HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-6-20, Page 44 TmeMID►t. livres 110. IMI kews of District SENMILLEH. TUE/WILT, June 113th. F. 13. ftnyder has just returned from Toronto, where he was confined in the hospital for three weeks. While he was there operations were performed on both his knees. We trust that Mr. Snyder will soon be re.tot•ed tai his of -time vigor. KINGStIRtDGE. WILOMMIDAY, June 19. Nortte.--Quite a number from here took in the excursion to Detroit. Mies A. O'Leary spent Sunday in our midst The friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin assembled at their home one evening last week and pre- sented them with a creamery and sil- ver set in tenogoition of Mr. Martin's services in the choir Miss Annie O'Connor. Mi.-. O'Brien and Miss Annie and Cecil Joys are visiting at their homes here.... _Maurice Sulli- van bas returned from Sandwich Col- lege for his vacation. LEEBURN. TrE*DAY, June 18th. LEgLuRN Lo(•ALB. - Miss Ruth Shaw was home for Sunday from her school at Nile Jame. Chisholm visited relatives in Ashfield civet Sun- day......Mn. Campbell, of Sheppard - too. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kingswell Mies Gladys Stew- art was home from Goderich on Friday to attend the picnic at Point Farm..... Mrs. Osbaldestan sod childreo, of Clinton, are visiting '.t the home of Mrs. J. Horton...... John Chisbol took in the excursion to Det His brother Harry returned e with him.. ..Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien and young son have returned to London after visiting Mrs. O'Brien.' parents, Mr. and Mn. M. Foley Mrs. J. U. Farrisb came home last week from Wingham hospital. at which place she underwent en opera- tion some weeks ago........ Athol McQuarrie, of Goderich, addressed the congregation of Leebutn church last `4unday. The pastor, Rev. Jas. Ham- ilton, is expected home this week from Edmonton, where be has been attend- ing the General Assembly. BAYFIELD. TUESDAY, June 18th. Narita. -Miss Parsons entertained a number of friends at a quilting bee Monday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Brown, of Clinton. l:,waare the guests of Mrs. Brown's fat her John Wbiddon. Miss Maggie McLeod is spending a week in Detroit. Mrs. Parcin- son, of Detroit, is visiting her sister, Miss Emily Osmond Mr. Hese, of Zurich, is the guest of his cousin, E. Merner. .. Mrs. Winters and family, of Detroit, arrived on Monday to spend the summer at the grove. PRetSENTATION.-School closed on Tuesday for the summer vacation, as the entrance examinations are to be held here this week. Mr. Beattie,%f Varna, will be the examiner this year. On Tuesday afternoon, previous to the closing exercises, the pupils of the upper room presented their teacher, Miss Jennie Forbes, with a complimentary address and a hand- some brass jardiniere. Miss Forbes has held the position of principal for the kat two years and duriog that time has given entire malefaction to the whole section, noth in her school work and in every connection; and it wee with sincerest regret that the announcement at ber resignation was received. ST. HELENS. MONDAY, June 17th. Onwu-u Nm•ga,-Rev. Wm. Mac- kintosh returns from the General As- sembly trip to Edmonton this week, and the regular services will the held in Calvin church on Sunday next. Rev. G. Gomm. of Dungannon, conducted service very ably Imo Sunday evening. Mortar. MErnno.