HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-25, Page 61`eI 1 ATl JULY 95, IB11
"My dear," said John Hollister, "this
beteg election day 1 shall be a Ittue
late for dieser. i shall be too busy at
the once to vote during business hours,
.o I will do so just before the polls
close at T o'clock-"
"At what time am I to vote?"
'Who are you going to rote fort"
"Let me see. Who Ire the canal.
*ate, r
"Fuller and Wells."
"It's for mayor isn't ttr
"No; for governor."
"Oh, i see."
`Are you going to vote for Vallee of
tot Weller
"is Mr. Fuller a nice mast"
.,Very „
"I think 1'11 vote for Mtn. Who are
Ira going to vote torr'
'Tin golug to vote for Welk'
"Too are'
"Thee 1 .appose 1'11 have to vote tot
aim too"
'Are you going to vote for a man atm -
ply because your busband votes for
, till"
There waw some pouting on the pare
of the rife. She didn't like that vtew
Of it et all.
"Au right." she said presently, "rn
vote for Mr. Wells."
"L+ that case it won't be necessary
tar us to vote at all."
"What do you meanr
"if 1 vote for Fuller and you vote
ter Wells It's a standoff. Isn't ttr
"I &oppose so."
"Well, then, Instead of voting I'll
some home at the usual time and we'll
take a short walk together before din -
86o considered. She had many
trletela who had been active In the
campaign of votes for women and bad
os oue occasion marched In a proces-
sion and carried a banner berseif. And
now after a splendid victory bad been
attained, welch she had helped to cele-
brate. the fruition of the effort was
reduced to a pair off between ber asd
ber husband. She didn't tike IL
"No." ahe said; "I'm going to do my
duty by the state and leave you to de
"Well, then, you'll have to go to the
polls during my absence. Since you
have no maid 1 suppose you can wheel
Tuttle In ber carriage there. Some of
the mea or the women standing around
electioneering trill` doubtless mind the
carrlagewhlle you get in tine and wort
• your wy up to the voting table."
"Hub% Do you think I'd trust my
child to'oue of those people?"
"'finer people? They are American
cltleerw-Interested In the adoption of
the principles they stand for, working
for those principles."
"11 doesn't make any difference to
the what they stand for. 1 won't trust
thew with my Tottle"
"Welt, what are you going to do?"
"Why, I think' you'd better come
home at noon and let me go and vote.
You can tote, as You said, lust before
the polls close."
"Why Isipr•ssible7"
"Goodby, dear. It I stand here all
day talking le.lili• s with you we'll
'terve. If you think of any practical
solution of the matter during the day
telephone me. 1'11 help you out of It
If I can."
With that he gave ber the conaubtat
kiwi and marled for business She
watched him 1111 he reached the cor-
ner, whet'e, according to his Invariable
custom, be turned and pantmhne
kisser+ were exchanged.
During the ,afternoon be was called
to the telephlne.
"1e that you dearT' asked a fem-
inine voice he assumed to be his wife's.
"Yee; I'm Charlie. You are Ethel?'
"Yea. I've been thinking about the
election. I am sorry It came today,
becsose It's almost Impossible for nee
to get away from home, even If you
were here. I forgot that I had an ap-
pointment with the dreeamakei this
"Too bad! if the state authorities
bad known that doubtless they would
have put off the election till anotbbr
day." .
"Don't be silty!•'
"Well, are you going to give OP vet"
i've deckled to pair with you.
"Yee; that's tbe bent I can do."
"1 think one of the family saoald
vote. Now, bow would It do for ms
10 vote for as both?"
"Oen you do that?"
"Certainly! I cos vote both foe
Feller and Wells. -
"1 never knew ooe could vote foe
two candidate*"
bat's hexane. you're not up la
each things."
'Well. 111 hare to !cavo it to poo
Dila time'
"Ts bit"
When he came home for dieser who
toil him that he had bees humbug-
sler, her shoot voting tor beth candi-
"I dad It. an the same" he replied.
