HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-4, Page 44 TBtraaDAT, JULY 4, 1912 THE SIGNAL : JH, ONTARIO News of District HOLYROOD. TUESDAY, July had. Neave or THE WEEP. - Hamer Ackert spent a few days in Toronto this week. ..... Denzil Stsof Cbsley, spent Sunday and Mo1Msy at his 'borne here.. .. Mies ae Henry has returned borne atter visit- ing for a .month with relatives It Bowra aye Mrs. Geo. Harrison. of Kincatdine, sad daugbttt ria .pent a t days last week with the formeri�wute, lair. and Mrs. Henry Pierce Mr. Snellgrove. of Luck - now, Is busy- paintfog and papering the Methodist church here What might have been the loss of a driving horse happened at Ernest Ackert s one evening this week. The horse was in the pasture field and Mr. Ackert had been digging a ditch in the held. ;The horse lay down to roll and over be w- nt jnto the ditch, but the men .around soon gathered and relieved the animal, which was none the worse for his mishap. Some of the farmers have started haying. Mr. Haines and his two daughter*, Misses Nellie and Sarah, are away on a visit to friends near St. Mary.. CARLOW. WEDNIi.SDAY, July 3rd. Miss Gladys Levy., who bar been teaching at Bleirhampton, Ont., is home for the holiday.. IiEY. Da. Yotrxo.-At the convoca- tion of the Davis and Elkin. College of West Virginia, the Presbyterian Col- lege of that State, thedegree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon Rev. John Young, M.A., of Pittsburgh, Pa., a noted Carlow ".old boy." Mr. Young's friends and admirers hero aro much pleased at this additional dis- tinction which has come to him. .He ie expected to visit Carlow later in tbe bummer. A 000D PcacRA/ M. -R. M. Young recently visited W. A. Dryden's farm at Btooklin. Ont.. the former home of the late Hon. John Dryden, Minister ,.f Agriculture for Ontario. it is a .pleodld property of five hundred acres. Mr. Young bought from Mt-. Drydeu a young shot thot'h bull of the heavy milking strain sod has added it to his herd on his farts bere. He is to be congratulated upon wearing such a fine animal. YOCNOBLI/T. -MOUNTAIN. -The man-iageof Mies Myrtle Annie, second daughter of Mr. and Mn. David Mountain. to Robert Youngblut was eoiemnized of the bride's home, near L.tndesboro', on Wednesday, June' 19th. The ceteipony took place on the lawn unser snatch of evergreens, ferns and iris, Rev. J. H. Osterbout being the officiating clergyman. The wedding march was played by Miss Zella Whitely. cousin of the bride. The bride was dressed in s gown of white embroidered mull. with veil and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and maidenhair ferns. Ser only attendant was her sister, Mrs. James Pipe, of Godetich, who acted as matron of honor. 8be wore pale grey silk. The honeymoon i .being spent at Goderich and on their• return Mr. and Mrs. Youngblut will Aside oq Zhu groom's farm on the lith concession. DEATH OF Ti B. RE YNOLDS. - Fol low- ing en illness extending over nearly two years, thomas is. Reynolds answered the final summons on the 19th ult. The deceased was a son of Jae. Reynolds, of this. township. Be- sides his paregts he is survived by three brothers/and two sisters. They are Mrs. Jas. Flynn end Miss Minnie Reynolds, Joseph Aad John, at home, and Robert, ot.Ualgary. ST. HELENS. TrESDAY, July 2nd. 'W. F. M. 8. MEATINO.-The W. F. M. 8. of Calvinchw-ce will hold their social meeting in the chlrch next Wednesday afternoon. Miss Well - wood, of Wingbam, lately returned from mission .work in Chins. will address the meeting. All the ladies in the community are invited to at- tend. 8cuooL REPokr.-The following is the report of S. s.8. No. 3, West Wa- wanosh, for the month of June. Three starred were moat absent : 8r. iV.