HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-30, Page 53 L pr, Taylor a Vice -President. Dr was eat Taylor, of of the imopd eoisrio Me▪ dical Association et its mewl meeting bele la Torosto last publicity Campaign /Or Hurts. At the miction of the county oouB- etl salt week a proposal will be sub - Musa of a b - be r eiior gotfor chit nn 51o11M tisk p suoix•eilillr coco far Zoo a.. by the county ofLaebtca. 1, is bleed to have a Beebe/ of repro t e proposal before So band gb �j(4♦P�7ta0e�' hu diematter in bated. A Police Court Ones. Castillolost week N. erse arraigned In ePolies Coat here thre to slower to a charge of theft. It owes that P. Lamont bought a place of ood at tit. Joseph on wbkh was fed on old building. Mr. Mastic e.s charged with tearing down this balding and using the material. The sowed claimed that be owned the operty and as there was some doubt ss. to whether Mr. Lamont mot.et had • proper title the case tiaras* Transfers. A meeting of the Centre Huron ld inlicense commissioners yesteray afternoon The fundnr oa hoe tel from E. R. Swart,nse of the to Exchange r Heynoldd was considered and Fasted. Mr. Reynolds takes posses- sloe osees- w oe on Saturday. The commissioners i.osanctioned the transferring of the license of the Huron House, which Is beep conducted by Mr. Reynolds, . Ttais license is woe bst was named to be cut of, but it still bas sixty days to run. Reye in Trouble. Four young lads appered in the Police Court this morning In connec- [loo with • ,f charge g Rower and selling them about two weeks sgn nice of the boys admitted taking the dowers, while the fourtb was impli- cated by a witness Lut oothing was proved against him. Acting Magis- trate Ked adjourned the case for thirty bays that unifies theyx but warned b erc exercised nta d the boy Bose wirpervision over their children tire Children's Aid Society would be empowered to step in and take charge of them and see that they were prop- erly reared. A Pair of Accidents. Two accidents occurred within a lalf-hour of web other at the C. P. It. rouedbarse on Tueid*y evening. About 9 o'clock James Jumper a fitter, received s violent electric shock by coming in contact With the current, aid was thrown to the grord. Hie )litres attracted the atteation of Locomotive Fireman Shipman, who endangered his life in cutUss etlf the witch. Ahoot half an hoar later while lir. Shipman was sewed un- derneath one of the l000es, be • severe scalp wound whets Whim head against an air reser- .% eserA doctor attended both the in- ure. It was a close call for and much credit is due Mr. for bis prompt action in 1M assistance. Notes. Os.pkint is trade by employees at waterfront that the condition or deer path leading up harbor hill socia to pedestrians, ..pscialiy they are forced to trines it sight. It is dangerous in day - ft is claimed, but it le worst larkness sets in. whets a person islktosustain injury in any of the boles where the frequent leave washed away the ander,. w was heard to prophesy that, emeieipslity not bowing laid a dilewslk homy the top to the of the hill, some day it might IStsthe law courts the cost of a ewalk there. Tis Reamer Kaminietiquie is un - a cargo of wheat at the Big steamer Scottish Hero 1. en- lts cargo at the Goderieb alo- ud the steamers Comae and Chief are awaiting their turn T2s baleenitebinR the two railways have beim with the exception of the sad it is expected that when Who of the Railway Caetsiseion his effect on June 16th every - all be io readiness for the in - 01 can by the two rail - Death of Andrew Williamson. that Andrew Williwasou had dad on St. Vincent street. In of Mts. McKenzie's resideatio, widespread regret. Mr. WO - had been fawningly la hie health and only a few Mantas the ad! Pattie he had bees elms - lath pessersby as he reeithoseew *wt. When Me. Wilileessen the ground he was solkei br More Dr. Harold Taylor arrived bed intervened. The deceased ••• of this beet -known reddest. ileirrieb and meld he rated akeilek *at citizens. fiieee the year hs hid resided here seetiegoesly. was st the time of the throatoned troeides in that year *at he one free (Onetime re an IlbP paw Cherub. MeV= tof tero daughters, ideas 'ad - ere sokamire. sad Ye wooed ousbor of year, eye he wee ..N.Iluitoel by the Asia of hb to Mash The hi vat. rather merles Oner sew be rage le ChibM molar ot tow,. boo lees well le left, ae