HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-11, Page 7THE SIGNAL
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The News of tie District
4446 1$1.4e4646464646464646$ 4 444 444 1,6454454911“04$46 **•* •
Tosca'. Joiy Oda
eve L,ot.,ay,... Mr. add Ws.
Obeh KM Sim
� er yiWMiaa Somas,
at Idderelleire
jites evelyn alma Meade Mar+
Los, dtheirer +w SOW Seawror
,►. htld! °f y sad tam
Ad. @ffis
and baby violet* for a tow days
is,srith Moods seer Mel,'
..W walk D.ieY Vela , e
1 .,fsvisiting MsdbsMada�
.Neil Murdoch has rett.rosil
aiii;c&P 'with dideds
Mich.... month Midobee.
is Oidiedet,sad Alex. Barnby were down st
fart Alberti fishing one say lost week.
Tussoar. July 9th.
Last.do Locate. —Mrs. McPhee �d
gad, of Chicago, ars visiting
M. Walter Kingswell Harry
giiskohm and John Young rade s
log visit to A.bfeld on tlssday.
es. ndmill d
were visitors
children. of
o at the bards of
aphis Horton last week Mr.
gra. R. Foley and child' d Ob4
op, see visiting at Mr. erro aid
... Elmer Loutessislew
hem from London. `WM . ht clomp
goe with the ..:aryl;edictaaryl;
td the misfortune to bare his leg
base ia the
bttlital.sod .. John d has
Might the old Healy boessteol.
L. Chisholm is one of oar progressive
her ......Mr. Shaw is having his
bete split and raised today. WING the
isloiellnubeo he will have one ot the
butbsrne io the township.
Tr,e$DAT. July 9th.
News Nontta.—Richard Oath
and his .on Charles. ct and
t a portion of Saturday said San-
ity with relstives here Orville
sell Orton Derain, of Humboldt, Heat..
who have been teaching school (a W
West. are home to spend the holidays.
Nth ts agree lookingwit
Mem :tats nag o e
d the mower is again beard. This
My crop around here &pp.m" is be
P. McGlynn is
esy1na with the 'impliestil
w lor as old
Moo • ` The hotot so ' �weath r aBctsto
warty every branch of the bssinass
a the farm...Evert most oldes Asst
TUMID MI, July 9th.
OLD BOTS ni Towle.—The executive
of the Homo Cid Hoye' Aasoc4•tioo of
Tose arrived baso Monday &tont
U et. as. in s barge motor oar. They
honing bad a pWW trip
l e t bot+ d a lag.
ee tilllwss' of Ofldtod W andgd
• ear theowl they loft b
be lar that.
t 'itisra were twelve
in party add they were & jolly
'!hes O•ANos Citi.aaHATlort.—The
Orsegumeo ars making great
aeedarsdods for s grand celebrationepee . I , thea Ugh.p'them
By &lI
ess t hee+ will b. & r
crowd bars this year than ever
as a gnat many lodges have aoospted
the invitation. A good list of speakers
is oo the program and if the weather
r tions t hereshould be •• monster
crowd are. The progam for the d•
facades a baseball match. which
should draw • large crowd to the perk.
The Rases is to start at 3 p. m. In
this evesing a grand concert will be
bald in Industry Hall.
Cavaco Nares.—Rev. Mr. Jewett,
the sew Methodist minister, bas
arrived sod is settled at the parsonage
with his wife and daughter. Oo Sun-
day be preached bis first sermon,
making a god% impression on the
congregation. Rev. Mr. AIUn, of
Florence, occupied the pulpit of 8t.
Andrew's church oo Sunday. He is s
young sun and n , doubt with more
experience he may become a gcod
minister. Next Sunday Rev. N. T.
Turner, of Norwich, is to preach. He
will arrive on Friday to take the
prayer -meeting.. Trinity church
has been presented with a memotial
Mak, in memory of Miss Selina Bell,
who well* herr was an active member
of the church.
