The Signal, 1912-5-30, Page 44 Tatai..eaz, MAY 110, KIS
News of District
TvmaDAY. May 28th.
Nome.- Miss Jenkins spent the
lith at her bore in Blyth. W.
Nair, dwent ent Sunday at
John Qaz's. Mr. and Nn. Pelee'
'toboggan . and children spent the
holiday at Port Stanley...._Lorne
Tabor visited at Mitchell week .. .
Mr. sod Mrs. Harry Mayfield, of Zion
City, HL, spent a taw days ou tbelr
wedding tour visiting in the neighhor-
kood Mr. and is. C. McPbail
spent Friday at Mitchell, also Peter
McDougall .. Nowak McDougall
spent tim fkle at Listowel.
Norma -May tttb passed off quietly
in our community. The Rifle Club
met and did eine excellent shooting,
this being the first shoot for the cup
this year .. Mrs. Thos. Sandetsoo,
of Oodericb, visited ber brother• our
postmaater, over• the holiday W.
McDowell and family and WJ.
Stackhouse and family, also Mr. and
Mrs. G. Fothergill, left Bl tb today
via C. P. R. to visit friends in the
Western PPnvinces for the next five
weeks..Mr. and Mrs. John Cald-
well. of Blyth, visited at the home of
W. Walden nn Sundae- ... Mr. and
Mrs. Vint, of Stratford. visited at the
home of the fortnet'a niece, Mrs.
Arthur Barr, on the 24th Mn.
David Dunbar returned liaturday
front an extended visit to her daugh-
ter in Stratford. ,
A Sea AL.Vte1T.-The Literary So-
ciety of the. W est End. Teckenmith,
also a number of other friends. were
enter Lai ne1 •at the "White Honer,"
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toll,
of East Wawannah, on the afternoon
And eveningot May 24th. After lunch
had been served a splendid musical
and literary program was rendered
which was much appreciated by those
present. A .bearty vote of thanks
was tendered the host toed hostess for
tl.eir kind hospitality.
WEUNgsD.tY. May :13fth.
NEWS OF Tex WEEK. -Mr. and Mts.
Herb Mortis and children, of Salt -
ford, visited at Mrs. Morrie- old bonze
here on Friday. Mrs. Jack Bur-
rows is in Kincardioefor a few days
tbeguest-of ber gnat, Mts. Dunlop.
A number . f young felks from
Kingsbridge and bintail had a picnic
at the lake bete on Friday and in the
evening enjoyed tbemeelvee with a
dance in the hall....... Mr. and Mrs.
G. McMichael and baby. of Seafot•tb,
were the guests of the lady's parents.
Mr. and Mn. J. McGee, over the
Twenty-fourth...... Mr. aid Mrs.
Hugh Stewart and children, of Dun-
gannon, visited at Mrs. Richardson's
on Friday Mrs. John Schoenhals
spent tbe holiday with relatives in
Milverton..... Miss Edith Fielder
wea home from Goderich over Sun-
day Mise Grace Crawford is vie.
icing her mater, Mn. Durnin, Dungan-
non, this Week .Mrs. H. McGuire,
Goderich, - visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wil on. jr., last
week • Dr. Hayden. t:iodericb,
spent Sunday at his home here
John CraWford, of Neepawa, Man.,
called on friends here last week. He
wsa accofnpanied by bis daughter,
Mies Annie.
• WEDNESDAY, May 29tb.
laminate --A number of people
from this' towoabip have left this
week for the West. Mies Levy goes
to Purtage•la Prairie to take a posi-
tion ea 'saffron of the hospital there.
Miss Levy is a capableoung woman
and her friends are much pleased with
her advancement. Misses Edith and
Mona Walter and their brother
Aubrey left fcr the vicinity of Yellow
Grass, Seek. Mrs. Jae. Long, of Ben -
miller, has gone to visit her ends in
Alberta The township council
met on Monday as a court of revision
of the aaaesement roll. A number of
appeals wee heard A municipal
telephone ba. been placed in the C. P.
