HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-30, Page 7TAE BIG
•vva.DAY, MAY .30, lit! '1
� 44 .10 4+** • ** ' . i- • ` • 's, i 6, 4 I
• • t THE Wor mar's Imes rtrS -The
Women's Institute met at the borne of
4 Mrs. J. B. Rutherford on Thursday,
23ed inst. Now officers were elected
VI' for the coruit t year as follows : Prssi-
rh News of the Distric
4.44,, ,.4.x.44, 4 4444444444.4***44..s.4.44
MONDAY. May 27th.
_mr��{ TOV/WIM P.
Pte"-MuJDAY. Mayldtb.
Aer line J. Coon. 1hedeath
, rani Mr
▪ orawM F`dain iel3:v71.
rime WI At the ails d
is's m hernyu with the
aroshe meets
h7oprhiper, where she �esde
w Weasel' wwas a gone maeriye
Its beets is
ft Wm. and
re is surr.t•ed by m �a he
� Moto° a dderi Vera, K •
aid s brother -Kra (A)sUp��Os�
t *ss'easie�TbeG(n�ae1 10Si Oro
Woo rr"'deoce is COMM Oa
r�no„n of Met wok. Rev.
Iced conducting a ogad to Olathe
mad the pallbearers were O.
* a,,J. Balatead, Jas. Harrison.
L book, H. Glazier sad Chas.
Among tbe relatives and
Jibes a dtetaoot in attendance
• hmeral were : Mr. and Mr's.
.sok, of Stratford; Mr. and
lial.tead, and Yr. mod Mrs
all of Godsslsi to
WD -
;Mr. sad Mrs. Harry etpe0s, of
Weed and
ills, and
▪ 0. BuchanaoHaalll Oode
Mu4DAY. May 27th.
inmate Cot'sm.-Council met
part of revision and afterwards
amain business. The members
giant the necessary oath of office
sig roust. The k sed and his or
u was t The appeal of
tt h
prat beamed wee sustained, a now
agswerby wfusurtained,
amassed for one dog and one
S of Lewis Aidwortb
k The appeal
mere added to the roll : Thos.
sE, Fred Looh. Lawrence Be1L
mimic then read as revised and
d, Township business. -Bylaw
*sing the allowance for eacb
im�misriooer and fixing the re-
iteration for overseeing ossneet
ti, war passed. The Reeve and
treiii,r Lobb were appointed I.
Biagi in from the council flan wale o0
se1sety council regarding the de-
elisa of the Colborne bodge by
falling freshet The following
oohs Tbonep-
pts were passed
i, salary as aeses.or. WC; John
mimes, postage and stationery,
;Jelin Fraser. gravel, 11.75. Conn -
to meet the Seat Monday
Jsly at 1 n clock p. m. N.
s•arrHr. beet.
New Muskoka Train
se beeves Toronto 1u15 a. e. daily.
rqt Sunday, vie Grand Trunk
lacy System. This train arrives
Malta Wharf 1.40 u. m., making
ars eaonertion with steamer fon all
its on Muskoka Lakes. A brand-
ertrain, cousi.tio of beggaa�e oar.
S hale teethes and pirlor-bitE.tmr.
Waled and pasaeagesa Ir. seemed
(a comfortable ride Moog the most
tweetles route to Marsilius Wharf.
MA is the original gatewayto the
Mooed Muskoka Lakes train
Ise et��kht to the aide of the steamer
t %ekeke Wharf, making it very
aiisaient for Return
isesetion ism with train leaving
Iseeka Wharf 11.1b a. m. daily, ex-
* I Monday, arriving Toronto 3 10
1 a Tourist tickets at reduced
Messrs now on sale to Muskoka re-
sets, good for stopover Sit any point
o f gond to return until November
Rb, 1912.
dent, Mrs. m ; vine-prsaNeot,
Yrs. A. Anderson • mastery-treas.
BT. AUGUSTINE. KIN(1f3t1RIOGE. user, Mrs. R. K. Miller; meditate,
Mn. D. Todd and Mrs. W. L Miller
directors, Mrs. Hstherisgtoo, Miss M.
AAe NOTES. -Mies Marie Sullivan M
�Ihtth at her home nese.