A GOOD ArPOINT tgiT.—Frank Met-
calf received a telegram last • week
from the Domidion Deportment of
Agriculture appointing him inspector
of fruits for Western Canada, with
headquarters at Lethbridge. He is tc
report there in August unities he can
get the time -extended, which he is
trying to do, so as to enable him to
dose of his fancy goods stock here.
AIT hit triads ben congratulate hint
on his meow.. A better man for
the position could not be got, aa be
thoroughly uuderstaods fruit, having
mala a wady of it for the last twenty
raand for s number of year,
t brae is great demand as a
wive bete heave gait eb eloble 41411.1111arigr at the county fell fairs. On
loading the cresta to the btisrl 1Ur!
Albert Shackleton. ire beeloss
leashing at Auburn. is bona bora for
toe holidays.
Ttssmee. July 9th.
News Noris. -- William John
faith, of Ottawa, is risitiag at the
hem of his father no the Oth
esseesioe Mr. and Mrs. John
Wiled, of Auburn. visited feieoda in
Nis vicinity this week. Miss
Bin Vl'ilron. of Detroit, is visiting ber
assn, Mill Betsy McAllister
Beaeite Jefferson, d Poedwleb, s
deeding his holidays at We bene
here Res. Father Lssesstats,
el London. attended tbe Pima here
re July 1st and called » biosis in
this vicinity duriog the week. Willis
here hr visited the rife rams sod
mit a few pieas•at Mors with the
boys ret rifle pyocins. Rills
practice has been distobiamed for a
M weeks, daring bor.( and
honest. ... Jome is
swaged helping John a take
hiebav crop on. . ... d
Taoeto. is speeding shies at
lei home here. ley tie bis
stag of fawn hart
tis. under John Redimose 'i barn end
We.. Stewart arca Ida aro bony
hosing. They est haw the
rasing won. Ltlim Mari Groves
u visiting her soot, Krr. !bass, b
eaglet ice
um mea Noy.
V. Goa/4•d as.ltasFssvisw.
A funnier of easamd sowtiompar-
arise are agitatidg for a mem astbeesi-
&die celel.rstion of Domaine Dor
Its to be regretted that mob a
Movement should he eadsiwed tssess-
tary. 1 iominice Day aegltit M b' r
lorded u most at impmtaahar
t b a
sheds list of O- -i{gg balert
tare is too meal .qI4 S 11at Ita
voce is ovmasid. It dead to
Weald that the amass scrod fay ba
Owed. knew dose shoot the isvoahme
dHotainnt t� Jo t
Orme i m be
Dominion of Oddi. iI • b to 11e
Meed that whom's, Ilawadsti ms there
oshave tees d odor d.ys d sash
1 1111*nn loaner tdtA..
It h peobatdy MIN • ret. however.
that Domiaiod Doping ret meow as
fresh to the overage
sillbt t+tea Niw/
``s of utile ' gars
ap cehassissot
adversary -• hs} Uoy ss B sway
a gond resat more ldtssest drmM
Ileinsaillod t. draw, UUMMst
MCT ST111tg,
R mom
Imset bliss mi idatosted
sod tarolsoee ! tales
nr my one of them, m•y spall
or soak*
Mowaaw, July tithe
Harry ally*" baa been in poor
health god' to Toronto. We
bop. to hear geed reports d him soon.
Herr. Mr. Morrison preached In
Smith'. Bill shelties yesterday and
will conduct the service. &rain next
Anelrew Johnston is fortunate in
having secured the services of Alex.
McLennan, of Ooderich, for the
harvest season.
More chattier at the school.. Miss
How teacher of No. 8, Colborne,
and Miss Johnston, teacher of No. 1.
have both resigned. line Hess has
gorse ays, home to her ho. at Zurich for the
CROP PaoePdcre.—Tile farmers are
busy with the bay. The clop on old
meadows is light but alfalfa and teed
clover are up to the average. Fall
wheat promises well, but oats are
short. The growers of small
fruiter are doing well this year. Chas.
