HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-11, Page 1Office Stationery Hisvm :dr your Btto supply u f sba this ripen- J9b Co- gent bit glad w ave wwprinting, p. ig t protea. Telephone SS. -IXT'l FOURTH YEAK-No. flit ATRIAL TRIP nat. 'the Signal for the betimes of the year 10 new subscriber for only 35 CENTS GODERICH. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1912 THE SIGNAL Palk '1'NO CO.. Ltd-. Pauxaaa. ThE STERLIMBANK OF CANADA THREE POINTS OF VANTAGE A savings account le w safe, profitable, coovenievt way of keeping the money you do not need at the moment. There is absoletsly no povsthility of loss. Intersect is earned every day, and the use of cheques has advantages over any other metbod of disbursement. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager GODERICH MARKETS. THF TOWN cOUNcI■ Telephone (umpaoy, however, r 0030 THE O 1V le -COUNCIL aeCIL he blamed for tits, as t hr mat ter was ot - Tuu.anar, July 4th. not brought to our attention until t he i W ihRAvilestr ptiteseLebele ...... it ur to f 1 o to 100 54 Mar Mak i o m 1 10 t•• ease 1 00 to 100 Mr tea 10 00 to 10 W )ter cwt 2 17 to Y 71 lyes ver t•. 5.•r met Set rem tmi 17 M ear ea per toe' new d ril to ! M i►ood. mer toed 0 M to 3 X Bnttr, per Ib 9 >d to s n' Now CMGs*. 0 m to 4 10 Ili �. lSeiopelr dee s 19 te 012 DDlra ▪ 5..i r badaei, t as to 1 fn Naw Potatoes, ter beakal 2 IS is II * M to Y re CaRW, er+tsyy a ser ewe s M to i ss ! .1*2..ap. rt. ver fire s le to s ; s Hess 7 ss to 7 ss t11lew. v.r n ' urea two ` Std«. Der owe So 7 m to 730 elfeepe Ik w li is re 5.i The Sunday schools of Mitchell intend running an excursion to Gode- rich on August 12th, Mitchell's civic holiday. A. a [ Vl[SI:1 T Insuranee and Rex! Estate OODERIOH, ONTARIO 1 HAVE BEEN APPOINTED THE AGENT POB THS YOREBHIKE Isiat7R• •\CK CO. AND TRE LONDON MUTUAL FlfK INSURANCE CO., FORMERLY RKI'RIiEIIITia IN O ,DERICH BY MR. H. H. PULLEY. ANI) I WILL HERE ITER ATTEND TO ANY DUBIOUS IN CONNECTION WITH MR. POLLEY' MER AOENCIEB. BTfWNOEeT rtaz ANL' LIFE INBUR- MICE COMPANIES REPREBEN'I'ED. OFFICE NEXT TO CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1 1(01(1 E) P. 0. Box 384 WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. -A GIRL OR WOMAN AUCTIOiRKU.. permanently or to bale with children while awes on vacation. Apply to MRS. C. R ROBIN4ON, et. neeree's C`r aced. 1) WAIN - WANTED. -A RELIABLE MAN, LL('EVS= AUCTIONEER with. business a nordeooeamoegfarm- to- vunty of Hera I erre. to revreeeeet tole the !tight Ontario. \.dress all esmm.al�atie.e to cf,iNTON I Permanent R LLINGTON.NURSERYMEN..T01C1 STONE NT. r111SACHER WANTED. -FUR S. 14. 1 Mw 1, Colborne township; experienced • - - STAR -COLE LINE ►'TR. HURON Leaves Ys4erMk •R SSAULT SFS. MARI& M1CH.. North Cbaa.el. OSSISiae Bay. Teeoday at s u m- - • �It ('ORT HURON. DETROIT, TOLEDO sad CLEVELAND. Friday at n .Malgbt A. 1;. I.i1. General Maayssr Detests. Mica. teeeber preferred. Apply. stating salary wild I r.attteatloe. to PAUL M&KDKL. Secy.. Be r• miller P. O. 1•ir1 BOARDING. HON. F. D. MONK council meeting of the 21st ineL, ti ',, n it was floe late to take ivy anti. ' to INSPECTS HARBOR IMPROVEMENT BELL TELEPHONE CO REFUSES } h 1 'ted time in waCii the L view o k e Imt I WORKS AT GODERICH TERMS OFFERED. franchise could b• approved by the Railway Board." - - The letter was filed. The finance committee in its report Impressed with Capabilities of Tnis AgreementC P R rd } um Ow' t N Wm Aldous cemetery sexton, be in- Facilities • to do all the w irk at the cemetery, in- Council at Hotel Sunset. ULD ORCHARD COTTAUE.-THIS oentsetaW berm es.veds.t to the bake etwL neolve _bile owe. era w- ort eq- i tis Ts. rooms bahaave nil bbeenn recall, . A11 mode a env..& D.WiEllwlr�pvesk whoa erie.M. Leash ltlibW 08UN. ladieser m • 4 meet! PUBLIC NOTICE E WANTED. - A GOOD STRONG boy, about 16 or 17 7eare of age. to learn t the dumbing and metal work. Apply person' ally to W. It PINDER, Hamilton street OW TENDERS WANTED. 