HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-23, Page 6THE RIGN,AL ( H ONTARIO THE MAKETS. -- - l.bl�aat onion. The aivy milked tot a a>it� O 1 e —a _y OEM pa.at...pa teem poet waste "Ile ales the medley wield Mee Boss. ere bell se words as yet be Meet M P astessding dseelepmsl>M Sem q,� west be where W ttlusl ley. time Miguel was dying. 1i yen suet be yWe's Is a stress* Mob ��aeessMlbs. Ba tried to speak, hot did Med. Then tie thing Poodles* steeped Mer the dead este. He murmurs! These near tbsegbt allow ward be said: "Is of Werth ttt Who knower Red he was rarely president now. I;letdsm have power and place bees Mare Malty won. Rio fillet glans sought Philip. It11>!ak you. Mg. Hostler. ' be sea. "AB . (Brasil le year debtor. Le ter see, t can sever repay yea. I owe you my due, the lives of my daughter sloe of many of my rased* and the mic- ros so- reas et ter canes." Pb beard bpm es Ina dream. He was baking at Irl. Her eyes were sblulug, bee lips parted, yet she did net ease to blot. By ber side was steadies a white hatred old man, as � mq a stringer. Bending over Doke aid wringing bis bands in te- Gonna. beasts. It held Ibat Rasso's Liverpool and Chic " Wheat Futures Isebtast of the ♦cdorhlaa was not -Close Leser -Liv Steak- otehat Or Meehan or whatsoever gams Latest Quotations. appeals most to the Brasillas sports • - aIa. I1 was sot wen protetai0aat ClltC. ao. May rt.-Sy:cndid Growth. tostpaU. K salt. Dat ak aerlmonloas des to abuudent rale and taultlsas tem. dlsesmloe was closed b7 a strong plat price. to tapecpWy Ip the nu hilwhet oath prlcn to-dav aplsnlag down hill. At sola prem tDe tlea/ar7 that pay day mug b cUin;rat he market showed a deeps. et ells be poetaooed Isdoesitely u too moe6 Cderlotures were easy. tic to 1%e e� to ay ■1aht. Latest tradln� vete made of a regrettable acCMeet to cora a shade to S1,r lower, oats out Ito M the gees of the Macao artillery• t%c.1 and provisions off 1{e to sec. Meaawhas Dom (Jorma. the man wed a Ltver:Ml marbet chased today r wheat %d r Hua lower than as Satneig}. did OK aired. was maga h7 two e1F and on corn %d to Yd lower. 7at� A nsa set of asthma! imp0�f, "vst closed %c lower. Ilse Besevf0eq never a demjmetratfve Winnipeg Options. lever obits CeraIIa was eatesra.d. Open. High. Low. Close (flees. Wheat - wag a Outage. man. Be was eeve sly Ma y wooaded during the light. and Cereus1 July menet blot aseidsoody. but there Mav, » could be no doubt that be was soder July bar thumb and would reach there. mar (aero. 1 feed) T10 ddleadsss were subtle. but tls- idetekeble. Cassels eves salaamed the dots of their asnjass. Dees Owls remembered. et mersa what sea Seeavlils and tub daugbsM had said whoa they dl mold the WO - mea It seemed to hem sled Salvador was tales the tooth and that Coma Iris ebbing os that ooeatos. Rut be fol well enough aloes. It was said ter dalvedor that be should obey CaraMa. rat MIS let% Te -day. $esst�Ia 0 b to Taunts Grab Whist ullkeat, tall, bushel 0 tate el wheat. goose bushel. M .,.. Rye. bushel Oat& bushel Barley. busksi Barley. for teed Peas, bushel « Buckwheat. bseaN 0 • 11 Tonnes Dairy Market Butter, creamery, 1R tells 017 e • Butter. creamery, sonde e s ».. Butter, separator, dairy, lbart ... Butter, store Iota 0 1st , He blessed them and remarked that a Egg really "wart" wadding would be just Ch«"' new lb e u " the thing to lnamgiratei the sew told at Rio de Janeiro. He was far mote perplexed by the untimely wrath of Philip Hoder. He thought of It for at least five minutes next morning. Then be sought Dickey Balmer, who bad just quitted Oobe's bedroom and was examining the rare shrubs that bordered`'ttte lawn. "What wog of that brave man? asked Dom Coals, and his deep'veta vibrated with real reeling. City sad Country Life. Tunes suss. "Just think. dear reader, of the people who are up in the cities tbw fine May days I Would you shoats plaoss with them. and instead of green violas feast your eyes on brick walls and asphalt pavements, and leateed of • bluenose -perfumed air regal* youreslf on the seised smells of the city streets ? Would you r- Welj. quite a few have ehan/ed places in the past, and are now cooped up in Toronto, althouiph it must be ousIasad that at this time of year it eeaeinto a oily man incredible that say person should desire to leave the eetrstry tor the town, when the oty Inas has a powerful longing to Get Bask to soars hill, valley. Or lake that be knows about. thiog about a Tet there M one good brisk wall seems from your otfios window is tis city -it is dare to you intimate with you. and it does not ia- ttlrrept yon when you are busy as al - moat any other kind o< scenery would do in May. It must be a very trying imperitmea to sit. at this time et year. is the 0odeeisb Signal offios writs editorials when. at every glance* sets the Away clouds, with insole. sheat malarial, tryiog to veil the blue of the sky. or trees bursting into leaf. or down on the bay sailboats leaning over until the moves almost.r ap000e Eggs, nep-laid ....:.......... • /111 .... the suds off lie whitecaps. wpp� that an editor looks up from one.