- Della Fitzpatrick, Laura Fitzpatrick. Jr. IV. -Lottie Johnston, Johnny Errington, Huth Fowler-, Gormley Thompson. Tommy Webster. Johnny Cranston, Able Smythe, Gordon Cameron. Sr. Ill.-WillieFbompeoo, Mildred Fitzpatrick. Annie Duroin, HarveyWebster, Jim Durnin. Jr. 1i1. woe omppsoson; Harry Iwroin. Sr.' I1.-Har.is Purdbn, Wilbert Durnin. John A. Tbompion, Willie Orin.ton, Mary Johnston, *Thine Durnin. Pt. II - Blanche Webster, Clayton Smythe. Sr. Pt. i. -Lizzie Wilson. Elmer Putdon.. Gracie Robertson, Russel Thompson. Jr. Pt.. I. -Rebecca Thompson. B. 8, M11$f.tte. Teacher. BRIEFS. ---Oh! for a shower . Mime. ('olena Olark,.Sarab Smythe and May Cameron and Durnin Phil- lips. from the Goderich Cotlewiate In- stitute, and Miss Margaret Webh and Hugh MoVroetie; frorn Wingharn High School, are Mine for the vacation atter the examinations Mr. sold Mrs. Donald Rutherford were at Stratford for tai holiday Miss Ruby Taylor, of G$elpb. is holidaying et her grxndfathev,., Mr. Humphrey'.. Mr. and MrstiChvrk were in Tor- onto last week attendiptr the marriage of their son John to Miss Baine Mr. Mackintosh epsnt A few days Io Toronto last week. ._...Some of the excursion visitors Isere•were Mrs. Mc- Pherson and heer� daughter. from Guelph at Hugh Mrpons-id's. sed Mr. VMrs. Wallace and chlldrse. from e, at Mrs. Johd Miller's Mrs. and John ben ie Wingbam and Monday- Mr. sod it . D. Woods died Versa were in for the bolida Peet i. boliidayieg Westfield. ..... J. B. Ruthwterd a bare- itt the, 1 rt ee, sad and mete - great mew et lmlem W tJUETif .r ' MoEnAT, Jely LL.' building. g last Th iId ng. sod a vin bdee ld y tom Ileegbse 'a • sr bs be le 7. etaiit PORTER'S HILL. TUESDAY, July god. Norms. -Jona Torrance and sister Priscilla spent a few days in Wroxeter this week Miss `; Ser. Start and George Smith, of es, visited at 0. W. Potter's over t holiday Lorne Tabor and Mrs. Marshal spent Sunday at Sweburg, near Woodstock. Mispas Aida and Florence Mee Donald, of Deft, are visiting under the parental Dalt, duly 4tJi. Tits GAiDEN Itemit. -Vie manual garden party or babel Methodist church, held last evades cm the bead - some grounds of ez-Warden John Cox. was a great success. Although rain threatened in the afternoon, it held off. and a Iarge gathering assembled. A splendid supper of strawberries. and cream and other good things was enjoyed, and the musical program by the Blackstone Orchestra, from God. - rich, was a rare treat. Rev. R. J. Mo - Cormick, the new pastor of this cir- cuit, was present and was heartily greeted. He gave a 'grief and a ppro priate address. The ice cream booth wan generously patronized and the proceeds of the evening will net a sub- stantial amount. euLMORNE. MONDAY, July- let. REID - SALLOWS. -- At "Poplar Nook," the home of Thos. Sallow", Colborne township, a q'ilet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednes- day, June 28th, when his Youngest daughter, Blanche Adelaide, was unit- ed in marriage to Harvey Reid, of West Wawanoeb. The bride entered the drawing•room on the arm of her father, to tbe strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. William. Sallows. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, of Goderich. The bride was simply attired in white embroider,} and carried a bouquet of cream roses and maidenhair f e r n. Atter con- gratulations a dainty luncheon wag served. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left for their home in West Wawanoeh amid the best wishes of a host of friends. The bride is very highly *.teemed wherever she is known. and her Col- borne friends are pleased that bcr.new home is not far /sway. SAYFIELD. TUESDAY, July 2nd. PERSONAL. -Rev. Geo. E. Ross, of Godericb, and family strived at Jowett'" grove on Friday last and ex- pect to spend the summer in their cottage there Mr. Laws and family left this week for Marthaville. Robert Donaldson, of Hamilton, and Stewart Donaldson, of Wingham, spent the holiday at the home of Jas. Donaldson Miss Attie Peck, of Toronto, is horse for her holidays Dean Hodgins and Mrs. Hodgins, of Stratford, arrived this week to spend their vacation here Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes, of Belgrave, spent a couple of days as guests of Mrs. Geddes' sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson Miss Edith Spackman arrived home from London on Saturday. BRIEFS. - Patriotic Day was oh - served in St. Andrew'. church last Sabbath, Rev. A. Macfarlane preach- ing an appropriate sermon Bay- fleld is retaining its popularity for picnics. the ciowd on the First ex- ceeding even that of former years4. The day- was ideal, the only drasft- back being the dusty roads, which made driving rather unpleasant for both mean and horse.... .The choir of St. Andrew's church attended the strewherry festival in connection with Bethany church, held on Mr. Tor- raoce's lawn on Friday evening last, and assisted with the program About thirty cavalrymen on their way from Goderich encamped here over Sunday and Monday. KINGSMRIDOE. MONDAY', July let. PEaeoest..-Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, from Dakota, are visiting friends here. A. Quigley and slater. of Clinton. are visiting at Wm. Quigley's Misr Priscilla Dalton. of Berlin. is spending a few days with l'er father here .. Miss Oertie Dalton is home for the summer from Detroit NATURE'* Donee/J.-The fact that we had a deluge of rain this spring will bring most crops below the aver- age, but the fall wheat and hay will be very good in most place.. Very few roots were 'own, and we need rale in the worst way. Too bad that railway wouldn't move. 1t the farm- ers have to iu.ul their grain fifteen miles to market thin fall it will be a setback after the excellent service which was given them last fall. But then the question cones, "Will there bre enough grain worth while hauling out r N(yrss.-Quite a number from here attended the Ryan -O'Laughlin wed- ding at St. Augustine last week Kingsbridge was well represented at the St. Augustine DIcnia An excel- lent time is reported A large number from hare attended the hall at KIntel l on Friday night. Everything was fine except the excessive heat. The measles have hese raging here the hast week ... J. Myers has se- ated tbe teretes of *young visitor for the haying. He Intends staying all summer. Klapbridge is still lin- provimg. Joespb Dalton is renovating Ole home. Lewis Dalton is raisin` ifs horn, god Mise Kate Sullivan I. hav- Ing an addition built to ber bourse. All our towhees and pupils have returned borne for their vacation. Tate Most Popular and Only Correct Lin. Reectieng All Summer Resorts In Hip elands of Onto i r Including Muskoka I ,hes, Lake of Bas. Algoogele Par., nag w ery, and French Rivers, 1Se- wall ha Lakes. et e. P.rre.Eusttrato service vis (Mud r , sink Beltway to aid fes, . .eve mores.ria for tfustiat d ft iters sed them taasa Whop you low t ' get there aN ~ tdyt M 0 Diet r let mesa. Argot. Union heehaw. ToroefttgrXtr. 4reR elielemee Ie it. or Jowle What mid Islti:B► get the habit mitatien� imitated, the eetside mating and shape of aMe piss ars lmllssad sad the Ear-Dodd's Kidney /tk is haitatad. Imitations are ds.gurws The original i. safe. Dodd'* IOdaey POI have a reputation. lmita. tern have sane er they wouldn't imitate. Se they trade en theof Dodd'* Massy Ma. D..erb, Then is eats ens DODD'S. Dsddb is thin edgiest. DM's i. the tame te he start - tL Eben►-- o-o-o-D2s KIDNEY PILLS DUNGANNON. (VR. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF it Laokaow. ham mowed visiting ()Weide p.iiets and win henceforth give his entire summon to the tome office, Luoknow. where he I be found orrery day. AL modem math. 1VOTIO13.-THE LOc' tL AGENCY In Dungannon corns t i w . •.1 t. at the Pest - e -e. a Book sad 8tattoo.. where "r f ont. re w111 be ress/ved to, ' floe .d- r.•. isles sad Job work.. , -1 • eodpts will be ei. ea toe amounto said tun r b. Aube, THCtt-o.%y, July 4. he Presbyterians p cuic at Port Art e. t today. Will Crawford, of Toronto, watt up for the week end, Wilfrid Elliott, of Brantford, was home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Whyard visited in Goderich last Saturday. Miss L Perkins, of Toronto, is visit- ing Mr.. N. F. Wbyard. Receipte at St, Paul's lawn social on Monday amounted to $125. Mies Alwa Robinson. of London, is visiting her sister, Mr.. Hunter. Principal F. Rose left last week for his home at Amberley and Mies Sager for (salt. Ree. L. Bartlett and family Pett In Thurday via auto for Tupperville, is new station. Rev. J. E. Hunter and family ar- rived this week from Tupperville. Mr. Hunterdrove up. Mr. and Mrs. D. Henderson arrived home last Friday from their wedding trip to Toronto and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Root. Wilson. of Gode- rich, visited here on Monday, prior to their departure on a trip to Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. Bceoot. REPORT. -Report of U. 8. 8. No. 17, Ashfield and West Wawanosh, for the month of Juoe. Names in order of merit : 8r. IV. - H. Riven, O Kirke, Jr. IV. --G. Rivers, M. Sproul, R. Simpson. Jr. I11.-8. Rivdrs. Sr. 11.-J. Sproul Jr. IL -E. River., 14. Sproul. Pt. IL -R. Stothers, A. Sproul. Pr. i. -O. Finnigan. Number on roll, 12. Avetage attendance, S. M. POLLEY, Teacher. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY, July 2nd. Tug PICNIC. -Hundreds of people from all parts of Asbfleld and West Wawanosh and other points within a radius of twenty miles attended tbe grated picnic hela on Dominion Day 113 Wallace's grove ander the auspice* of the St. Augustine Catholic church. The event was a grand suoceea. Alt forme of atnusemeut and music were provided and much interest was mani- fested in a drawing contest. Rev. Father Laurendeau, of South Lindon, formerly parish priest bete, w es pres- ent and was gladly greened by his old fat ishioaere. BRIEFS. -Mrs. E. McGuire. of Tor- onto, is renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity Mr. and Mn. Mark Wilson, of Carom, Sask.. are visiting friends in this ricioity this week A number of young people from tbie vicinity attended the lawn social at Ebenezer last Wednesday evening. All report having bad a good time Robert McAllister was in Kippen last Wednesday atteuding the wedding of his nephew, Rev. John Richardson. Mr., Mrs. and Miss McDonald, Mr. and Mie Miller, of Jamestown. and Mise Wilson spent their 1st of July holiday at Wm. McAllister's Isaac Oraueton was in the vicinity last week with his sawing machine. cutting wood for some of the farmers. Quite a number of farmers have commenced haying. It is not a very heavy crop this year There was not a large attendance at the rifle shoot last Saturday. LANES. TUESDAY, July 2nd. LANES LOCALE. -Rey. S. Jefferson preached his fareweft sermon on Sun- day last- He moves to Crediton this week accompanied by the beet wishes of the people of the Asblield circuit. Rey. J. J. Durrant takes charge of the Aahfleld circuit Robt. Rieehie Intends raising hie barn on '1'hutadsy of this week ....,.Jas Rose leteoda to open the blacksmith shop this week. We welcome him In our midst again. Jim's a sport and Ilk. all others does not pate to leer* qts neighborhood even for a short period... .. Rale I rein! rain ! The weetber man allowed it to rain too freely last