1 TENDERS FOR SEWERS. Teadeg. addressed to the undenigped will be.nosired up to 60'i -hick p m. os Tbburudal. July 16. 1912, for lbs construction of sewers oe ithe follewiaa streets William street. fromCsyley street t°Britannic roadI Keep. street. from Blake .ueet 10 Brittania reed. Rayfield road, from Reid win street 10 Brit I aunts road DETROIT & CLEVELAND #1•. NAVIGATmN CO. 1 STEAMER CITY OF DEm0ITIT. FOR MACKiNAC ISLAND Fridays 0.30 a. m. 43.50 one way $6,00 round trip. FOR DETROIT Saturdays, 2,30 p. In. $3,00 one way $&50 round trip. REMOVAL OF GARBAGE. Perseus deetroas of haring ,saAMe re- moved weseie ata small coat are to leave their seam as the town .1715. The more applications registered moats the smaller Individual cow. E. C. MUNNINJS, Chairman of Public Works Coemtttee. 11000RICH WATER AND LIGHT lJ (.'OMMIUBION. Water rates for six months, ending I)eaem- her 3191.. 11112. ate d.e, and ab/aid be PLO_ In advance. un proms' paymeen et mase outing ibis month . ndeefieu Osis per mot, will be allowed. All arrears ub.ald he pekl updating this month, and oatatadi.gr after July Net will be dean with by tbe eemaikeion. Atten- Uon to 'hi. latter notice wW gave trouble. All In arrests have been.Ofiaed by bUl. By order. A.STRAI FON. Water and Light Collector. Oodrieb. 0.1.. Jab % MY. WARM HELP AND DOMESTIC SERVANT&-Pemaios requirlog term help Mould apply at epeeesis WILLIAM McQUIL- LIN, Dominion Ooversmeot bagsasyrsost trent. fit. Helens, 11.1. Order. len wltf H. D. \\ uUlld dt Heiser. Ont.. will twelve prompt attest os. 90 UAPERHANGINO, PAINTING L aced kalsomta(nt. etc. Fusoel..a.week. Priors riga' Have your work dose blit*. ibe de rued A. SNAEEL, last street, Ooeieh, �f iPark atm!. from Victor(• street to Cambria rend. The town to -apply tile• st.d cement. I generale tenders for eaeh sewer. For say further information sapt1 to Mr. V. M. Roberta. 1'. L. or the nodee'dEtted- 1 e.Twhseallowest or any tender not .ecessarll7 se 1. h. YNox B c. MCNNINGs. Town Clerk. Ch Public Wa,t. 1 . feslt T�o LEASE BY TENDER. Tenders addressed to tis undersigned wtU be received up t0 6 o'clock p. m. on Friday. J. (Alb. ed lags for_harbor. °g of the town �e tedku� 5.r any tender not necessarily ac - 1 Par further lntormation apply to 1 - 1. L. KNO .To n tiara, Ooderich • Why a Real Estate Investment Is So Profitable in WEY Saskatch We burn a increase in Uodelinli's increase in population. URN ew.n It 1x11-101 1,100 80 v W��eyyburn's increase in assessment . . (�odsleich's increase in assessment . Weybvirn building permits, 1912, lige s. will show you why •e in W.pbure le booed be give you lame 101-1912 .$4,500,000 77 8,400- $1,500,000 ,400 $1,600,000 Investment profits. Ida Mase we phased WO Iota cm the market at Blas nae& We have slaty a few left. Better write se se your roomy 0 m.satl.1d with lb*0� e. We will issereates 8 par feet. no W sell oil Met Ilmase. E. V. Campion & Company gear SANK atiLDINO WRT1121R21. SASKAWREWAN ._ ..... :'...I. r. 5.G.;,. ,.o.,as... s FOR SALE OS TO RENT with R. regarding recommended th. payment n a n Port and the Need of Improved Site for Fleur Steeds -Pressure in her of acoeunte and that the salary of Th Minister and His Water Mains Low Owing o um- ber of Lawn Services in Use. 1 creased to$5011 per annum Mr. Aldous Party the Guests of the town eluding the rimming of 200 Into each year. The committee reported that When the town commit Megan buei Mr. Packwood bad agreed t3 purrba•e - new Inst Fridayevening Deputy Reeve the William street property belonging The Minister of Public Works for Clark sod Councillor Humber were the town for =123. The report was Canada. Hon. F. D. Monk, visited the absentees, but the Deputy Reeve ted I Goderich on Monday, and it is hoped arrived about 9 ti clock. Town Clerk Knox reported that the voters' li.t was in course of prepara- tion, part of it being ready for the printer. On the suggestion of the Mayor a motion was made by Couo- cillors Elliott and Laithwaite award- ing the contract of printing it to The Signal at the usual price. 