"Row did yea _.sags ttr
"I voted ter Feller tet goverser tee
myself sed tear Wells ter Ilsaaaant
giseoraor for yew Wasn't that .11
VW didn't hear him. A lovely Itged
MEM tete tier eyes, ass a ewM mita
Nook over ber tate
`Drat." the said. 'what de reg
OW a 1//1160
lair elIWCA/7 M dera!'n
A THEORY seems to be aunclssg Mr
the philosopher to grind away en,
bet he ends that aetaal ooadlttens sal
for Bold cash.
Made to order cheerfulness 0 &best
ire pleasant as nand In one's saj1G
Yeglag In style often takes w moth
of sash mosey and strength that M ata
amvessilek/ to keep out of debt.
Many a mea has w bragged aeon
hlniesit that later he has been eek
veiled to get out and bustle to IMM
The mea wbo sever apologises *MN
Ws family busy doing it for hem.
If at first you don't recede ysa9i
doubtless keep pushing ahead -
Truth telling L honorable. bet see
necessarily remunerative -
People wbo pay as they Co areal
likely to be arrested often for violating
the .peed laws.
The man who knows his own Wad
often feels sorry for it
The Lesser Lights.
It you cannot dna a cannon
In the battle for reforms.
If you cannot be the c Inter
Of the -vett and risme storm,
If you cannot be a speaker
And expose each paltry trick
Ot the foes of right and luatloe,
You at least can throw a brick.
If you cannot print a paper
That the grafters will expose,
Showing men who pay the taxes
Where their hard earned money tl'.sa.
You at least can write a letter
Laying bare their crooked game.
Aad the man who owns the paper
Might be moved to print the *Ma
If you cannot preach a sermon
That will rouse mankind to act
And will show them that the loafer
All around them Is a fact;
Tou at least can search your pocket
Where the shining oohs are found
And can throw In several dollars
When they pass the plate around.
It you cannot be a warhorse
Of the ancient prancing .chssi
On the modern field of battle
You can be a kicking mule
It you cannot grab the grafter
And the boodler by the throat
Bright and early at election
You at least can cut a vote.
"I see you have quit smoking."
"Yee. My wife thinks it is too bad
for my nerves."
"I don't bear yon whistling when you
empty the ashes In the morning. Have
you quit that toot'
"Yea. My wife thanks that le bad
for ber nerves."
Tho Now Man. •
"He had been boosted so before he
came that he almost burst his Chrlat--
mad saapenders trying to live up to his
"Did he manage tor
"In a way, for awhile. After that
Ma great trouble was to live hes repu-
tation down."
Already at It.
"Stand and deliver!" ext./aimed the
"Step one aide, please," said the gro-
cery boy, with hia arms full of bundles.
"Can't you see I am delivering? Sow
can I do It it I stand,"
It R
Strictly Amor'.
oars Product '
"This old tow-
er was struck by
lightning a thou-
sand years ago."
Lightning was
not invented
"Not levee&
ed r
"Of coarse set
Ben Franklin 111..
vented it."
Immediate Etre.(:
"Wba, 1g the matter with Jo.sar
"I hadn't noticed."
"He hardly speaks to common Polka*
"These leap year proposals de etre)
up a man terribly."
Son Proof.
"Ma, the doctor thinks we are
"What tester yon tbtnk sof"
"Be said tbat 1 should est ewe o�
for breakfast."
Nothing to Remonewerit
"He is only a poet."
nett why speak ire emitsmvdee_M_
et bis aeespatfost It Mel turetabla•
1 "Ifo; It eel over eatable."
"I real abide a was stir mosis.114
pretty tittle blithe.
' di'Vw �
a taeiopoty for yu
P.eeoe.11ea sewed.
I weed •M .ase to to a MIMI
ante esti tee et•s!1a are are
iII/__ tether to a emelt eseelr.
Ms aides kers sesaesrtss'e WS . -
Gly husband Is an excellent, good,
pairs. noble luau He las but one
tt,slt-he Is very unreasonable. This
defect In his character 1s especially
notkbaWo to the choles of a place to
`aid our summer vacation.