-The St.. Helene branch of the Women's Institute will meet at 2:311 p. w. on June 27th at the home of Mrs. Jos. (iauoL TIM* will to a social meeting and the program wilt be furnished by the members of the Lucknow branch. All the ladies will be cordially welcomed. AN UNFORTUNATE Actins:or. - i.ittie Gertie Aitcheaon had the 'MN - fortune to break ber leg on Monday morning. While out driving with Mite Aitcbeaon, the line broke and tbe bone stopped. Oertie fell for- ward and before she was caught her lag became entangled to the spokes and was broken below the knee. THEY'RE Oosix° Atomo ALL RIOHT.-Nearly all tbe masculine members of the community were con- spicuous by their absence last Friday, their presence being indispensable at the semi actual rifle shoot at Point Farm. The boys acquitted them- selves bravely, very nearly (?) taking the second cop, and carrying off many individual prises. Next shoot OFT likely get li little nearer that tro if the 000tinue practising three te a week until tben. JaeTlxna.-Miss Margaret Webb is home trom Wingham fora week, be- fore beginning her examinations Miss Tena Murray is violator in Wing. ham this week Mies Ford, of Wiogham. was the guest of bane woetti, Miss Pearl Todd, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller and baby Helen ,pent the week -.rd in b.......Mies Annie Ruther- ford M m hoe from Wingham for the veesti.n Angus and Colic Mc- Donald and Miss Margaret atteoded ahs Wedding of their oowin, Will Mc- DemalM. at Jamestown on Wedoes- dey weak Donald 'McDonald re- turned home last week Wenn Pete r. borengb county, wbere he has been segalled in lumbering since last win- ter 1bo estr doe examinations were roeducted in the school here this week, Miss Elisabeth Ratherfoed be - fag eb in arge Mos Mr. and Mrs. Lo. fa Watherbead and 1.). returned e* lrosday from Clinton. where Mw, Weatbsrbead had been undergeteg treatment for bee throat the previews week.... Mr. sed Mies Mason, ed Icer Wswamosh, salted is the latrilic 124 . Jamesfor a week at Mb li w,l s1Siai .me e. ah.. Mnd Mrs. AkimetztistneaDestram. are vett. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO UULBORNL TUssDAY. June 18th. MArru:e0 CONCEe/nON Norm. - Miss Olive Ellwood, of Goderieb township. spent Suoda at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. L. Snyder Loin Crouse, who has returned from Naper- ville College 111., spent Sunday at the home of W. ('. Dunt Mrs. (Dr.) Henry and Miss Nancy. wbo have been visiting with their mother, Mrs. J. Fisher, have returned to their Domes ..Miss A. Dant, who has been visiting with Okada at Naper- ville and other point., bas returned to her home Miss Clara Pennington, .,f Detroit, spent a tow days at her borne on the Maitland. DUNGANNON. DR. NEWTON, DENTI8T, OF ~tvisiting ee� potato nod will beaosfoth hlsnt4e attention Le the hoose cram, Lecknew, whore kaa win to foetid evert d•7• AU modern meth' NOTIOR.-THB LOCAL AGENCY t. Dss.assw teens, tussal r at the Poe- cbore ellos swill t. r.n.id � sep w ad- vertising sad Mb week. ase esestpt be al roe tar a•sesnte told ter tae ear. Tor KBUAY. June 20th. Lawx SocIAL. - Preparations ate being made for a lawn noels, in con- nection with Ebenezer church, to be held at the home of Wellington Oliver, on Wedoe.day evening. June :36th. Tea will be eerved from 6 to $ o'clock, after which • good program will be rendered. Admission 2.5c and 15c. Everybody welcome. EXAYINATI+,Ne. - The midsummer ezaminatione are being held in the public school here this week. George Woods, who has charge, in assisted by Miss Johnston, while Principal F. Rose is supervising the work at pintail. The Dungannon pupils who wrote ou the leaving examinations are Efts Hasty, Lillian Pentland