HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-25, Page 1Office Stationery tiow is your supply ly of t trice 8tatbeeWttyr lir og Ia this line The Signal lob Dee artaleot will be glad to rave your order. Oood paper, neat printing, right prices. Telephone SS. Jona. "4\1 FiURTH YEAR -Na 3d13 A TRIALTRIP The Signal for the leilence of therms to new subscribers for only 35 CENTS GODERICH, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1912 ETHE STERLINGBAN1 OF CANADA YOUR FIRST INVESTMENT A savings Bank Account should be your first investment. Your Money is always available beating interest and ab- solutely safe. Whatever other invtsstmenta you contemplate have a savings acooent Gest. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISZET JNS URA NCE and REAL ESTATE Goderich, Ontario OFFICE NEXT TO CANADIAN BANK OE COMMERCE PtiONg 2D P. O. Box 964 (j IIO'RCi TO CREDITORS FOB SALE. pRINCEBS FACE LOTION. A greasy shiny skin is abominable. peat jure ; my Prlooea. Fate Lotus . mem Reales, sunburn. Vteao ; maker e„., ��eqi i skin dm sod healthy ; avec p hotted weather. peed b tliNr• ands ; Maas to stake Send one dollar ttte formula. GED. It THOMAS, telt Wentworth Are., Chicago. ILL • NOTICE Z+0 CREDITORS. s TdC karats or iusaagT>l flummU.T. 1471r or Tam TOWN or ODOR*/Ci, 1x me Come 7 or Hunan. Wusow, ihmaasaa Melte i+ hereby Rive V.•cap.**eai& that all lanae claim the Elisabeth 3a1I.hq� about the llthdaye� mired on ur Mime to send by Dost er iYY�erMMserrrr to sad ethers el the mid '� Os sr I WALL PAPIttt. - 1 91 2 W ALL W [e beery at bend Rem Tor d__ w 1 . ! enW Wall mewls West and have_ y +Mee,. fort a exleeahpe of of i deenee�►7 i� F*• Prloer rpt the said deceased. their ameea, eYreaeaa sett l 1etreet. (rserbbs� A. 81�AZ �Apnt descriptions, the felt pertieslees al their claws. and the nature of tea seeerttlse. H say, held by them. And further take series that after lash Tame iwUoned date the mid w di.tnbuts 11.e soap e[ the pour. enttlid only to the claims d tin. rya Woa nw ler. and that ' we het iahie fur t he said a,...ets sr aa7 lettq Y� person or per. nt s, K whew dela *heel n..have been reared by Mega et tape of - et d etrtbutiOn. !bled tsixteenth . t'HAtllilsow Esiseetees nuhcttorfor Philip Heft IS ti NuT l ( l? To CREDITORS. 1s r e FriArsor WiWam Marina. LATE Or n1 Town ov NAaaaiAT4, 1x Tela Pru.ylnCA or Berrien • foie Masa. Ia cs.sszT. i• hereby dves,/ar'eesattol.(isa0� s.. ee. 5.i. that W meter. sad ethers. hn) g elms aa'alast the estate d the sad V. 111.u, Metier. deceased. wile dW M or a�,T.•. ' hr eke day of Jam. 11114 $Je ot or before the ISta dy of AuAa6�1�� to -mid by post or deliver to ollcit,,r for t hyad eni@hereto, et **sees s[ the .ad decea..ild qm, do.eo 1 .,one. the fall pestle.` ieee sof. and the nature of tie seeerltiM. 1f say, held kg t4Pm Aro farther take natio* mentioned date the Proceed to !list nit rte the among the par1JM eelutlsl - - este only to the claims of PUBLIC NOTICE i REMOVAL OF OA RBAGIE. Pereira deeirous of baring where re• lamed weekly at • meal mit Me requested te kayo their names at the town clerk s Moe. The Mere appiliestiens reghtered means the B.C. MCNNPeis. Chalmette of Public Works ( ommil tee. Meeeed GODERICFI WATER AND LIGHT AUCTION SALES. X/ FORTABLZ NEW FRAME SEMI- VfNelt AND ALL HOUSEHOLD PURNI- RE am Instmetted by Mr. treat Smith, who he MIZ604.6- s.ederkiii. to eon y public !maim at Adlear street Oa Thursday. Aaked:h. seneg tip woe/to:team: plasm, oentahalog 11 PP% ef Te =rits elate to the WI tellenrouiset in ever, way. Meal, MM. el parellialle Orman to be et saki sad goes& to make op live at Maws wfthie tarty days. The bal mai mew fousia on seeetgege to atilt par Mum 'TM ir will be put up for MIS nape railmit. res fereiture. ete.