The Signal, 1912-5-30, Page 2i TRUItaLay. MA' Sid I91Y!
Felegemm Call Mw tit
T. of aseesereriese
ELM pee tante► l• eeilverea
Myted die ,lith'o
Uwe. metetha.
to pelted waesrllaere, Ws s year
e trtett7 to advaaeel.
ashewthere sono WI es restive Tan Bean,
lsebr bs oro r- a walrus • timer by no -
e eeef w ad •s as early a data
When • Miasma of eldrem le darted. both old
wad the new madmen round be siva
Arwseekes rods :
Lsaal and other rDaUar edverta meta, tao
pr- Una lar fret insertion and to per line for
each subsequent laser ion. Measured by a
n onpe eU strata twelve Unee to an leer.
Business cards of sir
Advertbreassite et Leek Vane,
s 5111 r] ar..dsastierr /els Is y
Amides rsasMM„ s� =stemeNdbetie no other Liberal demonstration so
tar Seek advsetiss chimed with the excitement of pos-
moats Aowe ertmeautn ee.dint sibility. It almost loots as though
corm Una. No thee
ngt� t Liberals bad to be beaten to recover
nes and under. 14, pe
how many and which of the aipaea-
tioas are spurious.
The Liberals of Montreal evidently
are not dowgbe•rted over the defeat.
of l•at September. They aro snaking
preparations for • great political
banquet, at which -the Chief' ill be
the centre of interest, and The Moat -
real Herald says about it :
"Bverything about the arraage-
ments for Lbs dinner to Sir Wilfrid
Laurier a to m inabilityon the
part of his iYtilsaeti to treas ifs at
anything baa bappaid
vwttaa(gwa. He Is MAK In their eyes,
Ownadai trot whatever may
have become at in wither be
gaioed that title. If atlything, there
is more interest in the eesiog appear-
ance than would have been awakened
in the years when he was First
Minister. Nobody runs for a car that
bas been caught, but catching a tar is
ole- a fairly exciting, enterprise- Looking
owr back over the record of the years, it
can fairly be said that there has been
per reties
An7 epedal notice, Uses*** of which is the
pecuniary ba d& ef any individual v &srroi-
aelon. to be oeadde ed an advertisement and
charted soo•mddmb.
Rates far display and eontrect adveruue-
macho will b. Over en application.
Address .11 oom.aunluatims to
TH ft SIGNS L PRINI 1 NO CO. Limited
tioderich Ont_
The Signal is of the opinion that the
license connmissioners of Centre Huron
made a mistake in their action regard-
ing M. J. Farr's license. The public
interest must be considered in these
matters. Mr. Farr exposed what he
believed was en attempt to extort a
bribe from him for tbe renewal of his
license. The Provincial License De-
partment in retiring the accused
officials virtually accepted Mr. Farr's
story. If this is not so, Mr. Patterson
should still be a member of the license
board. The License Department is
therefore under obligation to protect
lir. Parr. se asyoee ie wtitled to pro-
tection who exposes wrengdoiog. The
cutting off of Mr. Farr's license will
deter any other license -holder in
future from resisting and exposing
any aUempt at extortion. He will
keep quiet rather than lose his Beene*.
The public should know exactly
upon what grounds the commissioners
have acted in this matter, and it will
be the duty of tbe mernber for Centre
Huron at the next seesion of the
Legislature to demand Host the report
of Mr. Saunders, who conducted the
investigation, be given to the public.
The announcement is made of the
appointment of E. J. Cbamberlin as
successor to the late Ches. M. Hays as
president of the Grand Trunk and
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com-
panies. Mr. Chamberlin was formerly
the vice-president and general man-
ager of the Grand Trunk Pacific
Wm. Waiowtigbt, formerly second
vice-president of the Grand Truuk
Pacific Railway, has been elected first
vice-president et the same company.
Mr. Chamberlin has been in the rail-
way business for forty years, in the
United States, Canada and Mexico.
Mr. Wainwright,hss been connected
with the Grand Truck' Railway for
fifty years.
W by cannot we have a little rain
for a change
The next Uwe a license -holder has a
job of getting to expose, he won't ex-
po*. it. He will just say to bimsclf,
"See what happened to Farr."
