HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-18, Page 8•
eimosuit, J of r 1$, )Mr
opyribht Books
The following Copyright
Hooke, regularly published at
El 'L3 And 111l.50, special toe one
week, $l 00.
"The Common Law,' by Chew -
"Fenger of the Kootenay,". by
"Life Everlettina." by Marie
"Mary Mldthorne," by Geo. Barr
"Forth Watch." by Cody.
"The Danger Mark.' by Cham -
'.Kennedy Square."'by F. Bop-
kineoo Smith.
Reprints, S0c
The following Reprints. epee-
ist, 50c.
"The Shuttle," "Bob, Sou of
Battle," "Freckles," "Inner
/shrine," ,.Peter." "Goose Girl,"
"Music Memel,' and several
others, r,fe.
The Colonia ink Store
0E0 PORTER. Prop.
'Phone 100 Goderich
Maple Leaf Grocery
for Saturday
California Peaches
California Plume
Ol)lifornla Pears
Red Raspberries
Black Currants
Red Currants
White currant..
Oteen Petal
t :sissy
• Beams
Beets -
Cart ots
Uuletnin', Choice Banes and
Bacon ; Also Cooked Meets
The hent that can be had
'Phone 52 Hamilton St.
l.--aolh, 570 fest breadth. G3 ;i feet
Tomtit. 16.MOO
Wireless d S.boarsoaSalamis
bake Manl•ol,•
ICmp.ts of Hl ltAla
Lake Uhuuplain
1'a.pred. of Ireland..
lease Manitoba
I:n.pre.. of Hnt•in.
1:inpreen of Ireland
lake Manitoba.'
Kmpre.s of Britain
July I6
July 24
Aug. 1
Ang. N
Aug. t,
Aug. in
Atilt. Y•
Sept. 6
Sept 12
Rept. le
Tickets and all informant ion hen ay
.tc.,n.hip agent, or J. Kidd. .Agent. ('
I'. It.. (Iode.tch, ant
Say that to
grocer -man, and
more value than
you got
10 (_
At Pant Farm.
An Inds during the week: 'Mn.
Blake Duncan. Misses Sybil and Isobel
sold Master Ted Duncan, Mr. and Mrs,
Sibbltt, Miss Sibbitt, Mrs.' B. C'. Ball,
Mrs. George D. Heyd, Miss Constance
B. He d, A. Maloneyy, all of Brant-
ford ; Miss Graham. Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. Bisbopp, Fred McLaughlin, all of
Toronto ; Mrs. H. M. Hawley. Mre.
Wm. T. Radcliffe. Frederick H. Knox,
Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Ferry, N. 8. Ferry.
Matter Seneca T. Ferry, all of
jr.,)et.roit ; Misr Marie Smith, Uobourg;
Mr. and Mis. F. Crai ie. A. F. Sturdy,
W. P. Abell. J. W. Craigie, all of
Goderich ; Mie W. M. Deists, Mr. 0.
W. Busses[. Washington, D. C. ; Mre.
J. U. Nettlevhip. Mire Margaret Nettie -
ship, Miss Caroline Nettleehip, of St.
Louie; Mo.: W. A. Cantelon, Van;
couver, B. 1). ; Mrs. H. B. Ault, Harry
lee Ault, Eleanor Ault, Chicago. 1U.
The Baptist church picnic was held
at the Point Fern on Saturday last.
The picnickers had a good uwe, a
baseball game being apart of the pro-
A team from Menesetung Park will
play the Point Fsrni guests at base -
hall on Friday afternoon and at tennis
the same evening. Later on a similar
contest may be Arranged with the
Hotel Sunset people. Manager Gold-
thorpe is prepared to back the Point
Farm players against anything in
A party of young people from town
had a good time at Point Farm on
Thursday last The party consisted of
Muses L. Gibson, Ila Allen. Mabel
Doty, Josie Saunders, Alix Saunders.
lie* Pridham, Grace Warnock and
Agnes Hamilton, and Messrs. M. A.
