HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-4, Page 5E SIGNAL GoDERICB oNTAI;I 0 Teroarnas, .POLY e. 1912 tl/ LOCAL TOPICS , Wsdn•sday Half -holiday. `I i is rspected that be. iso t s i oe▪ mbe by kers b•d w 1 ,u,m, tber~ w obay afternoon server "eksut tog Jul d August'Metan= b July by nearly all the nibs s and that within will be observed rte the boUda orally. I fried iiat M(. see' a wedding In so `'`-- W atPi___ ich KM of Ito N• ide of G. R. Yui el a. The ceremony was performed Grass cburcb by Rey. nee Jassy, D. 1). The bride's friends town join in wishing Mr -many ire of happiness in her new sphere. out Picnic. 'hs lather' Scoutsiliary bear annual Garr t bs Boy et of a picnic at Attrtll's Point on fdnerday afternoon of this week. was a very pleasant affair and we. roughly enjoyed by the lads and the Scoutmasters and were c rrie ge he troops and conducted a scouting se after the bountiful '• w ?Tided by the ladies. Several of the n bivouacked at the Point over ht. Itsall banquet. In Wednesday evening a gathering the football players was Meld in the M. C. A. rooms. After partakiudg e members refreshments ofehseries of games held e spring as glvru by the secretary, Fell Millar. The Victorians hard points to tbeir credit, the G. C. I. i point- and the Y. M. C. A. learn u points. The president. herts n, then preeOted the .Yield H . \',.Ilely, captain of the Victor - 5, who arcepttd the ttwpby oO be - I of hi. team. After dieeuadng .e gamer with outside teams, the eting Make up with the singing of national anthem feentation to Principal Tigert. Lt. \ ictoria school last Thursday erntau the closing hours. prior to ?etnnmeneenwot of the midsummer cion. were marked by the gather- ; of the pupils and teachers to the dergarten room to bid farewell to , H. Tiger:, the highlyesteemed e cipsl, who is severing is connec- t with the acbool to accept a simi- I position In Hamilton. The (eeedings were in charge of J. B. Ater and under his direct/coo the Idren gave a short program of riotic numbers. Then Mies Lillie ineton, one of the entrance pts ls s year, read an address to r. en and two of the primary pupil.. tau Mutney and Alex. Fowlie, sented him with a handwosne key, htsutifully upholstered in swish leather. Mr. TIgert replied Bogle, and after the classes had eel their feelings by singing, "He. lolly (nod Fellow," the program 1 brought to a close with the sinit- of the National Anthem. 'ormer Goderich Resident be following sketch. from Ia.t ek'e Kincardine Re.portes, wiH be interest to many readers of The ;nal : ►nether old boy who will be home the re -union is Ross A. Raat*II. o was born in Kincardine. He eived his early education here in r public and high scbooL He be- ne manager of the Dyment Lumber . here and when that business 'loved from here be went to Godes Is for them in a similar capacity. was in the latter place ten years en he removed to Bt-antford and tame their local manager there. bile in Brantford be took an active creat in municipal politics and for ?nal years was chairman of the ince committee. in 1911 be ran mayor, winning by a handsome ijority. He was strong with the ttple there. because of the implicit rfidenre they had in his integrity. the close of the year 1911 be tided to leave Brantford and enter 'Ai husinets for himself. He ✓ ebated a planing mill in Toronto d mo ed there at the beginning of s present year. Ilia firm is R. A. Mull & Co., Planing Mill and imher Yod, 1074 Queen St. East. t will he welcomed as one of the et of the Old tfovs. rmin6 in Oxford County. R. H. Sallower returned today from a p through the Unitas district lo e vicinity of Tillsoaleara. He went ere under the M4asY0o of b. ?minion immrapheet ecassent 'Mete and Trying scenes, farm loodAils. reel - rice., rattle and crops. v ewe 11 be used in Mutes** slew Is- Yeation literature witila M WW1 !!ppaa1ed by the ]le. IMws think. tb. ha r, bti is an idem t, but that the 5 there ere Ile get in this rectieet a[ WNW* 0.1. Ho when Hunan eauaty spa Isle rr own He wile M seilesessilits se one farmer whir Mimed 160 awes s which wee a fr.talase bars and s. &brick reltdemee and a once oe- ssd, for which he bed refused Sib - 14 Another man toil hiss be bad M res roe 140 .mss f o hickk I here were as He detected a new harm aid tilMdence equipped with.1 tsitimu mergence*. including eisneeM li11t. d be now valued his at Mry.