HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-7-4, Page 1Offlc* stall= How le If Office you seed anything it this line The BIKwi sob De- pertesent wfU be glad to have your order. Good {ig.neat piloting. t tlt iso • Telephone SS. -1\ 1'1' 1 i UBTH YEAIt-No. p41s tut. GODERIQH, THURSDAY, JULY A ThE STERLIMBANK OF CANADA MANY wealthy men trace their success to an origin- al capital of a thousand dollars, accumulated • little ata time, and deposited in a ravings account. The Sterling Bank pays 8 % interest on such accounts. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NIaS13ET Insuranceand Ileal Estate GODERIOB, ONTARIO THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA Strongest Fire Insurance Represented OFFICE NEXT TO CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 'PHONE 90 P. 0. Box 30i OST. - A GOLD -HEADED thi- n bwtee muse =Mfrtttlwill pleaselean OLreICE CWT. -0 N THE MILITARY erypiz erroade. a rig with bear's head on leaving is K/! .w aadd comtauniaitiog KEOUGH. Lind. Calm. Ont. [Tbals p1Cuaeca Club takes any wader venin. tor. the dams Mid at Tharedey erode& rave& under tis a 004 Club. This war darn without the authority or &ndesaatise et the Club In ° on `°°twee tgtberew'e $ wwlincurred recognized by t. teas ISignedr W. FRANK SAC N[t n NOTICE ..ws= G ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all trains. 4 Private cane have prompt and careful attention. First - olase livery outfits at all Woes. Reasonable prices. ; a THE DAVIS LIVERY F. & T. M. DAVIS /4\ South Street - 'Pbone No. 51 Prnpsimers l BOARDING. OLD ORCHARD COTTAGE. -THIS le honey, convenient to the lake front, remise summer boarders, and any- one n - one aeoommodatton le invited to apply to th/The rooms have ell been recently . All modern convent ease& m.rCAMERON, corner Esse: and Quebec given when ordered. Lunch te 1 k ; dinner from 8 to 8:10. streets, ))enrich. tM-U TENDERS WANTED. ft1ENDER.S WANTED. enders will be received by the undersigned to Friday. July lith. at noon. for the build d4Leement brldpp on the lake road near t 'Farm. Spedloatlons can th seen at cDonagh s; U1edhW's coal oAoe. Nelsen St., Goderich. or at F. W. McPonagh's ounce, l'low. 76erweet or any tender net eserearily ac• ooged. F. W. McDONAUH. Clerk Colborne. , TENDERS FOR SEWERS. 1 Tracers addressed to the undendgned will be received op to l o'clock P m. on Thursday. July IR 1918 for the construction of sewers on the following streets : William street, tromCay1ey -treef toBritannia road. Keays street, from Blake street to Britannia road. Hayfield road. from Baldwin sleet to Brit- annia road. Part street, from Viotori• street to Cambs* load. The town to supply the ar.d cement. Separate tenders for each sewer. For tiny further Information apply to Mr. V. M. Roberts. C. K.. or the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- ovpted. L. L. KNOX. B. C. MUNNINOS. Town Clerk. Ch. Public Works Com. OeJt fll0 LASE BY TENDER. Eaddresed te tM udeMgned will kr received N s s'rM up ck p. m. ow Friday, 10 July 19. 1912. Air the leasing of the town tfr bt-shed at Goderich harbor., Tfie highest or any tender not necessarily ac- eepted. For further Information apply to L. L. KNOX, Town clerk, Goderlod Why a Real Estate Investment Is So Profitable in WEY URN Saskatchewan 1911--1911 We burn's iucre.ae in population 1,100 Goderich's increase in population 60 1911-1911 We burn's increase in assessment, . , ....