McPhee has marketed • good crop of
strawberries at vety- atid
prices. John Levy's raspberries=
good for a big crop. They will not be
ready for the market for • week or .o
yet. There is • t, of a good
yield of apples, . ly in orchards
that have been sprayed sad cultivated.
A few varieties will be light, but on
the whole the prospects are good.
The corn crop is pretty much a failure
and roots are not making • good
growth, except potato's, wbich in
spite of dry weather ars looking tine.
The grass is still gnod, as a result of
the heavy spring rains. and live stock
looks well.
diiatest occasions, also. he has been
Ikon count FF s iep resentative at
the Ontario Kortirultural Society's
imbibition at Toronto and this year he
bar the appointment again. We are
Mod to my he does not intend moving
bow herr, as. although the position is
in the West, be will be off duty all
esrnmer and during that time will be,
here with his family. He has always
taken • groat interest in the town's
welfare .ince coating here in l878, and
in that time heti held the positions of
trustee, count -Pico and town clerk for
• number of years. He has &leo been
an active mnernher of Trinity church.
and it is needltsa to say lin active
Co..ervative. or he would not hive
got this position.
dry Well was betoken on Monday night
by a nice shower of rain, which re-
freshed things wonderfully. Although
there have been a number of
storms in this vicinity of late, this is
the filarrs its we Love bad for some
The Rata iimert Yoe Gd a Spurs Dm/.
I9I3 Models in Automobiles
have just rise ived particulars of above aro toaabow
same sod
orders for the new lines. Tors so ream" fur
you to wait until next year for your raw machine. Get 1t now pr
and enjoy the beet part of the weotseenos.
PNEUMATIC BUOOY TIRES. We are preplred to supply
and repair any 'mike of these goods.
Huron Gasoline Engine. and Machinery Co.
GUDERICH, NT. 'Ps 1143
officiated.oated. Mr. and Mrs. Leakey will 1
reside at Palmerston.
Rev. Clifton Gifford. formerly of
county. unty. was misread oo the 0th
ult. to Miss Mabel learn. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Fears. Weet.miny
stew township, Middleeex county. The
eeeemosy was performed by Hew. 0.
Jewett, of Mount Brydgea, assisted by
Rey. 11. H. Barnby, of Lambeth Mr.
GiftedGied M stationed at West Lorne.
Two Exeter old boys joined the
rooks of the benedicte on the same
day in Loodon. Aldewlo Esans, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Evens, took as
his pride Miss Meda Gould. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gould, and
Dr. Samuel Tbomas was married
to Miss Alice Calcott. Both couples
will reside in London.
The trustees of 8. 8. No. le, Grey
township. have engaged Miss Mc-
Le1Lnd as teacher for the incoming
year to succeed Mia Muriel Brothers,
of Brussels. who is going to Toronto
to pursue advanced studies. Miss
Beatrice Curry, of Brussel*. has been
engaged at a salary of $500 to teach
the Barker school, in Grey township.
Mayor Spotton. of Wingbatn, who
has been seriously ill. ie Dow reported
to be waking • satisfactory recovery.
Seafortb public school had a bill pro-
of field *porta to mark the alos-
Dg of the term. 1 t was • gnat me -
Mrs. John Currie, of Brussels. fell
from a chair on which she was .tao
m Ded-
ing and broke ber left ars, tee
wrist Wet/nolo.
H. Cochrane. ofWet/nolo..
formerly of the 3rd Iia of Morris Usedtownshipp.. was married on the d
ult. to Mins Elm& Sbiry. of Waterloo
The W. F. M. S. of Knox church.
Belggrraave, celebrated its twenty-fifth
annivereary on the Math alt Mies
Irvine, of Shanghai. China, took part
in the program.
T. A. Sinclair. M. A of Walkerton,
hes accepted the position of niftier
master on the Clintoo Collegiate In-
stitute Nat, succeeding lir. Firth.
who goto Lindsay.