BOUM olutlesseade um his wiser MY la Oveat Nal et MAK A law AV: ma AMU vosetbrit. Auctioneers and Pedlars. The fallowing list of 'Meowed auc- tleaeeremad pedlars to Huron county has ban hewed for the year eooett-tic- i seen'-,!'homasr 21st, LY�7E: Auo- S James Stanley. vis,ur- O. F. Vandr14 Patrick Walsh, F. S. Scott, James Joie... Thomas Cameron 8. S. Phillip', R. McOharles, G. W. Walker, D. N. Watson, Joseph White, Alex. Morrison, V. R. Vannor- (ws, Thomas Brown, Frank ¥cCuu_ Bd. Bowwberry, Themis B. . B. W. D. Beavers, Jas. Bea. _ Bora Walker Durr, Li - i. Oke. W. J. Powe beet Horner, Jobs Darraob,L Wilton, Henry Young, H. D. Woods, W. J. McCracken. Dunc. McDonald, R. A. McDonald, James R. OuU, Geo. K. Holland, Robert Sbtiw, John Yous(g, Edward Mitcbell, B. Pere- buao, J. L. Frey The Late Mrs. Stahieker. The funeral of the late Mrs. Stable- ker took place from her late residence on East strut Friday afternoon, the 171b. The remains were interred in Mait:and cemetery. Rev. A. Brown, of whose church the deceased had been • faithful member. conducted the funeral servicer. The pallbearers were Jacob Stokes, Matthew Bate., W. K. Roberteoc, J. W. Vaoatter, E. Downing and W. C. Potter. Mrs. Stableker was horn in Er,gland•sod had been a resident of Goderich for nearly twenty years. She is survived by three brother, and four sisters : Richard Smith and Mrs. Jones, of Richwood ; William, of Uxbridge Centre ; George, of Sanilac, Mich.; Mrs Robert White, of St. George ; Mn. Jos. Baker, of thillia, and Mrs. Win- ters, of Bright Among the relatives present at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, of SL George. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Winters, of Bright; Mr. and Mn. Richard Smith, of Richwood, and George F. Volker, • nephew, of Detroit, who remained bere fora few days to assist io ar- ranging detail, preparatory to the closing up of the estate. Exciting Times In Mexico. Tbe Chatham correspondent of a London paper makes the following reference to the experiences in Mexico of a Goderich toy well known to a number of our readers : A vivid light is cast upon tbe trcublous times in Mexico by a letter received by Mrs. Wm. Pringle, of this city, from her son in-law, Paul Turnbull. Mr. Turn- bull ie in charge of extensive oil prop- erties at Minotilau. Mrs.. Turnbull (nee Beatrice Eematioger), formerly of Chatham, and at one thus a resident of SL Thoma., Is now on her way borne, basing sailed on the Crown Princess Cecelia from Cwt.-rico/dew. She arrived io New York on Sunday, sad is expected in Chatham early this week. In his letter, Mr. Turnbull tells of the raids b Ong nude on the cities and towns by bandits. When he re- turned to the oil fields from seeing his wife on the boat be found a terrified bunch of women and children buddled on the office veranda. The oil refln• ery was closed and great excitement prevailed generally. In ttw fight wbkh ocxnered the Dight before he ar- rived hack the bandits had been routed and about fifteen killed on both sides. The women have beet' sent to a place of safety at Co•tacoalcos and the men are doing guard duty. Even as the few lines were being penned do rela- tives in Chatham, Mr. Turnbull did not leve himself uuprotected. and had a title on the desk beside him and a revolver in his belt. Mr. Turnbull's booze is in Godericb, and he is a son of Rev. Mark Turnbull, former rector of St. George's church. R. Holmes Position Affected. The following item appeared in The Toroato Star on Wednesday and has reference to the former M. P. for West Huron . Tbe Conservative axe, which has already sheared off the beads of six employees of the Toronto customs house, biogs su-pended over the head of Robert Holme... preventive officer, sod until today acting surveyor of the ppooeett.. The Borden axe has already de.osnded once upon Mr. Holmes. but ice fall has merely deprives him of a portion of his glory. the office of act - 1 surveyor. This trophy has been WM dpon J. H. McCaffrey, chief clerk of the port, an employe of the depertme ii eines 1869, and as staunch a Conservative as Mr. Holmes is a LiberaL Mr. Holmes does not now whether the next blow of the party axe will leave him completely shorn or not. At any rate, be is nervous. At the t time his former salary of lU0 reuaine intact, and be retains the office of preventive officer. The explanation of the change is