HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-6-20, Page 6ruw%4DAT JUNE 30, 1612
Two Losses PIs-
Thal Way One Lan Match
Had Its Start.
Mies Nettie Blank and her Aunt
Mary Md come down to New Yat city
from Ooosectic•t to meet Mise Nettle's
brother, who was to arrive on a steam -
or fr lAverp..i, bat who called to
'sake a• appearance
A Cablegram had reached the boles
Mt tee Meath" atter they lett 11, hal
that mil deterred the ezplanall em
Wt Mary bad resided in IIlsceeda
alp to a year before. sod, never bevtag
Mee to the big city, she was anxious
Is look around a bet TM niece had
O M* abopplag to do, sad they had put
la a couple of dale when what Aunt
Mary calhd tbe tragedy happened.
They were etsltise a waxwerk'show
bl the eveeing, and the old lady wu
MgbUl7 taken with all she saw. Her
asclamaUons of surprise gave a young
mea a chance to make a few remarks
and attach himself to the pair, and the
remelt was that when they were ready
te leave the place Aunt Mary suddenly,
"Nettle, have you got the bag with
tie mesa in It?"
"No. You were afraid I'd loge le
sad yeti took it from me AM as we
tame in."
"Well, It's gone!"
"Yoe don't mean It1"
"But I do. Somebody !au got It
w lthae the last ten minutes. You may
•all me an Idiot all the rest of my Ufa."
Tim young man had also departed,
and so doubt in company with the
Mg. Miss Nettie went into a at of
megbter et first, but she soon realised
that the logs of the money might prove
a wiry aerlous matter. To avoid the
merles of the other spectators they
seat outside In the lobby to talk
thlags over. Aunt Mary had noticed
the lay figures there on entering and
mild hardly be convinced that the pie
demean, bootblack, Uncle Reuben and
Aber, were not living, breathing tee
,san beluga She bad no eyes and no
'uteri* bow, however. She bad lost
20 In cold cash, and there was a hotel
411 to pay and the railroad tare home.
"It pate us In a bad predicament,"
.aid the girl, "because we are stopping
it a hotel where they don't know me,
.ed two or three 0. O. D. parcels will
.s delivered early tomorrow morning.
.1 b jest poaalble that we may find
.omo one from out of town stopping
the tote! and can borrow a few dol•
"I'1) never forgive myself -novae"
icWmed Aunt Mary as tbe team all -
d her eyes. "Think of a woman of my
,ge haring bar pocket picked! I shall
e ashamed to face them et borne.
i'hey'11 make fun of me to the end of
ime. [lave we got anything we ran
"Notating. I was careful not to bring
ray of my jewelry, and that wedding
lug and breastpin of yours wouldn't
rich 42. We can't even telegraph to
.a unless they will trust us, and they
ay the telegraph company 1s veryepnr•
renter about that What's the met-
er, aunty?"
The old lady bad uttered a half
briek and started back from one of
'te lay figures and was looking at 1t
vith bulging eyes.
"I-1 (bought you said they were
vazf' eke gasped.
"So they are."
"Bat 1'11 take my dying oath that
'we moved a littler'
"Nonsense! You are all worked up
'bout the logs of the money. We shall
lave (o walk back to our hotel, and
ve might as well be moving on."
A week previous to this incident a
rate student named Walter Thompson
'ad added to his demerit marks by
sting the train for New York to have
real good time. He bad it and awoke
ere morning to and himself almost
,eonlle.s Red very mach ashamed of
,laaseelt. He bad made matters so
ouch worse than !bey were before that
e bated.to go tact and hoe the music
During the day be managed to braes
ip, bet die bracing took the rest of hb
ash, and be bad only a quarter in his
eeket when be came to • Wt at the
orner of Broadway and Fllftb avease.
.4 de women, hound for the wax -
tette .how, passed him.