�[ l k httY to Bt. HeleDe public ball on
Lydia F. l
a last week Mr. and j b has been a p. m. Mise
YeGoatee Robertson. of Para- fl i Margaret A Allan. of Jrvis Ont.,
ts.asnt. spent the 24th at WmSeo Me- will be the speriker. The public are -___.---
s it the 2 Jai his a, o[ to renew oldacy
ltbrdwkh. spent the 34th et his borne t tJ spent D cordially invited. Out. -"1 menet spool las
hamIiLe A 1° • Phillips left
MONDAY, May 271b.
No -res. -Mies Marie 8ullivao pent
the 34th at her borne here Miss
Hese, teacher of Carlow, visited her
friend Mies Marie Sullivan. est week.
John O'Loughlin, who
away for twenty-five years n
the Western States, has returned
uaiuteoces bore
veryb e me was y
s was a
ant change Patrick Austin is in
very poor health at pr•esent... . A
Rood many building operations ars
brewing. Ton bad it isn't the railway
they are pua:ioa .The death is ro-
ported of John Doyle, brother of the
late P. Doyle, who passed away on
Saturday, aged sixty-eight years.
The sympathy of the community i. ex -
'ended to the bereaved family.
Rsills e. Mime M Muml Miss l�-
9�eti.rtord.•d Mrs a Wood..... Peeled FroatThat Weak
Rev. James Wilson. The
visited his father on the
Wa e•sesrr meeting of the tit t Helens
E mar Tired Feell-
bes l& d the Women • institute will
be 4h Rh Monday, Jou* A t
`gin's Cestp '
let this week L Flynn is on the sick the 7o B people his burg at the News Narita. -Herman ► pe.d !� sssadse. When my sp-
Rutherford, Port and a dance at i ht pleas tble west for dodericb, Hd.. pose
d St. Helens, visited friends in this
vicinity this week --Quite a num-
ber of young people from this vicinity
•tMsded the social held in Donny-
brook church on the evening of the
lith. All report having had • good
brise.. ....Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wil-
son. of Auburn, visited friends around
here last week ...There was a good
attp.danoe at rifle practice on Satur-
day and some good shooting waa
done, considering it was the first time
that some of the guns had been used.
Uriah Thompson is wearing a
broad smile these days. Another
little boy came to stay at his home
last Friday. Congratulwtions, Ur tab !
MONDAY. May 27th.
v. J. L
a call to
urch, ac-
eeting of
ton, last
rom here
bend the
t against
bile there
er. Atter
✓ reasons
all stated
icb, it is
at dimp-
le, as be
or but as a
ill leave a
o mi. He
non next
To at Once
To show
he is held
osing their
their con-
e Preehy-
ng Sunday
boro', who
pulpit ea-
spected we
log for the
ge, there
se, a fine
and gond
o debt, so
in getting
man. but it will be some time
Small, B. A., wbo received
the Hespeler Presbyterian ch
conned the same at a m
MAFEKINt3 Huron Presnytery in Clin
MONDAY, May '27th. Friday. Twelve delegates t
PERSONAL AND GENERAL. -Miss who had been appointed to a
Esther Hasty, of Dungannon, smut meeting were there to protea
the removal of Mr. Small, w
were seven from Hempel
they had spoken giving thei
for and against, Rev. Mr. Sm
he would accept the call, wh
needless to say, was a gre
pointment to the Blyth poop
was loved. not only as a past
man and his going away w
vacancy that will be bard t
Preaches his farewell sen
Sunday evening and will lea
for his new Held of labor.
the high respect in which
by all. the Methodists are cl
church that evening iso that
gregation also taut attend th
terian church. The followi
Rev. W. Pearcy, of bowies
bas been appointed iuteriur
will preach and declare the
cant. after which it is e
shall have a number preach
call. This is a good
being a beautiful new man
church. newly decorated,
grounds, with practically n
there.ehould be no trouble
. good
Mrs. S
as she
the boa
where he to -
tends t0 engage in drayin�[
and Nina Woods. Jean and Margaret
Webb, Annie Rutherford. Christina
Miller and Hugh MuCrostie were'
home from W ingham high school for
the weekend May Cameros.
Durnin Phillips and Sara Smith. of
Oodericb Collegiate,vpent the Victoria
Day holiday at their homes here.......
Mr. and Mrs. Arnsbury and children,
oof o, Sundayg' visited LairddMr~ed Miller's M..