°MI "116 f atan}lr tg* ias my w seventy Ails.' A beset ems - wring f Per ht bso*r and fn1.A a lesafe lm mune The r.,s-eses b sister 10 1 fnllnwiDR the pR scale areas/Sal t ata alma a ysows st e Mum •hi lM+nr ✓ • hclur awl to aeeeaa .fie . Me eiflyt each rowsa ant salmi?: , lfi ittin:. la's• eMa.wty sties t. 51w11(' le that. Huron Old Boys (and Girls) Coming. Saturday nett is the date of the Huron Old Boys' excursion from Tor- onto. It is expected that a large party tr'om the Queen City will come to obit Ne old fawn over Sunday. are welcome to the best we can give them. Fall and Winter Assists. TM dates of the fall and winter as- sizes have ton announced, The sit. tinge at Godaeesich will be as follows : Kr jbefore b.cs sOlelxet°Jing September showiest. DIvbfon n. • for eoryy cams- Tmedry. Dee /sabers lird, -before'-before' Mr. Puttee Middleton. Hon. F. D. Monk Coming. Hcn. F. D. Moak, the Minister of Public Works for Canada. is making a tour of the Canadian harbors on the Great Lakes In the Government boat Speed He ie expected to Godes oh within thfew reach s. The town council will probably dis- cuss this evening the preparations to be made for the Minister's visit. Goderich Camp Praised. E. R. Wilson, secretary of the London Y. M. C. A., who was in charge of the Y. M. C. A. work among the soldiers at the comp here, is quoted by The London Advertiser as stating that "from every standpoint it was one of the beet camps he has ever attended in his many years of Association experience." Wath of 8. J. Reid. Samuel J. Heid. • former resident of Goderich, died in Toronto on 8•tur- day morning last after an illness of several months. The reuiains were brought to Goderich and were in- ters•ed in Maitland cemetery ou Mon- day afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. Brown and the pallbearers were Mayor C. A - Reid, Ed. Reid, Walter Sharman and Franz Martin. The deceased was a son of the late John Reid and was born in Goderich. He was a tailor by trade and workel for many years in Goderich, going to Toronto about ten years ago. His wife survives him, with a family of two boys and one CIA The Hospital Crowded. A Dumber of soldiery were trans- ferred from the military camp hos- pital to Alexandra hospital when the camp books up but week. The cares are mostly the result of injuries, and all are progressing nicely. Alexandra hospital is full to the limit this week, and one man has been sleeping out on the veranda. A number of patients seeking admission have had to be turned away. M. C. C. Regatta. The Meaeeetong Canoe ('lub is mak- ing preparations for the holdingg of a rgtatts, probably on the civic holiday. The ('lub has not held • regatta tor a few years past, and the revival of the nest will te bailed with pleasure by those who like aquatic sports. A oom- mittee has the arrangements in band, and as the Menesetung Canoe ('lub makes a •uecese of all its undertakings we shall tool forward to the day of the regatta with expectations of some- thing especially good. Passenger Navigation. The season for passenger navigation opened et Goderich oo Tuesday even- ing, when the steamer Hurons of the Star -Cole lite, arrived from Cleveland on is first trip north to Sault Ste. Marie. The Huron ie due to arrive at 9 p.m. etch Tuesday going north, and on its r :turn trip on Friday et ssidnigbL The steamer ('ity of Detroit ii., of the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.. is due to arrive at Goderich tomorrow (Friday) morning M13:30 o'clock on its initial trip of the season. Retro ning .from Mackinac Island it will leave Goderich for Detroit on Saturday at 2:30 p.m.. con- tinuing this schedule throughout the season. Death of