A ppung mad must be worm flu
eft .aced anent -telly not to take a
ONO look at a handsome gin pas.tag
the M the street. After the student's
Sugg* look be followed (be women,
,ed as 11 happened to be a half rate
-yentas his quarter bought him •
Mk et.
He may or may not have beep w-
eed by Nlm Nettle as be loitered shout
with olber spectators, bet at be was
be dig net charge him with beteg the
Ickpecket who despoiled tbea. He
.iced too honest and r•espectgble for
bat. When be overboard tbs., speak-
ag a their loss be edged toward the
onr, end once outside he lifted • due
ay side end took Its piece. At an -
Ober dme-et • time oboe be wits
tlmself-he would have offered big
.rvtces Mnkly, bot h. badn't the
Melt feet thee. If they had loot their
user, he at.o was without resources.
Ret I've got to help them out of
beer tro•M* some way," he mused
iter they bad departed frets the ma -
bet god he had stared te toliow them
t a respeMtul dhtWaee. "Deal go
tech es old ladies .slide et tbe
ater, bet that del e • dsaser. It
odd teak my beet H tie acted over
de lelleht. Megltrgg.S OMR be a.
rias peal Jest the .oat of fade t
dreamed abort. Lets of style and
bout her. Brae, and yet I've clot
help her."
The lad,.' were followed to the
the M they pained around to
ladle.' entrance young Tbompsoa ease
tsrby tbe front and walked up
the desk and inspected the r
He soon found thele name.; also
Maio of a cldsen from their town w
was reputed to be wealthy.
in all probablllty they would appl
to this eeotieman for a loan. If not
lean they would at least ask thatugb
telegraph for them The tbot pre
yoked the student. It was fol him
ao one else to help them out d
Noting the number of tbe man
room, he turned from the desk to the
elevator and was landed on tb. fourt
Mor. !Tour doors down the ball wa
the debt door. Tb..tudent did oot ask
himself why he was going there. bu
went. When then was no answer
turned the knob and tbe door opened.
There was no one In the room, be
tear. was evidence that some one bed
just stepped out in a burry end eagle
be expected back at any moment
A still smoking cigar lay on an as
receiver, and a partly open grip w
on the table. One look into the p1
and Thompson had poe.esslon of a roll
of bills. He did not atop to count them,
but backed out and hurried down
ball to another elevator. Ten mina
later he was tapping at the door o
MW Nettle's room and ready to say
her as soon as it was opened:
"A thousand pardons. Mise Blank.
but I was at the waxworks when yo
met with your lose and learned tba
It was likely to inconvenience you con-
siderably. I know your family by
same, as perhaps yon do min.•--tbo
Thompson, -and 1f 1 might mak. so
bold as to"-
He had tb. roll of bills In bis hand,
and the girl instantly divined his good
"It Is kind of you, indeed," she re-
plied, "but we came back to the hotel
to find ourselves Ire great good luck-
ily Uncle Billy Is on the door above.
I had blm down here a minute ago t_
tell him of our lose, and he has gone
for money for us. There he cremes
now, the dear old soar'
"What In thunder and blares and
Texas and several other things do you
think has happenedr' shouted the old
gentleman while yet a hundred feet
"Why, uncle, what Is ft? This Is
Mr. Thompson. File people live only
a few miles from as."
"1 don't care a snap about tb.
Thompson' or where they live!" shout-
ed the Irascible uncle. "I've been rob-
bed In this hotel! Ye., sir, I've bees
robbed of $500!"
"Why, Uncle Billy, he it possible?"
"Some one entered my room and
took It out of my astcbel while 1 was
down here. Thougbt I bad locked the
oor. but I guess I didn't I'm going
own to tell the botel folks that I'll
sae 'em for double the amount"
But be didn't It was an embarrass-
ing situation for the etadentt but for-
nately be saw that he most tell a
etralgbt story to be believed. When be
ad told it be grabbed for his bat and
eked for Ove minutes' start of tb• po-
ck, but tbey gave hiea great deal
onger one (ban that in fact, the
tuner of the situation got on the
erten of all four after awhile, and
hen they bad got over laughing and
Iking about curious coincidences and
truth being stranger than action tiler*
as something like good fellowship ad
round. Nobody had to leave an unpaid
tel bill, and nobody bad to walk to
nnecUcu t
• • • • • • • -
"What! Are Walter Thompson and
Mica Nettie Blank in love?" sated the
village gossip.