$4,600,000 Goderich's increase in assessment 8,400 Weyburn building permits, 1912, $1,600,000 Thew titres will show you why an investment in Weyburn Is bound to give you lame profit+. Last *web we platted 900 iota on the market at SIr11W sash. We have nnly a few left. Better wttfr IMO flea. We will gtatltlnatee $ per trent. no 7004.100 I W 4 sa ofi* posebees. We Bell on whey teras. E. V. Campion & Company WiITBIIRN SECURITY BANK B1'1LDiN(1 WETBUNN. RARE ATOASWAN hi& . SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. --A RELIABLE MAN. I Tauera►y. Jody 4th. with a business e: etersama fano- .nd pay eW R se F 1 dv on eepreet pin 6wtwe O oat weeroio. Per Cssau.B'h)VE \wMat.tarbeeA 4. 1912 A TRIALTRI The Signal for the balance of the year to new subscribers for only 35 CENTS THE SIGNAL PRIM: MNG CO.. IAA.. Psis OooERiq i MARKETS. Ifa'I'il NUSB1fJ1YMEN, Tosmes. air • WANTED.,-ssA GIRL ABOUT 10 OR Ei ttOBINSON f'erwnt a1rest.AVD17 IRLS WAyNCED.-A FEW 0000 11 -LINO C0. flood w by the OUD$ICH rjlBALHER WANTED. -FOR 8. N. No. 1, Colborne township: 0:orrlesoot Rea - erred. w Watling it V , to PAUL MAEDpad EL, fiery.iatt - miller P. 0. WANTED. -GIRL FOR OENERAL Methodist Apply to MR& BROWN, 1'ar ag lft Neilson street. 1041 EACHER WANTED. -FOR 8.8. tarred. Apply, sating , to L P. 7. Colborne. Esaota teacher pro 8NY ER, Secretary. HNmeevUL P. O. 0641t. Tat or a second -clam certificate. Detre toEACHER WANTED. - FOR motion -school otion No. 17, AsMA'S& holding a Tat or a second -clam certificate. D. . s commence l and _ September. Apply, stat iog e: 1perleneestlt J s 10 g t sod giving reference, to0KORe JiIiSN- STt. Seeretarctrea,nrer. boatsme°`•iat Q WUMIfN AND (iIRL8 WANTED. Best wages paid. 0E). N1LWicLL, Let Street Laundry. 9741 WANTED. - A GOOD RTRONG boy, about IS or 17 years d ass. to learn the plumbing and smut work. Apply poem - ally to W. it PINDELR. Hamdan sweet 0411 PUBLIC NOTICE 1'lODERICH WATER AND LIGHT Vf COMMISSION. Water rats fee ex mouths, aiding Demo - bee Mit. 1111, urs don, and should be paid in &draase. 04 prompt payment ed use darter will be allowed. month All amas Monon d be paid eget. in this menta sad atisatter d'ilp_ iSe w sobe dash vena WW esie slw. Art..- uoa to thle latser copse win save trouble. All in arrears have been owned b sm. Byers's?. A. Water nod Light Cremator. Goderich, Ont., July 1, 1918. FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC MIRVANTIL-Peemweequedeir farm sop sMddWp,{y at soca is wniriAm MoQU1L- LLN, Doiafaleu Ooverumeat Employment Arentt,, St. Beim, Oat. Orden lett with H. D. WOODS,8t. Helene, Olt., will receive plc apt attenuate. 11414 PAPERHANGING, PAINTING and kabomining, etc. Frit -ohm week. Prices t•Igtt. Have year work dose before the rush. A. BNAZEL, Nast street. Goderich. 87-tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR SALE. -THE 100 -ACRE FARM on the 7th 000eseeion of Colborne. men - led by the udetsdgoed. L odated for sale. Baildlup heloM4tot7- 4 -$-haft brier btu, f o od beak barn and silo, and large shed. Yverythina in good order; farm well fenced watered by spring mask. Land all ended down. In every way one se the hes farms in the towwbIp. Situation convenient to market towns and C. P. R. station. Possession oaa be given in the tall. ANDdtV1 JO9LNOTUN, Carlow P. 0. 974t FOR SALE. -138 ACRES OF LAND on the first oonmrsios of the town lip of A.,hleld, about 11 mi '.as west d Vita wood sut1, nearly ail under oulUvaUon, matt of it seeded down. rood orchard. Oundorable house with stone cellar having cement floor. .1 neaten well at home. Barn t70 watt woos d foundation : cattle ah>\ horse stables. Mise ether outbuildings. Spring creek rooming nacos the farm. fencing in good shape. Po.nesdon la the tall. For full perticnlsre appy to JAMES Me - 8K. on the premises, or nits P. 0. ULU. FOR BALL -THAT DESIRABLE piece of proem taring Vbroris cad King.tou .treete w11 Mame hones sed Moto burn thereon. Could be used tee Itreljess lona Apply to Mlt8. ABRAHAM IGIUTM, death sweet. or JA r E8 SMITH. Casted. 