and Ray Stothers. Those writing oo the en- trance are Fred Errington, Melinda Culbert and Linfield Anderson. BnixF Mti rtoN. - Among those who went to Detroit on the Grey- hound excursion were Misses Eva, Pearl and Della Mallough, Celle Pent- land, Laura Ir.in and Ida Whyard. Mrs. Crisp and son, of . London, ate visiting her cousin, Mn. Wm. Mc- Clure, while her husband is attending military camp at Goderich......David Henderson is in Goderich, where he is to be united in marriage to Miss R. Snyder today ..Mt. and Mrs. 8. J. Young moved this week to Goderich, where they have taken up their resi- dence nn East street .The annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute will be held in the Weigh Scales Hall on Saturday next... _. MIsa Edighoffer' was called home to Blake tbis week by the serious illness of her father...... One of the creamery tears stampeded ,from in front of the creamery and ran as far as the bntel Jibed., scattering the cans along the way. SUMMER SPORTS. List Frills evening the Presbyter - ions and Methodists came together for the first time this season. The batteries were Nicbolson and Wiggins for Knox ebur -h and Riley and Mc- Clinton for tbe Methodists. The Wesleyan* were not in it this time, as tbe final talley-12.1-io4itstes. The editor of this column owes Manager Doherty of the "baseballists' of North street church an apology for inadvertently belittling the. ability of his aggregation. In last week's issue of The Signal the result of the initial game of the church baseball season was repotted as a vi:tory for the St. Peter's team by the score of 8-7. The result was in favor of the Metho• disc, the score being the same. A Baseball Story. Here ie s story that the fans will appreciate "Oh, it was a perfectly lovely game." abe said that evenlag to a male Mend. . 'That .n i' What was the score ?" "The e.00re wad : Detroit, two hundred and one million, one thousand and one, and Cleveland, one hunlred sod ten million, two thousand and one." This is the score she had copied from the board on the back fence of the park : Detroit 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Cl aveland 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 *e ,.ase to Art 'se 7N think our aftosa! GSM. Same is feepr vlagr "Tess" replied the cruel wile, `Our statuary is far free what it shield be. But we have at least taken the weed.* Iaefaas from In front of the tape pteree."-Wasbington Star. Deseivins Jams. M. Darted (s rear. i Deese to itlo V lees leek hew 11..a oast le $del AM this fowl fir.'t c•.ntrs/ peepeAy Alm% Why deal you 'pe*it is Jas* argot it? arm se afraid thee 11 1 view lest hew Wage shote be dime .t.e'E gmess OM here bees N7aatoefl♦elve.,•- • e "Twat tele ~ th. turkey es beeedlog beim slidir " eine ea tis 11dIt teeeReeme. asp u _. GOOD SHOOTING. HURON RIFLEMEN ARE BEATING THEIR OWN RECORDS. Colborne Takes the Cup at the County League Tournament--8em* Great Scoring Doth -List of the Prize- winners -Opening of Point Farm Season for 1912. Last Friday was a great day at the Point Farm. Eleven teams oomtteted in the semi-annual shoot of the Huron County 131Se League, and individual shooters swelled the number who kept the Wgeta busy all day. The Colborne teen, won the sup, the chief trophy of the shoot. with the score of 6'd8, tbe famous Dungannon No. 1 teem being twenty pointe behind. The weather was almost ideal for shooting, and high scores were made, the beet, indeed, in the history of the League. Some of the newer teams showed great progress, and t h e competition at the next ebnot promisee to be exceedingly keen. John Scott, a member of the Lochalsh Association, made the highest indivi- dual score -66 (34 at each range). Three possibles (35) at single range were scored. The high standard of the shooting done is shown by the fact that nearly fifty scores were 00 or over out of a possible 70 at troth ranges. Besides the rilitu. •n.:. large number. inrl•,ding many ladies. ' e•e on hand to 1 .