HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-18, Page 53
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T evtwDAT, JOLT hg.
Former Resident Dies at London.
Nathaniel Weston, a former resi-
dent of Goderich, died at Loodon on
uewday lest In his seventy-Sixthear.
PIM had been 111 for MADEMr. Wes-
ton *se connected for many years with
the Gland Trunk Railway and during
the period of his resilience in Gode-
rich a ss to�Y of the engine -hoose
at the G. T. R.1Mittes.
Sam. J. Latta's Stamm
One of the s000sotd Liberal cendi-
I et a the Sao.
toe moat'
1 t week was a��e y��!
urs principal d the Pa
'school, and now a mer paper mac at
Govan, Sask. Mr. Latta 000teated the
constituency of Last Mountain, which
at the previous election gays a Coo.
servative majority of am and came
through with nearly 800 votes more
than his opponent
Court Nouse Notes.
morning pleaded aliasBennett.
before Jude
Doyle to the charge of attempting to
break jail. His cam was adjourned to
the 27th inst.. to allow further time to
secure information regarding the pris-
oner's past conduct.
James Wbite, of Zurich, who cans
up for sentence on Monday, having
been convicted under embezzlement.
z ement. was
allowed tog wed sent-
JJure after le. lecture It from 1Honor
understood that
Whit Doyle.
Whitey whoseto tbe
A Useful Man.
The Elora Express oars of • Gode-
rich townabip "old boy": For an all-
round useful man. few ems heat the
Rev. L. J. R. Neftel.
M. A., ural
Desn of Wellington
ing himself useful to the church auth-
orities in his particular line of en-
deavor and taking full share of tbe
duties et citizenship, be 'ran on oc-
ession do his turn at skilled later.
The Latest proof of his ability in the
hatter line is the fine stable whirls he
and Mr. Kendall have built on the
new rectory lot In Elora. 11 is new
Pealing completion and the work
would do credit tea professionaL
C. P. R. Notes.
The C. P. R. is having all its build-
ings at the etAtion here repainted and
everything cleaned up. A
around the station are m improved
in consequence.
T. 1'. Savage, travelling freight
agent for the C. P. R , was in town on
J+.s. Esir, who has been engineer on
the Guelph and Goderich run, bas
Laken his old run between LMtowel
rind Linwood. He is replaced tempor-
arily by Engineer Sam. Wart.
A considerable increase of business
at this statin has been noted right
Mons the past year.
"Why doe.dt Hon. Mr. Monk come
down the harbor hill every day?
Then we might have the dust damped
down oftener," ray the C. P. R. em-
Bridge Matters.
W. Lane. county clerk. was At
Stratford oar Saturday with Ward. u
Stothers and D. Patterson. county
engineer. 000ferr4ng pith representa-
tives of Perth musty ion bridge mat-
to obo Lennon, of town, who takes The G odes -Ica le
tca bowrs play a Faill
s ,
poesssslon next Montley. Mr. Farr trophy game at Clinton tomorrow. I
will roman in town, bav ppuurchased Arrangement. have been made for
for $2,500 P. T. Dean's ml.idence ou the doubler tourpatment of the local
Elsie bowling b hien ill be
. .1. Farr has said the Union hotel _
veoue. We have not harped Vub, w w cowmen
whet his plana ars for the haute. ced on 1lfedn.sday, July lb, at 10
M valuableit
o'. lock and continued until completed.
