HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-25, Page 89lrownaY, Rite 26, ISIS;
Ouly a few &ekes in the glomi -s
tour raiment weceplayed off this work.
Lowe Of the EIXORIS will here to get
bury if they ,expect to get through
with their games tide summer.
Tho doubles tournament opened
yesterday woruing and the greens
were busy all day. souse exciting
`awes bring played. The tournament
ix being continued today and the first
match is concluded, the games being
as follows :
First Match.
McDlermott red Porter (won)
F./Awards and Obantrey.
KMlorarrand Neddge (won)
Tease and Hwnu►ood.
Macklin aid Kidd (woo).
Mclean and Bray.
Bella/id and RUwbalI twunt.
Humber and Doherty,
McDermott and Porter (won)
Killoe/in and Geddes.
Rutland and Rumba!! (wont.
Macklin and Kidd.
Huuter and Whitely (won)
T.gert and Goldthorpe
Davis and Nairn (won)
Lane aunt Lagan.
Bt,U,nd and Rumhall (won)
McDes mott and Porter.
Davis and Nairn (won).
Huulrr and Whitely.
I$uttand and Kumball (won)
1►avisand Nairn.
The duel game was very close and
an extra n.d was required to decide
it. Messy.;. Rutland and Rumball are
now the owners of two very hand -
(souse silver weter-pitchers, the prizes
for the first match.
W. have a large, assort
resent to select from
HAND BAGS, real leather,
in al the newest styles
and color.. each fitted
with s,n ,II rha nge purse.
rtling in price $ e]�
from.... $15 to •
HAND BAGS. made of real
ebony !iamb, satin lined,
with long cord h tndles,
the very newest thing
for aft. moon wear, r ting-
ing In Price ttp- Q �
ward front. .. $VeJlj(�
a number of HAriD BAGS,
large size, real leather,
regular price $2.00 each
While they Iasi,(�(\
s.p crsl $1.00
he Colonial Book Store
G1.3 14ttt'i'FR. Prop.
'Pb cru• too Goderich
l'*n motet delicious (tarots, with
the best and purest Creast, serv-
ed at the BALMOkAL OAP's. Or.
aces by telephone for Ice Cream
in bulk or in bricks attended to
promptly. Telephone 64.
Maple Leaf Grocery
for Saturday
Valifornia Peaches
California Plums
California Pears
Red Raspberries
Black Currants
Red Currants
White Currant*
Or eel) Peas
i esisaoas's aliniga Hama and
Beaune : alttsj M Meets
The heel that ars be had
se Hamstaa tit
Saturday, Monday & Tuesday - July 27th, 29th 8? 30th
Too Many
Odd Valenciennes
We have too many
Valenciennes inser-
tions without laces to
match. This surplus
must be got rid of at
once, so on Bargain
Days we clear them
out to tnia way :
Qualities up to 7c 1
,yard, ard, 2 yards
for Sc
Three hundred yards
` %'alertcieones loser-
t tidos, no laces, assort-
ed widths and pat
terns, regular 5c to 7c. 1
yards rforDays 2 5c
Qualities up to 20c
per yard Sc
` Four hundred yards
.i iu thislot,Valenciennes
and other lace Inser-
tions, various widths
sod many patterns.
regular prices up to
20c. Bargain Days. al1
this lot at per 5^
yard . Jl.
- _ ._-_- .v -•..._„2._J
Veilings 10c
A clearing lot of Veilings,
mostly colors. aero -ted
styles and qualities. regular
up to 30c. Bargain 10c
Days, per yard. �JL
Good Belts at 98c
Twelve or fifteen good
Belts, black or colors, hand-
some buckles. This lot com-
prises lines that sold at
$I.25. $1.50 and $1.76. Clear-
ing Bargain Daya at pit,
Black and Colored
Elastic Belts 23c
Black, navy or brown,
p'ain or fanny elastic Belts,
good, strong elasticand neat
buckl.s. Bargain ��
Days, each L
Uowns 69c
Ladies; white Gowns, made
from strong English cotton,
neatly trimmed with em-
broidery. Special for 69„
Bargain Days, each .
Girls' Dresses 55c
Girls' Tub Dresses, two
styles to select from, Rises
5 to 12 years, neatly made,
good materials. For a
Bargain Days, each..
Tray Cloths 51.69
Nine only very handsome
lac; ;and linen Tray Clotho,
size 1.`l x 24 in., regular $3.00.
Bargain .ay
1`ac h. .. $1 • 69
Lunch Cloths 69c
Ten only square Lunch
Cloths, size 301n., pure linen
with lace edges and insertion
trimmed, regular $1.25 L+9�.,
Bargain Days. (h71.
Children's Hose 10c
Fitty pairs Children's Hose
and cotton Sox, black and
tan, small and medium Rises,
clearing Bargain Days l Oe
White Skirts $1.29
Ladies' white cotton
lroderskirta, wide frill, hand-
somely trimmed with lace
or emhrol-iery, dust ruffles.
