HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-23, Page 8INVEST iN Winnipeg The Great Railway and Commer- cial Centre of the West Within it very short time W/NNIPEO will be one of the wealthiest cities on the continent. Many huffiness opportunities on the main street can be secured t,y a small payment. SOMEONE WILL MAKE A FORTUNE ON THESE—WHY NOT YOU Elrrtdale Lots tot the small investor. High and dry. Fine shade tree'. Only Hai* miles from centre of city of 200,000 popttlatinn One min .t.'. walk from ear line. Sidewalk direct to city. ONLY $225 PER LOT TERMS SIMI CASH. $10 PER MONTH For parllto tars apply SCO11. 11111,1, sit CO.. Winnipeg. rlenitoba, or J. T. GOLDTHORPE, Uoderich, Ont RURAL TELEPHONE fire N. B Any investor buying Winnipeg property tire'rgh me will, If desired. be furabbed with a goarwte from *Stott, Hill a co that if le mei year be 1e diwallafied witk the deal his money will he ref ended wM iateres4.t 8 per esus J. T. co0LDTHOt1 iC • THURSDAY, MAY 9$ 1019 TSL SIGNAL: GOBBRICH. , NTARIO THE TOWN ILOOUNCthe effect that the petitioners weed V j� not "tatepayets." There was nae further discussion and the motion was p ;rutaoo.yd U carried. committee rete to We town colic- Under the beading of new headlamp. for for *deice and received In i e pl Dr. Macklin, president f the Board . rhe following letter, which was read dr•eesssethe council His suggestion was to mi - by the clerk : that when the brave) line of the O. P. l biro ..ass lay4suUd a advise as a R loroiug ()ue ph wbetbcr w setbylaw tamer _ __� . eco tis hyla t� iss ee cm sae coulee or d two t • s.s. t 1 with Hamilton. use is 'completed, the council should co- te with h Board of Trade •ad !tae ibe.sluaoones L s Mrs nay net tibostrkt l• swot harosamos yo . It apeenrs to ta• Mut fie m to tabs ia that the b whim by motion >r 0 Ulmer l�Lot• invite the oo.00ll ;ewer to — a Oro *useaumbor of at x�wirier ytbai pre Iles bytaw seat bar to obs teens' �1. where partioolarlr. as her•. tae r.ae met .�eed t• rose %e Ow council big. tor flatBrEE fir u soba osteo. and I M net ! apt that the Hotness rive W "' ertea4Shc Mss d W01� when I Onetb Idar•* the Hatter ones.► *400 c%use subset•. I of ..0a sr •r the L&q.sr Sot Mem' d repeal the earticalar bylaw la lion miset'reverie be repealed. bot I fila* that the rete reeor Mrs to to a bylaw Mel* - Ise fee the llwllntAtie el the..saber d lioeeess fee more yoga's than cow 1n the prey el • Ar - law d Wet kind I Mr'e N doubt that it L in respect of ay bowie w'. M war. .o1dreadrt it. Aosta Duly wits sae boeshe riar. beginning on else tet of May hot. It may be "uaae"ted that because the o'mmir p 0, therefore there 11 uo 1 have hy it mould 004 be repealed, and alsel rc �t be seine force in this if the oow- senceHent of the license year itself had been pssbpot ed for .•� as been month, The licen, a yet all h a wheat )begun. and the Department has merely ee fen�ee t he erU'tine Ino.D0e'•. for • further per iod of one month. As 1 .aid to the begins nge. the smatter is one probably which tandon rtb.te is ver, and ( eery to be found upon the fie erten buts theme �Q orKA above ua the only 0000lurim, that 1 raucesch' n,an ot the special committee, Wen moved that the petition be filed. The motion waw eecouded by Oouncillot Vanettet, who remarked something to ` who is cltair- (k►pncillor Humber, THE Wedding Season finds the store prepared with beautiful presents for the beide ▪ -gifts for ter idestuaids—Rifts for • the best man—a storeful from which to make selectionsI. The Bride's Table The choosing of wedding gifts ie, not a difficult undertaking, e,pecially at this store. In the Im:.tter of Table Futnisbings shine. for instance, there is our stock of Cut Glees and tiilver- ware—of such variety of desit gn. purpose and p gift will he valued for its useful- ,.esF also. Watch our windows fot Wedding Gift cuggeet►ons Walter H. Ijarreson 'earlier Lai Optician IAgent Columbia 6rapboph"ne • On the Square. Oodertsb ssf+m genbletlon was awned for the speaker I of the =lag and bas been doing VIZNet mow years in Mime- iatisg oMsioaary Lateran and amber tag a.rmnio.firy eat sepsiee. Rev. O. K Roo•, pastor of Kooi church, acted as chairman. The choir was aped with members of the i.iun Bead, wbo lead in the staging wad also gave • chorus Misses Agnes Haendere and Ruth Hamilton sang a operate w t the dept very sweetly. make the celebration an iwportastl Dr. Mac011livray, wbo stated that use. 11 was uaderslot.d, he said. that