Harbor 1 Az,t prise is tees silver
They t 0•pitol, from Saginaw, water -pitchers ; the second prise two
was in poet on Friday. Mbe is on a pairs of lint -quality bowie. The oust
tees The contract was let for •
bard.. at Yirktoo, oo tb. bounoary tour up the like.. of the prizes is divided between A.
of $S &t and Perth. The job of Contractor Birmingham is using Chantrey, 0. H. Humber and the
.renting n 4fatt. told soul •warded the old barge Abercorn to arry gravel club. and to provide for the portion of
bridge for filling -to purpoea ou the south- the Dost w be borne by the club ti tee
to the Stratford Bridge 0o. at i1.498, west breakwater. o[ it will be chanted arch player.
halt of the cost W by toxin. h eseh rervht _The w 'MP?'
ill be eat • ,. 611
7 Sight y teat of tbg �j, f't ti: fir! „ �. - . ire"
county. sheds is completed The entire -.1 . t�eoneet�lay morning. be imaging
The spring freshet at Auburn, which in will be Meshed in the near future. committee desires that as trilby mem-
damaged the county bride there to bet. as possible compete in the tour-
oapuen L
each ap eitgo1 w to usoeesitate coon
plate rebuilding, le entailing a large
expense on the county. The contract
for the necessary concrete work was
awarded to Jos. Lawson. o t Crediton,
at $7 a cubic you'd, and 11111 ♦ Co., of
Mitchell, will *rest the steel super-
structure for 6,500. The bridge is to
have s concrete floor. When the ap-,
moocher, are complete and the cost
of the whole work totelie 1 up the
figure will be +omewhere in the neigh-
borbood of $13.500. The new bridge
will be 190 feet lore`, about forty feet
longer than the old one.
A Bright Young Life Taken.
On Wednesday afternoon, in Mae,
land cemetery there were laid away,
amid a great throng of sorrowing and
sympathising friends, the mortal re-
mains of Mary Elisabeth Yuill, eldest
daughter of Jae. Ynill, 5th rent-onion
Goderich township. Miss Yuill had
come to the home a her grandfather,
John Porter, to visit. when she was
e pontoons for the southwest
breakwater are all sunk in position.
Che portion of the breakwater along
the Maitland River which broke away
when the river broke up this spring is
being repaired.
The Western Oanada Flour Mills
Co. is putting an extra pan in the
salt works plant. This will mean an
additional output of about twenty-five
tons of salt every twenty-four hours.
The work on the harbor front op-
posite the Big Mill is steadily progres-
sing. At present the old pier is being
all torn away.
Several carloads of stone have been
brought in by the C. P. R. to be placed
along the tracko on the beach. so as to
prevent the waves on a windy day
from washing out the bed.
The passenger steamers City of De-
troit ll. and Huron made their regular
calls during the week. So tar they
have not been doing an overly lat•gb
stricken with appendicitis and periton- LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF.
Ws. and though everything that rued -
teal and nursing skill could do was em- Fresh .eidllta powders and fruit salines at
ploy.d all it was in vain and on Sun-
day last the bright young life passed
out. Mies Yuill was only in her
twenty-foortb year. The uneral eery- hood there. A pleasure to show goods. us
ices, held at her father's residence, enir postale to great variety.
were conducted by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, The bort is none too ami for the people of
pastor of Union church, of which con- talfordmerienu for ridmeahatuhatthecaTnnaoltorb. ubrenasteonutaau7
die was an active member. where for atrle. fit or stood tailoring. Leave
The pall hearers were 0. F. Edward, your order with him at.d yon will be satlaled.
Robert Bodges. Chas King. Rett. Quite a number left yesterday morn-
Stuldy. Meredith Clarke and.,J. Blair. ing for the Kincardine Old Boys'
Many floral tributes to the esteem in reunion.
which the deceased young lady Was There are still five soldiers at Alez-
heingld wreaths
upon the the among them I andra hospital. Two weredischarved
heing erleh is wfrn. the Pastime Club daring the past week.
of Gcderich township. the Girls' Club ,
of Goojerieh, and Union church Rab.1 Jobn A. Harrison, Victoria street,
bath och•uol. 1 has ripe tomatoes in his garden.
These are the earliest we have heard
Cadet Camp Instructions. These
in town.
Hicks drug store.