A clean-up of $2.00 to *2 50
sara s eaa h Bargain $1.29
f►. Pat
White Skirts 98c
Thea. Skirts are regular
$1.25 to 11.50 quatitlas, three
or four patterns, good cotton
and good trimmings. 9
Bargain D tys, each �8
Hair Nets Sc
One hundred and twenty-
five Hair Neta, all colors,
neat. firm, steno .ervioe-
Ithie. Herin Days, !s _
each only
Rompers 39c
?Mem pain children's
meds fromrisk
ado r11si.D►n
payr. >~.... ....
Three days that mark the climax of the summer selling season.
These days we are willing to lose sight of profit if a can clean out all
odd lots, broken lines and surplus summer merchandise.
These semi-annual Bargain Days are a settled part of our business
policy. We have not prepared for them in 19 r 2 in any half-hearted way.
There was no quibbling or haggling when it came to making the prices
for them. There was no thought of profit or even actual cost in many
cases. It was simply a question of putting a price on every dollar's
worth of summer goods that would make the selling a positive certainty
before business is over for July ,.1 9 1 2.
Make it a point to be here one of these big Bargain Days. We
promise to make it worth "your while. Extraordinary price reductions
will be in force all along the line.
A Big Clean-up of
Ready-to-wear Garments
The biggest bargains of the day will be
found in the ready-to-wear department up-
stairs. We would like to sell every coat,
suit and wash dress if we could on Bargain
Days. Prices like these should sell most
of them :
One long blue Serge ('oat,
Bargain Days ll regular $16.1°1. $1030
One long tan Coat. Bugain Days
One long light Tweed Coat, regular $1350$7.75
Bargain Days
One long, cream Serge Coat, regular $1200. $6.75
Bargain Days
Ooe long, embroidered Linen Coat, regular $5.00
$10.00. Bargain Days. ....... . W
One long grey Repp Coat, regular $1600. $9.75
Bargain Days
One bandsorne black Silk Coat, Bargain Days $10.00
One long black Coat, very4•X50
stylish garment, �1�'+�
regular $20.00. Bargain Das `f
One long net and lace Coat, very handsome $1 �/k
and dressy. Regular 113 .00. Bargain Days •
One long black Bilk Coat, the best garment 3.1 have. A
strikinhandsome garment. Regular $:17.60. Qs��
For Bargain Da a. C7
4 Opera or Evening Cloaks at $15.00
Four only opera or evening Cloaks, all high-grade gar
menu, worth in regular way $21.00 to 1.50, silk or satin
lined, travellers' samples, choice of the four on $15.00
Bargain Dips
10 Short Coats at 52.65
These ten (;oats are not this season's style, hut they are
good Ovate for all that, 24 to 28 inches long, fawn $� c�
or boa:k. Clearing Bargain Days at each only. ... •
Save One-third of the Price of a Wash Dress
Buying It on Bargain Days
The wash -dresses must go. We find it impossible to
give a detailed list of pricee and cannot group them in one
Or two lute either. For that reason we will. take one-third
off the prices of each and all Wash Drearier' on Bargain Days.
From the cheapest to the best there will be none reserved.
On a 113.00 dress you will save $1.00, getting it tor $200; on
a $10.00 drew; you will save $3 33, gettin(, it for $6.67. On
other prices proportionate savings. A splendid lot of gar-
ments to select from.
A Serviceable Sweater Coat, 51.35
Ladies: new Sweater Coats, plain, good quality wool, well
Very special Midsummer Bargain Days
woven, colors of cardinal, pavy, grey and whit*. $1 ?1!
.... •
A Velvet Rug $8.50
One only Velvet Rig, rad shades, floral pattern, $8.50
size 3 x 3 yards, heavy weight. Bargain Days,....
2 Axminster Rugs at $22.75
Two only Axminster Ru t
sea esa, 3 x $1 $AATS
yards, very heavy pile. Bargain Days either for `(s.
Cotton Dress Materials
Greatly Reduced
There ought to be hundreds of yards
sold Bargain Days at these prices. We are
going to clear thin stock to the last yard.
Hundreds of Yard, at 124c
Murilios, Gingbams and Zephyrs, fancy design* sed neat
small checks, suitable for all purposes, regular and 1' I
Sc. Bargain Days, . .. .
Very Pine Wash Goods 23c
At t\is priesos can lake your choice of Nautica• Voiles.
and tansy Wash Nalerlals of all kinds that sold so High as
(111, per od yard.
�e of the asa.p
on's aimless& roduetioes
inelBamboo aye, choke 'iegular...... >..., 40e,roe ..l ODs. £JC
33c Cotton Waisting.. ills
Hiss white fancy Oetto, WeisUttneat arrrall
wail hash quality tae Bargain Digs. Per 19c
Final Millinery Clean-up
Starts Saturday Morning
Absolutely without any regard for
former selling prices -tor values -for even
cost -we have put prices on the last of the
Millinery that would clear the showroom
this month. Miss Reynolds leaves for 'her
holidays August 1st and there must be an
empty showroom when she goes.
