HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-6-20, Page 2j ! T7RO.eDAT, Jugs 911. 1912 THE 13tGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO lewd OODIRICa OXTAIL". PUBLISHED EVERY THVBBDAY BF THC BION TetoptiMWaited CO.CCall Pie. X), w/ted Tera et veh.wessien : .N elle seem la Menem ksMaaset X61 wbssesste �p is a fear �y tsdl is rescue Tea sora,. sssl ve sealers hues Irl — .* et tact at ow early • date as ►wt a sew sidter sr eddies, b. giiva souaW AewN ares : LI.ail ether radar sdvertanweata, ilta. etch wM•ssat tSae ler dna � �Yss�red by lies tor seesssedi mole twelve liar to ea bob. Mutes= cards ot el nes sad ender. M Ps esar. ver�tee.ea sakes Taoiist,t,teiteatlo lineations & le �t�rs te � as* sta. Dol eeseeeddfz t he mak eel anise en at eeriest advertise d to mesh km resserdea. Assemossmor ie seamylrest flue tee Bash per Use. No shoes lege utas fin paemes- �AAny sgr�wael aeon, the object of which b the attn. saeui4lgbesnrlact Meek et dan�idi.rnee vidual misott and Raise the display .ad contract aerie -new emote will be Musa on appDoanoa. Address W oom.nanioanoes t. THE 8IONs.L PRINIINU CO.. Limited tioderich OaL OODRaic'H. THURSDAY. JUNE tet a!r THE PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN. The county council "turned down" the request for a grant for a publicity campaign for Huron. Though there was apparently a good des' of sympathy with the proposal, the majority of the members appeared to test that the matter had not been sufficiently discussed to warrant them in voting a granL Itis unfortunate, in the opinion of The Signal. that this view prevailed, as the control of any money granted could have been retained by the council through n committee. However. the duty ot those who advocaat etwoard mo went foe this conw111 be 10 ‘11.481p the publicity projs.t to the trout 'in every possible way and to impress upon the people of Huron the urgent need of doing something along this line to check the depopulation of the county. The council passed a vote of 52110 for a display of Huron county fruit at the Provincial horticultural show at Toronto next fall. This is a step in the tight direction. It was decided also to request the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture to appoint a district representative for this county. THE MARRIAGE LAW. Judgment has been handed down by the Supreme Court efCanada upon the reference to it by the Dominion Government of questions concerning the marriage laws in Canada. These questions arose in consequence of the promulgatiou of the "ne temere" de- cree and the Hebert marriage case in the Province of Quebec Mr. Lancas- ter. a member of the Dominion Parlia- ment, introduced in the House of Gomtuoos a bill designed to provide a uniform marriage law for Canada and declaring that no matriage performed in Canada sbould be rendered invalid or affected in any way by an cburcb decree. Doubt was ezpresied as to the power of the Federal Parliament to enact such a law, ea legiela- Goo respecting the solemnisation of marriage is within the juriadic• tion of 'the Provincial Legielaturee, and it was decided to refer the wbole matter to the Supreme Court for • determination of the legal and constitutional aspects of the ques- tions in dispute. The Supreme Court now declares that the Federal Parliament has no tionstitotiorial power to pass the Lan- caster hill. A majority- of the five judges say that the law of tbe Prov. ince of Quebec does not render null and void a marriage between ()litho lib not solemnised before a Roman Catholic priest; while M regard to .'mixed marriage." (that is. marriages between persons one of whom le • Protestant and the other a Catholic/ the unanimous finding is that such marriages are legal whether performed by a Catholic or by a Protestant clergy moo. The result is that, while the Lan- caster bill is impoasltle. the reasons for presenting such a bill to Parlia- ment bay.o lamely disappeared. Under the law of Quebec, according to the finding n1 the Court, Catholic priests bare no greater powers than Protestant clergymen la the solemnis- ation of marriage. The