"In love! Wby. they're engaged, and
Miss Blank's uncle gave tbem 11600 for
an engagement preseutr
Th. Astonished Husbond,
De Wolf Hopper tells a good Mee"
about the domestic unhappiness of aa.
other actor. The baro of tin )oke wee
a man who had married became no
woman bad much moony. although ere
beauty. Naturally atter the wedding
ceremony and tbe acquisition of the
bride's financial resoortea the btrbiM
was never very attentive to ba.
Another member of the company >•
which the couple wen appearing wee,
bowever. far more appredattre of the
lady's charms and proceeded to make
love t.o bet In an admit bat stealthy
'banner. Th. grand Seale came .ser
being when the aster dierovorod the
other man kbelag hie yds. Tbs toed
lever stood pebiled with tear sed ex-
pected to be shot down the nest era
No each thing Mppenet The on.►
raged husband only lifted ds basis
toward tmm ceiling with • geetsre of ►
Wilms snrprlea and exclaimed:
"Merciful heavens! Lod he ditti'1
even have tor—Popular Megrim.
Gooks With Twenty-f•er Near plata
Citatory ', Belgium wilt bees braised
the twenty-four boor clocks ellti gas
to be .see In belie platen aril sell,
ways. Tbe same imam la 11 asses
in Italy, ale beth Is Germany sed
Awtteerteed there le to be found a
troad�etable ustsbter et persona is
h cess of [bbl sew ostelleR t es %
military awfislllbe ales peel* the
system, es rte dtira*thirds 01 re alts•
mile general* stag tosratthe et the
rbamhore et tsaltierea. la view at
this eminent 11. At ser, tbe wide.
ter of poets and lw1111Mbm, las a.
dressed • letter te tile prefer% ere•
abscise that darts{ the summer the
• te !t system we be IsM%dsem1 es
the sada liege .1 blweye end WHIP
tog tbe protegee to tale Meeks e.equip the local Uses
f>tisys Hieb► a Iia name wee.
Maids Marvels of One n.1 U. OM"
National ratite.
Tea year' bare palmed 'lace the
sasses of Crater late, to "the Taal
.l biuret out are."-th. Oregon vel-
qao ce.at17-was constituted a NI -
U0111111 park by prealdeatlal proclass•-
tioi sad thee preserved to the pearl*
as me of the greatest of nature'•
weed.Hastd!, 1K to assay its very ex -
Womb Is uakmowa.
New, after tea years of practical
solitude, Crater Lake park, which Ma
as area of 249 square miles, is am -
lag tato Its owe sad is dasttas4 te be
ebbed by woodMag tbe•ssade. /Ms1
rails and tbe automobile bare made
Ib access easy, and newhere la the
Uatted States nor eves la the world
le there such a wonderful spectacle
afforded the Mortal as 1a the Crater
Lake National park.
Ines ap there towered among the
mse�rs of the Cascade range, ta-
ms= ter its greet voleaatr peaks, be
ether lay use. rtvaltag and perhaps
earga ikig 1. belgbt Nernst /esta's
KIN toot Today oar views, instea.
s tllleeed rimmed bade .t begs d -
sgaMese. with whet appears as al-
iment Meer descent of 2.100 feet to a
OM lake, Itself 2,000 feet to depth.
Ohs of the weird features of Crater
lake Y that. wide/ It bas an altitude
110110110 teat, Its waters are said sever
to tamik altboagb ire forma oe the
edema RlamaUI lakes. which are at
a eesrd.rady lower altitude Apia.
whale (rater lake M always opo wa-
ter, dodo and ether waterfowl are
sera gaga upon Its bosom barb( the
winter. Garay treat bower, are
pieatifuL-Gny Elliott Mitchell. United
Staten Geological Survey. in [soft•'.
