HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-4, Page 2ti TavasuAT JULY f.. 1$11
have been signs that the county) is
t drifting from the control of the *-
lowand the dissension in the
publi..n party ranks should help
e Democrats to scours control of tbe
tiooai administration.
t a rate, then will be hard fight-
ing fro a i now uotil November.
00011alCH ONT s alO.
Telephone Cali No 114
Teresa N 4ttMerytMw
LSO r�pp .aaam 1. advaaoa
to Oohed States sabr 1 s.�SL$1 • rear
+triads 1• &d.ar.eek
eab.ortb.n who all le resolve Tum Htiltat
regularly by man will colder a favor by ac-
quainting us of LLe tact at as early . date as
Wase a ohmage of address Is ded:ed. both old
and the oew address should be Riven.
AMrttereg lea se :
Lee eland other dialler advencioa,ent , 10o
pet Hue for first insertion and k per 14,e for
each nonpareil�soa1 . tweluent by
lines to as Snob.
Bndaess cards of ds nes and under, as pe
Advertisements M Lost, Fond, 8trbyed. 114
nations Vacant, Fig nations Wanted. Homer tot
Sale or to Rent, Farms tor Bale or to Hent,
Articles tor Sale, etc.. not speeding a(sfit,
Imes, 2hm
each insertion ; 11 for Seat oath, iso
for each subsequent month. la=rger advertise
moots in .' oport&on.
Anoonnceesenta in ordinary reading type ten
cent per line. No notice ler than rbc.
Any special not o the object of which V the
p.euntary benefit of any individual or menet-
aim, to be considered an advertisement and
charted aocordingty.
Rates for dlsplay and contract adverti.►
meat will be given on appUaatlon.
Address W oom.nunlorUona to
.laderich Ont.
Dominion Day is not observed ss it
should be. Outside of the religious
holidays, it is the greatest anniversary
in the list for Canadians and should be
so recognized. As1hepassing y'ealegive
more and more promise of a great future
for this young nation, and the pride of
its sons and daughters in the national
achievements mounts higher and
higher, succeeding anniversaries of
the day of the Dominion's birth
should register the growing na-
tional consciousness, recall the his-
tory of the past, and lire the am-
bition of Oanadiap mirth for greater
things in the future. The day might
well he marked by demonstrations of •
more distinctively patriotic character,
in place of the rather meaningless
celebrations which are now the rule,
where there is any celebration at all.
We do not like the epreadeaglelsm of
the Fourth of July across the border,
but there should be a happy medium
between the extreva.ant way in
which our neighbors celebrate and the
indolent fashion in which a majority
of Canadian communities allow their
great national anniversary to pass.
Why should we not make up our
minds to have • celebration of the
right kind in Goderich next year?
The census report shotes that the
urban population of Canada increased
in the last decade (12 per cent., while
the aural population increased only 17
percent. In Ontario the rural popula-
tion shows an actual decrease in the
ten years. This is an alarming state
of af=ire, and it should be the busi-
ness of those in authority, in muni-
cipal. Provincial and Federal affairs.
to Beek the remedy and apply it. The
big cities are draining the country to
an extent that presages disaster. The
lure of city lite draws thousands of
men and women who would he better
off in the country or the smaller
towns,but who, once drawn within the
cities' maze, cannot extricate them-
selves. The placing of premiums up-
on industrialism, as opposed to agri-
culture. by bonuses and protective
tariffs, has given the people a false
conception of the relative importance
and dignity of these two callioge. has
drawn labor away from the farms and
has placed financial burdens uufairly
upon agriculture. The result is that
agricultural production has not kept
pace with the growth of urban pops
lation : a result that is disastrous all
around, for the consequent increase in
the prices of foodstuffs has made life
in the city s serious problem (except
for the comparatively few especially
favored ones), while there hasnotbeen
a corresponding increase in the profits
of agriculture. Not until the proper
balance between city and country
population is restored will the "high
cost of living' cease to be a subject of
anxious discussion.
The Republican national conven-
tion, amid scenes which apparently
marked • serious disruption in the
party, nominated President Taft. for
another term et the White House.