matter will be carried to the Privy °ouneil. so that it may he easily determined and all do.ba M to the state of the law est at rest EDITORIAL MOTSA. The Greet Bepddtsss Two -ring Cir- cus le rbowI.g at Mirage tbis weak. "We Isar sae foe" le oed•rieb these Rays. with twe age these t eemsed e.ldiere viable ear. Timm w se bld'L '— ucbnols h &L11i (owed& g be IllrJ• nes Wb{t.1 an71, and they are to be better r. gun Wed in future (according to the an- nouncement of the Minister of Educa- tion just publ ebed.1 Tbe boon of rural mall delivery has not vet best reloaded to the farmers of We part of the county. N -by the delay? If the Borden Government really desires to do dumetbirur foe the Em- pire, wby not make • further increase in the [reference granted to British goods by tbe Iau,ier Government? Somebody is speeding a 'riot of mosey to secure Rooswrlt'e nomina- tion, and yet a lot of people in the United States seem to consider the Rough Rider a disinterested patriot. The duties have been removed from a number of articles imported into. this country for use in manufacturing The manufacturers understand the benefit of free trede in the things they hjs•. The reduction of the duty on cement will allow the importation of large quantities of United States cement. And we were told a few months ago it would be dangerous to increase our trade with the States. le Canada becoming too puritani- cal? was a question discussed at a synod mating in Toronto the other day. Well. up In this corner of the vineyard, anyway, he indications that way are not alarming. Canada has two new knights—Sir Rodmond Palen Roblin. Premier of Manitoba, and Sir Richard McBride. Premier of British Columbia. This is a big country, and a "Sir" here and there is not much of • nuisance. It is great fun to see (Conservative protectionist papers arguing for tariff reduction in the case of the duty on cement, while they would be se -andel - by the application of their ergo- ts to the tariff in general. "The forestry department finds that more end more is Canada's pulpwood being manufactured at home instead of being shipped as raw material to some other country." Aod thiswith- out the adoption of the foolish proposal of an export duty on pulpwood. Church gatherings have been dis- cussing the propose/ to banish the bar in Ontario. Not one of them peened a resolution endorsing Hon. Mr. Han- na's remark that the Rowell policy is a "joke." But the sense of humor is rot much in evidence et clerical gath- erings. The roads of Huron county are better than some ; but at the same time an appropriation from the county council, auppiemeated by the county's share of the Provincial gond roads grant. could be profitably spent ie making permanent improvements in the highways. The Ottawa Government has added a coneidersble number of articles to the list of goods that may be imported into Canada free of duty. These .erticles are raw materials (Or !manu- facturers. Where doe. the ettttatmer come In? Isn't it worth while to "mi- nder his interests, too ? The late Liberal Government was to receive tariff concessions from the United Stales in return for the reduc- tion of ('anadian duties. The Borden Governmett is securing nothing in return for the larger market it is con- ceding to United States cement manu- facturers. However, the reduction of duty is • good thing in itaeif. A bumper crop of wheat is expected in the West this year. This means more orders for the feetories of East- ern Canada, and at the same time it means anotber rush of people to the West from the Eastern Provinces, So, while Western prosperity makes busi- ness for Eastern manufacturers, it in- creases the dioiculty of securing labor to tarry on that business. How the game is going to end is a nice little puzzle for somebody to figure out. The Dspartmeet of Education has issued a statement indicating the Dew regulations concerning b I I i n g u• I acbootn Instruction in French 1. limi- ted to one hone per day in each class• room, and d&Solt. provision is made for the teaebing of English. More careful inspection of B.glisb-Frseea .abode will