They Are Aiming to Ming About a Re-
vival et the Dol.
A movement le se toot to London to
rescue from tameness desuetude a cus-
tom which Ire Daly keep to remem-
brance by the aid of the drama. A so-
riete baa been proposed which will
bare as its mission the triaging back
of tile wearing of the ready rapier, not
only for use in sudden quarrel or for
the rescue of distressed damsel, bat to
1 te-establish the duel, to bring back, as
Its 'detests. say. "tbe coed old days
when every lady had a cavalier and
every caviller a sword ■t his side.
ready at any time to uphold her and
his own honor."
It le claimed by the promoters that
?be ieriral of dueling in England will
be associated with tbe followlag re-
sults: Better manner' and more civil-
ity, the purity of the bome. the prac-
tical abolition of divorce, a blither
moral standard, less rtvafry between
Um sexes, a finer physical standard for
all who pre tice feocieg.
"1f dueling were recognised and prac-
ticed in England." says ode of the ad-
vocates of a return of the old bar-
barism, "a lady could walk out alone
without tearing the insolent advances
and attentions of Me cads who tnfest
out streets today."
Cada, forsooth! Why. London with-
out cads and adder) would be as sad
se bomb without a mother. -New York
Tribute -
Suet .f Their Murders,
In Cyprus there has been an inerease
K cases of murder and manslaughter
sad the filet justice has pointed out
tae teal Ln tbe character ot the vil-
lager whack to wave extent explain the
prevalence of chi. claws of crime. Any
Walt rankles and their minds seem to
brood over any slight, real or fmag-
teary, bowers small, anal 1t bas as -
mored propordoos which to their self
esteem they consider they must re-
gents by murder. There are men in
some of tbae villages who for a small
reward. say 150. will murder a man
w idest wbont they bare no grievance
sr wbom they have never seen before.
"1 Mee tried many murderers In this
bleed." welts the chief justice, "and 1
OMNI rasaa ens wbo was sorry foe
11011111 eV showed remorse for his
Moe Aa a cele • msrderer toasts of
W 54.s eesteMel Odle. Journal.
tlbeeer•n Cewservattus.
Tbe Chios observation congress
to be held Is New Tort April 19 to 24
✓ detertbd by William T. E10, tie
PSer tory .[ the publicity comakales,
Is kis latest circular as a morwaset
"to gather up the message and anam
bag of the mss sad religion torwsrd
meeemest eatablga, to speak a mew
sage teem the malted Christian ma -
h ood ef America te tbe ess•try and le
gib ilio weed a demerit atfon at the
OP* sad pewee of organised Ohre•
Ike hes." Jab Addams, wbs will
moat se the sebjaet et the ..01u1 OWL
M he the este weans to tbd/tsge es.
Merry Petterela,
There are sigms et the be seleg of s
Web is Italy der merry ell eels. A
a et Tarts lett I sedbe
W ebsegules were be be del/eebi
ell with the emitted halerlty-a Wetly
beet drlmka sod two dean apiece ler
Mb simmmer& Tim bawd was Wee•
MIMMIu1 The widow, tot/owlet lis
Millraermaa In the wi1L were red Am
ether habebltaae el Tole warit reeesetly
away left a huts see of meg
e bmapet se all the Aereheldre et
1be eswgaalw he hid prsrotad. the
hose[ Or Mew the teseraL
A Use ie► eras heepars
IL d>rmsre b Mes Ayres. Argos,
• abed te Iasaail maeldsoey be
bm urs/ r • tlasry ler prebehat ter -
UMW smelnlee it i* pvq•oed Ie
NW. gsssibagpsa aid lb* rte
anavam 1111, 1a1�j 'lel ria:. ed �/
(T%. pun food board W deaoed beer
as "s beverage made up el barley. malt
'sad baps, yeast and potable tater.")