Last year Frank and 1 discussed for
twat moetbs this Question u to where
we should go for twd weeks. Freak
cabbed to go to some secluded spot in
the eeoaatalns where be could take a
suet Me works very bard. and fourteen
far le ell the recreation he gets dur-
tag the weak/ year. 'that being the
cess. 1 o41s1s't we why he elasaild
west t* go to a poky place wbere he
ws lds't inset any one, with notelet
to sus lead nothing t0 do all day long.
1 am abut op at borne all wtater
with tat* maid and a maple of Ytile
thldria, and 1 eaa't get out at all in
the sowing because they must list he
lett alone. Tb. coasequeoc. 1s that all
the aim dresses mod tiling* 1 buy are
few summer. Thant the osiy seems 1
can dear tbem. Now, isn't It prvvst-
iag that wben the summer .*mea I
must go to some Out of (be way place
where a calico gown would do me as
well as a s110 one?
Last spring wben it came time to
engage board for our outing, atter die -
Feting for two months where we
should go, Frank maintained that sloe,
he must have bis rest to his own way
we had better go to different places.
Be would get rid of the co.tiesed
clatter the children make and the an-
aoyance of having to correct their ev-
ery time they mI,behaved. i meld
CO to a seasbore resort, where, as b.
put 1t, 1 could *how my fine clothes.
Teat's all the sympathy a wife gets
tram bet- husband -jest as (1 there was
say use to boy nice things for no one
to see.
Well. Frank went off to a one horse
tows la the moantaisa, stopping at a
hotet sear by. I went to a large sea-
side city where there were thousands
of people coming and going every day.
It was very nice to be In the whirl,
but unfortunetety I struck a spell of
bad weather. For three days there
was nothing but rain and fog. Then
a chill northeast wind sprang up, and
1 tbougbt I should freeze. The chil-
dren, who had anticipated so much
pleasure playing in the sand and run-
ning In baro legs in the foam, couldn't
go out at all. and I was obliged to
devote myself to them all the while. I
couldn't play nurse and wear good
clothes; besides. the wenther was too
cold for my thin dresses.
So there I was.
I had been on the coast for three
days when I received a letter from
Frank saying that he was doing
splendidly in the mountains. The
weather there was Inc. the air was
bracing, and It seemed as if he drew
la strength with every breath. He sup-
posed 1 and the children sat all day on
the beach with tbe warm sun pouring
down on us (when it wasn't too hot)
watchlag the beautiful bine waves roll
In. He could almost hear the children
laughing and shouting as they ran about
In the sunshine. And he could fancy
me dressed In those clothes 1 had been
all winter preparing for tbe occasion
looking as pretty as a peach mingling
with well dressed people.
Wasn't It aggravating?
I just made up my mind that I'd
watt ti1l the first week was up and
(f the weather didn't mend I'd pack up
and join Frank. There wasn't any use
to my staytng where I was on account
of my clothes when 1 couldn't wear
them. and If I were with Frank he
could relieve me of the children. He
would have had a week's absence from
them and would now doubtless he glad
to tike them out walking and driving
and boating.
Well, the weather didn't Improve -
that is, It cleared up for one day, then
the clouds came again and It was
worse than ever. Every day 1 studied
the weather reports, and when on the
sixth day there was a predlctlon that
another storm was collecting to some
eat of the way place In northwestern
Canada I telegraphed Frank that 1 was
ceming and took the neat trills.
We reached hie place of rest In the
evening end drove to his hotel in beau-
tiful moonlight. Bot the next morn -
tag we Stroke with the rain coming
down worse than anything I ball lies
at the seashore. Amid what do yea
think Frank .aldt He accrued me of
brlagtes' the bed weetber with toe.
Well, hero I was with my costumes
not I'd bad so much trouble to pro-
cure p lI In my trunk. The oaly coin -
fin N tkY wan teat evea if the weath-
er bad (tees fine nobody wore finery,
and ft would have bees out of place,
'tint did help wee with lbs children.
