The Signal, 1912-7-11, Page 44 Ttvueoar• Jm.T 11 1912 THE SIGNAL s _O&1 3H, ONTARIO News of District PORTER'S HILL SILVER WEDDING. WttvNR$DAY. July 10th. NOTeta. - - Fred Lindsay and two suns, of Winnipeg. are visiting et his mother's, Mee. Lindsay's.. Miss Knight. of Ocderi.b, is visiting at Wm. Johnaton's.. .. Miss Maud Pickard, of Toronto, is 'Wiling in the neighborhood... R. Y. Ooz Is spend- ing • few days at Ripley. STANLEY. MONDAY, July Sch. The pupils of S. 8. No. 1, Stanley, at the close of the term presented their teacher, Miss Elisabeth McEwen, with a Limoges berry see accompanied by a suitable address. Miss McEwen hats resigned her position as teacher of the school. A social evening war •pent recently at the home of Alex. McEwen, as a reception to John A. Innes and his bride and is. farewell to the groom's esteemed parents. Mr. and Mn. Alex. Innes. who are going to Clinton to reside. About sixty persons were present and a very enjoyable time was spent. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY. July Ste. John Middleton. jr., haw returned from a brief trip to the West. The Orange lodges of this township will celebrate the Twelfth at Seatoe th. Miss MacVicar, of Godericb, his been re-engaged as teacher of the Holmeeville school for another year at an increase of salary. Miss Emily Proctor, of Holmesville, has returned home after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lowery, at North Bay. Miss Tichborne, who bas tauebt in 8. 8. No. 11 successfully for the last three years, has resigned and will take a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett announce the engagement of their daughter, Mins Emma J.. to Thomas Dunbar, the wedding to take place July 10tb. Rev. R. J. McCormack ani family. tete cf Yarmouth Centre, are now comfortably settled in the Methodist parsonage at Holme.ville. Mn. Mc- Cormack is a daughter of Rev. W. Godwin. a farmer pester of Victoria. street chassh, Goeb.ieh. ffrurea WEuotxs.-Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Holland, of Fair View Farm. Godericb township, observed the twenty-fifth annivervary of their wedding on the 27th ult. A number a friends helped to celeh,ate the occasion and a party of about forty spent a very pleasant evening. A number of beautiful gifts were presented to the esteemed couple, whose friends hope they will live M celebrate their golden wedding. KINGSHRIOGE. WEDNESDAY. JulylOtb, Ncrrslt.-Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stiles are vieitiog at the home of the letter's niece, Mrs. J. O'Loughlin Messrs. Youog and Cbisbolm, of Loyal, visited friends here over Sunday Rev. Father McCormack is at present attending the retreat in London Mrs. Quinn and son Joaepb, from Tor- onto, are visiting at Coo. (1'Reilly's. The sweet smell of the bay is in the air again. This tells us the hay- makers are hues- The rain seems to be getting a little nearer every day, hut a great deal more is needed Berry -picking will sono tae the order of the day A large gravelling job is on hand, from the 9th concession to the church. It will he a very welcome piece of road improvement. DUN(sANNON. UR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF Lucknow. has res ted visiting outride points and will henceforth give his entire attention to the home office. Lacknow. where he will be found every day. All modern meth- ods. