HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-6-20, Page 3TIE
bound or repaired.
All order,. firwaptt7 atfassled to on Waving
them a THL SIGNAL. Oedsdek.
A. S. TAYLOR. iferaarroan
Pbyi daaa and barge ui.. Olio► -North
.tress, next ligaal Dice. 14aN..o.-Cal.
damn Tenses. ALLX. TAYLINL 11. H. A.
KARMA/ TAYU.ult Ir. A. M. K
uentand reidwes, feasts street. Oederkoa,
wnb of Lonny !Mahar, Metes. 1'sapas.. 1Y.
hit. F'. J. R. FOSHTE It- EYE, EAR
JJ OM and tames . Rosso epesa
Mika! .tas
d- tar, Nd 'threat ateat Fide i
Wagon en. kedand Cam Y W8 toes
annualKent. epeedts YaCharon. $
olz a. ot.
to p. MI 0. 01. 1Wehss
pleoetoAnN. b.zno«e, ssllMtsn..1tadw nano.
lona, 10 lend as as liatinsms CUM. teal 1nPrttansst
taloa Kin Ada ligt.re, Oo3srfen. W.
tKuuuetxyr Y. G., l4 C. k1AY8. J. 1..
a 1. TIR, aekmiter. aster, pak.s. OMesa-
antalkol ausat twdrden. tetra der (Yom
1tlD•1 lel, .0 *.nus am show, sten, mere
rent. none 10 Mad at Iawr..t tl}taa,
. a.xleat0r, cowaariarlirit. weary panne
a-v.aw-v. bananas sr.wt tt.dereta otic
IIfsuIt*lcli. LOAI(s. STC.
.Il o 1. it A N C a C U. -fares and Wolatad
Ughe'mama. Pox. Ma/ -1a P.O.:
Ja.. t normae v we -rt. eMY
1aa .
'awns. k- MaeU
ls. neo.=leas., eaaaerrA P. u
larodut>,-wsa, . ..o.y. ceateai • Jona
E. blare, Whiting ; N Eamon Itla. Le u01ooca;
Joan lla:aeweig rlodhaeoo ; Jambs, Aaaa,
Neecb.oa0 ; Jona watt, 0arioca : llaloetMl
net. byways.
Arent.: J. W. 1sus Heiassavills • B. scalae
Na, wee : Jae. L y
tmtnchle>, Jar. 4.a.
"'s'co'ot. ace Net twill mos resoletea as
t. J. Morrt.,b'e clouds( efara.t:Y•_NR Brat It
a. t tett. tower . amanitas ASS{. UMsasa
was. Anely w 1i. 0. CAM -
au . uerrimr. madam street twosome.
r tax ata late sits • tuition. LCnaIC alaoaed
VADIXT, Watntaas Urn ILMPLOTaaa' LIi.W
m : 1 M Owns AOeridapt and Utarantw
.roorauaae, . 1Aadtaet Landon. gni.' AND NUa0a TINT booms :
FWehty and Onarsatse tampons.
taboo at rea_u•ee. 0oftatesat maw of Vic-
toria and et lassies @tavoly.'nein lTO
..a aocidaot W.taa.s. Anent air I.d1g
Mai ens ta k a mgaeaes. 1Maas.sos Mad
tine plum and at lowers m
-al al canek care w Mss anent and blebs»
1* amms si 11. tJetAlts►i Ueesnsb tint
6uLt LuI_a. utf 1'.