Dr. John Odlum. Thi death of Dr. John Odlum, for twenty-six years a practitioner at Woodstock, oc erred at his home in that city on Thursday hast, In hie sixty-third year, after a long illness. The deceased we. a nephew of the 'sue R. W. McKenzie, of Goderich, and re- ceived s good part of tin education here, residing with his uncle while in town. He atteoded the Collegiate In- stitute reunion held here five years ago this summer. Dr. Odium u- ated at Queen's University He was an es -member of the Woodstock city oouncll and was prominent in Masonic circles, being a past master of the Woodstock lodge. Io religion be was a Methodist and in polities a Liberal. He Is survived by his wife. four daughters and one son, E. L. Odluns. of H•ileybtry. Mr.. R. W. McKenzie went to Woodstock for the funeral, which took place on Saturday. A Musical Event. A very suooessfnl piano recital of the music pupils of St. Joseph's Con- vent was held on Wednesday evening and waswituessed by a large number of be relatives and friends of the pupils. Dodge Doyle performed the duties of ehaireo in. After the pro - the Rimers entertained at a Csbeoa all w bre participated in the evening's entertainment. 01 the more of numbers ow the program especially meritorious were the re>srvng of Tpphe Jolt Iltaeksefthe" Rn two g=ay, Norma MasseSpar and Pearl Prewar: the "Peisum on two piie.Pus by Mimee Mesa Harley sad idea Robb ; tho "Booth's Abases awo piswns by MIs. PI e ;bums. Webb, 1lditb Wiliam and Oral dam 1 the 'VINs Demsaeer y Master Joseph Deva god '"the Hemmkeide." by MIs Masa The selections en o tr- Awhich meastai of Mims. fpmbe and 1;diiste and ndwyn and Wes. Opmb she tett worse praM. Other nmeehrus w the pr smrsim hp min Nam ay Dams. mu Vy. DiesNorma WWiy, / VYNMsen' sit sews= ants met o wad* aAM11 wash Pupil" ler enAliL A Warning. Several complainte have been made to the police regarding the practioe of several cyclists 10 monopolizing the sidewalks. One lady was so badly frightened by two youths on bicycles one evening last week that she was ill in bed as • result. Neither gave warn- ing of their approach. The police have deckled to take action against all fouud guilty of the practice. Harbor Notes. A team of horses belonging to Alex. Dunkeld was drowned in the harbor about 10 o'clock last Thursday even- ing. The animals were standing hitched to a dray, just west of the checkwater, when one pf them swerved and falling in pulled its mate and the wagon with it. Mr( Dunkeld red jot folabed unloading some mili- tary equipment for transhipment on the steamer Hamonic when the ac- cident happened. It is a serious lose to the owner, as the team cannot be replaced for much lees than 5600. The following morning the animals floated and were dragged from the water. The drilling apparatus is et work in the harbor and a second scow is being fitted up for similar work. The Canadian Goverdment steamer Simcoe was in port on Wednesday with supplies for the lighthouse. The steamer Wexford arrived last Saturday with a cargo of wheat and oats for the Godericb elevator. The steamer Empress of Fort Wil- liam arrived oo Tuesday with a cargo of wheat and oata for the Goderich elevator. The Rut pontoon which is to form part of the foundation for the 000 feet of the southwest breakwater was sunk in position last Friday. Excel- lent weather favored the contractor and little difficulty was experienced in placing it. The coalhoat M. Sicken arrived from Cleveland oo Thursday with a cargo of coal for the town waterworks plant. Thesteamer Hamonic of the Northern Navigation Co. arrived last Friday morning and took on board a portion of tbe troops which had been encamped here for transportation to Sarnia. Death of John R. Bruce. The death of John Robert Bruce un Saturday last removed a well-known citizen and one who bad earned the respect and esteem of e. large number 1 of friends during bis eight years' resi- dence in Goderich. Mr. Bruce had not been in good health for over a year, but hie condition did not alarm his relatives until