-lp celebrate the • t• •Hing day of II; • Point Farm for th -• a •nn -)f 1912. t� •nss on the big law •• :i i dancing -in t( - hotel provided am a-• ;ent. at low are the scores .; ,he different tc ..\ •COLBORNE. 510 yds. BtY, oda. Tela Jig. Bisset 35. 32 .... 87 W. Symonds...... 33....34 87 A. Goldthorpe .31 26 e6 W. Chisholm 34....31 84 P. Bisset 32 ...31 63 C. A. Robertson C. McNeil 30....30 00 Ci. Bisset.... .. .. .20... 30 59 J. Chisholm 27....211 58 C. Me ,1anus .... 30...`.32 82 312 314 826 DUNGANNON NO. 1. W. Reid 15 ...30 65 B. Crawford... . ....SS...,SI.ti..,t36 J. Johnson ... ......31...:31 t:r'81 T. Allen 32.,•.30.'„ R. Dialler .... 31... 30 .... 81 J. Campbell 30.... 36 80 Dr. Bice .30 30 OD C. Elliott 30....•28 58 J. McGee 30... 27 . 57 H. Bellamy 28...28 56 311 296 608 ST. HELENS NO. 1. Wallace hillier-. ... 34 .. 30 .... 84 Jos. Anderson ........38....30 63 Harvey Webb ........ 34 ...20 W. 1. '111111er..... ......31....31 ... 62 D. B. Murray.... 31....3081 Geo. Webb..,. i31. .33 61 Robt. Taylor 31....29 ..... 60 Jas. Portion..,., ..38... 20 58 W. McPherson... :33....25 67 J. McDonald .... .....31 ...30 81 322 180 002 LOCHALS H. John Scott 34. , , ,34 88 D. McKenzie .. ....3I....29 00 Alex. Long 33....27 .... 60 K. McLennan 32 .. 28 .. ..60 Thos. Sandy... 30. , .. 29 59 Thos. Scott 29....20 58 W. Weldon.... ..,. 27.. .31 58 D. Cameron ........33 ...26 59 F. D. McLennan . 29....2 57 306 289 6945 DUNGANNON NO. 2. R. Simplon. • 33....32 85 W. Crr ler 34 90 041 R. Johnston ... ...31....32 Si P. Finigan 93.... 23. 61 A. Dleher ..30 ...30 .80 ('. Bsninger 30... 27......57 J. Elliott... 2D... 28 57 D. Gleno 27 ...29.. ...56 J. McLean.. ....32....24 ...... 56 T. McCann. 27 ...23 50 306 2E3 589 ST. AUGUSTiNE. R. McAllister... 32. . , .30 tl2 A. Brophy_ ... ....... 30.... 32 .... 62 T. Leddy 033 .. `18.... .00 Gus Kenlban 32... 27 59 (3u. Leddy 81....29 56 Joe Brophy 26 , ..30 58 C. Robinson 31 ...26 57 Wm. Thompson.. SI ... 82 56 D. McAllister .... ...SII... 28 54 W. Sillibs. 37....24 61 281 906 677 W HiTECHUROILI 8. Elliott 33....31 64 W. Reid 31 ...33 61 Gordon Shiels.........31 ....M M. 63 G. T. Rober•taoe. VI 110 Si H. Carrick 31.... Sal . e1 J. W. McKleoighan... 31.... 26 • D. Beer t.. 2e....29 $$ 8. Deacon 30....93.......• C. Robertaoa 30, , , , II r Gt eg. Shields. 26...30 .46 l9t 197 11'9 AUBURN. Geo. Yortt.gblut... d...db....•.63 W. Watson w • ...s J. Lon . . .. , // ...!f OSA uq itb .... S/....63 .... • BeedM IS. ...•.,,.,.s Ace•••.S. Jacket's • s S. ill 1 Ohm. 8 3118 Si - LUOENOw. A. Derain >R. ..Ill 4 J. Ileuiderson. SD .115 Heft He.� _. .• ... Or• R. Settee • yya•�t� 1....;... • . .IM wt, WR.ee •" "63 M Was Porter..:. .. ..•....27 .al W. Seise. •, . • . • R Sschawm..... �... Rboumatism. le [hie Acid is else besot kidneys are the cases of the acid bouts there. U the Wears sited as theyey weld Weis Ms Usti, Acid est of the system teed rbersma- ttl..i woMds't icor. RRb.sr meatier Is a Kidney Die. earn Dedirs /Wary Pills have .neilissit part ef their ,theles s est d the meat a�tt tthsose JisaAd shositing 3sisOr sod stilt There kr bee me mare way- Dodd's Sidney Pffls Ross Murray ..3'L....29 .... 