Any Trimmed Hat 98c
There will be thirty or more for you to pick and cheese
from if you cowe Saturday morning. all this se won's shapes,
trimmed in good style with good materials. hone are re-
served. We simply will not put one away. On our Mid-
summer Bargain Days we offer you your choice of any 9Q�,
of our Trimmed Hats for a7p�,
Children's Ready-to-wear Hats 25c
Children's linen and straw ready-to-wear Hate, t'Flinty •
five or thirty of them to sell, regular 600 to $1.00, choice5c
Bargain Days only fstit,
Your Choice of the Flowers 25c
All the summer Flnwera grouped together at ore price
for Bargain Days. No matter what the former prices. 50c,
76c, $1 00 or more it bunch, Bargain Days you take 25C
your choice for only . .
Window Blinds, Complete, 25c.
One hundred new Window Shades, good
quality cloth, a strong, serviceable shade,
complete with spring roller and pull, green or
yellow. Bargain Days, each only 25c.
Curtain Scrim IOc
Two hundred yards Curtain Scrim, f,ncy `stripes, :f
inches wide. Special f or Bargain Days per l Oe
a��rrrrrs ami
1 We have in stock today a fall range of ladies' White
1" Ladies' White Cotton Hose in Stock
lime, sizes 84 to 10. at per pair, 25o. Sao. apo. �y r
1 LIHLR, SILK. "�"�'x
500 Yds. Embrdideri
6' Insertions at Half Price
The representatives of the European
manufacturers from whom we buy Embroid-
eries and Laces will soon be here with next
Spring's samples. Before they come we
want embroidery and lace stocks down to a
very low point in order to buy intelligently
for next season. That's why five hundred
yards or more go on the half-price table for
our Midsummer Bargain Days.
medium wide widths,aborts and long lyards LANNI, Enatwoideries and engths downs of
design --a gamins, nnrerreed clean-upp_ of the stock. Quite
the hest bargain of its kind we aver offered yon.gu Gtr
prises lye to $1.00 per yard. Oiearien Bargain Days at
Halt Regular Prices.
A Great Clearing of Remnants
Bargain Days we hold our great semi-
annual Remnant Clean-up. From all over
the store they have been gathered together
and placed on tables marked at prices truly
money -saving. if you can use a remnant of
any kind, silk, wool or cotton, come to these
remnant tables Bargain Days. You will surely
get a bargain.
Girls' Gingham
Dresses 31.19
Gids' GinghamDreams,Dtess, neat, broken ;
I Gawk*, , fast colors,
made up in several yt
good h les, regular
$1.50 to Ill 75. Spacial L
ayfor Bargain $1.19
Da •.
Three Big Embroidery
Specials }
grew specials thsI
sbonld keep tb• Kmh•o;desk
counter busy alt day :
Embroidery 2Sc
Ore hundred and fifty
yMd. r27 -inch Waisting Fn.
7, six or seven pat
Mama. very Ane muslin and
Ply designs. extra spec-
ial for Days, 25c
pe yard
Embroideries 12ic
Two hundred yards trim
ming Embroidery, six to ter,
inches wide, also coarser
trimming laces and inser-
tleM, regular values up to
P Bargain Days, 1220
Short Lengths
Very Much Reduced
Plrty abort lengths Em-
broidery and insertion,
widths from real narrow to
45 -inch flouncing, lengths
os. to three yards. for Bar
gain Days et about
flail Regular Prices
1Good All
' Leather Hand Bag 49c
Ladino' new Hand B,gs
guaranteed all leather, moire
lined, with coin pocket, gilt
testae', sty leather hand-
les, two good shapes worth at
least one dollar. For Mid-
summer Bargain Days AGS.
each `1.71.
Dress Goods Bargains
Worth Coming For
Dress Goode that will
make buying here very pro
atab'e especially if done on
Bargain Days.
-Tweed Suitings fhc
Seventy-five yards all -wool
Tweed Suiting* in nice t,rok-
en cls •ek., grey shades, 64
inches wide. Fur Har- 75c
gain Days, per yard.
Bleck Dress Goods
)ne IIandred and fifty
yards all - wool materiels,
imitable for snits and dresses,
last long' ns r•f $1.10 and
$1.26 qualities. Bar- 67c
rain Days, per yard. V
.More Lustres 15c
More f oatres at this pnpn
lar price, 38 inches wide.
navy. green, brown, cardin-
al and black. Special, '15c
Berstein Days, per yd.
A Lot of White Waists
to Sell Bargain Days
Two special clearing
lots that should tempt
thrifty burn*:
Lot No. 1 at 72c
White m malls Waists.
front of handsome Swiss
estt`roldery, back of tucking.
twenty -live to sell on 72c
Bargain lays, each...
Lot No. 2 at $1.19
Thirty five Waists in this
1ot floe muslin or plain
tailor - head. Waists of un
doubted quality, a clean-up
of lines that at $1,50 to
$2.2ye, c m Balha4111.1U
Da, closing of lot
Long fan Gloves 19c
Lief. 1lrrood Gloves. good
quoit I$ • Mab lengtk
ew r% tan or
osy. liergala
Days• Per pair . .... 19c
31.50 Kid Gloves 95c
ICM Morse, deeirty poles m nor hest
If to Of.
taws. grey owl tan. Met net
every .isle le .ash dao. a
porton i1rMtslam 11111