about five days prior to his death, from which time he sank rapidly, until the float summons came on Saturday. The deceased was a native of 'Barrie, Orkney Islands, Scotland, being born there nearly forty years ago- He came to Canada in 1904 and locating at Goderich he followed the vocation of • fisherman until ill -health prevented him from engaginr in any active work. Leat year he held the Government position of fishery- overseer at Goderich.1 About three year, and a -half ago he was united in marriage to Miss Morri- son, of Godericb, wbo, with ooe son, is lett to mourn the loss of a good and kind husband and a loving father. Mrs. Robt. Muir, of town, is a sister i of the deceased. His father, wbo is seriously ill at present, and a brother i and t w r sisters still reside at the old borne in the Orkney Islands- The funeral took place on Tuesday after- noon from the late residence of the deceased on Britannia road to Mail- s land cemetery. Rev. Gro. E. Roes, assisted by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, hod charge of the service at the house, and at the graveside the officers of Huron Lodge, No. 02. 1. O. O. F.. conducted the Last solemn rites over the remains of their departed brother. The pall- bearers were rix of the Oddfellows brethren—S. Lynn, Wm. Morrisb, John Baker, Geo. Higt,inson, Norman MacAulay and Wm. AbeL Mr. Bruce also was • member of the Order of Sons of Scotland. The sympathy of the community- goes out to the bereaved widow% in her hour of sor- row. The loss Domes as a double be- rehvement, as only a few months ago her father, the Tate John Morrison. was celled away. Death of a Former Huron Resident. News of the death of Mrs. Thos. Morrow, of Margaret, Mao., which oocurred on the 19th of June, will be received with deep regret by her old friends in Godericb and vicinity. The sledpeervent. is thus recorded by the local One by one the pioneers of the Margaret district are being called home and none will be mimed more then Mrs. Thos. Morrow, who pared to her reward on Wednesday last. the 1903 inst., after four yeses of failing berate. On Thursday. 13th Inst., she paid a visit to the old home on the farm and iu the afternoon was seized with one of her periodical attacks. It was more seven than usual and an operation was deemed Imperative. Dr. McMillan called Drs. Mathebi and Edmison, of Brandon, and mist day the (operation took place. BM stood the ordeal splendidly and brigbe hopes were entertained for her re- covery. but on the 19th alarming symptom+developed and the end came as stated. Mrs. Morrow's maiden name' was Easily A. Johnston and e be was born September 19th, 1832, in the township of Ashfield, Huron ooaaty, Oot 8be was married them and the family came west in 1890. Six children were born to tbem, three boys and three girls, all living. fibs was what might be termed an oid- tashinoed mother. one who devoted herself to her children, setting a bsaetitul example for there anoints life. She was not only a gnod wife and mother. but a good friend to all ante whom she could minister. She was • lifelong ad loyal Methodist. Bemuse bee daughter, Mn. Rom Me - Millen, mold nee arrive sooner. the funereal was delayed until Somdsy, whets Maeda d Md. aasigbboee tamed one in imp mwmbere io pay a Meet Pabst* dmepsea. Row. Mr. FoNsiss wee assisted ass. Mr. Mania and the /amass; 11116 moat is t_pre eitra Dmlees sea Ise&pslaasss at orsar'et s IM• IMOSSIIIIMY ISM 11e ass; ell Mae ase avail sal Alibis i. tbsk .bass d eerreir. the P AO M was osis of the Mir ewe asses* who Ipso* She day at peprkr resort (:hampioneS by The Telegram. The peerSleet of the Ontario West Shore Railway bas been cbo.eu is en engineering expert for some musicpa1 undertaking in Turoaw, and The Tor- onto Telegram imam the following editorial telefoon*: "Toronto has J. W. Moyes to thank for a big share in the fight which the Hoard of Trade made tor the viaduct through its counsel, H. 1... Drayton, K. C. John W. Moyes was sneered at and belittled by haughty eugineers who professed