61 Geo. Stuart ' 31. .30 61 Jas. Baker 31 ...27 . ...58 C. Aircheeon m.... 34 68 W. Webb 71.,,.318. - 49 R. H. Andersen 25 ...22 .... 47 M. H. Humphrey 17....28 .....46 D. Todd '2 ...23 45 272 270 • 542 KINTAiL W. Drinkwater. 10....33! ..61 J. Mcl.eao...,........27... 30...-..-67 J. Cathcart .... 30....26 56 A. Johnston 26 .. 28 55 T. Collison 31....93.....':.53 T. Drennan.... ••...23 61 13. McDonald 27....18 50 B. Sinnott '27....20 C. McLean......, 27.. .21 C. Taylor..........,, 71....81 273 249 INDIVIDUALS Making 66 and over. R. Rundle, Goderich township 65 C. Promo M. Cummins, 8t. Augustine.....'58 A. Rollison, Auburn 58 Jas. McManus, Colborne......... 59 W. Bisset " 57 W. McWbioney '• 57 Geo. Laithwaite, Godes ;eh towosbip58 Cot. Wilson .... 5g H. Newcombe, Goderich township56 PRIZE-WINNE1U . 47 48 45 6211 Score 88. J. Scott. Lochalsh.. League Medal 8cot'e til W. Symonds,Colborne Medal Jas. Bisset., Colborne .... . $5.00 Score 66 A J. Goldthorpe, Colborne Saltcellars Score 85 W. Reid, Dungannon Locket R. Rundle, Goderich township ..Show B. Simpson. DUngaebon, Wbeelbsrrow Score 84 W. Crozier, Uuugannon....Cash $3.00 Wallace Miller, St. Helens $3.00 8. Elliott, Whitechurch Flour B. Crawford, Dungaeon $2.50 W. Chisholm, Colborne ...10.50 Score 413 H. Webb, St. Helens ....Parlor Lamp J. Johnson, Dungannon.. .. .$2.00 Joe. Anderson, St. Helene. .. 1200 R. Johnston, Dungannon. .Umbrella P. Bisset, Colborne.... ... 12.00 Score 62 G. T. Robertson, Whitechurch ..$1.75 R. McAllister, St. Augustine.... Vest Geo. Youngblut, Auburn... .. Pipe C. McManus, Colborne. .... Umbrella Wm. Webster, 8t. Helens ..$1 80 W. I. Miller, 8t. Helene...... . .$I.e0 A. Brophy. St. Augustine... T. Allen, Dungannon.. ..Borrel of Salt C. Robertson, Colborne -5 pounds beef Score 61 P. Finigan, Dungannon Whip W. McQuillin, St. Helens. Maple Syrup W. Waren, Auburn Slippers A. Durnin, Lucknow....Buggy Doster Ross Murray, St. Helena. Rack and Hat and Clothes Brush Ralph Disher, Dungannon. Rack and Hat and ('lotbes Brusb W. Reid, Whitechurch........ ...$1.96 Geo. Webb, 8t. Helens. $1.26 Geo. Stuart, Rt. Helene Wallet D. Murray, St. Helens $1.26 W. Drinkwater, Kintail....Jardiniere Score 00 Alex. Long. Lochalsh Knife F. D.- McLennan, Lochalsh ....One year's suht.eription to Dungannon New. T. Leddy, St. Auguette..... $1.00 K. McLennan. Loeknii....... .111 00 R. Taylor, 8t. Helene. 75c R. t 'arrack, Wbitehsmoh. ....760 McKen•le, Lot -babe..... ......760 O. McNM , Colborne 75e J. Campbell, Dense/mos, 'rye De. Mee. '1 -gags tit. , .. 750 A. Disbar. Doagsenoo. 60c B. Mils, Luoknow Iil►e TYROS Joe. Bisset, Colborne.. $1.50 11. Simplon, 1.00 3ae.ey Webb. Blitannws $ Belem 760 Rtrolrhy, 8t Auatti.d*w 75e $randy, 8t Hdsas,.... 50e Dt mer• DHo4een a 26e 8t. He ossa 25e SPECIAL PR1ZZI3 Owe page of 05.00 0 to glee snaking • Seby beters .. Mtue .4I pulbis meth* the creat Pipe, to messbsr of AM Regiment more - Roy 1R � Gotha** aggregate tip. Doll, to eras making most J. Toting, Auburn. The new West Presbyterian chareb' Termite of wheel Kra De. TuttnbrK a former th s is\ sialeter, le payor held N. sumlut serviem last Rich oe of three •t. Iseetwe of tea merriest w due t _ _ Rev. f1.L ..he spit iris ..I Jars. W. k•, 01 w Waillaril OM. . OE est./• NO. IL Wtellihmearsz CCM .mel lb the Au Vales --Extra June Vahies' Our June offerings were never so good as now -quantities never so large, values never better for the warm summer days, and we are sure our prices will meeteneral approval. Our very strong points are in Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Suitings, Silks, Gingham* and