HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-18, Page 2to TBoa$DA r, .i oto IB. 1912
THE MORAL P1tfll ting Ou. Halted
lebeem• ORO lie. lila
Terme s f .embed relse :
1 itd1.a per amasm it• eHe,
0 Rotes sulmor k rtatia�i, Sue . Fane
i1 abatross
AU to rearmrearmTug 8m.at
MA MID easter a hirer by ao-
of the tact tat as early • date et
• e l addtew le dedred. bob eed
end sew address +'orad be Ova
AMreleig Atlee :
Lraa1orad ether Ammo dv.rtewinesta, leu
our 11.. ter lest tseertleu and to we Wee for
wok w►mgsest iaseetie.. Meseared by •
ore mead scala twsl.e Ilam to as Inch.
Dawes cards of els ode ad seder. M a
adnrtbee sari a Lest, Ferud, ntesfad, tit.
Wiens Vacant, leitsatieae Wasted.
dArtielisa lbw isle ebh.ale sr to RFnt sit emaeema.
u sea ireesstie.: R qtr ant ee-a
insets la a<se mti Lasaimesew wler wse
ente£n O Cs i la ae erteeas1, r an n�type We
Amy genial actio•, the abient d which le the
I/ tomalary benedit et say ladlvidual or acrd.
tele alaeldted an advertisement and
chased a•cerdigly.
Haig fur display and instruct ad veruus
mssic will M taws en'Militi a.
A direst ail esu-eueba iese te
THE 81(iN 1 L PRIN11 NU 1JO. Waited
bode'+ oat.
mooted of the CtanU.n Parllameet
Met ash)' we I (+nachos wirtt to
i0114•ssedrol the expenditure of their own
fed., hut they will object to having
`lam AZ1O. their fighting i alt does hy proxy and to
haviog their responsibility in the
mat tar of defames sloughed off by et
cash payment. The true Canadian pol-
icy --the only self-respecting policy toe
Canadians - u to become responsible
for the defence of their own shores,
providing for that detester with their
own money. their own ships and
their own men. This policy can he
can ied out in full co-operation with
the Imperial navel authorities, .o
that we should have a defence scheme
at once Canadian stud Imperial.
OODiatcH. THt.'RSDAY. JULY 11. Mr
There is no mistaking the import
the Saskatchewan election*. 7
slogan adopted by the Conservativ
Opposition was "Seekatrbewan fo
Borden and Haultein," while th
Liberals fought for "Laurier an
Aentt" The great Dieue, kept to th
front in press and on platform. w
reciprocity, and the sweeping victo
of the Scott Onvernment means the
the farrnert, of Saskatchewan, wb
voted strongly for Laurier and recd
roeity lard September, still hate thei
hearts set on ssitieFtpsarket:s for their
products. 'The vtee•mv was gnined in
spice of the unto) upulous use made
"Bob" Rogers and sir agents an
organs of Federal control of the ;nitre
lands in Saskatchewan. Settlers w
warned that only from the Conserva-
tives could they secure homesteads
but the sturdy men of Saskatchewan
spurned the gross appeal and gave
Rogers a anuhhine that be will not
woe forget.
Surely the protected interests of the
East must now see that in face of the
opposition of the West tbe policy of
trade restriction cannot be much
longer maintained as it now it The
reciprocity agreement afforded a
cleans of securing extended market.
for the fanners without touching tbe
protection on man good. ex-
cept in a few minor1f they
cannot secure relief tbmugh wider
markets. the people of the West will
demand a radirel reduction of the
duties on the manufactured articles
which they have to purchase. In time
- and it may not be a very long time
- will get one or tbe other.
Would it not have been the part of
wisdom for the Eastern interests to
amenassist the farmers in securingamen
the United Suttee market. rather
than to block them and thug reretitle'
lI ore imperative and urgent the de-
mand for a general tariff reduction?
The protected interest. hare thetn-
selves to blame for the situation
which has now arisen, demanding the
adoption by tbe Ottawa Government
of a policy that will give relief to the
Western farmers.
h 1'
Cables trom London bring a variety
of sterid. regarding Mr. Borden's
conferences with the imperial author- t
it ies in connection with the question
of rival defence. One of the latest
stories is to the effect Lhat the
Canadian Premier, after baring Aub-
mitted to bim the evidence of the
natal experts. is profoundly imprinted
with "the German danger," and it
teems to he expected that he will
prepost some immediate contribution
by Canada to the Imphal defence
whom... As to the form Canadian
aid will take no autborit&Uve an-
nouncement bas been made : probably
Mr. Borden will consult hie Ministers
before committing bimaelf.