Theodore Roosevelt and his follower•*,
having failed to get their own way in
the Republican ranks. are forming a
third party, and the irrepressible
Teddy may come forward as an "inde-
pendent" candidate. The Democrat•,
aper a protracted minim of their na-
tional ooevention and the taking of
'orty-six ballots. have nominated flow-
erier Woodrow Wilson of New Jer-
sey, and. barring Menders in the nem -
pales of the neat few months, have
geed Moepeetg of piadmg their man
"l iia Prride.Mal shah.
Ohms i>tw Ml whits Rowse has not
hid • Osiree Ms stoupI% bus that
Now if we could get some of
rain we didu't want in May.
tate the issuing of the Beak's meta i CRITICAL TIME
Date. Sr. Ryan takes a very strong
and explicit dental of Travers' state-
ment, declaring that he never saw OF WOMANS [IFE
the cheque and never had anything
to do with the matter in any way or
One of the most absurd erguowente
against reciprocity which still Iluger
in the winds of Oonservative leader-
tbst ' writers is that It would give the
United States trusts entry to Canada.
All the tariffs in the world cannot
keep out a trust. In fact, tariffs are
what the touts feed on. There is
nothing et the pretreat time to prevent
a United States trust from establish-
ing itself in Canada and using the
Canadian tariff as a *belle*, just as
Canadian trusts do. It is greatly to
the advantage of the trusts (hat both
countries should retain tbeir tariff*, aa
they can operate more profitahly to
themselves within a restricted area.
To throw down the tariff walls be-
tween the two countries would be to
cripple the operations of the trusts;
end to throw down all tariff walls
would he to render the trusts harmo,'
lase. There are already, and have
been for years, branches of United
States trusts in Canada. and their
agents were among the most vocifer-
ous loyalty.shouters and energetic
flag-wavers in the anti -reciprocity
campaign last year.
Mies Canada forty -fire years old
and mom attractive than ever.
There are at present 516 rural mall
delivery routes in Ontario, and about
3711 in all ('anads.
Several churches In Regina were
blown down, while not an hotel was
injured. Whom the Lord loveth He
With Governor Wilson as their
candidate, the Democrat. have • good
chance to elect the next President of
the United State*.
The town council might make a
grant to the Regina sufferers as an
expression of gratitude for the safety
of all the Goderich people in the
stricken city.
The postmaster at Whitechurch
has been removed from office, for no
other reason than that he is a Liberal.
When the Liberals get back to office
there will he some doiogs.
If the Borden Government realty
desires to do something for the Em-
pire. why -not make a further increase
in the preference granted to British
goods by the Laurier Government?
Am -dr -ding to The Wiogham Ad-
vance, Mr. Bowman, M. P. for East
Huron, expecte to see the greater ,.art
of his riding covered, with rural mail
delivery routes within three or four
years. What is the member for West
Heron doing along this line P
There will he universal sympathy
with the people of Regina in the
calamity which has befallen their
city. No doubt a finer city will before
long emerge from the ruins, but many
individuals have suffered losses, in
property or in (riends, which are ir-
it would be well to have a Haemo
randurw to present to Hon. F. i)
Monk on his visit here showing how
the business at Goderich harbor is in-
creasing and how important it is that
the work of improvement should be
continued until the harbor is fully
equipped and protected.
Six new canneries are being built in
Prince Edward county this year,
bringing the total number iu the
county up to twenty. A publicity
campaign for Huron county should be
the means of securing the establishing
of a number of canneries in this
county, where they are very much
There is a time for everything, and
The Signal Is of the opinion that
Dominion Day is not the right time
for the holding of • political demon-
stration. Mr. Rowell would have done
better to commence his campaign on
some other day and leave the national
holiday for celebrations in which
people of all parties might unite.
The text of tbe reciprocal trade
agreement between Canada and the
British West Indies has been pub-
lished. A general reduction of twenty
per cent. is made in the duties on
goods imported from one country into
the other, in making this agreement
the present Goveroment is carrying
out the policy of the Laurier Admin-
istration, which first adopted the
principle of imperial preferential
Judge Parker, in his address before
the Democratic national convention
last week, referred to the temporary
reduction of the duty on cement by
"the Canadian opponents of recipro-
city" as significant of a weakening in
the opposition to reciprocity in thle
country. Canadians know that the
Judge is rnistaken; bis remarks are
another illustration of the lack of
understanding of Canadian affairs by
the politicians across the line. it
would he just as fair to take his speech
seriously in Canada as it was for the
opponents of reciprocity to quote
Champ Clark and President Taft in
their inept references to Canada dur-
ueing the reciprocity discussion last
A sensation was si.t,teg is the
Farmers Busk iaqutr i «i Saturday
when W. it. 'haver., the firmer
manager of the Bet t, who was
brought haek from Ksegstnu peni-
tentiary to give 'viewer,, stated that
• cheque for $I1.00n, regerdiog which
there has hero a greet deal of mys-
tery. watt left In an envelope addressed
to Peter Ryan, the well-known
registrar and former Liberal politician
of Toronto. Tim I.plieatlon would be
that the nosey was Isismdeil w taelr.