be mad., and four model schools will be established for the training of to eh.cs for ease achewta Joie may. ptiesir I of the Clinton mold .,beet- is to be i i odpal of one Of Ube sew medal ebb. o.. Tb. Meekatebewaa fAgir•• is di.sNved and a .ea Rosas will he sleeted July 11. TLe Hen. "Beer Rorer* is wises '.g etre C.sswove- tire keens le the beset o1 e SeekSeekeo.et....t. So far tee b. I.t.A...aaes of the Setae{ Ceasesne dew In Nnviesdal siMe has set been atteaded with ease to and k 1a to let hoped that Ise SINalkeane Reims will get • good soubbiag from t people of Saskatchewan. Some Ooneaseetive papers, includ- ing The Leedom Fres Press, which bad no ups tae Mr. Rowel1's "abolish the bar" proposals, now bugger' that it will be quite II! order for Sir Jams Whitney to adopt the policy ot bar abolition if public opinion should dhow itself in favor of that policy. The devotion to principle which these organs exhibit is touching. The appointment of • district re presentative of the Departmeot of Agriculture would be a great help to the farmers of this county. Indeed, •o Wee a county as this sbould have two representatives. The county council having decided to petition the Government In the matter, no time should be lost in placing tbe request before the proper authorities. Ask Me No More. Ask me oo room whither do .tray The "olden atoms or the day For In pure love heaven doth i.repare Mope powders to enrich lour hair. Ai•k me no ilium whither doth haste -'rhe nightingale when May I. pays. For in four sweet dividing throat She winters tad ke ,. ware her note. Ask iso so sera where Jove bestows, Whim JON la past. 1 hr fading roes. Far in lost beauty' orient dace Thu uninee es In their r mime .le5D. 7'.sear Carew. 23014 OUR CONTE A'JRARIES. Missed Something. Detroit Free Press. The man who hes never stumbled doesn't know the real loy of gettiog to the top. It Sums So. HalUmore American. Apropos of recent illumintti casts, everyone knows the wages sin. and vet many are as anxious ever to earn them. Where Does the Money Corse From Hamilton Timer. R6osevelt's victory in Essex county, New Jersey. cost his party $12.816. Alle Taft's crowd spent $4..734. Electiotli cost menisci in the skates. .t An Inference. Hamilton Herald. When one reads of the stipends up- on whkh some clergymen are con- demned to live. one is tempted to suspect that tbe congregations which pay the stipends must be under the delusion that these clergymen have taken the vow of poverty. After Many Years. Cot sigwood BatleUn. Cheer up, doctor;. lest week a Warton physician received 525 from a man to the West for services rendered about twenty years ego. Like scuree of other deists, it was in an old ledger long laid away, and not considered worth five cents. Vice Is Old. Kin".tau Standard - Bishop Clark blames pool -rooms, roller skating rinks and dime theatres for the prevalence of vice among the young. It must he remembered, how- ever, that vice in its most hideous forma existed long before there were pool -rooms, roller skating rinks and dime theatres. Pompeii had no pool- room. or skating rinks. Cause for Anxiety. Guelph Mercury. The ruanner in which the Methodist conteretces and the meetings of the denominations throughout the Prov- ince are endorsing t h e Rowell temperance policy must be somewhat disquieting to the Conservatives who had hoped that the sop of abolishing treating would head off the progres- sive Liberal policy on temperance matters. Ought to Eat More Fish. Nia"ara Fall. Gazette _ 1f people eat fish. not only on Fridays, but three or four times e week, the cost of living would come down. Fish dealers say so, and, while they are interested counseUore, they are right. Hundreds of barrels of deb are shipped from Nese York markets to fertilizer factories every week, because the people will not buy them except on Fridays. One fish day a week makes a big detnaari on that day and starves the market on other days. ye of ab A Creel Hoax. Gash* adeeesry someHere are ns that wW strike joy et to 'beheo art of the average householder: Potatoes. per bag....