Summer visitor.; shouts not fall to call it
8mlth'a Art Store. Haat street, and see the ex-
teodve line M exdurelve goods always on
Sad Affair at Vancouver.
gone- particulars have been received
froin Vancouver of a sad affair in
which William Nelson Edward, eon
of C. B. Edward, of Vancouver, and
grandson of Mn. Edward. of Gode-
rich. lo.t hie life. Young Edward and
an older man, Frank Cooper. set sail
in a sloop from Vaneouver for a point
seventy miles up the coast. where
Cooper had planned le file on some
Government land. The party as
planned was to consist of five. but for
one reason and another the others did
not go. Cooper and Edward set off
with provincial', tent sod outfit, sad s
dog. which was saved. Just what
happened to the voyagers is not
known, but the bodies were found in
the boat in tbe channel b.ween Texada
Island :and Francis Point. It is con-
jectured that they died of exposure
and exhaustion. Attention was drawn
to the bodice by theharklog of the dog.
William Edward was about nineteen
years of age. The relatives so sud-
denly bereaved have the sympathy of
their Goderich friends.
Instruction. have been issued from The Merrill brothers, of Brantford,
the militia headquarters regarding assisted very Acceptably in the musical
the Cadets going to camp at London service at North street Methodist
op Monday. July 22nd. ;church last Sunday.
The Oadets will be required to take A. C. Harris, operator at the O.T.R.
with them into camp the following station. has been transferred to Strat-
articles: One knife, one fork, two ford. neo. Knapp. of Berlin, is re -
wens, one enamel cup, one enamel I lieving here at present.
plate, one change of underclothing, Rev.S J Arlin, a former pastor of
one comb and baja soap, one chage Victoria street -Methodist church, has
of socks, one cake one toothred I just opened. his pnetorate in Clinton,
brush, two towels, one shoe brush bush where he is in charge of the Ontario
pins. cleaningmaterial, one cloth broth, street church.
needles and thread. j
Cadets will not be required to bting Tuetd&y's Toronto Star says : The
rides, as these will be issued in Rev. Mex. MacMillan, pastor of Mim-
eam I ico Presbyterian church. is recovering
A uniform shirt of blue or any plain from being struck by lightning lest
color would be advisable for drilling week. He passed a restful night and
purpose.. 1 is doing nicely today.
Would advise Cadets to provide,On Wednesday. June 28, P. J. Ryan,
themselves with cheap straw hat-a.of Goderich, and Miss Minnie 0%
Calete should bsve their hair nicely Loughlin. of Luctnow, were united in
Gia .d before leaving home for marriage at SL Augustine church.
0.Bacb Cadet should ct his kit, etc., tial mass. 1 Rev. Father Dean performed the nup-
in a small valise or kit bag, and attach Crown Attorney Seager has received
designation n leg bearing his name And the his ant of $100 u a Fenian Raid
whih he of the Cadet corps to veteran. Mr. Seeger was captain of
which he rte will
, the Sarnia artillery company ender
The at 6.4. will meet at t he 0.T. reR. the late Col. Shanty. of London, a
station taro. July bled, providedd very well-known military map in his
fbeir traospor(atie.n will be
fthroughM H me
Boy Scout Camp.
It has been decided that the annual
Scout camp will be held' at Quaid's
Paint during the week beginning July
311b. it is expected that three or
four adults will attend Ibis year.
Mr. Storms las written thee be
intends to rnme to Goderich noon Asad
he will probably be at the tamp.
There will be room for two or three
boy. beside. the Scouts and if any
parent wishes to send a boy to the
ramp word may be left with Dr.
Hayden or Mr Robertson.
A communication has been received
from Provincial Secreta,y Hammond
elm the Duke of Oonnaught will
invert the Boy Scouts at "Toronto
Exhibition at the end of August.
Goderich troops will be represented
at the Tnronto ramp. At a meeting
of the officers beld on Monday evening
it was decided that any Scout desiring
to attend must qualify as a secood-
''lar Rcont and earn et Inset three
hedges. This will give the boys
something to do during vacation.