At a banquet tendered him last
week the Canadian Premier, semolina
to the cabled report, "agreed thee the
defence of the Empire meld beet be
.eeured by one nary. but onetended
that, while Canada would sot shirk
riotrensibility in that reeep act, abe
mn.t have a roiee In the policy
'Kaplan that detest.." 1f Usk means,
as it le taken in some quarters to
lawn. that Casale is to enetribute
several eall1les.yearly to the imperial
defames. fend. and that is ennekteration
thle contribution tee ie te bare a
s'eN++entatfve est the imperial D..
wire Ormsdttee. Me. Horden win have
telleelte to •wtieing the eons/est of
' be peeped O,..da an emelt a policy.
Thine walls elleamsows opposition it
sof Rep eel to head over miaow epi
Uaseesan nosey le its enpgygd by
. esmmIttee whin will be sat M the
The examination moults are taking
a large share of attention these days.
Remember it is to be spelled 'Tim-
iskaming" now. like a potato for
•,ins •.
Hon. "Bob" Rogers has made a poor
start at his job of 'dominating" the
Western Provinces.
The ('onservative Jrgaos insist that
reciprocity U dead. In which cane
they must be terribly afraid of Octets.
Another fleece tornado in Seskatch-
swan last Thursday. Among those
severely injured was one Robert
Rogers, bailing from Ottawa.
It is time for a forward policy in
connection with the lake shore elegtric
railway. The guaranteeing munici-
palities should make a more.
The wore other navy policies are
considered, the mote clearly it appears
that tbe hurler policy of a Canadian
navy is the only,feasible one.
If the Borden Government really
desire* to do something for the Rue
pire, wby not make a further increase I'I
in the preferaooe granted to British I
goods by the Laurier Government?
()wen Sound ratepayers have voted
tor two new industrial loan., one of
$20.000 tor a wire and wire nail fac-
tory, the other of a similar amount
for a match factory. Owen Sound is
bound to have them.
Lost -somewhere between the Pro -1
rincial elections and the 1st of July, a
Hydro -electric extension scheme for
Huron county. Anyone discovering
its whereabouts will kindly comtnu-
oicate with Hon. Adam Beck, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Tomato, or tbe pres-
ident of the Board of Trade. Godericb. ;
After a long-drawn-out investigation
and debate, William Lorimer, United
States Senator from Illinoi., has been
unseated by a vote of his fellow -Sen -
atop at Washington. 1t was charged,
and proved by evidence, that Lorimerb
seat in the Senate was obtained by
wbnlesele bribery of members of tl Il-
linois Le,gislsture. It is supposed that
the lunrter interest.. anxious to pre-
vent a redaction of the duty on lum-
ber. were responsible for the corrupt
methods employed to elect Lorimer as
a champion of theikr rause.
equally to aU countries. t is signifi-
cant that the Desaoatsta--the {ow
tariff party of the United States -
haws been 'colon right along in Ooo-
grers to prevent the withdrawal of ;.Pe
reciprocal trade offer. They may
give Canada another thence to setura
eat for bee products to the ailed
Stag market on terms not •a wed
to other countries.
Midsummer Pomp+
8e. ware Napestnwa mars le early Jana.
Win the year's primal buret et him is
Bolero the seise sad the iase•rt day -
Wise gacdA-walka and ad the grace
With idemse ore ted and whtu of tulles Mat
And sbweaa( Gowen are trews -
ds have I baud the eeebo'e patting cry,
from the wet lei. Womb the vest 11411"-
urdem teems.
t Swoe with the relieving rats and tieing
The trine= begone. and with Was him go 1 '
Tee lake daeemlrer, wherefore wilt thea
Bees will the hart Mtdaumoaer comp. 000.e
Sees vUl the mu.k carnation. break and
Sens .hall we have gold dented snapdragon,
Sweet. walkup with hi. Weedy cop age
And .tock. to fragrant blow:
Rosd that down tbe alleys ribs Whir,
And open. wowed. m oiled Whim
And group. under the dreaming modes-
t red
A sc' the tall mono and the • kite wedge
-U thew Areud
The Style.
tai setnow es.
Thar. mummer laww are„ being worn
a I. mowed.
Nor a Harem Skirt
Toledo Blade.