bis remarks bad been prepared ewe of the the e, were rt, council and Booed of really [h ga de in which human life is Tete were arranging to t visit Guelph sliebold in China, particuler'ly In raised B the occasion on and that end Guelphthe dren boy is the repreBoard of Trade hoped It induce the pet. femalehope peiof the family ; the little their rip 1 (o[ ieb. toe=t.e - gLi does u l count for much. The their trip to Ooneribe Alex. Sasso- r ood nations of Asia bars yet to dare also spoke on the ober subject From information be bad received sore the value of childhood. so that, from a C. P. K official at Hamilton the child may a put the centre e tlz of he believed that the opening would the care end -love ssion covin In ee take place about the middle of July home. hoe. Things P H. suggested that a committee oft this respect in Chios, said the council be appointed to look into the He spoke also of the movement matter with the assistance of a con- against fooi.tinding, which in the mittee from the Board of Trade. Doone of time wilt emancipate the Some of the councillors were not in- wommen of China from the suffering dined to look upon the idea with numb and ia:apaaity involved in tbe prat: - favor, owing to the heavy expense tis rat this terrible custom. Soot me e which would be incurred, but a were motion the Chinese, he stated, yet by Reeve Munnings and Councilor reconciled t `etc the fache t that it was oft of am Elliott, that the proposal be favorably q in pt received and that it be referred to the a badge of servitude tohe Menelaus special committee, was carried. whom they bad lately overthrown. W. Lane was present and reported Christianity meant a new samar- as rmoras to what the Hortteultural Society pbere for the children of China. the advised in regard to the beautifying removal of many things that opp-'ese of the grounds inside the curbing the weaker portion of Chinese society, around the court house. Be said the the worsen and children. members of the Society were well o[the e Mine* ernedress reform ants were U pleased with the work already generallyadopted the but were unanimous in the opinion K�� people athing, they would that the grounds would a injured not clothe themselves in the silks and considerably if Bower beds were od formed this year. They advised that satins which ehare the product vray tea f the he a good sod bed be formed this summer country and that • few permanentAfterwards,shrubs he dd � otSw h chaangees am ass the were too said,e their plantedt this tall• edbenhe and did not affect the hearts of said, little a:pease need be incurred tthhe people. Jesus Christ was needed from year to veer. Councillor Elliott, who seemed to reform the heart of China. Chris from anxious to have Som. expeodi- lianfe i ie were cki wean a n of China, rebundantt ture made ho l flowers done this year, asked foe, their rights as children, wholesome what should he with the $211 voted by the county .ouncil to be ex- liberty and • certain amount of com- pended in flowers to be planted around foot ; trainingo disci a inebanng •fdute - the court house. Mr. Lane suggested everywhere. that the money be used to purcbaseDr. some permanent shrubs and perennial 'iteA•atn the and Principal of It the dde reowved a plants. On motion of Councillors B `'atiatter and Fellow. the matter was vote of thanks to the speaker, which left in the hands of the Horticultural wasin heartily Dr. Strang is remarks spokeo"tbegood we Society with power to act• done byMIs Wiggins, who hoe given The town solicitor wrote a letter gR in reference to the borrowing of moues time and effort most unselfishly as the to meet the payment of interest on president itb Mission ise n Br nd occupy the Ontario West Shore Railway the pulpit of Knox church next bonds gliannteed by the town. Pu: nim said an opportunity Sun - copy borrowingof n bylawth wequh�t amountaof would be given for contributing to the mony oaf the req money to meet the payment of inter- Chinese famine fund. est was sent with the letter. The OBITUARY. council gave the bylaw its fleet and second readings. after which the mo- Jeokia tion tor adjournment was made. Atter being in failing health for nearly two years. Grace Sleman, wife "THINGS CHINESE." of James Jenkin, passed away .t her �_..