• Aux ae@Masa Oodsrt.. Out
RIerdhersews sea meow *and
bet BBE sHOP
eta, Me UMW islet ta j learn
jr Y Wt -lig /read aisseemisl@1..s=M16
sitar mos to ser
hefty itlLiterature hMORE ABOUT�br(omnenynuAPPLES
w$ , ,.g.o� fore these investors the advantages
t�j�m j and malts to be derived from invest- s men in old Ontario fars, both
tbr, gmh the printed and deactiptive
page ad pictorially, is to be prepared WINTER FRUIT.
and circaauoog the tenant and
otter farml$i of Great Britain with a
view of sv ting their attention to
these lands as is Held for profitable
investment, as well As s place where
comfortable homestead* can be ob
tained at it very reasonable price in
comparison with other countries not
nearly PO favorably situated. This
has been done by other counties with
most beneficial results and there is no
doubt but that with • little welldi-
reetrd effort Hurou could immense!
profit in like manner. That there is
an open field for . as benefit in
this direction there is no doubt. All
that is required is capital sod *memos
sense to make the farms in ibis eounty
produce double what they now do and
thus add to the profits of the prtdaeer,
iocreafr the price of land end redses
the coot of living l,y providing WINO
for our own wants iosoeed of Haile,
our money to other eouutries ise
things which we could just as well
produce for ourselves. Torre is plenty
of money seeking inveottneot in the
old land Le do this cad fosse are
thousands there who are bolting toe
just such opportunities. All asst is
required is to show them the way and
convince them thou the opportunity
really exists. Osco a start is made is
this direction the advantages available
will do the rest. Arid the result will
be in,.ald Ontario Etat what et hes
been in Wasters Canada. Lam the ad-
vantages los uooe made eases and
men and capital will come Cosa ling Oleralmesto Tri Gyty•
in voluntarily to prtieipese i. the
Minasadvantages. in.ks We west whisk
the county eouneil was *abed to
undertake or sestet is for 18. eo..sy
of Huron. The councillors gave the
question very sympathetic moidsra-
tion. But it was new to massy et
them, and lbs fact that (ley Awaked
more time tt think over mid discuss is
is cot surprising. We have .o desba
but the council will yet blas eerily
date take Lb. matter up aseetstis.tly
and if they do we are sate in
Verdict against Town of Goderich in
McLeod Case -Greater Part of
Two Days Taken Up within Action
trom Exeter --Several Cases Post-
poned or Otherwise Disposed of.
On ' be charge of attempted criminal
assault, 8. 8. Cooper, proprietor of the
Hotel Normandie at:IZ inton, was
found guilty by • jury last Thursday
sod on Friday at noon Mia Honor
Judge Doyle sentenced him to ten
monthii imprisonment with bard
labor at the Centre! Prison.
In passing sentence His Honor
stated that the safety of the public
and the morals of the community de-
junded upon how well the county
dge dtsrhereat his duty in dealing
with cases such as the one pretened
against the accused. J. M. Best. of
Beaforth, was counsel for Cooper.
Crown Attorney Seager was the pros-
There was a long list of civil actions
and the last one on the docket was
commenced only yesterday morning.
Below a synopsis of the different
cases is given and the manner of their
Connell et al. t.. Youogson-An ac -
lion for the price ut a quantity of
lumber; With/mason vs. Currie -An
action on the covenants in a lease;
lianrlink vs. Canadian Pacafic Railway
l'0. -An action for improper trans-
portation of goods. Three three cases
were non -jury issues aid all were
postponed to • day to be fixed.
Brown vs. Dain alta. Co.. Ltd. -An
action for misrepresentation of a hay
power preee. Judgment entered by
consent. W. PtOodfoot, K. C. and
R. 8. Hays (8esforth) for plaintiff ; L
B. Spence for defendant.
Fli.her vs. Archibald -An action fair
the price of a hot -ht. Judgment by
consent W. Proudloot for plaintiff ;
Chas. Darrow for defendant.
Murney vs. Swans -An action for
the price of butcher meats supplied
the British Exchange hotel, lioderich.
Judgment for plaintiff tor $516.18
with costs of action sod costa of ex-
amination. W. Proudfoot fur plain-
tiff ; M. O. Johnston for defendant.
Yank of Commerce vs. Mo rur*y et
al. -An action on a promissory note.
