HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-11, Page 6, TOMMY :MLT 11, 1112
At the
It Was Different From What
Jessica Expected.
"I duet see wkly you would Dame a
girt Mid Je.slca. You might 'a' thaws'
she'd grow tap so prim and Mgt heed-
ed eel hateful ao man fa hos seams 'd
ever wast to marry her, and, land
Mows. women that don't marry have•
hoed lime." Or .der Oele said to bee
pa's week widow.
Use Cote answered a little trteso.
timely. "But mother, they do want to
Misery ber Jerry might 'a' had four
reposes last year It els she'd 'a'
gem amid let the oxen speak oat"
'Ant who were tbo me. I'd Ilk* to
Mow r' °random puffed. bar throat
swelling visibly. "Wldderwen wttk
alae children or else one foot In the
grave, or cranky one bachelors, Mt
maybe, even preachers. Beside., bow
can yon know even a preacher writ/
to marry you unless be ups and .sqa
eot I *ever did bold with tbls way d
mail.' out every man that west to •
house or even rode past It bad a selfe•
of gotn' there courtla'."
BM paused to breathless triumph. If
Mr.. Lem Cole had been wise ahs
would bare held her peace. Grudge*
bore controverting very UI Indeed, and
to prove her In the wrong was to risk
ererytbing. Mrs. Lem knew that very
wen, but a goaded woman le often •
desperate one. Therefore she bast
out: "Well, three of the men -and they
weren't widowers nor preachers, but
real good chances -asked me to ask
?my if she'd listen to 'ern. Aad the
ether ooe"-
'There wasn't goy other ooe. Marler
I d0•'l believe ooe word you're say -
hal grandnu broke out furiously.
"Feer proposals Indeed! Why, Ann
Liza didn't bare but three In the
whet* of gat year and the beaus
around ber all the time Iike bees
wound a honey pot."
"The other one was Jimmy Wake-
field. And be wouldn't be stopped.
Jost up and asked Jessy like a man,"
Mrs. Lem said, not meekly, but with
such red spots 1• ber cheeks abe look- ,
ed almost es young as her daughter.
"Get out of bete, your' grandma
panted. "Jimmy Wakefield, Indeed!
Why, he's never had a notloo to any
body but Ann buss. And she's goln' to
take him, too, when she gets good and
ready. Don't you dare talk of him
wantin' that stick of • Jassy. If 1
thought there was any troth In what
you've said rA send you straight one
of the bowie."
"Thee we'll go without waiting to be
sent!" Jeaay burst out from the door-
oorway. She had been standing Just out-
side, feeling somehow that her dear.
packet Mother might Deed her help
and countenance. "1 don't like to tell
-to say -such things," she went on.
"but mammy told the truth, nothing
bot the troth. aqp she shan't stay here
to be Insulted. Unless you ask her
pardon we'll go aw,y."
"Where -to the county poorhouse?
I don't know any other chance for ye,"
grandma said, white faced. her eyes
She was an Imperious old lady, nobly
partial to ber namesake and favorite
grandchild. Ann Eliza Wicks, partly
because Aon Eliza was pretty and tak-
ing and Impertinent. partly also b.
cruse she bad money enough of bee
own to be entirely lndepelte•t.
Grandfather Colo had lett everything
to hie wife. She held on to ft with a
grip of iron. All ber Ave children had
prospered except luckless Lemuel. He
had lett wife and daughter little ex-
cept his 111 luck. It had followed them
so throughout the three years since hls
death they bad at last been forced to
accept the shelter grandee& had gnldg-
tngly offered.
"Teach Reboot! You know I won't
have that," grandma had uld to Joe-
e.ly's pies. "No, mlesy, I'll marry you
elf to a year. Then you an take your
mother home with you. Renumber
beggars mustn't be choosers. You ain't
quite a beggar. You'll get something
when I die. of course. But I ain't go-
ing to see my husband'. moaey wanted
as beg as I an help tt, eves If I bad
any to spare, which i haven't. It crests
Ouch a lot to do things. Why, Mile
eves halt Ilvl.' nearly bankrupts me.