W. E. Lucas, of Milmd•y, tormerit
of Wingbam. bar entered the Metho-
dist ministry aod has been stationed
in charge of the Wilkeeport and
Sombre congregations.
Wm. Broadtoot has sold his fifty-
Rcre farm on the MW road. Tucker -
smith. to Arch. McGneror. ot the Parr
line. Stanley. for SMOKE. Mr. Broad -
foot thinks of going \Vest.
Miss Fleming. teacher of modern
languages in the veafortb Collegiate
Institute, has sent in ber resigoatioo.msbi
having accepted a sir position at
Chatham at • higber selarv.
Mn. Joao Jackson. of Wi
time. . . r (therm. of Sarnia. McKellar. died t•n Tbursday.27th ult.. er a
vieWng her brother, edA. me foacted fibro. The remains were
A. McKenzie arrived home from Protracted
the West test week sod while here bis taken for interment to Celedeonia.
wife presented him with a baby girl. where the demand was lore.
He left oo Sietdrday for Gue ph.
Ottawa and other Eastern points to
do busioess for the Dominion Light -
sit Rod Co. When be gets that
bsrainres done lie will return to i the
West. where he bas a large connection
for bis firm The baseball team
went to Beggreave oo Thursday last
sed played the team tb-re a return
s,rtob, Mint them to
the c ire d
1.{ Our buys P 8
before long we may expect to have a
toast as good as in former years
Mies Lena Uviogstoot and
Coombs. of Toronto. visited
mot Ives bore this week iake�
s of the Blythe bowlers wenh
&mooed coo .M y to play a friendly
twill nim bowlerri of that town. to reside.
They were beaten by 12 points. This k sad fatality occurred is McKillop
is the Rest time our players have been a few days ago. when them thror-ywt+.
away this year. so we expect they old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arebi.
will do better next tittle Elam of the 7th concession. was kiekod by a
Uvjmgetooe has his bore, "Red Dna
entered in the London races.
Lakes Mrs- H' RyElliottt presth and sed
her h
with a bouncing baby
girl oo Sunday worniog.
Y•ot yore
lass work $ burs ! is the
+tmN• yon omit ILL rIso 'ward'
■t of tow rod. polishes
the ewe hes got se Yeas ;
wee* had ! ~thew ass hood sa Iseed
the het
tanhd 'wywM' "iesdocr1'Mssew
s� �ry S
hiwid shoedll*.
should smo
4 haby's bol .
°O+e. ani mow .osinla
wi air aYdt1
tL Ma.� our Ar Sea
114, , _• I••r . su r tlosO
i:.u, ICs ranw.w` )sure. bad er
On Saturday. June 29th, the matri-
monial knot WWI tied at the home of
the bride's parents. Oranbronk, be-
tween G. Ray Fear. a well-known
young farmer of Morris township,
and Miss Norm+ R., eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mre. George Sparlinr.
Rev. Dr. t)aten performed the wed-
ding ceremony in the presence of
eighty Reneta.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas..
Scott. rt Cromarty, was the nerve of
w pretty wedding on Wednesday,
Just 118th. wben Bea.ie, their only
denehter. became the bride of Rev. R.
0. McKay. of Tbarneeford. Rev. D.
Ritchie preformed t he ceremony i:%
the presence of a large number of
guests. The newly -wedded couple
have left on • trip to Great Britain.
An old and respected resident of
Mortis township. in t be person of W m.
M.e.halI, peened away on Tuesday. Ziitb
ult_. in hie seventy-sixth yeei•. The
dere-seed was both in Lanark rounty
and spent the early part of his life
there. Mier his ,marriage he and his
wife settled ons farm in Morris town -
.hip, where they remained until .ars.
Marshall's death in 1904. Since then
Mr. Marshall had lived with hie Foo-
ls -law sod daughter, Mr. and Mre.
'Wm. Raib. of Ent Wnwanosh. Mr.