3'be Ilett Telephut:e Co. made a re- quest fot the privilege of opening portion.' of em'taiio .treete on which W trey. The cons- adopted. o s- plea• their telephone w' piny wished to er.et pJlee on Nelson etre.t between Victoria *trete, and Camhrla road, and on Cambria from Nelson to Bruce ,tieet. The 'natter was lest with the chairman of the public works committee with punier to acts• A letter [nom of the Ocean H Captain claimedhoist, t he black from other so break out at as of the old hood of the by the Mayer' quite elope to committee, wasthe matter. WORK WANTED. - B Y DAY. ANTED. -A BRIGHT RELI- T MRS eABLE iron fellow to work in a counter I ' R1 Broekstreet.gar "St *SIGNAL, it of i 1 seperleooe. }p Ss. Capt. Babb, proprietor uuse, was read, The that lie had no lire protection, and that with the steam smith shop and dangers nice+ tyre was liable to moment among some bs in the -neighbor- hotel. eighbor hotel: it was pointed out hat there wane hydrant Use hotel, but tbe fire • asked to POR SALE. -THS 100 -ACRE FAR34 tryswdd ma the 7th 000esodos of Colborne, emu- liolldliiaii the incluelEned. I4 reeled for sale. des awr - nd-a-belt brick house. good bask barn and sib, and large .tmd. Everytking nest ; emend b7 in nosing tarot creek- Conk~.0 t soden dews. 1e everi way nae of the beat farms to the tew.iitp. Situation convenient to taartet tows ad e. P. lt. station. Possession eco be gfvse 15. tis tall- AND4Ew- JIW.Ne4-trfuN. Carlow P, O. t. (.AOR SAI$ -193 ACRES OF LAND ✓ on tbe Ren oonoer Su of the township of .t.htleld, about fi Miles west of Nile Mood soil. neat)' all under cultivation. most of It .eeded down. uood orchard. Comfortable house with Nome cellar haring csmtet So0r. Artesian well as house. Barn 0.70 with stone foundation ; cattle ad borne suaM.. alga other Opsin[ meek ,15515000515(b0 fA biegiergp is Maw Mem elje le the tell. For fell artheaae1 stat! is J man Ma Nkit. ontee premises. r.-wP-O- XX. 11sOR SALE. -THAT DB�B BLE kteribi old Klaa+• tece ten of property Wilt streets wee name home eM issen AApply �tbere' . be 0AneedA i street., or JA sits sill sr, rata's.. caw R .SALE. -A BUILDING LOT lell on Newgate stroll. aptly to F. J. PRID- AM. _ __ __ HOUSE ANL) LOT FOR SALE ON LA Huron reed. ashen dlstanes from tare uenits. Lot oosttlro two sans with geed orehaed and mean trona. Flame Iowa* is teed repair. Anyone enol log to tweet same will be welcome sst� sq� Ifase. apply et THIO OFFICE tar 1. armaU te-K DOR SALE --100 AOREB OF LAND r li mites north et tie tow. ell" Ils.prttt. Mood ewe loam. all soder egaivMUd • beast barn, with cement Seen; l tome loth bare and painted, all 1..e1 rr�epn r; well A� bare 15.8 BUNK vINLBOKoSoahrtp&to 4M16 investigate A. einaael asktd the council tor it best rate for the privilege of selling refreshments in Iarbyir Park on Jul 9tb, the day of the Seaforth excursion and on August Otb, the day of th excursion from l3lytb, and on an other dates that excursions may cow to Ooderich during the summer sea- son, To confor'm'witb the bylaw Mr Snaxel will notbelallowed to enter th perk but will he granted the use of tb streets for the sum of $5 per day. s July e Y e a- • e e Crombie, Worrell & Gwynne, hat- Railway Cowmisswoen fur Canada islet., of Toronto, informed the authorising the Canadian Pacific council'bat two interest coupons for Railway Company ea lessees of the West Shore Railway were duuee,, and - each on two bonds of the aria Guelph & Gederich Railway Company o . The public works committee recom- that be was impressed with the ad. mended that a rat load of nine -inch I visability of carrying out the import- sewel pipe be purchased and reported ant works of harbor improvement that prices had been received on a whish were inaugurated by bis pre - rock -crusher and that quotations on deceseors in ettice. The Minister, other road -waking machinery were who