Pearson, 0. h Burdette, J. M. Roberts,
Chester Elliott and John C. Elliott.
Want the Foreign Flavor.
• Ripley Express.
Farmers are buying buttermilk over
the liar in Ripley at 5 cents a glees.
while at home they can have barrels
of it for nothing.
r,N 1111
I No matter hove good ' 1
it is. and how care-
fully used, your
watch needs cleaning
Once every) eighteen
months. This ensures
good service a n d
I prevents wear. Let
tie clean your watch.
Our work is fully
guarspteed. Satis-
faction guaranteed
in all nur work ems I/
W.H. Harrison
1'renscone will he one of the greatest reiiway
reel re, of the West. The Grand Trunk Pacific ha.
Targe *bops located there, the Canadian Penile
Railway bar established immense freight tan!*, and
11 has been pereistontly rumored that the Canadian
Northern Railway will move their entire shops from
Fort Rouge to Trenacona.
Traneoona'e futon as a manufacturing
well dearallwa centre. is assured. and several large
Ind..at.iee are already established, requiring a large
nr.nitwr of men.
seamy times over in the next two years. and there
ire big proMta for the investor who buys tnday.
We have a number of lots to sell et 1\-anrona
and offer them on very sdvantsger•ueterms to Dods
rieh purrhasere.
Write inn :.nr booklet.
Tt awuroes
scot[, Hill do Co.
V Canelo Life Building
which tells al! about
J. T. Goldthorpe
Ageat In 0001111liOR
Rural Telephnse A r d
w+hni.Q e:-Papila Retorters' Him at
Sipper cad Make Presentations.
Dr, )lr 1. Strang, who with his
daughter Misr Grace Strang is tour-
ouring the West, was handsomely enter-
ntertuned at Winnipeg by the old boys
rod girls Lit Oodericb Collegiate In-
stitute resideotin that city. A sinner
in horror of the Doctor was held last
Thursday eseoing at the lirsn e
hotel, with forty persons in atteod-
anoe. J. Maher. K. U.. a roommate
of Dr.Straog's at Tomato University,
presided. In the Conies of the even-
ing a gold -headed cane and a puree of
gold were presented to the Doctor, Ude
former by Lorne Elliott and the latter
by Frank Munro. Miss Strang was
permeated with a handsome l.ouquet of
red roses, on behalf of the company,
by Mrs.3Percy Andrews. Addresses
paying tribute to the Doctor's
character and worth were given by
anumber of those prevent, Including
Claude Fisher and W. McBride, the
latter a former teacher in the school
hese under Ur. Strang. Letters of
regret were read from several of the
"old boys" who were unable to be
present. Dr. Quest and Mrs. Stull
sang bolas. Tho evening was con-
cluded with thestnging of "Auld Lang
Syne" and the National Anthem.
Among those present were Dr. and
Mrs. M. Blake. Mr. and Mn. Percy
Andrews, Mr. and Miss Johnston, H.
and Mle. Z Wbyaid, Mr. and Mrs.
Soe11, Mrs. Joe. Merritt, Lorne Elliott,
Miss R,ta Elliott. Frank Turner. U.
Mclvor, (Maude iFisber, Mr. and Mrs.
W. McBride, H. Benson Guest Of
Montreal), Frauk Munro, Mrs. D. A.
Creator (of Owen Sound).
The following telegram was sent to
Mn. Strang at Goderich :
"Lir. litreng'e ex -pupils and other
friends assembled ata iuncheuo in hie
honor tonight send greetings and best
wishes ane trust that your Life's even-
ing together way be prolonged and
bappy. McBride, Elliott, Munro.
Blake and Meteor."
The results of the final examinations
of the Provincial normal schools were
published last week. 'Among the nuc-
cesstui candidates weir the following
from Huron county :
Emma Phillip., Londesboro'.
Winnifted Stewart, Wingham.
Catharine Brock, W ingbaun.
Margaret Garvey, Kingsbridge.
Mayne Keyes, Varna.
