew. Wetter H. lett on Tuesday
for Stable Falls to a eoupie of weeks.
Cdr. and Kra Jno. P. Tighe. ret Milwaukee.
WI... hare reformed Mime after en extended
visit to Mn. Wm. T1R of Britannia road.
Dr. Arthur Jn!<se Jda;.asn. chief ,vtroner of
the city of Toronto. and Mrs. JMhruton are
again meows" their &dmme, redden** hero.
Mr. and Mrs J. R. Milian leave tomnemw
morning Inc a visit to friends In Northern Mich-
igan. They will be away two or three weeks.
Mr. nod Mrs Fairbairn. who lett GoderiWh
for Winnipeg tweiety-two years aro. are the
goagtiofthe lady's brother. Stephen Ardrew..
Mr. and Mop. Frank Tom and daughter.. of
Toledo, Chi., are spending twn weeks lir the
basis of Mr. Tome ltJpu. Inspector J. E.
M� Miller and two ebiM, ..,. et Detroit. who
Md been visiting the ladv'. mother, Mr..
Mayor. left thislreek on their return to their
Mks Marion Fraser the Mips Rase and
Oledym MoN.via and Mina LO, Yacvlear len
on onSaaturday to spend a week or two at Grad
Mrs. R. A. Matheson and Mime. Viol. and
Marguerite Matheson. of Detroit, are the
[guests of Mr. and Mrs. agmen Matheson, of
Bet. J. Ure Stewart. Weir. --Stewart and chil-
dren. d Napier. Out.. arevbdtingMr. Stewart'.
parents, Mr. amid Mr.. Jas Stewart. Bouch
Mr. and We. Albert Heim and two children,
of Lenkaew,epen t a few days t Cwt week
vfattMg Mut video's slaters, Mit W. J. Bell sad
Mrs David Sproul, of tow..
The Memos Jean and Anna iwwwn, of De-
troit are wending a mowthb vacation *t their
boa bare. They are aneompanied by their
bread. Mir L.ptiian M. White, et Detroit.
C. 1'. R. Yard Foreman Manistee and Mrs.
Matheson lett on Monday on a smear Me trio to
Haaslo and other poems. Brakeman MoCor-
1pi.k M In obarge during Mr. Matbeoni
W. L. Horton and J. 'J. fl turned ye -
from a trip to Fort W They want
a Asad of the Ixke by Croat and returned
b��aPart Colborne. whence they took the
Dr. W hitel ' oars oo Saturday on a
Wiese. toe. w� they well visit their
s y i e cwt s. wens the it VPhIr willp
velesmes to Ooderiob Mr. and
.tee with their twosome
rw *sae Y1bt'e. Mob.. an,ke their
�M���eyws Miert. and( was tor.
taMb a tsgteeat of habeas,
C. W. Fetch and Henry t of Berlin. R
5 Mlle Rooke*, sad C. SinoWtt.. snot
• her town during the to b i'. Ratnt
wee wais newov aterwaiety with tea k SRN.
soar cornrgslL of the Eruseb at sante Roches.
Mae. gas Nips Uraoe seeder lab. on Ttrhsay
se a trip Vaeomver. 7t1ir. Dagger also had
boos .a taktnrtbe trio mei slotting
bYeiMdMIu.ol hi. otessssea the . Crown
ttts1Mr g to allow alfa a leave at
W. tL.. t, M. 1'. P liS ea Mender a
ii !" �aeo:i..
Tle. f�emaie housefly ili from 1 i toI •'d
twee io two week+. Under $T aMS
modltions the deseeodellb of a mesh
peer will number millions in thew
months. Therefore you should de-
clare war immediate) on the common
boos. E by Meg the Fly Pads and
Stlok Paper sold by R. R. W tor.+,
d Ooderiob.
et Ha;et t,.t,.tt
110 ata time and ms. ammo
15Se itte.lm Clswt who wens
laaasg s
vidt hare
egos CII MoC.rtney. a young rias
by 0.1. H�aiper struck the
Mine neMenk at the sorest
street and the R uate while
tll110g hie Mavens at a rather fast
'bet oo Maturday *venin and took a
btMst. He was ed up ue-
1 M..keq but was nd cot to be
l iojared He is at work 1.1" ie eke
sslisW.ttAr' a fv/v da 'rest. ) R Basi*d.
4.6.1at, ernr smiaif
she •el ksgwa.
Mr. and Min John Sh”holli, w traz ,
B. C�wt`e�a l.tutig their rresllett�ivati the
�•es hie y n4
his ties '-
Hera Their
e aryl N•m, Abell is
aiday . retsyuae
trr. amwrisi.beyest"1. sraa
QNamer •eP.