C median sympathy wa with Presi-
d -t t 'raft in his strugi' ' with Roose-
v. 1 . partly because it n• ti felt that
the ['resident had not been fairly
treated, and partly because Roosevelt
is looked upon in this country general-
ly as a political "tough"—a aelflsh, ill-
mannered braggart and bully. As l.e-
tween the two parties, Republican
and Democratic, however. Canadians
will not he ,,o nearly unanimous in
their sympathy. The triumph of the
Democratic party would be welcomed
by opponents of protection in this
county, as the Democrats are sworn
enemies of high tariffs. On the other
hand, Catiedbin, g000tectionlsts would
see in the 'defeat of the Repgblican
Party the downfall of the protection-
ist carne on chi: continent ; for high
tariffs in Canada will not survive high
tariffs in the United States. President
Taft gained many friends in this conn,
try by hi. manly stand for the prle-
tiple of international arbitration, and
in other ways-hasshown himself rather
more broad-tuinded than some of the
men by whom he has been aur'ounded.
Of Governor Woodrow Wilson, the
Democratic candidate, not a great
deal is known in this country: but he
appears to be a man of high chanic-
ter, anxious to do something for his
.country and giving protons: of raising
tbe tone of political Ile. His election
would be pleasing to very many Can-
Conservative Newspaper Gets After the
Minister of Agriculture.
The Toronto World (W. F. Mc-
Lean's paper) says:
The World would like to know where
the Honorable James Duff, Minister of
Agriculture, is at this moment. He
has undertaken theob of looking
after the interests of the farmers and
improving farming conditions in On-
«-hat has he to say to the fact that
thousands and thousands of calves
are being unnecessarily slaughtered
in Ontario this very veer, when ti$ev
should be kept and fed for beef ? A
beef famine thiwatens the whole
country, and nog pays so well
as raising beef cattle if intelligently
Does Mr. Duff know that there's a
lot of God -forsaken farming being
done in this Psovince under his
supervision, and that he ought to
get busy on the job of reforming it?
So far as we can see, half the cause
of bad farming in Ontario Is made up
by bad roads, by lack of drainage and
by neglecting to raise sufficient feed.
Many of our farmers ate muddling
through as best they can and as easy
as they Dag for some reason or other.
It the roads are bad. they won't buy
and haul feed, and they get through
as easy as they may.
They want to be wakened up, s,nd
Mr. Duff tae undertaken the job of
doing it. Is he wakening them up?
is he getting them good roads?? is
he teaching them how to drain their
lana P le he showing them how much
niore money they can make by selling
• steer et $70 than they can make by
selling a calf for $4 ? if Mr. Duff has
not something better to suggest he
ought to let someone else try. Sir
James Whitney is equally responsible
with Mr. Duff. This is a very busy
world these days, and men who
undertake public responsibilities must
discharge them or let someone else
Also, the sale as well as the slaugh-
ter of brood stock today is one of the
crimes in Ontario, and Ontario will
be a poor farming Province as long as
this Is allowed to continue.
As we said, Mr. DuM must waken
up the farmers and show them bow
to do their duty to their land and to
their rountry, and to their herds.
Bot has anybody seen the farmer
r:wI for some days peat? Pee-
he is at home on his own place
getting a new tooth put in hl horse -
lake against tbe emergencies et the
hay harvest, which midst to he os
next week! Bet Ontario is tallies
away as a Provisos of gleed faring.
dome people dealknow what they
want dB re..uedy else gets k.
The ..aa who aaaaot fe.Iwe nay
mortal thisg its a grew hand to Lina.
The first Adam's peeadhe
was bens
and that h orlon theespresaat Jidaat
erred Is Oa! IL
From 40 to 50 Years of Ass.