-1 Care- erist meant Pienegairo stool, 1 reeking chairs. I centre table, 1 Kaye lanIP. basket. ,5 books. I ram chair_ Mammon Mains I extensioo table. 1 Misheard, I ward- robe. 1 Pen E Aber molting rime. 1 Reliant tlilib7 beater, small soft opal beater, 1 blahs° rm. .. walnut bureaus, chest dre walnut, *pinning wheel. 2 wawa Mockery. kitchen utensils. genies tookehiM numerous other a rt4clea. 'terms on household huelture, etc.. resit W. F. EIMITH. THOMAS OUNDRY. Propriet or. Anatomist. TILE HIONAL PRINT WO CO.. Ltd.. Pinaaumas Tbe Stedibird Beacon rays of • former node - din .to houee by 111,1004, 14 rkiliM• Postmaster a. M. Key. wbo is deg. recovery and may be ex pecPrir ilitansuleirxt week. Ile will be warmly by the staff end the public. Water rates tor six menthe. ending Decem- , her 314. 1912. are doe, and should be paid In advance. On prompt payment of same during : I this month • reduction ot 10 per cent. will be allowed. All arrears sbould be p•id up during will be deelt with by the connuission. Atten- tion to Oils letter notice will ,ave trouble. in arrests have hem podia by bill. By order. A. 8TRAITON. Water aed Light Collector - time of A It M HELP AND DOMESTIC BiRTANT8. -Peewee requiem farm belp Mel at once to WILLIAM MoQUIL Mrdens. Ont Orders lett with H. D. St Relent, Oat, will receive priomeet a. and kabionilnIng, etc. Firshelass work. Prime debt Have your work done before the rash. A. SNAZEL, Nast street, Ooderich. CD' Why a Real Estate Investment Is So Profitable in WEVZURN Saskatchewan 1011 1913 reieburn's increase in population 1,100 Goderich s increase in population 60 11111-1912 _Nyeyburn's increase in assessment. . Goderich's increase in assessment 8,400 Weybum building permits, 1912, $1,500,000 Theme figures will *bow you why tie investment In Wilbert' is hound to give you lance profile Last Margit we plated 303 lots cre the market at MA meek. We have only a tow MIL Estee, MIMI swat seem We will gnarentes per eget. no MP Mosey If diseatielled with perches. We sell o• am" toeum a V. Campion cf. Company AGENTS WANTED We want • geod man to set ss general meet ler the sale of inaburban Iota : no ex - ,=Ire Insurance *genie, travelling .mile. - Mal We pay our *genus the largest eineededon paid n Canada to our kneel- te• ear easy wayMett plan makes it to mil to nearly everybody ; ao required. but man must have • nt hie community ; gad wens earn IOU weekly. or better ; elmielbe ean make bait Ode ameent ; If me yea OM maks irool, dreg se a nee Oa letter and prtharis CGR.. Wheat et. Toronto- At WARNING On the Maitland bridge Gode- rich, s.re solemn to the effect that any person riding or driv- ing on or over the bridge faster than a walk will be prosecuted. In future this will he strictly enenced, as fast driving on the bridge must stop. WM. LANE, Fly order of the Warden. July 25th. 1912. County Clerk. reroute of the sprouting grain against THE RAIN H1ELPS. an overabundance of moisture was Imote intense) than the later struggle against dry weatber. There is very Httle buckwheat sown in this locality ; 'N it, is on the whole a Isir crop, with AN IMPROVEMENT. the exception of what was sown late. Roots, &specially potatoes, aro an un- favortible crop, but with • sufficient amount of rain may yet do well. Pastures Improved, and Prospects for - Fruit will in all probability be mann this year. Apple. do not look any Root and Other Fodder Crepe Are Much Better - Fee Wheat Turning better than, if as well as, last year. Out Well in Piaces-Heavy Spring dNroo uignhdtlesiatinoonticaLotbiotaiilnurethetroamppeathre. Rains Did More Usmage than Re- anal of tbe stock, &though in the product. of Use milking cow there is cent Drought. AD evident feilure ; both milk and butter fat are lecking. AUCTIONEER CROPS IN THIS DISTRICT SHC. Box C, Gedearlelt Mil lastrootleas email oe left at Signal ell.