HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-23, Page 5-miagrimInsflfrrworPr ad? 'se t :Kau THE SIGNAL GODERICH I1NTA.H.I() TWIrialinitT, MAT*flu LOCAt.. TOPICS Horton to 'fake • Trig. Steamehip Agent. W. L. Horton, manager et the ! J. W. CronesBank. basforbeeurire appop. i:tesod. e on le ent et Ooderich Icralbreach ot eh Uni being renewed for six Meatier at his Navlg.Uou Co. and the Elter-Cole Mr. J. 0. lieddes Ism , Line, which will operate the arrived from the Toronto "twiner owu retitle"' * ales to take Oily of Detroit and the steamier mins wide& Huron, respectively. along this route his Phice- Me'g eoutiog season of eng paiser a trip w the Wed thia SDIRMINST. durintbe uivigadon. The Dredging Contract it is reported today that the coo- Sulidieog le Seim, out far dredging ea bSeteantesincvonatdreadctors-1U anetels Indications re hat otrhe to &n,_atted 1911 will bea busy one fMP? therebausioldn inogf Goderioh. Already a number Thera ja; considerate* dhllethi- have wads 'taproot emente to their pro - tion on the trotted of the IlIrtig ag ponies' others are oontemplating t him contract to United State* Morgans camp. and altenttions sad the we - instead Otto oar own mentrued for several new residencoe hare been let. 'rho Goderkth PhonInd Mille Contracts tor Camp EtoloPliea. The contract. tot "'Pig's°10 b. haser 40fset,toectideiar ltes. Monrogin" ersada 'well'honee on nished the military tramp while 41 4.4* in St. Vincent street. I. N. Lewis has progreas next meth haste needy al been &warded to inset mint.. T. b4.rilespidewenceverubdithon Norfolkisteeefeetti.xiiiit4) edrews i Mrs. Murrey and J. F. Awll sopa Kelly has had___,a verandah added to e inthehaeaty. :oat ll aattrhielrw eeccawe ililtrn, A, bet house on West street. as also has oecEwan was awarded the tender for Robt. Standish on East street Sever•1 two -dory eockoeneeree wood ; Thee. Videan will supply the houses are contracted tor by the same flour, and A. J. Cooper will supply the oil and bread. firm, to be erected during the coming coal summer. Jos. Beechler is erecting Weatherwlse. two houses on Park Street; Will People who keep track of the &others is building oo Victoria street weather are recalliongtsig old miring near Trafalgar ; John Sproul is build - a that if it rains on r Sunday it in on the Bayfield road: Mr. Ben. will rain for seven Sundays in sums- sough is buildiog on the Bayfleld road: non. Last Sunday was the seventh }Larry Young is building on Trafalgar Sunday in succession (counting Easter street. The Planing Mins are erecting is the first) on which It has rained. two two-story home oo Wellington Then there ie the tradition that if it street Patrick Carey is building • rains on Ascension Day it will rain brick residence oo Wellington street for forty days afterwards. It did rain and Chas. Babb is building a onsand- on ascension Day this year, and it has a -ban -story veneered brick house on been raining most of the time since. Quebec street. Robt. Itedfeni' is pre- "toParrilic e on Cam - The New Parsonage. to erect A Oneligti-arhAlf story and shingle" residenc The ta notes@ of North street Iletho- bridge streeL In addition to these dist church have decided on the build - contracts the superstructure of the leg of a new parsonage and contracts Masonic Temple will be built under for its immediate erection will be awarded shortly. The new the direction of the Planing Mills Co., residence, and Mrs. Jordan's home on Nelson which will be a two-story brick. will street is being thoroughly overhauled be built on the site of the preemie par - by the same firm. W. B. Grabsom ie snow. Rev. Mr. Brown and family building a two-atory brick -veneered will move next week to the house on house on Newgate street ; Jos. Griffin Nelson street belonging to the Smooth is building on Gloucester terrace, and state, ,o that the work of tearing down the old hoFred. Hunt has bought a lot in the use may be cons- Garrow block and will build a house cionced at