• ,. .75— .80 Butter, per lb .12— .14 aims. per los .11— .12 Tnrkeye, seek. 00—I1.d11 Gee.e,sas h..... .6D-- .75 Chickens, per pair. Wood, per meted. loos. 1111100--44.00 Hay, per too Coes- $7.00 We might stet* in peseta. that, they were taken from • paper of tensity Tan ago. Wealth Net Well DistribsMd. Hamltm Times. The wealth of the woad M scot very evenly divided. The privately owned wealth of the I'milal States. for la - stases, is rallied at Moses bailee dol - Mrs. Of themm, two tem -Iles have half a billion seeba fuse have two bemired millioe eight me at sue bandied IS at @Hyretied mWM.. 96 at tweety•Eve slabs., EN at twelve Tib at els manikins, 1.5011 et tato. teas 4,620 at er Bights and a bait M to my. ?.1/1 tar. lie, competes. le timer pproesr seat. tithe **Hoe'• sew ammYfee .w. Si per met.. Ili tt femiliss 7p vip owe t97per seat. le the int K Ia.�M ss.sh amM dwIn th. tbsr..t. It M dRum such w diee these mete miaNand ete .y.dtm.linee 1 PM ere !a lash w smilied rsells �rt .t .tae rete. THE COMING itEDISTRIBU TION, Speca4ties Regattliag tis Changes a Bs Made is (Marie. The Ottawa correspondent of Tb. Hatstiltoo Spectator la newspaper sow - porting the Government) wits as 101- sve,: tdbstere of parliamentary • meek of the new memo will take place next sendots, and io political eirelee it is the o•uae of considerable speculation. Particularly is this the case with regard to ()a- taxia, where with au electoral unit of 30,856 the Provisos stands to lose four members It will have tel is place of tib, On for basis of popula- tion, New Ontario will 1e entitled to three more 'member., while the city of Toronto will •leo bare three ad- ditional riding.. The olds'-. ttled portions of the Province will have to give up a part of their repremetation to provide tor what the more populous centra are entitled to. 1n that conueclJon it h probable that one of the Yorks will go : that Kat and Welt Elgin will be united. Brant will be added to Brant ford, East and West Northumberland will be joined, one seat will be taken from the Middleeexes, one from the Hurons, Leeds added 1 , Brockville, one taken oat of the Greys; the two Lanarka will be united, and possibly Prescott and Russell. In the latter riding the townships of Gloucester and O.goode, which for judicial and municipal purposes are in Carleton, may be attached to that constituency, and Pre.cot t and Russell, united for municipal purposes at present. may have hut one member, -.buffet-in has • population of less than 18,000, Dundas of less than 19- (110, Grenville of less than 18,11')0, and in the re -arrangement of constituen- cies these ridings may be taken into conaider•tion and possibly attached to other ridings tithe above-mentioned proposals are not satisfactory to the majority of the House." Tax Reform. t%-ood.tock Sent.oei-tie'. leo. • According to the Toronto papers public sentiment is rapidly developing there in favor of tax reform. The as- sessment department and the court of revision have both endorsed the gen- eral principle, and there is a propos► that a referendum be taken at the next municipal election. The idea presumably is that if the people sbould strongly endorse the pron reform the Legislature 'night ben- dured to grant spent! legtslation for the acoommodation of Toronto. The 'Toronto Star, discussing the matter editorially, rays : "Toronto is waking up to the seriousness of a sit- uation which penalizes the man who builds a bouse, and rewards the man who speculates in vacant lots ; which discourages the fresh coat of paint, and the new roof, and the added ver- andah. ft is bad enough when these things are assessed on a par with the land, a1 the law provides. But in Tor- onto they are assessed on a scale twice as high as that which is applied to the lot on which the only improvements are burdocks and thistles, 'lbs Star adds that in Toronto houses are as- sessed to nearly their full value, and in acme cases to more than their value, while vacant lots pay taxes oo only half their selling price. It requires no great gift of insight to nee the unfairness of such a system. And the injustice is not restricted to