The Signal, 1912-8-1, Page 2i TavII DAT. AOOanr I. 1913 THE SIGNAL : GOPERICH, ONTARIO inle6i9�1 SOBIORICH oNTAR10�, PUBLI8RHIKD EV.:RY THURSDAY ■r THL 810 AL PttINTINp Cts. Limited CLltl N. tL Tarots N SNYssr. ti,. 1 .1110�AciVtt}�estsaalas��sRss ltos dream II 1 tsar to aivat.o u�se.esrtseas. to C a year Buheatbers who fall to r.osive T'taa BMMat edgaltty.by all wW deader a favor bi so- eaate nasal of the toot et .. early a date as jjppWhen • ohmage or address le desired, both old sad tbw now address should be given. AMrtl.lrsg Batas : !.anal sod ether similar adv.rtarsmenta, tea psi line for first loesetUoe and to per line fur cooks subsequent insertion. Mounted by a rs.epsreil scale, twelve linea to an Imoh. Business cards of six ore and mailer. j6 pe year. magmas rime. Mes . o i to t e la arepardes serfs 'ep Dae, Wto odee~'di.is than reading type ten Aay spes�t1 the object of which is the �.remr�r� beret any individual or amenot- sfR isle ogaeldlared an advertleemoot and Rates /or airway and contract ad Teras m , .t. well be eves on applbatbo. A Mir.m all ocm.aunlasWae to THK SIGNAL PRUNTINU CO.. Limlte tiod•ileh Oot. • )DER4CH. THURSDAY. APO. 1. NO THE PRIVY COUNCIL JUDGMENT. The judgment of the 1'rivy Council in the nutter of marriage law in Can- ada is to the effect that the Provincial Lgisletures possess sole authority in legislation relating to tbe solemniza- tion of marriage. A general marriage law for the Dominion. such as the pro- i'tr•ed Lancaster bill, is not within the powers of the Dominion Parliament. The law lords refused to answer the second Question submitted to them "Does the law of the Province of Qu lee render null and void, unless oon trusted before a Rornan ('stholi priest, a marriage which would other- wise be legally binding which tabes' place in such Province (a) between persons wbo are both Roman Catho• lies, or (h) between persons one of whom only is a Roman C'atholic?" This ie the question brought up by the Hebert case which is the centre of the whole agitation on the subject in Can- ada. The law lords evidently refused to give an opinion on a hypothetical question. Evidently the only way to secure their opinion would be to ^arry the Hebert case before them, as was advised.by 81r Wilfrid Laurier during the discussion on the subject in Parlia- ment. In the meantime an agitation may be carried on to secure an amendment of the British North America Act which would give the Pedal Parlia- ment the authority which it does not now possess to enact a marriage law for the whole Dominion ; or the agita- tion way he dropped in the hope that the Province of Quebec will itself see that no undue religious dieciiurina- tion is allowed to exist under its law. The Globe concludes some comments on the decision with this paragraph : The clergyman or other person authorised to perform the marriage ceremony does so as the accredited agent of the state. He utas- believe that he is alio divinely appointed, but marriage before the law in a civil con- tract involving certain rights and certain responsibilities. The state must see to it that civil law, and not ecclesiastical, shall be supreme in set- tling whether or not a marriage is valid. A decision by the Privy Couo- ci1 that the law of Quebec prevents any citizen of that Province from electing whether he shall he married by a Protestaut or a Catholic clergyman would of necessity be followed either by the voluntary repeal of the law by the Quebec Legislature—which would he much the better course—or by such an amendment of the British North America Act as would place the solemnization of marriage under the tootrol of the Federal Government, and result In bringing Quebec's law into conformity with that of the other Provinces. and loyally under the folds of the British fin But Bouresea always has a hobby. The other day this bobby was the Nationalist piraarrty; 1pter ou, at the time of the Eucbarir- 13 :Congress, he dreamt of a Catholic ea stair of which he would be the chief flgare. Today it is annexation, to- morrow something e1es, acoording to his vagaries. He must be in the lime- light. Ha does not know what being ooneisteot means." EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Howell gave another aboUeh- tbe-bar speech at Port Dover on Sat- urday. Canada's contribution to the defence of the Empire ought to he a brigade of aviators. Mr. Borden'e policy seems to be in the air. Premier Borden' and his touring colleagues are now in