Prints. CORSETS Hot weather kinds. Summer Corsets are a boon to the wearer. We have throe Hoes of summer weights direct from the factory. up to date 1n all particulars. Ask for No, 25 at 80c, No. 306 et $1.00 and No. 284 at 51.16, It you want a correct summer cos set at D. & A. values -none so good. HOSIERY A special line of boys' and girls' school boss, Mack and tan, fast colors, for only 15c. The heaviest boys' school hose made, ab- solutely feet, 25c. Remember we are selling seoonds of ''6 Dent and 36 cent hose, seamless and fast black and tan, for 2 pain only 26c. Children's mercerized lisle hose. cream, pink and sky, sines 4 to 7, for 25c. GLOVES Twelve -button length lisle, in black and white. for only 35c. Sixteen -button length, black and white *ilk lido, 50c. Silk, twelve -button lengtb, black and white, 75c to $1.00. Sixteen -button length, black and white, $1.260. All silk gloves from 50c to $1.25 are double finger tipped. These gloves ars al Kayser and Perrin makes, which is a guarantee of goodness. COLLARS AND CUFFS in seta for gats. A dainty new lot in this week. 60c to $1.26. The very Utast styles, teat and nobby. Pretty collars for dresses, in white, cream and black, 15 cents to 85 cents. FINE EMBROIDERIES Limited details eoaoseni thess-briet Woos must reeve, 11e easy wise. Cambric and Lawn. The wised►mesa` delicacy dglog a s 'ri cos rhears smttedekakabls, �d�i to match. Baby width, medium widths, ing widths and 46dneb skirting widths. Many designs wrought by }hand -plied needles -you sere money by buying ban. BOUGHT YOUR PARASOL? No 1 Theoou are in luck, for we have values bere that would make anybody glad she hadn't bought. Look in bens 1f you want one. SILKS A new lot came this week, P*ilette and Mar- quisette make, pure silk. guaranteed not to cut, 36 to 30 inches wide, $1 00, $1.226, $1.w. These silks are ezoeptional value. A few pieces of summer silk, 26 to 210 inches, at 42 cents, in black and colon. SHIRT WAISTS June is the Shirt Waist selling month. We have enough and to spare for all our patrons. Lowest prices for new and up-to-date Waists. Come and get our prices on them, 980 to $5.00. WASH SUITINGS in Indian Head, basket weave. Lenon•, Piques, Bed- ford. and fancy vestinga, all in white and cream, and a few pieces in champagne, blue and brown. STANDARD PATTERNS A large stock to select from. All patterns are cut to correct measure.. Summer Fashion book - actual cost 5c ; Designer, 10c ; pricee of patterns, 10c and 15c. J. H. COLBORNE LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. accorded ht Captain is extremely warm in bio roving rattily. alma Is sew able to walk aboutnex. Praise o[ the treatment 1 J If yon, are looking tor • eau eerie ot your vise to Godertcb. you .bould call at Btnith's Art Stole. hast street, ober* then Is • large stook of tbe debt goods. gztaontvs assortment meters postcards. Remember always that the oW�etaWtebod always reliable. up-tbe-omits estabifshment In Gederloh 4 Pridhae'a aide Square. Plak trot soar seeds lea m t Tr. that hs wnt Kra Jae /'drat, ot Cbk*ao, wee Hotting brr meter. Met John LINIUSD. Brans area. ult. Othhe woke amens with Mrs. Lesson were her aso t I during his illness. The doctors and nurses gave him every attention, be of says, end the townspeople and Odd - dl t owe bre tbeen _ their s,cte of kiodoess. - an and Hoban L Chore, e`er' Melted ��° The tour youth who pleaded Rutley 7'bgatl la � � year mesasrn, and Pridham w At jou out with a salt fit fora kine tis eip.r .d retain to the cis y here. tba Welted