to be his superiors and never were his equals. Mr. Moyes is equi for his work by the civic ot's seam of public duty and the technical knowledge aid experience demanded by be nature of the pooh` less in whose solution be Is to have a part. H. L Drayton. E. C., wade no mistake when be chose Ur. Moyes to act In association with Dion J. Ar- nold, and the price of John W. Moyes' services will give better value for the outlay than most of the money the city has spent upon experts." LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Wm. Proudfoot, jr., has passed the secondyear examination of the On- tario Law School. The ladles of St. George's church intend holding their annual garden party oo the afternoon and evening of Thursday, July 25th. Particular later. The regular meeting of General Brough Chapter. D. 0. E., will be bald Monday evening, July 8, at 7:46, at the residence of Mrs. D. Mac- donald. C. C. Lse and Rev. Jos. Elliott are the latest purchasers of automobiles. Both are Ford machines. Mr. Lee's is a five -passenger touring car and Mr. Elliott's is a runabout. The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich branch of the Children's Aid 'Society will be held in the court house next Tuiseday afternoon. at 4 p. m. A fnll attendance of all interested in the work of the society is requested. ' There are no new developments in oonnection with the rabies outbreak in Goderich township. No further cases have developed and though due precautions are still being obeervel the excitement and alarm have sub- sided. The deuce at Hotel Sunset last Thursday night was enjoyed by a large number, the majority of the men present being officers from the military camp. Delightful music was furnished by Glionna's orchestra. from Toronto. The Hotel Normandie at Clinton, owned by S. S. Cooper, was damaged by fire early last Friday morning. The inmates escaped without injury. The loss is covered by insurance. At present the hotel is beim conducted by Mr. Cooper's father- -low, Mr. Hanna, of Milverton. The wedding of Miss Ilah Blanche, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson. Owen Sound, to George Wil- merCragg, of M.nitowaning, will an intereestiog event at Oweo Sound. The beide baa visited Goderich on i several occasions. Miss Velayr} Wilson. of Goderich, was ooeof thecibeidssmaids, and among the guests was Mrs. B. H. Townsend, of Goderich, auut of the bride. The contract for unloading the cool tor tbe town waterworks plant was awarded at the meeting of the water and light commission on Tuesday evening. John Bell and„George Brad- ford were the successful tenderers, 37c a ton being their price. They are to store the coal wherever the com- mission directs it to be picked. The first cargo left Cleveland for Goderich on Tuesday night. A Crediton correspondent writes : "Monday last was civic holiday in town and all the business places were clo.ed. The excursion to Goderich under the auspices of the Evangelical Sunday school was the principal attraction and was largely patronized, and it was a tired crowd that returned in the evening, but all. both old and young, enjoyed bem.elvee immensely. Many were enthusiastic in their praises of the county town se one of nature's summer beauty aorta." O little boy put it just right when he said : "My! But ain't Kellogg's easy to eat !" 32 _ PANK i OF CANADA. naTA&Ltaamp 1llm troubles Paid - up Oepital, Rest soil Uall i•ided Profits $0,101.300 Total Amato lover ) $68,900,000 A GROWING BALANCE In a Savings Sauk Account is one of the etroutset incen- tives to further se tog. It is aerasof genuine sataefac- eearlt tion, adoom d given a fortaele feeling y frown gaanClAt It you haven't a 8a:doge Bank Aocoun' alre•wiy, now os time to start one. Come in and do it. Goderich Branch W. L. HORTON, Futram "cocky" McDonald in Trouble. Hamilton, July 2.