HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-23, Page 7)W rod ...k- bueiu, e nunuu,r e ground .the'eforc Now o for thi. for Trull load p.) tae alp,. firm of with met d er cult! CO IFFIC' IES i 85 h feel lroOtg" Ent. )tar Mar 31 June e June N Jane 8' June July July 1: July Is July Aug. 1 . from any I. Agee,. (' 1N6 now when be done in Heating. d Work or Eatirer+ t es uarsnteed. of fixtures d and all ,ceive our ttenlion. it of first - the (carnet e Empim 1 nee them. kinds done MEI( Goderich IY t iG ESS k is in les the t np-to nothing we have is moats m its, etc - DINS Nome 6 THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARI t) TMo.enav, Mew WO, 1911 1 Cik 45 .911404149,41.4"1/Ciiiiii"4146°°ta°;' 1lootl�lD comb .�+ wyw`�Tt TORONTO WOMAN T ews of the District 464646464344444.4) 46440.4 *** 4416**+++ !*+****+i►°a° Tvllatt►AT. May V.st. ll. MCLOOD.- The followingo M obituary notice 1.. from !\e SBeacom of Saturday hot Caroline Heb.k wits of James Mo- 1,s0d, lot 4. oomsassiom 9 Goes of Downie. Wend awar oe May 17, aged ur forty-foyears. months. De- cefibs ased was born hi o lose . Abe ter of lir. and sea was united wenty-five years ego io marriage to Mr.Malmo' and they moved to Downie, where they have since resided. Boons bar 'mother, wvs. and 1b are : W11- 7Gear b3mr, sod Mrs. At>drewdealsM• t[rm Shaw, Gull Lake, Sa.k• lifts. Mt. Clemente: Mrs. 1 eriek ; ]urs. Kureehilutki. Bammlller. are sisters, arnyd Jake Rebel. Dakota. John and Henry Hebeie rumral will take de- ceased. ace on Monday afternoon at 2:30. yrs. Hebei. one daughter Alfred, Garfield. tied, Staole and MORE EVIDENCE. Dodds Kidney Pills Cured Mr. Ander- sea of Kidney Diseases of Several Years' Serialise. se. Pine Valley, Man., May 0th. - - i8peciali-Mr. Michael Anderson, of this place, suffered for years with kid- psy disease, but is again strong and hearty. He credits his cure entirely to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Ander- son says : '•1 em glad to let you know ,.hat the Dodd'e Kidney Pills you sent rte, in less than one month from the time that 1 got them, cured me, and that is over a year ago. My kidneys have cot troubled me since. It persons troubled with kidoey disease- would are Dudd's Kidney tills, they would not hate to suffer from sore kidneys any longer." Dodd's Kidney Pills owe kidney disease of every sags and kind. LUCKNOW. MoNDJ.T. May 90th. c'nI 1u 11 OPzN1No.-Tbe opening And dedication of the new church building of the South Kinloss Presby- terian congregation is to take place on Sabbath, May db. Professor Robert- son, of Knox College, Toronto, is to officiate. DEATH IN MI(•HIOAN.-News comes from Port Austin, Mich., of the death thele on April 24 of Alex. McDonald, who many years ago was well known around bere. He havens widow and eigbt children. Angus McDonald, of the 4tb concession of Kinloss, is a erotber. Woxge's 1NrrrIrorn.-The annual meeting of the Lucknow branch of the Women's institute was held Friday, Kay 10, at the home of Mn. Horn. The business of the year was wound up successfully end the following of- ficers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Donald : vice-president. Mrs. D. M. Thompson ; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. R. T. Phillips; district director, Miss Fern Reid ; duectors, Mesdames Mc- Carroll, Greer, Agnew, Horn, Cain, McMorran and Mies Fern Reid: audi- tors, Mesdames Wilson and Murdie: pianists, Mesdames Murdie. Cain and Agnew; delegates to district conven- tion. Mesdames McDonald. Thompson. Phillips, Mitchell and Huston and Mim Fern Reid. Betel Lloyd Alton has been house from Toronto Universityto spend a few days before going to ort Credit, where he will be employed during the summer. He paused his second -year examinations in civil engineering with honors. .... Earl Mallough and Lyman Malcolm left last week for Winnipeg Joseph Dixon, of Liverpool. Eng., was in town for a week, theguest of his uncle andaunt. Mr. and :ifrs. M. MitohelL Mrs. A. Thompson and daugh- ter, Mrs. Collins, have' arrived home from Winnipeg.... . Miss Minion Smith is visiting at 0 -derich. The Chosen Friends bo nored two of their members at • social meeting one night recently, the guests of honor being Mrs. D. N. Lawrence. who In- tends to leave lucknow shortly, and Mfrs. N. L. Campbell, who has recently returned home after spending saves or eight months In British Columbia A very pleasant time was