This wee postponed, owiDg Lo the ab-
sence of a material witness for the
Mero n. Howe -Au action for as-
sault. and personal in;tariea. Judg.
Went by consent for plaintiff for $oO,
each party paying bis iw-o costs. W.
Proudloot tor plaintiff ; (has. (Jarrow
for defendant.
Tbe Exeter Canning & Preserving
Co. vs. Bissett -This was an action
entered by the above-mentioned com-
pany against Wesley J. Bissett. of Be-
eteti'he plaintiff company entered
a claim fur trAU because, it was
alleged, the defendant wrongfully re-
woved a uuantity of pea straw from
off the company's farw lands. and in
so doing deprived the laud of as fertil-
ization. trampled the soil anti de-
stroyed the lences. The defendant
claiwru that the pea straw -was at
the time referred to in an advaucea
stage of dec3mpuaition auu eeper•ialty
atter a rain the fermentation caused a
very offensive odor to arise therefrom
*bah toostituted is serious nuisance
to the people wbo lived its that local-
ity." 1t was further alleged that the
straw was allowed to remain there in
this putrid condition to the great an.
nuyauce, discomfort and injury of the
nearby residents, and to the danger of
the public beak's. The defendant
contended that, in removing the
straw, he acted under the instructionns
of the Board of Health of Exeter and goes. but it doesn'tgo tar enough. "\Ve are goingtot next
in performing such duty be "acted g lease more orchards in Huron counar t
reasonably and without any unnedxs- Ade. descriptive rf the excellence of y
Operations of the National Land, Fruit
and Packing Company --Over One
Hundred Orchards Leased in Tnis
County -Up -to date Methods Intro-
Among the agencies which are con-
tributing to the development of at,
chard culture in Huron eount an
important one is the Natioa.l Land,
Fruit and Packing Company, Limited.
Tbi. Company, which bait Its head
office at Toronto. le operating in dif-
ferent Qhs of the Province. It leases
orcna,d. frons' !.meas who, for cos
reraoe or snorer, are not Working
the best poesYo the of them or wbo
desire to be reieved of the work of
airbag for Lamm Having aerurad •
ttramber of onassda in one district.
thrConsps.y pots them is chance et
a diem seperi.te-dent. under whom
rh1 mark at prn.ing, cultiestl�,
.gesyhi , ere., b earned aft
W t 4 theta proved eaiho/a aryl
sew sksa owner of the trees
.fes a .iws has rent ler the ens
ah.sd h.e hoe tin advantage• of art o8.
jest Imes 1e ambers euie.oW, sell at
Mr and ed tilts bow term. whop the
andand a tseii tack CO hie, it wilf
be is greatly ispreved co.ditNs.
LaTa H.ww emery. the Tlatinesal�
o& Fmk Mall Pfella. Company"
hoe sorsa Mil .revs. is .8 Mtn trees.Itemm
hove tees leased of • eeaso..W Stowe
mad the t?esrtp.sy i. sodrwering to
tweet theme in ssa..'r Ise the
et them C wart at ing has been.
this aprlug with fns large .ewer
0rJuse., A Oda Of shout qty area
bort ._...Led in this county. and
ing they will not h►ve to live r_-- if tasss tr agree crop bunt 1(10 to 100
�[ 10 taro wi11 hr stspioyed leter oe
be surprised at the results. Bat this TIN Conpwys lawn prune and
twelns to he the coeur time and too spray the ciekerr.. They cultivate
much time for cotuideratioa abotiM the,r, sad put 1a rove, crop., They
not be taken. .it is to be hoped, these- tbi* tit. fruit cad t.bt reby put the 0e.
fore, that the council at their next see- chards in 000dition to beerfruitproet-
sion will be able to take the matter up ,ably. Ia rime past mere operations
and deal with it energetically and were largely neglected by the owners,
generotuly. We think that what- who had the idea that the orchard
ever is done should be done under the was not a paying proposition -in some
auspices and direction of the council. cases because of tact of help. in other
Better Railway Fadh1es heeded. ewes because of ignorance of proper
Zurich Herald : The Goderich Board
orchard hI- cult ofds.