Toronto. It is common throughout the whole Province. A good many people. who would not care, for the present. at least, to go the whole length of a single tax on land values, would strongly support a change which would permit of discrimination in favor of improvements as against land valises created by the commnnity, the discrimination to Se ezereised at the discretion of the people of the community who might veryyell be trusted to use their own ju meat in Bush a matter. The chief o ject.ions urged against the proposal are that. it savors of Henry Georgiem, anti that it would make for the adoption of a "checker board" system. 'The objec- tions are io trivial that it is not likely they will be allowed to block for long • desirable and needed imps -impotent. Two Warning Voices. Tomato Star. 11 is noteworthy tb.t the Hon. S. 11. Blake, • leader in tbe Anglican church, and Rev. Dr. Cbown, a lead- ing Metbodist, should have almost simultaneously voiced their refieetlone on the tendencies of tbe age : the one with deep regret ; Abe other with doubt lad ssfailving. Aithougb they do not ossify anycountry, it may he assumed tbat tey are speaking of Canada, rather thea of the world at large. Ars the Leedom:is, to which they re- fer i.sidr to a period of rapid ex. Wimp?plodes Datil lessMoe two decaprosperity de ago Gage a was rupiied as some- wAat 'MeV." It had the fauna and the medN of that vssMtlss. Some at la people looked ..'Ltlb*, at the rumba � �.1Aseurlsea d and age the dots of rapid devel- opeost of eatersous sestorlei re - Others woes heelleml to cot. M Owed• epee to oempars- w �td.t..es. end a serials religioem and seliLetive mast ie 'sew people. We tbotsghta I. that we were Ise eager la the /arena of the donee thee nor Ws acs afraid it newt be that all e's lashed wM op- pa/talky. Os.da is sow in the eines stage of as was wkn..wd In the Us Masse three or tour decade, ago, wbs• and l8. r•4- Sta ss. oro Is were reettitte lap os Waiters Nene prosperity, the awith ir is tilt et loseh sa entmom erprise t amid Ludes k Aanwaye dist With hope and annexe. torsame r. we have tae•ei put thabora teedmisp we over observed l e" nee They. eta the ether bead, tend hewer score sober and more will. msMiesl. Their hied le sees to he no Meier rete el h till a ioaititlitiea The plash of le dells Peed be - mow MOM lid . The shadow of the old world foils epos the ' sew• the —- la the Tomesto Obey years folk of hero.roe.btl. pare weeroat esbelers limother et tl bee posh. eWy b.. rld se litsi sem aud piths. 01hiedlesteel vigor, bet these r been a eireels 4 - its iz�� W• ACI-iESON & SON • Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts In latest New York styles, in navys and blacks MADE FROM THESE FAMOUS MERGES WHITE DUCK SKIRTS, beautifully made from English shrunken ducks and Indian Head suiting*, special, each 52.S6. NEW YORK SHIRT WAISTS. We are showing. only this week received, newst les in waists of exquisite materials, Von...lawns, nets, piques and mercerized linens et 51.25, SL50, 7 12.00, 7$6.00, SILK GLOVES. Kayser'" make, all lengths, in black, white, pink and sky, at 75c, $1.00 and 111.25. LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS. The largest showing of Lacs Curtains we ever made. Nearly 800 pain bought by us from • large manufacturer, at an immense concession from regular price, Finest Nottingham and Swiss Curtains Si yards long. In dainty designs. H.egulsr 53 w and 54.00 values at, per pair, 11.75. Nottingham Curtains, 13.00 to 53.75 value at. Per pair, 51.50. Curtaic Net*, 36c and 40c qualities at. per lard, 20,: and 25c. SALE OF FLOOR RUGS. Seamless tapestry ruga in every size 'l j x :i yards up to >~i t 41 yards. fftngf $400to515.00- Velvet Rug.140.00. W• ACHESON c& "SON II INEIPEOTION INVITED cline of thooghtfuloess and of patience. The desire for speed fos- tered by the electric car and the auto- mobile has infected our intellectual Cr;ea There is an impatience of 01 ng age involved trains of tbought. People like to set impreesiotu quickly from their reeding. All thea tenden- cies used to he tailed American. It wenn rather that they