Ana Um has to bare things. She's
got a dedicate appetite, and m Deleg-
otlo.ate. She as afford to be, because she
Can keep a Mein' what the waste
when eh, eoars Ile epeedl.' ber owe
weepy 1.e'vs got so money to speed.,
ea you'd bettor leers economy every
gray "
Jay bad loose for gulag away Chas.
bat her mother's timorous fears hal
prevailed a Mr to stay. Jerry was
sot lertetly petty. Hoe eyes was sot
melees, her lips too movers. She bad
a Coed Gila. tom aid class cot, gad a
to..lp *sok Mow It. Her hair was
Sats. her eyes • water billet
Aso Klieg had black eyes gad hah
•d 'very big% odor. Grandma thought
Ser the prettiest creators he tib* world
die likewise thought Jesseea hardly
pesata'I. list now as she heed ber
=in she it w • Jsoole• sew and
me whom boob were dam-
ask nob
Tb change startled ber Rb. turned
haH about. aytsg la s grnmbllag
vete*: "Merle. yes eeghta't to penvoke
Mo m. Go oft 1• tit* wets I'm
anal•' patty Abele. And yea, Jsney,
5.11 are bas to Wise *me IM bmey.
i west yeti as! Las Las to detre woo
Ib NO Mas are mw"
Tr wig. bit 1t Met gs," him
•aid. AMM tit is her ileeliberis
hist 9 AMI be ev
alit a•dlag ofd • bow we can befit let
&was "
"Oh, shat op: atop your MOM talkr
grandma aaaad.4 Ir.tt.Dy.
Ana albs Mao r tttom the garden,
bath her hands full of dewy reees.
"Sorel Tabs them and la the patter
vases," ahs commanded Jessica.
J.adca sheet hs}' head gad tensed to-
-ward the door. Greeds& had weaken -
*l smoothly. She was on the pleat
musbitag out an apology. notes Ana
labs cried p.tti bly, "I wish reald leek
se that; I bit yea what weal cam. of
Seelig MIPs on bees.Uactr be as
ger lance up hotter than ever.
Re ds e. you're told!' she cried,
catching J4smica by the shoulders and
trying to shake her. "Tea say no
want to week Dor a thin'. Prove it by
w 82& sea pear betters!'
Jessica uR bet teeth hard. broke Avg
Tb• (bevel/ hid and rushed away. At
the steps' abet stepped, sailed bllt4r'l7
sad shook the dust from her fest.
Over bee *boulder she called clout,:
"Mother. meet me at Um big gate la an
hour. By then I shall know exactly
whet we las do."
Ten minutes later she stood le the
Wakefield yard facing Jimmy, with her
IMart besting m it half suffocated ker.
Site had m dreaded to tell what most
50, told --to ask the help that was las-
• paratfve. It was not much. 0117 has caw
ry her mother and their scant boleag-
tap to the poorhouse. Any sinter
would be better than the Colo reef.
IWhere was nobody she could ask.
Remy was the only fiend wlthta
walklsg distance -moreover, the mingle
person to whom she could bring her-
self to make such appml. She was, 1a
a way, bound to make 1t 8M bad
promised when she dallied hill that
dearer promise to call on him U she
found herself In need of Ma Now
she was blessing him silently that be
had not asked anything, had listened
.sly to what she cared to tell gad said
afterward, with a little soothing touch
se bar head: "You did right to come to
Ins, Jemmy. Of course I'll bike you ay-
, where you may want to go."
"You -you mutt only send as. Slack
Billy can take ns in the wagon. Grand-
ma will be so angry if she knew. 70•
helped els escape," Jessica l es-
awered, but at that speed' Jt15 sal,
Very shortly he made her et down
on the bench under the bag elm and
went away whistling, to reappear all
to a whiffet, delving a spackle/ pair,
which drew a double seated vehicle,
seta and span.
"I think wad better make the try
e Quick one," was all he said in as-_
ewer to Jewell ezpostulatlos.
Almost before she knew it she wee
sitting beside Max, bowling Moog tis
turnpike at the team's best pate. As
quickly her mother was gathered up.
and, the hand luggage property be-
.stowed. Jimmy amased Jeaj by bid-
ding her sit behind. *delag. 9 want a
talk to mammy, and these horses aaf'h
let me turn by head for any csrNltF
able time."
Jessy began to feel desperately WS
ty. She could not sues divert bee/ed
by watching the dash of the Snag
stokes as the wheels spun roved.
Jimmy was driving very fast and
keeping to the turnpike. It mast bs be
meant to tape them through tWw8.