that Mr. Holmes, althougb appointed by the Lsurler Government In Febru- ary. lW , bis Dot pissed the civil es. - vise examination, which Is the open sesame to the office of surveyor. He M fifty -Dine years of age, end has either been unable or unwilling to Air. McCaffreybecomes sur- veyor • hdf customs tor (orooto in suc- aelea to Mr. Holmes. who, as acting oweeyer. bas filled the position of �eines J. H. Bertram became in February, 19(1D. Mr. Me - Cs baa in addition to bis political sae the civil service oertiA- e diks which he had to secure to become seer deet. He 1r sixty-one row old, will maws this salary of 112.00, Mr. Heiner still receive.. fossil ~bias or the axe is In HOD Mr. Hoimee, by blase pcewes live slicer roll eft surveyor. Today aepm�Nse�t revolved notice that ebieweer-1a•OMeiteY had been re- pealed oar le ell Wt as it 104teia to Mr. H slot is el bolero he dellakely Aolieeir A per yews Ober M • sort of tree taws is Ike weelaae hens. There are f awe en illi sate. boupsver, sad be will . et leek ler bake So long as the MI6 MOMS eaapwdd. hi. peh+o•, etrblr.. petty womb leIfollleo II. je el.t01 the co• os as. Om •• Ala "b" Mules lla y. At that time be mat se voillossios M the Ballet le any sat,. THE SIGNAL Gl)1)ERICH ONTARI 0) The Y. M. O. A. boy Scouts. A more of Boy Scouts enjoyed an outing on the 214th. Going by the morning train to McGaw, they marched to Benmiller, where the troop was drawn up and Ernest Lee was sworn In as a tenderfoot, were slier Presented by titout� Haydest to Morrie Swanson (.tat -man), Bruce Noble (bicyclist) and Allen Sin- clair (bicyclist). After an exercise in signalling the boys were dismissed for station one patrol was sent ahea an hour or two to enjoy thesely es they pleased. On the return to�the to m conceal themselves and the others then had to diaeoyer their hiding. places. A hungry but haPPy7 lot of boys returned to town on the noon $rsjn after an enjoyable wortdgg. 'Ab Y. M. 0. A. library has been byso- lamed hooka a it el and maga- sloes from Mr. W. L Eliot, TIM &begs ham. received a number of orders for the bock on The Sink- ing of the Titanic," for which they are agents. They wish to dispose of enough books to pay for tbeir summer outing. Empire Day at Victoria' School. A very pretty scene was presented at the Victoria school grounds on Thurday afternoon last, when the Pupils, under direction of Principal Tigert and his assistant teachers, and a large number of adult tpectators gathered on the lawn for a celebration of Empire Day. The program was opened with a triple chorus by the pupils : "The Lord's My Shepherd," "The Maple Leaf Forever," "Empire Song." A Reg drill was very prettily and effectively executed by the little girls and boys of Mise Parsons' class. Another chorus, "Hearts of Oak," was given by tbe pupils, and Doris Andrews performed a Highland dance gracefully. Sixteen of Mies Miners' pupils gave the Maypole dance, which was exceedingly well done and made a very pretty spectacle. Jas. F. Thom- son sang "Land of Hope and Glory," with the chorus taken up by the chil- dren—a most effective and appropriate selection. The gide of Mise Le - Towel's class gave a Rag drill ani chorus in very creditable style. Ad- dressee suited to the occasion were given by Rev. J. Pollock, Rev. Geo. E. Roes, Rev. J. B. Fotberingbam and Alex, Saunders, of the school trustee board. The National Anthem brought tbe program to a close. The after- noon's proceedings marked in a most fitting way the day set apart in the interest of British Imperialism. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The soldiers. horse and foot. will be betv nest month. Sleet them with • wekveninit smile and your beet clothes (The boa clothes for MOO COMO from Pridivon the Tailor. north side Square.) „lima for de•oratIng and other purpoeos in great variety at Smith 41 Art More, Baia street. Cell and see the many beautiful and esclusiv e articles in stock. A pleasure to show room A. E. Duff, of Tumntn, district pas - meager agent of the 0. T. R., was in town today. The June meeting of Huron county council will open in Goderich next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A Salvation Army band came up from Clintou last Friday and held sacred coacerts in the Square in the afternoon and evening. The non -jury sittings of the High Court of Justice will open in Goderich on Thursday, June 