Jos. 1'. Anderson, Seaforth.
l'honias Armstrong, Brussels.
Pearl A. Ashton, Fur¢wich.
Ida H. Barkley, Dungannon.
Alex. E. Barnby, Lothian.
Bette E. (lark, Oudencn.
Beatrice M. Ourne, Brussels.
H. Earl Elliott, Godericb.
John Stanley Elliott, N'ingbatn.
Elliott Fairbairn, Hensel!.
Helen Urieve, Sealortb.
Ada L. Heioes, Winghaw.
Florence M. Imlay, W ingbaw.
John E. Jackson, Auburn.
Mddrsd L. Jewett, Bluevale..
Margaret Helen LaiUlaw, Henfry D.
John A. L'iekbart, Lucknow.
Alma J. McPhereou, Exeter.
Ida M. Marchand, Exeter.
Grace L. Robb, Brussels.
Greta G. Rose, Seaforth.
Leonard Smillie, Brucetteid.
France M. Spence, Neworldge.
Idllian,.P. Stewart, Seritorth.
Edos $. Staling, Drysdale.
Florence A. Thompson, Seafortb.
Chas. Tune', Bluevale.
Huron County List.
Following is the 'complete list of
Huron county candidates who passed
the lower school examination for en-
•,ranoe to the normal schools and
faculties Of education :
E. Beacom (hon.), P. Bro.. n, L. W.
Bower, T. el. Ballantyne, W. T. Bolt,
M. F. Carling, B. (Jere, O. P. Cowan
(bon.), L O. Currie, J. M. Cubs, M. E.
Clarke, E. 8. Copeland, J. 0. Davis,
M. R. Dunt, M. lhrrance, D. Dickson
(hon.), L Elliott, W. H. Forrest, E.
Gray (bon.), E. I. Oreig, M. M. Gib-
son. M. E. Hanlue, H. Hallman, (.
Holmes, E. Jewel, H. E. Jackson, J.
Johnston, M. U. Johnston. J. E. Kelly,
J. W. Kehl. M. E. Kennedy, H. M.
Lowry, A. M. Lauusborough, H. Mac-
arthur, M. McGowan, W. McGregor
(hon.), A. M. Morgan, 0. 0. MacEwen,
J. McKenzie, 8. J. McCloy, U. McKay,
W. A. hickey (bon.), U. 0. Martin,
H. G. McKercher, el. Petty(hon.), E.
Pollock, E. L Peed, J. V. Ross, K.
Reid, M. Rgerson, J. Robb (bon.), A.
0. Rantoul, F. A. Smith (bon.), 0.
Sherriff, E. Sanderson, W. E. Turn-
bull, F. L. Triebner, K. Wilton, W.
Walker, R. H. Woof, A. Woods, K.
Wellwood, M. M. Wllliamsun, M. M.
Tb. eeaaaeweat is announced et Mies Chris -
teas ]rat s, ei teen. to Mr. Allan J. WM-
sup. M A.. of ltiiwoutoo. Alta. The marriage
is to take Woolly In Auras',
Mir !!sats (.'Yre11 has returned W Termite
after • two weeta' visit in Lona She was as
osnip a ni by her si •Lir, Mir Must. who le
taking • VoeitM. in Tomato.
Mfr a Hlnteg. or Leaden. was (Jetsam of
Mw Alma Oeisfaorpe for the week -oil.
Misses Do stye sod Marjorie Dsugell, of Mt.
Themaa, are Wilbur Mir Laura Prim.
trtfr Uaedenee L. Teasel left es Tessier
alums= tot uaQp extended ltkp t►.
!elands. via &Was and the1 it. YIp
will extend over roma, ay slay[
Mentes. Inas Teasel wW RReme�st[
Dor renals. Lk. Pssitwued, of MOOR1•arrss.
Jona McAuley, • former lioderbb My sew
of !..trait. V spoiling it martian cif Ida ho
ix town. de G furwnan 1n • dopartmeal ttf t
Ford Motes Car Oa
Mr. and Mrs. Pats Lek Lye cad two seas
((( aearraeees or Detroit, and Mier OrmeOso s{rof Leu se. are visiting Mn. Lyon.