- borne in the township of Colborne on Friday, May lltb. The deceseed was born in the parish of W hittone, county of Cornwall, England, Sepulm- ber 11th, 1880, and was therefore in the eighty-second year of her age. In December, 0453, she was married to her now bereft husband, and thus for fifty-eight yeses they had trod the path of life together. Mr. and Mes. Jenkin came to Canada in the spring L.— of 1856 and settled near Port Hope, �.- living there for tbirteen years. Then they moved to near the town of Lind- say. where they remained for seven years hefote coming to the township of Colborne thirty -.ix years ago, when they nettled on the farm .till occupied by the family. Mrs. Jenkins was the mother of eight children, seven scans and one daughter, of whom three sons survive : Samuel, in the States ; John and Isaac, at home. A brother sur - wives in England. The bereaved 10m - U have tbe.ympatby of their many . in the loss of a good wife and mother. Mrs. Jenkin was a consistent member cf Zion Methodist church and in her quiet. unobtrusive manner won the respect, and love of all who knew her. The tuners.' took place on Sun- day. Nth inst., to Colborne cemetery, the rsss•ine being followed to their last relisting place by • large number of eorrowteg relatives and friends as their last tribute of respect tc the da - parted one. Rev. A. W. Brown, of Benmiller, conduoted the funeral ser- vices at house and grave. The pall- bearers were R. Downing and J. H. Colborne, of Oodericb, and two first as of deoeased—Tho.. Mitchell, of e, and Emanuel Mitchell. of oh. Mr. Jenkin and family de- sire to express their deep gratitude for the many kindnesses shown them by eeigbboee and friends in the time of Ireresvement. NOTHING DOING IN GODERICH t The W.terfroot is a Busy Hive of I.- &retry. This is the 'Noon of the year when Oodee4eb takes it place in the mike as one of the busiest of late port on the Great Lakes. Aside from tbs Write amount of work that is being does under the supervision of the Pub- lie ublie Works Department, the strain busi- ness cione not only keeps the railways busy transhipping to points east but lucrative employment is given to a Ilarge number of workmen. Since the season of navigationmonth gpaenoe,d at No de - rich. seareely latr0* )tete bar. n of the larste bcosgbt eargote toe Oodsicb, •gggre- Rating seedy two million boabals of grain. chiefly Wheat arid oata. Almost M fast as ears can be secured this grain is loaded into them at tb. Oode- ritdi .i.vetor and shipped to the vari- ous milling centres la Ontario and to other points farther east. In addi- tion to ibis era tie oetput of the Western CMme adds hem eighteen Move is l.Y deny. Tim etsmber whish Move Tim eseetsw17 week ern the new breakwater, ea the etenightesiag et the ee.ssadd ilea. est on the emo- tion r.eti.. et the wast,.e beer iso the Wet - ern Asad/ dowser glees employ- Meat be thle thee.lwyesd be over ese hootbeil t: r20,1110. the Mae et the aederisk Wo- Oe., the Warm aoseepod Is the OL Ziwey saw # ...vias M lisak1M• ►hes, lies! # the etrttl lin tap pereelba Not dole Yeemd �reM' t se a e... es taw eeepwrymeatt dael.g the a weatee IRe:. Dr. MacGillivraj s Address to Kot= iChurch. II Au interesting address on "Things Chinese" was given in Knox church on Monday evening by Rev. Dr. Mac- Gillivray. The meeting was held under the auspices ot the MacOillivray Mission Band. which well-known or - KIPPER. F.1DAT. M•v 171►. A PaINsuL AuctDslIT.—M. Wesly Harvey, our veteran bores -boyar, is ouedsg a very sore keno. havtOg .let with a rather painful ideal one day recently while 4esti0 . near wee Zurich. The horse. w►1oh spirited, .truck *00 "rt, ass, t w to the gtousd, wits the that the muscles oe reoovertog HHervef the knee y_b lin ' ' now at, e to move atoned with IX= al egteterw. Hie escoad acs. Olsresse. broke Me arm by a tall from a shMly tree about a week before. Her doing nicely, toe. Nares—Mrs. W. H. Johnnie. is at- tending the branch meeting of the W. M. 8. o/ the London Methodist cosier, ecce at Santa this week as delegate from the Hassall auxiliary. Mrs. M. Diehl repeesenta Varna auxiliary and Mrs. W. L. Keys that of Goshen Mr. d Mr.. Mayfield. nee Hill. o aif Zion City, 311., arrived bare on their the lady ions and the Its. Mr. and visit tt the lady's grandparents. William 1v4.Um. and numerous friends yhere. AR join in wishing the happy w boo voyage." . !!lire and Mrs. `Wm. Cooper and children visited Mea Coo -per's parents. Mr. and Mee. Main Bell, o tie Zurieh road, this weak. Mr. Bell has not been vary well for a long time. yet is Kill able to get out some on fins days. VARMA. WEDNESDAY, May Lind. Mrs. Thos. McFadssan, of Walton, is visiting friends in Varna. The funeral of Mr. Hoover, of Bruce - held. passed through here yesterday afternoon en route to the Bayfield cemetery, Mr. and Mee. J. J. Richardson )aye returned from their wedding trip and have untied on the homestead between Verna and Bayfield. ..:'.