is making a tour of the Great being obi /tined. Adopted. Lakes in the Government. yacht The fire committee recommended Speedy, was accompanied by his eon, that the appointment of Noble Young Mr. F. A. Monk, his daughter, Miss to the fire brigade be confirmed and Moak, and Mrs. F. A. Monk, Col. that a pair of rubber boots and a Lamb, of London, government magi - rubber coat and hat he purchased neer for Western Ontario, also was for the brigade. The report carried. with the party. The chairman of the fire committee The Speedy arrived at 9:90 a. m. reported that the brigade had hid • and the Minister was waited upon by fire practice, bot t.bat the pressure Mayor Reld and other citizens and was vet y unrati.factory, owing to the was taken in the tug Horton for a large number of lawn services in use. tour of the harbor and out to the new The comuiiesion, he reported. were breakwater. The steamer Scottish taking drastic measures to have the Hero and ed lthe Mih. fir was bylaw ral+*teud. process of unloading the grain. ing the Several trades were received for Pr the shingling of tbe Meteor cottage. At (o'clock thedistinguiabed visitor The contract was awarded to Jas. was entertained at lunch at Hotel Dean & Co., who agreed to lay XXXX Sunset by the tnwn council. Mayor Ontario sbingl a, four and a -half Reid was at the head of the table, inches to the weather, fur $06.50. with the Minister at hie right, and Col. MacDonald. of Guelph. iroli.itor others prevent were Col. Lamb, Capt. when members of the previous Gov- ernment bad visited Goderich they were welcomed by l'onservatives as heartily se if 'they .were strong sup- porters of the vise tug Ministers. He believed tLat Mr. Monk would admin- ister his Department with fidelity and justice, end that no wrong would be done which he could preveot. The works now being carried out at Oode- rich odo-rich were inaugurated by the old Gov- ernment, and be was glad to bear the present Government intended to com- plete them. Ile suggested that the Government should build a Dominion elevator here as had been done at 'Port Colborne. This concluded the speech -waking and the Ministerial party lett later io the dayon the way north. Mr. onk and the m uilr rs of his party while here were lu, iiisited with memoranda showing the extent of the business in grain -shipping done at this port. for the C. P. R., arricpd at fhb Hon ten (officer of the Govervment'i juncture and presented forthecouncil's boat Speedy), E. N. Lewis, M. P., consideration an agreement made W. Proudfoot, M. P. P. Y- G. Cam - under the bylaw passed by the council eros, ex -M. P. P. Robert Henry ex - recently, granting a site at the harbor M• P., of Windsor. Mr. F. A. Monk, to the C. P. R. for its new flour sheds. and a number of citizens. Theagreement was in accordance with After lunch (which, by the wt.y, was the terms stipulated in tbe bylaw one which dM credit to Hotel2tanset), except that the railway company wee Mayor Reid introduced Hon. F. D. given the privilege ot laying another Monk, who expressed his gratification track to the flour .beds and it was at the reception. Since the election rpecined that the track!. . he pin ked last year it was the first time, he said. 100 feet west of the town freight Al: dr. be had attended so important a The following resolution was pas.. d : gatheriaq He bad been extremely Moved hy B. C. Sunning., seconded busy, but he had determined to make by Robert Elliott, 'That consent he a personal survey of the great public and the tame is hereby given to the works in charge of his Department, making of an order of the Beard of and he bad come first to the Province of Ontario. "All of us in Q.tebec," he said, "find that we meet with a hearty, cordial and hospitable recere tion when we visit the Province of Ontario," and he advised that tbe people of Ontario should go to Quebec and sea what manner of people thf were there. More frequent inter municatlon between the people of the two Provinces would be beneficial. that the town was expected to meet the payments. The letter was re - erred to the fleance committee. WOR SALE. --SIX FIRST-CLASS 1: btaildt lot* 011 Itos_trisl and Marta smote. cHARLMS ClonKow. MU PPR SALK.