HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-30, Page 3HIE SIGNAL : GOUERICH, ONTARIO t.ufaDAT. MAT 110, 1111 a TIE �IiINIL IND ONLY GENUINE BRWARR OF IMITA TIONS. News of District Geo. Lamont, G. T. agent at., her eightieth year. Her maiden rants Wingbatn, has resigned. stud will take ; was Helen Scott Morley and she wee a trip West this sum Ferdinand Korutann, a former well- known resident of N1'iugbaw, is dead at Walkerton. He was in hie sixty- third year. • native of Itoxih,roil,i.e, etc 'Oriel. Since her marriage in Noe to George Steinke, who predeceased her veven teen years, Mrs. Sparks had been a resident of the Bronson hue, Stanley. James Allan, of the town line, neat t She is survived h her five daughter+: Zurich. diad on Monday of last week. I Mra. William of of Toronto; He was in his seventy seventh year. Mr,. Currie, wife of Major Currie, M. d P. for North Siulcoe; Miss Polly. matron in a hospital at Rocbatet. Indians, and Mi.... Annie and Mag- gie, at home. The deceased had beeu an Invali for over fifty years. The city of Regius is to erect a Car- negie library to cat $53,000. The plans for tbe building were prepared by two former Seatorth boys -Messrs. Storey and Van Rgntond. Heory Bauer, of Zurich, and Mrs. 8 U L D ON Sophia Fahoer, of Oreditou, were THE married on May loth. Sr. Bauer has MERITS OF disposed of his residence in Zurich and hes moved to Crediton. Word has been received from Nolan, IllialtinNew Mexico.. anuouncing the death of Fred Warman, son of J. F. Was- �NIGRman, ot Clinton. The young than also was known iu Winghuu, where he was a clerk about nine years ago. BOO K BI NDIN i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES boatel oe repaired. IL I 1 LETTERING oo LEATHER GOODS �:'. order. qm�J tm oo leaving • i..na THi 91u�1� A. E. TAYLOR. fTra.Tlr0aD MEDICAL '1118. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR, .1J Physicians and *•+seemS . Uss-Nestle -ore, Leet oilgoal ()ire. don's s LL a or. O AUL A. M. It . DE. W. F.UALLYW,M.B. ogles Gad resldass. Notts guest, (ioderters. tasted Loewy fuggier, sins. Taseases u. hit F. J. R. kinurrs EAR 1J -sorb u4 throat Ml". b.usss1 �G!ae,GM haw Turk vNbtbalsb Gee Vaal Mere►rar curial .%l.l-t.. ker. Neesemilbee t 8optat Lino.. bpuus. sad M••••MMI L)bdot. )-lutland. ikon, rer.w.taff n traUoro. nVtpane Rang Cbatck. 9 o 1: e. ia. twin m-. 7 toll a a tsisNGas LEGAL DRUCDFOUT, HAYS & KILLOR- A\. Ilarnetera, senctuirs, notaries public proctors In the Mantua(' Court. stn Private tunas to lend at lowest tate. et Interest Mix. kit .run riq.are. no Gales. W. ehueetuor K. c., h. C. SAY*, J. L ILL/ itAN. ht O. CAMERON. K. C. ilAARRiS- i. 1 kit, itoladitmr, soul PAW- Viaas- u.rur.wu o test. undersea. Wird don' Dam 441/41e. 'a HARLEStiAitkUW, LLA., bAlt 1,301 1.1a, att.aarywsweatesweater.AC.. 0044 txi. Regan 11.101110101 rawest twos. O. JOHNSTU1l, BARRIbTER �.. stasitvasi. to asnnarser, outer, public oras Laruutue safest uwers+n int. Mrs. Grace Snell, of Bluevale, an- nounces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Olara Mabel, to Harry S. Van Buren, ot Calgary. The marriage it to take place in Cen- tral Methodist church, Calgary. in the latter part of June. A respected citizen of Centralia, in the,perion of Richard Luker, died on May lath at the age of sixty-three yeah. Hie illness extended over several years. The deceased was • native of Hay towoship, being born there in the year 1819. Owing to tbe devise of James Edgar, of Howick, the position he held as director of the Howick Mutual Insurauce Co. baa beeu filled Presentation to Ez-Mayor McCanns Oo the eve of departure for Saska town, Sask., ex Mayor McCallum, of Seafortb, was presented by a number of business and prufeesiooal men of the town with a handsome library table and chairs. 