* will be promptly at trotted to. Resideme Teiesitsone 119. LOST OE FOUND. 1 OST. - ON FRIDAY LAST, ON Britannia road or Tintorie. street, • ear - 'POUND. - ON WILY 18111, BE - r TWEV4 the organ ilootory end G. T. R. land street. . Mat - The Signal bas ,eecured further SITUATIONS VACANT. ports on the crops in this district fro reliable correspondents. Some of t MEACHER W AN (MD. -FOR S. el. freor'erthtses7ithiincfbiliflo'll:fwtbwielr:Mwrifetwtedna rich. Duties to onsuesece asetemen 1st. "Niel afftir8. Apply to JOHN FBAGAN, Carlow, Ont. West Wawanosh. re- Colborne. 1;111 Rena:tiller, July *ZS -The prospects of feed for the coming winter are "`-__ I much improved by the miss we have "ft I had this week. The o•ta, which were the very abort in the !straw, will pick up considerably, the peetures ere better, and roots, wtech were in very poor St. Helens, July 19.• -The want of rain condition, may be a fair crop yet. liay has badly iojured the (-tops in this was about tero-thirds of a crop around neighborhood. Some of the hay Is gooi here ; if anythiog lighter than last and SOME, fl103011t. /I Whirr. Spring ) ear. Fall whoa is turning out A fair great will be very short in the straw. crop. Outside of oats, spring graios Peas look well. Fell wheat -some are too fee advanced to be beneetted good flelds, some very poor. Potatoes b the WO rains and will be rather look well and with showers.will be abate This is a great cherry district. good crop. Riots generally are not tut there has not been • really good very promising. owing to want of rain. crop for three or tom. years. This year Apples are • failure to our locality. there was too much wet, cold weather Pastutes ere drying up badly, which in the bloostoruing season and the yield will aoon tell on the cattle and the but- was very eight. The apple crop ter factories. These remarks refer promisee to be considerably better only to this immediate neighborhood. than last year's, but ie none too guod Other plac.-4 within a few miles have at that, although some orcbarde look had good showere and the spring crops fairly well. look much better on that account. WANeED.-A GOOD GENERAL esevaut for tangly of four, to go to Wia- m▪ ai* all heembeid dude,. Wages lid5 per trieuth. and fere ad% meal. Apply hi person or tw letter to Ilk* WM. 1111. DA Wet/h, ears of • Thee. Weedeesk, Wow field Out. 13-2t. WANTED. -A RELIABLE MAN, with • badness experience among ferm- ent to repeeeent ws in Ilenthweatern Ontario, Permanent petition tor thg right man. FON iltIRLt3 WANCED 'FOR BISCUIT `en sad Cater Factory. light work. Steady e mphsneent- Write fee particams. U. 8. CU ANTED. -A TEACHER FOR S. Wawanosh. e e 8. ho. a, Ashasid; professional prefer- , Westfield, July eird.-The c SIALESLAGT WAN' ED. - WITH MUMMER WANTED. --FOR S. S. teacher preferred. Ant stat.arte ealary and Meentaaloo, to PAUL AEDEL, Secy. Sea miner P. 0. iett WANTED. - A 0000 STRONG ee bey, &eclat 16 or 17 year.. of age. to barn tbe plumbing end meud work. Apply person- alty .to W. 11. PINDER. Hansilum street e4-tf FOR SALE OR TO RUT .HOUSE TO liENT.