How It May Be Paged
in Safety.
Sr W.UI.gtoa,a.C. "For a year dur-
ing tie Chews tiff Life 1 was all run
down. I was really
too weak to walk and
was very dsepe ndent
and thought I was
going to die, but af-
ter taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
i le Compound and
Blood Pu iMr
health and atreogtmh
returned I am very
thankful to yon and
praise yourmedicine.
1 have advised several women who suf-
fered as I did to try your remedies. You
may publish this if you wish. " — Mrs.
DAVID R. MOWS, South Wellington,
Vancouver Island, B. C.
No other medicine for woman's Mahe.
received such wide -spread and unquali-
fied endorsement We know of no other
medicine which has such a record of suc-
cess as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
hie Compound For more than 3Q years
it bas been the standard remedy for wo-
man's film such as inflammation, ulcera-
tion, tumors, irregularities, periodic
pains and nervous prostration, and we
believe it is umnnelled for women dur-
ing *bel period id clangs of life!.
If you hawk ale slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Plakham's Vegeta-
ble Cosapouad will help you, write
to Lydia E. Ptaiham Medicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass,. for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened.
read and answered by a woman,
and bold la strict couldoace.
Have You
Peacemaker or
Mie -Mac Cigars
Three in the family and all good
Sheathing Felt
contains no oil or tar. Is clean,
odorless, waterproof, germ and
vermin proof and practically
indestructible. Makes houses
draft -proof, easy to heat, and
comfortable in any weather.
Come in and see it. 76
See Genian Ildirabsiumn
r Comadls, i bsibedr Maaaool.
Howell Hardware Co., limited
of The World
200 Cartoons Tell Mere
Than 200 Columns
The Wdrld's Best Each Month
Cartoons from dailies and weeklies published in
this country, London, Dublin, Paris, Berlin.
Munich. 'i ienna, Nassar..•, Ibudepeot, St. Petery
burg. Amsterdam. Stu;cr.rt Turin. Rome. Lisbon
Zunch, Tokio, Shanr"ai Sydney, Canada, and
South America. and all the great cities of the
world. Only the 200 best out of 0.000 cartoons
etch spuoth, .r. ielectcd.
A Mare Middy d Wades Events rash Wok
can; l:gn n CAaTUOra ' and watch the oppoe-
fag *:sties caricature each ether.
vaseav s:'-:_ vide es.aes emeta eery SSW
Or fiee sample sour .'U b. n died br eilie me m. puha
■tr, H. H.1%I'.pe(R. MI W. W.tataetmlw.. Caeuao
E ,4-
�r F i
ett''' r '
1 it 1
r 1
aiir.totoie99 011 4,
CREAM & Cei.ettitS.
fear Dye
In latest New York
styles, in navys and
WHITE DUCK SKIRTS. beautifully made from English shrunken ducks and Indian Head
suitiugs, special, each *2.25,
NEW YORK SHIRT WAISTS. We are showing. only this week received, new styles in waists
of exquisite materials, Volles,lawns, nets, piques and mercerised linens :at $1.25, $1.50. $'350, $8.00, $6.00.
SILK GLOVES. Kayser's make, all lengths, in black, white, pink and sky, at 76c, $1.00 and $1.25.
LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS. The largest showing of Laos Curtains we ever made.
Nearly 800 paint bought by us from a large manufacturer, at an immense ooncelsion from regular price.
Finest Nottingham and Swiss Curtains 31 yards long. in dainty designs. Regular $3.50 and $4.00
values at, per pair, $1.75.
Nottingham Curtains, $3.00 to $3.75 values at, per pair, 51.50.
Curtaic Net*, 36c and 40c qualities at. per yard, 110.: and 25c.
ranging from H.W to {13.U)V Velvet Huge from 114W to MOO. Axminster Rugs from MOO b yards,
/N8 PE07/ON INV/7tD
SALE OF FLOOR RUGS. Seamless tapestry rugs in ever size di z 3 yards upto x le ards,
ranging $4.00 to $15.00. Velvet Hugs from 1116.00 to MOO. Axminster ugs from i2I w alto.