spent.... . • J. G. Anderson bas received his new gasoline power sprayer and has put it in operation. An Opportunity for Those Going West. On Tuesday, May $ June 11 sod Sit •special Grand Trunk train will leave Toronto at 10.90 via OkNsgo sad anPaul. a ea th d Pullman tc Menton and potties east •is IImtM.ka, 8ukatchewan and Alberta's UMlsa. We with homess.ks s' eseesdsas. The rates to Western Canada are very low :-Winnipeg cad return. W; Edmonton and retatn.00. Ticket. good fax silty days. Propos donate rates to other points In Mani tells. Saskatchewan sad Alberta. Tickets will alio be oo sale On above dates via Sarnia and Northern Nava - nation Company. Pullman tourist lag cars will be equipped with g and Porter In ebarge. Berth rise be secured In Hesse ears at a low Tilie to boe.11easilnm., ant ty tmew ee he remarkably to ����w/a_ theMo5 t sed TraskThe %sad 114' ssvms q S*S $ finds Md - 0 ++wwotb . also d perbr ilerel.A ee. tew.rt, amt PhrallMttt - ssA_ ofeitees empldly de rid unset said std reser wallows r' . o- Taw* • assts. �S. Tar ;es1M ie.~ Came ee, alarm sal SWa% alm' Orad Thmtk tar NIsawmseN was la hie tlry 1. A9 w•L �� rwt. 7tie*eww► Orf, siem se > . re eg mstttt POTATO GROWERS WARNED. the harn-Loft fell through • trapdoor Sdkttin hen Ottawa Allortraaot e( /lg- jos, Delo then nee. making h. lig rlc.Jts. Regarding the Canker. The death occurred at Nesbitt, Man.. A note of warming be. been mended on May 5th of John Perdue, a towner from Ottawa Io regard to a very dam- resident of Morrie township, who re- ss/1rous potato disease ieat has been moved to the West in 1880. Deceased beougbt to Canada in tubers imported ea. In his seventy-third yemr. from Etuops during the present year. Wm. Anderson. a well-known red - The disease which is known as potato dent of Exeter, died on May 7th at canker warreoently di.00vered In an Victoria hospital, London, where be imported shipment. To warn Cana- bad been taken for an operation. He than tanners against the danger eft was fifty -sig years of age. planting invest led seed, the director of L. T. Delaney. who has been book - Use Experimental Fauns has issued a leaflet known as "Farmers' Circular No. 1" prepared by Mr. H. T. Ou..ow, the Dominion botanist, which con- tains the following pointe: 1. The only way in which lbs Mame can be introduced 1s through the planting of affected tubers. 2. The use of diseased tubers for seed may, in the worst cases, result in the complete destruction of the entire o c 3p When onceintroduoed the disease germ infests the soil for a period of eight years, which means that for at least eight years no sound potatoes can be raised on land thus infected. 4. None of the known remedies for other plant diseases will prevent the appearance of the disease. 5. The disease is spread readily through infested soil carried by wind, animals, farm implements, old bags or other means. Attg�ppttion is called to provisions under -the Destructive insect and Pest Act which show that to use or sell for seed potatoes imported front Europe is illegal. Copies of this Farmers Cir- cular maybe obtained by applying to the Publcations Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. Atter More Records. The prize list of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, Toronto, August 201 to September 90, has been is- sued. It shows the usual liberal prises in all departments of live stock, agriculture and home work, amount - Ing to • total of $55,000. It is also evi- dent that the list has been carefully revised to have it in keeping with up- to-date conditions. A few of the in- novations that might be noticed are prevision for competition in breeding horses for strings of five horses: a number of section, added to provide for the newer breeds of poultry ; 8100 in prizes for onions, tomatoes and oel- ery in baskets. The last named is a Government suggestion meant to en- courage export of these commodities. On the whole, the list shows • distinct advance on its predecessors, and, ea the attract ions will include a review of cadets from all the overseas domin- ions of the Empire. the Soots Guards Band end a brilliant historieal spec- tacle. the Siege of Delhi, it is safe to predict another record year for the Canadian National of a wedding g the Metros--tdtpt e half -savages whose tsrsash y ha. the tilovernmeet at Weabltabon did Wealth= ��.f mused many Amsrisama to that not toeforbida tae for The story 1.. ti