1 \L 'e have never even a hobble skirt
at prayer tatting.
Big Corporations Will Oppose.
Niagara Fate Gantt*..
in France it is proposed to tax fat
men. `',tont oppowition is expected.
What Guelph People Do.
Guelph Mercury. •
The av*tage man. quarter.
be Bete a
ittffor the coiin or a l plat ton reservSunday
Want the Foreign Flavor:
Rioter Ex pre.,
Farmers are buying buttermilk neer
the bar in Ripley at 5 cents a glante
while at home they can have barrels
of it for nothing.
The Two Ways.
Toronto .:lobe.
Mr. Borden is contributing many
intettot.ing interviews to the defen,e
of the Empire. Sir Wilfrid Larder's
idea was te build ships.
More Trouble for Rogers.
Ialdon Advertiser.
The rnethods employed by "Hou. -
Robert Rogers to Win the Saskatche-
wan elections should he the subject of
a parliatnentary inquiry.
King William's Vict.ry Made Rome Glad.
Mistreat Herald.
One of the ironies of history is that
the most prominent place where the
Bottle of the Bryne was first cele
braced was the 'Vatican. It *odd
bay. been a terrible blow to our
Orangemen friends .if they had been
told yeeterday elf thin strange histor-
ical fast. The Vatican was much more
000cerned in thew days in seeing
King Louis humbled than in preserv_
ng a Stuart on the English throne.
A Great Man and His Money.
Rochester Undo and Adreru.er.
The Hor. John Arthur Johnson
spent a part of yesterday in a Chicago
bank Counting the money he received
or beating the head nearly off et fel-
low -man in New Mexico the tither
day. He counted at a table near a
window and the crowd that assembi d
to see him at the task was so great
that traffic wee stopped on the street.
Mr. ,Tnbneon got $.91,000 for impair-
ing the facial beauty of an Italian
named Flynn. and he won $.5.000 oh
the mth
ill besides. Why do en work
for a living when such eendid re-
wards ere to be had for a few
moments' exertion in the prize ring!
Mr. Johnson, though extremely
black, i. a farorite in society, parttc.
lamely in Chicago. Would half a m
Ion people sasetoe to ate any other count 11 0.000?
The beauty of the elm tree grows i
upon one. For comhinetine of state-
linese and grate, what specimen can
equal it ? indivldual it stands along
the boundary fence or in the pasture
field: its giant trunk straight as au ar-
row. massive. topped with branches
drooping at the tips. almo.t every
tree di.placing a particular form of it.
own. Thank• to the minor value of
Re timber, it has been stared the axe
where other tree* have (ellen. Long
may it remain in ruitably-selertrd
location.. Spare the elm.
A letting tribute by The Ferm.r'p
Advocate to one of the nnhle't of on
neer.. Colborne tnwnebip Is e.peci
all' fortunate in having many pima
r u
which grare the landacepein all dire. Mr. Rowell.
tions The Weekly Sun.
The Sun has hsee clrrely watcbing
Mr. Rowell win his spurs. Able and
lucid. eager for moral reform. be bee
seemed curiously indisposed to debate
social and economic quoit -Ions In-
ttmateiy affecting the moral weasel.of the people. It was, there Ise, a
pp befit s fps rprise Inn reed the
London to the di oopnlaten of the
farms of Ontario. Tt N a vele of 'Tin-
which it will pay him be
der Hew is be to entoree the
prohi tion of the liquor tr&Me but try
matntaiNgf lm the country Allays the
sturdy population trainee by the In -
ame a elvilhado f it le
titter that the
coming so 1h1* that etlolled r lolled
only the pewee of pat abs
of tte.peweeafwheillt and,th
not e had important, the
way do --for tee
newspaper*. e
wYh IS typist whore
we>I»Par talk. ht rthey were 1rrM.r�� �� �oe
The Montreal 81ar's nava, policy i.
to "lend a group of iJanadian fighting
Dreadnoughts to the imperial navy."
As Canada bas so Dreadnoughts, they
will hare re he purebased from the
British Onr.rnmeet. and The Mon-
treal Star's idea u to purchase them
with money borrowed fmm Great
Britain, which bring.. canticle's naval
defence pollee down to the basis of
paying interest on the price of a num-
ber of DneednotIghte which twrhape
no Canadian would ever nee. it looks
like a fairly cheap way of disebar•ging
our imperial "obligation.," and as
The Star soy/ "practically the whole
of Canada" would favor the scheme it
Ambassador Dryers ors Gats • lower
merican tariff. An • 4
o+we • puttee arm The
more or Idles •'ommittn t . 11aRn(t !rllMu�at
r "d
causes e Hinging n ',-rte
Wilfrid Loaner nuht h, -e -ode.