1 time.
for r' Hurue. country school .,ill be
Transport satwagL will meet nVeyadet erected on the. Canadian National
tt ins at London and convey
heir seie..si to ramp. of the educational exhibit. It will
Those tn.'ving Boy Scant n.tite will lot in
front of the door to the blackboard,
The Laing -Sturdy Nuptials. I and a teacher will he in charge who
At 11 o'rlock on Wednesday [Dorn- will explain the why and wherefore
ing. July 17th. one of the prettiest of each and every detail.
weddings of the mason was con- William Burchill, eleven years old,
summated at the residence of Mr. and I the only son of Mrs. Jennie Struthers
Mrs. Geo. 0. Study, 7th conceaion of Burchill, was accidentally- drowned at
Goderich township. The !side was I Thermion last week. Mrs. Burchill
tbe daughter of the borne. Dorothy- was formerly a resident of Goderich.
Linda, while the lucky man vias Thrs.' Her huel.and, the late Alfred Burchill,
G. Laing of Calgary, Alta. To the died some four years ago, and she ie
strains of the wedding march played ' engaged as a teacher at Thermion.
by the groom'. sister, Miss Jes.ie I She was visiting her brother, Dr. W.
Laing, of Sac City. lows. the bride B. Struthers. in Toronto, when ber
entered the parlor leaning on the arm' son was drowned.
of her father. She was attired in The Loolon, Huron & Bruce Rail.
white satin, with Targe black picture way is being re -railed from Clinton to
bat with Mack plums, and carried a \Vingham, a distance of twenty-four
shower bouquet of maidenhair ferns ,wiles. The rails in use to the present
and lily -of -the -valley. On her hand time were put down when the road
was an old heirloom ring of rubies tet wag constructed in 1875. They were
in pearls once b.Ionging to ber great- made in England and have stood the
great-grandmother, and she also Wore wear and tear'of the yeah remarkably
w pearl necklace, the groom's gift. well. The rails now being laid are
The bridal pair, who were un- 80 ib.. tethe yard. The work is being
attended, stood before a hank of ferns done by a gang of (fifty or more Ita
and marg'terites, and the rooms were isms.
dm -twitted heautitully throughout with Daring the pastors vacation the
a colnr effect in pink and white. Mrs. I pm it ret Knox church will be supplied
Sturdy', the bride's mother wore grey o follows s July '21 and 28 Rei p W
silk The ceremony
corps n_ trains
' Exhibition grounds this year as a part
find them suitable , he complete {tom the garden p
The deciding came of the first series
in the church baseball league was
Played off on Monday night last be-
tween the Presbyterian and St. Peter's
church teams. The game resulted in
a win for the Presbyterians, the score
at the rod of the fifth innings stand-
ing 5 to 3 in their favor. The first
game of the second seriess will be
played on Friday night, when the
Methodiste meet the Anglicans. The
winner -of the two series will plc off
for the pennant. The lineup on Mon-
day evening was es follows: Prsby-
terians- Cetcber, W. Bisset : pitcher.
J. Wiggins; 1st base, Edgar wefts:
2nd base, J. Muir; Sed base, W. Chap-
man ; shortstop, W. Snazel • tight
field, C. Black ; centre field, A. Hume ;
left arid. W. McDalrrnid. Si. Peter's
church -Catcher, V. Dean ; piteber,
C. Webb; 1st base, M. Twomey ; `2nd
base, F. Baechler : 3rd hese. J Mc-
Caughey ; shortstop, W. Doyle ;
right field, J. Griffin : left field, E.
Dean; centre field, M. Jeffries.
Following is the .cote of the singles
tournament of the Goderich bowling
club up to last night :
Won Lek.