are incidental to is certain stage of development It used to be mid that Americans were quick and superficial, while Canadians were solid and thoughtful. Such a distioction ran no longe, be said to exist. The utterances of Mr. Blake and Mr. Chown need nit cause us to despond. but it will do no harm if they bring Toronto and Canada into a mood of tboughtfulnese and self-criticism. A nation's greateess is meaaored. nit its trade and is railways, but by its thought and its civilization and its pens. of its duty to advance the civili- zation of the world. Of Course Not "Do ycu think any girl ever pro- fit leap year, as they say. Jennie?" be asked. "Not unless she is obliged to," answered the maiden. "Iran! I hadn't thought of that," he said. atter • pause. "But, George," ebe said, laying her hand affectionately Have You Tried Coafederstioa Peacemaker or Mie -Mae Cigars Taree in the family and all good TRY LOCAL DEALERS CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. t.>os ARUO1er e ire m yledstee ask /Fe have s keep Ms` •t .ow eFairaei �r Rs" : d• set ulnae .al (•sb�wt�•� kave thartbsed • Yw awe it 15 rear - sal es what we are dd.R. Get our tree *statures at sera A A. MOLACHLAN, Principal. COAL Havingporchased the bod- tman formed modulated by F. Barlow Holmes. we pur. pose dealing in Cool, Woods Limo, Comsat rim Bela, Coe. We will heath Swanton ad Lehigh Valley (kat. two Mess ised se the hese. W wish give the people of Oederioh and vleWty the best e.rvise eltik .4 shall he to hese hese all of Mr. eisesime and soy others �whit anything le our Jas. stmt. preaspN` orders wit ��it`IeiY�l 'P8... No. TO Tawas ae 0. T. R., noises Atreus 1 • • MONY$=AL to atwrerot- • A New Standard in Ocean Travel What contributes moat to the comfort and pleasure of an ocean voyage? Isn't it plenty of accommodation, large, light, bright. airy quarters, attentive and obliging service—aren't these the were Aga you want and appreciate most fa your overseas trip? Then you can make no mistake in choosing either the I.Q.S. loyal Fayard 1./.S. loyal George Of splendid construction, staunch and seaworthy. they are com- pletely equipped and modernly appointed in every way. Berths are really beds, and the ample promenade and large room .pros for all class.s give to the traver the delightful sense of unrestricted free- dom of home. Marconi wireless, deep sea telephones, Thermo tank ventilating system, the newest type of turbloe engines, insuring utmost eupetioe erase of socomwith tmodetionon. on 'll theme these femora indicate boata. Weiss for bookl.t. Say whether you intend to travel first, Dimond or third. Address 11. C. BovgL'Ett. General Agent, Canadian Northern Steamships Limited. Toronto. STUDY AT HOME Start a snares In Bookkerpintt or .rthad and one tsar spare time rein this Gal oe winter tad the. Snit* !< at aattr.e if you web, Nae, ars 11BSsLs olds plea, ma vie" exams* and 111118'teaty lar a geed Mlles poetise write es ler particulars. The Shaw Ca INSIN Stare easel and The Cal. Tm.• Wanainme. Read tern 0enard ilia. Toronto, se. 8 SHAW Prerdent. upon his arm, and looking into his eyes, "you, I am sure, will never force me to that humiliation r "No—er— tbat is to say—of course not. 1--' The ice was broken, and three min- utes later George war Jennie's ac- cepted. s CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES �c.AltA�ot►i,lvss�2ool�� lata IIieaM�h� - Jos w Jew at July it July 11 Ates 1 Am. LS Ave. Tease and aft teamsters hem any steam Sdp asset or J. KM. A11..1, C P. it, 9sewiea, Oct, BLUE :: BLACK Worsted Suits $15.1.0 If it's a blue or black suit you want, don't fail to see this line at $t3.00. I brag about this suit because i know it to be good. Having handled it for some years with splendid success and knowing of its good quality, i recommend it to you. it's a fairly heavy weight worsted, indigo dye, good twill lining, good canvas and haircloth and tailored in good style. Call and see this splendid suit. Sizes 33 to 43, price Sis.00. Made to special measure for Si.00 extra. WALTER C. PRIDHAM Mkt Isom for il,'dr Citi. ?ba*.c(y Orreads. JAM Ortdsre fletky