once. facing Montreal street. The Planing The Popular Guelph Excursion. Milks Co. is furnishing the material for The popular excursion to Guelphthine three bowery, while B. C. Mute under the auspices of the Farmers' Dings has the contract for the carpen- Institute will take place on Saturday, ter work. W. T. Pellow i. building a June 8th, over the C. P. R. The fare large versodab and a story -end -a -half from Goderich for the round trip addition to the Spence bowie on Vic -- 41.55, children SOc., with tbe privilege tort& street. Bert McDonald has a of remaining over et Guelph until foundation in for • story-end-a-helf Monday, June 10th. Excursionists brick -veneer house on Elgin avenue. Walter Shannon is building on a lot in will have a splendid day's outing. with the opportunity or ming tbe the Kiely property. Mrs. Cuff is many sights at the Ontario Agrieue buildinr • house on the rear ot her tural College grouods and in the pros- large lot, corner Bruce and North perouscity of Guelph. A speeial train •treets. will hove Goderich by 0. P. R. at 7d113 Harbor Notes, a. m. Remember the date --Saturday. The steamier Turret Crown arrived June s -and make a point (1 enjoying on Saturday night from Fort William the best trip of the season. See time- with 106.000 bushels of whet for the table in our advertising columns. Big Mill. A Sad Bereavement The dredge Arnoldi is working at the entrance to the harbor. cleaning The home of Mr. wad Mrs. fdamuel out the channel. The largest boata Bunter, Gibbons street, was sorely have bad no trouble getting in this bereaved on SunflaYo .111.n their third season, but two of the 'mall ones have daughter, Pearl, was called away, fol- touched the mud by keeping too close 1'1118 an operation Perna"... "tut' in to the north pier. In each case day night for the removal of an they worked off themselves without alma."' The little Sid Ira. in bewmore than a few minutes' delay. fourteenth year. The funeral took The Big Mill coal hoist has been Owe on wednasdaY raorningt_ The moved on to the check water so as not service was conducted at fit. Peter's to interfere with the work of straight. church hY ger. Pother McRae. after ming the commercial dock. Holmes' which the remains were taken to their last restiug place in the Catholic mono coahoiststiedebas. been shifted back of the tory in Colborne. The ZutifbearolreBert McDonald t J were 8iinon McKay, J. M. as. Leonard and C. Stapleton and Dan Maconald: have purchased one of Rambler's The bereaved family have the ayes- scow* and are buoy picking up "nug- ta" in the river and along the shore pithy of the community in their lose. gen the new cobs now being placed Examinadons. along the nom waterfront. The junior public school graduation The Bluehead is used for towing pur- examinatioo of 1912 begin. on Moe- poses. day, June 17th, at 8:46 a. en., at such Commercial fishing is fair. The high achool entrance centresas the ow. Two Mace got 1500 lbs. of trout on tea .ers are inaatad to mod too The8aturaholesaandlo trio. yelOitrMismaL did, have wedged. H81110*m news, feea and centre el which the 8 to gee. per pound. The recent biows candidates dew" to write 10 bespeaks, badly damaged the perch nets which proper arrangements my be made for areFran.etkne6refiaurndsheIrsre has brought his J. E Toin, before Juba Oth. so that the examination. Unless applications dingy from Toronto and is installing cetilretre8enntoigsn adbeeettfareonjueruneitneh tfiencR in aamr, Tbeit a ga.