F. J Rutland 17 7
L. B. Tape 19 9
0. H. tiumber 13 9
Jo.. Kidd
le. H. Martin
H. T. Edwards
0. C. Whitely
Geo. Williams
R. G. Reynolds
W. H. Robertson
Wm. Lane
Dr. Macklin
H. McDermott
E. McLaughlin
A. G. Chantrey
E. H. Jordan
L. R. Fox
J. G. Geddes
11. H. Taylor
Fred Davis
Chas. Carrow
J. L. Killosan
A. Porter
J. B. N. Doyle
0. F. Carey
F. Hammond
E. R. Wigle
J. H. Tiggrert
W. H. Harrison
Robt. McLean
C. A. Nairn
Rev. J. Elliott
J. A. Rumball
J. 1S. Tom
L. Doherty
Dr. Hunter
R. R. Watson
F. H. Wood
J. S. Cameron
Change at C. P. R. Station.
J. b. Robinson. who had been the
C. P. R. agent at Ooieeleb ever sines
the station here was tl in 1�1.
flee been transferred lir amonsck.
where he takes se soba sestina
t her.. This is a p rMM wtolsh Mr.
ftobitt.nn'e t#e!b fief tae
°moony merits. s boo h01 to work
hard to build u A b� bore for
the railway. anti his a
bare herrn rewarded by • nestleeras
growth in 1be am .met d Weft
mrd � willingness
His cordd owl
to ohl
his �F frMMi. tifeoll/
nuts- wh1s ~ � Mme
Ih h,, wife
"de To at Sera woe s
the dw.lee .1 W threw 1
".nee eche hare by W.
late again W letewiias. wbr Met
s+* 'he: iu n h f din ogees '�`l cud
H$ W oo Ma rlsiMM womMtl
n 4• 1.1a
er 1 l 1 iv, •
wa performed 1 Aa o Sto W.
by Rev. Dr. Medd, pastor of Victoria Rn ester. N.
n[ Memorial ander 11..
street Methodist church, Goderich.
u Rochester. Y.: lugust 4 and
Miss Adelaide Rev. W. R. McIntosh. of King street
Afton the ceremony ' _bare,. London, Ont.. Messrs. fend -
Nairn, of l)odericb, sang "-fir' dart and Mc!otosb were both mete
Becetuss" vety sweetly, and Mr. elated with Knox church congr•ega-
MLu..rt Jackson. n[ Olintoo, and Mr. I tion in former days. Mr. Stoddart
M'ooe. of New York, sang • duet. 1 was a Goderich boy. and Mr. Mclotnsh
After rongretulai ions the large party took his OoIlagiate create. her.. They
were meted in the dinlogroom and; will doubtless he heard with greet in -
partook 01 a .umptpows re[wt• A I Wrest. 11 is expected that Rev. Dr.
large number of the Arida'• Ooderieh
Meldrum also will ire
heard In Knox
friends drove out frown town and churrh on a Soaday in August.
there were a number of trawls from
out.ide places. including Mr. And Mrs Blrcketon� r have importeol from
Janice Laing. of s..Jmidi uncle aa Greed Kepida the latest havered is
; MI
aunt of the groom Miss on Lae ' I cerates cabinet for fancy bricks and the
of Bae fluty, iowa, grad hiss f Lottie e of rich will nnw be abie
lasing. d SlO.skld. alt tfosd: to.all a„d RM• one 01 Rlaekstnae's
• Yin Dorking. of Weytnrrs.IduMel us cream bricka at any time.
e ; Victor
New Yes t~ON IID`
Seek.: Vfeter rroas. d ter. of Tao AND GARDEN( PAAweTT.-Tb.
ileafeYea rtU. 8 Marrows a nod Wanes', (ieild of St 's rhumb
: . Its and Yee titer hamar
lir. sad Yee. Moa. lasbsoa..r., Km Wend MVIa�� tea NhR at Then
Wil J. Jseksne. Kra Then Jackass. iso afternoon
sad tets•rt J+shoos. las Baster. I day. Jury flea on the Rremads of R•.
