The Signal, 1912-7-18, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH t►NT RIS) The News of the District 84.4444,45:4+4.445 455;o404 4545 +$++4: * 44466*46464 .s. SLI/ fH. EAST WAWANOSH. TDsaDAL, July 180. TOWNSHIP Ccrutvt•tt-. --The council G,aop Pstsaefilte.—Rev. N. T. met at Belgrave on July S1I . Mem- ied the pulpit of berg ail present., Minutes of tart meet Turner, who occupied on Suzy. Ing read end confirmed. 'I'be en - preached hoed two ohne* sermons. I giber''. report on the Tull drain was !soot pr000ber twit has read by the clerk and an opportunity seem tot for nig teceivinq� or withdraw from the petition. No o far be u tbe given the tier interested to add to preached bete yet for a cell and the pieties 4.r i"os which will be heM the Rea.) J. L. Small, wbo es ...icing hare, sang a beautiful solo at the evenieg sorvlos and her many IrieOJi were pleased to hear her voice in the choir again ; she is one of the best singer's we have ever hal bele. Res. v the ulpit next Sabbath. will Occup- P THS Owatoue T W s LFTH.—The oasogemeo of Blyth are well pleased •slebratiun held bare on the changer befog made the report was provisionally adopted and the clerk was instructed to prepare the neces- sary bylaw In connection with this report. The treasurer's balt•yeerlyy statement to June 30, showing a hal- mice on hand of general tutus of $1.578.• 40, received noordered to be filed. On motion of Councillors Scott and Stonehouse the following accounts were ordered ho be paid : Menno Vincent, commutation statues labor with ibe c tax, 1911.1"i; John C. Powne gravel - 12th. There was a large crowd in lin on Um wall's ranch, concession 4, loran all day, both special train. K K bringing in largeountiuIR I-75 Besides,. .75 ; R. U. McGowan, putting in r great many drove in, until at noon cuCaldlvert. concession 2 and 3. Ila . ; J. there were about 4.000 people here. well, putting in culverts, conces- At"o'clock the precession formed at •►ons 2 and 3 711.13: \Vm. Kernick, the Agricultural Park 'with twenty- removing tile, concession 3, 71'2; John two iodate in line and two brass Doerr, gravelling opposite lot 40. cou- rse, . cessions 2 and 3, $11.80 ; Win. Naylor, hands. They proceeded along principal streets to the grove at the gravelling opposite lot 40, concessions south of the village. where they were 10 and i1, $213;D. A. Dunbar. putting Reeve of in culvert opposite lot 40, concessions addressed by Drs Milne, 8 end 7. $4 ; D. (fillies, widening ■p - *n th : T. e.r..&awrt. Count ]/aster, roach e,4 10th line river bridge, $173; rod Rev. M n. Croly, o[ \Vi ham, Osterhbut add Pearcy of Fare eelore': Miller, of Auburn. sod JAN. '11.s P. P. M. The town was gtva'e, decorated with hunting and looked v.•ry pretty. The large crowd was well looked atter in the way of eating - places. Beside* the bottle, the Methodist and Episcopal churches served meals and their receipts amounted to stout $22110.00 each. In addition, there were a great many tents selling sandwiches and other eatables, so that no person needed to go away bungry. Those that didn't want to hear Lbe speaking were entertained to a fast grape of base- ball on the Part, between Monkton and Blyth. It was one of the beet games of ball seen here for a great many years, but the home team were rather tut, much for the visitors, beating them to the tune of 7.0. Up to the fifth lonioge neither side bad scored, but et -last our boys found the weak places of the visitors and pounded out a victory, the feature of the game being the three -bagger of E. McMillan, wbich was a nice, clean hit. t)ur boys are rounding up into a good tenni and with the same class of hall played that day can beat any of the local teams in this oeigbbor- hcod. In the evening a concert was held in Inds stry Hall, bat on account if the beat there was not as large an attendance as there should have been, considering the quality of the entertainment. PKILIONAL AND (gw=RAL—The fat mer+ in this locality are all busy at. their hay now. It will he a fairly good yield. but it will hardly come up to expectations, on amount of the long spell of dry weather.... ..R. Mtewart, wh.o • bas been engaged et McMutchie's private batik here for the past eight years, left on Monday for Toronto, where be bas secured a good