0. F. Rogers, prin- cipal of the Collegiate Institute, was chairman of the meeting, and after a few remark's on the record of Mr. Mc- Callum since he came to Seeforth fourteen year ago, and on the able manner in which the affairs of the town were managed dicing his three years' term as Mayor, the speaker called on Reeve W. Anent to read an address and make the presentation. Death of John Hickson. John Hickson, a pioneer merchant and business man of Seafortb, .18 dead at Oak Grove, Virginia. Thedeceased and bis brother tor twiny years carried on an extensive aod ptoeperous busi- ness in this county, first as druggists and afterwards as general met chants and cheese manufacturers. They were an/ snit the first to engage in the cheese business in this county. They established the Brucefield factory and couducted it suoceaafully for a good many years Mr Hickson moved from Canada to Virginia in 1873 and mail the next annual meeting by the three years later he launched the first afpoihtment of bia sou, Hugh Edgar, wholesale lumber business at Lynch- ot the sane toe nship. burg in that State. At the Ontario street Methodist par- aonage, Clinton, on Thursday evening SANGER'S GREATER EUROPEAN last. Mfrs Della Bezel Finch and John Frank Dixon joined hand and heart. SHOWS. The cereotony was performed by Her. The Performance..is Exceptionally Fite T. W. Caserta. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon will reside in Clinton. J. C. Armour, who had been with tie Doherty Piano Co., of Clinton, for and Full of Interest to All Lover of 1 the Ring -Nearly Everything New and Novel -Menagerie and Hippo - several yea's, has gone to Calgary, drone Unexcelled. where be will act as salesman for the same firm. Before leaving Clinton the employves of the factotty presented Mr. NValter Taylor, of Birmingham, him with a purse of money. s a famous Euglisn writer, rays : Mrs. (Rev.) Larkin, of Seafortb, left "The tart suet over 10,000 people at- tbu week for Vancouver, B. C. She tended tl over Shows prover that the ancientt love forr the circus still ex - will be in attendance at tbe annual meeting of the Presbyterial Foreign Missionary Society as the representa- tive of the Huron Presbyterial So- ciety. of which she is president. A meary crowd of about thirty sat down to dinner on Wednesday even- irte. It is burn In our very tfesb and blood. In youth it thrilled ur, and in iddle x13 e it is our mour contort rod rolase. Tne swell of the sawdust is as fragrant today ea it was in the early .. ? NII6) ° itr‘ Seeing this splendid range places you under no obliga- tion to buy. We guarantee the ..Pandora" just fry will ingly as.'M1cclary people because we know its perfec- tions just as thoroughly. 110 W_Clary:s gee say hF : Dwell Hardware On. You have a right to your own re- ligious at d pili teal belief.- and the other fellow has Jest as much right to his. SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache Calgary, AIberta, July 8, 1911. I was a great ,utf,-i' i t"rr long time wah bili ru-nr.a, >ick beadashe and liver trouble. 'Nothing seemed to do me any good. I had almost given up in despair when 1 decided to try Fitt PILLS After taking about half a box the head- aches stopped auu my appetite im- proved. i bsve ju-1 finished the fifth box and feel as well a-, ever. I can heartily recommend Fig ['ills for stom- ach and liver troubles. Mrs. Mary Ellson. Sold at aII der in 'L, and 50 cent boxes or mailed by. The Fig Pill Co., St. 'Thomas, Ont. morn of our lives, when the circus was THE DISTRICT MEETING. b d bsent1 best' ted be- - - eaven au t e ing, ear ing of last week at the residence of spangled, adorable creature in blue Thomas Jackson, jr., of Clinton. to tights was its particular angel which assist in celebretrdg that gentleman's fitted our thoughts by day and our fiftieth birthday. 