*.. eta ' o o ::: his Dopy as he writeo an editorial on Honer. extracted e u "l yndicaliw," or "Was Browning a Mopped brain and Produce. Great Poet>r or "$hould Tat Make mO�1TREAr. May IS -Business In mase - S echos f" and sed toree O1 tour of tea spring whose over the cable caw bis_ delinquent subscribers driving pleases very quiet, owing to the fact= •w.y to.dietsnt trout stream -would the Daces .y an still le to fe ppeerr s cot lose istereet in his work thele out of Ilse, even at the lower Dalton t'a11a1 be tai. roe. w talc business oonthtu.iw , and then? Thew things indicate the lo done 1n oats ter export a000unt. Tks reason that so many of the world's local trade was Quiet. our b steady, great poems have been written in with only a modvate demand. Sutter wad pulpits quiet and unchanged. Cheese is Nue fairly active. Dressed bogs ad- Then, too, a city maty may have his Corn -American. No. i yenow. Sc. vaaced lac per 1s. pounds. garden, and nobody should waste sympathy on a man who bas a city garden. In a space about as large as • rural bed of onions be wa nave planted thirty varieties of seeds. may have two sunflowers, four stalks of corn. two cucumber vinesyarow of row of beans, a row of carrots, vocal f onions, -and -not to be too practical - be be may have many different kinds of Bowen. Then he has his garden hose, tint wotwb plants cowor ndrfeel tof the the ground7 hese water playing on them perpetual- ly they meet thine, if tbey can think, that Nosh is come again with his de- luge and tnat they are ib the roof garden of another ark. And when the city man has a visitor and pulls up his third carrot, so that its rise may be admired, and then restores it to its accustomed orifice in the soil, so that it may grow {urger still, no farmer in the land extracts from agriculture as couch pleasure as be from this inten- sive cultivation of such soil as be Altogether we would Goderich Signal should conclusions. City life, its compensations. fialinallilam set IS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries Proving by Actual Experiment ballet is extracted. an' the doctor says feed. fitc to 62ifs. • Barley -Manitoba feed. fk to SW malt. '41.11 soon be all right Leestways, ing. stes to sun. uobesest sorrow was another elderly Wire Ira Iris tells me. I can't Bram A fear thst Philip had never Portngerne °melt an: Pore eid 31so- Woe blown gripped him heartstrings noire lane -wide. ain't fit to be repeat - n ow. He was Mile and stern. and ttht SatiSead was sedated with foreboding. "Who la that with Mies Yorker' be said to Dom Ckeria. Tbe president bad a nre knack of str• efight way. Bulmer. I am told." be said. niece after Ind night.* terrible exPrirl- ewer "My niece? D'ye mean Irier de- manded Bohner. obviously somewhat "Elbe's not my niece. Btarle- "No; sir. 'I'hat young lady 'as done me tbe honor of prondebe bo be my The president laughed. "He is what you call a bundle of coatradictioos. eh -a rough fellow with the beart of a bull/ But he saved my life, and that naturally counts for a good deal with me. And how is your . CHAPTER 1/9111. BMUS the excittng story iso rudely Interrupted is renamed it may be well to set down in their sequence the queer work- ing. of tortune which ted to Philip's Mutely reeppeanoce at Las Pares. His troop of scouts coedited of "Oki" said Dom 0orrla, fixing his Meaty -eight men. Pive were salon brilliasit eyes on Buimere vexed each sod Bremen from tbe Andromeda: 1 'There's no 'oh' about ft," growled three were Germane from the Unser Dicker. "It was en ent an' dried Reiter lint tbe whole eight ware ex- I wee" age. *0' obn 'isn't rand 01 'or bargain Yet. am far as I can make oat." "You mean that the marriage was arranged before the Andromeda sail- ed?' said Dom Cords gently. "W'y. of course. It couldn't very well be fixed