Pew oda MPrressi.. eavily to ir. net'
dam& le
hid awsdealtl
eletIepraleree It. K and
beta i N
Whet. It may be a�eji Mr.
Sowell dor the meow of rPmgrdlnl
!ea •t least ass bit in•
Pnseibfr The Pope Pries le tteodeees ta(s1�..t
to see that there le a r ,.t dlfemmes walk tlmMr he extra
ag 7mgas.a
betwesa the spsaial wed est '
ematithir the
i masa& and Ills esti = stn �g � g+. Pannier
la the P sited Mates ~to slier boom hke he ands Whir beekesee
the devalepeigge
puipwely and the ,41.„,,,a„„..au* of N!y Ontorrla. abling it
le now Ode 'elms%
waled .•seas be the, the fame.
a eoasley thtwspt► el
W Ostarb hoepail b
fid eft for Cell ` l tor. Wsgt Wb els..Id h.
StateetrW st1
"old -, Rath 1
requital is agent! the
The Laa4
dierd Freels r w 'eri..o SIt' FROM
et Oilier Opel ata.
"I ha= Al to masa the rant-
sail the lattgloet;
"Yes." welted the lady et the !hent
**mew to New. eater. I [live yea he
maw Oda smooth. I"-
'?sst a salads. madam." said the
landlord. "I ma save your time fisc
you. 1 know the pause hal lit for
Iii 1. It's 1h the dialog room wall pa-
per in a abed' te maple et rellsemeat,
the kitehea walle are a disgrace. and
the beet peach Is a mane. to We *ad
flub. I'm also aware tbat yea weal
stay bah soot her math Wase the
barber v» wall paper L the leek
bedroom Ir changed to semethiag la a
delicate pial; and I'm sett be the fact
that you're ashamed to have people
loo' at smelt gas erten. as I bays fru
vided. This spring I'm going to paint
the frost ad back porches aced let 9
go at that"
'Tbaak you very snack," amid fife
lady mouthy. To have oared ms a
lot of troobla That ls all we really
expected to hare dose. bet 1 was afraid
that 1 sboold hare to mate the same
old bluer to get that much oat of yes."
-Detroit Flee ['rect.
lljow Mrs. Escaped �
a gas's Cali •5
A Real Treasure.
After addressing a womaa's cochlea
dub • famous lecturer was beth od
by the members. who questioned bile
about b1s own household Ind about by
kitchen In particular.
"Are you satisfied with your 000kr
some one asked rima
"Te., indeed." was the reply.
"Is .he seesemkalr
"Can she bake piss and bread r
'The treat fa the hid.•'
"1e site meet .lout her work r
"As tidy as a pin and as attractive
to appearance sit. one would can to
"How about bee disposition'
"I think It 1. about perfect"
"Huh"' exclaimed one of the matrons
who had bees Daring trouble with her
cook. "it's a wonder Fos don't marry
the girl."
With a eettssed salla the lecturer re.
"That's exactly what I did. fly wife
cess her own cooking." - Youngstown
His Twenty Dollar Egg.
A ben on the term of Henry L. Jost,
aaaistaot Prosecuting attsrnev. laid bar
first egg the other day. Incidentally
It was the drat ere laid by any Mem-
ber of the dock. and Mr. Jost took bis
account book down from Use shed and
figured just what tbat tag coat bile.
-As nearly as 1 can estimate." salt
be. "I am amt just x20 for that egg. 1
bare been feeding those chick's, all
wester, and now at last, 1 am reward-
ed. Occasions when i could cit down
to a banquet that cost f30 a plate hays
bees rare with tne, but 1 can claim to
have eaten s twenty dollar breakfast
Ude morning. Some Of my Meads
have insisted that 1 sbocld bare had
the Kg framed, brit 1 ate 11 and got at
least 120 worth of aro:oymeot out of
the sneaL"-Basses City Journal
Dopler -aide Result
A public bouss la ■ Yorkshire dis-
trict displays Is one of its windows
this notice: "Football Result. Receiv-
ed Here." into this haven one ever
tag a man entered, supporting a young
man whose figure testified to the tad
that he bad been engaged la *he vio-
islent eac000ter.