Tema Alaerooa Vas Ttttlebat was care-
arrful and refined.
The MD phrases of the street were for-
eign to bb mind.
He serer stooped to vulgar slam. It gave
him quits a shock.
Tie ward' that be preferred to use were
Owes that stretched a block.
There was one human falling, though.
which secretly he nursed -
At atm'' hie soul was tortured with an
all devouring thirst.
And once when he had chanced to roam
from out his wonted sphere
He dropped into a coarse salsas sea se•
&red up a "beverage mad .f bar-
ley, malt and hope. yeast ash Peta-
h., water."
"Mat's ]f,ltebstr" Jake. whose brawny
arms became a natio star.
Was busy with the eager throng that
wed his modest bar.
His temper. sever of the best had lust
began to skate
At tee Wisteet burry calla for "suds"
sad 'whisky straight."
Abd wbsa be saw sweet Algernon come
tripping through the door
Bit snapping eyes were longing for the
sista of Debt and sora
lout situ he paused In wonder and could
scarce believe his ear
Wb•a Aleutian demanded "just a tiny
sumo of a beverage made up of
bureoy, smelt and hops. yeast sad po-
table water."
The hardened crowd about the bar to hor-
ror held their breath.
?bey knew the air was freighted with de-
struction, woe and death.
They saw -Retro Kitchen" Jake reach out
ale grasp • gas pipe thick.
A mallet and • demijohn and eke . heavy
Aha tbse they gaped in wonder, for he
•topped and ceased to frown,
No BMW a smile compassionate and laid
W weapons down.
Aad, bas`g idly o'er the her, he drew
sweet Alp near
Awl smote him with the rat he used in
..aping up the beverage made up
et barley, malt and hops, yeast and
potable water.
-New York Evening Hun.
Whietling to Keep Courses Up.
Bbe-Jnst listen to the birdie
He (fed up with the country) -Poor
little beggars! Must amuse themselves
ssmsbow, I suppose! -Pasch.
Why she slushed.
A very pretty but extremely Blender
girl entered a street car and managed
to seat herself In a very narrow space
between two men. Presently a portly
colored mammy entered the car, and
the pretty miss, thinking to humiliate
the men for their lack of gallantry,
"Aunty[" she Raid, with a wave of
her hand toward the place she had just
vacated, "take my seat"
"Thank you, missy," replied tbe col-
ored woman, smiling broadly. "But
which gen'man's lap was you *Min'
on?" -Judge.
In South America.
First Senorita -She belongs to the
most exclusive societies.
Second Senorita -Yes; she Is a D. 8.
A. P. -Daughters ot South American
Peace. She can trace her descent from
ancestors who lived In the two years
wben we didn't have any war.-Bx-
Reward of Frugality.
BIobbe-Now that Hightlyer Ma lost
his fortune I guess he's glad his wite
has been frugal enough to put wear
thing by.
Blobb.--Yea. I understand she bas
saved ssougb to pay for a divoree-
Phhladelphla Record.
"Which political party do you intone
"1 doesn't actually belong to no
party," replied Uncle Basber'ry, "bot
'asdoeally I three out to cry es% of
'omk."-Wuhington Star.
*he Wee.
'That atones wham Mager smar-
arti' talks like a wousan wbo 1s try -
Mg to maks rep ter Post thee."
'That's right She soma of a tam -
14 of lingWh pantomlalsts."-Osco
lead plata Dealer.
Nee Ammer.
"What did the banker'. daughter My
wham you asked bar to marry year
"7M meld 1 would have to go le par
beers hie could tab stock m my prep
.Mtlea."-Baltimeee American.
Moe Carlesi.
1 !grim. Teller -Yee wish to tam
oomettbag about year toter* haab.Mt
Oeglgrm-No, i des't i want to
Iowa about the peat of my premise
blmlbaad-Be.toe Transcript
1This D•7 1e History.