after, could It?" "No -not as between you and her. I can vouch for that. Forgtve me, Mr. Balmer. I have a daughter of mar. stumble age, you know, and 1 speak as a parent Do you think that it is giddier& end one man at arms trained too the European model is worth tes tbe Bresnan product. The remain- ing twenty were hillmen, good riders, excellent shote and acquainted with every yard of the wild country within ▪ radius of a hundred miles. They would fight anybody II well led, and here it may be observed that when PhOip called on them to storm the balirobin he said "Come onr between a wise thing for a mien of your years Which curt command and its cougener, . to marry a girl of twenty?" .Go bar tbese half breed Waffler* "U I dkIn't I wouldn't do it" "But may it not be selfish?" diff• iculty was surmounted partly by Then downright Lancashire toot ILD interpreter in the person of one of . had' lived in Bahia, partly by signs ) and. largely by Philip's methods asAi 1 te serer asked Wa men to do any- thing that be did not do Slimmed, and tice.; sioce be invariably closed with lialle," be said. any Nationalist detachment met dur- ing the day's operatlubs. 'About midday. then, they came upon the advence guard ot a column sent off • week earlier by the espert at Pesqueirn with instructions to arrive at itin Fiores before sunset that very day. (cistern', the twenty.nine charg- ed WM) equal celerity tbe advance guard bolted. Prom the crest of • rocky pass Philip looked down on • col of fully a thousand men. The situation wall critical it called for prompt handling. Five men held tbs horees,'t went, -three spread themselves . carbine, anti tweotelour rides indulged in lone range practice oo a narrow mouetais path crowded witb men and Nothing more was needed. lt has been noted already that the Brazilians disliked long rilsge shooting. There was e stampede. Tbe scouts occupied the rldge until sundown aad Ware m- anila leisurely to report the pees - ewe 0 the column when they fell hi with fhe first Web of fugitive. from the eine,. ' Forthwith Philip became • geoerai and pacts scoot an officer. They re/mooed sod wbarked tbe reta- ilers,' foto obedience. picked op quite • somber of men wbo wrote willing bold of the argument. "Look 'ere! Wot are you drtrin' str demanded Dickey, now in a white heat of anger. He had yet to learn that the president preferred a straight- eorward vray of talking. they Mere oever dubious as to his tee- want Tell feretro mez" 1 "Because that charming girl love. another man, but feels that she is bound to you. I understand tbe pod - ties at lest. Mr. Balmer. yon cannot wish to break her heart and drtve that Ins young fellow, Philip Hosier. te despair. Come, now! Let you aM me reason this thing togethee. Possi- bly when she agreed to marry yea she did not know wtutt ion was. She is klub minded. an idealist. the soul et honor. Mist other woman would have consented to be separated frees bar friends oa Wertesado Noronha merely chasms tee safety? How few woes% loving a man like Philip Hader. who is semen ot a splendid reward tor kb May ths Maims et her ewe beset M seder to lump her weird?* Delmer bed amp beard soy one speak with tbe myelin dIreetases et Dom Owl& Medi word chipped away seem put et Ile tenre whirl' be bed dollbseetely emoted around Ide ewe tioteingesee. Oirtsle tests bed bead aweless in Me border eles017. Dem Oserte bream dews whelp um new Bet he wee a MA MO end reoutb to light If told wait wait ea- ••yes are misisp sure she Is wINIP pected of them. and the rest was • pad up to thle yeses similtr be *went I set I treat. set love bear - torsi. Tette my alleles. VIM silk yourself es Moist esestlin. thse ma the girt. Mos will assensr. I eimeilee yes that." Km Ptillio Mile army es s noel's. ars- "Nelawly reread *tir um way et Ms provide6 by the statute. end the sews "Pousettly One weeders. thee" spree() lake wildfire itefote morning why sew SM Mosit so the ealarat, the Ulan, mews were WPM arose eds.- Illotore Wight clowori Me emboli ageon -lye ins. I sell yes Devil entir- the i'voeueir• teems wrote to Dots niti• le sects r Morrie Geier a Ilm of trees and point- 0111er emele.• sil mu I hilt no Areal tee presidia& 'is tingtertil. I MINI II. It • MO set crawl: lib° NW be v on pro* i irinioss te many a OM be dm net 01 egi metier of faltnple strategy sore as Muesli'', schoolboy would ezhiblt the waled. M • meow fort was nest thing. rive talon's* Wet e sd dottler might have *Need the pew* Money Ittmerif ANI stiaw es to the eight end the mrsi del Reese sal ele dimlelabed Sae test Buckwheat -No 2, 74c to 76c. Flour -Manitoba 'Fortner wheat patent& 06.15; winter patents, choice. xis to WU: straight rollers. 