position io the Royal Bank. He is a steady young man sod no doubt will ries quickly in the banking siusIDess and nete long we Shall hear of him as teenager of our of the branches Y LivingpWor had his horse at the London races last ' eek, but 4.s was not feat enough to win any of the mosey. Mr. Living- stone trturned with him Saturday. . Haspnerriee are t'ononeociug w come inte the market Dow end they are going to he a 'fairly good crop. • The authorities ought to do some- thing to stop swimming io tbe river .lose to the tawo, as it is repotted that ••ulue of the twee go in swimming in broad daylight without clothing. Jas. Barr, of the Beak of Hamilton staff, left on Saturday fur London, end from tbere he proceeds to Bala, het a he spends bis two week.' li tlidays Mrs. J. ilenderson, of teroxeter, spent a few stays ibis week with her sister beer, returning on Mondry... Mrs. A. M' Vsttie and two children, of Aylmer, ate at present visiting her parents here, sir. and Mrs. M. H. Gidiey. Miss Rene Bennett, aha baa been engaged as head milliner in a large establish uient at Chatham, is al present vend- ing her holidays with her parents. W. Nicol, of Dungannon, spent Friday of last week with bb own fliends here Miss Agnes Babb 1. still aerioudy ill and is not improving as well as her •many friends would wi,h. .. Dr. John Drummond, who until eight years ago was • resident. of Blyth, and who then went to the State., tlkine up a three years course in osteopathy, visited here the pest week. He says he M doing well to his chosen prufessiols, and claims that in the States osteopatjty is takiag the ;place of medicine, Although Le sees .quite a number of chaogss hole, he WAS glad 10 get back again to the place of bis birth. - .. Leon Scot, who has been spending Me holidays here, left oa Saturday for Mootreal to resume hie position is the Dominion Ratak, • Mr. Bowes M et nerviest vlsiltnn.AAgg with hla oasis at Merton. s • .. N t,61 Jo w, J. Mueller".—s who has bees i left Last wk forla week theta Wingfield vaso bis hoe In JI( ware retareins to K. uxis.......11liss Me- e - here. left on tato day lee *Waterline to %iat foe a while eft last week ss. jai wflk Mr dauRhte is ala .... .Tho TT M waxy 'stet gang of harem . Irwin, inspecting contract at 1046 line river bridge, 914: Feed Cook, sr., township's share on Scott award drain, $5 ; John T. Cuultis, part Per- inent on gravelling contract, $'2t►; John Cook, raking stones off hill and shovelling gravel. $'l.25; Sampson Carter, filling in washout«, 91 ; Wes- ley Patterson, puttingin culvett, concession 12, $3.75: James Tunoey, Umber, and drawing same to Potter's and Patterson, bridges, $11.75. Moved by Mr. Burchill, seconded by M.. Campbell. that the council now adjourn tic meet' again on Monday, August 5th, at 1 o'clock p. w. Carried. A. PoKTBBKFICLD, Clerk. MESSAGE TO WOMEN. A Quebec Lady Tells How Dodds Kidney Pills Cared Her Kidney Disease. St. Simeon, [Solid, Charlevoix Co.. {rue., July lath—(Special.)—Oulythose who have suffered know the blessings of perfect health. The joy that rt brings. into their lives makes thew want to shout he good news from the housetop They want other suffeteis to Iwiow the road to health. Such is the case with Mrs. Alfred Savard of this place. •'1 have 'wet. -a sufferer for many years with kidney disease. Reading an advertisement -telling what Todd's Kidney Pills had done for a similar sufferer 1 decided to give thew• a trial. Six boxes cued we complete- ly." Wh•at Dodd's Kidney Pills bsve done for Mr d award they have done for thousaodr of other sufferers in Canada. • 4.r lens wbo Down and Out. "And how is your mother?" in- quired the parson who was making a parochial call at the bottle of ooe of his wealthy parishioners. "She is in her room upetsize : .be is veru id," replied the hrstess. "'You don't say Nor exclaimed the clergyman. whu.e tact was sot always reliable. "Well, 1 sincerely hope that she will soon be down and out." whitlow friend* rias .,n the fawn b l deist the 04111 east. we stow Relaseem Noah Thief masa trs~wM ter masa ler We � • �� ,���IltigeoTelsile tlsemisss I . J DISTRICT NEWS. August the 7th will be Blyth's civic beelktay. Thursday. July 25, will be Exeter's civic holiday. Mrs. Bell, Edward street, Winghain, has a broken thigb, the result of • fall. Alfred Pollock, of Pine Itiver, sold a team of tenets at the handsome figure of 9665. A man front London. Ont., is buying timber in Fordwich locality and ship- ping it to the Old (Jouutry. John McArthur has sold his residence at Hensel) to Alex. McMurtrie and may go to London to reside. A. E. Durnln has been appointed Government fruit inspector for the counties bordering on lake Huron. H. Thomson, late of tloderich, has oppesnned up his stock of merchandise at lllelmore and has commenced business. .