-ON BROCK 1 "erste; went Mullis. food ealhar,cAstri. / 1 - large veiandah. tor one to nth trom about I home uot far from lake, with lawn and August 5th. Acidrees et oncs ISO% 18. God. - Bch, wit. VOR SALE. -THE HOUSE AND r lot on Pareennon etreet owned and occu- pied by the undersigned te offered for sale. , LorutOrlable cory-ancts half Dame house in good repan ; quarter -acre lot ; good orchard and -Mime. c onvenient to factories and the t+quare. A., a Amick sale i. deeired. terms will be quite reasonable. FRANK A. Rworr. AmomommAiii STEAMBOAT AGENCY J. W. CRAIGIE Agent for STRANER CI TY OF DETROIT II Sesemeh HURON (Star -Cole Line). L'p-town odic* co Squere, next (lit Harbor office west of town fee igbt oMee. Telephones -No 24 end Ne. IM. Perions shipping FREIGHT •It•u Id leave word at up -town Mies. 1 DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION CO. CITY OF DETROITH. FOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays 8.30 a. tn. $3.50 one way $13.00 round trip. FOR DETROIT resturdays, 2.30 p. m. $8.00 one way $5.50 round trip. STAR -COLE LINE STR. HURON Lissom Goderkb via North Channel. Georgian Bey, FOR PORT HURON. DETROIT, Friday et 12 midniebt amend Misname. Detroit, Mket. GODERICH 'BUS LINE Twe 'bean um* an swam eareilel livery =lit all tame. Private salt hem gig? end / Itneesehle prises. Tins DAVIS LIVERY Smith Street No. III Isglief lot one te tM fourth comma Igeld. eseadaina lel acre, The budding!, con- gest'. Western Division of tee townehip of Aah Meted ahem. houee and trims barn. 'Isere 6 : L13111"rar.niroder ch. 1241 I &NOR SALE --PROPERTY BELONG - .11: 1N0 to tee aerie a tite late Mrs. Finlay MacLennan,•Picton street. imemed house west of Alexandre emspitai For terms and further partioalers spell to J. A. MaCidttiN &N. at POR SALIL-Tlik. lUti-AURE FARM A: on the Ith massemon of cotborne, eau Ned by the nemilielleoeu. is-aMeteal for sale. Stildings haled* sterysand-sebale brick house. reibank barn and silo, tee large shed. rything in good order; terse well fenced watered by spring creel. Lama all . loaded down. In every wry me ef Ube best. terms in towns end 1' 1'. P. station. POSIODalos ma be gives in the tali AN WASS' JOHNeTtiN. rop AVO Fooen greatly improved by the race rains. Moat of the hay was in bef the rains and was put in the barns good shape. Fall wheat le mostly and is a „ good crop in this secti The spring grains ebow well, wit good straw, and with the pres VOR SALE.-1Xi ACRES Ote LAND Aehtleid, about li miles wan et Nits. sat nearly ell under cul=es most of lt home wIti atone cellar haves gement Awe. Artedan well et boum. Here MOO wig\ nose foundation; oath and home= Oleo Miser aldince Spring nese meow the Seeds, te good sham Ilmymjahitto NIL Ter fen aeArhe NEIL on the premises. or Mil P. 0. MM. LNOR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE A: dem et yesserty Meted Tisseria sed Apply to 310.8. MIKA IZMILIariellealerk bare thereat. Coald be street. or JA Ell SNIITH. COMM. hitt THE TOWN COUNCIL Londeaboroe July 19th. -The crops in thie section are • good average. The hay on new meadows is good, et, but the old meadows are not ore neerly so Mulkey as should be the case. The alfalfa is up to the average for the first cutting, and the second should be good, as we bed • very nice rain on July tith and also one on July loth. The fell wheat shows good prospect*, as there is en abundeace of straw and an her it seems to be filling well. The barley hie is better than an average crop. The in_ nate that were sown late are very efts short, but the eariy sown are good. The (torn is almost a failure. The the are It a ent weather should fill out better th lest year. Owing te the wet weat in the spring the acreage of corn t year is comparatively small, and stead a good deal of buckwheat sown vrbich in turn isnot looking • too well hut will be improved by rec.en t rai nit Potatoes and roots poor. Small fruits are plentiful, apples- will not be large Pastures stood up well