27th. The Honor- able Mr. Justice Clute will pceside. Miss Skimings writes: "The Men- esetung Canoe Club's gift, a hand- somely made fracture bed, is a great boon to Alexandra Maeine Hommel." Walton on Victoria Day, taking par. as a speaker in the program in con- nection with the laying of tbe corner- stone of the new Prebyterian church S. Luxtoo, catetaker of the court house park, has been laid aside the last two weeks owing to a serious ill- ness,. Wto. McVittie ie looking after the park during Mr. Luxton's enforced RebekAh Lodge bas elected the fol- lowing officers for the ensuing term : N. G., Mrs. Maud Martin ; V. 0. Mies F. 8. Miss Nine Mat treasurer, Miss Elisabeth Giboon. Clinton News -Raved The sug- gestion from Rev. Jos. Elliott, now in England, that the couocil should take up the metter of a big publicity cam- paign for the county is • good one and should be acted upon at the June A. 0. Newt has purchased the res- idence of Jas. H. Tigert on the corner of Wellington and St.. Patrick's street*. The sale is in anticipation of Mr. Tigeres removal from town shortly to accept a position as principal of ft school in Hamilton. Fliers have an abborence for the scent of coil oil, and during the warm weather if the screen doors and win• doers are brushed over twice • day on the outside with a cloth saturated with coal oil it will do much towards keeping the flier from bolding meet- ings on your screens. At the commencement exorcises of the Margazet Eaton Ocbool of Expres- sion at Toronto last week. Miss Mona Walter, of Colborne, was presented with the Mrs. A. C. Rogers scholar- ship of $26. Mien Walter. who is well known here ea • clever elocutionist, has been taking a course at. tbe Mar- garet Eaton Scbool. The Sieger wwing macbine armory is now la charge of L. B. Tape, late of Ridgetowe, who is as experienced. man well posted in everything pertaining to toe trade. He will be giod re- oeive • cell from anytiee interested in his Hee. He has aiready met • wood member of the pirle of town and vicialty and is being heartily wel- comed to the town's hosinesa circle. W. G. Corson, of Big Stone Gap. Va., writes that the continued influx of United Staten farmers te retied& meet eoavirice the moat doubting Mare for the sows. which handles oo Iwo a proportion of the Vireeuriro- grown grails. He rstioreste that as available property at the harbor is le - °semis, very fearer the time has wow tor Ma to easinal the oM Nouns- ware - boas property, "Hsieh he has owaed Yoe tbe pest tee years. Mr. Colette will be in Iowa all gest weet. [Ivies so far away it le lezesiMe for Ma be do anything larseertY Mos *W. but tionwroutst be es iv/ too sg4=st al 161:=1614 • Ttfusecety, ]fears :file 1912 i Lt the regalis meeting of oll w- BAirs Lodge, a d., 1. O. 0.a F-, the full4w- ing officers were elected for the emu- G,ing te8.. N. G., e; rTecording were- V. e- EgnA CURE G., R. W. Craigia: recording aee� Lary, C. A. Reid; financial secretary. : as W. F. Clark ; tr, i•rer, O. O Whitely. The delegates appointed to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge to to held at Rawilton in August were H. Martin. R. King sod S. Lynn. These those with J. Platt and A. P. gturdy will attend the dis- trict meeting. The consignment of 7W tungsten lamps which was purchased from Iba Hydro -electric Power ('owmissigs has arrived anti the water and light C116.11111haat had the Loupe tested, tnsly a few broke• ones. The thumps say be secured by electric light nese ere at Ate town treasurer' of - licit The e in sites of twenty Ove. .forty and Domsixty watts, and the price* quoted are 40c, 16c, and 50c. All lamps are to oe paid for in advsnoe and no lamps may be returned. Ben Allen has purcharted a Carter automobile from W. E. Kelly, the local agent for that car, and this week Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs Allen went to Detroit and made tbe return trip in the new machine, corning via Port Huron, Parkhill and Grand Bend. The heavy rains made the roads unusually bad for travelling by auto, but the car withstood admirably the severe test it received It is a five - passenger machine with a forty -horse- power engine. The Stratford Herald, in reporting a recent meeting of the Literary So- ciety of the normal School in the Classic City, maker special reference to the part taken in the program by H. Earl Elliott, who, by the way, is