of Trade has started a movement to The revolt of a!1 the
rhhurd be that
bring our splendid comityinto the is .few sears the orchard• which
have been in the goilreol of the Com -
limelight, trod a more worthy object party will be in fine rofit-making
could scarcely be undertaken. Our shape, and the owners, if they decide
county has decreased very materially to take them in hand again and man•
in population the past ten years and age them themselves, should be able
any movement to arrest the exodus to keep them in good condition and
should be heartily endorsed. From make money from them right along.
our viewpoiut about the first step Not only this, but other orchard -
necessary is to procure better railway owners who have not leased will have
facilities, as we believe there are very been stimulated to introduce the ap-
sections, other wr.e eo highly
favored by nature, with such in-
adequate lran�portation facilities.
The villages of Oreditoo, Zurich,
Dashwooa and Bayfield and farming
lands surf uunding are completely
cut off Prow the railways and a line
touching these points would leo more
to boost Huron than anything else
proved methods and go into fruit cul-
ture in earnest
Huron's Special Advantages.
This is what one of the general of-
ficers of the National Land, Fruit and
Packing Co. says of Huron county as
a fruit -growing district :
"Huron county is adapted particu-
We would•suggest that another meet- larly to winter varieties, such ae Bald-
ing be called In the near future with a pins, Spies and Rue/tette. h lies to
the Lake, which retards the frost at
the season of the year when the fruit
is ripening, thereby producing a
firmer and a good Ane -grained apple
view to having the advantages of tine
section laid before the transportation
companies. Our business men till
do their part in assisting any move-
ment for ;the betterment of Huron • ib flavor is far better than in tome of
county. I the other count ifs.
Some Things that Might Be Done. "The climatic conditions of Herron
county are very favorable and eapeci-
Hensell Observer : The county , ally adapted for growing good winter
council failed to do anything resr:ect- apples. The soil is particularly good
ing advertising Huron county Iurther also sad the diseases which great! in -
than to increase the grant for prizes feet apple trees in other districts are
to the fruit exhibit from the county in very much eliminated owiog to some
Toronto. Now this is good so far as it unknown conditions.
rely law or dnmage to the plaintiff." our farms lands should be placed in
drawn-out affair leading agricultural and provincial
The trial was a long
and occupied the greater part of two journals at Creat Britain and the
days. there being eight witnesses D1 ted state.. An agent with a car
for the plaintiff and eighteen for
the deteuce. The case was tried be-
fore a jury and on its floating His
Honor directed that judgment be en-
tered for the plaintiffs tor OS with lust a few of the things that might be
costa tet the actiun on the County done.
Court scale, ineluding the costs of the
examination for discovery of the wit -
Maser, with oe perpetual injunction
against the defendant prohibiung and
rt.trainlug the Acta complained of by
the ptatutitfa. Proudfoot, Hays & Eli -
loran tor plaintiff. ; (Badman & titan -
busy (Exeter) for defendant
McLeod vs. Tows of Goderich-
This was an action ()Meted by D..niel
McLeod against the town of tiudettch
to recover damages for alleged injur-
ies received while at work in a sew, r
on the streye1 of Goderich on Decent
ber lath last. Tbe plaintiff calmed
he was injured when • quantity of
earth fell In on biro and as • result he
was tumble to work for over eighty
days during the winter montes. Th.