Marrying Ott Freed From Bearing Demi Blood R. end it is written by Florence Barton Smartt, who went by Pains, BarkaCle and Pan special invitation to sea theittawp in Side L a EE i ceremony, and yet lives to tell f,6e ydi tale. patrimony is sot geseeslly a WE AGAIN matter for scientific comparison aid yin's Campeau c•lculatioo, but a certain young onliege graduate tiosirbt it ought to 'lte.uNgOat - "Last October, I wants be. and utsdertook Lo itmp a baseball 911991111, iterthe ee I wee 0111014414604 ram score of the Innings made by his mar- dews. W \tha.fslt ried friends. Be um Barton tells how down sweetish is the the gams ended. is the May Canada lower part of bow - Monthly, under the backache.title of "Cupid on els, backache. the Diamond." Wilbur D. Nesbit has pain he the tide. I novelised the most popular musical aim suffered from gas I Lydia E. P either s's VegetableCampeeed and am now entkely free from pain is back and bowels and for the needy little ones in her midst. The discovery wecalks am stronger in every oanadium i r. fdof • bynew oho Coggstal, dl way. I recommend Lydia E. Pinitbam's • keeper in the Ogilvie flour mill at flea- comedy that bas ap ea ed in many tort . has been •odfoted manager of zhet- It L called Girl of M the neipppp ll in auox:eseion to P. J. MoOal- Dreams" and the first installment fs lum, who i. leaving for Saskatoon to .ivret In this issue. "Wee Ban ttalio." engage in the real estate business. due the title under which Mary 8.- A park is being established by the Mamie has described the phiiatetbropic riverside at Exeter and the people ofefforts of the city of Winnipeg to care the burg are trying to decide on - name for it.. The Exeter Times sug- gests 'Tecumseh," this being the cen- tenary of the death of the great In- dian chief. News has been received from the West of the death of a former Exeter resident. Samuel Holman. brother of George W. Holman of Egmondville. Mr. Holman wall aged fifty-nine years and leaves a widow, seven sons and four daughtets. Currie Love craws interesting coin- Compound highly to .I1 expectant sa.fb- parisona between English and Ameri- can theatres. "Making Friends With Your Banker" is a practical business talk by Frederick A. Hamilton. Live connects upon the "Money -Mad Farming" articles of Res ceasseell ap- pear is an open forum; and there is a nuystery story by B. H. Davis entitled "The Barred Acres " erre."-Mrs. E. Wartime, 92 Logan Ave - ens, Toronto, Ontario. Consider Well This Advice. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose bops until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medi(;inal }n- Seaforth Expositor : The many WOMAN'S Horns COMPANION. -Tie grediente of which are derived from na- friends of Mr. Phos. McMillan. who June Woman's Hoe Companion con- tive roots and herbs, has for nearly forty had his hand amputated a few weeksm tins an article, "The Vanishing Hue years proved to be • most valuable took band," hy Mary Heaton Vorse, which presents an extraordinarily -tear ex- planation of why it is that men like to ego. will be pleased to learn that he is now nearly fully recovered and with the exception oil the loss of his hand is none the worse for the accident. get away from women and enjoy each w i l ling testimony to the wonderful The wedding of Gordon Rutledge, of other's society. The main contention virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Montreal, son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. in the article is that wen cro get Rutledge. of Wiogham, to Miall Lura along without their women -folks hut Oompoond. Rloise Chapman, daughter of Mr. and women cannot get along without the If on have the slightest doubt Mrs. John H. Chapman, London, took men. It is an article full of able and that Lydia E. PinkAam's Vegeta- place at the home of .he bride on at times humorous obeer rations. The ble Compound will kelp you, write Thursday evening, 9th inst. June Companion also contains & to Lydia E.PlnkhaisMedicine Co. Mies Laura Ethel Wiseman, of Kirk- sketch of "Princess Pat" of Con- (e.a*dential) Lynn, Mass., for ad - ton, won the gold medal at the Vic- naught : an account of the recent "lee. Your letter will bo.pened. read and answered by a woman, and bald to strict confidence. and invigorator of the female organism. Women residing in almost every city and town in the United States bear toria Training School for Nurser at London at the recent