HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-25, Page 4• THURSDAY JULY lift, 191:
News of District
SLY f H.
MoNoAY, Jirly kind.
McL.od. wbo lives on the bass line of
Hullett, was driving with two young
girl relatives toHrusssb, and was going
down Mosley street when
hi. horse
b be-
came frightened at an
standing on the aide of the road, and
started plunging All got out tet the
rig, sod Mr. McLeod went to quiet the
horse by catching it by the bead, when
it struck him with its foot, knocking
him uncoisoious. He is injured inter-
nally, and small hope is held out tor
his recovery, se he in about seventy
years of age. J. H. Chellew took him
boom in his auto.
WEDDINO.—A very petty wedding
was solemnized at tbe home of Mrs.
Wettlaufer on Wedoesday, July 17tb,
when ber daughter. Renetta�., was
united in mar, i.ige to George Wam-
bold, of Stratford. Tbe ceremony
was performed by Rev. Mr. Jewett.
The bride entered the parlor leaning
on the arm of her brother amid the
strains of Mendelseohn's wedding
march. After congratulations all
Partook of a sumptuous repast on the
I awn. The happy couple left on the
afternoon train for a short honey-
moon trip to Dashwood and (,`rand
Bend, before leaving for Stratford,
where the groom has a good position.
WEDNESDAY, July 'ltlb.
Miss Gerrie Asquith is at the "Soo.'
visiting friends in that neighborhood.
Mrs. Hannah, of Winpham, and her
daughter Priscilla visited at Mn.
Young's this week.
Williaw Dobie left here last 'week
for Alberta, where he intends remain-
ing during the Bummer.
Mr. Medd dispowd of his fat cattle
and shipped last Saturday. A Luck -
now man was the buyer.
They are still shipping hay froui the
station here. There is some friction
between the farmers and the buyers
. wing to the drop in price 00 account
.•f the new crop coming on the mar-
Rev. Mr. Paterson preached in the
Presbyterian church last Sabbath.
He will occupy the pulpit nett Sab-
bath also. Rev. Mr. McCallum will
be the next probationer on the list.
He preached here last summer during
Roe. Mr. Mass's vacation.
ACCIDENTS.— WashiiiLon
bad the misfortune to fall off a load of
hay and will be unable to do much
work for -'a while .... John McLeod, of
the Base line, met with rather&serious
accident last week, while In Blyth. An
automobile was standing at the side
of the road. He got out to lead
the horse past, but was thrown down.
the horse running away. A couple
of ribs vete broken,. and otherwise
Mr. McLeod was eo badly shaken
up that he was unconscious for a few
days..... Samuel ('ox, of the Malt.
land black. fell off *load of hay. the a two weets visit here Miss Win -
fork passing through his arm. He has rale O'Reilly entertained her friends
°been confined to hie bed .ince the to • party today. An enjoyable time
accident. is reported. khnnst everyone has
OUNUANNON. started haying. It will be an average
TVSODA Y, July 33rd.
There being no new developuseut of
rabies in the township the board of
health ber ordered the withdrawal of
the proclamation issued some weeks
ago compelling the enclosing of doge.
TU¢aDAY, July 'Lard.
Nene Nurse.—Mr. Robinson and
Mr. gegen, of Detroit, are visiting
friends in ibis vicinity Mr. •ted
Mrs. McAllister, of Crlef and Mrs, C.
Decker and Sydney, of Lucknow, are
visiting at Wm. McAllister's Mrs.
Ballintine, of Brandon, Is visiting old
friends in this vicinityJ Red-
mond had his hero raing on Thurs-
day and it is now ready for his hay.
.. Miss J. 1. McAllister left Tues-
day nterning for St. Elmo. Muskoka,
where she will camp for • couple of
weeks Mrs. B. McGuire. wbo hen
teen visiting friends in this vicinity,
left on Monday for (3odericb.
TCeaDAY, July :.''•3rd.
John Whiddon, of the high school
staff at Fort William, spent n few
days the guest of hie uncle, Jno.
The Misses Walkinshaw. Aitken
and Bennet. of Clinton. spent • few
days at the home of Mrs. Speakman
this week.
Rev. A. Macfarlane preached in See--
eaforth on Sabbath last. His pulpit bere
was occupied by Rev. D. C. Stevens,
of Melbourne.
The Agricultural Society is having
a thirty-foot addition put to their
show room, which will greatly in-
crease the convenience and comfort of
the exhibitors in the future.