—John J. McDon- ald, a Grand Trunk conductor, who lives on Sully Crescent, was arrested last evening as the race track special from Fort Eris was leaving Hamilton. The arrest was made by Detectives Wallace and Taylor, and as soon as McDonald had been taken into cus- tody another conductor took over the Sallow Complexion Indicates indigestion, coustipation or liver trouble. Fig Pills will regulate your system and build up the "reeve forcer .° that you can sleep and enjoy life. ht all dealers 25 and 50 cents or The Fig Pill Ca, St. Thomas, Ont. Makes Bair Grow. Dunlop bas an invigorator that will grow hair or money back. The time to take care of your hair is when you have hair to take -are of. Ityour hair is getting this, gradu- ally falling out, it cannot be loog be- fore the spot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is Salvia, the great American hair grower, first discovered in Eogland. Salvia furnishes noririsb- ment to the hair roots and acts so Quickly that people are amazed. And remember, it destroys be dandruff germ, the little peat that saps the life that should go to the hair from the root.. Salvia is sold by Dunlop, the drug- gist, under a positive guarantee to cure dandruff, stop falling hair and tching scalp in ten dept, or money back. A large bottle costs 50c. The word '-Salvia" (Little 'for sage) is on every bottle. A citizeu writes: Fur bow much longer will the water and light com- mission of the town of Goderich per- sist in charging rent for electric light meters after toe consumers have paid for them many times over! Where such facilities are owned by the muni- cipality, especially in the Western Provinces, it ie the custom to charge the coneunser rent until he simply tis paid the price of tbe meter. Why canhot Goderich be "up to date" in this respect and step into line with all other progressive towns and cities? CHURCH NOTES. At North street Methodist chi; -ch next Sundaythe pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown. will preach and even- ing and ooaduct tbe adult Bible class. A cordial welcome to visitore. There was a good tutwout of IEaseas at 8'. George's cburcb on Rtesdy morning. when they were addressed by Rev. C. E. Jenkin.. of ClIntate. Tee sermon was a very able ooe and was highly appreciated ley the brethren. The rector. Rev. J. B. Pothering- lima. other ngbsm. will officiate at the services in St. George's church next Sunday: Morning prayer at 11 o'clock and evening prayer at 7 o'cloek. The Sunday school meets In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. A special featrire of the service In Knox edflects last Sabbath morning wee the presentation of eight infants foe bap..1 am. The p atm% Rev. deo. 1f. Rues, was ie shaege of the service. in the evening Rev. Jas. Hamilton occupied the pulpit and in his dis- course spot le r► very interesting and tmprsmivt wayof the recent einn the of tGeneral aea bly at Iiifmnoetoo, whish he atteodd. A special vestry sweeting of fat. 's Mermen was bidet nn iteibtley haft. whew the ,seta.. Om. 1 even 1. P.*hsrlagbam prevented a mpne tof VIM resent 41051110101 Synod W. L. net was appointed le est as tedsppr. dry rsetev'. ward's la the -embossed Han. of Geo. Papaw. T►. pbtr mit yam hods/ medal ors the Ma at Jam UM Taw .y0*.. O tree pew. bad the thtsplem d., were gimt r was sweated aerglleeMre /m7er ah the elinin N Moving to Sovereign Bank Corner tis Manager We ere about to change ouroplace of business from tbe present stand to the above-ulentinned. To make moving easier, we are ptvflts on a vacation. Special pricers on all hoes. 0.111 and see, sending nor J. S. DAV EY Jeweller and Optician South Side of Square (iODERICH train by arrangement with the Grand Trunk officials and their secret service ?nen. McDonald was at rested at the re- quest of the Grand Trunk officials, and the warrant held by the Toronto detectives wan for conspiracy to de- fraud. Neither the Crown dor the railway officials would give details of the affair, but it was learned on good authority that it was for •'knocking down" fares on both Hamilton and Fort Erie race specials that the con- ductor was apprehended. McDonald was at one time con- nected with the Grand Trona Railway in