Marshall was ran Aegiieao in religion
and a Liberal in politics.
A pleasant event in which many
Huron people will he interested was
the wedding of A. F. John.. of Toron-
to. youngest out of Mrs. Jane Johns,
of the township of Tuckersntith, to
Mies Elizebetb Pearen, daughter of
Mer. L. Pearen, which took place at
Rockwood on Saturday. Y9tb ult. The
ertrroonv took place in the Presby-
terian church. Rey. Mr. Dodd and
Rev. Mr. Colville officiating. Between
sixty end seventy guests were present.
ineuodiog a nuniker trout this county.
Mr. aid Dan. Johns will commence
housekeegint in Toronto in Sentem-
•ber. Mr. Johns being a member of the
public school teaching *tat in that
A. Murdock. who has carried on a
ready-made clothing wad boot and shoe
husinese. at Hensel! fo e.ome yesea has
disposed of ant nosiness to lilLe Ram
nie and intends taking s trip urs:
T. B. Alliogharn, of Barrie. bay been
engaged as principal o/ the (Baton
Model Sebonl to succeed Mr. Hartley.
Mies Leila Ford. of Clinton. be' ieea
engaged as assistant for the Model
On Saturday evening. June Seth.
Rev. Dr Rutledge of Winghem.
united in marriage John Aelm and
Miss Ida Steinaeker. both of Whig -
ham. in which town they win mot ism
Jute( CANADIAN MAGAxttrs.—The
Cau•diaa Matpasies foe Iuly is a good
midawmmer nossber. Frasei. A. Gar-
�a� i•iso.d,n t Premien
" as
ilMisr of file Moose of Oensmose : this
le in Itself • meet estertaieisg
teibstise- Another article of siga1S-
lman is "Garden Lnos Amy, in
whicht his is-
torsotied writer tells apart critet4oem
Otitis bassos mWooary wadi be
g g,,Nowtoamdl.td and Lob
bdeiggV ou the valuable old
horse sod suffered such injuries am to
cause his death.
W. T. Hawkins. of ingemok has
bought the tinsmiihiog and _
busioess of T. D. Imbedsthe Iiti isas
and taken po.sr'W a id
Mr. Hawkins wrs forusesty M the
employ ot Harsdd brow. at Motes.
The Safortb Expositor says: Mr.
Thnrotcs• of McKUIp. who is owe
kusdr.d sad twelve vtat. of age. had
the misfortune to fall Dad fracture his
hip on NVeds.sday of ibis week. (ans-
alderie Yr. Tbortoo't rest age. tide
b a sec:Wiest.
lht J use Nth •t the Mme of ler. Dad
Mrs. Jobe Wlarooss, ferry tsws0J -
their daughter. Miss Mica & sus
outbid b y a M Jansen
Wright of same r by
Rev. T. A. S. Mr. and Ma eta
will edemas', sodded ilia Ind
Igromes ane fare near MOIL
Clear-Megrove Nuptials.
A pretty wedding took place en
Thursday. June 27. at the home of A.
H. Moatrove. Y.P.P.. and Mn. Mus-
grove. Wingham, their eldest daugh-
ter. Ethel. being united in wedlock to
William J. Greer, also of Winghane.
The ceremony was performed by Rev,
Dr. Rutledge. pastor of the Methodist
cnureh. Mies F•dne. youngest sister
of for beide, way m.iaid-of-honor and
Mhos May Powell played the wedding
marsh. After the wedding repast, J.
A. Meteor) acted es toast -master while
a onmber n/ trs.ata were-propneed and
boomed. Mr anal Mrs. Greer bit on
a nip to Yuotieal, Quebec and New
York mad on their rttuin will reside
in 1% hitless'.
Mating Improvements.
Severed fawners around White -
chinch as. flasking substantial but..
pentrroorbte ie their properties this
atty. r written"
d art at Laval t'nlver-
sity we tsa by g. J. Phltlip., liter day. Jew J1 os the bndblF
a Gm rievhrw of this important mike- Eur'oa at aayale. whom ere'
of Use sons yoff two
Orem. kawl ■ tom. SM}etw.
met to .psi tM M tapether.