-THAT. FINE REIM- 1: dented propert” at tie owner et Oilineren V11112= ti271411'.="lr' A. Wept. tows Iota. ted plitli the barite or di Thom wiimeed the nom la Itradw rev▪ alr. nen lime maim eft Peree, soll alto alba' be ye AAA se P, J. RYA _fildeleb. The Lock Joint Pipe Co. of New York asked for information as to wheo the company would receive the final payment for the work it did in Ooderich for the Tarlithic Paving & Construction Co. On is motion by Reeve Munningu. reconded hy Coun- cillor V•natter, the clerk was inptr•uc- ted to reply to the effect that Ole con- trsctis about finished and ibat tbe money will he forthcoming wben instructions are received from the Bank of Commerce at Chatham. A letter received from the Western Canada Flour Mills C '. asked that a deed be issued for the purchase of 1911 had agreed office of the Union Bank Of frontage rtharbor hill road.The council of 1 W tbe sale of this froerty to,the mill- the head on Winnipeg, a twelve -foot and operating under its franchisee en rights, and the mid The Guelph A Godericb Railway to carry the rait- way of tae Guelph & Goderich Com- pany upon and along Harbor quay in the town of Goderich and by building • height shed thereon 250 feet by 40 feet, as shown upon the plan filed with the clerk of the town of Ooderich, subject to an .greenrrnt between the Railway Company and the town as to terms.' A bylaw authorising the borrowing of E3, i50 to meet payments of interest on the bonds of the Ontario West Shore Railway Company was given its three readings and finally passed. The council then adjourned. - Head Office Now at Winnipeg. o0 In connection with the transfer of ing'comp•ny and the letter caked Canada from Queliec ( n peg, that the present council tarry out the some 'natters of general interest are agreemenL 'The letter was sent to the t.i he noted, The Honorable John !Thar pies, who finance committee. A -.letter from the committee in charge of the recent exenrsion from Crediton expressed its thanks Inc the use of Harbor Park by the excursioo- isq. The clerk was instructed to for- ward a suitable reply. A letter to the town clerk from J. L. Richmond. district superintendent for The Bell Telephone Co., was as fol- low.: "Conti! ming our telephone conversation, 1 regret to say that the company cannot see its way clear to accept the terms submitted in motion passed at Tueeday's council meeting. if so desired hy the coaneil, the com- pany is willing to reduce the term of the franchise fr nn Eve to three prams as set forth in that motion. but the ad- ditional clause providing for a six monthi cancellation really make. it only a six months' franchise. 1 am therefore inatrueted by bead office to adviseou that they ere reluctant) compelled to decline the terries offered in motion. it is unfortunate that this matter of the Blyth company connection did not MON up earlier in order that it mold bane been cleared swat in time to bate the frrae#J-e Pr satisfactorily settled. The Sell I SALL flANARIES POW RA -LS. -HUM- pRINCItS8 FACE LOTION. • shiny le • Feel tea 1. sad est fleet Petted A WO Woolworth 1 GODERICH 'BUS LINE Tao Norms sleet ail teal TirmealC2riel 4 ' iF. 1.70414,Dafterili 1 WBEFUILISS FOR GALS- ---111ALIL.