Will Aleeoe sad daughter Helen, of Toronto,
vteitM the ferfer'. father. William Aldous,
limos read.
Alm too and daugtirs, Det
.the sad Py 1! tnw
Prt. are epsadteg it
few IMO at Jobubow nrto's old bohen.
vii a Miss T.wanVostokT. H. ltoth. of Vostok are
Mfr svaim Fraser. of Walkers site, M .peed
lag ha v.Nim at her toms.
Mrs. CWltle ut Bradford. Pa. arrived to
Trent es • viki to her sister, Mrs. J. C. Mr -
Amiss= street. elhe will remain for awe
Mfr Edea Dwyers and battiw,Orvtl, of
15. g. a had bogies .Tarr. it�hkss ar
w gear et Mr► !L J _ a]sltes
matardgy. They were is
linea and loamy Frr.
deft Soars.. setae 0 T. R. IttlIlona vie
tied t s maim
spd Berlin over fps for
Port diedi i/ re expect. to ea Wednesday m Yisrday
Nd1 McAmiey. el Detrolt.wbo had bees visit -
ins lereturned home on the eteMaer
City d Ink[ sa Saturday.
Mia J. llsllatb, formerly of the Huron
road. kms moved into Johu Edwards house,
Brtanale reed.
J. W. Crslgh was in Buffalo fora few days
the. week.
Harry !snod left today on a visit to MontreeL
Mrs. J. =MR and daughter, Leona, are via
icing Yrs. KIltot,es mother at Wtognam. who
bas:hoe. UL
He of Edmonton. Alta., tormerly
a000nnot of the Starting Beak Gere, M v Ws;
Ina friend* is !awn. Mr. Henry Ir now with
the Serums Lvestment Ageneses, Limited,
in the Alberta capful-
apfulMr. Lid Mrs. li W. Heid and daughter Elva•
of Brooklyn. are visitor Mrs. Held's parents.
Steed Ara A. Farrow.
' Yr. Mabee hes returned from his trip up the
lakes. }Rs nephew, Donated Mabee. who ao-
oowpeeled huu en the triµ returned to town
with him and Ls',pending • few days here.
Jack Page of the Western Canada }lour
MILL cine. at 'forw.to, u home mending he
Mir Memo* D.:Loog visited her sister.
lora David Bel, at .Stratford the weal
Mrs. Moog and Miss Kate Strang are boll-
dayles at Hamad .. Mmamma.
Mir Mabe Strang left today to visit frauds
et Uweu Mound.
W. A. Cenaloe. barrister, of Vancouver.
B. C.. w W spent a portion of last week on legal
Magmas in Tweaks. 0' now rocewlog cad se-
madotaness ld Uuderich.
Mae %Alward and daughter. Mrs. Cornell,
lett Ma l'burcday to vett the formers son.,
Cantles ane Joseph. at Vancouver.
Mr. and lora W. Reynold.. et Leeds. N. D.,
are taking • telp torougb wz Lake., and en-
wppjoyinghas beautiful sorcery. Ara
hMis dodtuish. wits the gear[ er
Mrs. A- L. tlel-n. and tot. us W
for 'knotted. wham she would meet Mr. itey-
bolds, who spout a few days W101 Mr mother
m Barrtstea.
Mr. and Mrs John Haley have taken up
their rrdd000e is the Queen City.
-lora Frank 'dodgems and daughter. Mies
Duns, see itu deyim w ru ootu.
Mrs. Wm. Abell and children am visiting Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Vaasa at their summer rein
et Waage age Host. •
Mrs. 0. W. ltursart and Mier Myrtle Dash.
of Washington. U. u., are visiting at the hose
of the former. mother, Mrs. J.s. Cretgi0.
William street.
Miss Una Msodonald. of Toronto, is visiting
at the home of Mrs. K. Campbell. Victoria
Kies Rose Harris, of Calgary, is speeding
two wows with her eater. Mrs. Harry rtuteon.