That, no doubt, accounted for his chola*
of a rig. She knew be hated a shabbpl
outfit, especially upon Saturdays sea
court days. It might be he had had.
ness that could not watt, but estli►
• bow she felt that be was waded M
think of anything but her ext3eslaillr
Thep she sank into a sort of daft, war
daring dolly how it would seem to gild
herself a pauper, duly committed M
bad not thought of that before. OS
comm there were legal forms babe
they could claim the last refuge et the
destitute, and would not the mead .
ties get back at grandma 7 She Mt it
dim idea that well to do folk W ti
& newer for their near kgs.
No doubt that was what Remy Wal
speaking •boat. He was talking low
and eagerly to mamma. Yea, he wan
turning the horses toward the caret•
Mose square. In a wink they flew
up there, and Jimmy, springtime dew,,
held out his arms to her. "Yen know
then aro arrangements. WM yen
trust me to mak them?" he asked very
Jessica casld only bow her load.
S peech 'wee beyond bar. J1asey lashed
at ber, his eyes tender, yet abeMp►-
oes. "r wast to coma you her
to a poorhouse of wide► I am keeper.°
he wb*).r.. "Kamal 1e viable
What do you err
"Notklsg." Jessica said. but as is
said It she laid her hand to Jtamy'8
stress deep sad dropped her lead
lambed Ups to voll a root of happy
Finger Nails Tvesety-thre. meas* Lome
A celebrated Chimes priest, raddast
to ekaagb.l. i. a good example of the
Mitt to which the melba et thle
t stay will go is order to gala sob-
riety and draw 1• Ws mossy.
Is the cam of Ms lsdlvtdeal his
ems and "good Jae" aro
paged by the length of his le
sails, the IMSsat et wbde% it twMlip
two aid Uro.•gsaztee Mhos V
W ag. as hr as can M lears.l. a
oed of this revelry of has ane
When not ars show he N em MON
• hie 44eam me that he waste Oen
Is guards ails of hollow bamboo. r
greet proosetloep ars takes that IMF
do set gat brats- They appear M M
• mosey making motors. as Ta a Ms
,.n.ttoa wttb the wrier be Mist
tint op till abs pima' year he hes
bad 'testy et bedews bad we- bums
st W tames have bags eery clad!
ere► 11• slabs that R bet MID toob-
*Neem yeses Of ea int ..1Mearsa
Mem fhb embed Moir paean
Task the Jul
Nee• eat eatu
Their bei "Nth snow all vette to
Poor Jack's nee.
Aad ears .re treaty
And .01 W caught bre.cbltle
Slavery drvery dtdet
The fanny sleep wtalde-
Tbe crane struck dad.
It made as mad
T have to sleep outside'
nu 5 -a -►y. baby, out la the storm
What sees It matter M baby alai warm?
W hets the fad's over we'll W slap inside.
And 1 hep/ at ezpoeure my babe a 0a't
have died.
Little Igo -Ileo
]laa lest her dap-
Tae'rtsiaw nee• N wake/ Le
Aad there she Ws
.a ly 1mbahes her
SIM eat my eel te the age vacant hat,
Mr this -moo a the soma" tad I have
Mils e ▪ q angers and .cake ea say teal
gat Nag b.fiee morning Pm eeriest',
Them N a Imam r Our town.
Ape be e msbsdr. toot
Aa onmmar M Meet out of doors,
Vete K pt mem moo.
a� whl
ga r duel his pow wet
wNh anew and WI gni rats
life Impel awl of his br'e .y est
And sleet Ware again.
-Harpas's Magazine.
Me -If you hadn't been so long demo-
ros.beg we shouldn't hay* mimed this
ahs--Aal If you 1ad.'t hurried me
w we abeoIda't have so long to wale
hs' the next
Said S.m thine.
Robert Henri. the noted artist, paus-
au.ed belay a land.cape at the Philadel-
phia Academy of Fine Arts and said:
"Dawb, who palated ibis, bas sprung
Mal humble circumstances to groat
w ealth and eminence.
"pawl) made Ids drat success la Par
a. H* was diffident add abashed to
these days. When he would sally out
frost his garret in the goo Vanguard
11e a duches4' to the Avenue des
Champs Blysees or a' princess' in the
Sas de 1'IInfvermite his heart would be
to W mouth.
`They fay that once at a dinner par-
ty at Palnted's Dawb, the Nest of
b..sr didn't open his month from the
mimes vette* to the souffle.