R. (ration at McGaw .. Several ear -
loads of hay and straw have been
shipped from McGaw station the past
week. Waddell of Stratford and
Brown of Seeforth are:the huyers and
they are paying *12 a ton for hay
delivered at the station me
heavy rainy of the last week have re-
tarded the sowing of corn. There will
ee a large acreage in corn around here
this year Tbe orchard.; prevent a
Ane appearance. and tbe indications
are for a greet crop of apples. Tbe
orchards whose owners have given
then good care make the bee showing
of blossom The National Land R
Fruit Oo.'s !praying gang is again at
work, and the members of the Huron
Fruit Growers' Association also are
active along the came line.
REv. J. R. Metre's, FAREWELL --
Rev. J. R. Mann, who is taking his
new charge a1 Port Elgin this week,
peed his farewell sermon in
Snilth'a Hill church on Sabbath bast.
He was beard bya large congregation.
The members othe congregation bete
wish him success and bappinees in his
new sphen'd labor.
wars or in se.•orry or TTotem
C. J
Tweak sk L
.. e 7tel °alk teat
isMs•ss le the
ala ateel,
o sy:
eV the Ire •f Hi
Ewers te Indere sae
asp tats nth Ow et
tea 4
ier swat ansa.
Aneter Lear -ran Trip.
Itis Greed 'hank Railway is
fadepec-rate p for the
w*ti,Wtrip Tick«e for the round
Map he seemed at single tare,,
tRerpl, &!-eMk Mme~ a �1►. e
Amid be
peed sae wilt Iwesdata is eetbs
M415 l to w bans sae., w. wear.
WMawitt be foetid ovary day. AR modern meek
V Tb. Weal js at te-
w dee�•am*111 I. sob
domes fee emanate read liar tae same.
THURSDAY. May 30th.
OBITUARY. - Early ou Thtueday
morning of last week the angel of
death visited our village and Ib. sped&
et Mir Della P. took ita
flight to the great beyo* The de-
ceased lady bad been an lav 1U for
the peel two Deere, sufeah ge from
aping) trouble Four week. previous
to her death she became seriously ill,
and, despite all that loving ease and
the heat of medical attention could do,
she grew s esker daily until the end
came. Mier McKenzie was born at
Thorold, moving in rutty cbildbood to
the McKenzie hum,atead in West Wa•
wenosb,'Near Auburn. She lived for
over fifty years on the homestead,
coming to Duoganuon in July last to
make her hoeue with her brother,
Robert A. She is so vived by one
sister, Mrs. Nicholson, of klrigden, and
two otber brother.), 'Donald and
Charles, in Saskatchewan. She was
for many years a consistent member
of Knox church, Auburn, and on Fri-
day Rev. J. It Mann, pastor of that
church, conducted the service at the
house, while Rev. G. Gomm, pastor of
Erskine cbutch, Dungannon, con-
ducted the service at (be graveside in
Ball's cemetery. Hullett. The pall-
bearers were Daniel Phalen, Joe.
Pagers, Jos. Waahiogton, Wellington
Oliver, Stepbeo Medd and John
a recent meeting of the executive
committee of the Geueral Conference
of the Methodist t•hurcb, Rev. Francis
Swann was remoter, ed from the Lon-
don to the Bt itisb Columbia Confer-
ence. The transfer was made at the
earnest request of Mt. Swann. w•h
left Brigden to take charge of the mis-
sion oration at Kitawsat, 13. C. He
was accompanied on his journey west
by Mrs Swann, who has been ap-
pointed assistant superintendent of
the ,.:fission. They will be assisted in
the work by Mr. Swrnn's sister, Mies
Swann, who was sent to Kitamaat a
year or so ago by the W. M. S. Mr.
Swann was pastor of the Dungannon
circuit for two years, moving later to
Auburn, bluevale, Holtneeville, Ful-
lerton and Brigden. Bob Mr. and
Mia. Swann are peculiarly adapted for
the work upon which they are enter-
ing, being richly endowed with the
requisite faculties of adapting them-
selves to their environtneut, winning
their way into the hearts of those
with whom they come in contact and
binding their love with bonds that
never part. The reverend gentleman
and his beloved belpmiate bare many
friends in West Huron who wish tbem
all ucceas in their new field of labor
on the Pacific coast.