Mira Mollie Neville, of Detroit, a spending
her vacation at the nems of her parents, Mr.
a.d MK D. J. N evtM., Wili.m sane[..
Orvil end Orton Derain. of Spalding. Rask-.
are ...pending boIdage et their buu.e is A.h-
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McLean left on Satur-
day last for r two sroulhs tour of we West,
they west to Port Mui 1ooII. wnerr they toss
boat Ur hurt Arthur. they will gu t0 Vaa-
oouvr and eat eke v...t Mr,. MoLean's
brother In New Virginia California.
Mise Margaret Moirone. of Woodstock, who
M vi.iti,yt. In Uudecesh, spent tart Lit last week
with 1, lenue near Duugsu.n,n.
John Wurener nes nab Lowrie, of Sarnia.
are spoudu.g nohdays viYung the tormer's
brother. This Warreset, of Uudericn, ane els0
his parents and brother .a Clinton.
Mares Ooveuluck, of Seaforth, 1. the guest of
Mfr. Amore Hawutoo.
Mrs. Booketep left on Tuesday for Harlin •
where she win resinous fur a Uwe.
Mir. Jessie MoMuroble 14 home from New
Yuri for her va inns.
Mr. std Mrs Chea W. Doty and Maar
DusglW returnee lest week from a hulfdey
MM. of two weeks at vrakTLLN and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. LOOM Foley, who bad been
vtAUng their r_iSUtsn ken returned un R.4
urday to war moo 1a Uaa.•g.r.
Mir Nora Alexander. daughter of 14ofeeeor
Alexander et favour University, wee Mating
bar frlead Mise Uwe Meager uurt.g the week
Mies dram Brawn hoe reiturooi to Detroit
attar rioting her lathes. Om. A. H. own.
Mir Tnmambanwr. a Beifogbam. Hua d
Weenlimten, a slater et J. 11. trwt•obamser.
the weli-tI.ewa uaetelleter. wail a vl.itor b
awe the part week. Mies L' usoauaaaser war
r'etsroaag from KureM savaag spent two Isere
fa lie,maay end Itaq staming art. she le •
lsetsrsr sa . rt in tad MI', Cray of Wantons -
GO ie aa ea sgtrie5$ se the .rt Of
iibss 1MtsaaYessss• ems it modem d ht.
Mester tallsgleu t Was
dlsysot x J.
ago milie Item trmeTim's n�rt mddr mod un Knoxla
rK Meda rtbsM, gl'we • very mune-
hog Wk.
Ur. end Mrs. Aldaudsr said dasgbar. d
MUverwssd, lobs. e. Karam. the i +tme Elgin
Amaseses crow. are. A. J.
In the examination lien of the Tor-
onto College of Music are the nausea of
come Goderich mitre students. Reg-
inald Blackstone takes honors in sen-
ior tint piano, flrst-clam honors In
Art written harmony and in lint hie -
tory. Miss Alma Sturdy [eaten honors
in Rant year piano .add passes in ernior
rudimenta. Miss Hilared McColl is
euooessful in the first vocal et audio -
Rosie pupils of St. Joseph's convent,
Godseleb. as follow.. were .uceeaml ul in
the rennet examinatiuor io'emcee don
with the Weste.n University. Lon-
don :
Piano, grade 8, peas - P. Fraser, E.
Halliday, K. Spahr.
Grade 2, first-class honors -H. Car-
ey. Honore -M. Kelly.
Harssoey, grade 4. peat -N. Hurley.
Theory, Krads 7f, paw -lit. Spabr.
HOT. T. Mt. aM Ms Arun at Met-
atenter. Joy Rh. a easgaset tide
to At Almond's heapltai. oodsrb` en
. Jule lith. le err sed R f. 1.