14.M. do.. bias. ttel Rolled oats -Barrels. MA; bans, VI tba. St lc Millfeed-Bran. 126: shorts. $17. filings, la; mouillte, $30 to 124. Cheese -Finest westerns, 13bc to Mae: finest eastern', 131,fic to 130ac. Butter-ChoIcest creamery. filic to No: seconds, 36114c to Mc. Enge-Ftesh, Bo to Wiec; selected. MS to Potatoes -Pee bag. car lots. $1.7* to CATTLE MARKETS. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, May 20.-Reoeipta of live stock at the Union Block Yards were 186 carloade, coneating of 34711 -cattle, 1359 hogs. 815 sheep and lamb*, 119 calves and 18 horses. txporten ler. Howard bought for Swift Co.. MI cattle for export, as follows: For Liver - let steers, 12111 lbs., at 17.5; tor Lea- den, 1M steers, 1360 lbs.. at Ste/ Butchers steers of export quality. 1100 to 1E0 lbs., Sold at 17.10 to WE, loads of good. MN to 17.W; medium, 111.40 to HIS; common, p pe bona, 34.76 to MB, canners. MI to ta714 inferior, 06.60^ to 36.10, cows. lita Le M Milkers and Springers Fred Rowntree bought all on saie, 13 In number. at Set to $10 each. Veal Calves. Ceives sold from 54 to 18.50 per cwt., &ad 4 one instance 10. was paid. The qualltif Wits . Ily not good. Sheep and Lambs Stamm, ewes, sold at ni to Hie pet4owt; nearness. at 17.75 to 31.10; spring iambs. Selects. fed and watered, sold at M.115 te 011.1106 but W.06 was the ruling pries, land 161. to DS, f.o.b., cars. was pea. Montreal Live Steck. MONTREAL May 10). -At the Montr vrristock for the week ending Hal Yards west end market receipts were soo cattle, IN sheep and Iambs, MN IT market thicsairominingThefoar tie w a. ais cattle. 60 sheep amid Iambs. Ind bogs mad 160 calves. There was no refills? change in the seadttion of Um market for cattle sines last Wednesday. the feeling being strong Prices were tally maintained at the late advance, owing to the very limited SUP - ,piles owning forward, which is attributed te the scarcity of thalehed atoms is the country. on acommt of the fact that- Amerloan buyers have been operating ati- fretvet; el late thruout Ontario for supplies export secouat. pa amount of the prices ruling le ale Chicago market dimness are now thee inuMbes fOS 1110 local market win run stew mai crass. red oattie am ia at 000diUm to be mar, kook and the prospects era that the Ulm being. as all the surplus has Mai 5.11 eased sit. The WU Of busses was tater terge. and, aa sow& cal an active trade was Ono. Woo ot choice sums at is te lea per -a while mull of good aualteg say that Tbe not jump at after all. bail The "Ad" Killer. The man who stops lit* little "nd' Is not eo very wise. boded ! Because his advertisements tell The public whet be had to sell. Aod tf his "ad" Is oot as deck The peopie psis him up, by heck ! And none of Mem will hesitate To trade with merchants up-to-date. To stop your "ear we would remark, Is just like wields( la the dark- , Yoe may know what it means. but goo Nobady else can ever see. So do not for a Mement think That when yoa iNit out printer's ink You're saving memo on the side Tile merely buallithe sekide. This expertment will always interest the chil- dren. and will provoke a good deal of thinking. The earlanalion, of course. is, that the lighted piece et paper witich is Inserted into the inverted firdrives out most of tbe air, so that when mouth of the Mass 4 quickie Put down IMO the water there la very little air, and. conse- quently. very little preasure above the water within the ghum. Hence. the weinbt or ermsure of the air on the water outside the glass drives the water up into the ease to occupy the spans trom whence the air was driven by' the burn- s ing A practical demonstration of this kind be ahem," more convincing than any mere statement This la particularly true of medical remedies. The effect ot the anti -toxin treatment for diphtheria is noticeable within a tew hours, so that everyone must believe In Its virtue. In • similar way, the tnwitment known as ORANGE 1.1LY gives a practical proof of the pronto(' It 4 matins to curing women's disorders, awl that too, within • few daya after commencing its use. All authorities agree that In every case of women's Mace -dere there exists a congested condition of the womanly organs. The circulation In these parts le slug glsh or stagnant, and the result Is that the broken-down tissue or waste matter which should be carried off if the blood was circulating freely. remains in these parts, causing Inflammation, irritation, oppression of the nerves, etc. ORANGE LILY es not taken Internally, but is &milled direct te the suffering organs. It is absorbed Into the circulation. and its apttseptic properties at once act on the Waste matter referred to above. 