GENSRAL.-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wil-
son, of Elora, visited relatives and
friends in Dungannon and vicinity
from Thursday to Sunday The
Misses Nevins bane moved from Gude-
rich an -1 with their father are keeping
house shove The News office
James Crawfwd and daughter, of
Neepawa, Man.. who are visiting rel-
atives Dear Port Albert, ea/led on
Dungannon friends cast week
Miss Clara Sproul is visiting in Gode-
rich The G. C. I. students were
home for the vacation Mrs. Ed-
ward Fcwlee and family, of the title
concession of West Wawanosh, have
moved to Goderich, where they have
rented a house on Gloucester Terrace.
Market quotations for this
week : Eggs 21c., butter ISe. A
daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Reid, of Langdon.
Sask., and a son to Mr. and Mrs. M. T.
Bechtel, of Elmira....... David Deere'',
a brother of Stephen Demme, is dead
at Portage la Prairie.... _Joe. Mae
lough was in Clinton last week at.
tending tbe district meeting of tbs
Methodist church.
Were THE RIPLSMEN.-On Friday
last a team from the local rifle aaoci-
ation went to Paisley and .bot against
the team of that town, losing by a
score of 1090 to 1186. Tbe trip was
made in the big carryall automobile
belonging toJack Elliott, of Clinton.
The weather was ideal, and the outdoe
thoroughly enjoyed by all. The local
team are a little •bore" over the treat-
ment tbey received in Paisley, and
trust that at some Ume in the near
future they may be favored with a re-
turn visit, it only for the opportunity
to show the boys from Bruce tbe cour-
tesy and hospitality which should
always be paid t� a 'lilting team. In-
stead waiting for the Dungannon
team, the Peaky boys started shoot-
ing in the morning nod were half
through before the lonal boys arrived.
The wind in the after.00n was very
strong compered with tbe morning,
making eoodltions very much differ-
ent. -
ent. 'lee following members repre-
sented the Dungannon association :
Cha(. Elliott. J. Johnston. B. .1. Craw-
ford Dr. Bios. H. Bellamy, J. Elliott.
W. Watson, R. Disber, B Simpson,
D. Glean. J. McGee, T. Allele R.
Johnston, C. Dowding.
Bvstimae CHAMOIS,- A deal 1s being
put throng's this week by whkeb 8. J.
Yoe.g porches's H. T. Tbos .oe's
=motors in Uiodae4l ji and Mr.
o. of Mr.
Ya atTotten
be Gatwick this week teeing stoek
and Nt Thomson is now here fur a
slelikke purpose. Mr. Toms cease to
wever Usher yaps ego to
�tl.t J.J. K. Robert... R. bee bane
la in z.e bore os hie melt aeeeeet
eighteen years.
sive • pttet d eaterprid ginbedtime. prairie.
i.asurtasue sitria
hes Win and
'aR e'er• • k se active
t le Owners is g to iy p
sad_ m
his r . ese•
al Dior
W meet eepaited.kna
ler. ewe of ifs
O•rt lilted
Drmilece lishatvsta-The heart-
felt „r.vtiosis Ali
Three w„i..w YR 21 his ho....
(ilei of sire. sur ern stway. W
os 8ate:day last his wife pealed
over to the land from w no
travdiee ever returns. Resides the
sorrowing buabeod two little keys,
aix and eight years old. are left
to 'sedum the departure of a kind
and loving mother. The deceawd
lady wee tbe daughter of Mr.
and M. 8.spinel Kerr at Nile end
was twenty-nine years of age.
Bight ysan ago she was man led to I er
now bereft partner. t3t►si.ies her p.r-
eots she is .urvived hy five Nene -
Mrs. D. McPhee, Nile; Mn. Alex.
Young, Nile; Mrs. Wm. Graham.
fMbepperdeve : Mrs. D. Oooke, Olin'o0,
and Mrs. H. Ryon,
. Dungsnon; and
one brother, Henry. at Nile. The re-
mains were interred in Dungannon
cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, In the
gesence of a huge number of friends.
e palllteezers were six brothers-iu-
Mw. Rev. W. Conway conducted the
services et the hou.e and graveside.