erarnioattons. Miss Wiseman has been appointed assistant to Mies Stanley. lady super- intendent at Victoria hospital, Lon- don. The death of James Cumming. of Egmondville, occurred on Saturday, llth lost., after a tracted illness. Deceased was born in Scotland over seventy years ago, but was a resident of the township of Tuckeremith for many years before making his home in Egmondville. On Monday, May 13th, Iseac B. Bricker, of the township of Howick, died at the age of sixty-two years. Mr. Bricker was born in the township of Dumfries. Waterloo county, but bad lived in Howick for twenty years. He is survived by his wife, four sons and two daughters. On Tueday of last week, at W alker- ton, Mrs. E. Miller, eldest daughter of R. E. Truax, ex -M. -P. P., waw united in marriage to Capt. Geo. H. Dewit HAVE YOU A SKIN RASH i' M.rtyn, the ceremony being per- formed at St. Thomas' church by the rector, Rev. 11. Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. For skin rashes, eruptions. eczema, Martyn will reside at Walkerton. etc., either in adults or children, there is nothing known to science which equals Zoo-Buk in the quickness and certainty of its curative power. Air. Raymond Webber, of Allantwrg, Ont., writes : "I have tried Zam-Buk for many ailmenta, and every time have found it successful. Some time ego I had • bad rash all over my body. I tiled home-made salves. herb salves, and various homemade preparations, and these proved of no use, but when I tried Zam-Buk 1 was cured in a quarter of the tilne that 1 had been experimenting in vain with other prep- arations. "On another occasion I bad one of my fingers crushed, and in that case also Zsm-Buk was the only remedyI used. It beaied the wound splendily. "My boy had bails, and once •gate Zam-Buk brought about a complete cure. We have also used it as a household balm, for the injuries and skin diseases which are common to every person, and Man say that in our experience there is nothing to equ tl Zam-Buk." lam -But owes its 'league healing power to certain herbal extracts it contains. Unlike most ointments it contains no poisonous coloring matter, no animal fat, hut is purely herbal. For eczema. piles, blond poison, ab - ecesmes, ulcers. cuts. burns, and all skin injuries and diseases it is without equal and should be in every home. &k. box all druggists and stores. Use also Taal-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. Zam-kirk Will End It tee' Ile more teat by DISTRICT NEWS. Brussels is having a 24th of May celebration. in the death of Bridget McDonald. wife of Thomas Healy, which occurred at her home in Morris on Saturday, llth inst., another of the pioneers of that section has been removed. Mrs. Healy was born in Leeds county in 1899 and with ber husband and family moved to this county in 1800. Her husband and a family of eleven sur- vive. Two interesting weddings are to take place at Kincardine early in June. Mies Blanche Gertrude Gra- ham. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham, is to be married to Dr. R. E. Bruce, of Toronto ; and Miss Helen Bissett, daughter of Mr. and Mra. George Bisset& is to become the bride of Andrew E. Malcolm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Malcolm, of Kincardine dramatisation of "Little Women" : a description of what has been done in New York City toward reducing the death rate of small children ; and a re- port of the progress made in the United States toward the accomplish- ment of a "sane" Fourth of July. Fiction of power, humor and reality is contributed by Owen Oliver. Kathleen Norris, Virginia Tracy, James Oppen- heim and Laura Spencer Porter. Most of the stories are love stories, because the June number of the Com- panion is called "the love story num- ber." In the household, fashion, home decoration and handicraft de- partments appear many articles of in- terest and practical use. among which are articles on "Toothsome Vegetar- ian Dishes," "Strawberry Desserts." "The June Bride's Linen Chest," "A Portable Vacation House," and "Sea- sonable Menus for June." Another of the pioneer residents of Ustorne township has peened away, in the person of Samuel Skinner. who died on the 8th roar., in the eighty-first year of hie age. Deceased was • na- tive of Devonebire. England. r and crime to Canada with hie wife and family in 1854. He ie survived by four sons and two daughters, his wife hav- ing predeceased him. Grey Aaseasment. The aasesaor of Grew townrhin re- ports a total assessment rat 82 818.950 this year, an compared with 89.818.500 lest year. Lend le valued at $1,940,- 850 ; buildiore. $858,900: buahtese as- sesmment. 