France, where they were heartily welcomed by President Fallieres. The West wane 37,000 harvest hands this year. 1t would be Iikw robbery to take them .from Ontario, where they are needed almost as belly as in the West. The Hamilton Spectator has been celebrating its sixty-sixth anniversary. The Spec. is a great paper, and the city of Hamilton bas few. if any. institutions .which do it greater credit. H. K. Thaw's third attempt to secure his release from Matteawan Asylum for the Criminal Inane has failed. The court decided test his release would be detrimental to public safety. The decision of the Privy Council in the Canadian marriage case is, briefly, that the marriage law is in the hands of the Provincial Legislatures. I The Dominion Parliament has no e- 1 jurisdiction. c BOURASSA REBUKED. As we expected. the rebuke to Mr. Bourasrt for hie utterances in favor of •nnexatioo comes trout • French- Canadian of the liberal party. Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. formerly one of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Cabinet col- leagues, has made • statement to the effect that Mr. Bourses• In his anoes- atino talk is speaking only for himself and that the French-Canadian people are stalwart supporters of the British Crown. The Liberal ex-Mini.ter pays hie respects to tbe Nationalist leader in this fashion : "Mr. Bones* is a bright French- C.nadian writer, but is essentially erratic. He suet destroy and tear down. That I. his aim in life. He cannot be constructive or itecorne a builder. He has captured a few young men anti with them has crested a Nationaliat party. who tbweth their union with the jingoes ref On tarlo ousted Laurier from power last September. You will remember that the Jiagrtem end the N.Uonaliw were all -waves, the Maims Jack mod ed n Outset sad the 7 rtoolor In Quebec. Mr. hsnered 'No navy' in Quebec, be knew at the wile tiem tart till ds• teed wee for ea loosonged tm� d e. the sae,. t t bsfi.� �d r belrll mileliditer- IMPOST The United States Senate has voter' to repeal the Canadian reciprocity act, but as the House of Representatives has not yet consented to toils step the act is still on the statute hooks of the United States. The Kingston Standard (Conserva tive) calla the Bourassaitea political wharf -rate, scavengers, buccaneers, and a few other thing,. But The Standard's party was quite eager to have the assistance of these people at the last general election. The public is looking for further developments in the Farmers Bank case. The impression in growing that there is a good deal to be uncovered that has not yet come to light. Thorn in charge of the investigation have an important duty to perform. 1 Hon. Adana Beck is now proposing to supply the farmers with hydro- electric energy for operations on the farm. it is a great project ; hut as the farmers up at this end of the Province are not coming In for any of these good things they are not particularly grateful to Mr. Beck. William Jennings Byran is to dog Roosevelt's footetepe in the Presi- dential campaign, and. with a view to showing up the ex -President's rec- ord on progressive policies. will ask why Mr. Roosevelt did not do some- thing along these lines while he was in office. It will be congenial work for W. J. B. News item in the year 2)l2:—in the British Parliament today the First Lord of the Admiralty in,., troduoed proposals for the immediate construction of forty war vessels of' the largest and latest style, justifying an additional expenditure of X400,000.- 44)0 in view of the preparations which Germany is evidently making to crush Britain's naval power. 1 t is reported that the United States Government will refuse the petition of the Chicago people for permission to divert a larger amount of water from Lake Michigan to their drainage csoal. if true, this is good news for ports on Lake Huron and the lower Lakes, and foe shipping interests on all the Great Lakes. The diversion of water et Chicago would mean lower levels on the lakes and either the rendering useless of many of the larger boats or immense expenditures for the deepening cf harbors. — The Emperor of Japan is dead after a reign of forty-five years. During his reslme Japan has had a period of wonderful developmen•. When be amended the throe* Iracountry was without Wegrspb 10.