Sixtymtven years ago today Rudolph
Kelly Iwrsated the foot rest for the
front of the bar and made the galea
the poor man's slab.--Ctnctasad Ea -
A. Yeti 1.0'. K
The Client -1 wast to get a dlter't.
Lawyer -Yee. meas WIB yam tete
R with yeas er abt•l 1 wad It blrlet-
lbtrldss Oddsm.
Known All Over The World
—Known Only For The
Good It Has Done.
We know of no other medicine which
hes hese so successful la raiieviag the
mesad*gof Rehabs, or received so many
gab, as has Lydia E.
s Vegetable Compound
In seariy every community you will
hod womea who have been restored to
beelth by this famous medicine. Almost
every woman you meet knows of the
great good it has been doing among tat-
tering women for he past 30 years.
Fox Creek, N. B. -" I have always
had pains hr' the abdomen sod a week•
saes there and often
after meals a sore-
nesa in my stomach.
Lydia E. Pinkhara's
has done me much
good. I am stronger,
digestion is better
and I can work with
ambition. I have
encouraged many
mothers of families
to take it as it is the
best resa.dy In the world. You eau pith -
deb Ms in the papers." -era. WILLIAM
S. Botlsaus, Fax Creak, N. B.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lyse
Maas., are files containing hundreds .1
thousands of letters from women mak-
ing health, in which many openly state
over their own signatures that they have
regained their health by taking Lydia L
Pinkbam's Vegetable Compoontl, [malty
of whom state that it hu saved them
from surgical operations.
Caustic Cernments .n Gime 8ot.Nad
A line by W. J. Locke runs, "He
talked incessantly all the time." Ob,
Writes Arnold Bennett, "She woe
15,000 franca 1n as many mlawtes."
Pretty long session that
Another novelist says, "Her eyee
filled with silent tears." Generally
they boom like billows, you know.
According to another, the biro
"brushed her hair with his I1ps"-
acarcely an improvement on tb. old
method, we think.
Another writer remarks. "Charlotte
von'Stern was, when Goethe fire met
her, several years older tban himself."
But later, of course, 'twas otherwise-
therwise"He rested his feet on the beck of a
chair and blew smoke rings with half
closed eyes." We've seen It dons with
the mouth,
"Marjorie would often take bet eyes
from the deck and cast them far out to
sea." As a caster old Ike Walton had
nothing on Margie, believe us!
"Speechless with horror wed loath-
ing, 1 tottered a helpless jelly against
the Jamb." We believe that the mess
was cleaned up 1n tbe out chapter. -
Boston Transcript
Their Ancient Fetid,
Willie Collier sat regarding Lillian
Russell and ,le Wolf Hopper sadly one
day. The two were chatting together
with animation. Hopper was upper
wetly in his merriest mood. Miss Nee -
sell was blooming and blossoming 1n.
her Iuxnrtant beauty.
"Strange" said Mr. (hater, shaking
his bead. "'Tis pesetas strange."
"What's stranger asked a frbad.
"Incredible"' said Collier. 'Bad I
n ot seen It with my owe eyes 1 would
n ever have believed that Mr. Bagger
and Miss Russell bad patched up their
bag standing fend. -
"Never knew they bad ane." said the
other. "What was it all abontr
"You never heard"' asked Collier In
accents of exquisite melancholy. "a.
markable! Tbey have hated each other
far years. You see, aeltMr one of them
has over invited the ether to a e ages
esu of their marriages".
A Tr.ablsseine Problem.
This was the note viable wu beaded
to one of the grade teachers the ether
Def Mum -!Nasse lases Jebatay teem.