°I feirandinTeruenngkinhae.ve removed the be held at that centreswitches and sidings which ran on to The high echoerl entrance examine._ the sawmill propert7. tills will commence wadmidoy. The tug James ReW was in port but Jur. likh, at I245 noon, oxintinu= week on her way from Georgian Bay 21,1 to Kingston. She had in tow the on Thursday end Friday, the Slth dredge 81. Lawrence and several Women's Institute Officers. damp soows. She left on Saturday afternoon for Sarnia. At the annual meeting 01 14* Gods- The tug Davis was in port last week rich branch of the Women's Institute. on Her way from Georgian Bay ter Bar- bi-Id at the home of Mrs. Oarnall• th° ufGlimi,„ng officers were elected : Pres- The C. P. IL's interswitching line is ita,„._t. Mr,. C. Young ripe -president, nearly completed. A double track ex- -''we'lls°11; I/Herst•ZY4 raistiFerr tends as far as the checkwater, with a *1L. B. Salkeld ; diroctore. Mee. /11. single line from there to the end of the NeWhald• Mrs- Its 8. Oreilltie. Mrs. G. T. R. track. A spur line runs from Alex. McLean ; district directors. Mn. ebeckwater to the site of the pro - D. MeNevin, Mrs. Jas. Buchanan, Mn, posed freight sheds. L Sigginson, Mrs. C. Young, Mies M. The tug Edward Blake returned on E. galkeld ; auditors, Mrs 0- Mold. Saturday with the new tug Forest him B. Porter. A special meeting wbich had been in the drydock at will be held at the home of Mrs. Tre- Port Huron. The damage to the thewey on Monday, May 27th, when Forest sras not as "snow as rumored. fise M. A. Allan, of Jarvis, will ad- and the Is now being fitted out. Her rested tot/aeon:0e &oscine. bringesemberetheir °mission': alsalat jdoaninoacidthiNrdichniwsiaJci'll lik, errybehepelt hissPitveono iihsehr. bons Water and Light Cornmisition. inot In Lake 'Winnipeg for several sea - Pittsburg Oar Go. was awarded ems, wee in town this week visiting we "Ara"- to supply eime Iowa maser. old friends and looking after nets weeks plant with %GOO toes of shook whichhs had igttited bere' etliti. at the Inertias or tan amble aild On Wednesday the tug Forest was light commission on Theaday evening. towed to Kincardine, where the boiler pie variety of eoal specified to ha d.Will• 636(411Pd and Lb. ir°6eabln meted is the genuine Youshioah Y Pinned on bar' thin min gag stank and panria The 'teenier Wexford finished un - :NO Per net ton f. o. h. Goderioh. laadislirit. csritiakvalateronY wheat 11%1:idoogcltaods,at ?Tire is eighteen emu. cheapethsOoderich r n 1, '2° accePtad tender, lase. J. sftlaaaan 'ad cleared for Fort `Leto'. the town'a41*50. was all C111'11111* In wsZtegummeornien The coal beat H. N.J.' it betty tine is now 111,100 per year. It an""id'ullmskadn'Ir ° (stir° coal f°r th. he placed nu 8t. Vincent ed that an incandescent= ilei -tog- W. Dada called hero loot list of wow, users who sew 4*week on its way down Um takes- Ite was kid woes ths osissisis. first Aker. Oaet- Manning. 1m" Ul and the secretary was inaimesed and ma taken to Alcuindra hoel.111- te the dannawnh, that If The eteamer Hanithistlqula QOM* yin h." not assaad their emeltes monad this morning to unload ite rut off. Word hes hem re- alrir° eg whs..' at "ha °°4"16 wed from the Hydroelectrie Power a'''°°' wiselon that a obi of 750 in- Tomorrow (Friday) afterwoon will t lawns had =dferwardeid he a gala day for all who love to sport iawfweri(1"41$01 oto May moth, et.he iono. themedves on thehowliag green- Mei 1.errante genseaneesesa memben at the Oodorith bowling doh .410 to Sewn ansaingassagt, will head In foil fares for the ill _glop= pS mom Use /I ,==. P.Wgt meat of the beerilag IMDSMIL one Heim wye the ''essane irs„er fate he to all deli " aillette MI Wiles& Saollita Made a Completes Job of It. While the horse sad rig to Thos. Tabb, of Colborne, wtits 3212- hie in front of F. J. Bonito:id', drug store on Tuesday afternoon. the animal got ita heed caught in the ti. - and 1 endeavoring to free Reiff it oke Loose and then made off down Oulbos'n. street. Some pedeetelans on thaerossing where the horse wheeled ditties Square bad • uarrow weeps from being run over. In the mad run doyen Colboroe street the buggy suf- fered considerably. It left its mark on several tress mid the Us -post In front of the manse was knocked over. When the Overcoat waa reached the horse freed itself from the buggy and harness and ran down Caledonia Ter- race and on east to tbe commons at the top of fialtford hill, where i1 was captured. In the horse's struggle on the Crescent to free