HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-30, Page 6• #1,. • Tnt7U1 AY. MAT SII, 1913 THE SIGNAL: GODRRICIS' ONTARIO LOUIS TRACY (Co0tlsued from la.t week) ____ �Mes Mid pmetbtng steed • ttghi� ret wr )sot W he expeda 'frees owe et bit staid dampsira OWL he regarded Bradt as the eaves rg while treebi•, sad Ms speedos tsesesralag that marvelous Mad est midge with Hodes Be tamed and tweaked away. looking a tries eider, a 011ie more beat p�5w than was h• ,eras oat of the bones. Aa boar Mier Dom Oarl• and Ca` ,mels set in a corridor. Tbsy were d - wr•mg arrangements for • pasty reeve to the capital when Iris ran lido them. Her face was Seabed. and she bed been crying. Meeh to Oarmda'S amassment. tbe Bingiilsh girt clasped der roared the neck and tiered bar. "Tell your father, my dear. that he Otto been very good to me." abet whis- pered hir geed Then her hoe grew scarlet again. nod sbe hurried away. "�tceltentr said the president lw shat old man M a geotletnen. H1• trlend Is not Tet they ase very mar% /tike to other respects. Odd Magi ildsrmein. Con, can you spare a firer cute• from your invalid?" Kee, father." ' 't%o. then. end find met young Nog - fral&Philip Hosier. Tell btu tbat D'eugaderoeet between Has Yorks std 1[r. Balmer 1s broken off." *rmela's black eyes sparkled. That wayward blood o(, bee's surged to her but Dom Cords". calm gleams elt on ber, and the spasm passed. "Tea, father," she said dutifully. He stroked bis chinas be went oat Ito pronounce a tuners' oration ea those !who bad fallen during the fight. "1 think," said he refiecttvely-9 think that Carmeta dislikes that girt I wonder why." Philip had never, to his knowledge, seen the Senhora de 'Viva. It was therefore something more than a sur- prise wben the sallow faced, willowy girt, black haired, black eyed and most demure of manner, whom be minims bereed to have met 1n the gateway el 1Ag Flores early on the previous dry, came to his tent and asked for him. She introduced herself, and Ph�b was most petite. "My father sent me"- she began. "I ought to have waited on the pre" ,fent," be said, seeing that she hesi- tated, "but several of lay men are wounded, and we have so few doc- tors." oe tbods." "Dom Corrla is a good doctor him- self." she said. "Hie skill will be much appreciated in Brasil at the present moment." said be, rather bewildered. "He mends broken hearts," she pm, edited. "Ab, a healer, indeed!" but be frown- ed a little. "Be is in demand today. 110 asked me tp tell you of one moat successful operation. The--er-the engagement between Mina iris Yorke -la tbat the name -and Mr. -Mr. -dear me" - "Bulmer," scowled Philip, a block of Ice In the warm air of Brazil. "Ye*, that is It Wen, It is ended She in free -for a little while." There was a carious bleachprg of Philip's weather tanned face. It tench - ed a cord 7n Carmeta'r lmpaldvc na- ture. "It is all right." she nodded. "Too can go to her." She left hlm there, more abates than he had ever been by thunderous sea or sere/ ming ballet Visiting the sick la ooe of the Chrhe tl•n virtue*. so Philip visited Oeka J l THE MARKET. "There is a tab chaplain at Per- I neenboco," was Philip's Incubeeent rie Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher, ssarte LIverpool Exchange Closed-LIv '1 most ask my uocler she gaped* Stock -Latest Quotations. 