Lown esderavored to prove that the
plaintiff received no iujury whatever
and had wit/tame to @bow that the
cave-in when the alleged injury was re-
ceived was of Bulk coneequsoce. The
physician in attendance on McLeod
also gave evidence that when he ex-
amined him shortly after the alleged
accident he found nothing to indicate
that the plaintiff wee bort in any
way. It was cooseoded also for the
defence that there was no negl►gence
on the put of the detendant corpora -
ties. proem suis res having been
salmi Ise the pa atralia s et the men
w.ib' 1. the sower. After being
oaf* Me and a Wf hours, tee jury
retaeted wlti. V00diet awarding Mc-
Leod BIM J- --t was entered for
thin asuolsallte Fatduding coats on the
Oosnty Oourt Seale and of examina-
tion of the parties for discovery. W.
Prardfoot for plaintiff ; Chas. Carrow
for defendant.
of ezbibits should be pent to both
countries and lists and descriptions of
farms for sale might be sown broad-
cast, the earners of course bearing
this part of the expense. These are
Sesforth Expositor: The object of
tI . 'theses is. as we haus already ex.
IP tile. miasma, 10 the
the meaty jl�mki�ge e1 the et Herm
$ sad abbe farming district haters the
Ida dread& farmers who are desiress of
VCitie.pital In with e-grprbea
rol M dams by mash' of • peb.
JULY Woman's' Boma CoerastoN.
-An interesting feature of the July
\\-omen's Home Companion is en
article entitled 'The Fatal Penny" by
Mary Heston Vose, in which the
author reports many startling tecta
about the dangers that children
undergo who buy cheep randy, cheep
ice cream and otber impure sweets
old to youngsters for one sent. in
the same number appear the letters
descriptive of vacations which won
prizes to the "Real Vacation" contest
Other interesting contributions to the
July Companion are : "The Spiritual
Message of Nature." a sermon by Dr.
Charles E. Jefferson of Broadway
Tabernacle : "Tbe Friendly Summer
Tree," by Frank A. Waugh, of the
Maseaoht.etts Agriculturist College :
'Tempting Hot-Weatber Dishes." by
Fannie Merritt Fanner; "Summer
Time Books," by Jeannette L. Gilder,
and a number of valuable articles in
the regular household, fashion, home
decoration and other departmenta.
The principal contributors of f ctloe
err : Kathleen Norris. Eleanor H. Poe
ter, Frederick M. Smith, Mary Brecht
Pulver and Mazy Heaton Vons.
Always the Way.
Tommyhad heinvited to diat
• earnem n p.oiswor's house. and his
mother was eszlons for his good
behavior et table. She gave him
elabnrste 1nsir 'action s. "Wei
Tommy. how did yon get os r abs
asked on his rearm "Yes ares
sun Toe didn't dam=
W .--
no, m M jsaeR _ to
(peak of " "Al. Net /bite was
eosasthing wrong, 11.M ten as all
Mona It, Tommy." ' Cb. it wsss't
ttatsels. Yo -1 see nese leTing to est
my meat, whom R 4111 off the
5es to the nom' my dear
whatever did ye* no i Jan
sort of .._heel►. Tb.s'e
ales the way_ OM meat r
and q t es wtp tib 111$113111."
and endeavor to build up the apple in-
dustry and put it on a level with
counties like Norfolk and Northum-
berland, which are known to be two
of the best apple -producing counties in
Ont ario.
The farmer in Huron county is
making a great mistake if he does not
take advantage of the treatment we are
giving to ounuwn orchards, and he will
realize, perhaps when it is too late,
that apple-vrowing is one of the most
profitable things that he can have on
hie farm."
Another source of information for
fruit -growers is the Ontario Agricul-
tural College at Guelph, which fumes
pamphlets on the treatment of or-
chards which any person may receive
by writing to the Colley..
An Extensive Bosraas.
As has already been stated in this
article, the National Land, Fruit end
Packing Company conducts extensive
operations In different parte of the
Province. Last year it had at work
throughout the s raying sermon forty
power spray outfits and applied thous-
ands of gallons of spray material.