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY in Dammam ter The Signal 1s at the Post- oldee Book and Stationery stege, where orders will be resolved for subscriptions. Ad- vertising and job work. and receipts wtU be et-eo tor amounts c ki for the same. THURSDAY. July 11th. Mrs. N. F. CVhyani is Visiting her parents at Seatorth. Miss Daisy Ryan is home from Port Credit fcr the summer vacation. Miss Totes, of Gloucester. England. is visiting friends in the village and vicinity. John Tiffin, of Colboroe, hes mold his farm to J. Snell, of Turoberry, and will probably move to Nile. Wm. Thompson is able to he around again though still suffering from the eflect:rof his recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson have moved to their house in the vil- lage and David and his bride have taken posseesion of the farm. HULLETT. MONDAY, July 8th. DEATH OF Mlta. MCMICHAEL . -The death of Mrs. Gilbert McMkhaei, of the 8th concession of this township, occurred ob Friday, 28th ult. The deceased had been subject to a form of heart disease and had been con- fined to her borne roost of the time for the past six months. Her maiden name ass Helen Dicksoo. She was the second daughter of the late Charles Dickson, of McKillop. and bar death causes the fleet break in a family of ten. Abe leaves. besides her husband, • son. Cherie,, of Calgary, and a daughter. Mies Eva, et home. PEEPOISAL MENTION. -Mien Edith Stewart has taken a position in the oMde at AAnto. Maes. V. goes to Edmonton, Al- iment, to emend the summer with his Welber, John McOoel Mies Sadie East, who hes Mem tumble. embed gear heiblayWs sdlw mg. 1. hone Roelamland t a. bombe for the mai le supply. I 'ippon =Await pulpit for J* Ma Ws. Lsossota. who we... s-Madp Wand hl a runaway m.tYemt a few weeks aim, Is now Im- ntmm cicely. hiss 0. i� Is.t week foe Toronto 14=1: 9a11mmst Boarse at the I7.iversity. Inter -wimp 4b edema and bath- Somme ath• jj mm. .t Risk's dtetup Nora Popular Mathew Couple Held • Bat-yabis CeWsntioa Wingbeue, July 8.-4 mug se - able celebration was Maid at the bear of Mr. and Mn. Deeid McDeaaM. Francis street, un Saturday evealasg when they celebrated the YSth anni- versary of their wedding. A lame number of friends from the town and district were pigment and extended the wort hearty eoogratulatioos to Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. Among the many beautiful presents they received were a well filled purse and several handsome articles of mut glass and silverware. Fifty guests sat down to a splendid banquet, wbich was served in the drawing -room. which was moot aurae tively decorated, as well as the tables, with rosea, smilax and cut flowers. Following t he banquet, Mr. David Mc- Donald rendered • number of bagpipe selections Oast were greatly enloyed, and bis daughter, Miss Verna, danced several Highland dances unmet setts - Among those present were Miss Rocket, of Detroit : Mrs. Hop.00d and Mrs. Mieoer, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas roll, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Todd and Miss Pearl Todd, Mr. and Mrs. E. McRoberts and Mr. David Tadd, all of St. Helens; Mr. and Mn. W. Guest. of Kinloss; Mrs. D. Todd and Miss McDonald, of Sarket000. THE SUMMER RESORTS. int Hotel Sunset. • Following are arrivals at Hotel Sun set : W.M Wiemer, Miss Wien er, W. E. Buck, F. F. Buck, Brant ford ; 11 Ewald and wife, Mr*. Chas. W. Cas - grain, Wilfred A. Casgraln, Leulle E. Moore, Maud W. Manton, Detroit; M.O. Rsosford,Clinton; F.R. Hodggeenns, Mrs. Hodgens. Dori, Hodgen, Gode- rich : 0. E. Fleming, Mrs. Fleming, A. W. Fleming, Miss Carol