••, reiiiesys, .team ialp linea and r, her modern nheinties; tatdelisw pre v.; led, and the nation *tin bled 1e 1 .lark ages. Mines big ameadon the rnuntry has base esaiudmL I udalt.m bas been abolished. • pas14amset has been sstiablbad, a powerful army ad Navy have hese belt 61p. sad Japm bee beeeeee ss. d the leNhg powers of the mderw world. The demand want l eeee..ied by his third eon„ Telilhite They are having lively timer over THE BLESSING in the Old Country. The Labor party usucles is fightlog;the Liberals in the oonstit- Govern, though .Hon.. hogf the OF 101RERH000 Government in the Howe o[ Com- mons. Unionists and Home Hulett oro creatirg disturbances in Ulster with their faction fights. The suffra- gettee are on the rampage and are plotting dire revenge upon the Cabinet Ministers. Tbere is a big *trite at the port of Lnodou, accompanied with such intense feeling on the part of the strikers that they publicly prayed that Lord Devonport, one of the largest employers, might be struck dead. The war scare party is cudgel- ling the Government because of what it terms a too messfre ship -building prostitute The peace -and -economy section io the House of Commons way refuse to support Mr. Churchill and: the Government 111 providing for the number of warships they hare de- cided upon building. Mr. Lloyd George is said to be about to spring an advanced measure of land taxation that will disrupt the Liberal party. The other dee the Governutent was neatly defeated in the House on a catch vote. Mr. A'quith roust have nerves of iron to stand unmoved in the midst of all this. To be Premier of Great Britain at such a time requitesf a man of heroic would. FRJM OUR CONTEMPJRARIES. So It Did. Llppincottb. t a awn and Damocles w e. a alike in this respect—a Bair cut meant ruin for both. Curiosity. Toronto Star. The oldest man in Canada has died again. Had it been our case we simply couldn't have let go until we saw what Prewier.Borden's naval policy was go- ing to be. A Question fon. Bourassa. Toronto Telegram. Will H, Bortra.s• withdraw his ob- petions to the Borden naval policy if the first Dreadnought is labelled "Le Bnurassa" or "Le Devolr," and the lettering on its nameplate is done in French? Was This Harry Boehmer ? Southern Textile Bulletin. A pant mr.nufacturer recently re- ceived the following letter: "Gentle- men,—Will you please send us some of your striped paint. We want just enough for one barber pole." Doing Hii Beat. Pltt.burg Gazette. Fifty three aeronauts bare been killed since the first of the year and The New York American is impressed that the great need -of the times is to "weed out the daredevils." Still, the old, man with the scythe and the hour- glass seems to be doing a pretty fair job of weeding. They Never Learn. Toronto Star. it is extraordinary how a certain fossilized kind of mind rhos to taxa- tion and restriction. The British Em- pire was broken in two by taxation and restriction a hundred and forty yeses ago. It has been restored to a magnificent position under sixty years, of free trade. Now the fossils, re gardless of the lessons of history, think they can improve it by taxing the food and restricting the liberty of the, British people. Plenty in Her Pursue Philadelphia Reoord. Biamerck once remarked hitterIv that Russia held the land and England held the sea, and there was nothing left for Germany but Heaven. • However, he was not satisfied with that, and the present Kaiser said on one ocrasion that "Our future is upon the sea." That explains the powerful navy Germany is building. But England serves notice that Britannia rules the waves, and expects to keep on doing so se long fib she has the price of • battleship in her shopping bag, sod that receptacle i• not nearly empty yet. Wonders of the World. New York American. According to a vote recently taken by • magazine, the greatest scientists accord to tbe wires*** tbe enviable position of being first of the modern Seven Wonders of the World. Fol lowing it come the Telephone, the Aeroplane. Radium, Antiseptics and Antitoxin, PpectruruAnalysis and the X -Ray. This order was evolved from nearly seven hundred replies from as many noted men of science in various coun- tries. Wheless received 244 votes ss against 196 for the telephone, Its nearest rival. The X -Ray received 111, although len were cast for the Panama (tonal. This list Is interesting when com- pared with that made up by Anti - pater, the Baedeker of Sidon, some two oenturies before Christ. He beads his selection of Wonders of the World he knew with the Pyramids. Following these come *lee famous Pharos Lightboure