HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-11, Page 8Si i mo Det JOLT 11. 1.10
Copyright Books
The tollowing Cop yri,lht
Books, regularly published at
$1.15 sod $1.t0, special for one
week. $1 00.
"The Common I. ,,.'• by Cham-
"Singer of the tiooten•y," by
•'Life Sverla.tiue." by Martie
••Mary Midthorne," by Geo. Barr
McCu tcbeom.
'•Forth Watch," byCody.
"The Danger Mar" by Cham-
'•Kennedy tiquade." by F. Hop-
kinson Smith.
Reprints. Sec
The following Repents, spec-
ial. 50c.
'The Shuttle," "Bob. Son of
Battle." "Freckles." "Inner
Shrine." • I'rtrr," "(loose Girl."
"Music Masten' and several
of herr, SJ.•.
'I . he Colonial Book Store
I'(li<1'I'.k• i•uqs
i'Ir.•n.• alta troderich
G ra hophone
and Records
We 1•av" a full eto.k of
Coln.r,bia. (i•aphophot.e. and
Itartrrdw. (:(riI sod hear the urn
Iron,:... ('olminbia (?.aphophone
at *17.50
%\'.H. Harrison
feet Breadth. 69 K few
Tours,ls. 14.'103
Wireless; WWI Ssbe wise Stdaele
',eke t' hamplarn
Costume. of Ireland.
Take Mawtob.
Empre.w of 11111,.10
Lake (lumpish]
Itmpres" of Ireland
Lake Manitoba..
Empress. of Hot a.n.
Lake ('h.rupiai n
Lake s
July It
July Ili
July 14
July Yi
Aug. 1
Ate. H
nag. 1..
Aug. El
Aug. M
Sept. e
Sept it
Tirketn sed all information harm soy
steamship .gent, or J. Kidd, Anent. C
1'. R. fioderkh. (1st.
John K (Memo., L S. MOMS. le vieltl•s r
('aewett Kueball to bar Prom TOMS* fsr
KowaMama was up hieW Tateato an the
11 0. B excurdss.,
Mr.. W Doves W t�tar0M:tem gaapaa
• pleasar't west at uiw.
Arthur Bates. Of=
• arrah
toy.- wen In taws
R. M. Bert, of the Beak •t Owmssss. °Shel-
by.. it.pendiag b4 Wfdayr•D1tlows.
(00. t 1.1. home at the
Iter M. kMtet/a W
mita Me.m4 tt.hsetya HR life
on a vtsl1 t0 etaderd. Aamlttew awl
Mrs. T C. MoKeogie and Mb. RstbeeMd.
of rue eta were upas the ewareim to visit
[Sole sister. lira James Mao V tboe�r
1 V. Cowries. of Mayherw, 5..k.. W bees
In Wawa err a w day. is wooed len wta his
rest mist*
Klee Ida lie seen. o/ Tomato. evert • few
days at the home of ben uncle. W. 11. Robert-
Geo, Mott was up with the Huron Olsten
He b travelling in the West ler a
J. A. McLeU&od raft o. Saturday to take W
neeposition with the Honk of 4 ommesue at
Mir Haute Curreil and brother. AMeet, et
Toronto, visited at Lewis KlHett's ever the
week -sad.
W W Tweeds a.d daughter. Iabmime me sr
0o this Huron Old Boys excursion remm Ter.
Mo.. Will Hutchison and daugbar Ethel
were &nw the Tari.to Welters. ?bay
visited ►t T1M. Morrow's. Herm I.
Mr. •.d Ms W. A. St of 8mhrtk, were
the guests of. Mr.. Haml.e. Mra stabMh
sister, es Tuesday.
Mrs. idwardr and two ohlldtss. of Okla-
homa, 00. V I4 4g the lady • guests. Mr. ad
idea •1. lireokenridte.
Min. Aline Emerton, of Lo 400. was viral,
Mg Ms Ellen Sallow.. Bruce .tenet. 1.4
Meese Olive Munroe and Alice ()cr, of Stret-
ford. aro the 'nom; of Mr. and Mrs. John
Marr Winoihmd Poynter, of Pembroke. L the
guest of her amt, Mr. H. J. Morris. A.g1Nea
street. for • week or two.
Bert Sb•rmau. of Chicago, arrived 9•ttrder
evening lad on a ween's visit to his maay rela-
tive. bre to town .rd country.