'Nus m Leave that to e. No man CII O, May 27. -Reports that the 1(vtaa shall say 'Yes' or 'Na' to m1 ant n'AGw wbeat art 11112 had been har- vest* you are concerned. Iris-" vested to -day In Texas *toed mut near - not be bard with bin, PNlip, Iy all of an advance due to fear 01 OSI) He was sews*. good so me, sad damage In Oklahoma. Kansas and Ne- -ead-1 have is owe a wee bat afraid braska. The close of the market dere was weak and varied from the same atyea' ' as Saturday night to 1-2c gain. Corn '1►aaidf finished 1-1Ic to 1 1-$c down. oats Naas- -Yea You are se wady oiler, se tag from 1-4c to 3 -le off to • rise of masa stemec than wrap yea sad 1 $-4c and provisions unchanged to 2 1-2c looked at tea Soothers Cross wgstber u rt. grain markets of England and !too thi betdge of the Andromeda-" Europe were dosed yesterday over tiae 'I was • bey thou. leis. 1 ate a Whltsuntld• holidays. man new. i have toaght and loved Winnipeg Options. and setaeed. And what of you dear Open. High. Low. Close. Clete. W heat- turnace �y� 146�i Today. Mart? We went through the may .. .,..MI% 2044 1020 Iw hand In band. What of the girt who July .... 11i1j HS has tome fortis a womanr I May .... 0% y • • • • • • • July 44% When Coke was peesoant'ed f t for May. er Na 1 teal w M tgmfortable travel David Verity and Toronto Grain Market Wheat, fall, bushel 61 as to a M Dickey Balmer conveyed Win home. Wheat, goose, bushel Thiry Wok wtth mem dans en a Le - 00e bask for amounts tbat satisfied every sort of claim for dee dRklsg of the eadrpmeda. Judged by the ewe - emotion given to the .triers ear - elvers, there could be no doubt that tbe dependents of the men who lost their live would to well provided for. Rye, bushel 0 n .... Oats, bushel 0 0 .... Barley, bushel 0 M Barley, for feed 0 M 0th Peas. bushel 1 3 Buckwheat, bushel 0 0 0 0i Toronto Dairy Market Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls• 2f 0 55 Butter. creamery, solids O II .... Butter, separator, dairy, Ib0 i .... At odd moments David and Dickey Butter. store lots 5 ft .... Eggs, new -laid 021 .... Balmer disconnect the partnerahla Cheese, new, lb 1 is .... The young Des'Dy would be home M Cheese, old 012 .... two ons. and then Pbillp was CO lions*, extracted 013 mth come into the baslnem. Montreal Grain and Produce. 'We're gpowtog old. David said MONTREAL May 3r.-BueIns0s In grain for export was dull, owing to the Miley. 'Toll got plenty 01 money, ate holiday. In England. The local demand *evil 'ave a tidy bit taw. but there's for oat. *Ls good and sale. of 50.400 bush - one ming neither of m cue 23117. an' , els extra Nuno. e ■ 1 thlDmenteed at Wfro,ro mc.l t., Mont- real, for JFort Wtl- there *00th," Ilam and 30,000 sample oat. at 47c c.i.f. A "I deal want to be span[ ,gam." fewtoround lots on .pot were Discal a1 ✓ id David. "beetre um to go back a1c fair 61 de for extra Ma 1 feed. Thera - a fair demand for Maaltoba feed ber•- jest a year or eco -no tam's" ley. The market for winter wheat flour 1a strong and prices have advanced ie ' per bag. Spring wheat grades are timer "waft, there's bin wpm ,,,,as-w'ert business generally is Quiet. (1d 'ave acted different Wot do you, Corn -American, No. t yellow. 2. Oats -Canadian western, No. 2. 6 6c to aspC, l[Jtmmler pp 665kc; do., No. 3. Ole to 611tc; extra No. I ge, thus appealed to. gbwerel •U feed, 61%c to 62c. Barley Manitoba feed, Vac to 06c. malt• W employer. Ing. 21.06 to 5102. '•Bays be growled. "i gay notheatI 1 Buckwheat -No. 2, 74c to Ile. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patent I know you, David." firsts, 116.30; seconds. 16.30; strong bakers, Philip and Iris attended Carmelo', 26.10; winter patents, choles 16.16 to 66.36: wedding during their boreymooa. The straight rollers, 54.80 to 14.40; do., bag; cathedral at Rb de Janeiro was pack M'R toolled oatgoat Rs-Barrol., 0.0; bag. 90 lbs.. ed, and Iris wee quite 1ncoompieaoae 12.65.