Mies Minnie Armstrong, why spent
the past month at the bonne ot her
brother, Arch. Armstrong, of the
Broneon line, returned to her work in
London Tuesday of this week.
A large number of tourists are here
already from Hamilton, London,
Stratford. Toronto, Clinton, Gcderich
and Detroit, and many more are ex-
pected about the first of August, show-
ing that Hayfield retains its popularity
as a summer resort.
. The Home Mission Society of St.
Andrew's church held a talent tea and
este of hakiog on Mrs. Heath's cottage
verandah oa Thursday afternoon of
last week, when the neat sum of V/
was realized. The Ladies Aid Society
will also hold a sale of baking on Fi i-
day- of this week at the same place.
TUESDAY. July 16th.
Norse.—Miss Gertie Joye and Miss
Lorena Bowler. wbo took in the Qrey-
hound excursion to Detroit, returned
home last week Miss O'Brien and
Miss Cecil Joye, accompanied by her
two cousins, returned to Cetroit after
1J Lucknow. has oet..ed clsitlnt outride
puinta and will henceforth sire his entire
stteotioo to the home office. Luckoow, where
he will be tonnd every day. All modern meth
In Dungannon forT'he'Stsaal ie at the Po -t -
office kiosk and Stational wham
orders will be reneged
ter wean ad-
vertising and job work, sod receipts be
siren for amounts Laid for the same.
THURSDAY. July 25th.
TELEPHos N o T E 8. — Telephones
have recently been installed for the
inllowing parties : Robt. Henry. Jos.
Courtney. Jae. Lane, Thoe. Ferguson,
D. K. Alton, Henry Mullin. John
Hackett. Nilson Irwin, David Fai-
rish, Wru. Townley, on concessions 10
and 11. Ashfield, and Alex. Long on
-onceseiun 12; Quaid Bros., Dunlop;
Jos. Erwin and Geo. Hamilton,
Auburn : Ed. Horney, concession 6,
Colbot ne : Wtu. Hasty, Matthew
Shackleton. John Menaryp, Geo. John-
etoo, John Barkley and Jas. Johnston,
eoncessiune 2 and :1, Ashfield A
dozen contracts have been signed for
'phones on tbe new Belfast-Amberley
• line. Fire 'hones were put out of
commission bast week by lightning.
With the old lightning arresters this
would have meant a week's work by
tbe repair gang • with the improved
arresters,. only individual 'phones were
affected. and the installation of new
connections was a comparatively
Simple matter.
MONDAY, July 2ud.
THE CROPS.—The crops are looking
much better, due to the'recent wel-
come rains. Hsyjug will or almost
finished this week, but none too soon
to make was for the fall wheat, which
promises a good yield. It is reported
the raspberry crop is a failure.
BRigs'r. —Mise Annie Kenny, from
Duluth, is vieiting at J. Dalton's
Mee. D. Dalton. from Toronto, is visit-
ing at John Dalton's Patrick
W elsh, of 8t. , Augustine, spent Sun-
day with friends here Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dalton, from Porcupine, are
vieiting at Michael Dalton's .. ..Mr.
and Mrs. J. Clanoey, of Greenock, are
vieiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Garvey.
Congratulations are extended to
all five of our entrance candidates who
succeeded in their exawinatwns
The Sisters of 8t. Joseph, who have
had charge of the erhool here since
Christmas, are spending their vaca-
tion in London.
PEN+iO�AL. — M r . L. Hearts, ., f
Hamilton. and Mrs. F. Courtney, of
St. Thomas, are vieiting their sister,
Mrs. David Sproul .... Ed. Mole. of
Seaforth, visited in the village on Sun -
v .... Mr. and Mn. Donald Mc-
incteturned to Goderich on Sun -
y after a week's visit with friends
herr. Donald is recovering nicely
from his recent illness and will soon
he back at work .. Among the Dun -
Kennon boys wbo left on Mooday to
attend the Cadet camp at London
were George Case, Stephen Medd,
Riley Bradford and Marvin Durnin.
Howard Ouse, wbo has been
trading school at Tantallon. Sask., is
hop for vacation Mrs. T. G.
Allen, accompanied hy Georgie and
Ruby, is visiting in Godetich
Mn. (Dr.) Bios returned on Saturday
from a visit to her daughter in Van
revers... Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mo -
Dougall and chitdreo. of Lucknow,
visited with friends here on Sunday.