9641. FOR SALE. -A BUILDING LAT on Newgate street- Apply torr. J. P ID- „AM. wa H OUSEE ANL/ LOT FOR 8ALON Huron road• it short theism* treat awn Ilmlts, l.ot contests two amen with good orchard and small fruits. Freese keens In good repair. Anyone wishing to iaepset same will be welcome at any flute. Apple ei TH18 OFFICE for information. »a Li'OR BALE: -100 ACRES OF LAND 1 II mllee north d the town el 1lsaSetb• Good cls lawn. all under oultivat4ss• Mak baro. vel Dement Moon : Iwrge haBe Ls1•es newly painted. all In good repair well at loth barn and house. An ideal boom. eV* IM183) SUSIE GOT ENLOC:K, L10R SALE. -1:11X FiRST-CLASS 1 building lore on Montreal and ]forth streets. CHARLES OARROW. Wit VOR BALE. -THAT FINE REM- AentW at 18. corner of Cameron end Raglan streets. ty known r the A. Mon Allan props 1e for sole. It oonWn eight. town bb, ted wit h the obeloeet fruits of all kin There are two brick hooses. each of two stories. one built only 1•e mar. the e other a 6rosease repair. Bout bosses have modern 000veuttn res, and alto trot r the is o the wen am, alimible terms. A RYAN be e d.r4e8. DETROIT & CLEVELAND ✓ NAVIGATION CO. M termien R CiTY OF DETROiTII. FOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays 6 30 a. m. 1 118.60 one way $6.00 round trip. FOR DETROIT Saturdays, 330 p. m. 68.00 one way $6.60 round trip. STAR -COLE LINE ST& HURON Leaves Osisriee Iflll aAULT 811 Num 161015.,161015.,., a fs yerth chased. Oeorgts5 Say. Tensaw M e p. m. Fon roam monose, °Motto'. IMMO cad Cl,nst.Afn. utt+ Trat a millatett. A R Osumi L. u . Darer, MO. 6 t 036 1 MM 1r14p 1 te ti 0e 1 13 200t ale Moe, tee t7 es to 17 M pm tee ire tor Ono new ' 1111 M ~ li • . .... Is 6 00 mg 1 et totio 360 SatterOld C8s 16 par 0 IS to 0 PS New w 1$ to 0 le lties.rlit i 1l a 016 1 10 1. 3 611 Lasbel. 1 Our I >n Sew r pre MAW p r cwt4 6i he 6 10 000 pee cwt 1 M be 6 76 7 66 to 768 ,pr cwt 6ell to 430 H 3Y, ..sr 70 to 7500 esresak4,s In to 30. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -July 4th. Pegs Bir. City et DUelli-D. & C. Navigation Co. Toa Wast the Bast. Not tie Cheapest- Btaddabrr Corporation of Canada. 2 Why a Real *Mate invearmeat L 8o Prdo aa81.-L V. Campton t Co.. WeyburnIrak 1 Steamer Heron -Star Cole Line 1 Mutt nein ai Ha t -Moe -W. C. PrWlam1 Hsmeemke s' Eaoearsloos-F. F. Lawrence. d MovYg-,I. & Davos RogeoraaNtatl =« & Welling- Relialle Bervlr•e-Last Street Garage 7 MilUaery for Joly-Mlw Dorso h 8 Vef1s.-wirer W Light Comud04on „ Oiris Waated- aetisrice Knitting Co. 1 j6$-T8.OaUln !esthete 3 ran Tem -mit Yueinew comm. Toccoa 4 Gtr! W.a 9S -.iba 0 E. Roblmer 1 'ge.sksr Neenah -•g. 8.Na 4, Colborn 1 Tongan. Wsatd-Township of Colborne1 Nosh e-4seemteag Canoe Club 1 Rteg Lot-Lsat. i't-. Stewart McEsaegb, Ckatks>• 1 Obi Weaned -Mat Drown 1 8/sdcr-8. E 333.8' • Anneal July lab--lllodstens Bros 8 Rendes-Mask teneti : Mlle m®er61e-J.ld.Colborn 4 How's This? We eller One Hundred Dollars Reward for timingof Coll.1tthat cannot be oared by • 7. CONEY 6t CO, Toledo, 0. µ'e have knows F. J. Cheesy Ow f o Inst islitir>aeareperbrogly adness transactions IlO• b ids _ to.carry out nay oblige, Waters Kin AN & MARTIN, elaaale Dragulsta, Toledo, 0. Haw's CahrA OeM ie taken intarnity, act- ing directly upon the blcod and mucous sur - fame of the gerd► Teetemmian seat hes. erne 76 mote gar haul.. Bold by all druirist, . Take Ball's la/bYUL for enaRfpettea. DIED. 11LAN$HALI.. --1. East Wawanoa4 v ry soddenly, en Tuesday. June 1Ah, Wm. Marshall. aged 7e ]rears LENNON.-At Mount Carmel. on Friday, Jun° 1at4 Bridget Mary Lannon. relict of the late Hobert Lamm, Lsrm.rly of Pickering and BRUCE -1n Ooderich. on Saturday. June Mi, John Robert Bruce, in his loth year. MARRIED. MtCLL'RTi-Mel LURE. -Is Grace church. N innippeegg, on friday, Jan 1016. by Rev• Kant (annum)', D.D., Mle. Kebecoa Mc' Clare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mo Clore, of Oodertelr. to O. R. McClure. of Wilkie, Sank. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cookie spent Dominion Day at Rioter. Freak and Waitron Tamlyn and J. D. and Mies Jour Easley. all of Londmtmro'. and Row. F. Harbert' were guests et Victoria sleet par. mead. syr Sudsy. Rev. L W. and Mrs. Kilpatrick. late of Northward, were vistuse at luta Kilpatrtck's + , t home, the rmWene. d Mr. and Mrs. td Br togmea., for • fends/. hays fol Moe p4aosd bore bm esaf- at Me recent memo chi'veLeader coater nee. The Chicago BritU8-Amerieaa has the tel- lew1sR reference to a "old boy:" Dr. J. Alexander H thief medical utloer of the Grad way, _passed Chicago through on Tesed ay tletiw,erpltal et Mayo liras.. Ratesetet. Minn" where be underwent an opmMton forveUs. td Although the docle !health was e:oslleet after the revere operation he did not move far from his private car while in this city. STILL IN BUSINESS. To my Many Customers and Friends in Goderich and surrounding country : As it was stated in these columns !WO or three weeks ago that I was telling out my drug business. I wish toe tau that the expected sale did not take place. 1 have. therefore, been right along and am still in business as usual. New and seasonable regoiremente in goods are coming to baud this week, j a reciate the geaerooa confidence and patronage i have had from you in the peat. and hope for a continuance of the same, at my well-known stand, the "Central Drug Store," corium of North street and Square. Goderich. 8. 0. Bice. WANTED. UJANTSDee-Am BRIGHT RSpLII-- AMAtollsw seinen p,eNwithwtta ' wer de% ex 1--. aIOZ M, S IOAL Ooderich. 01111 AUCTIOREOW. D N. W ATSOrj ' LIcipmED AUCTIONEER Cir meaty at Huron. Adareu all eemmagwa iss CLINT(H6 P 0 0117'. FOR SALL 1tOR SAL6.- 104.81. M sad M >ee FOR BALL- THRIONI 11O OIIT• geters."Wirrs Oen iireeesEs nue tea r iSOt a•. sews WALL PA P'IPL - 1$12 w_A ie L lam ate varesle the' 9oaeel'e1\l MR. SAUNDERS' TRIP. JUST RETURNED AFTER SEVER4L WEEKS IN THE WEST. Sees Many (Joderich People in Edmon- ton, Vancouver and Other Places and Finds Them Prosperous -The Real Estate Fever Unwholesomely Prevalent -Some Interesting Notes of the Trip. Alex. Saunders, manager of the Goderich )ligan Co., arrived borne Monday evening after spending five weeks in the West. He was in Ed- monton a little over a week, attend- ing the meeting of the Presbyterian General Assembly as a de1emte from the Presbytery of Huron. From Ed- monton he went on to the Coast, and on the return trip be called at Revel- stoke and Oalgery. Everywhere be came across people from Godericb, and with few excep- tions found them among the prosper- ous people of the communities in which they dwelt. He found, too, that they retain a very warm feeling for "the old town," and were eager to hear any news about its doings and about the people who remain here. At Edmonton be found J. B. Haw- kins and his family. J. B. is travel- ling for a large flour milling company and is doing well. Eric and Kenneth. his sone, are occupied and ell like the Western city. R. W. Henry, former- ly accountant of the Sterling Bank here, is at Edmonton with the North- ern Investment Agency. He, too, is doing well. Chas. Lewitt, a former Goderich boy, is with Geo. F. Emer- son in the real estate business ; he bas been in Edmonton only a few weeks, Fred. Porter, who as a boy lived in Goderich with his uncle. the late Col. R. 8. McKnight, holds the important position of divisional freight agent tor the G. T. P. Railway at Ed- monton. He is married and his mother also lives with him. At Edmonton Mr. Saugders sew also Mr. and Mrs. Collins, the latter being formerly Miss Gladys Whitely. Mi. Collins has some large railway bridge