Fleming. Miss Bertha Flaming, Miss Jean Flem- ing, Master Hugh Fleming, Windsor: Mee. E. D. Brown, Master Edward Brown, Toronto; Miss Killoran. Sea - forth ; Mrt.. Scougal(, Miss Soougall, Miss Butler, F. W. Stratby, Albert Fagen, Kincardine; H. H. Parkinson, Detroit; O. G. Keen and family, Ino- doo. The Point Farm. A large number of guests are en- ying the balmy air and cooling at the Point Farm. The fol lowing have registered : Miss Madge Aihhit, :Rise Mary Marquis, Miss Helen Marquis, Master Jack Marquis, Miss L. K. `Vitt,, Mr. and Mee. A. A, Hughes, Allison J. Hughes, Ida a. Hughey, Miss Mary Townsend, Mrs. E. Blake Dunran, Miss Sybil Duncan, Miss Isobel Duncan, Master E. B. Duncan, all of Brantford ; Rev. Jos. Elliott and Mts. Elliott, J. Campbell Elliott, all of Ooderich ; Mise Minnie .Johnson and Jas. Johnson, Sandusky, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McNab and family, Dungannon : Mrs. S. E. Sanderson and Mrs. B. J. Crawford, Dungannon ; Miss A.nnie Hume and Mr. and Mn. Crawford and family, Miss Helen Rothwell, Mies Mice Rothwell, Fred McLoughlin, C. A. Johnston, Miss E. Graham, Mr. and Mn. F. J. Bishop, all of Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham, Misses Phyl- lis. Mary, Muriel and Marjorie Hig- ginbotham and Harold Higginbotham, all of Lethbridge. Alta.: Miss Hazel Niool. Edmonton, Alta. ; Mn. J. 1. A. England, Miss Charlotte Englaod, Mn. W. Fait•bairm, Mise M. D. Fair- bairn, Mrs. Geo. H. Bail, Miss Mar- garet Ball, Miss Jessie M. Obappelle, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry and family. all of Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. (. A. Bower, Master Aston Bower, Miss Muriel Bowce, ell of Adrian, Mich. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Button, Mr. and Mn. John Button, Miss Annie Button, Lucknow, Ont. Mn. W. E. Kelly entertained a number of her young friends at the Point Farm last Saturday. The party included Mrs. C. Saunders, Mrs Tvae Kelly, Min Irene S.aults, Mia DeL Nairn, Miss E. Wiggins, Miss ria Allen, Miss E. Buchanan, Miss Jean Tom, Mia Christabel Anderson, Miss Jessie Strang, Mien Agnes Hamilton. lbw the Meed of all ohm elm it me simply Mace diesiders. The time. The Need ,alms Ong* tike Y . segs every tare. msieetea 11 dm kidnap de taeir wt an impurity my a...r 1 disorder ray remelt ie toe eirceialhe Amager thea that time. Tlm.ire it yew Mood .. est of order your kidasys ores foiled is their work. Thiry ass in sed of ,timuatioa, sersegeiesier er dseseba a Or msdiCiee will do as Bees. rjhs flamer sed mems imitated Mood malaise lhm e 1 is Dodd's Sidney Pills ORCHARD COMPETITIONS. Melees Offered by Department et Agri- culture and Fruit Growers' Asseendom The Department of A ;riculture and t 11- Ontario Fruit Or..: ors' Aasocia- t i :I will this year . c•. loft orchard upetitions througb••oi entario. The - 1 , ..vine will be a is i ted into six -ilia.' as follows : �.,. 1 -Eastern On ... o District. L ... s p r i s i n g Leon:, Addington, Froutenac, Renfrew, Leeds, Lanark. Grenville, Caeletum, Dundee, Russell. Stormont, Gleugatry and Prescott. No. 2 -Lake Outario District. com- prisirg Halton, Peel, York, Ontario, Durham. Northumberl.od, Meetings and Prince Edward. No. 3-Ni..gara District, commis- ,. ing Lincoln and Wentworth. Nc.. f r late Erie District. com- prising Essex. Kent. Elgin. Vortolk, Halditnand, Weiland. Braot, Oxford, Middlesex. No. 5 -Lake Huron and Oeorriao Bay District, comprising Lmbto.. Huron, Brute, Grey, Simco.. No. 41 --(entre O.tario District, comppraising Vie'o1ia: Peterboro, Dufferie. Waterloo. Wyllingtoo, Pert h. The competition will er tot the pres- ent year only, and pnzer wail be given in each district of from 1115 to $75, depeodiug on the acreage. A score card will be used in !mixing. with the following number of points for each orchard operation . Pruning and scraping . .... 