.saying games with them. sad when -
ewer there was a tamperer, let up be-
tween the showers be world take
Meth *et for walks. The boats were
We wet ter rowing tad the roads too
mYdy ter drlvieg. What wars my
teenage when 1 read It the papers
that at the seashore where 1 bad bees
R bled cleared ep the day atter I left
and tae gaiety was heembugl
Ors My beton we went home we
ass wtliehle , ass Ms wan aft the
arae ire I ties ire my *rang. Ws
tome flat we would set try the sew- h
diluwitter plea agate. As this year w
Issued ws mot as tegwther. Ws F
IY*sad ever R ` tier es last year.
I weblike to b the seashore agar se
Mak wtablee 1i gat Me teat le ebb
esernl Ins elnelly we ardrdsd 10
ermv5rr11_ We Went r the Min t
Liverppot and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Lower -Live Stock --
Latest Qu.tat,ons.
CHICAGO, July 22.- Reports that
tarvesting had spread as tar north as
Mtnneaota and that except in a few
:ountlea the whet' spring crop of thei
United States was practically beyond
Lager from rust, bade to -day's wheat
market heavy. Closing prieon showed
tec to 1c set degfse. Latest
lift cora lie to Xie down, oats trading
rrom Inc off to 1Mc up, and pro►Wont
less expeaslve by 7'k/o to fSe.
TM Llvetpoot market closed to -day yyijd�
lower than Satttrda7 on wheat, sad led
h40.r on corn.
Winnipeg Options.
Open. High. Low. Close. Clens.
July ........l a Arts 10ti0b
ort w M to lararb
Oats- Today. Bat.
Ex -No. 1 feed
Nab Mt
Terente Drain Market.
nte,t. fail, bushel 11 is to Il m
t, goose, bushel 1 M ....
e boatel • M ill
Osla bushel
Barley, bushel
Pear. bushel
Buckwheat, bushel
Toronto Dalry Market
Butter creamery, Ib. rolls... 0 M p i
Butter. creamery, .olid. ... 01t
Butter, separator, dairy, lb.. a 1d 0 Ile
Butter, store Iota 00 11 e •
Egan new -laid
Cheese, new, Ib 0 ltle 0 L
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTREAL, July 1a -Staines In
Manitoba spring wheat over the cabin
from hen continues very qulet, but there'
L a fair demand from foreign buyers
for oats, for which bids were lid to vied
lower than Saturday and in oonaerawite
only a few odd loads were worked. Thera
was some demand from local buyers for
Manitoba feed wheat and arise of f1,00S
bushels wase made u tic, c.Lt., and �-
000 bushels No. 1 Canadian western ole
at mac, c.t.t., for shipment, trop[
WUnam• Local prices for oats wore
weaker and Ic per bushel lower.
was some enquiryfrom :on:gn burring
for new crop sp 1 g wheat flour, but a'
the pricer bid roll).,. ware not dl
to make contracts. Local donannd r-
crwing mad buatns. more active. De-
mand for mlllfeed good.
Rutter firm and cheese steady, with
some bualness doing. Exports for week
were 70,028 boxes, sealant 10,04 a year
ago. Eggs fairly aotive and
Provisions la good demand steady.
hogs scarce at an advance of ere per
Corn -American. No, 3 yellow,
Oats -Canadian western, No. roe to
talk; do. Na 3. No; extra No. 1 feed, Set
No. f local obit&
Barley-Mastteaa toed. Oso t0 Iia)
Malting, 11.05 to 51.or.
Buckwheat -Ne, f, 7k to 7/o. „
)"Iour-Manitoba spltifnnes wheat ata,
tat *i.10; seconds, *1.00; strong
O 10• winter patent/, choice, Ia.40 to 10,*
straight rollers, Ka to 10; da, bag., $1411
to 13.10.
Rolled oats-Barrelai, 10.00; bag. 00 lbs.,
Ylllt.ed-Bran, IX; shorts, W; m1d-
altars, *E7; mounts, 1:0 to *4,
Flay -No. 1t per ton, car lots, i17 to
Ohees.-P7ne.t westerns, 11%c to 1
finest eastern-, 12%c to
Butter --Choicest creamery, Mc t 204,c;
seconds, 2614c to fetes.
mei.-Selected, Sic to 4o; No. f stock.
16c to 14c.
Potatoes -Per bas, car lots, *1.00
Dressed hogs --Abattoir killed. *12.70 to
Pork --Canada short out books, barrels.