E. H.' Ayer, the well-known and
ever popular excursion agent at the
White Star Line, Detroit. is in town,
and the dismal rains tit the fore pati
of the week have let tip. Mr. Ayer
seems t., he on ereecisily good tetania
with the weather man, as the annual
Juue excuse -ion by et rank r Greyhound
between G.vlerieh and Detroit has
aiuoat invariably bad the finest of
weather in a fickle comate. It is a
great trip from (,tdeeich down the
broad stretch of (rake Huron te Poet
Huepnmod thence Through River and
Lake Sr.. Clair and pkat the -Flee" of
the Detroit ttiver to the beautiful
('ity of the ekes/to. It would take the
pen or a poet to describe fittingly the
vat • beauties of water and land -
I. Rheimatbe edea baclt.
The tams Ude Add
in the Wets It the kids
rays eed Mew Uric Add aweds mid
so LaesMgo. Make
kidneys de Oar work. The
acre firpseainagitive aaedsi only
"I have been a Pullrnan Conductor on
the C. P. R. and 31ichigan Ceutral
during the last three years. About
four years ago, I was laid up wee
intense pains is the groin, a %cry sore
back, and suffered most severely when
I tried to urinate. I treated with my
family physician for two months for
gravel in the bladder but did not
receive any benefit, About that time,
I met another railroad man who had
been similarly affected and who had
been cured by tieing Gin Pills, after
Kxc•iraiou Agent White Star Line.
.cape which r.)vi.b the rye of the ex-
cursionist from the dock of the
staunch ship Greyhound as she makes
this trip. This year'• tiip will be the
fourteenth ante Mr. Ayer first
arranged thir annual outing for the
people of this district, and anybody
will tell you that the photograph
which we repruduce herewith wigbt
have been taken at Any period during
these years. so lightly does time pass
over thiehead of -the genial rigout of
the White Star Line.
This year an extra day is Added 1,0
the trip, giving exsuraionista two
whole der', Saturday and Sunday, in
Detroit, where the time cin be vety
enjoyably' .pent. The fate is the same
es before, p1.50 for the sound trip.
The Greyhound will leave Goderich
for the trip:to Detroit on Friday, June
14, at 9:30 a, m.
A Stirring Deliverance iu Knox Church
ori Sunday Evening.
In a stirring address which indi
cated hip whole-souled zeal for his
chosen work. Rev. Dr. MacGillivray
delivered kis farewell message in
Knox chureh last Sunday evening,
joor to tornencing bis return
urney mto his field of labor at
Shanghai. China. The interest that
is taken by the people of Goderich io
the work that he is doing in the
foreign miaiton field was shown by the
large rongregatiou wbieh was present
to hear his 1►s.t addrese at this time in
hie native town.
Dr. MacGillivray took as his text
the eigbtesatb and nineteenth verses
of the 4th chapter of SL 1 -oke : "The
spirit d tlj.Lord is ep i breF, bedsits.
the hag kited me to preach the
Gospel to a poor ; Hs hath sent me
to heal the b.okeohearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives, end re-
covering of sight to the blind, to set
at liberty them that are bruised, to
preach the acceptable year of the
Lord." in his remarks the reverend
gentleman directed attention to the
work that is being done in spreading
the Gospel among the Chinese end
how the gradual work int the Spirit of
God is changing the hearts et the
people. The miesionad.a, he said,
now held a positioo of influence,
which they did not a quarter of a
century ago. At that time there were
no converts to Obriatianity. Now
the worker has the lite of the native
oo0vert to point ro. His friends know
what he was before he accepted Christ
and they cafe wee how Christianity has
transformed bis wbole manner of liv-
ing. Aa a reeolt of the miaedonar.iea'
labors, the Doctor said. China is a
Mauer piece to live in than when he
want chere the flet time twenty-three
years ago. Then there were nn con-
vene, hart when het -mune now he will
be welcomed by thous.nde s f native
cbriot Una.
Hie concluding words wt n In the
form ..f an w peal for tworr w•nrkers.
A. t.hia was the eritie•l period in that
great empire he dee asst it was .11
the more urrest that the num bee of
laborers shnoM he Mint eased. '• It was
gieriniag et owe Moose, wow it I. time
for the sheaves "
We ren finish nothing In r.ur lime
had life, jut we eon makes heginning-
aed b mseerh • .ottle ettatiaple.
The quiche's way to ewe "Mose 1.
to Identify Merv. 'Ilion look Omsk •
little sed iieuovsr that year woe baa
as meemosisle sultan, and yen
'hest he asks feet s eh hk `kayo i
lMt th..orrdiWha (i
wldes pine ee the resit
�• .. y» a ems
is eat Im o the eva`- g
having been given up by a prominent
physician who treated him for Diabetes.