\ Fordwich man is doing quite a business in shipping frogs' legato Tor- onto, where they figure on hotel menus. %Vm. Graham, a former tesident ot Howick township, died suddenly at Ethel on the 8th inst. He was seventy- five years of age. Louis Preeter has sold his dwelling house at Dashwood to his brother, Fred Preeter, and intends moving to Stratford next montb. It is said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but the house of George Id. Chesney at S-aforth has been struck three times by lightning. Miss Pearl Ashton, of Corrie, will teach the Grey and Howick boundary echoed near Jarnestowo next 'term, succeeding Miss Evans. The salary is $525. The Grey 1ownsbip .:ouucil has let the Smillie drain cootreet to W. A. Stevenson. of the township. at $4.000, and the Grant drain to Connolly & Nicholson at $'2,96'1.75. . Why Not? "Now, in order to subtrao." the teacher explained. "things have always to be of the same deoominrtioo. For iwtentse we couldn't tate three apples from four pearls, nor six borers Gull] nine dogs." "Teacher," shouted a small boy, "can't you take four quarts of milk front three comes?" Men 11111181ME the __ . est. .t haat� a _ e m• • 4 • 1. try .'Ispear f t. i . a 01 am are .tees ire 8. Young, who has been G. T. R. agent at \Vingbaw for a few weeks, bas been sppofnted relieving agent. and G. Holley, of We.tdb, hum been appointed agent at %Vingham. Roily, the little son of Ben. \Vil- Ilams, of Elimville, met with a ser- ious accident one day last week. His foot became caught in the knives of a mower and several small, bones in the foot were cut. Jacob Bricker died in Howick town- ship on July 5111, aged seventy•six years. On the 7tt inst. another old resident of the township primed away, in the person of Mn. Jame. \Verrell, aged eigbty years. The silver cup donated by Father Dunn for the pupil of Clint -m Model School obtaining Abe highest 'harks at the entrance examination was won this year by Jaiues Wylie, who took 537 Unlike out of a total of 650. The Clinton New Era reports , that John Ransford has a field ot fall wheat, thirty-five acres in extent, a sample from which measured over five feet. Mr. Ransford says Inspector John Torrance, his crighborhas an even better crop. The 100 -acre farm of Samuel Jordan, concession 5. Morris, has been pur- chased for 95,700 by James Michie, of the male locality. Possession will ire given next January. Mr. Jordan will go to Vancouver for a trip and way make his borne there. Tbere has been a Lalling off in tha number of excursionists to the Guelph Model Faxen this year. Some d..ys azo it was reported that tbe number ,to date for this year was only IIJ0 as compared pad with 35,4)00 at the same time last year. West Huron, however, sent mote this year than in 1911. EAST STREET GARAGE At $II50 Y5 borne -power, Sprwengepr. English style. torpedo holy 404(011)0111k :0 z 34 heavy non-skid tltee on all wheels, demountal 1' nuts an 1 one extra rim. 12 -In. electric beadli[bta, two side and one rOat rl.s'tir lamps with 1410 - ampere bastery. Boecb high tension utsguete, Warner autuuneter, top and tap cover windshield, robe rail, sear• view mirror and full equipment of tools, jack, sepsis- outfit, pump. oil an. rte.. at a pries ut 91160. Compere tial, wii h ANY machine and if it dove not score on EVERY point we will he 4 ontent Ux low' your busioeee; but, if weatave the advantage you owe it 'o yourself to place your nosiness with u.. where you get the• hiahwt valve. Cheapness Ones rot rnndat of low price, but of WHAT YOU GET FOR THE PRICE YOU PAY. Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. GODBRICII. ONT. 