Mrs Smeetb left tor Toronto 00 Monday ow a
two or three weeks' visit to her daughter, Mn.
Mr, H. Motluarrie, of Bravais, and her
daughter. Mn.. Imooard Wregbt, of Mollie.
wish., visited in town thi, week.
Robert Carey and Cookburn Hoye lett last
Friday in their canoe for au outing at Grand
Bend. They ret orned on Tuesday erasing.
Mrs. Smart. of Toronto. r t the weekend
the guest of her fMeod, Mrs` Hopkins. Bad
6ruest Warrensr, Harold and Res Wrioa. of
Detroit, and Jaok 8warts took a joy ride to
Stratford one day last week.
Mr.. Tho.. Neill has returned to town attar
a month'. visit with friends at Detroit and
Clinton New Kra: Mrs. A. Shier and frir
sora, AltorL are spending their bothers in
Mr iLlpatrick, oho bad been it -Sting Mr
old bh8orrsss. here, left on Tuesday (.j01. her
husband, Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick. e[ Belgesve.
Maple -Leaf Grocery
for Saturday
California Peaches
California Plums
Red Currants
Water Melons
New Potatoes
In stock Red Hose Brand Pure
Leaf irtrd.
Fresh and choice Dairy Butter
, in pound prints,
Just received a consignment of
Oros & Blackwell',' and
Shetrift's Marmalades.
Phone 5J Hatniltsn St.
i. the aafeut investment on the market. There is
el.solutely no doubt about the Muir* of the city to
..n' o1 the greatest centres of population nn the con-
tinent, and as Winnipeg grow. the value of coal
estate will grow.
We an pato you In th0 way of basin). .money.
'waking oppc.ttubiliee.
S.rme chirice arab in one of the beat re.ident.ial.
sections ate now offered 0. este tetras.
For pertiwul.re apply to '
Scott, Hill it Co. J. T. Goldthorpe
2t i *mull* Life Building Neural Telephone A • 4
N. B. -Any to estor 'toying Winnipeg p..pwty througIIguarantee hem
wall, desired. be fureisbeel with a guarantee Ssett. & (l..
that if in one year be is dissatisfied with the deal hie mossy :drag be
ref,tnArd with i.tmwt air al pee Apra J. T. Gouvribara
•. Notre. M1... Nae nal
ameesepe.4d bur .ad *afr
wok hr .t Belgravia
1 44..ki►wmaar4: MM, Mario. Bcglb
at pdsrieb. 14her •unt.
areMa Mesabi... . d ciboria.
ear speed tis woetb. at Mrs.
Arrau/s eldlam. horn
Aadeew BnokM4 dge..14.r .pardt.e two
weeks of his holiday. i. t .wo. left o. Monday
terA • s.trip up the 4k.e before returning to
W. lied litre. (`frit Meares were •moss the
week -sad s*eerhaea eats from Toewta Mr.
Oe o. bra
Bea* d woe fermerly we...ot.d arta the
M. B. Loos LR Maeda, eerwag to take •
..lira.!. onset 1+.Wag at lastest. Praesepe!
Bos., et Ds..N.w. 1s taking fee saew
esu e. wbleb I. .4 weed.
Ur. ed biro Kama �
Ma... •.d two obl4ede and
Mel Meth of Oeillla are the Besets
mof Mr. YsMes ileo. ibm. H IC lag. The Iwd4s .rev
tremors Cased^
IMur YM. Ow. Lbeeter MINN. N Moloss. le hi.
&ear.: W home of bio warts. Mr. tad
8s8s.4,14 �iw,t : Mir my, Carney ed
brother !Jesse, et Godar4h, are v/dten at
rte b+ro of Mr. .04 Mis J&. McNamara,
Rivet amt.
Amass the Buren ON Begs Irks cams up
teem Testate were Mr. mod Ms hank ti
,aad termer'. mterbter. arra nom
erng•.a.w t sad younger sea, mane lush.
11/a W. D Tye Oaeraers.d tree Tere tae
Mimes Tye oras later from Octans. Mho
nal mead hoer holidays .t the Campy res
=era areata
Mr. ad Mrs. W. T. Smith .d B.. Belli, et
Mises* are bene es their ease& wmts.r
viel41s Wks g..41sWs eetMr, Ms Abraham
80444. :lamb Area.
Ceaaemer C. H. Hessler km bees cssaad
M the Mee.e sad sear the fleeter•. ease *horn*
SBMdae. bet ,.w Sow recoveries bis sere!