VUkIssioset. so Meador
JoyO1JorAllot ti 8.. mne . f
TSisste e n i1j6::24
JHper Laos NavytatiM-C. P. K .... i
fhres M sarr - Prvdlse. Bays t 8IH.s .. 1
What. We !Jab Wier Tin -Mast .a a Gee
us'aet.'. tfrt Bmrsme essisge-{;ele sal
Mmsiser U.0 sltaMtsse ... .-- ....
W sears Far A.l�ti(M.a.��s, Rssasrq...
ms .
I alarYear casabas lineae! IraM#-
tem . .. a
Presesq ter dale J. A Its -I.- ..... . I
lesum les -A. U. Blast.... ... .... ...... .
Nudes le (teepee -lime. persue-. 1
A PreeeelNed eatoe0-J. Y. (steres e
M1dwr.er Sale- w, Assess@ t M
Year Weft 8nee. Oameis s- W. a Mane
Nerles M evsdlesr.. pia leer,.. 1
gaits be Tose driller Mr 4Lta a-bsarea $
Tee and Gerd.. Play- Wed'oa'S Od'Y 0
k Xcame
Teaches wanes -a IL Nott AusW.... i
Merge lar ads -A.T./mow» 1
OM WaitedIdlesiler t
55.4.. - Metre Dreg Seem 1
Notes@ i�yetiwsr..,.. ... 1
mars* Wasuee- w. lawmen t sm . 1
elm-- - aerie -.11. w. CMOs .. .. .. I
A =tont a Lew tMw-Ties MCAtbes
pi, w JW M lSimEa Mrersaseh
r . emie
Here is one of the most interesting of the July Sale
news items. For three weeks, commencing aturdlay,
July 2oth, we will make Skirts to your order for only
$1.49. Thin offer is made possible by an arrangement with
a skirt specialist who wishes to keep his operators busy
during the dull season. The Skirts will be made in any
one of four styles of which we will show you sample
garments. All will be tailor-made and finished in first-
class style. We guarantee the workmanship and fit of
the garments and can confidently recommend them in
every way. There are only two conditions attached to
this offering :
First :-The material must be bought here.
Second :- rhe price must be 50c per yard or over.
If you want an odd skirt, this is a splendid oppor-
tunity to get it at a saving. The styles we show are four
of the leading ones for early fall wear and are adapted to
almost any material. Come and get full particulars at
the dress goods counter Saturday or next $149e
week. Skirts.made to order for
This is one of four
styles skirts are
made in.
All over the store the July Sale is in evidence and stocks are quickly
brought to the proper level. Here are some more of the good things.
Li dies' Umbrellas $1.08
L.dier' Umbrellas, top of high - grade
Austrian glue's silk, strong frame, splendid
assortment of new handles, regular
61.60 quality. July Sale Special, $1
Saving Prices on Fancy Parasols
Fancy Parasols. all to he cleared at once.
About liftmen left to sell, ranging in price
from $1.115 to 23.50, each and all
specially reduced for July selling. See
them in the window on Saturday.
New Tailored Waists
Just received a shipment of ladies' white
Tailored Waists. This is one of the early
tall styles delivered ahead of time, Rest,
well made and attractive. s1 s('etV
Special C
New Flannel Waistings
Just opened up this week a shipment of
French Flannels. Designs and qualities
suitable for fancy waists or the new blazer
coats, which are baying a big sale in the
United Stater. All pure wuol, new
and tasty designs. Per yard, only
25c Indian Head 20c
This is the standard 'L,c Indian Head
Suiting. Two pincer just received, Lull
width, fine fltisb and round even 20e
thread. Our July Sale price per yard, �/
Silk Ankle Hose in White
Just received a shipment of ladies' white
Hose, Ila!, thread top, silk ankle and
double ssan•lese sole end heel, very scarce
goods and extra quality. Special o(kC
per pair anJ
Long Lisle Gloves 25‘
Ladies long Tan Gloves, lisle thread, in
Lao only, bnght finish. Special per 25
Long White Gloves 35c
Ladies' White. Lisle !'bread Gloves,
brilliant finish, an extra strong, durable
Glove, regular 50e. For July Rale,
per pair ....