-Braniashe, 127* mrd" among the many richly attired ladies dung.,sed p5; mom,ents:, 210 toor234. wbo graced the ceremony by their Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, 230.0 t0 prolene.. Nevertheless CobaelBaha-� Cheese-Flneet westerns, 14c to 141io5 dor Sao Basaelde• favored her with • finest eastern., 13%c to 13Ikc. peculiar smile as be led has bride down Butter -Choicest creamery, 270 to alto: tee central aisle. seconds, aiec5%c ed 26tikc. She langbed, blushed and looked sit E to 150. acted. see to 24c; No. 2 stood, lIc to lfc. ber Husband. Potatoes -Per Sag, car lots, 11.70 to MIL "Tee, 1 new Mt" be whispered. CATTLE MARKETS "But I never feared him. It war you, "1 ■►rl name • WIZ WIT •►sate sou ' bin had Inez finished writing • letter. Warne dkcU'M and mach slowed la style. to Mee J s tars Coke. Rea t lee, Chemin road, fllrkcnhwM n hen s gen tie tap brought her to the door She opened it. Her wrist ase melted. and ube was dawn Into the e•wrtdnr. Ib. ted no spoon to the matter TM til young man who held her wrist pas seeded to spasm the bream ort of her, bet sbe was g eelal, se agnar latas.ad ro Oral at inaloorto that Ir t/Itt Ort waft anefia that made me sit up. By the way, old. girl. let as eat oat the reception.. I waot to can at the bank and at • shop to the Rua Grande. Yon will be inter- ested." Well. being a good and loving wife, she was Interested deeply. Ten thele - sand pounds war Dom Oorria'■ emus - dal estimate of the services rendered by Philip, and Iris was absolutely dumfounded by the total in mllreis. But ber voice came back when Philip took bar to a Jeweler's and the man produced a gold cross on which blared fear glorious diamonds. Dom Corrla had given bar a 'becklaee many times more valuable, but thls- "t' .. remembrance!" said Philip. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, May 27. -Receipt* of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 109 carloads, comprising 1924 cattle, 1189 hogs, 206 sheep and 116 calves. Exporters. Mr. Howard bought for Swift a. Co. 110 steer. for Liverpool, 124 lbs. each. at 27.55. average price. Butchers The best steers of export Quality. bought for butchers' purposes, 47.50 to 27.90: mix- ed butchery steers and heifers, n to 27.40' , medium butchers. 36.60 to 57; 0000500.:11 to 26.40. inferior, light cattle, 25.50 to 06.76; cows, 24 to 26.76; bulls, 25.50 to 51.40. Milken and Springers About a dozen milkers and springers, all of which were bought by Fred Rowntree at 546 to 270 each. end one at 096. "Oh, my dear, my dear!" sbe mar -Veal Calves j mired, and ber eyes grew moist A Over one hundred veal calves were on MX END. , sale, the average price for which would be about 21.76. but prices ranged from 24 1 to 57.25 per cwt. 'A Bad Speculation,' Sheep and Lambs, Wesley Lunn reported pro -es as follows: There are penitents and penitents. Sheep, ewes, 56.50 to 55.2x. sprang Iambs. Some are sorry that they did wrong: N to 51.50 each, and there was a bunoh others regret the unpleasant const- ocwt.f yearling lambs, which sold at 57.40 per essences of their evil deeds. Governor - Hogs. Barbour of Virginia once defended a Hog prices were lower. Selects. fed and watered, sold at 56. 6, and )640 f.o.b. Dare man charged wltb stealing a pair of shoes. The man was convicted. Ooe Montreal Live Stgck. day. years after, the governor eras MONTREAL, May 27. -At ")the Montreal Stock Yards, West End Markt, the re - standing conversing wtth several law-, celpt. of live .tock for the week end tag yore 1.11 front of the courthouse when May 26 were 2400 cattle. 