Word sur row4 NOW IIWO met of the
b Ile�di the s.ww woe
��tcD�aise� Ow are
ibis yM m ms stallpalebt nil fro late Mint bo -
wed* is the
et Mesh. IHs we.. Wes .ills
woo about two yarn aIle
Now. Theta our• flee rspeod
from the pratings at Laval.
Other soot are •' A ��ryYoung
VAsAataea' e W Wilds Phos`"Idisaaa-
As AoaMoL-value of taw
w y
rooks Ii, Weller. with
short sigriss el Arthur
iwi T. !mock@
11deMsc. 'Aasdss. 1wtslee
loons PI•yt.r Ssntsry,
Mrwderleh C. Corry sod
r Bays@.
Da Tomb,• Nth eM.. MM. Rama
PodiuB�s�g.1A sad lbs.
firs tale will a held no ~ d elm olee-
O'Ytrer s soda MIM firs. >Bsa
[tondos Is mileetiag. a lift avowed Mum. Oulwdb to raw
et oh • rN [stay.' nnrwI'. wo•ft R^^k. ilov. P. V. 'fid i - mks. ' 1
etrastt.r. and Leask M
v. ��.. strut a fine cement
{Vow. Putirrlo le b.dldling a drive -home
witb • cement brrment under. P.
Beery hoe •eked histsrge barn and M
potting a Roe high wall and modem
stalls. adder f4 sad is putting a ed-
waside$ re'( ow port of the bulidid$C
.1. G. Whom hoe teased his bun sed
toa cement well and stables
wa/yt 1 be also bo. put nn a Rosh -an -
led most O.i ibmg bae built a new
bead se • ermsst basement into Isiah.*
be le WIWI t sse•drt n enables. 1
tjbtmditidsplt cement •tahsa mutat
lib bars. hiss, Martin is Miildi•g a
Sas bars ea bit fafm on the filth.
E. R. Witte Gearaaane. Parisian Sege
M Dodesdf ad Palling Hair.
Destroy ibis dandruff germs. that..
it=Ln aro Joey to eradicate
and Parielan Rog, rnntiies
test tbingrediwota that wet destroy
Daniniruf renters falling hair sod
hansom became the little dandruff
mass rob thea hair sod. of the
tm.ri.rmeat teat should go to supply
Nib. Wens ani rigor to the hole.
hrltdolo S0/@ pet. fort 89 rent..
• UMBO at E. A Wigie'a and dr agent,
ddmdTr M guan*Memi to
ewtl, tx/tp failing hair or
SOIL or semumy hack. The Wei
NO sabots heir I. nh oyes y
bailie. it is s mood delightful Basi
Iatlydl1Y saramied devotees that
gtaisily isviween rs the Denip
My halt war In1Rwt ewi holly
test* t btloaa' to mss Pari►trd Sego.
bot It hobs tae saw. My bake was
Away with suspenders and belts—wear
The Periest " Invisible " Trousers Supporter
The Stanford « Hip -Flit " be the only devise ever invented that
affords perfect trouser support, together with perfect comfort and
east, stylish eppe•r nee. It is deatioed to eliminate eolirely the
wearing of asape.diere and belt*.
Doing It
The whole world
Kodaks" because of
the convesieoee and
the simplicity of the
Eastman Kodak.
We carry • full line
of Eastman Goods
which includes every-
thing for t he a in-
ateur. Ask to see the
It fee nicely into the
vest pocket. and
takes & picture 11
x 2; inches. Fitted
with extra gond lens.
Price, $7.00.
J. ButIawd
'1 he en me That Pleases..
tt Holds
the Trois s
Always .n
It is Coo ,
Durable and
The Stanford e Hip -Fit " &ttaches to the inside of the teeing-
ruserat the waist line and is therefore entirely invisible. Price A! ea.