during drought and will now improve, live stock is in good condition. Godench Township. Potter's Hill, July 20. -Crop con- early appiee, but a few winter apples. ditions in this neighberhood are about The potatoes are doing well now. As as follows : Clover on new meadows regards the condition of the stock is fairly good, Mit on older meadows that in grazing, R.130,1004 well up to light ; the crop is barely up to the the present time, but the gram is get - average. Tbere •re some pretty good ting.very much dried up now. How fields of fall wheat. hut others suffered ever,the second crop of clover will help with the late spring frosta, and the but should not be pastured too ehor crop will be light. Oats and barley it a good crop of hay is expected nex will he short in straw but otherwise year. pi °nese well. Corn And toots are beckward, but with favotable weatherl AUCTION SALES. ANONYMOUS COMPLAINT ABOUT PLACING OF THE BANDSTAND. ER SALE. -A BUILDING LOT tto Newest. guest. Ante us F. J. MID- TIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON LA Barna reed, e short distance hose Lowe =rmLet Oletains Op agree With 110011 ARO =AU ?mit - risme teem is geed at my UM. iwoly oftlittra teak.. Ames, irlahing te wpm R RALE -1011 ACRES OF LAND earth of the taws *8 heatesth.. an ender esittratisa wee an is rood Am id :titZralt but mr, „ tuenipe never came up till they had t e been sown nearly three week.. The and fruit in this pectic.° is very scarce. A few cherries ; no plums ; about half a crop of raspberries, black currants end gooseberries; no pears; scarcely any maogolds that were sown before the wet weather pet in are good. but those sown afterwards are a failure. The Menesetung Canoe Club Asks Grant for Regatta -New Sewer Projects -Delegates Appointed to Firemen's Convention at St. Marys -Other Business at Regular Meeting of the Town Fathers. ith the exception of Counciller Humber all the members were present at the regular meeting of the town conned on Friday evening. After the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted a communication from the Aesociation of Canadian Municipalitie. regarding the annual meeting to tie held at Windom. and the town's inemhershio fee of $15.00 was reed and filed. A communication in reference to ea fire alarm system suggested ehat representettive be appointed to Attend. the firemen's convention to be held in August at St. Marys, where there will be an extensive exhibit of fire -fighting apparatus and models. The chairman of the fire committee and the fire chief were appointed as delegates. An anonymous communication cotoplaiued that the bandstand Ind never been placed on certain corners nor in Harbor Park. This apparent oversight was explained by the fact that it would cost too much to make electric light connection's at these nitelThe special couitnietee was l.tructed tame whet could be done in reference to the matter. A request from t he Goderich Musical Society for the usual grant ot $300 was referred to tee fin -earn commiuee. %long the north side of Harbor hill, signed by one hundred or more men employed at tbe dock. was referred to the public works committee. Tbe Menesetung Canoe Club's re- quest for a grant of 150 towards de- fraying the expenses of a regatta pro- posed to be held on civic holiday was referred to the finance committee. Capt. Babb complained that refuse was being dumped near the Ocean House and that the roadway down the , ' hill was in bad condition. The clerk i'ee wan intructed to request the C. P. R. to put their portion of the rend in good condition. •Ws.'" A. letter from the Lock Joint Pipe . Co., enclosing an order frotu tbe Tar- • ethic