--r-THRKSH1/44 OUT, for some years has so ably filled the chair of president, has found it necessary. oyiine to failing health, to relinquish the position. His resig- nation was sccepted by bis co-director s with the utmoet .regret, and to show their appreciation of the roan and bis services to the Bank be was un- animously appointed honorary president. The position r t president with filled by Mr. John Galt, of Winnipeg, and it is ince. e.tinlc to recall that his tether, Sir A. 1. (fait. was a former vice-president of the Union Bank. Mr. William P.ice and Mr. R. T. Riley were elected vice-presidente of the Bank. The vacancy on the hoard of Directors caused hy the death of Mr. B. J. Hale WO. filled by the elec- tion of Lieut. -Colonel John Canon of Montreal. Whits the Bank has found it neessaery through resignatioos and death to fill some vacancies on the hoard, they are to he Oongratuleted upon the calibre of the men they have - Th transfer of the bead office of this important iost.itution from East- ern O.aada to Weieso Oanada brings hose to tit very clearly the growing im/srtanos of the Western Provinces, and atter all. It seems only natural that the Union Bank, with ite two hundred and sixty-six hrancbes. one hundred and seven!y of which are West of the Great. Les, shouts have chosen Winaipog as hiving the centre of its operations. Mise Mona Kidd ie recovering nicely at Alexandra hosipital after an opera- tion for appendicitis. mese .soirist sad sari- rToa eetsttz� r- - r s1 fe FAREWELL TO DR. TURNBULL. Menesetung Canoe Club Gives Popular Ex -President a Send-off. The first president of the Menese- tuog Canoe Club was Dr. Walter 8. 1 urnbull, sad he is the man who more than anyone else is to be credited with the success which the Club has had since its organisation seven or eight years ago. His inteuued departure at an early dale for Vancouver, where he will practise his profession, is a matter ot deep regret to the members of the Club, and the general feeling was voiced at a supper held in the Club rooms this evening in honor of the Doctor. Ex -President Sale started the speech- making with a well -merited tribute to the Club' followed from all • letter from 'W. Proudfoot, M.P.P., was read, expressing his regret at being unable to reach town in time to attend the supper and adding some words of waren appreciation of Dr. Turnhull. By a unanimous vote Dr. Turnbull was made an honorary mem- ber of the Club. As a tangible mark of affection and esteem the Doctor was presented with a handsome club -bag, President H. 0. Sturdymaking the presentation while G. L. Parsons read the following ad- dress : He bad found, continued the Min- ister. a pressing need for developments io all parts of the country. No one, however, could read the report of the Commission on Transportation. issued by the late Government, without knowing how important is the port of Goderich. Especially had this port taken :. foremost plac , in the trans- shipping of grain, and since his visit to the harbor it had been brought home to biui that the facilities here are not adequate for the demands that will be made upon them in the future. He suggested that the corporation of Ooderich show its desire i o help in the work of improvement by securing possession of as much property at the waterfront M past ble, so that tbe Gov- ernment would not have to make large outlays for larfd, but could put Its entire expenditure into improvement works. piesideet, which was in • similar strain bees present A DEAR FATHER TtRNHOLL, -We, the officers and member-1i-1iof the Menese- tung CanoeClub, on the eve of your departure from our midst desire to convey Co you our expre.cIon of deep regret in the loss of the mines*, ser- vices ervieee of so valued a member. On you in the greatest measure was the or- ganisation and -continued prospe y of the Club Wu largely dependent and the principles you have always incul- cated io its operation will be a last- ing tribute to the respect you have so justly earned. In the new Held in which you are about to engage the hearty wishes of each member are that the future may hold for you and yours prosperity, peace and bap- piness, and we beg of you to accept this slight token of regard which we trust may boor service on your long journey and accompany you on your return laden with the spoils of the victor. !signed on behalf of the Menesetung Canoe Club. H. 0. STURDY, President. CHARLRB E. SALE, Chairman. 