The Fielding tariff is a great reT-
enue-producer. The customs revenue
for the past fiscal year was $87,548.462.
an increase of over fourteen million
dollars as compared with the figures
for the previous year.
Hamilton is happy. There wan an
earthquake down in that part of the
country the other day, and as official
at the dominion Observatory says it
nay have originated at Hamilton's
"mountain." Of course he says it
wasn't much of an earthquake.
Sir Rodolphe Forget, a member of
Um Canadian Parliament, was asked
by an official at New York. on landing
after a trip to Europe. if he could read
and write. Sir Rodolphe was highly
indignant. There may he some duty
in the House at Ottawa, but they roe
all read the election returns and write
their names on their pay chegoe..
Tis Militia Iepartment has ap-
proved two tboueaed eppliostioas few
the grant of nee hundred dollars each
M the Pealan Raid esterase, but
there ase fifteen thousand appear -
liens still to be dealt with. sed in od-
dities eight thousand application
!)erre, have beat seat to applicants
and have sot yet been sent fn. Only
ND *emend ,sea ware tasters eels.
ttli0flaa osmose le 11111 meth sell eases
of ewe awe be deet, 1!s Depart.
opal bailie ,truth tint se tbteweg
their old fighting spirit. Those who
attend the dinner will find their at-
tendance doubly repaid. for among the
Provincial leaders who are to speak
there are several men of highly inter-
esting personality, and one, Mr.
Rowell of Oaterio, bas in a high
degree the gift of oratory. It ahoutd
be, as it is meant to be, a very notable
Lovely May.
Like drifter of tardy snow
tic leafier branches naught.
The cherry blossoms blow
That May bas brougbL
on banks which thee the sun.
SUIT thy in pretty doubt,
Width 'delete have begun
To look about.
The fresh winds gayly bring
The orelawdr' Calot perfume.
And purple loan ,wing
Their feathery bloom
Along Ibe meadow's edge
New crass has Just been teen.
Aod on the hawthorn hedge
Ito.e hides the green.
Sunshine ilea warm sod still ;
Cloud shadows idly drift ;
Ltght,cap., for dews to fill.
Wind -flowers lift.
0 sweet, fresh world, and young 1
A bluebird flashes by.
And singing joy is flung
Throngb all the ak7.
Flom "The Old Garden," by Margaret Deland.
Ames/went Insanity.
Toronto Star.
Toronto's assessment seems to be
based on the belief that it is a virtue
to own vacant land, but a sin to build
He Bellows.
New York Evening rout.
The Colonel is right in saying that
be never "squeals" when be is hit.
Squeals is not the word to apply to a
mad bull pawing the mirth and bellcw-
Chickens Coming Home tD Row,
Loudon Advertiser.
Premier McBride wants • Pacific
coot fleet. He will not be happy till
be gets it, and he will see that the Ot-
tawa Government is unhappy too.
But the Government will find no hap-
piness in any course it take*. its elec-
tion chickens are coming home to
Camino[ Same.
Hamilton Spectator.
Outside the merit of the dispute al-
together, all Canadians will commend
the common sense decision of the 1)o -
minion Government to allow the two
Sikh women and their children, now
in Heftier Columbia, to remain in the
country. it would have been an un-
necessarily harsh and cruel measure
to have deported these people at this
/ate date.
This Editor Wants to Know.
Hamilton Times.
Wonder who is paying Col. Roose-
velt's enormous candidacy expenses ?
Wbo is it who pours out gold to at-
tempt to secure bis nomination for the
Presidency? There are special trains
to be bawled all over the United States,
and even the primaries will run into
the millions. Wbo are Teddy's
banker., and bow will they be com-
pensated ? A list of the contributions
would he very interesting.
States That Parisian Sage Is Best Hair
"i had a bad case of dandruff. My
scalp was Lull et dandruff and it came
out thick and scaly. My hair came
out badly ; often 1 nearly cried on ac-
count of losing my pretty bead of hair.
"I beard of Parisian Sage and telly
bad W tube two bottles, before tin hair
stepped miming cut, the scalp became
deco, and all the dandruff disappeared.
The hair became silky. and one big
reason that i liked Parisian Sage was
that it kept the hair smooth. silky
and clean with on traces of stickiness.