18 Spraying 18 Cultivating or mulching .... 10 Barnyard manure or commercial fertiliser 10 Quality 10 Quantity 10 Cover crop ..:........... 8 - Marketiog Fences 2 At Mene stung Park. The season is in full .aging at Menesetuog Park. in addition to the guests at the hotel, all the cottager are occupied. The following have registered : Mrs. Chas. W. McCorkle, Mre. 0. L. Fox, Miss Marjorie McCorkle, of Detroit : Major Gordon Hall, Mrs. Gordon Ha11, Miss Freda Hall. of London ; Mee 0. R. Looker, Ream C. Looker, Oscar F. looker, John Comer- ford, omerford, H. H. Parkinson, Detroit : Mr. and Mn. Purves and child, Mrs. 0. F. Macdonald, Miss A. H. 0. Macdonald, Master Grant MacDonald, Miss G. Waiter, of Toronto ; Dr. Harold Winta and Mrs. Wince, Paul Rule - mann, Mrs. Rulsinann. of Brantford ; Dr. M. Oliver, J. A. MacKay, Mrs, MacKay, of Indore, Central India; Mrs. H. D. Mercer, Mrs. E. C. O'Brieu, of Guelph Ont ; Mrs. Patenarcne, of Burlington ; Mrs. Robinson, Miss Neil Richardson, Miss Ethel Endacott, ret Strathro : Major J. 11. Kaye, of London ; Mrs. Lawrence Buchan Montreal. P. Q. ; Mrs. J. H. Kaye. of London; Mr. and Mn. Wm. Proud - foot, Robt. Proudfoot, Miss I. H. Proudfoot, W. Proudfoot, jr., ofOode- rich : Miss H. M. K. Shope. of Brook - 1 N. 't . ; Miss E. M. Beide of Toronto ; Miss 0. 0. Dewar, of Windsor • Mn. Cecil Stewart, Rob*. 0. McMullen, of Woodstock ; Mrs. T. R. Mayberry. Mrs J. Nichols, of Ingersoll ; Mrs. F. H. Parsons, of 0 u .1 p h ; R. M. Thompson. of Toronto ; Mies N. Kineses, S,rnia: Leo.ard Fraser Mrs. Fraser, of [salami [.d ; Mr. and MI*. A Ifrsd Hahn New Hamburg; Edo .rel H. cox Mn. Fox, Mrs. Alex. t1 IC,se, of i►e- trolt : Mies Gladys Eli., . • •f; tiMetie b ; Miss Rota IL lords*, tet tlrrmtesaL Arrow t h• world toe 1.., pals mad. • add first. wbo sestk with s. .e. sea ail And leaven' as rises. usoee.f..ral. Oadawa.v trranar d Offal' Y.t etlh The Fere'. w H(agsta from the ielvlat Aad ,owmmd .seem et the sod awe greed was tesedee Nesse •t poss and diver mover Thos" Mad eu..rel► J4r Y est fat Mspt. 11. Cmsaboo Maw an Regular application forms are now :zing printed, and tnav be obtained from the offices of any of the disuict representatives or direct from the Fruit branch, Department of Agri- culture. Toronto, on application. The judges will pay two visits to each orchard during the remainder of the present seaeoo. Men thoroughly io touch with modern orchard jractices will be sent out to do the udging, and the visit of these men alone will be of value to the orchard- ist, as he should be able to obtain some valuable information on the most modern lines of handling trees. How It Works Out Hamilton Timm. Statisticians who hare been study- ing the vote of the last election report the figures for the whole Dominion were as follows : Votes -Government. 