spring awl now Ands bimeelf short Wm. Baldwin sold • hors. to Ab. Derain, of At. Belem, to be taken We1wyre all lb" wRy patbma.iers Epos the roads to the suniener i' Surely tbey nee bed ettm'h tall water The cream01 WYteebenb. Witticism and r ers salt .reaeries risk this smelt t�pilworth,* le the de 1 O west G. loos herein nae powwow et es ail Iodise 'kiwis. maim At age seamier steeds, Atha eel it Amapa hid es Iliett inedaielided In o.t re. Tisi.sDo'z 410ritzeere eleheri of Immo on aloe. 1tollisimmossms OvrAnnval Commences Saturday, This is the date of the commencemer* of our great Annual Midsummer Clear- ance Sale. For a number of years past the people hereabouts have looked forward to this great annual event. They know that it means the saving of many a dollar to them. We look forward to it with pleasure, too, because it means the converting of a large lot of Summer goods into cash. It means an actual money loss to us, but it. means also the cleaning up of a large lot of goods that we will not carry into an- other season no matter how much the loss may be. In the meantime, come and take the t hoice of our Summer offerings at one-fourth, one-third and one-half regu- lar prices. We haven't room to quote many prices, but here are a few just to let you know what you may expect GINUHAMS Over one thousand yards of English and Scotch make., regular prior 15e, sale 1') �, price. Lal. Bight hundred Fried. of 124c ding- 10c barns for,.. �/l Six hundred yards of 10c Gingham" Qc for ol. VI these Gingham" are fast :olors DRESS MUSLINS Your choice of every piece of Dress Muslin in the store, regular prices LSc to 20c -your choice of the entire lot -for 10c only Vl. DRESS DELAINES Nearly all light colors and fast. 1 regular price 16c, sale price 1?„ 2e ART SATEENS Ten pieces of Art Sateen., some lovely pat- terns in this lot, a great bargain at sale prices : 15e for 124. 25c for 20o Ate for 170 30e for 2So GLOVES pair of our stock marked down forythis great (Sale, toSome opera colored Gloves for leu than makers' prices. HOSIERY Special Hope for this Sake at unbeard-ot prices and lote.of them, too. 81z hundred pain of our great 2 -pairs -for - 25c line, no seams, fast colors, will go 22c at this Sale 2 pairs tor CORSETS Every pair of Corsets in the store will be on sale at tempting prices while this sale lasts. The famous D. A. is our Const -nothing like them for pricesasked. EMBROIDERIES and LACES will have special attention at dila Sale and great reductions made in every piece offered. PRINTS Fifteen hundred yards of Crest Prints -the beet bread of English make. 124c Print for only 11o, and 800 yards of light ground, Q fast Dolor, 10c Print, for Ql. WHITE INDIAN HEAD Regular 20c for 17o Regular 15c for 1 S;o WAIS I'S White Lawn Waist, 94 in the lot, all tide season's make. Come and ret one at or even below maker's price. Regular prices 98c to $6.00. You can save nearly 21.00 on some of these Waists. UNDERWEAR We have secured a lot of these goods at bargain prices for this Sale. You can get great bargains at our sale primes. A special purchase this week of ladies' Un- derwear, 2Uc acrd 25c qualities„ for our 15c Sale, to go at Jl. INDIA LINENS and Victoria Lawns all oo sale at reduced prices. WHITE QUILTS On sale at reduced prices, a new lot just in specially for tbia Sale. r- 1 We are making this Sale something that will outdo Any former effort on our part. Large quantities offered sod deep cute in all Sale prices, A great 1 chance to get good article* that you may want just mow, and get them very cheap. DRESS GOODS Our whole stock of Drees Goods wiU be oo sale at one-quarter and one-third off regular prices. COTTON SUITINGS Our beet colors and best makes. Everything in regular 16c prices for 1240, and all 14)1 our 16e steel -clad gaieties Me......,.. WHITE VESTINGS About 400 yards, one-quarter off regular prices for any one of the lot. Regular prices 15c to 80a LACE CURTAINS About 150 pain to sell. Just note the re- ductions: 50c for. 40e $1.26 toe 81.00 22.20 for 51.75 75c for.. 56c 1.60 for LI0 22.76 for 225 S6c for...80e 1.75 for 1.86 9.00 for 2.50 $L 16Ior...00. 