"1 believe this tonic to he the beet on
the market,iies there has been no re-
turn of dandruff. or hair falling out
whatever. T am glad to publicly eo-
dorsa the use of Panum Sage. I have
often endorsed its use and am glad to
do It." 38 R. Rood Bt.. Corry. Pe.
Parisian Sage. the delightful hair
and ��utigfiietr..oWveebyywEE.. R.
Guaranteed for Tarr! Wirw(
and scalp (tele i,arge 1--.1.1* • canto.
S eth Quick a Perwaaneet tereseeb.
If you aro nee down ne time ON. U
you take eoYaasly, het. ne
are loisg dalb se have u, her
dvIntorlh/ty, try iter M �tsaa�n-
tea M• m seder tom
w prte td It tis tws-
dy fi.Ne_ M_,iv. entire tDs . plan.
it ail 1Nra. tame tap the semen
eyeteeth/Ives ,add a.l_ pt1t�
....rt one soler a
Titanic Victims Bees - Demesnes' were
Arming the Hames.
A number of United States sews-
papen at tite present time nes devot-
ing souse ett.oticn to the ascertaining
of the number of British and Ameri-
cans oa board the 111 -fated Titanic
when it sailed on the last voyage,and
the e number of survivors of ath,
ria an Ottawa dispatch.
Whatever such figures may show,
aad the cbaaoes are that esti xi -
mate statistics can he the
Canadian *tares have been compiled
The.. were on the Titania when the
sank thirty-six adult Canadians.
These were divided as follows:
Men 81
Women lb
Total 85
There were of the Canadians 21
drowned and 15 saved.
The saved consisted of :
Men 2
Women 13
Total. 15
The Canadiaos who went down with
the sbip were divided ea follows :
Men 19
Women 2
Total ... .... 21
Of the two Canadian worsen
drowned, one at least—Mrs. Allison—
was given an opportunity to go in the
boats, but, preferred to remain with
her h'i band.
Two Canadian men were saved.
One tyordered into a lifeboat ,l.hat
war i 'flciently manned; the other
Can , was given a place in the
bos, after all the women on his
part , . ship had embarked.
A 'mord such as this Canada
ma) e proud. Her men died
like , . ifter doing their beet to
save the women and children.
The Reporter and the Ontario West
Shore Railway Case.
The Kincardine Reporter of recent
date had the following editorial
article regarding electric railway
affairs :
At a recent meeting of the munici-
palities it was decided that when the
municipalities interested in the On-
tario West Shore Electric Road paid
interest on the bonds that legal action
should be taken against the company,
We question if tbis is a wise step antj
in the best interest of the municipal4
ties interested. The one man who
bas most lc gain by the road going
ahead is Mr. J. W. Moyes, the presi-
dent. He claims be has 370,000 of his
own funds invested in the road, and if
it is as he say, he will hardly want to
lose that money.
"Now if legal action is taken by the
municipalitiee and the meets of the
road gtthered up at the piesent time
and sold for junk it would bring very
tittle. We will suppose that Mr.
Moyes or his friends bought in the as-
sets, which consist of fight of way,
time, rails, abutments and implements,
Ors eompany would t ben be relieved
of the interest on the bonds by the
action of the municipalities and Mr.
Moyes and bis friends would go on
and finish the road,„eod if there is
any benefit reap tame. We are
of the opinion that it would be Netter
bovines' policy to take no legal action
at present seeimt the company. but
to wait until socb time as it will virtu-
ally pass out of the present company's
hands by would seem that
the mortgage beid by the municipali-
ties sbouid be good enough without
going into law any further.
"Another way to look at the ques-
tion is tbat if ilir. Moyes is finding it
bard work to finance the road and is
attempting to do so, legal action will
only further hamper him.
"Again we must say we fail to see
bow the case of the municipalities
will lie helped by a winding up ac -
ti on."
Teatrets Dangerous . andSpring
Cared •bbyy 0.44 Pills.
Eel Creek, C e.mberiand Co., N. S..
May 27th.—(Special.)—That disordered
kidneys cause many dangerous
diseases, all of which disappear when
the kidneys are cured by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills is again proved by the case
of Mrs. James W. Leadbetter, of this
plane. Bhe gives the following ex-
"I wish to tell all suffering women
to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. ae they
are a sure cure for the worst form of
female trouble, kidney or heart
disease. i suffered from all these
diatoms. Was attended by five doc-
tors. and also treated at a hospital.