During the pruning reason it had over
ib0 men at work. In this way 150,000
formerly neglected apple trees had, in
many eases, their r.t rea.on of
pt�r attention The valise of this
wow in attacking the breeding
ground of insect pests, is inestimable,
and it is but a .tart, me the Company
expects to increase iia acreage very
materially for next year. This will
mean • largely increased apppple produc-
tion 1. Ontario and an eshar►cement
d the repatatinn of this Province as a
1Chut.d.mr of apples of 6tt quality.
ide%peer as three harps e0orare
Saone sad is time able to batt be crop
tee els best owe.8e4.. Repuenteel es
be the pit tJD.ntry and other motet
wiltioad wrest., is
n meth Its orchard
work. tie sopa.y bee built at Nim-
iM aha eo*Wad evaporator,
41it1�sissih Alm mod *r bottlyey 1. Canada,
p•ebM elides to em / ythl.Ruttsut
the squads t and sionbirly the 1 s
LLipnpe�al Oompathy maims new of alt the
fe e0ndoainn LIQ' THR OWNER
Knitted Coats and
Woolen Novelties
THuaaoax. Jowl S 1911 $
Our first showing of the new season's knitted Coats and
Sweaters. These goods promise to be more popular this season
than ever for boating, tennis and for all times. We feature Monarch
knitted goods.
Knitted Coats, Etc.
L 46. -Ladies' knitted Pony Coats, military
collar, colon Davy, grey, raidblal. Place, white.
A very serviceable garment, $SYS.
Lefties' heavy knitted Coats of best quality
Baldish wonted, mannish effect, new style this
season, each $4.50.
L 96 -ladies smart knitted Coats, best wor-
sted yarn, the new roll collar. A very stylish
garment, fame colon as L 48, at $3.00.
L 60. -Ladies' t.ovelty silk and wool knitted
Coals. the newest garment of the season, very
dressy, each [16.00.
L 81. -Ladies' long knitted silk and wool motor
Coat, very handsome. Just the tbing for draggy
wear, each $9.00.
Full tange of infants', children's and misses
knitted goods in all the dbwest styles. Honey
comb wool shawls, just the thing for the cowl
evenings or when sitting on the verandah, in
white, gtey, Slack end cardinal, et each 75c to Kt.
4NcCal1's Patterns
Knitting Yarns
Ws feature Baldwin's falhous Bee Hive Yarns.
There is no better way of occupying your time in
summer than knitting. and what 1•.ly does not
enjoy it Y
Baldwin's dee Hive Yarn. t -ply. in black,
white, pink aid blue, for shawls and scarfs, etc.,
de per reeks.
Baldwins see Hies Yarn. y.ply, black sod
white. e. • skein.
Baidwi.'e Hes Hive Yarn. 4 -ply, bieek, white
cher all
sdr s par theta. black ack end white lee,
Children's Headwear
Spaeth' showing et C1Wrmi • heedwear is all
the newest styles r• essmon. silk and meow bonnets
and hats.
gasser fifes.,
Take Care of the Orchards.
Stratford Beacom
The Statesman staff enjoyed a treat
of nice well-preserved Northern Spy
apples las wweek from Mrs. Alex. Tay-
lor, for which please accept our best
thanks. -Bowma nville Statesman.
The above item ie worth more than
a pawing notice. It is a reminder
that the counties of Durham and
Northumhetland, in the former 0t
which Bowmanville is sittuated, ere
two of the best apple - producing
counties in Ontario. But what has
enabled' them to maintain this repu-
tation in the midst of a general d. -
cline in the production of apples 1:1
Ontario? Simply care of the °reheat!
and co-operation among the farmers
as to securing markets. Perth and
Ruron counties would stand almost as
well in this respect, if the same at-
tention were peal to the cultivation
and care of the orchard.
Both Quick and Permanent Strength.
If you are run down or tired out, if
you take cold easily, have no appetite
are losing flesh or have other evidence
of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's
System Renovator under our guaran-
tee to refund the price paid if the rem-
edy fails to give entire satisfaction.