Paving & Construction Co., for the town to pay to the Lock Joint Co. the amount of their account out of , moneys held hy the town. wee read and filed. Reeve Runnings reported that he bad gone over the ordeal and that the contract was completed ex- cept for several minor items fully covered by the permanent guerantee. The report of the finance committee, recoutmending payment of the foe lowieg Fe -counts, was received and passed : R. McLean, rent in full for camp property, $425 ; D. Millar & Son, linoleum, $13.44 ; Goderich Coal Co., We Siali.eLgeritl. thist letM ir sarleast dell sauna Met BOARDEINE heels. sieves to the lake ve sad were scarce and there are few pears. THUIO,DAY, Auguet lith.- Auction ode of Plums &Riese to be more plentiful.but the household° furnitnre of Frank Smith. 911.10 ; H. T. Edwards. supplies. $13.- , i whete not spiayed they are badly N..tirkr."reete•Iieo :trocitbili7"ietaicnge ..1111:irt: 35; bleo. Beacon', snow -plowing. $513.- e ,, stung. The eft ly varieties of apples offered for sale. TDOMAIN 411.7171,KI, allet.1011- 90; Geo. Porter, office supplies, $2.30; t -,1 late varieties are not so heavy as was C. P. R., telegram., 75c ; 0. N. W ., e - telegrams, 111.1118: Signal Printing Co., seem to he • full crop, but Rome of the vet.. expected, on account of the heavy $15.16; John Oke, gravel, $3.70: Bell Telephone Co., treasurer'. •phone, 1116. - weather followed hy the drought. On I ebb. to Mr. snd lint Chae. Whyard. A 25, and Chas Bates"phone, 115.00; Jas. weather from now on there may be • Thomas. lunch for military bands, $3.- J. J. awl Mr.. Durreet • sion. 11. to Rev. ..)0. No action was neeessai y in refer- ence to payment of eoupons on 0. W. up to the average, hut tbe pastures now need mote moisture. DIED. Misfiled, Ctil28INS. - In Gederich. op Friday. July 19th. Mama Cogan,. In him WO year. Crewe, lull- -42..1.-T bin Section of M J Uttit Annkl- ndall"hterba theWledate Joahn ware Mitensediabse atrailtelSetie 111&1111.6" country is ft eased with a good hay Matongall. in beruAth year. crop this season, but at, is usual every yesu some are eamplainiug of old meadows being light. Clover with good, particularly the alsike, which was a full crop. The fall whent ap- pears to be about an average crop. straw is cleen and bright, littes or no rust ; consequently we are look- ing for a good sample. The late sown spring grains tee not looking well at preaset. the wet weather in the after part of seedine Red the bot dry spell being the chief camel. Many low placer are a cemplete blank, having been drowned out with ponds of water. Tee pea crop fared the worst with the wet soil. We had a grand shower MI rain on Seturday night, laeting most of the night. Most of the farmers Isere were pleased with the 'muses* quantity of bloom on the apple trees in the spring, hut the hot and dry spell has left the greatest pert ot the small apples on the ground. We must look to tbe bright aide : perheps Sete urday night's rain may the little apples that are left on the trees and vitae them big ones, unless they am set or stunted with the beat. It is a little early to say much regarding the root crop yet.. The shortage in straw will bap to raise the price of hay. Kingebridge, July 22nd. -Although tbe eandition of the crops in the vieinity of Kingsteidge le by no means up to the OPPDAI st audited. they (.0'M hardly be tanned a failure. The outlook for winter fodder le promising enough for ewe farmers. es tiat hay in general is quite • fele one (some esoeptionalty good trope. The supply of 'trim will in most came fermis& irefSeireet fodder for the stock this winter. The barley and bete are both light, seperiaily