0. L. PARSONS, Secretary. To Dr. Walter S ott'Curnbull, Ooderich, Ontario, July lltb, 1912. The Ministerwa.s warmly applauded at the conclusion of his address. E. N. Lewis, M. P., who spoke next. said that Ooderich we,. competing not with the Georgian Bay ports, wbicb had a trade of their own, not with the Welland caowi, which could not take the large boats that come to Goderich, but with Buffalo. The cop - shiftier; of this port with the im- provements contemplated could hardly be overestimated. It Walt • national work to improve this harbor so that trade now going to Buffalo should be kept in Canadian channel?. Dr. Macklin said he boped that, Mr. Monk baying inspected .1,- harbor and seen it* needs, it wo...1 not be necessary for the town 1. end any more deputations to Ottae W. Proudtoot, M. P. P . - narked thatreviews Government. ' • 1 done well for Ooderich, and ti present Government having a good deal of money to spend be hoped a large amount of it would he spent at (lode - rich. He pointed out that Ureteriob was the only harbor of refuge on the east shore of Lake Huron and this fact deserved consideration. He en - domed what Hon. Mr. Monk had said regarding the advisability of the town'. securing possession of lands •t the waterfront, and in this eonoeetlom mentioned particularly the portion of the beach adjoining the river bre•k- wwter which was leased to the S.'Railway : this, he said, .hould he retained by the Crown. Mr. Henry .aid he was glad to join in welcoming his old mend Mr. Fred Davis' rink came home from Monk, with whom he bad sat in tbe tbe Seaford' tournomeet loot week Hones at Ottawa and for whose he within* second_iptisis in the consols had tot missl • feeling ot greet respect. use matels. They the noly He Gle speaker) had been prise -wieners of the Golberieb rinks et ()Merit+ Pince 1004. and be hed the toursaatoot. Tim rink wee mes- Wairrele. T. McDermott sad P'. Davis (alp). A very plemant feature of the on Wednesday svestieg in honor a Jame. Melliebeek_the lathev of the glees by the Seaferetb club, with the levities bowlers as their gmate, gad wee greatly 'skived. PUtt Kers. The ad,tr'•s was ill••minated by J. Ades Foe and is • beautiful piece of workm,...>hip. Some of the scenes painted in the design will serve to remind the Doctor ot incident. of his Mo C. C. days. Dr. Turnbull expects to leave for Vancouver at the end of next week. thou/pit there wee too much nib- bling here -.doing things by balm", or risteentha If the Governmeet entild see ita way clear to stake one great work ot the harbor improve- Ments, inetead of doing it by piece - • it would place this port beyond =Mum ars one a the great /4. G. Casseroe. allodi to the non- sense, of the to the aft relWooded to Colhtt Colr the WOW& ME=. remarked that. no occasions I.IIIERAIS WIN. SCOTT GOVERNMENT SUSTAINED In SASKATCHEWAN The Birt Grain -growing Province Still Strong for Reciprocity and Wider Markets --Liberal Majority In Legislature urger than Before --Conservative Leader Haultain Has Narrow Call in His Own Con- stituency. Resin*, Saak.,Jitly I/ The present indications tare OM RR A result of yesterday's general elections in Saskatchewan the Seott Government has been returned by a majority of three to one and will face the next HOOP! with an increased niajority. P returns ere very incomplete a• yet. but the latest summary made at I a. m. today shows the following revolts : Liberals Si, Coneervativea :i, in doebt 2, not board fr post- poned election/I 2. Liberal gains 4. OomerireAive lain* none. Ilaultele. the Conservative leader, on lam reports has a majority of 2 ia hie former sale Conservative con- stituency of Smith Qu'Appelle and the lAherals claim his defeat- ANNOUNCEMENT tles at Nick's drug store. Haven't you tried t Iverybody's dole( it. Veit* kiiiketame. delicious lee cream le belt se toasty braeke. 'Phone 240. no. entrains, ezaminatinn 'swung aria, it le expeelled. be handed le ter valhisatiou seat west.