889,E : Opposition. ft ,095. Seats -- Government, 188; Opposition, 84. This does not ioctude fourunconteeted seats. If the seats were equally div- ided in proportion to the` votes cast the Govetnmeot would have 112 ad the Opposition Ib -a majority of 17. The present majority is 49. NEGLECT To cleanse the system of undigested food. foul gases, excess pile in the liver and waste matter in the bowels will impair your health. The best a tem regulator is Fig Pills. At all dealer* 55 and 50 cent, or The Fig Pill Co., At. Thomas,Ont. 200 Cmc TIN Mors TIM 200 Cams The World's Nit Such Moises Can...no hes ■ C. ,oar,. Mink %met AT�oslrd6*r�. a , sot mew= A Palm RiMsq oflEaRiPe bete fiats •oe OheiwtZ.iQ OAR wa 0618.. awa 0.ea.veroas sesomenwesse man same ISM Me ANOTHER AVALANCHE II of Bargains for the Second Week of the Great July Annual Summer Sale New merchandise, bright and fresh, bought from•merehants and manufacturers at their clearing prices, which is' making this sale a great success. Big Slices Chopped off Every Price We are turning dull days into busy ones by bringing out the good things and telling you about them. Something new and seasonable coming in almost daily. Come and get some of the good things we are offering this week. They mean big -money to you at our sale prices. Space forbids our naming many prices, but the following list will give you an idea of what is in store for you this week. PRINTS WAISTS Niue pieces small psiterne, Fght fast Qom., Whits Lawn Waist, 00 in the lot, all. this colors, regular 10c. for only . - ..... Ol season's make. (owe and get one at or even PRINTS. -Ten pieces, 32 inches wide, below maker's price. Regular prices 98c to Ct3rY'r week AKE, regular 18ic. This O/�c�, 115.00. You ego s0 ave nearly 51.on soiree ofe o.lyM 1 these Waists. 61N(iHAMS Fourteen pieces, Illic and 13c, sure, Oc fast colon and sale price this week DINOHAMS.-Sixteen pieces, 10c value, good cloth and fast colors. Sale price this Q„ week ... . .. .. ............ Q(, DRESS MUSLiNS Eighteen pieces in this lot, loc to 11/1„ 20c regular. Sale price on the lot lO)ll.. LADIES' VESTS Another new lot just here at a good deal less than tanker's prices, a mixed lot worth 15c, 20^ and 35e. Your choice while they Com, last during the sale .10o, 12to, s Jq. WHITE VESTINOS pries. a aoy one of the lot. Regular prices, 1 EMBROIDERIES Our offerings in these goods are peel illy attractive and our range largely made up of hand -made hues, from about an Inch wide, 5e, to 45 Inch skirtings. We can't quote prices on these goods. there are so many of them. We must just say that you are sure to get bargains. TOWELS A special lot bought for Clio sale. Our claim for these goode is that they are Me from dressing, of pure bleached yarn ti Mat and wasbed), ROA per pair 15e ; 18x1118 per pair $3c ; 19:40 only 30c a pair. OLOVBS Just eight dozen pairs in this special lot, 2 -dome length, sines 6;, 7. 7i. colors hello, pink. sky, fawn, Alice. nary and green. lac 19c value. Sale price only a71. GLOVES. -Another lot. eight dozes silk finished lisle, colors Alice, hello. rose, fawn, navy. green. and old row. 2-dome5c length. regular price Me. Sale price LJ(, GLOVES. -A third tot. pun silk2 -dome length, regular prion 50c, colon Alice About 4moss, and groes. Sale 00 verde, one-quarter off regularprice .. .. • • CORSETS Evert- pair of Corsets in the store will be' on sale at tempting prices while this sale lasts. The famous D.& A. is our Corset -nothing like; them tot pt ices asked. HOSIERY More new stockings for this week, selling at str -ling prices. One bunch, sixes 4i to 8, in sky 1 pink, regular price for the 1 Jl whole bet Ze. Sale price H061IIRY.-Another lot mf ssooads of 250 and Els maker. You can buy any of them sire., 8j, fl'. 