'PKoxa 243 aiwaya took a *tonere interest in the community in which he lived. _ale was an active member of the Methodist church. and in politica he was a Conservative. Seven children survive: Sirs. R. (1. Vincent, Blair - mere, Alta. ; Mn. M. Ltke, Grey ; John Beeman, Brandon, Man. ; Mee Robe. M agnire, Mortis : Henry Bos- man, on the homestead: Mrs. Lewis Pepper, (:muse Like, Sask.; Mrs. Jas. H. Leishman, Pence, Sask. Wingham Merchant Dead. On Thutsday. July lib, Gustave Adolph Schmidt died et wir home et Wioghaw in his thirty-fourth year. Mr. Schmidt was horn at Sebringville and was engaged in l,usinesr there for some years. Early last year be carne to Winghatu and purchased the hardware hu*iusss: of J. G. Stewart & Co. and was building up a good trade until his place of business was wiped out in the Beaver block fire. Siuce then his health had not been good. 'He is survived ray hi. widow (formes h• Mies Nicholson, of Blake) sad three young daughters. The funeral took place to Mebringville. A Clinton Wedding. The weeding took place at St. Paul's cbusc,,. Clinton, at . o• n on Wednes- day, July loth, of Minnie Ethel, eldest daughter of the .hoe Rev. Geo. M. Kitty and of Mas. Kitty; to Rev. Har- rison Palmer \Veetgete, B. A , of Trinity church, St. Thome,. Ven. Archdeacon Hill, M. A., of St. Thomas, preformed the ceremony. Miss RLby Kitty, sister of the bride, was tbe bridesrueeid, and the gloom was at- tended by Rev. Ar;hur Carlisle, of Windsor. The wedding rematch was played by Miss Cleta Fold. The bride was given away by her uncle, H. B. McVittie. cf North day. She was beautifully gowoed in ivory satin wltb trimming of lace and Beed pearls. She wore a tulle veil caught up wish pearls and orange blossom,, and car- ried s bouquet of white American Beauty roses and a white prayrrbnok. 1'he bridesmaid woae a dainty gown of pink satin with trimming ot lace and seed prat I+ and a white lace bite and carrie.i pink rii.ss. The ushers were Clateuce Kiley and Carl Deeper. A&,sit, forty gileats were present. Ager the cereIn .ray a reception was. bold at the home of the irride'r mother, and biter Mr, andsMi". Weet.rate left for Winder mete, Muskoka. to spend their honeymoon. Geo. \Pakeford, who lives a anile and a half east of Fordwich. met with an unfortunate accident • few days ago. The Western Fair, September He left his team standing while be Eth to 14th. went to help 'some men who were load - The management of t his popular exhibition' will spare neither tiouhle nor espense this year to make it tbe best that has ever been held. A new fireproof Art Building is being erected near the entrance to the grounds which will be ha readiness for the exhibition, and will he filled with beautiful and expensive paintings for which very liberal prime being of- fered. Thin will relieve very- materi- ally the c ingestion of exhibits of other years In the Main Building. 11 space vicar not stormswept. Mr. Martin's is wanted it should be applied for at house was partially destroyed. once. The butter and cheese exhibit One of those who Inst theft lives in promises to be extra large 'bis year. In addition to the prizes offered by the the Regina cyclone was Mrs. W. T. emendation there are good specials in McDonald. fotmerly Miss Laura Smith. cash and silverware. Many new and of McKillop, daughter of George special exhibits will he made in the Smith, formerly of Leadbur•, and a machinery department. The live niece of James and Samuel Smith. of stock department is one of the strong McKillop. Her husband is n balf- fratrres of the exhibition, as the very McDonaldf Premier ier alterr Mcott. tb year best always come to Logsdon. The ag- ricnitural and horticultural exhibits and Irever, besides her husiind, will DO doubt fill the building to over- two young daughters. floe tog of the very best. while the Nicholas Foster, one of the early set - poultry building will probably have to time ,,f Hay township. died la.' the be en la to hold the birds on ezbi- borne of his ion. Ak•nz4 Forte,, Baby - trillion. rise lists. entry forms, and Ion line, on Tuesday morning of lot altlnformatloo sent on application to week- His lige wee only a few months the eerretary, A. M. Hunt, London. .bort ref nioety years. The deoeased Osrario. was horn in Alsace and came to this country seventy years ago. For oar Her Chance. fifty years be was a resident of Hay Little Jarnes. while at a neighbor's, township