',, when the demert am on.
OM beautiful and elegant bootees
1 Millet sad add:
°Vsm.. dear M. Dawb, 6o say some-
Vain blushed at this challenge.
MOM bis brain and stammered with
• MOM smile:
"'Have yea noticed, ladles and 'es-
timate, that this year's pawn tickets
are all peen? "-Wgragtoo iter.
A Poltroon.
"Dh•'t you tbtak a man 1s a fool to
try to drown Ids sorrows 1n strong
"4.a11 don't you think chewing tobac-
co is an awfully filthy habit?"
"Dot's you Mak a man who OMAN
M foolish to bora y money to that
"Don't you think 4* U ridiculous to
duty women the right to vote wham
tromps ant Ignorant foreigners whit
have no knowledge of our Inetltotfsed
ere p.raltted to east balloter
"Don't ye. /Wk • woman wb. dem
• molar work as wul as a mar Mede
ds It ought to have • sot's pay?"
'ANI. for taws'e sake, why WI
T.tl ap..b
IP wd areas abseil este.
ting? Saver'/ you ea idea •t on
brad?"-Aie•a. Sassed -%malt
A ae•w11M O.sltne.
Ore Jam.., the4Avuttie MI gentle
cetpessaan w senator cleat from
[catnap. apse a eeoverea/f.n the
ether dap with a Washlegk.d•a whim
the hither wade metals tagafeies with
name* to • sating friend whom he
O•d set sees he • aaher of yens.
1 "dad bow dome Colonel Pr•moslt
MIA his Melba, yeast be .leg.
1 "aie•rtlhV. dr; besetl[sllyr ns
sorbed lama 'Me hes a gee farm.
Ws, and a string of Setters dr, sed
• barrel of white airbag scare .ld-
i nal • wife d the Name age. dri---gab
odes thvo•f•g Peet
W10 • Ptomain*. •
"Om Spews rm seen to Mee to
tai pre That pew UMbasgMte tarter
• rine afar Ileac wlidpw I b
isem'74MOM s•? 'net te too bad."
'lbs Md? I fist gal mitt M be
s'l_eibbel? Drat ere I esWet M
INS Its MIN Mb tided *se -
r hat' De i le FMN
��tStC s'49-
Liverpool and Cbicags Wheat i,*. s.
Close Lower- Live Steels -
Latest Quotations.
CHICAGO, July t. -Alla. a .tees of
sellag to -day caused wheat press to
break sere than lc. the market later
recovered much of the lues. Claming
Desiree were firm al 1-4e to 1-2c ander
laturday Right. Latest trading left
cora 1-6c to 3.6c net higher, oats Vail"
lag from 1-30 off to 6-30 up and Tiro -
Haloes .hung out from 12 1-1c decline
to as &dvaios of 7 1-10.
The Liverpool market cared ta*7 1�
to lid below Saturday ea wheat, 4aid to
to 311 lower on corn. At Petr wbea3
dosed %c to lc tower. at Aatwel� %a
lower, at Bertin %c lower and at >•ada-
Peet 1410 lower.
Winnipeg Optima.
wheat -
Open. High. Low. Clow .&
. C1.
Get inch. 1410 to 3314 Weis 3M i
Oats- Te -dal. Mt
July 41Oct sib
les -No. 1 feed 4141 411,
Toronto Grain Market
Wheat.. an, bushel .......31 43 to 41 M
chat . pose, bushel e N ....
Omar, Credal i et
boshot • s
n�te+d a s I ty
Pm; bushel 1 In 131
Termite Dairy Market
Butter. creamery, lb. roll• 1f • M
Butter, creamery, Ronda e 10
Butter, separator. dairy, lb..4 111
Butter, store lots • Si 11 111
Eggs new-Wd • 16 .,,,
Cheese. new, Ib 5 111 ....
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTRZAI. July 1. -There was no
Improyemeet In the for.lga demand fee
Manitoba .prang wheat but there was a
fair enquiry for oats for July shipment
and some .f the bids received were flat
on the market here. which, however. .m -
porters would not •coapt The local
trade in all lines of coarse grains cos-
tlnua quiet and prices axe about steady.
Manitoba teed wheat le Hiring In cat -
1011 at Cc per bushel. ex -track. The
trade in flour for both local and export
account 1■ quiet at unchanged prices.