Godericb and afterwards conducted a grocery store here. It is to a hoped be will he able to clear himself of the cbarge now held against hitt. Lost His Hair,Beard .and Mustache Te rrible Plight of a Pennsylvania Man Reported by a Prominent Citizen': "About two years ago my boar, beard and mustache alerted to come out in spots. These spots were entirely bare of hair. Setting Parisian Sege advertised, 1 puechaeed four bottles and after using two of the bottles the hair came in until now i have as good a bead of hair as i had before this trouble started. I can truthfully recommend this pre- paration to armee* for what it is rec- ommewded for. Sass Golder, Jamison City. Col. Co., Pe. Qct. 11. 1911." Please bear in mind that Parisian Sage is not guaranteed to glow hair on bald heads. lo Mr. Gslder'a cue the hair toot was not dead and there is no good reason why Parisian Sage should not do just what be writes it did. "The next time Mr. Gelder came in- to boy store after purchasing the Paris- ian Sage," writes the druggist who .old him, "hie appearance was so changed I did not know him." Parisian Sage is without doubt the moat efficient hair grower, beautifier and dandruff cure in the world, an9 people whc are wasting time with ordin- ary commercialgonics eh old wake up. Parisian Sage will banish dandruff, stop falling hair aud itching scalp : will put life. Matte and beauty into faded hair. or money bock. It ie a most delightful and refreshing tonic for men, women and children. Iarge bottle 50 ciente at E. R. SV igie's and druggists tbe country over. tLADIES MUST HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR TO BE ATTRACTIVE SALVIA The Daietily Pedalled flair Tonic Creates a flagnificent Head of Fluffy, Luxu- riant Hair--flenatsd Womenof Culture use Salvia, the Latest Paris Hair Dressing and Tonic —It will Make Your Hair Grow or Your Money Back. SALVIA—the Pride of Parisi Hair Dressing and Tonto --at once Roes to lee root • of the hair and turn, harsh chat acterhiea hair into beautiful wavy heir, Nilo/ Ammeter and DKr- bair that changes the whele ammo mere. SALVIA destroys ibe dandruff and will positively stake hair grow. RA i.V I A is swot a stele y 'telpher preparation, but pleasant rens-Mirky ad 4.ivet.ily perforeed. ladies of taste and refinement wnwldse't frisk of ming any other. .tit actrsasss in every country now use R A I. V 1 4 cool irw.11y. Ws Mobs en I .h olosteiy gwareatee that SALVIA will create a new otrewils of Awir If year hair is seethe( thin, oonsenenee Heng M tLV1A as sew. It wall sena step your hair horn faftOR out amt w hc Usk bel, grow. Aj.V 1 l le stump • 5 obemista, who have mads the fabs sad Ise Weems a . it y' d• et deers% b. ee lass SALV iA in stock. 1.- . bs em hie walk* it Oar :mos Tsai allow Wm too so you •soetllmGR VIIA.M ~ Isets there IliOwes a IALythisVlsra YIA : and lour id he is em to dmi bare le Melissa sebsltutre 15.es (preerws nettle mile ter 110 same.. BUSINESS SHORT Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y, M. C. A. BLDG, LOPIDOPI. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catstogne free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Wester v. M, Jr. MaCtpai t Vico m res rie Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON STREET Specials for Saturday FRUITS Home-grown Strawberries Banasae Cantaloupes Piaeapplee Peaches. VEGETABLES New Potatoes Tomatoes Beausu Cucumbers Cabbage In stock Rett Hose Brand Pure Leaf laird. Fresh and choice Dairy Batter in pound prints. Just received a consignment of Cross h ' Blackwell'., and Sherrill's Marmalade.. S. J. YOUNO Phone 5a Hanultce St. iwwwwowileWoloteWtiethes CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE gena 7 Tlbeo. Owl, O'.VTARIU'e SRST DUMl9t -i . e;4 LA011. Oar moose, are ioeter1ate .,.e W. Aare a large .tag • f ex- In.drseteee. and mu ora./e- ates set 1Wraw..d. pwtMo-. We a* *ow stalest* taaa does .cart other soma Comsee W. ►ave lArre ,3 » • illwAwi we w Nle. Osi our free e•WesN at area n e. McLACRLA M, P0,604010 SUMMER SESSI©N 5ew4101.1