88,900: income. 8400. The population is 2,090. • decrease Of 78 from last year's figures. Sadden Death at Sesforth. There wan a sudden death at See forth on Saturday. 11th inst.. when William Steel, a well-known builder, passed away very unexpectedly at the sere of sixty-five years. Mr. Sheth The Brussels Post reports that about had retired about 10 o'clock thateven- tour inches of snow fell In that neigh- log. apparently in his mural health. borbood a week ago Monday. hut a few minutes later he was noticed by his wife to he gasping for breath. and be expired almost immed'ately. The deceased came to Seaforth from Port Hope over forty years ago. Clisbe's Hopes. Mrs. R. Cudmure. of Hensall, is laid up as the result of a fall down stairs. in which several ribs were broken. The contract tor the erection of an addition to the Foresters hall at Mel - grave has been let to G. P4octet and W. J. Geddes at $070. The Pryer Milling Co. at Brussel& who lost a large portion of their mill- dam by the spring treebiet, intend to rends it with cement- Mr. ementMr. and Mrs. David A. Canteen have removed to Toronto from lien - sill, whoa Mr. Cantelon bad for many years conducted a produce busi- Loula Walper, one of the oldest settlers of Hay township, died at the hoare of bis .on Louis on Senday, 111th inst.. at the age of shout eighty-five at - Joao__ Rls.k, of 7t�tthd os Menu llith lost., as task ofiTparalysis. He wens y -two Fars or Ms and leave a widow sed lore OWL J.r }f limes, an old a eluant of Neff ea May5th art flan Wise Mrs. . x.sbsk nes Brown's Mistake. The new regiment was under tire for the first time, Private Brown suddenly clutched his leg. "My foot's off, carry one to the bospital tent." .1 raw recruit swung Brown over his shoulder and started for the rear. A shell carried Brown's head away. "Where are you going with that?" yelled the sergeant.. "I'm going to the hospital for medical aid," was the answer. "He don'tpeed it ; bighead's off." The recruit took ope look. "Why the fool told me it wa, his foot." When a mac bas WI good reason, for doing • thing he has one good re, son for letting it alone. Probably the serpent told Eve that eating the apple would he Met as good for the complexion as any of the ad- vertised preparations and less ezpen- ei ve. Clinton New Me: At the rink of M- ing thought too optimistic we opine that the Grand Trunk Railway On. will erect a large, modern and well- equipped depot bore Melds of the next Ilfty years. The old one ham nerved its apprenticeship without any doubt For the large amount of passenger traffic and baggage handling at this junctional point these le gond reason to hope for sossetbing being' dose worthy of so great a corporation as the G. T. R Herm Trrlpshesek g L..gs► At • meeting bald vessetly le Hem - was formai. Tr • to wRxsAsraM ins to be tacneves Denety holm os - "The call. A wr•stlrrs�of eisteltw hos hest meraaged. as Maws Crotty at &wish, May 10. J'.S g Ranke Jeers 11. Sheer" at (hetet. Jeers 5. Itennall, lgehisitufferisk Jets II st Mahon. Mey ill. TerMe. Jams 11. tram Jerre W. Shriek at bane. Mee 91. stat. May 111, Radar. hum lft COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes : satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious NATURE'S ESSENCE. • • • Extracted From Forest Pants. • Name's laws are eeriest, but disease follows if these laws are sot obeyed. Ge straight to asters ter the sen, 10 the forest ; there are mysteries here that we esa fatkem for you. Take Itis hark of the wild -cherry tree, the root e4 mandrake. Moos. Oradea gasps root, gasss's root, bloodroot and golden sail. maks s seism tills, son-ei.ebolie excrete of those with jest the right proportions sed you have j Doctor Pierce's Gilden Medical Discovery. It took Dr. Pisces, witk the sesistsses of two learned chemists, eight years of ,mrd week esperimasied se stare this pare glycerin extract sad alterative a the 4....aest efisissey end wittiest W nes of s partials of aloehel. Jest ties sort of remedy you seed to make rich, M blood, and mire that lassitude sad feeling of serve sxbm.stime. Dr. t wres's 13.14.. Mediad i iasovery bears the same hi Pvsuc ArrsovAL end has olid more largely ie the pest forty years thee they other bleed purifier sad stomach twin. "same urs ye 1 gel est et batt!! -my stomach essed to be the Pat ef the treasns," writhe Ka. DEKA wn et B.11w0a gams. eesmrmad w beer with all the doetts at bas ea wen se with ether 1Msalleaa fes Omagh sad dleesuve mew. Mae did moo lima. 