Mlllfeed la In fair demand. Butter is
firm with a fair volume of business pass-
ing for local and western account
Cheese 1. quiet, but the undertone to the
market is steady. Exports for the put
week were SOO boxes, es against WON
for the same week Last year. Eggs, fair-
ly active and steady. Provisions In goof
Corn American No. 3 yellow, Tia
Oat.-Canian Western. No. 2, 4b te
Wee; extra No,. 1 feed, 470 to 41x0.
noto••a teed. Milieu to c;
mala.g, N to *1.4..rtng pa
tuoa *petite
t bakkerss%
., ss; seconds, 44 •strong
RS; whiner patents, cboles, KM 10 MA:
lltr.lgbt roller. 34.11 to M; bass. RM0.
Rolled oats -Barrel. M.15; bags. 10 abs..
4. per ton, tsar lots. 311 to 411.
Chew -glint westerns. lijie to 12%c;
finest easterns,l2%c to atm.
Sutter -Choicest Cannery, site to
10%c; second*, liSe to 214e.
lis-gdected, Sc to 340. No. 1 stock.
140 to 1•c.
Petatoee-Per bag, ear Iota. 31.p to *ILM.
Dressed bogs -Abattoir killed. 01t .1
Porn --Canada abort • cut back, barrel.
i to s ammt,30.35.
Lardpound, tierce•, VS Iba, Mi•;
wood pail, 30 lbs. net, 11c• pure, tierces.
373 Ib... 140; pure wood palls. 3D lbs. net.
Union stork Vs•.es.
TORONTO, July 8: Receipts at ihs
Union Stock Yards were: Cara, 100;
cattle, 1902; calves, 122; sheep, 680;
hogs, 516; horses, 56.
Quotations ranged at the close as fol-
lows :
Exporters -prom 37.Y to 13.
Butchers -Good, from 3471 to 17.40; me-
dium, from 15.73 to tote; common, frees
ISM to >6.40.
Cowl -Good, from 16.25 to R10; medium.
from 44.73 to SU; common, from Rs to
54.40; canners, from 31 to U.
Cagy trout TIM to t3; common.
from 1175 to ri.0.
Sheep -Heavy ewes. from 43.M to 14.0;
light, from 44.10 to MO: bucks, in to M;
lambs. from 47.71 to 13.6e.
Mllkere-From 340 to $70
Stockers-Fromi 13.60 to UM.
Hogs -Tate f.o.b.. 47.40; ted and watered.
47.1 -
Montreal LM Stock.
MONTREAL. July 1. -At the Montreal
Stock Yards, Weet End Market, the re-
o•Ipts of live nock for the week onetime
July 4 were 1100 cattle, 1M1 sheep and
lambs. 1100 kegs and 1200 calves. The
offerings on the market this morning tar
ale were 00 cattle, 100 sheep and lambs.
110 hon and 405 calves.
Alda -the supply of cattle wan fully ;M
had smaller than a week ago, a weaker
feeling prevailed la the tnarket and fly
prices realized ae compared with gut
wonder's, show • deottne of se t• 530
per cwt This is attributed to the fart
that the quality of the Mock now cem-
tng forward is generally poorer, consist -
12g principally of gram ted cattle 1
which a large percentage are not hLp
finished for the market.
The gathering of buyers was falrt?
Isom meow's* some from Quebec.
owing to the ee.tinued extreme bat a
the falling off in the consumption et
fresh mets Web, the demand wag
mem.what Ilm1Nd she ehNt17 for .mag
lots. However, ea the whole. • fair
trade was date. she as the ofter1nce
were lighter. :steedclearance era made
at the above action In prices. A far
full carloads rt choice sten were sold
te packers at R.s to 17.66 and some
small top of extra chola Manitoba 1.7-
Vsteer. at M per cwt., and one Toad of
tar4s choles stews bresigbt R.10 per
ewe. less 31 p4r mad -
/a site of a rmallmr res of hem •
weaker feeling devJ.p•d la the market
end Prem, se lailasr.d with last Meal-
e.day, sinew a blether d.dine of vs
por rmal
. /goAt
from me aid • rainy as
five nude wan with mac et mi• e-
el Ise at RM to RA par swt, weigbd
oft the ears.