Sight children, seventy - was given ■ piste of bread and butter. two grandchildren and thirty-nine greet -.madehildrs° survive him. Bats of Edward ltoesea't, Wingbam. Wiegbato has loot one of her `reach old men in tbe death of Edward Bosman, which oeeurred on Saturday, aright pot some jam on it. lath last.. at his home In that town. ing timber nn a car and they started to run off. Mr. tVakeford tried to stop them and was knocked down and run over, his leg being fractured. The horses and wagon wets not in- jured. Rey. Colin Fletcher. of Thames Road, had a narrow eseape in the Re- gina cyclone. He had been at the home of Melville Stettin ten min- utes before the storm, and leaving he walked some distance and entered the only house in the neighberhood that ►ad relkrly said 'Thant you. • 's rigbe, )arses," said the lady : "1 11M to hear little boys say 'Thant 49e11." repined Jame.. "if you wast to hear we say it aO.in, you s Kr. HOSIMas was burs at Frodlagbom, soMk eased pwrwtswawt •fength• I TwlIYr4 Ragland. seventy -Mee QMt ass same to l'aaa&a is Ma it yyooss an eve Aetna er Wet eat. II year. He haw* fere youare nhave flesh or hen other egsssas I est lsweeed vitality. try our Kwaloed'a System Resonator nailer err sten 1a' Me to relsod the pine pia M the ri .s,dy falls de give retire eatiehritleS. aids d It aids ai5. tones ep the tre ene systems end Ora fowls goiek arid t.twl Owe hissesby liaeLeeil alas► .. Ira= Ost Por sale h WI 4 , d.wy'te rHtYeeDAT, IDLY lb, 1912 'S Away witb ,nape dere and belts—wear tanford iiip=rit" The Perfect ae invisible " Trousers Supporter The :Raeford " Hip -Fit " is the only device ever invented that affords perfect trouser support, together with perfect comforteand neat, stylish appearance. It is destined to eliminate entirely .tba wearing of suspenders and belts, 1t Holds the Trous s Always an Position �I aNFoRD •� PFI The Stanford "Hip -Fit " attaches to the inside of the trouser at the waist lhue and is therefore entirely invisible. Price $1.115. For sale in Goderich by 11cLE AN BROS. Dealers in Everything for \fen The Square, Oodericta Short Handed. Two Ir i-hmen died, SO the story tau. One went to heaven and the other didn't. Mike called down to Pat : "Whet are yet dolts', Pat?" •'Mhovellin' coal." "Aria yes wast kin' hood ?" "NIL very. \Ve has shifts an' aa -or k only- three hours a day." "What etre cc.. doin' tip there in Hivin ?" "O'irn sw•sepiu' the Gulden feta'rs." "Acre yet wortio' hard T' "Yes. Oi hav to work eighteen hones a day. We're short of amen up bear." years at different planet is Ooteefo sad in 11O was married at UMW' to Miss Mary Iftepheisees. Twe years beer he perebsesd a res tease hsnneed acres la Mewls — anti thew be sad his we= a ennillaetahle home. Tia has Obey hoe Reel la WI hetet ywllts adais Mad ralesa��aae�.� „meats_. wee Pew fern 'tease* e es,4 to . w e.S p . , $ aad A Bad Shot. School Huntress—"You dirty boy, wby don't you wash your face and not let it show what Toa bad fur break feat this rues ning?' 8usall Bov—"\Pbat was it Y' School Mistress -"Eggs !' Small Br.t --"\\ cut g,' t g,;s was yesterday." The Cobbler's Wife. A shoemaker was arrested for !Jigs my and 11: .tight before the inagisttate. •'Which wife," asked the by, Lander, "will he be obliged to teke ?' Smith. Hlwayi' ieady with a j .ke, replied, "He is a . obhler and of course must stick to his last." 'THINNESS is dies a gigs of Mar hsa`LL Loss of weight gamy stews something' wring. Scott's Emulsion corrects fila amebas aid We up tie whole Is*. as or.s.lra. east a armee. Toress, qts, II -0 Sallow Skin Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Circlet Under the Eye's are tell signs t f tl.r .y.Ir,.. bring cbxg- ged. The liver seal Ia.w.1. are In- aetiv.snd the stomach 1• .r.k from ueditgeeted funds aged 1. mal ga re. FIG PILLS the meat fruit trendy. is ill melte yes feel lite a mew pet eon WIasip rr June 2T, 1911. After oakhg thew holes ynor Tin PIfemme*. ere feoh *ad liver gwoMes 1 Aral siroeg and well end aide to do sty own week. MHO. A. H. ftA.YLm. Pedd et all dealers In sed 90 asst Mose w maned by The Melt Pas Oo,. lit Ta••Yoss flet Everybody's Doing It ► The whole world "Kaiaks" because of the convenience and the simplicity of the Eastman Kodak. We carry a full line of Eastman