two weeks ago to a charge of bur- .tssss.e glary were let go on suspended sen- M. le lira Jobw Ilssaford. teens by 11s Honor Jo i Pian. an she, MR Jac ]fsses ltroor morning. tiro Doyle this at Mea Through the instrumental- dam m wt sMes�hsre la their ity of Sheriff Reynolds work bas been tion /a�ta tM��aks eeb fear. sectored in town for the ee of them, w is ews eer.as,rr led sMnrr. visas while the fourth, at the request of his few te tea estlag toe sed •eseation t> hi - mother, will remain in custody until ---,.....r_N money is forwarded to pay his railway •tv ueelw d f ss.srtrsa.ekeiroot fare home. From i n wM ap Oe tbi O+'•7hossd exeur "ess11e1� �Mr. teat Yea Wm, eesssere god lyaLlsr. toad Mra tem ars. aid Mb - tar ohmcad W , and sm Aat..a Mea vat Moi• l� Mr.-sa/ Yp Nor A. i. Harla,dag�od. a[i.s KjrGoa R. ,M of {YlDaleR : '1'yt� Mr Nairn.. 11n viw�w*ad two rddfa`e...si- ilio RawO all of �sauvelead.tt. .[ C►.tiam. ve • Miss Evelyn Hayden will be in Goderich next Tuesday afternoon. at Smith's Art Store, to arrange for the forming of a class in art. Ring 'phone 240 or call at Black stone's,Mtere you can get delicine. iee cream that is 'uet a little better than the best. Oren delivered. The death of George Fliotoff occurred in Woodstock hospital on Monday of last week. The deceased was twenty-one years of age, and was a brother of Fred Flintofl, of Goderich. The 27th Regiment bond played on the Square last evening and the pro- gram rendered was highly appreci- ated. During the time of the camp it is expected there will be a band con- cert on the Square nearly every night. 1be merry-go-round is again doing business, and the infantry men are trying to find out what ft feels like to belong to the cavalry and "ride a horse." A performing bear is another centre of attraction about town -these Jaya. Remember the garden party on Knott church lawn tomorrow (Friday) evening.Tea will be served trout 6 to 8 n'cio3k. Admission to the grounds will be I0c ; including sumer, 25c. Don't forget the other booths on the grounds. At Knox church next Sunday morn- ing the parlor's subject will be "The Certainty d Our Faith." In the even- ing the local Orange Lodge will be in atteodanoe in a bodyand will listen to a discourse by Rev. Mr. Row on "lbs Watchword d the Patriot." Don't forget the (eseball Batch nett Monday afternoon in Agricultural Park. Crediton and Godssich will be the opposing teams. The play will commence at 4 -o'clock. A silver ooflection will be taken during the game. It is said that some kcal anglers did not wait for the opening of the bass meson on Monday Iasi, but piled their lines diligently on Saterday. it is complained. too, that more than the 1 number are .owtimee taken. Is there a /bhiey /nipeetoet The death took plats at of Ari Gertrude Park Bib 0, oak., A. Wakelin, and tad Ramey Park, formerly d� a*d *ow of Ambe etburg. bee hmchaad and tether she leaves as k, fent eco and eve sisters and three brothers. The date of the mart of revaaoe tor the town of QodmIs bas bees .et for nett Monday Jose 14th. So fee only three have been en- tered. 1 Two household that their as. se.