There was we further change he the
cesdltloe of the market for email meats,
being about .tmdy at the reeset
dealse noted. lesposse .t amp eat
lambs easing t.rwarg are some Meal
thee they have hes tar Dom use
ter width the lionsame is good et p►.•ob
P.rVrrprime ad
tebo.Lt 5, eh4me,-ws to S; me -
r-. R to SAL' gmmrm% Rhe lc Luta
.511c. oars.Omb M. *.41
Rs; bears, p ne Md fanfare, egtmA
saes. flat to *4*; twmm . ane meMsa.
1505 lie to PO rob
MiM5 1e •ng
Mins. SS te 11 t
Hags--F.s.R, > ted. M
a s.
Ohkegs Live Med.
CHICAGO, lab L-CettIs newest.
MAW market misty b Igo omen
10,10 to K10: Nara, 14.0 1
~me stars. 111 to RIP.testier*le to K aid= ti
t4144441284,1 15, es its
mete Shaamtet. 14 y . r
sem& OM to Ai bay MU to
meek SS es . ams. is i to
bled:: mina .s5 t. fir
W N.eeipea. ISM, one
ya b 14 r. native, SS b
.* to wooers it to w to
MSS* el to M�
With the warm weather comes the de-
sire for something to keep the feet cool and
The coolest summer footwear you can
get is a dainty pair of Canvas, White
Nubuck, Russia ran or Patent Leather
Pumps or Gibson Ties. We have them in
all the latest styles at the lowest possible
Barefoot Sandals, Tennis, Lacrosse
and Bowling Shoes in all sizes.
Try a pair of our Brown Bronco Shoes
for every day. They can't be beat for wear
or comfort.
Downing & MacVicar
Ht t
Ha ngpurcbased'the ituai-
nest formerly conducted by
F. Bellow Hulwea, we pur-
poee dealing in
COSI, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Ete.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines which are recognized as
the best. We with to giv:•
the people of Goderich and
vicinity the best .ervice pos-
sible, and shall be glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
who wish anything in our
]toes. IIC-111110isiP
All orders left with Jas.
Yates, W est street, promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 75
Yards at G. T. R, Nelson Street
The latest improved oscillating,
vibratingand rotary achine
made. m
Either lock or chain
stitch. 0qbnll-bearing stands.
for all machines.
A full line of fancy Handker-
chiefs for Cushion Covers,
Aprons, Dustraps, etc.; also
Satin Flowers on hand or made
to order.
Aosirr, (2ODERICH
North aide Square, next Bell Telephone
.) Some women complain that they periodiealIp auEsr from dull and heavy feel.
int', or dizziness in the head, nervousness, pain and bearing•down feelings which
should sot occur to the sormal healthy woman. But most every woman is subject
to these pains .t some time in her life, due to abisormal oonditioss in life, such
as corsets, over -taxed strength, bad air, poor or improper food wet feet, sluggish
liver, etc. A regulator and female tonic made from native medicinal roots with
pure glycerin, and witi.;ut the use of alcohol, finned
has proves its value in thousands of c..sa, like the following :
Man. DON .t Y. Maatvr. of Auburn. Nebr.. Route 1. Boz 94. say:
1 thought 1 would writs you in regard to what your medicines have
dose for arae. I have used then for thirty years for female t.ble
and general weakness with the very best result and they have Sind
me hundreds of debars in doeta ri Mils. 1 bay the 'Eateries Freserip-
elm' and ' Gold. n Medical Diee.very ' and tab them together. I never
was disappointed in your remedies ani take pleasure is reorrosading
them to any suffering lady. 1 am now almost aft, years old : et 4.0 -
ave 1 took your srdleaee. Itetb kled1 and I psesed that Pried very I
easily and let nae fat and healthy. 1 led Eke . young girt.
1f .ay Oft eaten to writs me. 1 will gladly ten her more about
the good week or your .16411...'
Da. Ptiecs's GaaaT Farrty Docroa Boot, The Pec,le's
Common Seem Meshed Adnieer, sewty revised up -to -tete
editi..-oat Itis pages, • owen beer ed delicate questions
whisk every woman, aim/. or .carried, aught to know.
Sent Jew i. doth Wading to say address en reooipt ad SS
ons -sem tamp, to mover soot et mewled end etatiee Mb.