He is now running on the road and is
perfectly cured. Ile stronglyadvised
me to try Gin Pills which I did, -with
the result that the pities leftism entirely.
PRANK S. 11g1;,o
l;, Btente . N. Y.
roc. a box, 6 foe ff so. Sample free,
Write National Drag zed -Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto.
If you suffer witt Constipation or
need age tle laxative, take NATIONA L
I.IZY LIVER PILLS. 25c. a box. IC5
Start a amino in Bookkeeping or
Shorthand and tine year spare time
ash' tab knee wince sad thou ant.h
It at renege it you wick, Many are
following Ude plan. leen, museums sed
gent.y/ reedy ter a feed sane mettles.
Write oe roe bartioulsrv. The Shaw
(orrespowdeeee Scheel tad Th. Cao.
teal Halos.. cousins. Bead oAce
Yonne sad Garrard lata- Throats.
K. H. SHAW President.
is made in soft, hand-
some shades el Rgdr
Dom and Grata se
well as aminal . dab
osier. Thoss oda* are
as inagral part of the
expo Nd ssrfaseNnse
..t w wars ed. s LK
es Am yea simples.
$b,' a itMrs.
at emelatininsaEkaaA
Nowell Hardware ga., mom
Because they art se Andy (so
purging or griping) yet ee
are beat for the children as well es
the frown -ups 25e. a box at
your druggist's.
Mont Raga.ON►�t��tee et
Dr. Morro'•
India float Pil1�
owe their sirtgd.r effictivewi, in
curing R' -r---- -. L.wtrt. and
Sciatica a Mi M rt t,..s N }it
sod straegthathig the )' /
reads �`::`` 10.
f frees �.d tat eye.. ..
gra tato the Mete nise..flw imalrctwkeR
et . G1
.. Oce
sadiriR.� tae has
IMiaa' eta all'. Enne's
Wary* sued den r k
Cur. 1lko f cern
will be good days to look throu$ vl �ltir stock (or BARGAIN WANTS.
We have gathered here a collection whip is good drygoods. We have
made many special values in desirable and seasonable goods that we can
afford to price extra low to stimulate S,}tuiday and Monday selling. Not
an unworthy article in the lot. The quantities are limited. Come early
and have a good choice. ;
Ten pieces of clime dednabie sower atitaae •
that dant
grenare de, e de, fatp WMe eyand 'Acrdhere.=,', bat
color's, 1aand Monday pales
Trade nate "Perfecto Staeleled," sold in
many places at 90c, colors suitable for dresses and
waist.. Our prior is only 15c.
One piece each 40c and 25c. Saturday and
Monday 30c and 19c. A nice bright cream suitable
for dreams and wakes and looks like suiting"
worth more than regular prices.
A new material, plain weave, easily in the
regular worth 35c to 40c. Now while they hast we
will sell them for just 26c.
Just one piece in stock, good value at 30c or
even 35c. Our price for this piece is only 25c.
We are offering extra values in plain Silks, 36
to 11 inches wide, to black and colon.
A hlack Pailette pure Silk, 36 inches wide, 90c,
A bla•:k Marquisette, 36 inches wide, 11.00,
11.25 and 11.50.
A brown Pailette, 36 inches wide, 81.00.
A re.eda Marquisette, 38 inches wide, *1.W.
Having bought our Lawn Waists direct froze
the makers we got them at and cost and our stock
was never an good in point of quality and quarto,
lty as it is now. Embroidery fronts and embroid-
ery trimmed sleeves, back plaiting., threequarter
AM full length sleeves, open in back or front, and
our prices are from 95c to *4.50.
Twenty-five of these Waists will be put 00
sale Saturday and Monday at about j off our
regular prices.
PIft..e please to select troa, every piens new
this sermon.e
e_. Priests 18�c to Ric. Patterns choice,
and cloth Is aeptioually good quality.
SIAM. 11.25, *L60, 11.75, E2 -Q0, *2. 5, 12.50
$275. A11 new, direct from the water, elk and
wool coven, Paragon frame. steel Taney handles.