contracts at Prince Albert. At Vancouver Mr. Saunders found a very warm welcome awaiting him among the Ooderich "bunch." There were Mrs. Evaus and her sons and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mclo- tosh, Dr. and Mrs. Herald, Miss Bella Ralph, Ih•. J. L. Turnbull. D. Csntelon and family, Arch. and Geo. McIntyre, Malcolm and Alex. McQuarrie, Rich- ard Mills (an old-timer in Goderich), Ed. Hooker, Geo. Gorden, and possib- ly others of whom he did not think while the Signal man was "Interview- ing" him. Mr. Saunders' stay in Vancouver wee a aeries of lunches and dinners with various members of the Gode rich colony. One evening Mrs. Evans gave an at-bome in his honor at which were a large number of the Goderich folks, who lett out real estate for two hours and talked Ooderich. They all wished to be remembeeted to their friends here. i)r. J. L. Turnbull has "made good" and bas an immense practice. Fred Evans is in the commission business and ie wealthy. Will Cantelon is practising law and is doing well. Will Evans is master of transporta- tion on the C. P. R. between Van- couver and Kamloops Dr. Herold is working up a splendid special pi active. His house on Sbaughnessy Heights is one of the finest residences In the city. Ross Ralph is successful in real estate. Another man Mr. Saunders met was A. W. Lee. of the Dominion Express Company, wbo asked about people he knew in Goderich in the old days. Mr. Saunders said he notioed that most of the Ooderich people in the West, received The Signal weekly and read it eagerly, in this way keeping in touch with affairs in the home town. At Revelstoke, Calgary, Moosejaw and Winnipeg Mr. Maunders saw other Goderich people, but to tell of them all is beyond the scope of this article. Ooderich has certainly done its share in populating the West. Mr. Saunders enjoyed the trip im- measely, but be was glad to get back to Goderich and be says he Is quite content to live in Ontario. In the West everything else is lost in the eternal talk and thought of real estate and the desire to "make a pile." The excitement over the buying and selling of town tote could not be otherwise tban unhealthy, crowding out some of the better things in lite. Outside of those who are "well fixed," the conditions of life are not any too easy. Workingmen have a struggle to meet the very high Dost of living and many have to put up with hardships which are almost nn - heard -of in Ontario. Mr. Saunders found time to do some business while be was away. and established agencies for his -company at Bosse of the largest centres. Re Is already getting Boase business from these cortices. THE REGINA DISASTER. Geisricb Peep). idie City illspeAM Aa Saila Two snare or chore pimple were killed, hua4assis interna and sill).m of doiiare worth el property wan Aninrorbrobuysmety galleglas brgr tIF Uterries eyehole se `S m Clal=se one sore= to rda and do aft a hug assdeludy era a Iia wassliwr fie .lr"1 Se Y.. II Earn) Monday morning I. P. Brown received a telegram from his son, J. P. Brown, jr., informing hint of the oatastropbe and giving the further welcome news that the *ender was safe. On Tuesday morning a telegram trove W. H. Guuity was received at the Signal oflce, statiog, "All trona Goderich safe.' The gocd news was circulated as quickly as possible among the friends of those who were known to be in Regina. Among the Conner lioderich people who are in the stricken city ere Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gundry, Mrs. (Rev.) Hill, G. F. Blair and family, Robert .and )harry Josses, Richard Sprung, J. P. Brown, jr., E. P. Paulin and family, Ben Grey, Hugh Polley, H. L. Watson, Andrew Waddell and sons, Geo. T. Robinson. Jas. Fritzley, Mrs. Rio (formerly Miss Edna Guest), Mies Ella