"Ye receive intim' reaulta here, 1
sea" sold tm fon nee.
"Yes. we do." replied the barman.
"Weil, here's coo. tree the futha'
match. Ye might keep blsn till he
coma to hisserr-Fate orad iBsae
eeneveier se.
"IIs yes won't take cMIdr's le your
apartment hoular
-ovoidal think of it" sacci the bid -
"Wby do you dislike eblilessr
"I don't mem no toad of them that
I dant wast to take a chase* es their
beteg cepa awaits by posple wile play
the pease tN midnight"-Wahrgl..
Pose*. lit -"I wii /ice 1st cite+
� S W
faQeesL The flietwode
tor maid Ilads tame
and the acerb
was the slt.j...
tides My aah.e
see Lydia L
Pt.kb.a's Vegeta.
hie enoid. mod
endow I au awell and
Imlay women. Pa
sena fW.t..+i.a mouths 1 suffered
Wash relieved Sts. 1 glut
to ten
agree what year maditfn.s have dose
for me. You don use my teatim..l-' 1.
any way you wish. tad I alt be skid
to answer littera "-
tato, 106 Mooed 8t, Peoria IL
Mrs. LFtk�hOperation. std s Avoided"
Jessup, Pa - "After the birth or .q
fourth child,1 bad severe orges& Yam.
elation. I won* bare ouch terrible parr
that it did not seam as though I omit
staid It. Thie kept up for three long
mouths, until twe doetare decided diet
anoperation was needed.
Then ose of ary !hale reeorn.rad.d
Lydia Z. Penkbam'. Vegetable Cow
pound and atter taking it for two month
1 I was a well woman." -Mrs Josses A.
1 Lyng. Jessup, Ps -
a' Waneswho =offer from famish as
I • ou* try Lydia E. Pinkbgm'a Vegeta-
' bis Compound, one of the moat inoses.•
tnl remedies the world bee over known,
before submitting to a .tagird spa -
Sskjeas taught by Infractors
n ractors
at y
LO *DOrt O. MT.
Sttidssts assisted tions. C.ollege
a' session from Sept3t3rdd Catalogue
free. Eater any time.
LW. WeltarnIt J. Jr.
MOW carters Accwitsat
14 trim -Prig!
IR. 111110111•11.
Minuerseasi ter reetbatLI a lematiem. The
Cesge.ismrr' a wish to aware
s trailed fee Fees Ytd'a weer. Theeeegh
ewrar is Medd. Pahang. Oeuadry, sl.1
fluted, Badman Oar, sad Demesne
Seise.. Lyse ammo. hemeidna eavirw-
meat desideat nese lawns best► et
statists. Reeds _1 4. 0.ery girl
seeds an AICA minis.. Nanidme ew-
geda east en arNnsila M Priciest. 42
�'. ERS
!'weeded 1044
aw.Jeat ori C.15 -gar for be. • and cweag men
-eseelleat B„"«+.. Bash EAeet or
Ace/Semis mad Art. Dnart.eet.
Nee Beddow. ssAki !riot linrem c wan,-
E •t•.Tbeladiest amew es Caiti-
Tick S 5.ning Peel shower
lea• Semi .r•wrdaace to Stde%its Pr..
femora rand.+dare eawrs ie
73ABenam. ltataa� raedevsr►. Acinus:
err.lLWar. C. IL.
Ead fervent -de yea meet glee me a
character fwttb deep seers!, yes -yes
Meaty -lea's tet ars yea, mother)
Ladino, Ahead.
�llh.a !asuman fab W locked
tip bre l.egstllmisie wino -There! 1
Moil have • Mt* place seol est
bow etre* tomorrow mime 1 Inst bar
otin-Nicene•. Metter.
Pe... Me* Her V1.tario.
leo um Menge
ewer yea M
■e-W'iN that bar of the assts•
idol of he MVO 11•' "1,
isy fin.reiang
Res lamaranos Com-
paaisd. It will aw ignite
frost mare or harvest
Ina* said bad laved
may • bullnag. Made
in 3 Puradasat Galore
-Rbc, Drew*. Duda
-sod to natural Slats.
b.i Candia. eels. 71
dtkn.aaiu. ice a emL
NMI 11111,11 LAIIIM
For a pleasant. Adgh
dam ear& f>7
AMguatiter or
G P. R Cart
14. ash es Mee
Including all the populer cleated at especial priors.mansano'h•des. all to o
White Shirt Waists
Voila., Marquisettes, Lewes and Noy reduced to clear-
ing price..