Ins Sassy
The place to bu
all kinds ani
Hinders, Mowers, Hay - loaders,
Side Hakim Manure Sprredos,
Bala Wassong and Cram Sep.
aeMtArs ; Mao Louden's Hay (are
Forks and Silage, Mole, te Cream
Separators. Homestead Ps -
lase., Pumps for hand pc vs
and 1egises' Gasoline Ragas'
sod Windmills.
Sad. 0 my I you must One
our Buggies. We have,' full line,
aU styles, and some of the host
and most stylish rigs that ever
came to town.
I have a few Horwb to tell
and some Driving Harness.
I also have a House to rent-
s, lovely place for summer
Call in and see what we have
and rest a while, anyway.
Hamilton Street, Ooderich
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers Go the Square
Brophey Bros.
Funeral Directors
aid Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
may be
paid $50
in Cash for
improving your
walk like this
108 Canadian farmers will -
receive cash prizes (twelve in
each Province) in our big
WF held a contest last year in which 36 prises were
offered. This year there will be three tunes as many
prises (108) and therefore three times as many chances for you
to win one of them. Yat do not have to me a large quantity of
cement to win a pane. Many of last Teat's prize-winner used
ce.npantevety lithe cement
P1. mom r entre tee' tees deer mer ear t -__. eta b. e... Om. ( Pana. Me, lora.
Pse r nem tamer' a") res .. eases.[ air roesate Peer&. eel le fedi ear
cera mei ewe le deur piles .Bars alms r M Masse. thin p• boo Daly Is ave
T• N too res get ear emrw owl tele i pot RIO rhea Own= le rear ars Simian.
melee es alYmaal. rhe ''c^ b airw•os le ha ea. she ea ire V M ase .4 Coml.. Thr
naw me demo IswrMMw et bow em ORO r `. gee as ase snatch Prem r ala ..m
wpm eat minim
17 gene I$OT01tNG TO 0111,1--7yw we deskma se "Maw ran era Tye r sewF Met w. *. e, talo
.16. Tie sen e.a ganga ibitegrammayse ear. r ..pang arab paw .at be w Am
Iwo herr su vre bare s taeb. -wombat Minor Cob De 111116 Camera." dans all she mi 10 tb
Wy�eamles Oro Se en r ~Of fee MB amt 1 OR be r yea Om gibes fee r a to a ye pease -
Otte Mee Omega aik
WO Mcrae Casa" ft a pre met e e 4 *A PASO, ei ain..� sandy.. w no
Canada Groat Gtyaay Lisitdle SSA Ydrald RIAs., Antral
• Aiw
LI 7iill■.
*'P t.c
W�� e
Mand her
410W71:111°, 11re
17:1102 04
beg mg. Dais
j'a i
l!"•' MKUut'dc
�Wpodina a
Elebalset, hal is
.sad Alex. 1
Elbert fish
umpOIeN Lou
Fortif Chlag
to and
visit t0
..Mrs. Win
`;dmtch. were
pegs Hotta
rd Mn It
do, are visit,
-'hum Fln
thin with t
lei the [tato.
leolise, h
height the o
5'. Chisholm i
lathers .....1
tern split and
job w Suishe4 I
host barns io
led his eon
rt a portion
with reht
led Orton Dur
who have been
West. are hon
Bath nee looki
to agree with
d the mower
bay crop *nut
Is� P.
Myiog with
oohed. Not
[snow.. ..T
early every
a the tar[. 1
wives bene h*
Altbe e
teschinig at Ai
de holidays.
Naos No
Smith, of Ott
bare of hi
eseeesaior... .
Wilson, of At
this vicinity
ISe Wilson,
cootie. Mist
Diorite Jere
.pending his
here RI
of London. it
re July 1st a
the vicinity d
Mee Ile visit
meet a few 1
toys at e
poetics- has
taw weeks.
engaged heir
Whey crop
Toronto, is sr
Ws home her
stat of m••n I
tion ander J.
W. ti, •war
hearing. T
raying soon
u in, he
A number
arias ere wit
It is to he
movement pi
may. t Iomi
(larded u th
.tail. list of
there is too
Wield that
4aeda knot
ifBritain te
w About
Dominion 1
lisped that
mss haveoo
that Douala'
meek to the
sepia to tae
mins. that
whams, a
tee le the e
EMI • tort[
QCT a1
�.1 .oat
�i< rtr
sty day.
?ser wrtrk
Q4Wiv Tot
sat of 'to
Mery (be I
b be
Geo 1
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