Beck. This list is probably in- complete. Repine is the capital city of the Province of 'Saskatctewan and is a agndistributing centre. More cc ltttrsl machinery is distributed from lte ina, it is said, than from any other point in Canada. The popula- tion is 30.000. MR. ROWELL AT LONDON Lays Special Stress an His Proposal to Daniell the Bar. N. W. Rowell. the Provincial Lib- eral leader, addressed a great meeting at London on Dominion Day, pea claiming the policy of the Opposition the questions of the day in Ontario. He laid especial strew upon the pro- posal to sholish the bar, and invited Premier Whitney to unite with ham in bringing this policy into effect. Education, tax reform, the develop- ment of agriculture, workmen's com- pensation and other subjects were touched upon in an able address. Wm. Proudfoot, of Goderich, M. P. P. for Centre Huron, was one Of the prominent men on the platform with Mr. Rowell. SUMMER SPORTS. Church Hasebsll League. The game of baseball in the church league series last Tuesday evening resulted in a walk -over for the St. k eeer'r team, who beat the Methodists by the score of 11-1, J. McCaughey and V. Dean were the battery for the wipailg team end Riley and Elliott. sctid 1g( L North street aggrega- tion. The St. George's team forfeited the game last Friday night to the Presby- terians and the game on Tuesday night to Ilia Catbohce, Tne Anglicans were unable to get their team to- gether. The baseball game next Tuesdiay evening should prove to be an excit- ing contest, as ie. decides, practically, wnieb team shall be the winners of the tiret series. Tile game will be called at 7 o'clock. Lawn Bowling. Three rinks of bowlers went to Sea - forth yesterday molwng to take part in the tour'lament. there. Two of the rinks ere now out ut the game ; the third is to we consolation match. Clinton is to play Goderich in a Fail) trophy watch un the local green tomorrow IFrauay). The' members 01 the local club are engaged in a tournament at singles, fur rlbieh Live prizes have been purchased. Each contestant plays a game with each of the others. 'A large number of games still remain to ter played. '1ue draw bee been made for a tuurnawent at doubles, two poses for witch are cunt, ibuted by Arthur Cbantry. At Hotel Sunset. The following guests have registered at Hotel Sunset dines its opening: Mn. C. H. Murrey, Mrs. Wlaming' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooley, Dr. R. Howell, Mrs. Kalbfleisch, Harold Kalbtleisch, Mrs. Geo. P. McMaboo, Mrs. J. C. Warren, Mrs. M. H. Wal- lace, all of Detroit ; Mr. and Mts. and Mies Twomey, Mn. A. D. Bowlby, Margaret Bowiby, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. M. B. Twomey, 'Cathleen Twomey, all of Windsor; air, and ire. J. l.. 4.11 - loran, Goderich; Eva 'Taylor, iia ter John Taylor, both of Gurlph ; M. Mair, J. Gerard. L. Gaut'. . -r, all of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. L. tternard and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 1. , ne, all of London ; A. Porter, Goa „ch ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bermingham, tate Ber- mibglum, Nora Bermingham, Mrs. W. McKuougb, all of Chathaw; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Eliot, Mise 1)ttnogh, Miss H. Doni;gh, all of Ooderich ; Uharlee J. For, New Hamburg; Capt. G. H. Emery, Lr -Col. H. J. Lamb, both of Windsor; Mn. Jas. T. Le Gear, Miss Leta L. LeGear. both of 1.nluing, Mich.; Mies Mabel Doty and Fred. W. Doty, both of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Golder, (Salt; Mr. and Mrs. C. L Lous, Master Westcott Loos, all of Ann Arbor, Mich.: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Henry, of Lu. sing, Mich.; M. B. Twomey, M. R. Twomey, both of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. H. Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. W. Walter. ail of Windsor. NO ROOM AT rHE HOSPITAL. Mia, -The writer knows of several Garen• requiring hospital trwt rent ad 1M time w10 cannot maim arena to /Jemmies hospital be- ttrs et rel of roas. This, in the hooted wesinar, le tw the pottiest, ; ani un ft Chi trying vo d against tie bylaw Ism Jeaseryq a • a any y regrfeeliet the result aat ell l their shams Ito t o.4 hWer1 'bgive ter doer hospital amen- Yours, Otis W ro Knorr" 1 DOMINION DAY. CHILDREN'S GAMES CONDUCTED ON THE SQUARE. A Big Time for the Boys and Girls - List of the Prize-wlnn ars- Concert by 93rd Regiment Band in the Afternoon A Rather Quiet Day in Goderich. The children's sports on the morning of Dominion Day brought out a greec crowd of "kiddies," anJ the games were witnessed by a large number of "grown-ups." If no other records were broken, the number of youngsters who entered the various contests surely must have exceeded anything hitherto known in Goderich. Several of the races had to be run off in sections, the contestants being so numerous. An exception was the contest in decorated bicycles, which for several years was one of the beet features of the Dominion Day sports in Goderich. This year there were 3nly two competitors. The prize -winners were as follows : BOY.. 50 yards race, six ye/Li-a- 1 Able Smith. 2 George MacKay. 3 Fred Morgan. 50 yards race, eight years - 1 Willie Mountain. 2 Willie MacDonell. 3 Harry Edwards. 100 wards 1t yelve years - 2 3 Joe Kelly. 100 yards race, fourteen years - 1 Francis Baechler. 2 Rob (:lark. 3 Gerald Farr. Sack race, ten years - 1 Gordon Adair. 2 Teddy Johnston. 3 Earl Ross. Boot race, 100 yards, twelve years 1 Frank Thompson. 2 Alex. flume. 3 Rob Clark. Running broad jump, fourteen years - 1 W. Babb, 13 ft. Sin. 2 Francis Baecbler, 13 fin 3 in. 3 Percy Beattie, 13 ft. Three-legged race, 50 yards, fifteen yeses - 1 C. Robertson and F. McArthur. 2 W. Prtutffoot and M. Swanson. 3 H. Buchanan and J. Tufford. Running hop, step and Jump, sixteen years - 1 Will Snazel, 33ft. lin. 2 and 3 M. Swanson and W. Proudfoot, each 30ft. Bicycle race, twice around Square, sixteen years - 1 Lorne McCartney 2 Will einazel 3 Joe Kelly Relay race, fifteen years - 1 W. Proudfoot, A. Babel, R. Hunt. 2 C. Robertson, R. Clark, F. McArthur. 3 E. Clark, G. Ross, N. McLeod. Blindfold r$ce- 1 Norman McLeod. 2 Will Proudfoot. ' 3 Harvey Elliott. GIRL& 50 yards 1 .'-e, six years - 1 W i ua Eldridge, 2 Marjorie Morrish. 3 Margaret 0raham. . 30 yards race, ten years -- 1 11a Currell. 2 Alioe ManEwan. 3 Vera Wilson. Boot race, a htears-- 1 Dorothy Davis. 2 Beatrice Tufford. 3 Laura Murdoch. 100 yards race, twelve years - 1 Vesta Elliott. 2 Florence Elliott. 3 Nora Statham and Lillian Mc- Donald, a tie. Relay race, fifteen years - 1 Helen Griffith, Pearl Fraser, Essie Hume. 2 Eva Schaefer, Emily Mc- Arthur, Gladys McKay. Potato race, ten years - 1 Norma Ginn. 2 Helen Smith. 3 Susie Bates. Book race, fourteen years - 1 Hilda Austin. 2 Helen Griffith. 3 Grace Wells. Boot race, twelve years - 1 Eva Schaefer. 2 Irene Morrow. 3 Aileen Cook. Egg and spoon rsoe, fourteen years -- 1 Lila Mitchell. 2 Gladys Jeffrey. 3 Agnes McDonald. 1110 yards race, fourteen years -- 1 Lilian Adair. 2 Elisabeth Proudfoot. 3 Lena Murray. Thread and needle race, fifteenyyweaseess-- 1 Annie Moes and Gladys MeMay. 2 Gra',. Wells and Swadrlee Wella. 8 Dorothy Davis and Rusin Bates. Dler'OAA TED BrcTCt.st. 1 Maxine Rurdette. 2 Ubas. Cook. In the afternoon the Neta Rerl band gave a program on the whieb was heard and enjoyed -V.; crowd. bowling green lin Orth elms* eros a rime of aetivity awing the lay, and driving, beating nod other pastime. engaged the Mesatfsa of Creasy people.