Mime Rutherford, of Southampton,
and Miss Sterling, of Port Elgin,
motored down to Miss ltutherford's
borne here Saturday Miss Edith
Homutb, of Wingbam, accompasted
Miss E. Rutherford on a week-eqd
visit home Saturday The varied
attractions of ice cream socials and
teameetinge at I)oonybrook and Nile
attracted many from home on Friday
evening .. Mr. and tbe Miasma
Mason. of Marnoch, spent Sunday at
Jae. Purdon's Mrs. Jack W-
and baby eon. of Ripley, are mends, perhaps millions of women in nye
visiting Mrs. Hetherington Mian United States who have been benefited
Rorie ortheringida, of Ottawa. was by this famous old remedy, which was
home for the holiday al tT James
Mitchell and son Jimmie, of Tor/init., produced from woLmm � � over
moot, w►
are with Mrs. Mitchell's fattier. John ,yawn she by arezickmndnsed
Webster, for an extended visit man's suffering. 1f you
Miss Edna Taylor was it her horlie at! such s medians, why don't yaw try it?
Constance for Victoria Day .... Mr.
Thom received the rad intelligence 11 yen want special ads wris. te
Westf thedeath o' hie son Lydia IL !inkhorn Medici
V D y at Westfield visit,- he Nwd mid and aYwo by
Stoday with her slater, Mrs..�obn
Blake .... Miss E. Mackinnon and
Mies Jessie Stotbers spent the week-
ecd at the former's home in Tiverton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gauti.!o of
Lucknow, were Victoria Day
here Mr. ani Me.. Joe. Anderson,
of St Helens, visited at Jas. Web-
ster's yesterday ('has. and Mies
Larva Lockhart. of Auburn, visited
at the home of Wm. Henry yesterday.
Geo. land Miss Mae Saunders
visited Dungannon friends yesterday.
Mist Mary Phillips is spending a
few days with her eieter, Mrs. Fer-
guson, of Lanes Miss Mae Jones,
of Dungannon, was a visitor here yes-
terdey . Quite a number from here
took In the tea -meeting at Nile. All
an enjoyable time Sam.
Sherwood has been busy pressing hay
in this neighborhood the poet week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips and
Mina lulu called on friends here yes-
WEDNESDAY, May 20rb.
M� Small, of d le visiting
Mrs. Gravel., of Seaforth, visited her
Mater. Mrs. Hirkinf ttom,
of the concession of Bast Wawanosh. on the
John Toronto, visited his par'en. of the entsnbeg reon
the Melt. returning to his home on
Rev. J. R. Mann preached his f e-
weU sermon to a large
last Sabbath. He is Ravine this weet
for his new charge at Port Elgin.
The hos rociel a1 the home of Mrs.
Morridre, of the haat line. Hallett,
let Friday evening was quite a RUC-
osas, Y regards program,' ,attendance
and financial proceed,.
'BUDGE Uesers.-The hridge across
ppseeeent. Maitland teabutment1at
part fallen and is leaning over
badly. It appears that if sotnething is
not done ebortly a total collapse of
the entire hridge will be the result.
MONDAY, Key 27th.
Jorph Carter and Wm. McOool are
Lots addition, built to their barns.
N t. borbett is engaged se the focal la -
times this week.
Mies Margaret Cowan. teacher of A.
d Jia 9, is ill at her home at Blyth.
A amoust of her illness the school 1.
dosed for a abort time.
Miss Mary Bruwn, who was'under-
goiag treatment at 94. Joseph'. bore
Ntal London, has returned home
sect improved in health
to V and
that week, lea -
always tired
, 1 get a bot.
el Lydia L Ptak -
's Vegetable
pound, sad it
me up, gives
strength, and re
me to perfe
th again. It sit
truly a blessing te
and 'cannot
speak enough of it. 1 take pleas-
ure is recommending it to others." -
Mrs. Mons C.s x&ots, Tbessaion. Ont.
Warnes wbo ars suffering from throe
distressing ills peculiar to their s e x
should tot lose sight of these facts or
esD� of Lydia
too restore their
There are probably hundreds of thee -
the o I destt•11 Lynn, Year letter will
William Mr. and Mrs. Clark L )rasa. � a
ingot to ho • villins std he h et strut
log at the home o 91r. and kir.. Mar- I eMadMM•
vin McDowell... ...Mr. and Mn. Fin-
lay and Mies Ford, of Wingbam. vis- 1
ited at the home of Mn. W. J. Todd.
..Lorne Firth. of London, visited
h'i. aunt, Mn. Miller, last week . ... •
Midi. Cruller received word last week of
the death of ber mother, in England.