436 sheep and a man approached and meld he wished lambs, 1760 hog• and 1210 calves. Th• ot1 DD firings on the market this morning tar to speak with him. They walked off sale were 771 cattier, 306 sheep and Iambs. i together. and the man asked: 1001 hogs, and 1n0 glues. do you remember I OOee An culler feeling developed In the mar- "SVulre7 ket and prices were fully 19 to ac per leered you to defend mel"awe. lower than 101. day week wilds* 'Tee"was attributed to the tact that owing to the high of "Wen. .Quire. the taking of them many moe prices drovers �I gest era Induced to wee the we secret Job td 1 ever l. ( oome on here Instead wed going to To - didn't keep 'ter a week Tbey put me, rondo and In conspuenoe t*the: pply war largerthan It hu been for past two In Lail- i gave you the only hone t• or three weeks. Realty good cattle are had to deftod Ills. My erop was Wet soarer and drovers state that it was dlt- i Aide I ceaddn't see to ft, and mea, Aouh to pick a carload of such stool up 1\ nam• .actions of the country. The Quality sga(ra they gave me thirty-nine Mabee of the .tock was generally good, but, not - at last. 1' b(1. yca, pairs. it was a withstanding this fact and the good at- , heel spet7Mtion "-Yoate'g 095-5900.' stow as the hlghuprbes of dDoat of late have tended to decrease the oonlumptlon soam•, oon*equ•ntly the demand from butchers Tile Cewd•e•ir✓s RavM/e was principally for smith Iota A few A well dressed man emtaed age Or tell bola of choles skean ohaaged e0ay Inge street car the other day, aeeord- at :77.: to 5.15 sad aood stoat at 55.11 to per cwt• She to a story that le going the retinae There *as no change In the hog mar - et the Meet ear mea. and banded the tet. prices being firmly old under • eoadtetot I ten dollar bin. The eon- T14°mand truer p•akaem 10, all ,sola . Trp wag aeetve. lMeeted lets elDetur was unable to ebange it, sod sod at 0611 per owl, weighed oft the be Mt the Mai rile free. The wait car•. the arta pigmented she maae bili, Image• lappa seta rp g. were is road lilyA•mand. 9uDpIW ver• ssmowttat u 4.d sad I,etn the elSdaseer was enable ass the tone of the merest wee Aro with to chaste 1t. for HM mra baa evident• sales 0t •was at P31° per awt, sad 151004 II ahead • Uma wba b• would be lamb. Droulbt fns M , N •sea. Buton•rr ealtM. "'PPR to N: se- wn to (stet' tele edscter with 1 alum 51 to R; eesmea. to OM; mecb chaos.. Dews. Iasi to 52.15; mal te "('U as you," thotatla the eaaplMg4 as <<M M MU; sham, •aelrb Medea aid be obtained 110 worth at Wei•lr 10 trig: Mir la w. buaeha eel and was reedy for the man whim toed sulfa w•si MMM lis day be gashed tb• MI. The man tee& Hogs, ED./b.. M.�. the sateen gond natnredlRy sad guar Gales, PA te 0• WO the car. 510 packets fairy bs1a155 OAS IA, Ilr•rk. 9 4, Sweethearts for �verybocdy! Once you or yours realize the rich, wholesome savor of crisp, toasted flaky hearts of sweetest sugar corn, you'll banish porridge from your breakfast menu. It will be `sweethearts for everybody' OFTENER than once a day when you offer u IS THE PLACE FOR . Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL The Grocers On the Square 'PHONE •1 TOASTED CORN- FLAKES 4 ���av leasee dna" rt•aa-� t5N0oa. ususw pest •seat.% M. qr..• TOASTED CORN FLAKES Ten Cents A Package with t1• a/rtela The eemdsrtnr was store roes pegee� ed welh his roup ental mat day. wh�i ha Mermen that the hal was wwthleeaJ -Minot et,.. QBICAQO, 1101 Id.-0I•tt 1-Roos0pta, SAL . K to tee lower. Sewed10to•1:MteltU. ern Owe ■ s re lMa me w KM 00 KM; sows sae totem. to IS; calves, i' !tags-Reeelgt.. KMS. wearlt•t went, tee Saab M Amar esu Hielerm I It M s asarwgrthy fart 1n W 1007 that at tel tear simhaen Whlegaat'a eablast KASS at Monk.' e4s•etta. tho wally Mao Msgtleat•r. w� • fit'eee►URitmeo, Alone' Mao& ba of New Teat was • Beateh-Premola4 saw Thomas Jedlaaaea was at 1►MM. �gmt. mad 1ho fourth. Damoad Oa lepra elr`ed mass, tarp •asa�' r i!