Having purchased the bust -
114e410:, !s e,r►�,a
loess fortuerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pir-
I pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Conal, two Don't he alarmed if somebodytell you you can buy an automo-
lines which are recognized as bile for lees money than the $10Ser-Flender "H)." You
the best. We wish to giv^ can, but you bad better not. The Flanders ' 3"r espo point
the people of Goderich and by point with the best and highest priced cars sold.Cheaper
vicinity the best service Dos- can at every vital point are built on Ideas long ago discarded for
Bible, and shall bre glad to good cars. Don't take our word for it. Make competitions and
hear from all of Mr. Holm,s' see.
custowe*a and any others
who wish anything in oar
All orders left with Jas.
Yates. Nest sanest, promptly
attended to.
You Want the. Best
Not the Cheapest
'Phone No. 75
Yards at G. T. R , Neisoo S: reef
".retefnsles ansae
fes tic 3r. Lemuel
Yee w rawer U. Law.
Mr brew w Weave
were . e r
re Jaw 1t writ re. .ss It bees tbe net
el r ass. ref. The R. W. S. brit
tear or It. Y. S. lent peeps .ea
,us tis 1-t weed is prim .M eras
ewer r err ea as sl=aw .t . eta
r NNW Yes de wart rade iAra
Is re weer Wert fess learear laalrt a
IL C. 4asta. ped Yoe. Tessma
if you have not yet got
leave your order at once
West et. Th. Up-to-date Tailor
Do sot sap tics spray's of life by neglect of this huta•a m.ohsaism, by allo..i.g
the amemeleties of poi/seer is the system. .tu imitation of Nature's method of
rsaaried waste of tissue sad impoverishment of the blood sod nervous .treagtb is
to sake so shanties glyesrle extrsot (without alcohol) ul Gulden Seal and Oregon
gall. root, Bloodroot. Stooe end M..drek• root with C I:errybark. Over 40 veers
age Dr. Piatse gess to nr public this rersedy, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden
Meisel Dimmers. He Mend 0 amt:d help the blood is talks' op the peeper els-
,ossa, team bed, bele ths liver into activity. thereby throwing out tise poisem from
cls Used see vi*diaisg the whole system as well as allayieg and sootkiag a sows.
No ass ever takes Bold *dose ooaaeipbt.d, or exhausted, and haviwg what we
sag sesl-aetritio.,wlich is ettsoded with iwpover.b.d blood
sad eal.sustias of serve Low. i. " Di.oevery" les SS all -
resod tosie wLeh restores teed to the blood, sews sed
Wort by 'minified Nature's methods of restarted waste
.4 time., .rd IeeJing the saran,, heart and Ieags es rieb
rw) blood.
" 1 Saharan. tress Tinnier nnier nay right .isalder blade • mer
s•.ww wag►" we: tee W. prem. el New b ssseuhu,d. s to or,
mrs see sent V. Paaervi. ~e.' old II N. W .smM t •r••t esy ea�d t•l�t spm•
li •y' :1st • tistd'g/.Ih assay g- aim&
��eesW1,�� �AIMrDtir.wv91. • � yps►
111111; tw cw is 1viirit`i b iblsw~R
If you are content with • tar that runs todaysod dies tomor-
row, don't hey the $10110 Flanders •'10.' It will wear for years.
Remember this --the Stud.beker-Ftaaders •'20" will outwear 2 to 1
any other car under $11110 and give you double satisfaction, confid-
ence and comfort into the bargain.
Caaadiaa Car for Canadians
..tud.b.a.rr1.adses `! Toaelag Car, dans I. a b. Walkerv(Ile
ata Top, WldehbY bad 5pssaamsose, 01110
ysad ter our catelare.. It win tater,* yon.
Wala.rvnl►, Out-
We find in our stock Thirty-three Men's Suits that are
not strictly up-to-date. The coats are shorter and the
lapels not so long as worn now, therefore we have
decided to clear them out quickly, and in order to do
this we are not considering what they cost ; our only
thought is to get rid of them.
The cloths are good and the tailoringgood—many of
them are the zoth Century Brand. hey are made in
single and double breasted styles, sizes 36 to 39.
Call and see if there are any that will suit you, if
there are, you ca* save considerable money.
Remember—all $t
Exactly Halt Pricy
1-4 00 Two Piece Outing Suits
We want to clear off our Summer Clothing early this
year --we haven't many—just to to dear at the above
reduction, igises 35 to 4o.
W. C. Pridham
OOtlh OMftesor Ohathlusal Ply DwwMs NNW Mato