We extend our sympathy to ber io
her sad bereavement.. After carry'
ing umbrellas to church for seven Sun-
days, tbe villagers were rejoiced to sere
the sun shine forth last Sunday on the
e new man gets hold of the 1 ion and Jean Gillis spent fit few days
of the people as did Mr. Small. , with their aunt, Mts. R. few
da . .
mall f le mu be greatly by her 1 Mb.. Pearl Todd. Mies Nellie Brooks
is a Hoe musician and hers and Miss Clara Woods entertained
1.0 the staging was a great aasist-
to choir. They both have 'their young friends to a Picnic on Vic -
t wiebes of the people tor their torts Day. A very pleae.eet time was
in their new borne.
Small bap- WSDNESDAY. May 21116.
Sunday will BREEZES. -it it be true that 'rain
ay 4 in May mates bay," the horses sod
O Mr, cows should fatten next winter
pare -
00 ted. both oc- D,, Metcalfe, of Detroit, who has been
a+ nt very spending A week or two at his summer
any being ut I borne bare, returned to the city on
ber went 11 Tuesday. . Mr.. Stanbury. who
were well spent the winter in Toronto, returned
he best^ The ber home bare this week .... Quite
secured sec' a number enjoy7ed the fisbing on tor. •fid 1 Vic-
toria Day. We understand that for
the moat part the silver hook proved
the nest halt Alex. Ione', of
Stanley. epest Sunday with friends in
the village.. Min Pickett, of Lon-
don, spent the holiday tbe guest of
Yrs. !.wird John McLeod. of
He village...
ill*l a is visiting oaint the
boine in
the village.... F
holidays .t her borne in Clinton.
Sunday morning Rev. Mr.
tised four infanta. Next
he communion and on Frid
tory service will be cond
gmall will be the preacher
casione The 24th
quietly here, a great m
of town. Quite a num
Mitchell to the races a
pleased. as they were of t
local horse. "Red Dart,"
and place in his To
Mrs. T. Wanless,
of here this week pecking up
bold effects. as they have
house in Toronto
her from here attend edit t
the corner atone
church at Walton on tb
The recent frosts see
Affected the early plume.
falling off, but by the s
soros there is goiog to
apple", providing frost
MOXDAT, May 2711.
Reeve Mitchell is away on a trip to
Tbmisalot, Sault Ste. Marie and Cock-
burn Island.
Miss Bessie Oraham has gone G1
London. where ebe will enter Victoria
hospital as a nurse in training. went
Jack King and Merry A ge
West last week. Mrs. D. C. Taylor
has Rope to reside in llamilton, and
Freak re
factnryAwith ithe intention of goingpon has left the to
The council has decided to build a
new bridge on Havelock street. It
was iatended to repair tbe old one,
but It was in such had shape the eine-
Wsnoco or LarHRtuDoo.-Mr. and tk' of a new acre was decided on.
kta loha Mc('ausland, of 9L Thomas,
soe..oe the marriage of their
harhter. Margaret i'tuissisn, to
Buwasd W. Adams,
.on of Mr. anti
net Richard Adana, of Iondeoboro.
• 1eNa , May 24th, at the home of
he kith's sister, Mrs. Herbert J.
Otai.. Lethbridge, Alta. Mr. and
Wit Adams are away on a trip lets
the seestains before prse.ediag to
y> h. Mieonsected ni., where
the waa�bbaro
CRAY Company.
lisw fit -BOOL Srrx.-Tho yaws
d i. S. llo. 5 are having gooeldeenDie
trestle in connection with t;hetweetien
.f avow school building. Flute a vols
was %%kr to decide %Amebae the school
thele be beat; thea mother was
later te determine the Imam of the
site. It was thee tress that there
wie awe defect h dstesrl
or111a .e to ooslwta.tete l *eh
e hove to wbealaw. New the
4410 w to have eastbee_avet a the
rooto, were
their house -
purchased a
Quite a num-
he laying of
e 2416
m to have
as they are
how of bloa-
be plenty of
does not nip Make lifea ministry of love and it
is having will always be worth lit ing.
has Men received here that Mies Mar
gleet Moffatt. of Montgomery. Ala-
tormeralerk in of John Riddell's bank here
has been awarded the most valuable
scholarship held in trust by the Mont-
gomery Chapter of the Southern As-
sociation of (college Women. The
arholanbip h. valued at l each year
for (nor years, making a gift of $1.200
for a four yeses'course of Andy M.