Maay iys•rrt ltil aid ..uIIy 55.M's� dwrw's Mardi and Yrs. GriAln's
Otte were rwseived. T M lar wZ I � There will to a
MR on iso !is O. P. i< twra ser beamme Ars fiend.
Weryboen their Moore bnes.1 mks. madly. ate. The Mow will he
wheal y� U he At hale" M I mem/ at 4 defeat.
rash Tea from
Wes fries& M • •bort than TM lea wan
he bride boo w bei d Men& in Oreleelrb
Sas a ss7 a's'h DirecW C.Itathaa
Y. M. C. A.
- MAT RA -M, K. S.. Jelly t, H15.
• eRavtag seed rasher Merrtas7's Iter
UMW la me meanly u Ptfrs"at Diree-
ter el tae amatane T 1t C. A. tor
remiss Sewn a4Hr a part run tot
ilyir4 izmelsd& I -- heartlfy Nelda -
Mend ars LWmeat 14 nursers. •Mtsfs&
or anyone wham muades an mean to
strainburies the seams dim T. M.
C. A_ have ptosed a large asmber et
athletes la the held, nal the rea)orily
used anular eta but Tatar Merrtecy's
1telatent Ter removing Millen= and
soreness or the muscles It 1. unequalled.
sad h tithe Waal pieraere In ser.dteg
youthis word of avpr.c/stlea.••
mashy Y smith
O.a1 resrstar7. Chatham T MC.A.
New s very prominent 8L John. N
aewetsper mea
The aneve prescription its net a "Cure-
•CurrA,U" er .e -called patent asci clas Dr.
Merrtscy pr crtled it ter 44 years, and
It cured teesenede after ether doctor•
Pliers tic. per battle at year dealer,
or Tether Mereres7 Matteis* Ca,
ri,t tai mtI MwlseaL ser
Sold and Guaranteed io Oedencb by
by F. J. Rutland
Fall Term from Sept. Jed.
e-JOTT /„
Toronto, Ont.. 'Aerate in a Ware by itself for
st.riotty first -claw work. Open all year.
Write today for handsome catalogue.
ti 3
0 3
19 4
9 10
8 10
1 6
2 18
O 0
3 3
O 0
O 1
12 4
7 5
O 0
5 9
0 9
8 8
. 7 10
2 1
10 8
-+ 0 0
10 10
9 14
O 0
2 8
O 0
7 12
7 2
O 1
3 5
5 6
Comparative Statement of Population of
Huron County for tett and mot.
A volume of census returns bas just
been received and sante figures it gives
are interesting. The returns of popu-
lation for the Huron municipalities
are as follows :
Population In 1911. 1901.
Male Female Total
West Huron
Ashfield1,365 1.265 2,630 43.497
Colborne 833 709 1,602 1.8116
Goderich Tp. 1180" 1110 1,926 2,518
Hallett 1.218 1,198 2,409 2,808
W.Wawano.h 941 902 1,843 2,218
Clinton 1.027 1,227 2,254 2,547
Goderich To 2.084 2.438 t.342 4.158
Ytsalrr /seer from • to
wed wieleliy ed the gnaws wee a lea .bleb t lbs
wsI ymaidenl d the tows $ dew l red veer W lou sa. t
..err b • yaws
...Mot IIM owe a i4s w he56O dray e.i•
em a ow/ M5.a. en - ""' w lot 1
East Huron -
Grey , 1.467
Howick 1,768
Morris 1.111
Turnberry 037
E. Wawanoeh SN(t
Winghsm 1,029
Blyth 3210
Brussels Pte
Wroxeter to:.
South Huron -
Hay 1,513
McKillop 1,164
Stanley 985
Stephen 1,775
Tuckersmith 1.149
Ueborne 1,024
Seefnrth 906
Bayfield 126
Exeter 7118
Henrall 3822
Goderich town is the only municipal-
ity in the county that held its own in
the matter of population in the ten
yeses 1901-11. The total population of
the county in 1011 mss 52,090 -in 1901.