•rlak rr at torr: Ilett gf 4 k' mitred. well M �(•. Awry. UM to R a: mega n 25 to p.11.411 p, $1.20 to M•`: Welk of sales. 4hoop aM Lambe-Reeopte, 2RM0, mar steady to lee higher, satire, On to wN Serw, 51 to M r, ye•rlma/. Km '.M. lambs, native. 2� to N. western. to 0.10. Liverpool Live Mesta. L1 55RPO4L. 14a7 IT --Seen Roeser 0 vwpoel. sbe that wan no freely 0, 5 pea noway potatfeme mmai th sad flata vel.. slates sad caeMlaa iii. le dl's per 1R rpt onty but these asvell •----;44i DONTDON'T think that concrete can be aced only for building bridges, silos. walls and walks; because if you do, you will probably overlook all the places wherer>toll can use it none. T. L. Irving, of North Georgetown, Quebec, used concrete for 81 different purposes on his farm in 1911. There are probably at least a dozen profit- able ases for concrete on your farm at the present moment. Perhaps you haven't thought of Concrete, except for a new bars, or a silo, or some other big improvement for which you aren't quite ready yet. That's why you should read "What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete" It will open your eyes to the hundreds of uses that other farmers have found for this material. In plain language, and with the aid of many photographs, It explains Just what these uses are, and how they can be applied 10 your farm. Concrete can not only be used for alt the purposes to which wood has been applied. but also many others for which wood would never be suitable. It is not only a building material; It's a "bandy" ma- terial. something that you'll grow to depend upon more and more. as You learn Its possibilities. So write for this book. You'd and It Isn't s catalogue, nor an argument for you to buy our cement. Every one of Its 100 page. le devoted to telling you what farmers have done and can de with concrete. iT'S FREE FOR THE ASKING. Tour name on a postal. or In a letter. 510 bring the book to you by return mall_ Or us* the coupon. Address CANADA CEMENT CO., Ltd. National Sank Balla.. QUAL pe TOria tp; l �l SEND ME YOUR BOOK �. DO IT NOW It 1. well known to experienced vib mem that the largest sad best hada,- in trait trees Y dose during the wakoer months. The man asst on the grated secures tae Dream of the 1rade,t hentore Secure Your Agency Now We want • coed reliable m•o for tai. dletrict, because the demand for fruit trees Dever was se pod. Uoad pay. Outfit tree. Whole or part time agree meat., and you represent • aro of thirty -0 ex rbsoe with over six hundred sante of Mad seder cult! retina. Write: PELHAM NURSERY CO. Tororto, Ont. Brophey Bros. ,3ODR1tIOH hmeral Directors .ani Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night ur day. PLUMBING Let W. R. Finder knew when you have anything to las done in the line of Plomhisg, featii'g. Eaveetroughing, Metal Work c t Electric Wiring. 4 Estimate- furnished and work guaranteed. W e keep a full line of -fixtures and supplies on hand sod +II such work will receive our prompt and careful attention. We tsve a number of lir-. class cooking Stoves, the (harm (locd Cheer and the Knipe, Steel Ranee. Cell and see theta, Repair work of .11 kinds drn.c st moderate cost. W. R. PiNDER Hamilton Street (loderich ( vwwwwwi` Jos let to, s 01 toe M Ire Ct w A R The flavor lingers long -it's a smooth, succu- lent, lasting gum -made to taste delicious. No need to overlook your taste, no need to repress or destroy it -since you can buy the smoothest and the best rum made at the same price, and flavored to suit you. You can have any fruit essence you desire. A better 'Spearmint' at the same price --or the best Pepsin, by asking for O-Pee-Chee. O-Pee-Chee is sold by all dealers who faith the best gum. O-Pee-Chee Gum Co. London ti • Canada • Ago