100 for 1.60 SPOT MUSLINS AU whip and every piece a bargain at our Sale privet. WHITE COTTONS will be on sale at reduced prices. Factory.Qotton on sale at reduced price.. Pillow Cottons on sale at reduced prises. Sheeting., bleached and unbleached. oo sale at reduced primp. - purchase ally for special sloe. aTheeoy areeebgreat ht espial- bargains. Ask for them. TOWELLINGS Seldom can such values be found anywhere as will be found at this Sale. A special 1 offering for the occasion. SILKS Sale pries yard of this great the store will beat tTs+t Bale. Special Bale earls on Which wide make. N o person Nvanting. goods should miss this great Sale. We are making this the greatest and most popular sale ever seen at this store, commencing at 8 a. m., Saturday, July 6th This Month • H. COLB,OR NE HI Wool BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS Th. blast-.wwc.Aer OASES Mie le the County of agars As usual 1 shall be Prepared to buy and give the highest cash price for wool, both washed and unwashed. or will eacbamge for my manufactured articles. You will And ■ tine aseoetment of Tweeds of various up -Iodate patterns, also a gond supply of Rho Blankets Herm Blankets and Yarns Ovarian colors The above roods are Rutin,"• teed to be pure wool and will rive satisAetine. Jesse Gledhill RBNMILLII ONTARIO PDS Veva hem wet b2. illaretristimetasartae in , Men's Furoishiiigs We have some offerings in mei summer comforts that are @epeeislly Interesting. because uncommon values. theyars v s. very ST*AW MATS Get a Straw Hot now, end get it hese. You'll surely be satisfied if you do, for yam will Ind on qualities sgeel more elsewhere. We have every style and 'bap.. We .oil the hest Suite le the world for 07.00, 010.00 and *10.1110. PANTS Men's arose wearing Posta elegy "Wpm sem vier SIM lee WM. M. ROBINS ROUTS SION 02 Sg17ARR SUGGESTIONS For the Artistic Furnishing of the Haas Hohmeier has the artistic Furniture. the the people of Goderich and vicinity demand. may" Furniture For the Parlor -8eleeted Mahogany Parlor Snits, Parlor Cab- inets, M n mousic d odd Parlor Tables, Tee Tables e0d Trey to meteh. For the Dining Rplease. � no..s ire worth while series. Oak Dicing Table c Rlegaat mamlve Bullets fa ge.rterent leather. A variety at des an Dining Males 5 es-ybu . is real For the Living �� to sunk �a7bedy' Jost received of Ja aitees goods that will Room -F y Chaim &oda ' and a shipment For the Dram -$ams d the moot attractive ve you. Oak, Mi.Moe and Early Rngllsb that will semis eeseie With your approval• y most will your Por the Bedroom -Beautiful Dresser,, Akan& end glue 1. Maboggane. Quarter -cot Omir W Royal Oak. 9u1 L1mlfr ow be U- A good assortmeet of Brass and Imo OAP. ZSmtteerre mad themFlorham of superior quality. to silt everybetle. ♦ ph,�e,e to sinew A mew shipment of Aneet reedy tar your Ispecdoe• Come wthe b � mew A WI Mork of Baby Oerrlagrs.ald 0mChweet Pram ere right Rage Shari tto wri it say room, d the 'prime abash' Nees theoi up is r. • 1 ma snit the meet *teethg l quality .aid 'rhea George Hohmeler ROPAIRiNH 4• se ' P r SLDM haus 11 wr ao' WI dtu up Iter wr Int i.. .tr tis. Bei m Cr. is Sc. 1 A. are 11;" 1t by (l► of Fo of Y. of the thi w Sit es. tw Ra to iu ha sot ulr (hi Pr aft the shot kit J. Pei tis lar H cbi 02 tbi 111 Lo Po ra 9 fee red a w. shot Al we of 14,1 fa sol the eat Cc m sh Si sol he w Isl rM Iln m Pe to AI to es t. h