AVM ve sere a who era.Is.bb Dr- C. (mimeo"
liner Cha :et tires Ie tiny yeses " net t0..e.'A ~ �rmeL
i di e t stub err Mt =Vs'
tmprwntsi w th. at.. A.lat 1a
hwrinig r�i,�.n�srg� w hl e b wee
Wei M =wt.
last week. The aAert,t aseewURN, 1r
Mweir OMent ohgot itw se aa/ 11..3a +yn 'iiat�fsatstb. to me
w aBalr OM b sided noose
Eisen the
�� dyad
mad time M iti.raa-
**sena In Mellow.
the feet Matt linked inMn Ne awa.i �nf demos, J a
Mer ef bpi �A atehe r bv.•w w��r
Mbes`a pis•• e��lflios.pbyttsrlat to the FINE /011 The FAMILY.
The [Iweasela se Reporter I s tstlegges Tamed Ons Makes la e ts lsabmisrst 7f
fir oosably Cha wed of is aM ed se wee as e*dNbr agd '+'s
.. 0...+►«For , 4tlilbb Heater b *!.r.', r .-�. r.._ .,.�t; tr.triMa fel•Yliltll nma
r.. r� w , d „lir..
sl itie.t a: in
Monkey's No. 7 tired isla.
Misr Deckle .t u to listp.
was.. two se ma,
"I ottaseM rem TRtsesaatntss t
Iso( CM TIMM ase at 4h• attgwel4r
Mt a friend I dodged 5. try year $s
1 !WOW. *Mee* 1 had taker sae
dans 1 amid betide a e0aaee - aa! ea
I Wilco , brae a bad pato sere,. my
MOWS I Naiad to lay gnat elllebe
Ino fain Ina sew W tap edea* I had
deeded w ere( eta I goad noway
Masa and my ls0wmab.m a agemay
(.11 sae I save • bon to • Mead to
tr7, sad o le dented w I yd.' OWL
xe f 1. a Orem IlnauI_, sad eraa the
sats tabor that weer brie me How-
ever. bete,* oda(; it 1 bad Wad geese.
thine 1 over beard at e,dr
Mda7 earne
good saas. sad .. wtt;us1 ...n.i
1 hope *very wagerer wry rid ed mty
CUM sad Iry Me. 7 (1 tb4 wast tale*
sad ante »bet."
Mea P. Beales.
omeral Mere brat
The above 5wwtp5 ** r it a "Cora -
All" or ao-sall.d iyalliat ae*daw Dr.
bt.rrtsq locenerlbsti It far N years, aged
1t eared *.*,aeon sea scar aware
Pries i0.. par bas at year d.s1sa. se
Fattier Iliedrimey Maaotrs aa. see
lt* .
Sold and Guaranteed in Godeneh by
by F. J. Butland
The steamer Kaministiquiet with in
on Monday with 140,000 bushels of
wheat and eats. She cleared in the
evening for Fort William to load an-
other cargo for Goderich.
The steamer Ionic was in un Tues-
day with 50,000 bushels of wheat and
flax. She cleared the same day for
The steamer Marina is due tomor-
row with s. cargo of wheat and the
Wexford is expected early next week.
The yacht Wistaria from Cleveland
wee in port on Saturday. bound north.
The yacht Poosie, of Palatka, Flor-
ida, was in port this week.
The steamer Gordon unloaded 590,-
000 staves here on Saturday. They
were for the Western Canada Flour
Mills Cox, being shipped from that
concern's stave mill .t Rainy River.
Other consignments, totalling 2.000.000,
are expected before the season closes.
if the day is tine the motor boat
fleet will make a big noise at the
Meneeetuog Canoe Club regatta next
The work of tearing out the old
commercial wharf bas furniebed a
year'e supply of firewood for many
families. The old timbers below the
water are as sound as when they were
put in.
Schooner Jain Largest Net Lost
A deepestch from St. Joseph which
appeared in the city papers this week
stated that the schooner- Julia Larsen
of Goderich with bet • row of five bed
probably been lost on Lake. Ninon.
The report proved to ter without
foundation. as the imam am arrived in
4odericb oo Sunday. She left Sarnia
a week previous with a mixed cargo
of cement, lumber, etc., bound for $t.
Joseph. about forty miles distant.
There is no harbor at St. Joseph,
merely a pier sticking out a little way
in the lake, without hnfcient protec-
tion for a rowboat, The shore in one
which no wise captain will approach
in anything but the mildest went ber,
and consequently the Ls►sen kept
away, beating up and down the lake.
Monday promising to he stormy, she
made for Goderieb, tying •ip h. re
that evening. She cleared ob Tees lay
evening for St. Joseph, where she will
endeavor to get her cargo on the shore.
The Big min Elevator Tower.