9j, and 10, colors black andtan: 22C during this sale at 2 pain for.... .... L • LACE CURTAINS About 150 pairs to sell. Just note the re- ductions : 50c for. .40e 75c fax:. 55c 85c for...00e $1.15 for...90c $1.25 for $1.00 1.50 for 1.20 1.75 for 1.85 2.00 for 1.50 $2.115 for 51.75 22.75 for 225 3.00 for 2.50 WHITE COTTONS will be on sale at reduced pricer. 1 Factory Cotton 0.13 Ink at reduoed prices. Pillow Cottons on sale at reduced priest. Sheeting., bleached and unbleached, on sale at reduced prices. { SILKS Every yard of Bilk in the store will be at Sale pries during this great Sale. Special Sale price on 85 -inch wide make. Saturday of this week will be a record business day at this store. Nothing ,will be left undone to make this our greatest sale day. Profits hammered down to and below the vanishing point. Come any time after 8 a. m. The morning is the hest time to avoid the rush. J. H. COLBORNE THE SiGNAL TO JANUARY 1st, 1913, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, 35 CENTS ASK YOUR •SWSOSALIN Wool BENMILL&RR WOOLLEN KILLS Th. aw* eetaraiowd (,Marren eau as 0,. Counts of gorse As usual I shall be prepared to bay and give the MON' theft price foe wool, both washed and saswasbed. or will etebaag. for may manufactured erikies. You will fled a title assortment of Tweeds of various op -to -date Patterns. also a good supply of Bed Blankets Horse Banks end 'ferns of various colors The above goads are graran teed to be purr wool and will Rive =tit/faction. Jesse Gledhill BEN MILLER ONTARIO Men's Furnishings We bare soiree special offerings in men's summer comforts that Are especially lntereeting, because they are Ver, - 'n Coin moa values, STRAW MATS (1,1 a Straw Hat now, and get it here. You'll surely be s belled if you .lo. fax yen will 11.d o0 ompaeism that equal finalities cost more pip ewbere. We Save every style and shape. We sell SIT hest Sita in tee world for s7.410, $10.00 and $10.00. PANTS Men's straw wearing Pasts, fancy .hige, rag - afar was. ter $1.7. M. ROBINS SOUTH SiDE OP UiiQAR; Foil Term Irma Meet ad. SUGGESTIONS For the Artistic Furtaisttiag of the Hose 11°h/osier has the artistic Furniture. the 'bleary" Furniture the people of Godericb and vicinity demand. For the Parlor -Selected Mahogany Parlor Suite. Parlor Cab- inet., Music C.bis.ta, Parlor Tables, Tea Tables sad Tray to match. Fancy Chairs and odd pieces. Them are worth while sse3ng. For the Dining Room -Element massive Buffets in quarter -cut Oak. Dining Table to match, Dialog Main upholstered In real leather. A variety of designs and prices to wit everybody. For the Living Room -Fancy Chain, Rockers, and a shipment jest received of Japanese goods that will please you. For the Den -Some al tis most autactive plows le Weetbered Oak, Mission and Early Sagthe that will surety meet with your ppr'oval. For the Bedroom-Heautifel Drsesm's. Seedde and fiomooe in Mahatma', Qtsilfteeemt Oak and Royal Oak. eareetriag neer is Cir- cassian Waive. Pepslae Replies wood Hide to surer say of these. A good autonomist ret Huss and iron- Beds, Mattresses and *wises of superior quality. to alt everybody. A piresneto to show times limes. A new shipment of floe Pictures. A variety of wb�..es mew ready for y • Cost whits the plotting Is god. A Loll stook of Baby 0.rtiagee sod OM8.Is whose ate eight. Rags to salt soy room, and the prime she.M ekes them up la .hort order. i one suit the most exactas' is quality sod peter. George Hohmeier Apmss" broil tar Maar SW RarAiRI1MN TOMS IO w 1' 41D11 s *u a s OWWWWWWWWWWWIeseekereemigheregia