H. C.1eMw Went eese i. et Pow mean. a few
ld�ayr'ky Aewasaocomp:"i.d . Mrs T.
lSmo, who will woman Mr some tare.
W. were plwwd ase Mayr Bpotan le
towel's T..rday. He was touring in his auto
with a party , f frbeda Be Molest recovered
from • revere W.tes., Nt Moto almost as good
as new.
Mrs. J. K. Gre•e.ad three o►Hdrtn. of Ed -
00001 e. are a.. toe 00.14. skit to relatives
In hew sed vid/V. easy will De the guests
of Mr. .d Ms G. H. Ono of town. and 01
Mn. Peter Orem. Sherrardto..
George 8•ltt0L of the Hayfield read. m-
inims last MOW ream Tenets. waere be had
bop for three weeks taking treatment at the
P&-eur 15.uale as a preametionery measure
.a • moult of the locoed estbre.k 1n tbo tows -
eh tp
G. Arthur Carrie oamo up from Tomato
w i, h the rent of the Old Boys 10 .Dead • how
days at the olid Some. Mr. Curie. who 4 •
Maud graduate. le now rrrperintesdent of the
Clacks Pros 4 TrceW.
The midsuratr holidays always beteg home
to Godetldt • Janie member et meow towhees.
Amoor them wee bre arrived Once the
*bout a school am Mess Minnie Campbell.
meter; Bir item MCNevi•. front 8.s..
o4A•ad ; Aiwa Gladys More stn. from Zedwh:
Mks. M. Itebertr.on, Crum Burks Falb
Hob•rtme. from Win/loot : M... N11a
there. treat Moira: Mb.., Veilie G
Iter bast. wood.
Wehd.ersdiar d�.d. weak Alex. iogiM ami
Wo Itq (Ma Lad. now mit [rem Meetteall ee
flys. �, it »n,pwbosae free thew
o wit
ad' 0 a.d
�.. pI(n.eorg in -frame=
a�Y•� Tit 1, tilt 100i.p 91�0 .,
M.e.rr.gt�se.11W�Mt ee has ale reser
the eassta7/. p b. 9001014 l4454
4. 'bee be wee bet • sear obi.
How's This?
We offer (Ne Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh &kat cannot be cared by
Het'. Catarrh Cure.
Y. J. CHi.-NgY & CO . Toledo, o),
We the usterelgsed have known F'. J
Cbeaey tor the last IS seam and believe him
peyteetiy ho.wrsbis 4 al boatner troupe: ons
•aa eaaseially able to carry out any obliga-
tions .ad• tv Irks. aria
(► horsedLr.N
. girth Toledo, C.
HaU'� G9terrb Core ie t.eea tuter..&ay, act-
ipeotmotU app Use bkod .d macou. kir
Imes of the amain Testimeest.L rent fres
trim 7S opts per bottle. Heed by W druggbpw
Take Hall's Family till+ tor euo.tlpa.tos.
Copyrtgbt Books Reduced --Geo. Porter 6
Midsummer Harg•ln, - W. Acheson &
ep .... .. .. ..........
Pr imam Yate Lotion -(is•. B. Them... C8I-
ctee, ILL .. 1
Iwoetaaoe Agencies Nisbet 1
Ormit July Bale-H.tgens Bros . . .. .
.. s
Another Avalanche -J. H, Colborne .. e
A Square Deal -Most 8keet Garage ........, 7
iterovt of Garbage -B. C. Munninge.Gbalr•
WWI Public Work. Committee
Refrigerators- Howell Hardware Co8
Work Wasted -Mia k. ward 1
Girl or Woman Wanted -Mss. 0. R R.W-
Readers-S. K Riot s
Rorer-Blaekatooe'a •
snarl. for 8•M --Mrs. *eh Yate.
SHLPHARD.-In se Wednesday
it(p• SR te Mr. wed Ms J. Shepherd.
00 June 1104 to Mr.
awl Ms R. G. Mason. Brno sliest. •
✓ oe.
QUIGLEY.- At Allmaefro hoepttal. unease .
ea Jame Mi. to Mr. sad Mn
Themes .8t. DarteL itee.t, a mos.
Thema. ewes.
(wt. - At Whmires. Ma.., on 8sdmp Jet,
7th Ella nth. Mkt at the late :Sass.
4: ex. 4 4., 11.1 ,ssi.