'The consequence Is that thls waste matter, which is and it continues to be discharged until all the foreign menet is removed fromr"4 causing the inflammation, ulcers, nervous troubles, eta_ begins to be discha circulation. At the same time the blood vessets and nerves ere toned and strong** ened. .I.he nervous trouble disappears. the circulatiori ts restored and good follows. Toronto. Ont., June 1, 15011. of good. Those come away one or two every week. and I have lam pain and Dear Mrs. C*-11.erish to tell you that Orange Lily la doing Ino • greet deal fewer headaches. teel sure I will be perfectly cured in a little tonne,. time. The explanation of the wonderful cures perfortned by ORANGE LILT is very simple. It Is a scientific remedy, based on the disooveries of Pasteur and Lister. The conditions existing in all female troubles are alike In character. differing in degree and development only. so tbat a positive remedy, es ORANGE LILY is. acts with ail the certainty of a shemkal experiment In order to cOnvince every suffer- ing woman that ORANGE LILY will C1170 her. 1 make the following Free Trial Offer I will send to eveff reader ol this notice who suffers in any way from any of the troubles peculiar to women. If she will send me her ad- drt-sa. enough of the ORANGE LILY treatment to last her 10 days. In many cases this trial treatment is nil that Is necessary to effect a com- plete cure, and in ,every butane' It win give very noticeable relief. If yoa are a sufferer you owe It to riorself. to your family and to yr....r irlonde to take advantage of this offer. and get cured In the privnev of your home. without doe - toe's LIU. OT expellee of any khut ALL WE ASIC IS A TRIAL Sturdy & Co. Tbe Grocers On the Sqbare 'PHONIC 111 DO IT NOW oial tau to • *gat beet haziness It le well knows te mies in frith sews Wiens tides the munmer swaths. Diemen ant tie the ground swam the mem of Me tradie.tbelefere Siglire Your Agency Now We waist • smell reliable men tor this dislriet. imams the desseed for fruit wpm seem wee se mod. time pay. OuMt hes. mem se part Nam agree- ments awl yen emement • arm of t.y-rrieses' espieulime wile over six es alms sit isad esier man vatic*. rite: PILHAM NURSERY CO. Toronto, Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES 1101.0 ALL analiuts unman CANADA AND LIVIMPOOL Meatier . en LakegimitsetauniejaniPtisiChamatsdeloariuga. lake Jjjjjetie, et; Lakegetertainchanwainteis.i ... .. Thesis mad ell inforreatise frost any the market toe remila.00l000 1111 per rust and samikeem ilea are Met tber buyers ter sad e:Es &r,.--"striatirmligl I"! wire ars% .m.froare. we, ers,47,,,,IT(.41,7to 4.1z.iebre. to mill st matt sr% 1111 to I ele. liesat;ItarrEl 11676t1W ISO to el Ai PLUMBINfi Let W. E. Pinder know when you have anything to be done in the line ol Plumbing. Heating. Ravestroughing, Metal Work or Electric ite,Wiring. Estimates furnished sod work guaranteed. We keep a full line of fixtures and supplies on band and all such work will receive our prompt and careful attention. We tave a number of first- class cooking Stoves, the Game. Gocd Cheer and tbe Empire Steel Realm. Call and see them. Repair work of all kinds done at moderate cost. W. R. PINDER Hamilton Street Gioderich ewe me to elle 111141re. Where 0-Pee-Chee Gum is made O-Pee-Chee is smoother far than ordinary gum. Be- cause we carefully select and refine the raw product, then make it under hygenic conditions, by modern pro- cesses, in a factory bathed in bright sunlight and famed far and wide for its cleanliness. You don't need to acquire a taste for 0 -Pee -Owe Gum, because it comes to you with the Savor you like best. State your flavor and you get this smooth and lasting gum just as you desire it. O-Pee-Chee Gum Company London Canada READY FOR SPRING BUSINESS Our Eleitiag stock is in sad will comprise tbe largest and most up -to date shoe a Clothing sod rtwoielibip we here ever shows. New Belts New Wessels Now Flats New CAW New Shirts, et& M. RO el Nel Smith Ms of liquors e mourtokeirresio