itself from the thigtwo shoes wore tore elf its feet. eVuggy was &hook a tstal wreck. Central School Entertainment. Following is the program of the Central school entertainment which will be given in Victoria Opera House tomorrow (Friday) evening, commenc- ing at 8 o'clock sharp: Pert I. -Band SohoctlOn; chorus (e) 'Soldiers' Chorus," (b) Scotch Airs; recitation, Maxine Bordette ; fan fairies. eight girls ; duet, Gertfude Porter and Hilda Stoddart; declamation, Leonard Macklin; solo, Harold Walborn ; doU drill, twenty girls; recitation and chorus, "Can- ada ;" calisthenics, twenty boye; reci- tation with musical aocompamment. "Abendlied," twelve girls; May -pole dance, ten boys and girls ; piano duet, Mr. Hunter and Jean Bogie ; tableaux, Festival of the Flowers," Part II. - Band selection; chorus, "Call John ;" recitalion. Loonard Ma&klin; solo, Elda Stoddart ; recitation, Elsie Dun- nadge : duet, Mies Richardson and Jae. Thomson, wrestli cotillion, twelve girls; duet (illustrated), Mary Morrish And Maxine Burdette ; chorus, "The Vesper Hymn ;" Indian drill, medicine and war dances, ten boys; solo and chorus. Agnes Macdonald and eight boys and girls; tableaux, "Cinderella.' LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Have • good time on the Nth of May. and au Saturday come In and order that new t.uit yov will need this summer. Pridhato the Ta., oorth dile Square, has the right roods. We cannot In thla space berth to tell of the Ewer eruct.. ot hors decoration that may he secured et Erith's Art Stare. Call and see the large stook of exclusive goods, whether you wish to buy or nos. The Canadian Pacific Railway an- nounces that • general change of time- table will take place Juue 2nd. Owing to the 24th of May holiday, the regular meeting of luverness Camp, Sons of Scotland, is postponed for a week and will be held on the 31st inst. The members of Court Goderich. No. 32, C. O. F., will attend divine service at the Baptist church on Sun- day morning, June 9th. Rev. J. Pollock will preach. Visiting brethren will be cordially welcomed. Complaint is made of the dumping of ashes on the bank overlooking the harbor. There is a great ugly heap of them near the steps leading to the C. P. R. station. It is not a pleasant sight for visitors when they arrive in town. In the list of successful students at the examinations of the Coterie Col- lege of Pharmacy published last Satur- day, the name of Graham Hick Rob- ineon appears. Mr. Robinson is a son of Capt. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, of Goderich. The concrete residence on East street, owned ty G. M. Elliott. has been purchased by Conductor Alex. Mitchell, who has been tbe tenant for some time. Mr. Mitchell has been making considerable improvemeota to the house sinoe be purchased the pro- Perty- Before the North street parsonage is vacated to allow its being torn down to make way for the new one, a fare- well social will he held there en Tues- day es -ening. May 28th. commencing at R o'clock. There will be special music and speeches by the older mem- bers of the congregation. reminiscent of days gone by. Admission 15c. E very body welcome. The rainy weather during the past twc weeks has interfered considerably with the football games in the town league aeries. On Tuesday evening tbe Y. M. 0. A. and the Victorians clashed, resulting in a win for the "Vice." by Use score 012-1. The game to he played 'set week between the G. C. I. and Y. M. C. A. did not come off on account of tbe rain. The heavy rains of the last two weeks have caused • great deal of in- convenience and in at least one case considerable damage in the southeast- ern part of the town, and residents in that section complain of the delay in the extension of the sewer. One man reports that 4500 will hardly rover the damage to his garden and the undoing of hie spring work through the flood- ing of him lands A pleasant family gathering took piece last week at the home of Mrs. H. Hale. Park street. Those present wire Wm. J. Hale, nt Mount Clemens, Mich. ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hale and two children. of Toronto; Theodore, and his wife and children, of Clinton ; Mhos Maud. of Toronto, and E. B. and wife, of Stratford. The family reunion was enjoyed. It is need- less to say, by all who were privileged to take part in it. CHURCH NOTES. The pastor. Rev. Geo. IL Roes, wil preach in Knox church next Sunday morning end will take for hie subject "Th. Blessing and the Peril of Tempta- tion." Rev. Dr. MecOillivray will condoct the remitter vervies. The Eureka Bible clam of Victoria street Methodist church heed • very suoceseful "oriel last Friday eveering. A musical prngrain of very high char- acter. included in which were several edoecions by the church orchestra. aseleted hi making the event a very enjoyable awe. See. M. J. Wilsonmiaow of the Walkertos Methodist chunk be. n- erved an invitation from the loosed of KUtos Methodist church to besome their pastor at the beginning 01 10. mit pastoral term. Mr. Wilson wee formerly the Methodist pastor ea Me awl he bee many wen. friends la die wanty tiemed to see hie per. - tree. Sad onward. He h ale hog* rowel Wellimu 411714 ,44k 4,att1a 70'5%, 7 ".i.qtr?”1-t ton and within the kid goer weeks bee received Invitations from four promi- nent churches in the HaenUtou Con- ference. He has decided to aoospt the Milton invitation, subject, of mums. to the action of the stationing commit- tee. Misbep WWiems Mod Next Suodry is Whitausday and services in St. 'a church will be bold as follows oly coununioa, 8 a.m.; morning prayer, U a.m.; Sunday school end Bible claw fl p.m.: evening pra•5:4-116op ,7 m p.. The Right Reverend of Huron will be present and will preach at the morning and evening seryioes. Baptist Clusrth Aseiversary. The annivereary services of the Baptist church are to be of unusual interest this year. After a most some months. tarpriew church pews err:roar Cain extending over are installed and will be used for the first time next Sunday. The aim of the members of the church has been to have the cost or the seats covered before they are dedicated. In this meows has crowned their efforts and the dedication of the church and pews will be solemnised next Sunday. Rev. W. E. Norton, D.D., of Toronto, sup- erintendent of the Baptist home mis- sion board, will be the speaker for the day. Dr. Norton is a man of high ability man much beloved by the whole of the Baptist denomination. Being a mission church the Goderich church thought it moist appropriate that the man who so largely repreoeata the Baptist denomination and the board of whose work he it superia- tendeet should preach the anniversary and dedication irermons. The dedica- tion service will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. John Pollock. in the evening. Special music will be pro- vided at both the morning and the evening services. On Monday evening the anniversary tea and concert will be held. The ladies of the church are pi oviding for a large company. The meal to be served will maintain the high standard set up by the BapOst church ladies. The concert is to be given by Knox church choir under the direction of Mr. Hunter. A program of high quality will be rendered and a crowded house is expected to appreciate it. This concert is being given as a voluntary contribution of Knox church choir toward the new seats, a contribution whicb the Baptist church much ap- preciates. Tea served from 5:30 p.m.; concert to begin at 8 p.m. Admission to both, 36c. PERSONAL MENTION. Z Drinkwalter went to blipiron this week, having secured • mimetic& there. Mrs. Time. Vaastre, of Stratford. will be In town for • month vlaigng friends. Mrs. Charles Rom, whe has been seriously ill the past two weeks. la recovering. Mrs. Carleton lett this week for Detroit to spend a few weeks visiting her 400A there. Thom. Firth, of the Clinton Collegiate Insti- tute star. visited friends in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coning. of Exeter, were visiting their moo, Laceyin tos n over Sunday. Mrs. W. .1. May. formerly of Coder**. but now of London, has been appointed soprano token of Asian street Methodist church In the Forest city. Ws. James Martyo, Tem: street, who in leaving shortly tar Throat.