Oa as MOM to
'Z Se hope It
:nth. trade
I Heap:
Tara ping
Vlore why
wish tt would
"Set yea will
Peat runt your
sew party dress.
gettingea mid
of the street
"Oessel gar-
b will .Jest
bare to Met s
astlab tf k
Salary T.
Pas* en sick pea r. Thor
leek sited/) awl resistive power.
Scott's Emulsion
brings new Ye te pati papie---
it gives •iger tai vitaity to
mad tai ice. AS awgarra
Mona Dower. Tomo& at 1!i
. -
Jewysd et the Ce.eltwi.s.
•vera*.*'. Nemo r"
"0066 to the *sentry for hie health."
"I believe that the doctors do tMmk
errantry ate b''mom makery than the
eret Beet.
g of geese things • 'ave
ea Niels net hoe three Mods'
•'whet le M-m_nam Seek T
dpilapi. Welters 111mmir.-
"Teeth is wearer thaw *soon"
9 weeder why.`
'aemees It Is eller sad more sail
Subjects markt by expert instructor:.
at :he
it C. A.
Students assisted to prides. College
to unman from Sept 3rd. Catalogue
free- Eater any time_
J. W. Westaneit J. W. **slew tt, Jr.
Priadpd Aessestam
is MOMise-hade.1
.r"Y__,iY....,rrw_�+•r.-w --v-v-.r-v�v-Yw-v-Y.ry �r-rfir.--�'•-" -y- -"►
Please note that this store will close aft o'clock each Wednesday during the hot summer
t Help along the early closing movement by doing your Wednesday shopping in the morning.
11 "
The July Sale has a twofold object :-First, to stir up business in a
usually dull month ; second-, to clear every vestige of summer stocks the
season in which they are bought to sell. July Sale prices are stirring up
business and clearing surplus stocks: Here are some special values.
Great Clearance of
Dress Muslins
You will want a Muslin Dress when
you can get a nice one at such a little
• price. If you are puzzled how to get
it made, see some of the pretty summer
styles in the July Style Book of the
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. With
each pattern are full directions for the
making of the garment.
Muslins at 9c
Three hundred yards fancy Dress
Muslims, near and tasty patterns on good
quality cloth, colors fast, regular up to
15c. July Sale clearing a t p e r per,
yard x71.
A Great Clearing at 124c
Hundreds of yards of dainty French
Mullin., splendid variety nt patterns in
nearly all colorings, regular values up to
Mc. July Sale clearing "Per
y L
Extra Fine 1'luslin 19c
A big clearance of High-grade Drees
Muslin, beautiful sheer soh organdy
eaecta in very pleasing color combina-
tions, regular values up to 35e and 1c
40c, July Sale, per yard 9c
Suiting Linen 20c
Plain Suiting Linen, white ground with
hairline black stripe, standard 80c 20c
qualtt). July Sale, per yard..... .. `1J1,
Special Prices in Whitewear
July Sale at, the Whitewear counter
means very saving prices. Just at the
time you need the goods we offer most
unusual bargains.
Gowns 88c
Ladies' white cotton Gown., made from
good quality cambric - flnisbtd Be dish
00(1011, full sire, so skimping, neat yoke of
embroidery and tucking. Special, QQ„
July Sale... Wl
White Skirts 11.08
White Skirts made from S nit lis h
cambric, wide frill of isoelnd las.
Wu. regular $1.411. July Sale. $�
Very Handsome Skirts 12.90
This i. • clean-atof some of our h' h-
Calemecide gsrmleCdig ere nee Do two alike
hot fashionable style with
Mils of rows of ooar ie lace and insertion
or ♦gsdsome muslin embroidery, regular
calms op M akar at, 114.50.
neyttat . dome $2.90
Cors Covers 33c
Floe embroidered Co. set Covers trimmed
with Torrhoe lace and ismrtioa, very
haodsoese garments, Special ))
A Dozen HandaomeOowtis & Skirts
Judy Hale we offer you about one down
very band.Marta. Gowns End irta. These
are exceptional) cboies garments. blither by far Meblithern we usually carry in
stook. They came to tae with a lot of
Mple. lar priess up to *10.00.
VW July Sisk we offer. you you, *hobs
these handsome 1$ r sa e 1 t• $4fob
Gish' SamMeragsies •W
at Saving
91ri.' Wash Dreesss ohm to fit girl*
10 to 14 venire, gt* 4___ mMa.s, Mo., ss
ova *like. Year abates at vary .ase!
belirw the nasal prig.