1'o mark the occ•a- dreams by night. sten the guests of the evening pre- "Every time we visit a circus we waned Mi. Jacksou with a gift. of cut vow we will( never again ; that it is Mass. the same uld thing, the sews old acro - Oa information laid by Inspector bats, the -eine vitt ground and lofty Torrance, of South Huron, J. P. Rau, tumulings, the same old elephants, of Zurich, was tined 175 and coats by the slime old horseback riding. And Police Magistrate Andrews, .of Clin- it is all true. Same old thing, nothing too, for selling liquor on Sunday. new. But the uext time the circus John Dobie, of 'Heneall, an -Indian' comes again the fever breaks out once lister." was fined $IU and cosh by more.. the roar and rattle of the heavy INSURANCE LOANS. Magtst ate Petty, of Heusall. wagons have au enticing echo of their D kV J Price of Wiughsm who owe., the leafed city appeals to the • ETC. [1cY1W,(,t' MUTUAL F1it IN JL s 011 A t o c O. -k eats sad boated tun;. r,ep.rty urates. umtsn-J. b. Met,eara. Pres., esseerta P.O.; Jo •xtnotly, '1rr►P1ea. Ueaseisa P. U.; 1 rwo.a. 11. bhp. eta -1 react. ratasseta P. U. L.ua:tars -N at. C'ser.ey- eArsrik • Jab. U. tit e. w'lstanp; W111sssKinn.Ua etaaes• Juba IreLoewwlt, ureaaseea • Jamas livaas. h eath woo : Jona Mata. snarled': MalMha liaf.s en. brtaeebield- Ardt.. J. w. Yee. Hsi sv�i isRh. Re t.t. Jae. tsaral.p. ; Ile bin, beet, e.afmtb. Mesar-MYM5 sea pay sre..m.IIa ass Ma %fMi�rr carie roommit st 4. J. Morena ■ elimbiae'esse.UllMw. or at K k. tun a ti rvicery, aureoles arose. tronwire. $20.0ith PRIVATM FUNDS TO tom. Asek,1A M. O. CAM - o no , b.wrster. Mafllnsa PO Mt Godsrlad �' it: ROB*R'f't$ONs. )or t or. Lir tow britba, Canadian and American. mushy, esocsetss atrn tMP OT11Y' Lusa, ITT : '1 M (bean amllaant sad U.arsater ► I0.01�tp ' UaAaN DOOM : las U.a. ► witty ata Ufsesntas Uoss}asy. team u real -ansa• .rrtaMal OsrMr of Vie - Lona end tat.laversrYesr•. Pose 175 IN8UB.ANCL AOLNT. JABN W. GRA1w K, LIFE, FIRE and accident la.ats..s. Asst Lr imam -whist and aura OWWWWass. lf�aa.5 LL al e nv. erected ON saltn eases sari as answa MOM. -al at omen. Defies+ wait .neat sad !Wane r ware.. J. W. UttAM*1Ji Wawa* tat. raw ,bone si MARRIAGE UCEiESES Dr intaginatron as fer•vrdly au as Diced y bas wuved toOrauger the, was pre- as in the days when we carried water rented by the young men's class ut for the elepuants and when tee door M la Ingham etbudiet church with an opens we all ut us are iu the rush to ' addrela and an electric rradtng lamp. i get ucder the canvas and see the same ALTKR E SALLY, J. P.. uotig LiIE. via -1. 1iit;LR OP MaRELIAOL L /CINal(1<. --LANE, 188UA gR OF MRR1- w • Aga IleaassA AMestek. Oen. SHAVING PARLOR UKDFO H D BLU(:Y Ifs1tRAH SHOP Al -res w5* airwa ata �e�a1s[ steed a1. Mem= las ma ssrtllss r shaving r'vetwoll,_610* NW image tr• WNW YUk Ff urk( _y�Md. M. M. Aucn011iattlle fl SUMAS GUNDRY, LIOaI/rOOi `ea menu anss sasss. Warm Msar saw WIN re no Mil be at aY lama Ck yrsee sew lase taepe us IN. e +flet mess. CLNTRAL BUSINLSS FALL/WE eYRAT T. °STAt'tltye *INT a1santos Col. Mast• �e a f� rag (less ear M Mf tnsi�ddlla gat wr t,e,--_. e•lt1__sa R A. McI.AC=E.AN, Dr. Price was the teacher ot the clam, thing over swain, with the sante de - and the presentMioe was made ata lightful •tutictpatiuna as in the days of farewell banquet given in his honor. I yore. 1t is w ell that this is so. Mrs. Andrew Bell, al', of the Lot:-! When the enan uo longer loves the dou toad. Kippen, announces the en-' circus he bas arrived at the lean and slippered age, wheu he fain must Mulageent of ser youngest daughter. ary Alice Cameron, to Rev. John Richardson, B. A.. pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Kip- pen. The marriage will take place the latter part of the month of June. Early Saturday morning last fire was discovered 10 Cook's notion store at Clinton and