46 to 66 pieces. 110.0&
Lard -Compound tierces, 11 lbs., 10%c;
wtierces, lpalls,lbs.,
,ll12' -; pure,twood palls. at
lbs. net, 1Xe.
Duluth drain Market
DULUTH, July 22. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
*1.0010; No. 1 northern 11.04+x; No. 2 do.,
11•(C%; July, 11.024 bid, September, 164o1
beoember, 06'4c bid.
Union Stock Yarl..
TORONTO, July 22. -Receipt* of
ilve stock were 128 cars, oompriai��''
2432 cattle, 47 calves, 884 sheep, 515'
hogs and 50 horses.
�xvorters-(:holes, 97.10; mood, 17.af.
Butchers --Choice, from r to F.10; `�
from $8 to 11.90; medium, from 10 to a.tfl
common, from 14.60 t 13,
Cowe--.hood, from 36 t *1' teldlum, tr0m
M-26 t K7e; common, from M to M, eau -
hare, from 13.76 upward,
Calver -Good. from 15 to M; common.
from 13.4 to *6.
light from $4 tO 14.60; bu ks,5from *to a5 10
15.50; spring Mints, trots *7.4 t wee.
Bulls -Heavy, from 16 to W. light, trots
13.60 to M-4.
Stockers --But few quotations, With high
ranging from 6110 to medium, front
M to 14.10; common, *1460 to *1.70.
minters -nom 1p to *7e.
Hole-F.o,b. *7.61, and 13,20 fed and
Montreal Live stock.
MONTREAL, July 11. -At the Montreal
steed Tarda, West End Market. the n-
ovitiate of 11vs .took for t0. week ended.
July 20 were 1400 *little, 14110 sheep and
lambs, Imo hogs and 010 oalvm The
Supply on the market this morning for
sale amounted to 100 cattle, td. sheep and
laratia, 1110 hops and 100 salves.
7 •ter• was no Important change a the
condition of the market tot tattle to-4ayt
e*oept that the testing ter' et�gd{sr than
It has been of late, owl,. N do etna2r
offertnge and the 'mice�g =sad, ow.
leg to the motor wettash )weepy cholto
Mere were somas. DeMgIM ea Use whole
teen fairly good and an asatve trete wad
doss A tow tall loads el thelee steers
sold at self, tut tis. Wag et the
was oos. In cattle at tamer
M to 13 *wt. C prime and ut
g nus tool with a sloe/
to the tilat hate seeition r'w
ass..1 ...
twig z 0. d.m.ati bhlee 1
supe 1.e was lie as Mere 1e
et stook on epee mss
satire triads was dere,
N 10 cwt, Wet
Small matte were
supply ne mud wall 4600
reeslrwnsnts, The
taws good. bet the
calves was sale fair. Y la
canoe had wttteleet et the
For The Nervous Woman,
Or de went.s who eapsiMeee he( semi. seeded is .o deed is asMb, quiet
sad eels w ..avow enema sea perm Ferree enrage d native -ardisal piesis
+iaM stab within,* al.sh.1, whisk has bus send by drggier nor the past Arty
ewe, aid most &ratably karma es Dosser Paeree's Parariss Frere fpties,
�uesyer years some wontss suer teem dimetin-e, sr isissisig spat, kyee rear
isaiash-, heavies - down heli gat sed pais. Al these sympesms a t,i. Jlawity
end home dee erba.oe ars relieved by the ... at this bares. " Pseseriptiss "
elf Demo, Pierer. '
As a peweA.l, ievyoresise same " Favorite Prescription " imparts wawa*
ire tis whole irritant, end is pevtiwier to the
For over-worked, "wore -.at ': n.-deww.,"elehiMemied
members, milli. -s, dsesemaben, sae�tresess, " sh nigets "
boom- keepers, .eriy methm., sad 6-b1e w.a..n arreers�r.
it a .. ezesls.t mpPsdmisg esdW cued r.s�erative linter,
arA d li~i► 'L nee ws titin
w thew me very mak. Zlra 1 w rememe se
as I owed
ires ea
1 hem ea -- eq ti�i - w -k w8. 1 : bees•
Illsumpory, aloe lee rears for
nors remain km. Imbed bar Zwerr= la al=
alms. we ism press eke ka peer litees tier treemin reehise."