They helped me a little, but it was
not until 1 used six boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills,that T rot relief. They
cured me. This was in 1908, and i am
still enjoying good health."
Another View of George.
A mac but lately married went out
to poet a letter, and es the lamps had
not been lit in the suburban fwd in
which he dwelt he could otaly dimly
see his way. A short distant* up the
road be met, as be thought, his wife,
wbo had been oat to tea; and as he
past be just whispered :
All right, my dear ; 1 shall be with
you in a. minute."
Immediately after be had aid them
words be sow the woman turn a horri-
fied look upon him and then burry
away ; and the idea occurred to him
that k was not hie wife at a11, and that
ie the darkness be had made ■ mis-
take. lie daayid to say nothing
about the -amt and quickly disap-
�W1te be sebrned home be !tend
hie wide awallleg bias, and she at
Gems gnosia, bis with the word. :
George I have had gush a
experience 1 I who jest min -
leg the toad wham a stat tried
M Mop me, acrd ssld : •* right. ley
dear : I shall be with yea • minute.'
1 ran home. famed you were out. and
1've isms so mien"
..ked "What sort d a seas was it .
VA." replied Ihe young wit's, "1
saw hies quite pldnly, and a more
Abri 's@ lees 1 ,Neese belie Is s
111. Ile was a 'tartest .OenlnR salt
O ppsf"tsp'dalaid T It�wee Mea tot y
- 1Ii g atter alis—Diels 1 Prat.
Cured I' y Vinol—Here is Proof
Seymour. Ind.—'T was troubled wW
a ckrunlc stomach trouble, ami live
weeks ago It got es bad i had M give
up work. I had tried various medi-
cines without retire and was 0.eIIy
Induced to try iirlool. Atter taking the
fest bottle I irait greatly benefited.
Am now on th. t11rd bottle and ready
to resume wort Am rapidly gaming
In weight and streagtk" Edw. Ni.
It Is the eerative reedtefaal she
e -
meats of the cede' livers. cosbtived
'with the strengtboaing proparUes of
tont': Iron oontakeed la Vinol which
makes It so successful la restoring
perfect digestion and at the Name
time It builds ea the tired. over-
worked and run-down system.
TAT • bottle of Vinol with the unn-
Jentanding that your money will be
retuned tt It does not help yon.
H.C. Dunlop, Desmeat, Goderich, Ont
"I Suffered Intense
Pains in My Left
Do you realise, it is better to be
safe than sorry, that it is the best
policy to lock the stable door before
the horse is stolen?
Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy
cured Mn. C. C. Gokcy, of a stub-
born case of Mart disease, such as
thousands are Dew suffering with.
Read what she ter: -
•Before I Iowa takiag Dr. Miles'
Heart Rearede1 had been suffering
from heart trouble for over five
years. I had g,owe so weak that it
was impoesibk for me to do thirty
minutes work in a whole day.
suffered atone_ paias in rev left
and under the left shoulder blade,
could not deep on the left tide,
was so short of breath that I tboeht
I should never be able to take a Fall
breath again The least ex eitemeat
would brag on the most distressing
palpttabor, I h}d scarcely takes a
bottle of the Heart Remedy be-
fore I could sr- • marked ch to
my condition 1apbegaa toi ep
pwss�uv had that hes 1 had
fauna sis bottles I was completely
LS. C. C GOOEY, Northbsld, 'ft
If you have any of the symptom.
Mrs. Gokey mentions, it is your
duty to protect yourself.
Dr. Miles' Heart Rainedy.
is what you need If the first bob-
tk fails to benefit, your money bb
returned. Ask your dru
MILIA MEDICAL 00„ Tarsals. pea.
SMILE Fill be Rt9 111P
ail mations le themes reed tieing
Jaa.l, 1 Ites*ea tWt
Ju 64
Illia�iteta wfart�toriss d
ir�aa. ea ll
tilanniers' Eto niers t9 Vaunt
Jaw 11 and Ig Jeb f tad VA wad ovary
..aced Tu tiweaftr wall sept. 17,
vvitataGanda et n'sars I*
Tr.M elzts daps. Fp. l 1.