at the entrance of Alexandria Harbor, the Hanging Gardens of Hwbbyyloo. the Statue of Jupiter byPiddle, the Mausoleum of Artemisa and the Col- ossus of Rhodes. Of thirties -es Wonders of the Mod- ern World ell art let Incalculable beoe- flt to mess : all mark great steps tor - ward in his march of triumph. A comparison with the smog st Net is an elsgseat demonstration am, the advisees of the race has bete *Moog the Maes of the greatest seed ter tee pN►weed st tbs.wxury easiest*s grottos number. Lzit= that of the preesst. Special Rldused gases en G. T. R. tor O01wielt 01vle NNielgr. �MSilugle sere for the rased trip Aaltlrped M th. sad all l6mi4 Mishilitismita en ea Wain L0440.1% ISWNMINH. S. !)R Healthy Mothers and Cb:e dre0 Make HaPPy Homes Motherhood is woman'highest sphere b lite. 1t is the fruition of her dearest hops and greatest desires ; yet thou- sands of noble women through some de- rangement have been denied this blessing. la many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Lydia LPtbkbant's Vegetable Compound sakes women► normal, healthy and strong. Mia is evidenced by the following letters which are genuine and truthful : Louden, Ont.— " I wish to thank you for the beset I received by taking your famous medicine, Lyda E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com - Before my y was born I was so ill I could n o t stand long or walls any distance. I had to lie down nearly all the time. Alter I took your medidns Iteltlikeanewwo- man. I could work from tta IMIng till night and was happy and wed. 1 eostrinly think it relieves pain at and recommend it to every WORMS Wile is pregnant You may use this tsellmodal if you like. It may help some idler Haman. "— Mr.. Plum CossHt, 1J Adddds St., London, Ont Brooklyn. aur.—.1 was ailing all the time and did WHOM what the matter was. I wasted s baby bat my health would not permit it. I was nervous, my side ached and I was all run down. I heard that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable - Compound was good and took the medi- cine. I have now a beautiful baby and your Compound has helped me in every way."—Mrs. J. J. STawaar, 299 Hum- 1 boldt St. Brooklyn, N.Y. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the 24..,/i/sYcifeee Y. Y. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervs1t, Jr. Principal Airceseast 16 meterederaded attui'i:(c//,.( ef. THOMAS. ONT. truntriseeed for nsideatlal education. The "Ideal College-Ilmee" is width to secure • training for your lifer work. Thorough Bourses in Music. Painting. Oratory. High SehooL Busineto College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ. ment. Resident nurse Insures health of students. Rate. moderate. livery girl needs an ALMA training Handsome pro- spectus sent on applis ttieo to Principal. 42 JERO COLLEGE BERLIN, ONT. "" CANADA .reale* thea e swbatial G•tfgr for bey n.1 ,weer an f —o.a�cet 91.1,91.1,.o...,.o.. High m h School, or Ataessic sad .t.. New p+'WDq...mert. Nng. ,th hoist Hygie.ic,q.np. seas. Tim target liymeasitem se Canada — R■eeieg Towit S.;nsmiag Pool. Shower Bebe, Theatre. Individual ■r reed•nee to Student.. P,e- femoraR . is radeete course is 6rn.ps. eery ane drr.te. Address: ew. L t. lisssr, C. I., A. s he,rY,wr BE±910 ROOFING O+a" e ves Inger and mare complete pretends., per dollar of cost, than metal rootleg shlaglea or .ay ether ready roof - lag. With over 300 hattatleas, Rusber-ettlis still the best. Made la ,Ra& Brown. Creanmks - s▪ ad natural acts. leek lets N toles yes deride se Gm sow rest. se Weil Norma q, WINO MASSEY- HARRIS HOP The plane to buy *11 kind. of FARM MACHINERY Binders, Mowers, Hay - leaders, Bide Hakes, Manure Spreaders, Bain Wagons and Cream 8ep- orators : also Louden'. Hay Cars. Fork. and Sling., Muter .teCreate Separator., Homestead Pena - hien, Pump. for haul • pryer and Engines; Gasoline Engines and Windmiile. And, 0 soy : you teat see our Buggies. We have a full line. all styles, and some of the best and worst stylish rigs that ever came to town. I have • few Horses to sel and some Driving Harness. I also have a House to rect— a lovely place for summer Cali in and see what we have and refit a while, anyway. ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street, Goderich Brophey Bros. JODERICH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, .night or day. Diplomacy. Lottie—"How does that candidate on the suffragette ticket get so many votes ?" Hattie—"She addresses her eighty. year-old constituents as 'Girls.'" Life. Canadian National Exhibitin IONS FEATURES OF Imperial Year Imperial Cadet Review (1s$.es treat .n the Oversees De alat.m. E xhibits by the Provinces Dominion Exhibits Band of Scots Guards rem eacisega•m noses Paintings of the Year from Europe Painting by best Crtnadlan and American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Revises Rverything in Educational Exhibits Mem et Delhi B eene 0' Th' Barn Band Brfea4'. Ds.t Bre.. 1144 Dragoons* Musical Ride Industries in Operatiea B utter Making Cwenpetltlons America's Greatest Live Stock Show Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Prettiest Pussies Jnp•seee De. Fh.w.rks Meer Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stags std Anna an `sing Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic !sob Tea Bead Gemara Daily Acres elf Manufactures Imp.rW Fireworks --6e Numbers Aug. 24 1912 Sept. S TORONTO GOD[RICI4 N Sir Wend NIMES iR TIN Ods Ton NN+. Time 200 Maus The World's Best Each Month teem alglagga A lfrbNe YMgry e1 WwWi bolo Owl ENO O OAVr s aro or a roc moo nes► IMMIX 11/1.a�'kssa�wsaweta. se.a aeras SSW Meg. s e.*. a.ert* ram a 4 .massa it r Anti YOUR N<;W$DRALvR W. AONSSON a SON MIDSUMMER SELLING Unreserved Prices in all Summer Goods Satulda Sale d Oiingbarus. Prints and Mu 1Dt.. Oris I tabr� resider Mo. 16e. 18u qualities on sat Saturday only, your choice per yard Parasols sash ty Summer taraaoia. $l a to *80 values, at sl//y�/% .W Dress Hoods Egfik Vuend Linen Dress Marquisettes, met, 25c 409 choke, good choe, at.. 7c Dress Serges Some very handsome naw Eery and Cream 8elrges Specially priced for summer seflIog. Floor ail Cloths i A splendid selection in new patterns at per square yard ..... 25c Floor Linoleum* A Targe shipment friss Glasgow just opened, in two an three, four yards wife. special at per yard iso, 40o a.11lc Window Blinds Full width, special rollers, oolors Reduced for special sale . Lace Curtains Swiss Applique Curtains on Special Bale *1.714 and Corsets Special sale of new model comets, lopg waists and skirt, finest American stock and filling, every riseSi Special Betteeich'Patterns. all near, in stoat. Delineator on sdtlt. greens and buffs. 25c at $2.50 .W W. ACHESON d SON The Mummy wan se the sh e e ed et. Lmmeme. hal o/ Hewn teeamt 8.1 tiara The *riders sea wraaay a► ..lord R. M. a. Royal Www sad R. M. S. Royal Geeree melee the tap fir o ceoda.aee ylreate. At arirel ray,*. tra1 a ne the traveller fora... BWwreare'e enemy r r..ba Wren a, Mneme a.a r M. C. nemtier ..' Grrr•1 Aee.l. Tenor Smokers, Attention! F�sa lug b smoke try Confederation Peacemaker or C. P. R. Clears Par salt In to)an Fall Term from Seat. !d. evelljt. a TT Tomato, Oat.. stares in • oleo by limit os atrlcuy Oro -edam work. open 00ZWit1 Writs today for h•nd.oes oaglegue MF �Q YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE When you buy • Studebaker•E-F-M "90" or Studebaker -Flanders " 20" automobile you get more for your money, dollar for dollar, than in any other car built. There may Ire other good cars—but what is their price ? That's the rub. What a car is really worth, not what it costs, should be your standard. The Studebaker Corporation bas the lergest and hest automobile factories in the world. Wit could build acrd sell any competing car today for less money than its prosect price. in our Studebaker - E F -M "90" or Flanders "20" you get full value, be- cause the biggest factories and the best brains in the industry build these cats. Canadian Car for Canadians Studebaker-fland.i.'so Towhee Car. SOS f. w A Wlkervaie WIt)* Top, Windshield sod Speedometer. onto Snit tar ear omelettes. it will Stereo yet. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION of CANADA, LTD. Waieorriu,. Out JOHN.O. KUNTZ AGENT OODERICH Western Fair September ata to i44, i912 London's Great Exhibition ',literal Prises lertroctive Exhibit. Rpeed Events each day New .tent Building filled with Magniaeent Pointlags ATTRACTIONS Programme Twine Deily Live Stook Parcels Daily of Obeiteobam. En Deemsthe Brea Haiti gland. Oise if the fest Braes Neots in the Wert, sad w,.rs! others Aerial Aet., Oomedy Aets, Trambeline and Aare - latae Lets, fle.Mrt'r agosetrleess Art, •d °thee e The Midway better than ever Plwworts seal eevaig Slagle Pare ROUND over as r•ilroede from E11 Elosolooe DmiNdt Speei*L Bzo•e.ion Days, Sept. 10th, 11th. nth Pelee Lists and all Information rpm' W. J. RRID. Provident A. Y. *1(71UT. sserviery