Meg YcDestat,o.Dr. ~Ws Piassams ADAM Mint mai satasel ausevasessIL
The Ales that are now in your kitchen and dining room were probably
feasting on some indescribable nastiness less than an hour ago, and as a
single Ay often carries many thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy
body, it is the duty of every housekeeper to assist in exterminating this
wont enemy of the human race.
Kill lies in each Immense quantities as cannot
Ay killer.
r'< ►N
1 ,\
be approached by any other
"Old ideas di e
slowly. When I
was young. it
was not consid-
e r e d proper to
chew gum--- f
How foolish, be-
cause it is so
good for one."
. r
J '
Th place
l oe to buy
Binders, Mower*, Hay - loaders,
Bide Hakim !Manure Spreaders,
Gn Wagons and Cream Sep -
ator also 1.oudeD Hay Care,
Forks and Sling*, MoletteOream
Separatore, oeue.tead Fertil-
isers, Pumps for hand - pea wet.
and Engines; (gasoline Engines
and Windmills.
And, 0 .$) ! you must see
our Buggies. We have A full line,
all style., and some oI the hest
and most stylish lige that ever
Caste t0 town.
t have a few IM.+rwe to erll
and some DHvint Hornets..
1 &leo have a House to yent-
a lovely place for summer
Call in and see what we hat e
and rot a while, anyway,
Hamilton Street, Coder -kb
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
sad Embalmers
Orden carefully attended to
Fat all hours, night to dace
"I do enjoy 0 -
Pee - Chee e s -
meals. yIt aids
digestion -is
pleasant to the
taste and is so
much better for
one than the
ordinary confec-
is good for the young-whole30mef
far than candies.It preserves the teeth -aids
digestion and is good for the aged, too.
There's an O-Pee-Chee Flavor for every taste and they all taste delicious. O.Pee•
Chee is sold by ail dealers who sell the best gum.
O-Pee-Chee Gum Company,
London - 3 _ Limited
as hand fee the p► --sat.
Butehen' cattle, chute% 10. t A
medium, *6 to M' r �10 to
choke row., NM t *611; 55110 Is y
M n. mtlkera cOb ol, .eau. 410 to 5�w11
e.smmon lad medhsn, .am►. to
• prinasre, ata to 55*
Ilhe.p-swop inst pe ewe, ttMke sail
mulls *t to XX. 'anti., to 95
Hogs, tab.. 0
Calves. 11 to a
OAlstgo Liv. Stock.
CHiOAo0, Jw M.-witi.-
wee. market anew. Needy, to ler
Rooves. !,10 to r.10. teem mews.
to p; waiters steer.. 130 le ft 0;
are sad f Ras to 00'
otters, I0 to i, elt/e10 0,s (e
erase, esti
110 tewe•; neat, 95.90 41.111:11(111
10 to O. beery K 11 1e *f 41,
worm ser �lge 9i.w re w eh
1s., gra Nt*1 5.
mere see late isms.
10 12
n wtern, t10 to
0 10 at. stab-. etellyo, gl.11
e. 44 14 to Pent.
THE drawing was made
from a photograph of
the root -cellar with which D.
A. Purdy, of Lumsden, Sask., won
cash paha in last years contest. In that last
contest there were 36 prizes. There will be throe
times ao many prisms (108) in the
THUS you will have rove tune' as reesy demon of wising a ash
prbt. Yee do ant have to use my certain antero s of Ones& Cement
te we a prise. There are atiothooly "strings" to dde seer.
Tien are twelve prime for each Pteeiteee (three d $Se dies of 42* 1 to.. d
Slit sod three et SW sad wee comps►• eels with .ter %roam is yew ewe Prov-
ince and set veld those all over calm&
1t imam ee diameter* whether you Mee ever used cer.ent. Many of he yew's whims
Ind net .esti it .mal they emceed ed the contett When pus write fur hJl ,-nk+hrti we "air
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