before it We, extin- guished the stock was practically de- rtioyed. Miss Camelot', milliner; A. J. Bragg. jeweller, and O. Fink, pho- tugraphea, had suave goods damaged by smote. Mr. Cook had $1,3W in- surance on his stock. The marriage of Reginald Shaman Fletcher, of %Vinnipeg, for.netly of Brussels, to Miss Mary Pearl Powell, of Totontu, was solemnized in the Queen City on Saturday, May 18th. Rey. Dr. l> itfln officiated, assisted by Rey. J. Odery. The happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to Vancouver, before going to Winnipeg, where they will reside. Exeter Carnes Bylaw. The ratepayers of }teeter voted on a bylaw 00 Monday to provide for the raising of $QAIIU for the improvement of the sewerage system. Only eleven Votes were polled against the bylaw. Nearly Drowt:ed on the Road. Jas. Shapton. of Exeter. lost a three- year-old colt the other day and nar- rowly escaped drowning himself. He and his .on, Wilfrid, were driying along the sloeroad three miles west of Exeter, when the horse became frightened and jumped into a deep ditch which was full of water. Mr. Shapton wee thrown underneath. and but for the help of bis tun he would have been drowned. as he was com- pletely under water. The colt got tangled up in such • way (fiat it was impoaible to save It. Wedded at Vaecoever. An interesting matrimonial event in Vancouver on 11k,dsesdaayay ssl b. was the marriage rmerly of _ and Mies Rubyh. od Borden. tMf Stewart. of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stewart. erly of Prince Albert, bet ssw d Va.,courer. Tbs ceremony wen pee - formed by }ley. F. B. Macey, of Wesley church. in the preowned arelativM of th fatty intimateg porta s.. The e contracting i et eM coapts ass away on a bngaby trip to Honolulu. where they spend severs( swaths. crouch beture the the to warm his thin blood and rause over the days that are gone. The first sign of old age is when we lure our love for the circus-" • Don't miss seeing the big show, to ex- hibit at Godereb, Wednesday, June 5. MAY BE C. N. R. TERMINAL. Chief Engineer Says Line May Go Through Exeter to Grand Bend. Exeter, May 27. -Chief Electrical Engineer Rothery, of the C. N. R., in company with a number of citizens from St. Marys and Stratford, was in town arranging for a right of way for the electrical line which the McKenzie & Mann interests purpose building through Western Ontario. it is pro- posed to come to Exeter via Strattord and St. Marys, and from here go west to Lake Huron. &ane doubt has been expressed as to the terminal at the lake, but Mr. Rothery sai.t today that in all probability Grand Bend would be chosen. Single Fare for King's Birthday. Return tickets will be issued at single fare for round trip (minimum charge twenty-five cents), between all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falb and Buffalo. N. Y., via Grand Trunk Railway System. Good going May 31st, June 1st, 2nd nod 3rd, valid returning June 5th, 1912. Full partic- ulars and tickets from F. F. Lswr- ence, Town Agent, Oiand Trunk Rail- way. --- Averted the Ducklings. "Why is it," asked Ruse Stahl, "that in the spring • young woman's fancy is so apt to turn to clucking bensP Last year one of my best friends aban- doned the footlights and sought the actor's oftdreamed-of paradise, • !little hotre in the country. „V a recreation she decided to start *poultry farm, which she did with a barn -yard ben and thirteen eggs from the village store. Not havl 11[[ even at the moelementary knowi.dge of p►sltry. she inquired of a neighbor how b�a� eggs generally took to bald. ft reee'ved the reply : ' Three weeks for chickpea and four works fur ducks.' 