% Haviogpurchased the busi. nese formerly conducted by F. Ballow Holmes, we pout~ p -se dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cement Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal, two Ines which are recognized .0 the beet. We wish to give the people of Goderich and vicinity the beet service pos- sible, and shall be glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything in our lines. All orders lett with Jas. 1 nates, West streat, promptly attended to. lllcDoaagh&Gledhill 'Phone No. 76 Yards at G. T. R., Nelso. Sheet I "Be Prepared" to buy a copy of the new book The Sinking of the Titanic AND GREAT SEA. DISASTEHS Edited by Logan Marshall Large. clear type. good binding. profusely illustrated. Price, only 31.00 Order now from the Y.IM.C.A.BoySconts Agents for Ooderich and vicinity REFINEMENT IN WALL PAPERS in selectieg Wal Pa- pers do net overlook the fact that, you have to live face to face with them ter years. illi.epie, growled designs and a restful heeding of colors wee add b the refining influeom et soy home. We maks • specialty of the newest and best in Well Papers, with a wide aasortament of attraetive patterns to select from. Watch windows for samples. The Celenial Beek Stere 0E0. PORTER. Prop. Phone 100 Goderich esteeseetesseseressewewesiselesiesesere - A man may not know who his friends are, but be usually has his enemies spotted. Many of the termer in this vicinity will grow beaus extensively this year. The crop is a profitable one. Several farmers around here got front $500 to $800 in comb for their last year'. crop Word hair been received here of the death of James Allan, an old and respected resident of Blake, on Mon- day night. Mr. Allan, who had made his home for some time with his brother Robert, bad hese ailing for • long time. The funeral takes place' thio afternoon to Bayfield cemetery. STANLEY• MONDAY, May 20th. Norse.—Mies E. Horner is visiting her sinter, Mrs. R. Beatty. at Vara.. Wm. Watkins has nhis barn raised, preparatory to putting a cement foundation for stabling under it James Thomson, who bad been in attendance at the Ontario College of Pharmacy during the winter, was visiting his uncle, Alex. Thomson. last week. He has returned to Toronto and will go west to his home at Moosejaw in the course of a few days. r. and Mrs. Beattie have moved to HeasaBwhere they intend to reside A large acreage of flax has 'teen sown this reason throughout the township. I)EATs oe Meta. Terser.—Mrs. Isabella Talbot, widow of the late Edward Talbot, died on the 14th inst., at the age of seventy-one years. She met with a dight accident several months ago, and this no doubt was the remote cause of her death. She leaves the fallowing sone and daugh- ters: Henry, Edward and Robert, of Stanley ; Alfred. of Edmonton ; John, of Turtle Mountain, Man.; Mrs. Wm. Jennison, of the S.tubes line; Mrs. Slott, of Edmonton, and Mrs. Wm. Thirsk, of Wetaakiwin. The remains were interred in Bayfield cemetery, Rev. T. Snowden, Methodist minister of Varna, conducting the funeral ser- vices. Special $IO Potato Prize Given by Howell Hardware Co., Limited, Great Northwestern Fair Exhibitors. Special prizes for potatoes grown without our Special Potato Fertilizer. for with and Conditions : Competitor must show received bill i4M be has purchased of w 95 lbs. one wore et one Spada/ Potato 1ee1Uia.r. He is to pleat 140 tot of potatoes ; pmsl.sbly be two n. wit of 50 fest each is different part of bis potato peke. With ball: or one row., he is to use our Specie' Potato Fertilizer ; for the bal•nee be is to prepare the ground in the weal way. Hs is to show every potato raised ; each lot to be kept separate. Prizes are to be based on : 1. Largest production ; table quantity and quality considered. Y Greatest difference between fertilised and unfertilire.l let Prise -950 lbs. Fertiliser, value `6.00 and Prisms -l50 Ina Fertiliser, value 36.00 3rd Prise -100 lbs. Fertilizer, value 32.00 Piye (5) to enter. One peck of prize lots to bestows the property of don,o t .t prizes for samples Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. The Best Place to Say Hardware At the ad<ionzned quarterly board meeting of Victoria street Methodist cburcb. the pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd: was extended a unanimous invitation to remain pastor of the congregation for a third year. A WORD To THE Feajsse.