Mc. and Mrs. David Henderson
visited in Goderieh last week Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Roach returned to
Ooderiicb on Monday .. Mr. and
Mrs. H Turner. Miss Clan Wbyard
end Miss Gladys McLean, of Uoderick,
visited at Jas. Wbard's os Sunday.
...Arthur Reach bad an arm broken
last week Yin AdeU.e Stylus.
of Goderkb. is visiting her grand-
father Mrs. B. J. Crawford is la'
Detroit this week. attending a badly
reunion Mies Ktbel Glans. e1 the
ted.peose dame, le ewer roe ser vaea-
tio. . Weed was r.edsvd on
Datmrday that Wes. Meg le remover'
fug sierIy free an opwuttes Is the I
at 4013 Mite
Heed blblleblsses, et liederialt. le Halt-
his Mewl Itr. Degas. la at
hear of W lathery Wrongs*Mast Wsss�e
WEDNESDAY, July 24th.
services of a high order were held in
Zion (Colborne) Methodist church on
Saoday last in honor of the newsy
oegsnised Bible Blass. The Progres-
sive adult Bible cl•us has been in ex-
istence several months, working and
progressing quietly until last Sunday,
when public recognition was made of
its usefulness and splendid posaibil-
it.ies. The pastor with its ofilciele
made arrangements for thew services
and interest and enthusiasm were
forthcoming. The afternoon service
took the form of a special Bible stud
under the leadership of Rev. A. W.
Brown on Gideon : His Call. Char-
acter, Company, Campaign and Con-
quest. A good congregation was
present. John O. %than sang very
effectively "My Teak." The evening
service was one long to be remem-
bered. From beginning to end it w as
devotional, inspiring and uplifting.
The church was filled with an eager.
reverent congregation. The choir of
the Evangelical church led the singing`
and gave several selection. in splendid
style. Rev. 0. G. Hallman with the
pastor occupied the rostrum. Tbe
congregationie singing of the old
hymns was very effective and admir-
ably toned up the meeting. The
members of the Progressive Bible
claw were happy to see and welcome
the Cheerful Pushers Bible class of
the Evangelical church present. The
former class bad a report give.
by J. Young. Its president, who pre-
sented its history. gr .,• h. tiente and
alma in a neat and he;. ststsene.t.
Harry Farraet *seri 11 by there -
he peen of the
('+ • -, f u [.cher-.
rryall have the epi o non
their esss tary, their go .1 works will
dealedare. 4 et si i . r, l pointed m.i-
drew as "less natures ,.f an ideal
iMhie Mee" wile 1111111verval by Rev. A.
W. Meows. aido. G. Sia.
a • speedo Ir/ of goof Weep pve
hi.w s encouragement
tgae .les of that crow elan 1
that It sissy• surebs they
not bees missed fee meek.
TUESDAY, July 14.
NoTar,—Albs. Rutledge, a Galt, is
visiting wider the parental root
Miss Luella Tlchborwe left for the
West on Tuesday !ocher vacai iou
Percy Jenkins, of Godericb, is epeod-
ing i few days at R. Y. Cox's
Mies Ald• McDonald returned to ltroit on Friday last, after spending
three weeks under the parental roof.
Edward Leggats sad Mies Pet-
tigrew. of Pittsburg. Ps.. Irl for
their bootee the other day after p.od-
ing a couple of weeks with tt eir aunt,
Mrs. John Torrance.
MONDAY, July 'and.
News NOTes. — Miss Jenny John-
stone is spendinga couple of weeks
with her sister, rs. A. D. Culbert.
Mr. and Mn. John Menary are
having a family reunion. all the bard),
being home now except Vlotor Curran.
There is a large quantity of hay
to cut here yet. The quality of the
hay is just grand so far, as we have
had model weather for, haying .
Jas. Culbert and his man, H. Twam-
ley, of Mafeking, helped the former's
father at Crewe to finish haying on
Saturday Berry -picking ie the
order of the day now.
TrIeiDAY, July Lard.
LTHIAN Lcx•AI.N.—Mrs. Dan Mc-
Kegue and family are visiting at the
home of her mother. Mn. McNamara.
Rev. Father Jas. Hogan, of Mer-
lin, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 1Vm. Hogan Mrs. Boden
Rit. hie and two child!~ , of Walker-
vi'I are the guest- • f Mrs. Ellen
It : hie Mies ('i - . Campbell,
e. .mpanled by hri usins. Miss
F -Iyn and Matter Al " hall Lee, of
( 1..•ago. spent last wet,' ith friends
iu Kincardine \l Hannah
ki.•g.n. of Listowel, epent a few days
at her ho m e here. Mrs.