'Thor neighbor met her tote LUN afaerwatrd., aai d. 00 hieing aabed bow tie (try far ming was goes cep she y with • lowering 00111114111101M: Methodism Prospering- Resolution on Temperance Legislation. l'be annual weetinp for the Gode- 1'ich dl,trict of the Methodist church mai held in Ouwrio street church, Clinton, on ru•wdav and Wednesday of last week. Rev. A. Brown, of (ioderich, chauwau of the district, presided. Titert was a lull attendance at the =elate, lel session on Tuesday evening,- Rev. B. Clement, of Gode- ricb, being the only clergyman absent. A resolution was passed by the meet- ing cowveyiug to Mr. Clement brotbeay greetings aria sincere sym- pathy wan biw iu his 000iperative .e- tireilen t. Fred L. Harburn, who has been transferred (ruin the Toronto Confer- ence, was recommended to be received into full conoecuon and ordaiued at tbe next meeting of the London Con- ference at St Thomas John Milltau, of Bentuillet-, was rec- ommended to tie received as a candi- date fur the. ministry. R. S. Lack - land and A. W. Brown were recom- mended to 1* continued as proba- tioners. '1'be general business meeting on Vedneeday was very wter•esting and Wes largely attended. The statistics presented indicated that he year had ueen one of prosperity throughout the dtsttiut. '!'here was a splendid in- crease in membership and contribu- tions. The following appointments were made to the various committees: Stationing committee, Rev. J. E. Ford. Class leaders committee, Rev. U. C. Unuaeos and William Pickard. Epworth league, Rev. J. H. Oster - bout and S. Belches. Oontingeut, Itr. Medd and W. Bettie. S uteut.atiou, It -iv. T. Snuwde n and Janne Stevens. Temperance, Rev. L. Bartlett and J. A. Mallough. Memorials, Rev. T. Wesley Ooeens and James Yates. Sabhath observance, Rev. J. Greene and James Stotlery. Church property. Rev. L. Baatlett and Lorne l'yndel . State of the work, Rev. W. Conway and Robert Buchanan. Nominating committee, Rev. A. Brown and H. R. Long. Educational, Rev. A. W. Barker and li E. Manning. Systematic benetioenee, it.,. J. Greene and A. Howlett. Sunda *erne(, Rev. R. A. Miller and A. Welsh. The following resolution was un- animously carried: '•That we recog- nise with great saUsfactlnn the at- titude asaume.1 by even both political paries concerniog the closing of the barrooms and aholt.bing the treating system : that we hall with much in- terest the stand taken by the leader of the Opposition ie the piasforsn be has Mid down for his party : therefore we wish to place neon record nor hearty appreciation of and will give our )hearty support to any party that will stand squarely tor Provieclal pruMbl- tJon." At:Mbarresoltsahn was carried ex- pressing appreclethw of the ppevoonm sed ugh HOOD of the Limns" thorough Departawn t in the recent investigation gees the ebony" made in the Boerne hotbed ter °entre Huron. The resolution trim be forwarded to the Department. A vote of Quokka was tendered the trustees of Ontario street church and to the friends who fin kindly enter- tained the delegates. The next district roosting will be head ie W.s14 Methodist ehereb. Clinton. The Late MR Sports"'11h. live finished wit grad d three weeks there wen do The death of Mr. nleyS Spsrka, ebiah 1 took lbs baa oe. r 1 the Branann line. Stanley,, 'cob }i0M��.t whetso duets on 'ltirecdaay. May 7th. NM was D.MILLARuSON w FOR THE JUNE BRIDE There is no more acceptable gift for the June brie than a nice set f Table Linen, and no other brand of Table Linen is as good as OId Bleach," the make specialized at the Scotch Store. OId Bleach Linens are sun -bleached, no chemicals of any kind being used. OId Bleach Tablecloths, with Napkins to match, put up in fancy box, beautiful rich designs. One cloth 2 x 3t yards with one dozen Napkins to mstcb, better quality, heavier linen, exception- ally choice d. -nem'. The set $8.511. ('loth 2x24 yards anJ one dozen Napkins to match, best quality super -damask Old Bleach. lit for royalty. The set $10.0U. Extl a heavy