For sale in Oodericb by
Deale.s in Eyerytbieg for Men The Square. Goderich
Is rich in food value and
easy to digest. It is just
Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground
from the choicest Cocoa
Nurses and Doctor reeommea4 its
we m sickness oe in health.
Do You
Cewani e
Steamers have Port McNieoll
el node ye Tuesdays, Wednes-
day.. Thursday. and Sat-
urdays at 4 p. m. for
1'9e Steamer Manitoba, [ling
heat PortMcNionll Wedn aye
will rail at Owen Sound. leaving
that point 10.:41 pari.
Steamship Express
Jeeves Toronto 12.•45 p. on. on
.eil•ng days, itutking duvet
ronn-ction with steamers
at Port ?dcNicoll.
between all station. in C.aada.
Port Arthur sad swat. Goad go-
ing June IB, 19. 90. Joey 1, return
limit July 3. (Minimum rite of
Homeseekers' Excursion
June '.a, July Owed 28, and every
second Tuesday until Sept. 17. ler
acridl -SUM
rotas to 'Aber
Return liasitbl dare`
Ther Tertriet Slevreping Cue
Ask lea. Kidd. 0. P. H. Aoest,
for Hosrsssekera' Pamphlet.
Winnipeg Exhibition, July
10th to 90th, 1912.
Tickets and full information from Jas. Kidd, C. P. R Agent.
r�� 1
• ll W.. Y..iSwr1, Oxon.... i..gi,
1f you have not yet got
leave your order •t owe
mtu • Quip
ei tat» ytit.r
..r ,1
Let W. R. Paler know when
you hats awythipg to bodes* b
RoveotwoogbI g Metal Wert or
Elec'rhe Aming. Est insure
tarnished and work guaranteed.
R e keep a lull line of esturts
and supplies os hand soil Oil
such work will ree,ive nes
piro suet and comfit! ate mien.
We haws a nwswtrer of Stet -
elms eookieg See,. a, tbs. N&rset
fiord Cheer .e.1 the Rm ire
Steel Ranee. U.8 eyed sere teens..
Repair wort sof ell kinds Anne
wt moderate eels*.
w. I. MEN
HamNt.s Swart Hoisrleh
With the coming ret the bot days of Summer you will want
a New Perfection Ooal-oil Stove. With this coy -oil stove you
bare no titre insurance to pay. Call and examine them. •
We will send thein out on approbation.
Our large sbipnent of L•swia Mowery is just in sod we offer
several different maker to choose hen.
Lao you require a Refrigerator this Summer? W.• been
sorue in stock and more comiog.
(Get your Screen Doors and Windows now and keep the nines
out it preference to putting them on later and keeping them in.
Are you going to build a cement sib this soluete r 9 If au...e
leave for rent a net of the London Mewl Adjuaanl.• `filo t urb
also a swinging hoist. Them will simplify the boiitiost ••f .ii.w
We have jowl. received ¬ate ear of National Portland
Cement. When yon use this Cement yon know you have the
beet that can be had.
Haws you sprayed peer trees yet? Wei roe ferrish you
with the Lim.-soipbsr, also Arsenals of lead.
The cat of Fertiliser arrived a couple of line\• •g„ and sow
have hada hie sole of it- This Ieert111Is.r is an ergsosr natter
with aha addition of stashed bone Sone, Ill Intl flour end p.tad.
These eenntials make it the mon valuable manure no the
Oaring to the scarcity of Hard Oral we have pet ie • .a. ..f
1)pnealic Lump Soft teal. This coal snakes a spiewdkl nnt..Uwte
for Hard ileal.
1 have *Imo • carload of dry Idaho, which make good .umme e
Lei ms ggnre .•n your plumbing,hosti.sr. wisedrM wirier.;
t oialha r et.c. A11 week p. o.)e y entrails to and pot
litPhones : Store 21 tiout><e;1 12