Fancy colored Parasols just in, a neat uubby
lot in plain and combination colon. Prices $1.00
W 89.25.
Our stock is being added to every few days
and is now the largest we ever parried in short
and long makes. Short, 25c to 50c, in lisle and
silk: long, 36c to 75c, silk gloves, double tipped,
Our 36c long glove is a silk -finished lisle KAYSER.
This is a world -famed glove. both for fit and wear,
all finger tipped, 50c, 73c and $1.00.
Patent Finger - tipped White Silk
Kayser Opera Glove, i6 -button Length
Seamless black and tan hose, 2 pairs for .doe.
Some of these stockings are seconds of 25c and 35c
qualities. These will wear about as well as Ante;
no imperfections b0 the tett. A great Aargain at 2
pairs for 26c.
Lidice' seamless Hose 25e, 38c and 50c.
Radium Lisle Hose, a new make, light weight.
silk finish, absolute colon, 35c ani 50c.
Ribbed. seamless, buck and tan colon, all
sites from 5 to 10, fast colors --a great stocking for
everyday use and tbe price for any she 15c.
Hercule. heavy 'ebbe.] Hose for boys in black
and tea. seamier., fast oolors, all sizes from 5 to beet boys' bole made, any size 25c.
The Royal, a girds' floe ribbed Hose, seamless•
fast colors in blank and tan-tbe beet wearers to
be found, all eh" from 5 to 10, 26c.
Under the auspices of the
West then. Fanners' leathute
Saturday, Jane 8th
Special Train by C.P.R.
Leave Time Adult Child
Goderich 7:90 a.m. 81.661 .80
McOaw 7:33 1.56 .80
Auburn 7:43
766 1.50 .75
Welton 807 1.20 .80
1.40 .70
McNaught 8:18 1.10 .lib
W. Monkton8:30 1.05 .56
Milverton R:46 .85 .46
Millbank 8:68 .80 .40
Linwood 9116 86 .35
Walfeeatein 9:15 .56 .311
Elmira 9:5 .50 .96
Ar. Guelph 9:66
Raters e vee aI feud. win IOUsGuelphuelph 7.s6'tap. m. Exeerr�eleatsts baro
stations Goderich to Mo1
.•.�4 pada.
nivel hare privilege of
seaadag ever
Moodndy.are b14any
A Trip Full of interest
le the r hese of ti. eaten.
. es
two neMil Mazhasann ur
-and am -
Merest wink the eity of
A day s1 Ifderstien. i,sptratts.. Re-
creation. Da nit she u.
1. A. YALL0179H. WM. BAILIE.
tbuageness.► Piss. iDuagas.e., Seer.
to hay ell kinds of farm
WAGONS frees Bal.'s.
of Weediest*
B UGGIES tees Gray's,
a/ Chatham
SRedani Patios Ca
13.s Teresa
tram Dimwit
-le feet, anything • termer
aside or waits.
• W. have a low enttav to
MONS a. Wag es the stork
Robert W 1's
Hedteet Street. Oedema*
TH E SiGNAL for the balance of 50 Cents
1914 -to new subscribers only
that when you buy a stylish Shoe you
do not buy discomfort ; and also let us
emphasize the tact that in buying the
you get both style and comfort.
TRUNKS, ITC. -When you travel you will need a good strong
Trunk, or perhaps a commodious Suit_ase or Bag will meet your
requirements. We can furnish all your wants in eitbsr,line.
All Repairing Orders receive our prompt attends..
and House Furnishings
Nsc usries is Fbrkitnre
.ad for tet Host
Realizing the requirements of the people of Roderieh and
vicinity 1 have now • eogeplete assortsisot a "Wafture.
All good., hideding eedla.ry mod exd.tive dhe as .aoderatr'
prises --an amortmeatNM outside the s1W.. Dame In and
ser the clary Pbrtlk.ree yen egg get at M. ---l--'. ft'• a
pleasure to show fay Meek t ad Wawa le eor.11tahag yea dolt. 1
tiaras t socked, i will for you.
" Rugs
I hes.. ales a very dadirabis assortment of Rare. A variety of
q'iafitkae. paled!" cad edotitya Stook an new eel pekoe rigst
Ilmrpt ajie to get Window Shades, Roljm ,Ilauldivies.
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