% will receive tor the lag time is Greek* on Tbansbay. May 30t5. from to Seeks*. Harry Revd. jr.. who was threateor lost week with an attack at typhoid lever. 145 10 tar recovered am to allow his mono% al trots Alexandra baspital 10 his home. Miss Orleiths. ouserietendent of Alexandra Marine Hospital, left this mooring (Marsden to road the convention of nurses being held In tbe oity et Hamilton this week - Mr. sad Mn. Irani, who Anent the winter In New York City, arrived in Ooderlok on Mon- day eveniag, and have taken up their abode tor the earner In a cottage on the lakefront. Mr. owl Mrs. L Core have returned front the or Country, where they rag the winter moptito. and will be In town far • week or MO before pervading to -their noir at Saskatoon. Mrs. Thos. Lower. who ,ment Use winter in Cleveland. and her daughter. Most lAly. who bad been In Stratford during the winter smooths, have returned to tows ter the .am - M,. sad Mrs. Wm. Make. Trafalgar street, arprounce the flakallginion I of their daughter. Jere May, to Mr. Harry C Hiller. at Tor- onto, re warrior teke place the third week in Jane. W. C. 01110kie, tormsrly 01 Goderk.b, and • brother el Leroy Carts. of town, lee tree a osaidon r travelling representative Is the Maritime Parriness for the °lobo -Wernicke Co.. ot Strolled. R. L. J. Writ. of Toronto. is in town ee bowl. ra... att. oar. Mr. Walsh Is well known In this motion and 4. handlina a land proortien whir he believer' ought to attract • good many Ooderloh peons. Mr. Justice Murphy and Mrs. Mnrehy, of Veneerer. *.C., announce t he engage( ment of ibt=mr. ties Violet L'Iametort;The vto J • ?rim; i:eke pros try quietly in Tomato in thee early part of Jana. Rev. A. Brown and Rev. Dr. Medd were to Mare on Tuesday, air Wednesday of thla week In attendance at the annual drain meeting for Cledench MAMA ot tbe Methodlet church. The lay delegates from Oedertob were H. R. Lour and 8.1. richer. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. C. Griffin have returned freer ter visit to New York sod While tbere they attended the iv.destlsr inuercbses at Cornbread street hoopitia, de tor. Mb. uenstanoe, toeing one ef this graduates. Hugh D. MeLaren. of Port ftio, was the goon of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. herr last wee*. He was r linmensid attend ing the in.eting et Horse Prembytery 64 • representative ham aletharter. J. R. Mann. a Auburn, to In oonseotion with the eat ea :n Port wirer of the Presbyterian eburob at are as • tree Cadent.* linnet at Mrs. was le Sarnia last week In attertho converter% of the Weniee.s Wivreerl Society of the London Contemner of thiL14eth- odiat o4)uresh. Elbe spent • few days In Detroit alter the convention gond end came bark to Ooderkth on Monday erring Miss Here, vdt town, also ettsoded the convention as • repro. rotative hoer Oodertob district. Women's Institute Meetings. Meetings of the West Heron Women's Institute will be held as follows: Monday, May 27. at Mrs. Teethe- wey's, Godericb. Tuesday, May 28, et Mn. M ulbol- land's, Holcomille. Wednesday, May 29, at Forester's Hall, Londe/down'. Thursday. May 90. at Milne's Hall, Bigtoday, May 184, at Wingham (8 p.m.) Ptiday. May 111, at hall. Rt. .-togue- tine. Monday, Jen* R. at hell. Rt. Helene Tuesday. June 4. at Lakeview Park, IlintaiL All these meetings rotenone.. at 590 p.m. ozeopt that at Winer.., whirl le timed foe 8 &deck. Kies Margaret A. Allan. of Jarvis. Ont., will be present and acidosis each= Ing. Here smhjecta inclorle the : "Horne Nursing," "Intrisdry Work," "Planning and Nerving Moals.