Goods which includes every- thing for the a m- eteor. Ask to see the latest --the VEST POCKET ---KODAK It flta nicely into the vest pocket, and takes • picture 1, x 2tj inches. Fitted with extra good Tens. Price, $7.00. F. J. Bntland AGENT ' •The Store That Pleases" OAL Having purch aced the busi- ness foraoerlyylcnoducted by F. Bat low Holmes, we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood List, Cement Fin Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal, two ' lines which are recognized as the best. We wieh eco give_ the people of Goderich and vicinity tbe beet service Dos- aible, and shall be glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything fn our lane'-. All orales -• left with Ja•. Yates,Weat suet, promptly attended to. McDonagh&Gledhill 'Phone No. 713 Yards at G T. R , Ne:son Si nest PLUMBIN6 Let %V. R. Pinder know when you have anything to 1e done in Bavestroughiog Metal Work ci Electric R firing. Estin:stea fu'alsbed and work guaranteed. Wekeep a full line- of fixtures aid supplies os band and all such work will receive our prompt and careful attrotion, %to rave a number of first - elms cooking Ston. s, the Garoet Geed Cheer and the Empire Steel Ramer. Call and see them. Repair work of all kind. done at moderate Bost. W. R. PINDER Hamilton Site- 1 1:,.1' s. h SUMMER SESSION hem Jule *WI late est A. m.... TM1n IIffe�m� Al�l!igl ►. Maar tea cave sad .rmrgR weesat• wet teas advent .mom d eslafr era.* am�dr tent mad tomboywill .eeteses .atom wadde Ms le aao Aw. I•..Me.r. Mewl twee 7�asaM 1 i l CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Pori McNicoll Mondays, Tuesdays, \Vedbes- days. Thursday. and Sat- urdays at 4 p. m. for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT W ILLIA,M The Stemmas! Manitoba, sailing from Port McNionl1Wednesdays, will call at Owen Sound. leaving that point 10.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12:45 p. m. un sailing days, making direct connection with steamers at Port McNicoll. llomeseekers' Excursions July 9 and 2d, and every .second Tuesday until Sept. 17• iocleeive. Winnipeg and Reim'', $34.00 Edmonton sod Retire, $42.00 Proportionate rates to 'otter points. Return limit W days THROUGH TOURIST SLE&PINO CARE Ask Jos. Kidd, O. P. R. Ag�tent, for Homemaker"'Pauapblet. WINNIPEG EXHIBITION July 10th to 20th, 1912 Ticket and full information from Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent. 1 Poe e o‘ SUMMER o GOODS 11 COAL -OIL STOVES 0 With the coming m on. eon v, t Summeryou a New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. days this coal -oil e �ve.ui no; ex tra o��N . `� gi6�e au and examine approbation. �Vith coming rat the bot days of Sumurer will want Perfection Coal -oil With this stove you have no; extra insurance to pay. Call examine theca, \Ve will send them out on approbation. LAWN MOWERS Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers ie just i11 and we offer several different snakes te; choose from. REFRIGERATORS 1)o you require a Refrigeratt.r this Suomi,' ? We Inc.' some in stock and more coming. SCREEN DOORS Get your Screen Doors and Windows now and keep the dies out in preference to putting them on later and keeping them in. CEMENT Are you going to build a cement silo thin low, i(, ? if so, wo have for rent a net of the London Steel Adjustable Silo Curbs also • ewimging hoist. These will simplify tbe huildiog of silos. We have just received another car of National Portland Cement. When you use this 1-'ement you know you bays the hest ths' can be bad, SPRAYING MATERIAL Have you 'preyed ynnr risers yet? We ran filmier. ). with the Lime -sulphur• also Arsenate of Lead. FERTILIZER The car of Fertilizer arrived a couple of weeks sg. have had a Lid sale of it. This Fertiliser is an organi, with the addition of esteemed hone none. blood flour and These essentials make it the most valuable menare n:arket. COAL AND WOOD 4611.1 wn matter potasb. ua the Owl to IM seaheky of Flood e'n.l se have put in a • a . 1 I '� LA( asoaL p Soft Veal. Thee awl snakes a .pbn.lkf wA.utute 1 hew* also • carload of Wy surra, whk h scats goal wwaoer weed. 1At Ise agent ow year plumbingR beatr�awtiealeeteM wines. etc. All w -wk pa overpay atllasaled to sed folly 0 Phones Ikt CHAS. C. LEE Store 22 == =