the foresee. Rome very good rwopa of oath See tO he Mee In the locality. hat like the barley tbey are far tb. soot part ea unfavorable erop. Where there is poor drainers the crops seem to have suffered most Cremnotattoes le this locality go to prove that twee yet it is the wet seesaws rather thee tie drought wItiolt wetted aunt to tbe farmers. Oe Lied where drainage areas is good the grope are u_. • smear Mr tad Mrs. try far the ea* tavanibis. Ito early w• A•• 6111.0.610 PERSONAL MENI ION. Wm. MoCresith took • few .1-i) otf the Peat week. Awl visited ht. *on, H. a i At Toronto. Mrs. Miller and two children and her sister. Mies Magma McIver. of Detroit. are home on Mr. end )A F red Munroe and their daugh- ter Joon. ot foronto. were •IsIton at Mr. Munroe', oid most here Lae wash. Mr. Mon ree rammed to the My on Wednesday, while Ids wife and daegliter ate extending their rbdt to Saturday. Mee. . McLachlan end Side Madeline 3dc Ludlam. el Toronto, were geese at tee home of C. 0. Newton over the week -end. Miss May Cbamber*. of Port Heron. Le viad- lalf at the hem* a her aunt. msg. Wed street - Of bite 17W091 He le 17."1Wegy:reemmirs. yhia.11 riendHlek, of"To:14.:e...betheYeelgi0tip on elatarday aod vont tew days with their "184.Mr. mindbimMrs. Geo. Munroe and Mester George, of Stretford, and Mrs. Cherie* Man- Tos And daughter Marjorie, of Wreaths.. ere tweets ot Mr. and Mrs. Jam Storey. Mrs. Oman MeNtrvie_ eat _ daeghter Myra. ef tows. An visite* Km. lasNievle's ulster, MIA Savage. at LXISSAISSO. Rev. Ate& Mae sed age. of Wirtio Fruit Illoster. of Ohmura Oelloideld Isimendlen • how gem at Mews. Illnewse. et :Esse. C.. Isidirebtr Mrs. Tall amemes. . sad Mira J. se their yramed se ameeldiv=r11= hems Dr. and MIrs. TureAlp Wet: wet ea et OM tif writ *OOVIPOOOPSIEOLAI4a Meese Is Mat Seeker Grew sad Itoesethe leit tress Ter sem her *visa at the Miss Pah heed sameneesi hew • rim te Mit S. E. Ry. deMnturee provision baying been tare y made. Mr. Packwtiod having pai *125 for lot 31, Reed's sur- vey, a deed was made out. Perm i talon was requested to examine more perti- culerly the strip required by the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Payment, of $2150 to the Goderich public library on 1912 grant was The report of the public works com- mittee sbowed that the tenders re- ceived for the installation of the local improvement sewers ran tom 48c. to 85c. on Park street, from 73c. to 76c. on Bayfieid road and from 87c. to 12,. on Keays street. It war' rec.' 11: - mended that the work be d one by y labor, men on top to be paid $1.75 De' day, the inspector and those laying pipe 1112.00. It was Income; ended that another carload of sewer pipe he ordered. the price to be tbe same as last year. and tbat the advisability a constructing ie sewer on the Baybeld road from Ragtag to Baldwi n oda eet on the initiative plan be referred to the engineer to report. Ccmditions Keep' street call for the construction of a sewer at the earliest opportunity &lid orders were given to get the work under way at Dan McLeod, wbo was present, claimed that the lot mold by the town te Mr. Packwood WAS morally o weird by big wife, the being • eangh ter of the Vernier owner. The old man's fun- eral expenses were paid by Lein Me - Lend and he thouehe that he should kayo mine claim on the property. He requested. if there was any mon ey kit over after 'the tows deducted its share from the proceeds of the sale of the property. that it be plod so bite or bet wife. Hintr's This? We Miler Ows Mundrell Dime new re ler Estastip to tutstietest maws to sewed by We ham luwevor. .1 Ma estrZerie pt. Mit Mt kb. by god Rare Reimlais Par math* ; our Swift