.511eavo IR11 p,m as mars daMi
tursine trees h saaei.. sod Palliate
ateot ears. Na• rt,tilull . as viaDinhOarata sad
LAwdENC�exert. 'Phe tram it F
L.satk, 370 f1.. •� $r.Jtb, es4 t..t
WI .l....d Satimar$a..
Canon* AND LIVEa7OOt
Drttaia �My u
Jas IN
eews M
a•tf �as
of 7gr�syla•d July 11
M ntMats. July la
sl .. sdl 1
lA.tuol • .......... malt 1
otIreland- ........ Ave.9
1 to and all information from any
iv agent- or J. Kira', Asset, C.
P. R., Goderich, Ont.
Get Ready
for Spring
by I•-aving" your order
for new SUIT or
was/ so Th. Up.te-daq miter
These words or expressions hav-
ing tbe same meaning aro contained
to hundreds of the lettere I tams re-
oeired dnrtag the nut year. Many
were trees women who had suffered
•gonias (rues Wring of womb; others
frees women wino had escaped - dang-
er.= elellosnl operations, as the
Seille!e mai plows Use been romov-
M kr tee eaten of Orange Lily;
l--et>�ts s was had mitered from
les p..s�den tic sten p Mes kaovrr.
eefmatlflm.�ieyer-Til'Hasse`, fs
applied direct to tb. .aasrrtag organs`al lee lm emote beneficial.
As a trial actuallyprones 1ta rderf1. 1. b free, box
worth Ito.. sufficint for ten days'tree mist write for it. Enclose t stamps. M11$, r� a. euntu M. iswisse Oin.will
OE0 9
600 PsolLLIW two 11:0/1—
NO Lewes% Aeneas aid AssisSislo4410
19Awe AT 10 A.1111.
ilacierafiewe r
All Uwe 41
1r- K
Hussar M lj
Mat r
Important Clearance of
Floor Coerl
v '
Brosesls, Te WUto., Wool •ed i).ulge diwpr Oilcan
�a .lea Wa��t ae
oeer rwr Mege stock nisi prise Betels bore been
wombed to Carpets, Rugs, eta., which are M be abased at
advertimmeet ac-oes.
Brussels Carpets and Best Tapestry Carpets
Broken linen and lengths to do small rooms us belie.
Special at itM
Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs
in a large variety of designs and colorings. all sines up to 34 x 4i
yards. A handsome and complete showing.
Linoleum and 011 Cloths
Floor Linoleums and Oil (Rothe are In greater demand than
ever before from a sanitary and eeonotnie point of view. Our
efforts to secure pleasing, effective and colorings and
patterss have been mast succesetul.
Inlaid Linoleums
—that is, the pattern is right through to the canvass back
which insures mon of wear without showing — neat
paatterns, at per yard. ....tsps, 00e and $1.00
Floral patterns and tile patterns in the eztra heavy
Scotch make, in every width up to four yards wide, at per
square yard 40e. 460, i00. 00e and 00o
Perfectly laid on year floor by us at no extra charge.
M pedlon (horned
Summer : Millinery
Newest effects in Ruwmer Millinery, lidles will
find ,many attractive designs and good effects in
the season's styles. Please call and see what we
CAM offer you.
Goderich, Ont.
Hamilton Street
Leave your prescriptions with us. We
take especial pains in supplying pure
drugs, so that the 'effect desired from the
prescription may be most surely obtained.
All the standard pharmaceutical prep-
arations in stock.
The Store F
. J. Butland's ".rich
The best stock and
the best printing
`can be had at
Mexican Hats
Just received from St. Louis, a large
shipment of Mexican Straw Hats. These
hats have high crowns and very wide briths.
Some are plain, while others have nice col-
ored designs. They are just the thing for
garden, farm, fishing, picnic or outing.
Suitable for men, women or children. The
prices are very low,
15c to 50c
Straw Hats
The sew L. Radium, a French hat. and frown in
Cioderleh the trot time. It's a vary IIRbt. *Del hat• geed
. .e tbie hat before perabaateg raw
Price $3.00
Panama hats
Noes Panama* tar being said each year and tbsy
are very porter Ws year. We have them at
*4.00. 36.00 and U.00
Sok Mom Jen Lep Seas. %wk. Ousnaie, sllri a slier e O Aso