Henderson, of Chicago, visited at Mc.
Lean s last week Miss Willens
Grant, of Detroit, spent afew days the
guest of Mies Bessie Barnty Dr.
and Mrs. J. F MacKenzie and
family, of Detroit, visited friends here
last week.
TUESDAY, July '23rd.
After an illness of three months Thom-
as Woodcock passed away at his resi-
dence here on Tuesday. July 16th. Thea
deceased was the youngest son of Ede
ward Woodcock, of Springfield, W igen,-
Lantaahire, England. He was born
December„ 1tt55, and was educated at
Rc s. -all school, Lancashire.. He came
tr. Canada in 1812, settling first at
H&ysville, and afterwards living at
New Hamburg, Stratford. Dundas,
Wingham and Cap Rouge. Quebec,
finally settling at Westfield, where he
had lived for some yeare. He leaves Dagen le
besides bis widow three daughters :
Emma M. *'C., who married Alfred C. meal
W. Hardisty, of Montreal, now of
Westfield ; 8. L., who married Wil-
liam M. Dawson. of Calgary, now of
Winnipeg. and Josephine M. F., at
home. Mr. Wcodcoek was a man of
sterling character and ot strong opin-
ions. with the ability to give them
effective expression ; he was greatly
interested in all public questions and
war an authority upon all questions
relating to stock -raising and agricul-
ture. He was a member of the Church
of England and took a deep interest in
all its affairs. In politics he was a fer-
vent Liberal. A devoted husband and
father. a good neighbor, generous
and ever ready to assist anyone in time
of need with all the power he posses-
sed. he will be greatly missed in the
home and in the community.
`Dime& A myopiasewe sp l
dsnlsr has said.
"1 1enewer
imia aL oasMrth
ham Heart Dioses with -
est iodine tie kidneys
wereat fault.The Kidney
medicine which weediest es
the mer, most smeo.sr
hJ hr Heart Dismal sad
all Kidney TreeMM., sad
meet widely irritated is
Least►,,STO feet Bread& eSK bet
Nrekese e�S bmagewe admits
L 'tItoserdrai at Britain..Alit. 1
ot land.. Aug. 3s
Ass. 1
ti esr!retYrttaia. Aso D
Sept. 18
1'jebelmaad all information frim any
serswrMsesnt. or J. Kidd. Arrest. 1'
P. R„ OMsrtch, • tot.
Who Reads
This Ad.
Ought to
Gome to
Our Store
This the
Last Week
Of ourGreat
Summer Sale
MONDAY. July 22.
This morning Fred McDonald had a
ewe and two lambskilled by lightning.
Miss Jean McLaren. of Detroit, le
vieiting at the home of Miss Dora
Lucknow has decided to hold
another old ixoys' reunion. probably
In 1914.
J. 0. Anderson. M. P. P.. left today
on an extended business trip through
the West.
Miss Jessie Bennett, of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mee.
C. F. Ric'tardson.
On Lucknow's (-isle holiday over
350 people went up to Kincardine by
special train, and more than six
hundred all told went up during the
Rain fell in Lucknow and vicinity
on Saturday night—a nice. gentle
shower whish lasted till well on in the
morning. About two nod a half
inches was the amount registered.
ago Mrs. Henry Mather@ was puzzled
by the presence of many tame bees in
en upstairs bedroom. Where they
came from and how they got there in
such numbers was a mystery. Later
inveetig*tio.s revealed the fact that a
swarm had taken possession of a
deserted chimney on the house and
were busy building comb and storing
honey for the winter. A little Open-
ing at the pipebole in the ,himsey
let them into the room. They will
boleti in poseession of the chimney
until nest sprin by which time the
honey will probably he pleetitul
enough to pay their rent.
lour PAeatlro Tnaocon.—Loud
screams from threw ladies ahoard a
big touring oar aroused straggler on
the streets of Lucknow to expectations
of a tragedy. Late In the evening
the car came over the hill into
Lucknow from the north like a bullet.