Mount Hoyoke. Mir Moffatt will
monotone* ber studies in Mount Holy-
oke nest September'.
Dr ATH ov 0.01100 WERS'rrR--The
death of George Webster, a former
Locknow bo took place near Elk-
horn, Manitoba,oo Wedneday. May
1st. The Elkhorn Mercury makes the
following reference to his demise ;
"Mr. Webster was well known in Elk-
horn mad district, having He worked
tis the early t.. in ,S7 and later re-
to the Beulah district, where
siln/w takae. Mr. Webster lost his wife
lee weeniest toeeeashnl in bis farming
A TlYat that .year' m�go Aosta and by his
wry death three girls and ohs boy, the old-
lrlake Ha1r Pow est twin years, "15 l dtt °e -
Derma the tiros the deceasett
Ilti•i b• iaMs tr<t�ybis..red
w this -date wos.aD ehoold he" ��stttwdy�mhareeMr'
�A... i tbommautl. et worn.._ hos Sul )i_•e sin tamely• ib.
�Msrms In triable Aero
is motto itup.swp It. w R�1�SPr ��� sy m'
ettewild h7
` esd pusses take a _ were Mesh„ J. Has
haw borrow vsy liar d A. McNah From i>
Mevriaet hplr 67 Hates, old friends ei the deceased. of
6 as1 his, es to w7s. be wee weftteamsforsyspethy bye.
r1°`eq a had of bile 'ate the reeved____ etai moons with ' M
meg Salvia. re M=�; roar k.otan+
--',� K for w e. t� two
le os
t. a -'t e . eleeseat. sews Cleft armrs.
1 n'h e.1 Grtwn+.
there The Flax (�•
quite a time getting. in tbeir seed, as it
has been so wet. but a few more days
will finish it . Kenny McConnell.
who went to Port Colborne to take a
tbeeion with the and bas returned to
work too bard
his home for a wbile until be secures
another position.... .Mia J. Moore.
of Godencb, visited her many friends
Imre the past week ...... �v . Davie,
wbo is rhovel-runnerMuf� on is visit ng re
e Trent
Casal 1 Camp
with bis wife. He is off work for •
few days on account cf the inspector
condemning the gravel they were
using ..Mr. and Mn. A. Vint, of
Stratford, wbo have been visiting here
for their holidays, have returned to
the Classic City . ... Mrs. F. Brinton
p"hitting at.Mber. band eMrs A. Taylor.
present .
of Hamilton, spent a few day
here visiting with relativestaaand
friends .. Jas. Aodersos has
a position as clerk in Popple*tone &
Gardiner's store here..... Mee. W.
Mason visited with her brother i
London the past week......
J. Barr.
nded the funeral of their nephewinton n
gaged with the rontrac
NW/ Sold in Canada.
to . A. Steinbnff,
London fait week ' sot
who is es the Presbyterian
wbo decorated pint working on a
church. is at D Mrs. Fyfe end
church at Emily,rd • isi� in Seaforth
Ltd. week .....Rev. Mr. Fear ani
Robt. Laidlaw eteended the Methodist
convention at Clio Cyt weektMr*,
Mrs. C. H. Reese,
A. McKellar, Mrs. Young. J. Barr,
Mir Powell and Wm. Johnston paid a
visit to London during the holidays.
Mir Maggie Roes visitsdMee rmstrong
Sea -
forth last *seekisited vas in
and Rhoda Phillips the holiday • •
Mrs. Jbu*eb with her
Mrs. J. Nesbitt visited F.
tern Clinton lest week ..
Wtt visited under the parental
root at C1a.de6olast wee w.
Mrs. Mille visited with reletivas
Locon this week .. J. Heffron was
a guest of Goderich friends on Friday.t
.. Mrs. W. Jecke nn received Ase
rod iotelligeoee on F144*y • 7
Mee*, lite. Hood, d passed ho left,
that es a; Poetise.. Mich. funeral, wbieh
w uoe. to Iletel W. }lowish
was tree ea tb1•ad•!dike to st-
thbee e Nese 0 Je* oe a It isnot i ffowhether Rev. M.
M seR 1 •reer ba teetaet• s two
w e Mb > bee � bare wee a
yews root of i.e•den Mesas left week.
"Great for Breakfast."
A day started on Gowau'e
Cocoa is a day with a clear
head and a steady nerve -
a day full of map and life.