the only. Goderich boy who has at- tended the Stratford Neutral. The report says : "An interesting addrees from the subject, 'Sweet Are the Uwe of Adversity,' was given by Mr. H. E. Elliott. Mr. Elliott hour given several addresses during the year, and each time buts sbown decided promise as a speaker." Further commenting on the contributions to the program the statement was made tbat it bad been clearly demonstrated during the year 1 hat the boys of '12 class would be heard from in the future. Earl's many friends in town wW tie glad to bear that he has earned such marked attention and they will watch with pleasure and interest bis climb to the top of tbe ladder. gg CHURCH NOTES. ft being Whitsunday, the morning's _— discourse was devoted to a considers - i I By MsrTilcy's No. 4. Prrsuipdss 47 Years Oid. P1atm., N. S., lacy t, NMA *Mho. my baby was wily two weeks 1 eY 1 seswwd a sight rash whim body, aid the IMO follow &weld cry aid fret sight sad day. 1 miss greedy worried sheat ►i., sad triad weeryebeir to relieve kiss, kat 1 wiliest nary actress. The rash ken geritij ewes sad ewes smut his 14*1. face sad Wit was a saws d scabs. Wises he w . sheat sin path Mil1 wee advised t. 1 try V.1her Merri.cy's No. 4 Ecsema ' sswicies, whack 1 dad la sheat tee , swath time the scabs bad disappeared, aid she child is now bepMhy sad strong. 1 most tbaskfulty recawaamil it to sepses wieriag free Eca..a." s Mrs. P. Denison. The above presviptise is art a "Ger.- Alf' or so -calls/ patty o mwiriao. Dr. M.rsi.cy primernired it for 44 years, sad it cured themes s shies other doctors failed, Price, Mc. per boa at year deelees, or rasher Mwieay MeieLs Cs., I,iegeedi Misetreat see Mild And guaranteed in Oodetick by F. .L Butiaud, "i Paid - up Capital, Rest mod RIPI Undivided Profits 118,IS1,:f70 Toter Amoral (over) $5R.000,1ji by Meseta. P.uvis, Michie, Ramsay and Hendcreon. Blyth Pmebyterions we: a rept esent»d Ly a delegation composed of Messrs. Elder, Brigham, Snuuuerti, (lord inet , ngap, Laid Ikw, Richmond, Rime, Brown, .Stothers, Carter end Dr. Milne. The release takes effect after the 2n11 of June. Rev. Mr. Pearcy, of l.indeoboro'. will then act as interim moderator. BISHOP WILLIAMS AT ST. GEORGE'S.; Whitsunday Services Marked by Sermons from the Head of the Diocese. The pe -plc of S'. George's church had the pleasure and honor• of a visit on Sunday last from Bi.hop Wil- l:ams, the bead of the Anglican dicier se of Huron. Hid Lordship occupied the pulpit both morning and evening, and delivered sermon, containing much oodly instruction and admonition. At the morning service in Knox church last Sanday, Mm A. H. Irving, of Spokane, a former member of the choir, rendered a MOO Viltry AC. cept ably. The services in Knox church room- ing and evecing next Sabbeth will Ise conducted by Rev. Geo. IL ROP b. who will preach on "The CIA and the Pot- ter," and "The Valley o Dry Bones." Sunday school annive-sary eervices will t* held next Sunday in Victoria street church. Rev. A. W, Batter, B. D., of Seafortb, will preocb. Fore- noon tbeme, "The Right, of Chil- dren evening subject. Miesioa of the Lind." In tbe afterpoon at 3 o'clock. Rev...Mr. Barker will itive an illustrated addles& 'entitled. fah* Voyage of Life." Everybody is ta- vited to these services. Rev. Geo. E. Row, of Ktiox church. received last week a moot interesting letter frem Teberan, Persia, stating that an Odder of Recruits for tbe Ministry, of which Mr. Koss is the founder, bad been organized in that city in one of the important cbarges of the American church. Rev. E. K. De Witt, the missiooary and head of the. American IlIgh School in T,eheran, had formed this organizAtiqn as a re- suk of the announcement of the Order of Recruits in a recent article from Mr. Roes' Oen in The Literary DigeaL The ilea. commended itself strongly to him and a chapter ot the Order was formed on April 2.2nd with the enlist- ment of two Jews *MI a Mohamme- dan wbo have the Christian ministry in view. Throughout Canada and the United Stetes the Order of Recruits is attracting attent lea and is destined to ta.. an important fActor winning young own for the ministry. Rey. J. L. Smafi Accepts Call apecial meeting of the Presbytery of Huron on Friday, May Sith. re- leased Rev. J. L. Small. B. A., from hie chArge at Blyth. The representa- hearty and the great attraction@ of large depittgion from Blytk