It aids digestion, tones up the nervous
system and gives both quick and per-
manent results. One doller a bottle.
Manufactured hy. MacLeod Medicine
Co., Goderich, Ont. For sale by E, R.
Wigle, (Jingoist.
Recalls "the Old Way."
The Smith's Falls News says: 'When
pa was young, people who had bad
colds 'soaked their feet in hot water
and took • few draughts of catnip and
got well. Now they have the grip,
take quinine and feel sick all summer.
Then they bed sore throat, wrapped a
piece of bacon in an old wool stocking,
tied it around the neck at night and
went to work the next day. Now
they have tonsilitie, a surgical opera-
tion and two' weeks in a hospital.
Then they had stomtich trouble and
took castor oil and recovered. Now
they have appendicitis, a week in the
hospital, and six feet due east and west
end six feet perpendicular. in those
daysthey woreunderclotbes. Now they
wear lingerie. Then they went to $
restaurant ; now they go to a cafe.
Then they broke a leg ; now they frac-
ture a limb. People went crazy ; now
they have brain storms -or are born
crazy, we don't know which. Politt-
cians then paid good, hard cash for
support ; now they send government
garden seed instead. Tee, times have
changed and we all cbaoge wttb the
tithes. That's progress.
A Hint tor Boat -owners.
The HuatsviUe Forester says : Has
it ever occurred to gasoline launch
owners what consequences would
follow an outbreak of lire in mid -lake?
How many of our smaller er.fI. are
equipped with life-saving apparatus
adequate to meet such an emergency'?
Is it not a fact that, in nine cases out
of ten, there would be nothing but
helpless submission to tate sboul3
such a contingency arise ? All the
gasoline boats should be equipped
with at least one life -preserver tor
every passenger aboard, and one
life -buoy !or use in case of accident
overboard. To wait Nati! the need of
these precautionary measures is im-
pressed by home calamity is perhaps
expected, because of the weakness of
the human family for procrastination,
but it is at variance with the ordinary
eense of reason and good judgment.
Physical and Military Training for
Scheib) Teachers.
A course of instruction in physical
and military training will be held this
year from July 6th to .August 16th at
London. Male school treaters attend-
ing this year will receive $1.50 a day
pay and free transportation to and
from their horses, The Militia De-
partment will provide camp equipment
tree of charge should school teachers
prefer to live under canvas during the
course. it is hoped a large number of
teachers will attend, as • cadet in-
structotcertificate will be a financial
benefit to them. Applications should
be sent direct to the Department of
Education, Toronto, at as early a date
as possible. Instruction's as to train-
ing and benefits will be furnished by
the Department.
it is a great world, and it would he
childish to expect to have everything
in it to suit ourselves.
Heck -"If 1 ever men v 1'11 rule
the roost or know why." Peck --
"You'll kaow why n11 t fight."
First student --"What make, that
red spot on your nose?" Second
etudent-"111asees." First student -
'01... s of what??"
• sm,r.
W 70s balm not yet got
leave your order at once
Waal ek. Th. Up-to-date Tailor
His batting average is
high because he chews
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There's a lingering fresh-
ness . ' -tet O-Pee-Chee
Gum . zt soothes the
nerves and keeps
them cool and steady
even ill the heat
of the :Tame. to
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Five Facts About the Invincible R.C.II.
"TM. OAR warm S'HZ 0000 Dissosn',o."
Built in Canada, by Canadians, for Canadians, with Canadian money.
Not a car of mushroom growth but a car carefully and honestly de-
veloped by MEN WHO KNOW.
The least expensive and best car part by part sold in Canada today.
Power efficiency higher than the rated horse -power.
Unequalled range of speed -five to forty miles an hour on high gear.
We will he pleased to give you a trial run and demonstrate, these points to you any
time you cart esti.
Price (fully equipped) $1050
Foe Sale- A 34 h.p. Quadrant Motor Cycle, ssoond-hand. t)rlb
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