'sasut is i to 1 N ?Msec gthdsas e T.. olio .Melia tame 1 had over oath awl 11 .and advised Dr. Pierces OSYts We sad Pasha' 2 s et bare .m erM wtith ut�thw" ll wYaen M1► De. Phero • Mw.mt Pdtoas elle toe New Nix. Ii ow To Keep Your Hair Free From Dandruff. Children's Wear We make a specialty of handling clothing and everything for .children's wear. We have received in stock a splendid line of dressy suits, made up in the Brownie style, that are of unusu- ally good value and are sure to please. We can also "suit" you if you re- quire anything in Wash Suits. Our stock of Hath includes : line sailor style suitable for children. I'IcLE,AN BROS., Men's Outfitlon Square, (Maid CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS May 1 and 28 and every second Tuesday until Sept. 17 inclusive Winnipeg and Ketol d, $34.00 Edmonton use Return, $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 110 days Through Tourist Sleeping Oars to Edmonton via Saskatoon, also Winnipeg and Cal- gary via Main Line Ask Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent, for Homeseekere Pamphlet. UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port MtNicolt Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- days. Tbursdaye and Sat- urdays at 4 p. m. for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT W iLLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailing from Pert McNicoIIWednesdays, will call at Owen Sound, ieaviog that point 10:30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12:45 p. m. on sailing days, waking direct connection with steamers at Port McNicoll. Tickets and full information from Joe. Kidd, O. P. R. Agent. i Parisian Sage A Delightful and Re - BANISHES DANDRUFF freshinaldalr Dressing OR PIONEY BACK People who desire to preserve the hair can gain some vuheabIe iotoresa- tlon from the following Have y -.or o . ii leash wad comb at borne and at Late draftsmen. Never nee a le tell or comb in puhiicT pO`laooe. they aro usually cu.nrd with dhndnl.ft ger ma. Wash vcnnr hair bnt.h otic, a we.k, STOPS FALLING HAIR wit h soap and wares water to wbieb is added a dis'nfeetent Shampoo the hair note a week wire pure snap and water. Use Parisian Amer every day, robe hieosise fyIs iota g,re'ee�Maet hy R. Mel er a..SMy latAt. tr+ 1e wefrom a�gMid elstfe. . oap felled hair. or� Mora Parisian e OR MONEY BACK Parisian Sage MAKES HAIR RADIANT AONEY BACK OR ease e===== 00 SUMM-ERR � G 11 GODS �oDs COAL -OIL STOVES With the coming of the hot days of Summer you will want a New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. With this cool -oil stove you have no extra insurance to pay. Call and examinethetas. We will send them out on approbation. LAWN MOWERS Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers is just in and we offer several different snakes to choose from. REFRIGERATORS De you require a Refrigeratc.r this Hummer 1 W. have some in ,tock and more coming. SCREEN DOORS Get your Serosa Doors and Windows now and keep the flits out in preference to puttiug them on later and keeping them inn CEMENT Are you going to build a cement silo this Summer ? if t.o, we have for rent a set of the London Steel Adjustable 14110 Curbs alto • .winging hoist. There wi11 simplify the building of silos. We have just received another car of National Portland Cement. When you use this ('eluent you know yon have the best that can be had. SPRAYING MATERIAL Have you sprayed your trees yelp We can furnish y.0 with the Lime -sulphur, also Arsenate of head. FERTILIZER The car of Fertilizer arrived Is couple of weeks ego and we have had a big sale of it. This Fertilizer is an organic, matter with the addition of steamed lane flour,j�od Hour and potash. Them essentials make it the most vo le manure on the market a COAL AND WOOD Owing to the scarcity of Hard Coal we have put in a .tar of iMmesiic Lump Soft Coal. This coal makesasplendid subetitute for Bard i have also a asrlaad of dry slabs, which make/good summer wood. Let u■ f4 re on year plumbing, beat ng, elect rin whing� trersgbiag, err. All work promptly attended to and fairy g'Jrramtsed. . CHAS. C. LEE IktialMin== =1 1===1) 1 I I .