°4 'Ilnamboid Sanitation,- "llyeena's AS la=are invited to attend demos HURON AND KING EDWARD CUT OPP. --- - British Kai:Maga and Uses Hotels Have Temporary Ealeeseme. Tha Centre Huron license COMMIMS roasts met at the court bows, this afternoon sod took the wetter of the Goderich lir:eases into considei mime The two licenses rut off, ie accor- dance with the bylaw Of the town council, are tboine of the Hum' Ileums Oast Rereads, proprietor) and the King Edward howl Oars King,_ proprietress). The license of the British Exchange hotel is ex- ceeded to the llith or June iss order that, the house may he sold to a man suitable to the lbapector. M. 3. Farr, of the Union hotel, has two months to sell out, but the teem will be eonUnued 10 14). hotel. It. J. Cluff, of Clinton, was elected chairman of the board. Provincial Inspector Snider, of Toronto, was present *1 1.4* meeting. LAPIEn. WR WANT YOUR STRICTLY V FRESH main for whir we are pre - weld to pay the highest pro car or We will aims he is the market ter stemotgaZ eggs WINO the wearer denie_ it. No ..D sem aocerrso. W. P. 8A rMatiN, L*esa High-flyers Are Higb-priced The etaractions committee of the Ooderich Industrial Exbibitien is is communication with • number of avi- ators with is view of having an exbibi- tion of flying at the fall fair this year if suitable terms can be arranged. The price of such an attraction would be very high, but it ought to be • great drawing card, as it would be the Rest opportunity to .ee the flyers in this part of the country. Fifteen Model &Owls, Minoan model schools will be con• dotted by the Department of Educa- tion next felt The schools will be at Athens, Chubs/re Clinton, Cornwall, Durham, Guelph, Kingston. Madoc, Morrisburg, Napinee, North Bay, Canis, Perth, Renfrew and Sault 81e. Marie. Those at Madoc and Sault Ste. Marie, where special conditions) have arisen, are additions to the num- ber conducted last fall. The school session will begin on September 3rd, and will end on December 13th. Ap- plications for admittance must be made to the Deputy Minister of Edu- cation not later than August 15th. The syllabus of courses and reftelations is practically the semis as that of last year. A dance was held in OddIellesets' Hall last night which was attended by about twenty -live couples. Thwevent was in the nature of a farewell 26 E. L. Frost, accountant in the Union Bank, who expecte to be moved from Goderich shortly. Sallow Skin Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Circles Under the Eyes Are all signs of the system being clog- ged. The liver and bowel. are inactive and the stomach is weak from undigested foods and foul ewes. Fig Pills the great. fruit remedy, will make you feel like a new person. Winnipeg, June 27, 1911. After taking three boxes of your Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles 1 feel stropg and well and able to do my owu work. Mae. A. H. SA171.7314. Bold at all dealers in 35 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co SC Thomas, Ont. 184881 IS NO REASON WHY WS. MIN SHOULD DREAD CHILD- , MIRTH NOW. • 22 Nodose.' Cordial or Herbal Tondo makes 46141birth mar and names sate anst, rapid recovery. Th. Cordial to a essepeandl of certain Indian NMI% mesial la their prover propertiose. sad moraine no drugs or hanatel stimulants. Nether.' Cordial or Herbal Tootle besides being a blunts, to expecte*, soothers is also a potent meet? ter all women is a madmen condition. Is addition to its tonic Properties it an seediest blood partner, mid serves to clear the compassion as well an Improve general health and geed Goleta. Davidson. TM. riat„ 1113. Dew/ analirwiLurrah-yitiCagyou.ter another boa et Orange 141y and • bon of the Herbal Tonle, inclosine an order ter Two Dol- mas ter same. Please forward same to use. I gad aa occasional esti et the Orange Lily hefts am and the Tonie le a geed egeleirgamlosildw. aineentr MIS. J. W. A. A pole 01 Mathani Greta or Mahal Tonle lasts • swath At your setterwritsafiretrisielsoigh, mg. giparveusere_.40 a sick- po 144 stpaid, sr soakage. tor Kee. FMK • III Dot Chimiell MAW OsaMfrs. OM. The Excursion Season. Ooderich will likely have a goad number of excersicne during 44). com- ing caecum The Turoberry Agricul- tural Society is arranging one, via 0. T. R., for Wednesday. June 20th. The Denherecod people are talking of rousing a 'valor% Rundey "three ex - Curlier' to Goderich, mad Heneell is soother place frets which an excur- sion may he arranged with this town e• the ohjective point. The more the Illsafre ...414/14•••••=14 Union Bank o Cana4a INCORPORATED 1806 HAD OPPIOE MD NO QUENEO Bank's Progress During Past Six Years Coped. Rest • .