Pillow Cases
8psaial value in fine cotta Pillow Cases. all sins., 4�rJ(_
per pair..
Fun siva sad cowered hotlyticking hilar $1.15 perwith pate t °p� � 1.
Cotton Blankets
Medium Woe andla one age se double blankets. Pick or
blue border. OLIO wed91.30 taloa at P•• pair Mao .P01.15
Table Napkins
One hundred dosen dinner sine Tate Napkitu, pure
linea damask. *lightly iaspsrhaste-that la. 'snoods, but
very sligbt. Quality In the lot ranges $850, $4.00, �IZa25
$4.50 to $8.00 a down. On gale at per dozen e
Table Cloths
Cloths, aims *z24, 2x3 and 2jx3 yards, SOcloths In thaw,
sizes on special rale. (lotho and napkins in matching
patterns in all leading sizes
Fifty dozen of our famous hemstitched Huck�n
Towel*, full size and purest linen stock, et six for .p1.Jll
Bath Towels
Special values in bath towels for bathing season at el
Bleached and unbleached sheeting+, direct from the
mills and cutting now so pie's pricy. Special at per
card 900. ado and .... 30c
flattings _
Japan matting, yard wide, . 10o >;u 1
Curtain Materials
^urtaioisg 30 inches wide of Wash Net with in-
sertion and hoe edge, regular 20c, for .......... ... I A-
Floor 011 Cloths
Two yards wide, beautiful patterns, at per square r15C
yard.... L
Four yards wide. new pet -tern', at per yard 410s llC
Swiss Curtains
Three and a -half yards long in beautiful patterns et��
31) pairs in white only on sale, regular $4.50 per pair e
%ntpecfi0rr is't d
A Real Car
at a Low Price
:141, y'\
The Studebaker -Flanders 'lir le Pet ss' all • sturdy, handts me
car. Your not MI el pride and the judgment of your neighbors Ate'
saris tied.
But deeper than appearance --in ensign in construction, down
into the detail of every cotter pia and lock nut, the 8tndehaker-
Flanders "30" is a splendid automobile. By changing the transmis-
sion or ming only the sheer nenessltke of automobile mmnufacture
we could considersb4y cheapen it. But then it wouldn't deserve the
Studebaker name. Rernewiher that for 80 years the tame "Stude-
baker" has stood for the hest that ran be bunt. There are no bid-
den weeknee.ep in the Studebaker -!danders "131." itis all good• a
true Stndebaker car.
Csasdisa Car for Caaadisas
tudebnkerMoira -•W' Towle( Car, cline L w ► Walbrvlfe
ttith Tp.. whiashr d and gpi.m.ar. pts
`end for our eataistsw It will listed Fra
Wattarrtar. est.
Western Fair
3gtesher 6th to loth, 1912
London's Great Exhibition
Liberal Prises
Instructive EgbiAit-
Sped Kveots web day
New lit DuiMi.g Wed with Mapalelret Paintings
Programme Twice Deny Un atm* Pared. Doily
Illamecif Chelts•sbaew. s o' the Bars Hoorn.
World.mud Btesa One of the Head. M 19.
Aerial Amt.. f)seaady AMa, 111bater.s and Aare.
:mUie Arts. Rsdarts Hyneetrinmie Ank crud glias
Th. Midway better that ewer Awash ow& eves*.
Slag* Fere Rates ewer all railroads term =trreben se
Sparta% Excwseiow Days. Sept. Nth, licit. iith
Mop Lists and .S Is0...mane 1 . th1
W. J REiD. Praatdeae A. M. ItillfT, aamwrrs
B() U KI
titerTHS 810.
jl ikoseissa sad
West. sex:
dila riersee. AL
De. W. F. (1
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Miele Amee-h, bar.
Ostia 8gaar e. and
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•lea to 2to1p.
AN. rammer..
�mtarr W the Han
ta=e * Wad at
tape rant hide
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Oaten. -J. b. ...IC
Jet washy, h
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Duetted -hs hays.,.
Pesch awe : John
heaven, braocne
Aaeir: J. w. Y
Harm* : Ja., t.
tharbl.r. Seatatt.
b. tett. us..tvsy,
Fpm set LIG x
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The tweed
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Picd,q add
What at real-
tsrfa aced Si. Lang
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stir ewe.
Mae Ow la DNB tb.
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