With Cha exoeptiou of the roof,
all the cement work nn the tower for
the Western Caned► Flour Mille Co.
is completed, and the machinery,
supplied mostly by the Doty Engine
Works, is now being installed. Thio
includes, besides the elevating appsr-
attie, two sets of marine engines for
running the steam shovels. Work i,
also being pushed o•1 the tunnel
which extends from the tower under
the railway tracks to the new elevator.
The tower preeente an imposing
appear -noes. staudio* away from the
main structure some fifty feet and
towering over one hundred feet above
the water. There will be no over-
head carnet*, all tea grain passing
through the underground tunnel to
the pit In the basement of the
elevator. frau whence it is elevated
to the weighing room. The overhead
structure which for many years
projected from the frost of
the Big Mill ase been torn down,
adding much to the appearance of the
mill and the harbor front. It le
expected that the new leg will be to
operation by September 1st.
Hew Telephone
The Hell Telephone Company of
(Maeda is soon to print a new issue of
it. on/obi' Iel•photra dirs.-tory for the
DMtriet of Wester. O.tarin irseleditag
0e4erieh. Parties who eoofernplder
heemeiag R•iblerib*rs, or slangs who
wMi Rosette, In their peeswit *miry
abound place their hedge's with the
Lead M.Mger at ogee" to looms Inset
tines le Ibis nem.
Co.rwctME Companies
ebonite ter Mak . et/ iimtl ritkstad
skier to the Ineel Meager, or dirvrt
to the
Monte •u1 Armta Departo.wt.
The wr t c...i
BANK 'Yid* chide'.
The Ion of norttift, es
»:rra>sa.reaAD 1SS5 neceseary to the future wel-
fare of your children, is per-
haps best taesh$ by opeaiks for earn a Seeing. (lank Acoo.tat,
and ssecooragiag them to deposit regularly a portion of their
• ewling (money.
Though they may not acsumart ate very touch rboesy, t her
will learn its value and bow to save it.
We weiro.e Chilirea's Savings Accounts.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch.
r. telt_ Asan: -
51 71.eadmear., ilii, 1LC. { di- 1N, c- ter* MAIM ` Aeal.aasa* Madosim
Paid - up Capital, Rest and
Cedivided Profit* $8, 18t„ fid/
Total Assets fever) 1158,000,011.
Having purchased the busi-
ness, formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Cool, Wood
Libre, Ceara*
rue Brick, Eta
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines which are recognized as
the best. We wish to give
the people of Goderich and
vicinity the best service poo
sible. and shall be glad to
bear from all of Mr. Holiest'
customer's and any others
who wish anything in our
All orders left with Jas.
Yates, West street, promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 7s
Yards at O. T. R., Nelson Street
Maple Leaf Grocery
for Saturday
California Peaches
California Plume
Oalifornia Peace
Red Raspberries
Black Currents
Red Currants
White Currants
Green Peas
Coleman's Choice Hama and
Bacon ; also Cooked Mssie
The best that ter tie bed
'Phase sz Hamdan St.
Saturday, Aug. 3rd
All our stock of
Dry Goods
Ladies' Wear
Granite and
Call and see the bargain
table* at Ric, l:r, 18c. 35e, *,,
76c, $2.50.
Urge**., Werth $5.80
Dreier. worth $150
for $3.50.
tor $1.50.
Ladies' White Waists. worth
$1.60 for $1.10.
Ladies' White Waiett• worth
$1.00 for 75e.
Thi. is a genitive reale. Came
early acid get tire. choice.
P.T. Dean•
Horner East St. and the Notate.
A magnificent hlnoro of the Moss
suratum, the ge len-handed lib,. W
been an object of interest at Bees
Stewart's greaalb. , .the past weed.
The !Ower was fully 1 en inches wide,
Mr. ?Stewart has rev ?rat plants which
win afford s eucemeioo of bloom.
Let W. R. Pinder know when
you have anything to be done in
Esvestrougbiog Metal Work or
Electric V. iring. Estimates
furnished am' work guarantees!
We keep a .,all Ilse of Betur»
and supplies en hand area MI
such work will receive Nor
prompt sod careful attentioe.
We tithe a nuasber o1 lint -
elate cooking Stoves. the Games
Heed Cheer and the Empire
fitted Raspe. Call and use Mem.
Repair work ell all hinder deet*
at moderate cneC.
Hamilton titreet Noder .h
With the warm weather comes the de-
sire for something to keep the feet cool and
The coolest summer footwear you tan
get is a dainty pair of Canvas, White -
Nubuck, Russia Tan or Patent Leather
Pumps or Gibson Ties. We have them in
all the latest styles at the lowest possible
Barefoot Sandal:, Tennis, Lacrosse
and Bowling Shoes in Al sizes.
Try a pair of oibr B►owrl Bronco Shoes
for every day. They can't he beat for wear
or comfort,
Downing 6 MacVicar
Jdlrrlg amp or 0Q'tJA $$.