Our Ureat $1.00 Glove
Our long Silk Glove a1 61.00 and 11.25 is
unquestionably the best value we have seer
offered. They are extra quality silk.
guaranteed double Anger -tips, 16 and 2D -
button length. At per pair, $1,20
$1.00 and
25 Samples of
White Underwear
Saturday morning we will have a special
table of Sample Underwear. On it will be
about LweLty-Ave high-grade garments-
Drawan. Skirts and Gowns, This is a speelal
little lot of samples, representing ease of
the best and highest -class lines made by one
of the hest Canadian factories. They are
heautitul garments, better by far than we
usually carry. We offer you your choir* of
the twenty -hoe at prices that are practically
if you watt a piece of dainty Underwear.
ens. only Saturday adorning for the Ant
Lick of thew choice garments.
Clearing the Suits
We want to take a clean sweep of the tailor-
s made Saila There are still in stock Nei - r twelve
extra gond garments. We have divided them up
intn two lots for easy selling.
Lot No. 1 -Choice 514.85
This lot is Bade up or our regular $2n.00
to x(16 Silts. They Dome he blank and
saMI are tae beet garments we have
10..Is i [bis emeses. Aix nr eight $14.85
to molest filum. Oboists of the lot,
Suits -Continued
Lot No. • 2 -Choice 57.75
Ten Suits in this lot. blacks, blues and
one brown, well-n-ade, stylish garments.
regular up to $1500. Choice $7075
for July Sala.... ......
Clearing the
Ready -Made Coats
Just six or eight Ready-made Coate left to sell.
part colored and part brig black. in the lot tw
or three extra handsome long black Coats. The
whole lot offered at good substantial reductions u,
order to .leer all before the July Sale is over.
Short Coats 53.45
Six or eight Short Costs, splendid little
garments for ordinary wear, regular valuer,
end otigioal prices. up to $10.00.
BNek or fawn. Clearing for July. e45
Towels 10c
One hundred Huck -a -back Towels, 'Tien
did drying Towels, red border. Clearing 1 OC
July Sale at each, only
Bath Towels, 2 for 25c
Fifty Bath Towel., heavy weight. fancy
stripe, very absorbent- July Sale, 25C
4 for ... .. .... ..............._ . .
A (ireat Clearance
of Ginghams
900 yards at 1Oc per yard
Saturday mot nidg we put on Wile nine
hundred yards of genuine imported fancy
striped Oinpheme. These are extra fine
quality, colors Net, patterns suitable for
waists., children'r dresses, etc. c
Decidedly extra special at per yd . ill.
The Sale of Fancy Linens
Have you taken advantage of this July
Hale offering of Fancy Doilies, Tray Cloths.
Lunch Cloths, etc? The values are just
about half regular. This le one of the beat
bargains of the kind we ever offered our
customers. All sixes from 6 x 6 to the
largest Lunch Cloths. All going at
One.Half Regular Prices
30 House Dresses at 51.19
Fifty only ladies' whit House Dream..
dark or light toads up in good
style. For Jolt Sts. sponte!C.1.10
each . A'
Wash Goods 12IC
-Minikes �M2srameas asi1 ea1Ung0.
r'eRirii/ Orals. eigaelsg July Mak 12k )
at year ANN per yard..
Beauty Pins I0c
One biidtgd eftede Dew Beauty Pine.
ueto wear. Eery
sperlal Joy July
bale, two en a eased 10c
White Belting 15c and 20c
Fine White Belting.. fat received.
..everal good psLterne- SpseW M 20c
per yard ..1 M sad LVA
Tweed Skirtings 51.10
1Wf-aaMies Oases Or'ey'tweed Skirt-
iligi, Ii nett brim sheet gistsa,� gwer-
seteM all pure thiel. M Bohr untie, rvg
Mar 61.so to 61.11; /pisW 7v ti 10
Sale •
The Mere
Met mese
!renew Memo
Ager «pm
The stere
mai mesa
Neese O..eses