—Two cars of No. 1 feed wheat will be un• loaded at A. J. Cooper's next Monday, May 27th. The highest price paid for any quantity of wooL maelaa The sugary hearts of sweet corn, toast- ed crisp and rolled thin as a wafer — that's the dainty that delights the appetite! TO -DAY order Balmoral Cafe miti7RD BLOC[) 14tbw. twit plea la epee. ilio HOMEMAD E CANDIES y4 t M alt, tesf)ream. a•d•��mt^..TMae^.-ar�l�raem ..Gtr. {C g•�r.�pw.s�^. F. 8 Semis* i AN IMMENSE SHIPMENT OF Scotch Linoleums JUST ARRIVED We have just passed into stock a very large shipment of Scotch Linoleums direct from the mill in Scotland. They are Linoleums famed for their wearing qualities, and in this big shipment will be found patterns suitable for every purpose. The cloths are thoroughly seasoned and made from the best materials obtain- able. The patterns are new and the color combinations good. We show a splendid assortment of floral and block patterns in two, three and four -yard widths at 45c to 70c the square yard. Heavy Inlaid Linoleums, two yards wide only, at 90c to $1.25 per sq. yd. An Extra Special at 50c Attention is called to our special line at sec per square yard. The quality 01 this is exceptionally good and we could not sell so high a grade for this price did we not buy direct from the maker. Ten or twelve block and floral 50� patterns to select from, all new, at per yard A Decidedly Good Umbrella $2.75 Ladies' Umbrella. top of high - grade Gloria silk that will not cut or change its color. haodoome solid wood handlee with silver and gold plated mountings, toll saes, extra strong frame. Really very *pedal at each.... 2.,5 ci Every Size in Lisle and Silk Gloves Our stock of ladies' summer Gloves is complete in every detail. Every pair is high quality and all silk gloves have guaranteed double finger tips. All lengths and sixes. Long Silk Gloves at per pair, 25c, 50c and 00c. Long Lisle Gloves, double finger tips, 79c, 51.00 and 01.95. Short Lisle Gloves, 25c and 50c. Short Silk Gloves, double finger tips, 50c, 75c. Extra quality Short Bilk Gloves, heavy weight, double finger tips, et per pair, 51.00. Embroidered Chambray 25c Fine quality Chambray in a .pleodld assortment of shades, in striped or checked effects, 81 inches wide, fast colon. 25c Per yard Extra Value in Navy Serge. Navy Blue Sours, guaranteed all pure wool, ledlgo dye. finish that will not hold the dust. Splenoid for Summer skirts of iglu.. At per yard, 60e, 75e', Si .25 61.110 and Big Hosiery Selling Saturday and Next Week There will be s big selling at the Hosiery counter Saturday .ad reit wee We have pre- pared for extra business aid will be reedy with the biggest stock of Hosiery that has ever cm our eoe1ters. Values that we know are good sad gtsetlties we have no hesitation to rseommnidlsg. Children'. coattail Hose. fast blackpee 1 e �, Pair J�. Ubileo s's lose ribbed Lick Hose, 25c black sed tan, all slew. Per pair Jl. TM Hero IMO .sea Kamer t.'e•s al& thews HOSIERY—Continued Children's fins Cashmere Hose, fest, black, tan and light colon. pair. seamless Per 25c Ladies' seamless Cotton nose, fast. 25c black ; two pairs for......... Ladies' extra quality Hose. cotton or lisle thread, black or tan, new shades of tan 25c just received, seamless feel Per pair.... Ladies' extra quality Lisle Thread Hose. black or the new shades of tan, . feet, spliced heel. Per pale Indies' Lisle Thread Hose. an extra floe Pie kpinng. full fashioned. German make. 35c Ladies lisle thread Hose, embroidered 35c trout*. Very special at per pair... Ladies' black Cotton How, nateral wool fest. Per pair 25c A Long Covert Coat $10.00 Ladies' Covert Goat, full length, new style just received, fawn only, a serviceable and handsome garment. Really Sin An extra value, each vv Fine Serge Coats $12.50 1.adlw' Ane Serge (bats, tan or navy. very handsome styles—joet tb. C12 titian for summer wear. Each. .50 Ladies' Fawn or Bleak Costa, short length—lest the tilos toe driving. ILK 00 Spada/ rains, each.... • Children's Romper's 5Oc Twenty-five pain eh idten's Rompe fast colon, light or dark abodes. At per pair.. • Lace and Embroidery Clearance 25c Thpei ho its,: yard * d H n entre qt short t thearlog Roes, 'Vs' toVa et per 2 J L Tao snare Sena maty Miro 10,0.0 Asa» Owers, 0