Meet meet ewne-Oy for the retentio* of their into the'hands ef Mr. Smolt his choice minister but when the co& was put I was to enter the new sphere. Tbe liespeler corgtegation was represented tion of the great significance and im- portance of the day which celebretes tbe Pentecostal baptism of tbe of God. Wiiitsunday was, His Lord- ehip declered, greater day even than Christmas or Easterjor it commemor- ated the bestowal upon man of that power of the opirit without which the emir) of Chtist and Hie triumph over At h would oot have bad their designed effect in tbe regenciation of mankind. Christians who lived in the light of the knowledge of God as the F`ather aud Sion too often failed to think upon One third Person of the Trinity and to realize in tbeir lives the power of the Spirit. 11 was beyood and above all else that bed been bestowed upon man. At the evening eervice Kipliogie beautiful "Recessional" was sung most effectively by Mr. Lionel Parsons and the choir. r - OF CANADA ISTABU$13jD 1663 DON'T WASTE INTEREST and risk the principal itself by keeping a lot of money la - your bootie or your pockets. It would be wucb sitar in the Union Bank of Canada - leos likely to be spent -and instead of being idle, would be earning Interest night and day. 1f you haven't a Savings Book Acouuot already, come ,n and open one. Goderich Branch L.W. L. HORTON, !lIU..:.l*Alt8, f r. w. wear. es i _ ..a...L. tt.c. l G. M. C. RAltT 511 Manager Aside.* saawsree. The Hoop of Gold Among a ring display mgr. bigger than what you see at most places we show � nice selection ..I ting display tbat's than you see most a of WEDDING RINGS WEDDING RINGS We have the newest tbings in thein, all weights and all sizes. These interested are urged to have a look, because we really can offer some extra special values in wedding rings. Prices run from $$2.50 upwards, and wbeh you are in take a look at our display of wedding gifts. You'll find it inter- esting, attractive, really worth your attention. J. S. DAVEY and OPTICIAN SOUTH SIDE SQUARE, GODEHICH To the Goderich Citizens READY FOR SPRING BUSINESS Singer Sewing Machine Ladies and Gentleman,- I beg to inform you that I am prepared to do all kinds of domestic launch y work at reasoo able prices. I have secured the eervices of former Goderich laun- dryman, whose fame you already know and is a guarantee for good work. Our Spring stock is in and will comprise the largest and most up-to- date stock of Clothing and Furnishings we have ever shown. The latest improved oseinatiog, vibrating and rotary machine made. Eitbi r lock or chain stitch. On ball-heariog stands. OIL, NEEDLES, REPAIRS and DARNERS for all machines. A full Hoe of fancy Haorlkeo chiefs , Citation Covello, Aprcros, Dust cape, . to; shut Satin Flowers on band or rearm to order. New Suits New Raincoat s New Hats New Caps New Shirts, ete. The East Street laundry Otmesite Garage GEO. NEWELL &nth Side of Square osetesaMMA L ff. TAPE Angus, GODERI( r! North side square. nest Bell Teleptio.,e ()entre!. White Star Line ‘SIAteamer Grey hound EAST STREET GARAGE MR. FARMER,—V011 read our ad. last week, didn't vou, hut you want to know something about the Gasoline outfits we mentioned. They are Canadian Fairbanks -Morse, which stands for highest quality. Prices range from $13o up. 25 of the price down and the balance on time makes it a pretty good proposition, doergit it ? We would like a little talk with you. VVon't you give us a call next time you are in? P.11.—If you have • Ford Car wears ma wet Wee treithieseme aa• ram pi to electric Imes hello The Huron Gasoline E*2 a Machinery Co. $1.5 0 tGo° REfaitl Going to Detroit June I4th Itetura frogs Detroit June I7th- 14 days in Detroit Detroit Tigers and Pennant Wieners Play Ball. June 15-113. Minerva Recsamenviit, I 0. 0. F.. bow coenpletecl arrangements with the T. R. for the rail put of the Greybound excursion. Geolerich to Detroit on Friday, June 14th. A specili train will leave otortford. Pridary. 7:39 • no, stopping at all statiow. 1Retiirriing s train will leave tioderich on Mouday, June Trthill.lat llo10 p. zooming through Whorham sod Stratford. Ask F. IP. lowreace, 4).T. R. Cit y Ticket Awns, Goderith, for particulars. Creersent tlah If Stratford Spesial Train to the Goilerich Band Mooalight. Thursday, lime 13, p.e. Tor particulars see small hills or *rite R. H. AT nit, T. go. * nt, Detroit.