• May Met, roe Nos. 300p, tea S o ie 2,600,0S: I 4,9 I 4,000 1.100.09,067,000Deposits.. . 14,633,000 46,200,000TtaAssts. t 22,707,000 68,400,000 Profits for Prev,w Taw.. 382.100 062 Sayings department established at all branches. Drafts, soo4e47 orders and lettere of credit issued. A general banking business transacted. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER GODERIc11 BRANCH EAST STREET GARAGE MR. FARMER :-Yotknow hat a gasoline outfit can do for you, don't you ? Ind it is only the price that has been holding you back? Well, don't let it do so any longer, for we can fix you up with the highest class of engine, and the manufacturers will accept 25 per cent. of cost price with order, and the balance spread over two years. Call in and let us explain in fuller detail. The Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co.. 'PHONR 243 'mots- STRICTLY WAR FaOil load to Rod P. Inc days alma loonee• ller' • MS kook la a wont. h rasa Won t.t inc aoi • lea aosoisalsoa o.MOW. Trey the 51. Idaseetra way • heresy of loy. Pas • /4)14 dor nip le Sonar varatenger• *a dr Royal Moil tesserms ROYAL RDWARD ROYAL GEORGE • IM l maktialaa nooses koosalbar seam vadolma dello stoomo otilek soulata o.$,,..sirs Olio Iamb aokloaDai Mos do grew hollows raise* fool lama abarldli Maw now bases Orbs Laareoloo Moor row and Sim wow of molar among ortneal. Ask year wooer mom wrist foe lamalaaanc. renes, 5.4510 -ere. C B0117142', General Agent Credos Northers Steamships Limited TORONTO aW&WW"."^sesOnWeenieneerseeesseenIeestose The Massey - Harris Shop on HAMILTON STREET is the place to buy all kinds . of farm maobinery. WAGONS from Bain's. of Woodstock BUGGIES from Grays, of Chatham WIRE FENCING from Standard Fence Co. CREAM SEPARATORS from Toronto BLACK BONE FERT- ILIZER from Detroit -in fact, anything a farmer needs or wants. Cutters We have a few Cutters to Pell at Cart as long as the stock taste, at Robert Wilson's Hamilton Street, Godench VICTORIA DAY Single Fare for Round Trip Between all Stators rn Canada Good _going May 23rd and 2414) Return limit May 27th Minimum charge llcl Homeseekers' EXCURSIONS MAY 28th, JUNE 11th and 26th and ev.ry sallOnd Tneoday thereafter until September 17th, via Chicopee and ft Peel iNNIPEG and Return 134.00 EDMONTON and Return $142.00 Tickets, good for HO day. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to the shortest and quickest route be- t weep WinnIpest-Seakatoon Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted sleeping care aad superb dining ear service, through the nelweit. mart pri:n turesstuand mastlo rapidly devep. n of W004111r0 4 ,tpsom, Through tickets sold and re•tory/a0on4 wads by all tlrand Trunk lgenti. Mtlime sow In operation Winnipeg to no more than by other route -i, Resta., YeektOn and I- &nom, task, also to CANOT0441. Mirror and Filnon, •Ite. Full partlenlare and tioket • boon any Orand Trunk Agent. or write A. 8. Dell, D. P. A.. Toronto, Ont. P. F. LAWRENCE, Town %gene ornolteesereseeresoweretreseemps, $1.50 Excursion Goderich to Detroit Steamer Greyhound Going to Detroit has 14th Return from Detroit June 17th 212 Days in Detroit Detroit Tigers and Pennant Winners Play Ball, June 1546 Owned Dab of Stratford Spoil Thiel se the GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT Thursday, June i3th, 8 p. m. Fur pelicalsre sod tickets �4.. P. P. LAWIIIIIICS. Cap Ibis" Oread Tow& Omhekh. re •