quality, beautiful rich satin finish, handsome designs, cloth 2 x 2i yards, and one dczen Napkins to match. The set $12.50. New Cotton Foulards New Cotton Voiles Splendid assortment of new Cotton Foulards in very neat desigus, beautiful quality, with all the appearance of the Silk Foulards, 27 inches wide, only 25c a yard. New Cotton Voiles, in white and all new colors. Voiles are exceedingly .popular this season and a big demand is aretired, su select early and get the best choice of patterns. Per yard 25c, 30e, 35c. Cotton Marquisettes Cotton Marquisettes, very stylish and much in demand in the cities, white, sky, pink and black, per yard, 35c. Summer Underwear "Snow-white" Underwear for summer wear -a large assortment of these dainty white undergar- ments fresh frotu the mate's, including Skirts, Princess Slips, Drawers, Corset Covers and Nightgowns, all at extremely moderate prices. Extensive showing of -White Waists in all newest styles. KAYSER GLOVES McCALL'S PATTERNS M/LLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 J Manydosteem College. no.. for vacatiou4 daring ria summer. 7 r n rte, Unt., dces not. Now ban ex (*tient time W commence a course. Write for catalogue. Wt*tanbark MONTREAL THE STANDARD In the NatroiM1 Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It 1s national In all iti aims. It uses the most expensive engrav- Ings, proeuring the photographs from all over the world. Ipj articles are carefully selected and is editorial pulley Ir thoroughly. independent. A su:.erriptlon to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address list Canada or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing OM Limited, Publishers. SPECIAL OFFER THE SIGNAL for the balance of 1912 -to new subscribers only 50 Cents (au DATES AT BOTTOM) THE GIODERICH GARAGE TO MOTORISTS I now have a full stock of Motor Accessories, such as; Spark Plugs, NViring, Fresh Batteries, Battery Connectors, Ammeters, Acetylene Burners, Gas Bags, Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patches -no cement patches; Tube Protectors, Rim Cut Patches, Quick Repair Outfits, spare Tube Bags, Tire Envelopes, inner Tubes, Valve Parts, Tire Testers, Gasoline, Oils. Grease, Linseed Soap for washing automobiles. Anything not ,mentioned in the above list, please ask for, as l carry a complete stock and ran furnish supplies at remarkably low prices. ,Yours truly, JOHN G. KUN TZ Kingston St. Goderich Truss Torture Owe*Treusht Socialisers, but New Y.,ur Sssrsa ter Rent 1e Ended. Wonderful Method K.btns and Cures wttaowt Knife. Done., or Pain J. Y. EVAN, Specialist of Toronto Old ed truss tw1,Ir, 1s no longer r.,rre slipping trusses and barbnnms mesa nagE rupture are dons assay flea webdertrd In', hos 0t • *pet -141. i Mveied Any years a tk.a one a ml... tasew awls arselotr "rIItn ATs- fl1patreds reed, net and mt.as WinvsM II a MOW Or) pew sIt lofted .rtIt stops all ail to rte sal for W �sw eirewa nosy onesOast `.s.sltaMdiad fie " ' r ew• situ et ham Taoeserks way N. M Wren, ea- • ataatta «a., Few Connoltt.U,e Commie. This a•rntataOw M f, Y. MC 531 tures Rqua Mil visit r tows lei ) .111 •011iis Norse Gaga Ila Ask at bet.i Dies Me es es teas Nob datea ONstoe, Rattsebury Hotel, June 71 GODERiOH, Hold Turd, Raturday and Monday (tall day and evening) 2 days only um tib Wiegbaes, Qosis'e Hotel, June 10-11 Jainty But Durable FOOTWEAR NO MATTER WHERE VOUR SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at our store if you are looking for the season's newest and most attractive shoes. Pump styles, with and without straps, made in Patent and Russia Tan leathers will be the most popular. The new patterns fit like a glove and will not slip at the heel. Come and try on a pair and see how nice they look and feel on the feet. Repairing Downing & MacVicar NORTH E1DE OF SQUARE. (IODERICH.