•ment• be realised .lad sea rete payer has salted tet the sa- !'beg of hie bssioess tar. On W.dosdey of last week, is evng with the ammoniate sepia sseet 4, whish she a pas- chal. Mime Jude Mak* ergs hooss of Mfit.a Ssttls Rdi 4 a lines eiower. A.bemt read lady freed' of the bol. -1.4. [ gated in the event - At North street MstasMut ebe eb "flowe�r eu*iay" will be observed meat Mut the muepime of the Item - day ev. Dyne lost ihni- Co �»ti the ester °U esrvi- . Dlemead 1letee noel Ilia"` well w�ilseais ell. Was* In evening. A Ogg&t1►s eldl.d ore. S W.1t. Deets who ass ttaw se.S*.d be wSs ells to l 1 sssr . ee ati ba*t siely .nntnwd to heat& Crown Attorney Seegeir esr madewas learned that the offence they mmib ted at 8saforth was the fleet time they had gone wrong. PERSONAL MENTION. � morni.rteg 1 •spendaitter left On the inueimerr with tor sister, KMow usage, Nes, of w► head, Mina. Mas. Carleton retuned last Tbnrday even. Lr from an wlorablr vett of three weeks the *ss ot �s frac oder boss w Mir vestska Dgvtr, asesmwaisd by he Dupisso4 itiL..'weirtia: A. Ds, Art ,Mer,ellMrr. (iso 0. Sturdy x tae e� 1! . ee D r das�t� saidtbitti" tyt •f w ttaak.�i.s a tP. g' ~ y Oy Iowa g �dstw�sae t.a. ttleesab t� Fridges M.G�wti mew s hoe Uremia last Mrs. Ho reaclleeniath retooled h � Dr. R. J. one Mee_, wars, d pa.Ny sed Dr. U R sad Yea g�Me E. W reaeead i off[ lttea soe late Gaff. pla- te�� ssiirs.��etsek •t * sestlomes Advalfiwr: >te-afasee /. ZVI forthMare soseat'Ase netgame laWcbGo aericitleMtalm ,e1tamn_ie10 pby is with Clinton, oo July Std, on the Goderieb green. SUMMER SPORTS. The Presbyterians met flair first de - teat of the s aeon on Tuesday evening. when the Catholics won out in the baseball game by the spore of 1043. The batteries were : Knox-Niebolson and Soaael ; St. Peter's -Webb and Dean. The Crediton baseball team is corn log to Goderich next Monday on the Sunday school ezcursion from that point and a game between the visitors sod the local boys will be played on Agricultural Park, o,mmencing at i o'clock. A silver collection will be token during the game. Goderich bowlers played their first Vine of the season for the Faill taro - M7 yesterday at Seaforth. There were four ticks on each aide, Sea - won with a ma n of 19 points. SUGGESTIONS For the Artistic Fdrsishiag of the Home Hohmeier has the artistic Furniture, the "classy" Furniture the people of oo lemic b and vicinity demand. For the Parjo .-f1s4CMej Yabpgany Parlor Suits. Parlor Carr incite, Music Parlor Tables Tea Tables and Tray to match, Fancy Cin and W pieces. Thome are worth while seeing. For the Digit* Boom-Elega*t s..s.ive Duffels in quarter -cut Oak. Dining Tat& to (tach►. Diniee Moire upholstered in real leather. A variety at deka* and prices to wit everybody. liar the Li Roos -Fancy Chairs, Rockers. and a abipmeet Net received of goods that will ple.e. you. For the Den -Sears of the most attractive pieces in Weathered Mission and Stay Snglieb that will surely facet with your siStroIgor the Bedroom--Besutifel Demers, Studs and 80.noe in Mahogany. Quarter• -est Oak sled Royal Oak. Hesat4t*g new In Gtr- caedan V4 aloof. Popular Repolise wood liede to teat* say off teas.. y A good smertmeot of Brass and Iros Rede. Mattresses and t Plrhip of superior quality, to suit everybody. A phasors to show bele thus A au shipment of Ree Pictures. A variety c[ atbjeets mowready fir yaw teigssidoe. Cos. while the picking le good. A tell Auk of Baby Carrico,, cad 0o -Carts. Pries are right. Rugsso suit any room. cad the prime should alma thew' up le sheet=re ern the role resat of the row wood polish. Renu -all. Mea*d a b.l,tlss sad ths noise fully dppribee what It wit do. Simply rocs fuesit*cre lle new. carve se is we expiate the new idea lc Hues Cinch 11z Cinc- A M SaWbeg lta.hams M ---h g pekoe. marked to well milady. and a eight pteM ga ll t Wimtit'w.- - . Room Mo.Miog. num ebrom 1 floc alt die meet eratlas le oltmtit'y and pekes George Hohmeier ArrtelE/r.e. Aeak. RRPAIW1141 N 111h T SIDS 'Wan 1