Linen Doilies
A big purchase of
Laney Linens enables us to
make this unusual offer-
fferdog. The lot i n c l u d e s
ental!. medium and large
Doilies, Lunch Clothe,
etc. We offer yon your
choice of the entire collec-
tion at lees than One-half
Usual Price.
Some Great Hand-
kerchief Bargains
Saturday morning
we put on xis three
or four hundred ladies'
Handkerchiefs. These
are all new and are
samples bought at a
very liberal discount
for this July Sale. If
you want something
in a really nice Hand-
kerchief ata very mod-
erate price, come and
look the lot over. No
two alike. Regular
prices' 16c to $1.00.
July Sale 10o 65c
to VJ
This would he a splendid
opportunity to do your
Christmas Handkerchief
buying and save money.
Out Go These
Dress Trimmings
Drew Trimmings at
• fraction of their
valor, while the July
Sale is on. Saturday
morning we g a t h e r
together short lengths
of high - grade t. im-
minge in various oolong.
These are trimmiogs
that sold in the regular
mall the way up to
per yard. To
make a clean-up we
offer you your choice
on July Sale Days
at per yard ....... 50c
Any Trimmed
Hat :12.65
We are clearing the
decks in the Millinery
Department- Saturday
morning brings t h e
biggeet saving oppor-
tunity of the semeon.
for thee we give you
your choice of any
'rimmed Hat in the
showroom, positively
no reserve, all going at
the ase peke, acid that
/wane di Remnmber•
etre') T4isamed Hat..
n o similar whet Ile
. /ties or Sa.ual
only. .oar. $2.65
Great Saving on
Plouncing Embr-y
�s�tait Miasma. ]sae`ri
Saki ly«
Black Silk and Lace Coats
at Greatly Reduced Prices
A clean sweep of the Coat racks
must be made before the July Sale is
over. If you want a handsome Coat
at a moderate price take advantage of
this unusual offering Here is the list
of what we have to sell.
One black silk Coat, handsomely enbrui
dared, three-quarter length. JulySale , $10•(�
One fall-lecgth black Coat, trimmed
dwith embroidery ted banlace $4
net, regular 1010.00. July BSM.. s.77•
06 long net and Moe Cott, a very hand-
some garment, regular S35.00. July
,One -long black Bilk Coat, an exceptional!)
handsome garment,
July Sale. regular $87.60. $23.50 -
Ladies long black cloth Cwt. reg- $7• 75
ulsr $10.00- Joly Sale.. .V
Two long cream serge Cotta, reg-
ular $1200. July $ab75
One long embroidered linen Coat,
regular $10.00. July Sale.... ....... $6.25
Gingham Dresses 32.25
Ladies' Wash Dresses. made from good
quality gingham in neat checks. trimmed
with n air coloto match, reg-
ular Ors, July Sale $2.2
120 and 325 Suits 114.85
Ladies' tallormade Suits, high -grad.
garments, black and navies, the last of
our Spring stock, regular $90 $1A Q5
and fr.. July dale •
A Few Suits 17.75
A few Venetian Suits, black or vary.
neat styles, all wool, man -tailored. C7 75
inertial. ineal. July Sale .D •
One Blue Serge Coat :11.25
One only lady's blue Serge Coat, the last
ne we 4.,. left. regular 16.10. $11ul.25
Clearing the Short Coats
( Six or eight short Jackets, fawns ,,,
blacks. ep4lodU fix dtiving or cool even
inR.. '01u1.r rap M $1000 July
dale each s3.4 5
Brown Panama 45c
One end only Brown Panama all AP.
wool, 415 inches wide. For July Sale
Ladies' Parasols 11.38
Ladies' Umbrellas or Parasols. top
glories silk that' will not cit
or it.eoior. handsome new
hMils and strong frame. Special $1.3i
25c India Lawn 16c
Three hundred yards the ladle lawn
very thew, even round thread and smooth
knish, etaalard fie quality Nurywber•e
Sandal import lot fee this July lisle: 1 �(
per yard - -...
A Great S11k Clearance _
'4Atorda meeoi we pat ea saN Ad
irises o{ d fame, R. Ther. are
dosses styles in w WI mad we
t 4.hotit, itfs*S robM.ay
*La par HaPa day prime sumo ittmg * e.
goedr. elkaim of the lot • 44p• 33
Hao_ Muse 3 for 23c
Dirtet importers
Goarisk. 011ltar o