61,801. (Yolerich town reports the
greatest number or people to the
square toile (2.40.-o. while Oederich
township shows the Inweat Dumber la
fraction less then 21 to the square
mile). Stephen t+,wnsbip reports 38
to the squwre mil" -the highest Ague
among the townships.
Nineteen divorced or legdlly sep-
arated persons ere reported in ibe
whole ninety, pied eleven of these are
in the town.hips ret Teckerernith and
Why the Band Lett.
Facet Actor -1 hear that the nrches-
tia in soul theatre was saeksd in a
bndy the miser night. What was the
matter t
Second Actor n -b tbey *pent
the bene eituati.m la the play. You
know the court scene, where the
hero M seoteaced t o death ?
••Will. they were told to plat solo•
thing appropriate. and the jedge
no mor, pot no the Mask clip
tbe Miele 'track up, "Where Did You
Get That Hatt"
Passer -b • S bat's the fin ILC he
sobeady"4.ha. ?flet b eM1 'My.
r iesekinor OnMref t:A
Only line teaching all Summer
Resorts in Highlands of Ontario,
Full summer service now in effect
to all of above resorts. Write for
full particulars and illustrated fold-
ers to any Grand Trunk Agent.
eooeseeters' Excursions
July 9th and 23rd, August Stn and
30th September 3rd and 17tb, via
Sarnia or Chicago. Winnipeg and
return, tat. Edmonton and return,
$42. Tickets good for sixty days.
No change of cars. Special train
will leve Toronto 10.30 p.w. on
above dates, via Chicago and 9t.
Paul. carrying through coaches
and Pullman tourist sleeping cars.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-
way is the shortest and quickest
route between Winnipeg --Aaskn-
New fast express service between
Winnipeg and Regina. Smooth
roadbed, electric - lighted sleeping
cars, superb dining car service.
Leave Winnipeg 6 p.m.. arrive
Region 7 e.m., Saskatoon 8.30 a.m.,
Edmonton 9 p.m.
Aek F F. Lawrence, Grand Trunk
Agent, Goderieh, for full informa-
tion, or write A. E. Duff, 1). P. A.,
Union Station. Toroolo, Out.
I TtBLIOMED 1863 "3.19
Paid - up Capital, Rest d
Undivided Prod ai$8,181"
Total Assets lover) $68,000,00
persons can deposit or stithdraw
-a very convenient arrangement.
In case of death the balance goers to the survivor withIu
any legal formalities.
Ask the Manager about this Corm of account.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch.
Joint Account
in the Union Bank of Yamada
is the bent place for the family
funds. Either of two or were
money as.desired when in town
lalleefik, ENG.; SMANcM.) r. w. Altair. - • Msaasres-
e >rhrewrseee. tit. Lc, 1 6- M. C. !KART S1M1T111..111•11110111114
I ear
M o ving to
Sovereign Bank
We are about to change our place of business
from the present stand to the abo.'•-Mentioned.
To make moving easier, we :, ' .enaliug our
profits ou a vacation.
Special prices on all lines.
C.!1I and see.
Jeweller and Optician
South Side of Square GODERIOH
Don't you feel that you need one ?
We have several extra good lines, rang-
ing in price from $8.5o to $25.00.
Detroit Vapor:Stoves
What a satisfaction !
Just like city gas. No
smelling wicks, no gen-
erating, and works per-
fectly, in .either made
for coal oil or gasoline.
We are sole agents in
Goderich. The prices
run from $13.00 up.
Although we have
stocked heavier than ever in • this line, we are sold
out in several lines, but we have another shipment
to arrive before this reaches you. ,
We give a straight cash discount that means
money saved.
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.
SA SA A 7 CCH/:' WAN-Nnu pvo hem where / sided- Rert jr cifj mid •`S its 1 re,
A combination of
liquid and paste in
one smooth paste.
Best by test.
Gives s brillisiii
%ates - proof shim
that won't *oil the
clothelL ia.