Apparently the driver was not
h .hoar with the place, sod thought
the sheet on which they were
travelling crossed Main street, and
oosaisued directly southward. As •
matter of feet, the ooposite side of
Main street i. a Nock of b.ildags,
and to proceed southward it is
rase Bary first to oak* • Mite jog
westward. But the driver of the ear
railhead this too lata. The msebi.e
shot onward and before the
broke* trek filet 14 strand vrhth(a an
Wei Of 011111111 M plata glom window
That aossmaksd for the screams et ti
To get oat of iii ;
It was neesseary to row
iht lith emir distends doves the sidr
walk. alter while the patty rsI d
awry mer'meld
9edwML tae fast m tM
eseNee woe d take them.
Sere vales BCMMyy et
taas wale. ve owe
as well
are the offerings of th i'
store for the wind-up we, -1,
pass and pass' again and
ittheir return i rare.
Now is the time and
Now the chance of the HOUR
to get some HUGE Bargains
this winding -up week.
The advancing season makes
all Summer goods of less value
to us but increases the purchas-
ing power of your I)oLL:\k
nearly double. The wise will
take advantage of our offerings.
We are not quoting prices
this week, just simply telling
you that if you want bargains
you can find them here all over
the store.
The Last Two Days
Saturday the 27th and Clonday the 29th
will be the last two days of this Great Mid -Summer
Sale and the prices will no doubt make them record
business days. Be sure to get here one of these
days and witness the final wind-up of this big Sale.
We have transferred our businsse to tte
Sovereign Bank building, corner of Colborne
street and tbe i tuare.
Our new store is most complete and up-tc-
date, and, being much larger, enable. us to carry
a heavier stock.
We invite you to call .inti see tee.
No trouble
o .how goods.
W"atchmater.,tnd Jeweller
We have some special
offerings In men's
summer comforts that
are aerially interesting,
because they ale very
uncommon values.
Get a Straw Hat now,
and get it here. You'll
surely be satisfied U you
do, for you will find on
comparison that equal
Qualities at more
elsewherw We have
every Kyle and shape
Ws sell Use hem Salta in
the world fear 7.ti0.
510.00 and 510.110
Mens, stem(wweareiingg
War 0.0.. foangy r 01.111.
Me Roal NS
Sturdy & Co.
The Grown,
On the Square
Having purchased the busi-
ness, formerly conducted by
F. Bestow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lithe, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal. two
lines which are recognised as
the beat. We wish to giv•_
the people of Ooderich and
vicinity the beat service pos-
sible, and shall be glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes'
customer. and any others
who wish anything in our
All orders left with Jae.
Yates, West ertrett, promptly
attended to.
'Phooe N o. 70
Yards at O. T. R., Nelson Street
Let W. R. Pinder know when
you have anything to be done in
Reveatrougbiog Metal Work or
Electric W iring. Estirtstee
furnished and work guaranteed.
W e keep a full line of fixtures,
and supplies on hand and all
such work will receive .)ur
prorttpt and careful attention.
We have a number of first-
class cooking Stoves, the Garnet
Gocd Cheer and tbe Empire
Steel Ranee. Call and see teem.
Repair work of all kinds done
at moderate coat.
Hamilton Street
For the Artistic Furnishing of the Home
Hohmrier has Ibe artistic Furniture, the "classy" Furniture
tbe people of Goderlch and vicinity demand.
Por the Parlor--Heleetad Mahogany Parlor Suite. Parbr t'ah
loran, Music Cabinets Parlor Tables, e Tables and Tray to match.
Fancy Chain and Odd T pieces. These are worth while eeeieg.
Por the Dining Room—Rifting massive Buffets in quarter -cut
Oak. Dieing Table to match. Dining (7bairs upholstered in real
leather. A variety of designs and prices to suit everybody.
For the Living Rome—Fancy Obaira, Rockers, sod a shipment
just received of Jepamee goods that will please your.
For the Drs—Mourne of the most attractive Meese in Weathered
Oak. Whitton and Marty Beglleb that will surety meet with your
Poe the Bedroone—BeauUfol Dree tar%., Stands end Semnos in
MaMg e � . Qw.rterOak arid Royal Oak. PEW M Cir
c.04as 7�ilatit. Psp.Mr 1f.pmMu weed /heft MgltMi any of these'
A geed sas.etste.t of Braes and ito. Media litifiesteees and
Mprkew of eapsrier meant y. to wit overyise y. A pksrtSR to rhos
thine amu,
ready mow d Co
the * variety I sew
A M saw* rif Oar—Ammo and tbodbets. Primo 111111 right
alai; mil ear germ, and the prime sMM . ekes t tap ie
i .es mak the enrt easethg la gurelity and pima
George Hoh/ier