Me wap not be at shoot He is same err
tfeelskesper ter ba. tatbsr. 1. 51 *esti pee
evil him this t•ta$ee. It a Geed se a .aegis
mlpas. Mee stns wet it tate a sass walk -
log 5 Miss •a hour to work ea tees
e mend lit Johnny ala'[ tea 10.5 , as we
It'd te seed We dally. They lett early
this aerates, sad by busbsad arks *3uy
~lit to M bask tate , t5* r
wo.M M bead setas. Dear wok Massa
nabs tbo alae premium atom wills. M
Say bri.baad e'a't arse to boa file dare
wort. /deal bare as ere M slat lel t
oma spare a day ell ese'dsmstlr herb
thea ray anbabi sr'► Ailsa lreq
1r� s�oallaa
Cearap Artsea5 be Clergy.
He wee the man min eta bleb W
W metier erns :memos ibe mow
tog et 1e'are"
111ppp5Aag." site se* 'there waw
twelve boys thi esr bsdeessa and dens
Set late bed at was, whoa the ether
limit down be say lb Mayen. run
bey weed eider lib esereg."
"Ol," Mid the Tessa haPefe , "1
thew sometime thee *541 be mesa
eamrnpeas lies thee, t pyssasg dew
Mere tweM batboys to as . balms
and ono got boo bed Iriboat loft
W gspwar-Trstb /sir
June forWedding V s
and Weddings Require Presents }
The Howell Hardware Co., Limited, have an
excellent assortment pf the good useful lines to
choose from, such as Berry Scoons, Cake Knives,
Cold Meat Forks, Pickle Dishes, Rodgers' 1847
Knives, Forks and Spoons, Pearl Handle Knives
and Forks, Carvers in and out of cases, and numer-
ous other useful pieces suitable for presents.
It u a prosouneed fact
that this is the perfect and
most economical s u m m e r
stove to revs -- no odor, to
wicks, easy to keep clean.
Gasoline or Cosi Oil Stoves
coat to operate. We have
also Wick Coal til Stoves
that him anything we have
ever seen.
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.
Pe Best Placa to Say Hardware
With the warm weather comes the de-
sire for something to keep the feet cool and
The coolest summer footwear you can
get is a dainty pair of Canvas, White
Nubuck, Russia Tan or Patent Leather
Pumps or Gibson Ties. We have them in
all the latest styles at the lowest possible
Barefoot Sandals, Tennis, Lacrosse
and Bowling- Shoes in all sizes.
Try a pair of our Brown Bronco Shoes
for every day. They can't be beat for wear
or comfort.
Downing & MacVicar
inni e
The Great Railway and Commer-
cial Centre of the West
Within a very short time W/NNIPEQ will he one of the
wealthiest cities on the cootiuenL,
Many business opportunities on the main Street. can be secured
i y a small payment. SOMEONE WILL. MAKE A FORTUNE
Elmdale Lots
for the %mall investor. Higb and dry. Pine shade trees. Only
three miles from centre of city of 200,000 population. One minute's
walk from car line. Sidewalk direct to city.
For particulars ally
SCOTT, HILL d&CO., Winnipeg, Ilanitoba, or
J. T. GOLDTHORPE, Ooderich, Ont.
N. B. --Any investor buying Wlanipeg property through m•
will, H desired, he furnished with • guarantee from Scott, Hill R Oo.
that if is one year he is dissatisfied with the deal his mosey w111 be
refunded with interest ata per emit.
Death to Dandruff Germs
Life to Ail Hair.
No More Dandruff, Failing Bair, Scalp Itch, Bald
Heads or Dull Faded Bair.
Tide is a tree rountry. It's your for any of the above hair or scalp
freebies.. or mese? beak.
Peebles Rape le 11th meet t dtshtGadlloosolosfni
worms sled a p.. M•nbr
t tuna. tislr Monty talsomod by boom *be
:rise as airdaeM d fs•eleating
en d Mb lmeba. _
but M wte WOO el
Tin glol with
.Atiouglato ` 0 wary Wenn
and botslo.
teals � e. age to ems hey hair
Sot sty obstloo. to um a hair
teals [teat asset de whist 1t bead
Ito : 51E the goriaa std biota MI
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