Cocoa nourishes the body.
It is rich in food value and
easy to digest
Children's Wear
We make a specialty of handling
clothing and everything for children's
wear. We have in stock a splendid
line of dressy suits, made up in the
Brownie style, that are of unusually
good value and are sure to please.
We can alsr• "suit" you if you re-
quire anything i
Ou - stock (
of the sailor sty
Wash Suits.
Slats includes a line
suitable for children.
Mei s Outfitters
• I State, Osderuk
lbs worried mother wakes s• te beer orried •0411. She Maas net west d tar
e trouhloeep ow w at to m•sh• Pisani .M th4.h.
whss k r e tar trait
ler, T6. Comae. iss.. 6.4.51 Ad ask b
ee., )I. D. She .q. "lost the thing to fi.d est whet M the taster mei%
willies heessMids ie this country owe ose,- esd it'' Ip
dace.' 31TMis •tessps-1.00 miss is splendid rah Mediae. A 1s.4
Nerg.s.y. It is ler .lien gas. This M what limey w
rssscot y d " Friona' r'M. omss' cheerful s.d bow, by est
of ells. ass sad aiserekle said
ewes s.ly diseases whit► sodomise • wow's health atresdtb•
-My deslthes le to write • few Ilnes to let Zan k t w
Lour valuable modistes bas d4oe i r e. '
v•�! vp�r of Est 8. Hen
�s( t�e atorek earn, to ou our Limit' v
A Imirrots you for advice wbi esu ndltlr.e.
FAO* we a different woman in • short I
trig the test kettle_ of Favorite Prescrlpl
t I taus y knew I was In .se a -,
IM id my ewe house waab and honing, w
wet •.l il.�Jt eklM»n
■ 1 knew o *Avant titn mina
g sip wk cmvp was 1 The by i. ae fat as a WWII,
voltstPylori on is the beet medicine
say r. b _tale b.o in condition. I ream
*mama ball e y 1lt.aM
Steamers leave Port Wednes-
Mondays. Tuesdays,
days, Thursday, and Sat-
urdays et 4 p. m. fur
The Steamer Manitoba, sailing
from Port McNicollWedneedays,
will call at Owen Sound. leaving
that point 10:30 p.m.
Steamship Express
leaves Toronto 12:45 p. w. on
sailing days, waking direct
connection with steamers
at Port McNicoll.
King's Birthday
between all stations in tem -iota,
Port Arthur and east. Good
going May 31, June 1,'2, 3, return
limit June 5 4minimum rate '25c).
June 11, 25. and ;every e.ecnnd
Tuesday until Sept. 17, incinsive.
Winnipeg and Return, $34.00
Edmonton *ad Retrro, $42.00
'Proportionate rates to ether
points. Return limit 1111 days
Through Tourist Sleeping Cert
Ask Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent,
for Homeseekers' Pamphlet.
Tickets and full information from Joe. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent.
With tbe coming of the bot days of Summer you will want
a New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. Withhis coal -oil sine thve em
have no extra insurance to pay.
We will tend them out on approbation.
Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers is just in and we otter
several different makes tc choose from.
Do you require a Refrigerstc.r this Summer? We
some in stock and more coming.
Get your Screen Doors and Window* now and keep the flies
out in preference to putting them on later and keeping them in.
Are you going to build a cement silo this Summer ? If so, we
h ave for rent a net of the London Steel Adjustable Silo Curbs
al so a swinging hoist. These will simplify the building of silos.
We have just received anothecar of National Portland
Cement. When you use this Cement you know you have the
beet that cru be had.
" 7th Royal leis."
An I,naovatioa in
• Tra'v.l Luxury
vim Int •i t1e bA 1b nasal
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Have you sprayed your trees yet? We can ;furbish y.'.1
with the Lime -sulphur, *leo Arsenate of Lead.
The car of Fertilizer arrived a couple of weeks ego and we
hare bad a big sale of it. This Fertilizer i. an organic matter
with tbs addition of ,,teamed bone flour. blood flour and potash.
These essential+ make it the moa valuable manure on the
Owing to the scarcity of Hard Coal we brave put in a car of
Domestic Lump Soft Coal. Toffs coal makers splendid substitute
for Hard Coal.
1 have also a carlo*d of dry s1ab+..vbich make; good summer
Let to figure on your ;oohing. heating. electric full
troughing, etc. All work pnlmpy attended to s0d.1 7
Phones : Store 22 House 112